Nota Tecnica 22262638.8

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1/3/2019 Document 22262638.

Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle. All rights reserved. Oracle Confidential.

Bug 22262638 - Alter System Archive Log Current and Alter System Checkpoint may Hang (Doc
ID 22262638.8)

Bug 22262638 Alter System Archive Log Current and Alter System Checkpoint may Hang

This note gives a brief overview of bug 22262638.

The content was last updated on: 17-FEB-2019
Click here for details of each of the sections below.

Product (Component) Oracle Server (Rdbms)

Range of versions believed to be affected Versions BELOW 12.2 (Server Patch Set)
Versions confirmed as being affected

Platforms affected Generic (all / most platforms affected)


The fix for 22262638 is first included in (Base Release)

Interim patches may be available for earlier versions - click here to check.
Symptoms: Related To:

Hang (Process Hang)

Alter System Archive Log
Performance Affected (General)
Waits for "log file switch (checkpoint
Alter System Checkpoint

Delayed or stuck checkpoint after an internal error like after ORA-600.

The call stack of the blocker process has function kcra_dump_redo.

Rediscovery Notes
Checkpoint stuck or delayed with following symptoms:
- Internal error is raised while applying a change.
- DBWR could not write a being modified buffer.
- Blocking process is dumping REDO. 1/2
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