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Lizbeth Arias

AVID Journal
4/12/19 “Field Trip”
I prefered Fresno State a lot more because right when we
walked on the campus I liked the overall vibe. I could see a
lot more activities and in Fresno Pacific it was very quiet. My
favorite thing about Fresno State was the environment
because they had a lot of activities. What I didn't like about
Pacific was that there was not a lot of things to do. I would
consider to apply to Fresno State because it is close to
home and I liked the environment. I would rate this trip a 3
because it was fun and I learned a lot about the different
2/13/19 “Conflict Management”
The way I deal with conflict is by first
trying to calm myself down first. I don’t
like dealing with conflict when I’m mad
because then I say or do things that I’ll
regret in the future. Like with my family
and close friends usually I won’t stay
that mad because we try to resolve it as
soon as possible.
1/23/19 “Self-esteem”
In my opinion self-esteem builds competence because in
order to do something well you need to be confident in
what your doing. Self-esteem builds competence because
the more you feel good about yourself the more you want
to do something well. Also if you have the right mindset it
drives you to do be well at something.
1/8/19 ¨Memory¨
I consider myself to have a pretty good memory
because I can remember almost everything that is
given to me like homework or dates. But also I can
have bad memory,like when I’m taking a test I can’t
remember the answers but I know the lyrics of many
songs. Having a good memory is extremely helpful,
especially in school, because you could remember
homework that you have to do, formulas for math,
due dates for projects, and things that are helpful on
test or quizzes. Some memory tricks that I use is
using quizlet especially for vocabulary.
1/7/19 “Semester Review”
My greatest academic strengths last semester is that I
maintained grades that I’m proud of. I was successful in this
area because I paid attention in class and turned in most of
my work. I should focus on not procrastinating as much as
last semester because that was why I was so stressed out
last semester.
11/30/18 ¨3-2-1 Arugmenet¨
The topic that I chose is under Health Issues and it is
“Should Physician-Assisted Suicide be Legal in Every State?”
What I know is that this is when patients that have a
condition like cancer, decide to take a pill so they die. I
know that it is legal in the United States like in California
and Hawaii. The questions I have is If it is legal in other
countries? And how specifically does this work.
10/10/18 “Field Trip”
The campus that I would prefer is UC Santa Cruz instead of CSU
Monterey Bay. I loved the overall vibe that I got from UC Santa Cruz
because of the people there and the scenery. I didn’t like CSU
Monterey Bay because it was too quiet and the campos was a little
small for me. I would consider to apply to UC Santa Cruz because it
has a major that I could major in which is human biology and they
also have a lot of connections that could help me. Something new I
learned that a building in CSU Monterey Bay was suppose to smell
like Splash Mountain. On a scale of 1-5, I would rate this field trip a
4 because I actually liked the colleges and I would actually apply
UC Santa Cruz.
9/14/18 “ Dream Job”
My dream job is to be a pediatric surgeon. They
work inside, in the hospitals. I would prefer to work
with other people just so I could be more
enjoyable. I would like to work in a big city just
because I have always lived in a small town so I
would like to experience living in the big city. If I
don’t like the big city then I could just move back
to a medium sized town. A pediatric surgeon
works with people and facts. It’s a combination of
8/20/18 “Commitment”
I would define commitment as something that you are
dedicated too. A time in my life that I feel that I have to shoe a
deep level of commitment is towards school because you
have to be dedicated to school in order for you to do well. I
think I was able to commit to school as I did because I knew
that school is very important to my future, so it was pretty
easy to dedicated myself to it. After viewing the video clip I
have a greater understand of commitment. Commitment
goes beyond school work, it goes into your life and you need
to know how to commit to something. I can view my dad as
an example of commitment because he took care of my
grandpa, he suffers from epilepsy.
4/30/18 “Field Trip”
My favorite thing about the campus was that all the buildings
were close so if I actually did go to the school then it wouldn't
take long to get from one place to another. Something that I
didn’t like about the campus was that it was a little too quiet for
me. I would consider applying to this school because I enjoyed
the environment of this college and the size of the campus was
just right. Something new that I learned is that students get
assigned cadavers to figure out what the cause of death. I
would rate this field trip a 4 because it was fun but the tour was
a little boring.
4/9/18 “Future”
Fast forwarding fifteen years I would be about 30 years old.
I would probably live in close to here.I would like to be
married and have at least one kid. I would like to have a car,
it would be a Honda. My job would be a pediatric surgeon.
3/7/18 “College Choice”
If I had to choose a college today I would go Stanford
because it has one of the best medical school. I
would chose Stanford because that is my dream
school to attend. I like the environment of the school
and the campus is so pretty. Another bonus is that it
is not to far away from home.

