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Tom 1

Olivia Tom

Mrs. Casady

IB HL English 2

May 23rd, 2019


Assignment I am most proud of

The assignment that I am most proud of is my Beloved supervised essay from my first

year in IB English. This was an in class essay that was written on an analysis of Beloved by Toni

Morrison. The reason that I chose this essay is due to the huge improvement in my score from

my first essay. My language and analysis is much better than what I had at the start of the year.

How I have academically grown

Over the past few years, I have gotten better at managing stress and my heavy workload.

My overall GPA has improved each year, however in my senior year I fell short due to my lack

of motivation. I had almost gotten an A in English second semester junior year, but my IOP

brought my grade back down to a B. That semester was my best english semester.

How I will academically grow

I see opportunity for growth in the sciences. Science has always been my strongest

subject. In some classes such as chemistry, I know I didn’t study enough. In college, I will

change my work habits so that I will be better prepared for assessments.

Tom 2

How Great Oak has prepared me

Through taking AP and full IB, I feel that I have accurate expectations for what is to

come in college. Additionally, doing band throughout high school has forced me to develop

better time management skills because there was a lot of practice each week (approximately 13

hours). Great Oak has been a really great educational experience and I appreciate all of my


(evidence will be posted on website)

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