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1 Audit Trail Basics


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Starting Audit Trail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
File Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Audit Trail Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Well History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Audit Entry Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Selecting and Searching for Specific Audit Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Making Selections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Searching for a Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Geolog® 7 – Paradigm™ 2011 Audit Trail Basics 1-1

With Epos® 4.1 Data Management
Geolog tracks all edit changes made to the EposData well database. Audit entries are stored as comments
in the AUDIT_TRAIL set of a well. Activities such as importing data, log editing, generating new logs using
modules, inserting parameters and deleting logs are all automatically recorded as and when they occur.

NOTE AUDIT_TRAIL is a reserved set name and therefore cannot be used for other sets.

Geolog® 7 – Paradigm™ 2011 Audit Trail Basics 1-2

With Epos® 4.1 Data Management
Starting Audit Trail

An Audit Trail view is used to view changes to the Geolog database. A new view can be opened via the “New
Tab” on page 1-15 window or the File menu.

Geolog® 7 – Paradigm™ 2011 Audit Trail Basics 1-3

With Epos® 4.1 Data Management
File Management

An Audit Trail document view is accessed via the File menu of the Well application window.

To... See...
Access an audit trail “Creating New” on page 1-13
Duplicate the currently displayed audit trail “Duplicating” on page 1-14
Close an audit trail “Closing” on page 1-15

Adhoc commands are also available from the File menu of the Well application window.

To... See...
Open the workspace of your last session “Workspace” on page 1-34
Open a specific workspace “Workspace” on page 1-34
Save the current workspace “Workspace” on page 1-34
Refresh well data “Refreshing Wells” on page 1-10
Change the default set “Changing Default Set” on page 1-18
Perform log filtering “Log Filtering” on page 1-19
Print audit details “Printing to a Physical Device” on page 3-27
Generate an audit report “Reporting” on page 1-20
Run a command “Run” on page 1-20
Repeat an action “Repeat” on page 1-20

Geolog® 7 – Paradigm™ 2011 Audit Trail Basics 1-4

With Epos® 4.1 Data Management
Audit Trail Window

When an Audit Trail document view is opened the saved history of edit changes made to the currently open
well are displayed.
The history of edit changes to a well is stored in the comments of the AUDIT_TRAIL set. When the well is
saved the changes in the AUDIT_TRAIL set are saved.

Fig. 1: Audit Trail window

An Audit Trail window consists of the following sections:

Geolog® 7 – Paradigm™ 2011 Audit Trail Basics 1-5

With Epos® 4.1 Data Management
"Well History" on page 1-6

"Details" on page 1-6

Well History
The Well History is a table of audit entries. An audit entry details an edit of the well data.
The columns of the Well History table are detailed in Table 1-1, "Columns in Well History table" on page 1-

Table 1-1: Columns in Well History table

Column Description
Select This is used to select the audit entries to be displayed in the Well
History–see "Selecting and Searching for Specific Data" on page 1-12.
See also “Select Column” on page 2-55 in using Geolog.
Date - Time The date and time the edit to the well data was made.
The audit entries are listed in date-time order.
The date and time are stored UTC and then displayed in the local time.
User The user that performed the edit.
View The view that was used to perform the edit – the application, tool or
document view name.
Source If an existing View was opened then its name, otherwise this field will
be the same as the previous View field.
Comment A short description of the edit activity.

The details of the highlighted audit entry in the Well History table are displayed. The edit details are
displayed in the form of a table similar to the Module Launcher. See "Audit Entry Examples" on page 1-7
The columns of the Details table are shown in Table 1-2, "Columns in Details table" on page 1-7

Geolog® 7 – Paradigm™ 2011 Audit Trail Basics 1-6

With Epos® 4.1 Data Management
Table 1-2: Columns in Details table
Column Description
Location The location of the variable:
• Parameter – a non database name-value pair used in the
edit. The Mode is always Input.
• Comment – the comment in the well.
• Set – the set in the well.
• Constant – the constant in the well.
• Interval – the interval in the well.
• Log – the log in the well.