Stanford is a suburban area because it is not a large

city. It is not the ideal enrollment because I would like a
3,000-10,000 students but Stanford has a total of 16,980
students. It is close enough to visit my family on the
weekends and it is in state. I would prefer for my college
to be public but Stanford is a private school. It has a
student body that has a diverse population.
3/2/18 “Mandala Reflection”
I am most proud of my paragraph about cheer. I liked
how I explained how cheer means to me and what it
has taught me over the years. The problems that I
see in my piece is my use of commas. I think I put
them in the wrong spot or I didn't put them at all. I’m
least happy with my conclusion because it’s not as
detailed as I would liked it to be.
1/29/18 “Synergy”
To me this quote means that if you do anything alone, it
wouldn't get done or if it does it would take a long time to
do it. If you do something with a group or someone else, it
will get done faster and sometimes even better. An example
of this is the geese and how if they were alone they
wouldn’t fly farther but if they fly in the V-formation they fly
71% farther. The team member that I am is a plodder
because I stick to the job until it’s done. I wish I was more
like the harmonizers because sometimes there is drama
and I don't know how to stop it.
1/8/18 “Semester Review”
My greatest academic strengths last semester was
maintaining good grades throughout the semester. I was
successful in maintaining good grades throughout the
semester because I always did my homework, I almost
never had missing assignments, and I did well on all my
finals. I should focus on managing my time better and try to
get a better grade in math.
12/11/17 “Procrastination”
My biggest struggle, aside from not having time, from
not getting my work done is procrastination and using
my phone instead of doing my work. I think I
procrastinate because the lack of motivation and I get
easily distracted by anything.

Out of the 10 tips I think motivate yourself (8) and focus

on the end goal (10)will be most helpful for be. Motivate
myself will be helpful for me because I always lack
motivation so this can help me be motivated to do my
work. Focusing on the end goal can also be helpful for
me because it will motivate me to de my work because
I’ll think of the things that I want to do after I finish my
12/6/17 “ Rock Reflection”
The illustration relates to me as an AVID student because I
need to learn how put my “stones” big goals first not just
the “sand” which is the little things like Netflix, Snapchat,
etc. Examples of “stones” in my life are school, family,and
being able to go to college. Some “pebbles” in my life are
friends, cheer, and my phone. “Sand” in my life is social
media and netflix. I tend to fill my jar with more stones
rather than pebbles and sand.
11/27/17 “Class Project”
The strengths for Children’s Hospital that I have is I’m good
with children and I can help with donating toys or books. A
weakness that I know that they are sick so that might affect
my interaction with the children.
10/17/17 “Community Service”
The connection between philanthropy and compassion is
that they both are used for like the sense of caring and
nourishing. Community and neighborhood have a
connection because those are places that you could do
community service to make it better or to help out a
neighbor. Community service is important because you get
to help your community or your neighborhood.
10/27/17 “Field Trip”
My favorite thing about the campus was that it had a lot of
nature and it was also pretty.Something I did not like about
the campus was it was too quiet. I don’t like when it’s quiet
because I’m used to it being loud in school and at my
house. I wouldn’t consider applying to this college because
it doesn’t have any bachelor's degree or master's degree to
be a doctor. They only had one to be a nurse. Something
new I learned is that it is the smallest UC. I would rate this
field trip a 3 because I really didn’t like the tour because I
feel they should of took us inside the buildings instead of
just showing us from the outside.
9/11/17 “Clubs”
One club that I’m interested in is spirit club. I’m interested in
this club because I want to be more involved with our
school and spirit club is very involved. They go to every
events, games, and activities that AHS has.
9/11/17 “Binder”
My scores for binder check have been a 20 for all four
binder checks. I’m happy with these scores because they
have been 100 and who doesn't like a perfect score.
8/29/17 “Tutorial”
The class that I find to be the most challenging is math. I
find it challenging because I’m not used to the way she
explains it. For example, my old teacher, he would give us
many examples of how to do it and right now she only
explains the definition of vocabulary words and gives us like
one example. So, maybe when I get used to the way she
teaches then math won’t be as challenging. I feel like
tutorials will help me be more successful because they
would explain it in more dept.
8/21/17 “First Week of HS”
The first week of high school was okay. The reason why is
that I thought it was going to be worse but it turned out to
be not so bad. Also, it was weird because we started on a
Wednesday and they had different schedules for the three
days we were at school. Another bad thing was that I had to
change my spanish class which is bad because I was already
liking the class but now I have to get used to another class. I
had to change my Spanish class because I had Spanish 1
but I needed to take Reading and Writing for Spanish
speakers. Over all high school is good.

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