Mode The mode of the name-value pair:

• Input – an input into the edit.
• Output – a result from the edit which modifies the well.
• Delete – when the edit deletes a comment, set, constant or
log in the well.
• Rename – when the edit renames a comment, set, constant
or log in the well.
• Save – specifies the log saved. The View field in the Well
History table is always set to well and the Location field in
the Details table is always set to Log.
• Save As – specifies when log is renamed and saved. The
View field in the Well History table is always set to well and
the Location field in the Details table is always set to Log.
• Save Cancel – specifies when a log was edited but not saved.
The View field in the Well History table is always set to well
and the Location field in the Details table is always set to

Unit The units used by the name-value pair.

Name The name in name-value pair
Value The value saved in the name-value pair.

Audit Entry Examples

• "Module Launcher In_Out Mode" on page 1-7
• "Intervals" on page 1-8
• "Rename Mode" on page 1-9
• "Delete Mode" on page 1-9
• "Save, Save As and Cancel Modes" on page 1-10

Module Launcher In_Out Mode

Where the Mode is set to In_Out for a parameter in the module launcher, the parameter is split into an
Input and Output in the Details table. The Input displays the Input value and the Output displays the well
object that received the value.

Geolog® 7 – Paradigm™ 2011 Audit Trail Basics 1-7

With Epos® 4.1 Data Management
In this example; the In_Out constant, DFD is shown in the audit entry details as Input and Output name-
value pairs; DFD-15 and DFD-WIRE_NEW.DFD.

Fig. 2: In_Out Mode generates an audit entry and details shown in Fig. 3

Fig. 3: In_Out Mode – audit entry and details


Where editing a well varies the values across intervals then the Value column in the Details tables is
displayed with the selected interval columns. Uninterrupted repeated actions of the same type such as
adding points on a xplot are recorded as one audit entry in the Well History.

Geolog® 7 – Paradigm™ 2011 Audit Trail Basics 1-8

With Epos® 4.1 Data Management
In this example; intervals are selected and a point is moved on a xplot with Show Splits selected. The All
column is selected if the values are identical across all intervals.

Fig. 4: Intervals example

Rename Mode

In this example, an audit entry has been added when two constants are renamed in Text view.
WIRE.DFD, (Name = DFD in row 1) is renamed to WIRE.DFD_NEW (also Name of DFD in row 3)
WIRE.GR_TOOL_SIZE (Name of GR_TOOL_SIZE in row 2) is renamed to WIRE.GR_TOOL_SIZE_NEW
(also Name of GR_TOOL_SIZE in row 4).

Fig. 5: Rename Mode - audit entry and details example

Delete Mode

If a delete operation performed its name-value pair is placed in the beginning of the audit entry.
This example shows the audit entry and details as a result of using the well catalog purge command.

Geolog® 7 – Paradigm™ 2011 Audit Trail Basics 1-9

With Epos® 4.1 Data Management
Fig. 6: Purging logs generates an audit entry and details shown in Fig. 7

Fig. 7: Delete Mode - audit entry and details

Row 11 shows that log, INT1.TIME_2 was deleted and then in rows 16 and 20 INT1.TIME_4 was
renamed to INT1.TIME_2

Save, Save As and Cancel Modes

In Well, you can select which logs are to be saved (via File > Save > Save Wells As).
In this example, the logs WIRE.DT_3 and WIRE.GR_3 have been selected to be saved and WIRE.NPHI_3
has not.

Geolog® 7 – Paradigm™ 2011 Audit Trail Basics 1-10

With Epos® 4.1 Data Management
Fig. 8: Save As generates an audit entry as shown in Fig. 9

Fig. 9: Save and Cancel Modes - audit entry and details

Row 1 shows that WIRE.NPHI_3 was not saved and that the other two logs were saved. Note that
where a log has already been saved (e.g. by another user) after you opened the well, then the log
will be shown as saved as with the next version number.

Geolog® 7 – Paradigm™ 2011 Audit Trail Basics 1-11

With Epos® 4.1 Data Management
Selecting and Searching for Specific Data

Within an Audit Trail document view you can perform the following activities:
• Filter audit entries displayed using selection criteria
• Search the details of the selected well history record
• Find occurrences of a specific log in the audit trail

Making Selections
The Select pane, as shown in Fig. 10, is displayed at the top of the Audit Trail window.
The components of the Select pane are detailed in Table 1-3, "Select pane (of Audit Trail) components" on
page 1-12.

Fig. 10: Audit Trail – Select Pane

Table 1-3: Select pane (of Audit Trail) components

Component Description
Select items that match A list of criterion statements specified for the selection; each
these criteria line represents a single selection statement.
Enter the criteria in the "Define Criterion" on page 1-13
section and then click the Add to List button to add to this
list; retained until a new search is performed or the working
session (application) is closed.
Note: Criteria must be listed in this field before a selection
can be performed; as the criteria for the last selection is
retained, always check the list to ensure the correct criteria
has been specified.
Remove Click on a selection statement in the "Select items that
match these criteria" field and then click on the Remove
button to remove the selected criterion from the Select
Criteria list.

Geolog® 7 – Paradigm™ 2011 Audit Trail Basics 1-12

With Epos® 4.1 Data Management
Table 1-3: Select pane (of Audit Trail) components
Component Description
Match all Toggle OFF to search for any criteria specified (OR). Toggle
ON to search for all criteria specified (AND).
Define Criterion
Column Select the column in which the data is located. The columns
in the Well History table are listed.
Condition Select the required condition; available options are relevant
to the column selected:
• includes – must include the specified value; do not use to
search for MISSING (use ==), as all fields will include
empty strings
• excludes – must not include the specified value
• == equal to
• <> not equal to
• < less than
• <= less than or equal to
• > greater than
• >= greater than or equal to

Value Enter or select from the dropdown list, the value on which
to search; wildcards are not applicable.
Add to List Once the Column, Condition and Value have been specified,
click on this button to place the criterion statement in the
"Select items that match these criteria" field.

To select specific audit entries in the well history

1. Click the Show Selector button to display the Select pane, as shown in Fig. 10.
2. Set up the selection criteria – see Table 1-3, "Select pane (of Audit Trail) components" on page 1-
3. Click the Select button to implement the selection criteria.
The Select checkboxes of the audit entries in the Well History that meet the specified criteria
are toggled ON.

To view only selected audit entries in the well history

The Show Selected option is only available once a selection has been made using the Select pane.

• Click the Show Selected button or select View > Show Selected.

To view all audit entries in the well history

• Click the Show All button or select View > Show All.

To clear all selections in the well history

• Click the Deselect All button or select Edit > Deselect All.

Geolog® 7 – Paradigm™ 2011 Audit Trail Basics 1-13

With Epos® 4.1 Data Management
Searching for a Log
Occurrences of a log within the audit trail can be quickly located using the Show Search feature. You can
search the entire audit trail or limit the search to specific audit entries using the Select pane – see "Making
Selections" on page 1-12.
When selected the Search pane, as shown in Fig. 11, is displayed above the Well History in the Audit Trail
window. The components of the Search pane are detailed in Table 1-4, "Search pane (of Audit Trail)
components" on page 1-14.

Fig. 11: Audit Trail – Search pane

Table 1-4: Search pane (of Audit Trail) components

Component Description
Log The name of the log to be searched for within the audit trail.
Finds the previous audit entry containing the log.
Find Previous
Finds the next audit entry containing the log.
Find Next

NOTE Within the Well History and Details tables you can sort the data by column and find specific
data using the Table Menu button. See “Working in Tables” on page 2-50 for more

To search for occurrences of a log in the audit trail

1. Click the Show Search button or select View > Show Search to display the Search
2. Within the Search pane, enter the log name or select the log to be searched for:

— Within the Search pane, click the Ellipsis button to display the “Log Select Dialog Box”
on page 2-33 and select the required log
Click on a Log row in the Details table that contains the log.
The log name is displayed in the Log text box.
3. Optionally, edit the log name; to search with or without a log version number and/or with or
without a set name specified.

4. Click the Find Previous or Find Next button to find the audit entry containing the

Geolog® 7 – Paradigm™ 2011 Audit Trail Basics 1-14

With Epos® 4.1 Data Management
When found, the audit entry in the Well History table and the row in the Details table
containing the Log are highlighted.
5. Repeat step (4) to find another occurrence of the log in the audit trail.


Fig. 12: Example of finding a log in audit trail

The audit entry containing the log, LITHA, in the Well History and the Log record in the Details
table are highlighted.

Geolog® 7 – Paradigm™ 2011 Audit Trail Basics 1-15

With Epos® 4.1 Data Management

audit trail 2
details 6
well history 6

audit trail 6

well history
audit trail 6

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With Epos® 4.1 Data Management

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