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Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Naveen and I am writing this letter to enquire about the advertisement
which I came across through
social media for some voluntary work in your hospital, and I would like to offer my
help on this matter.

I have found out that the hospital is doing a great humanitarian service by
offering free treatment for cancer. I am extremely moved by this gesutre.
Therefore, would like to offer my service to carry out any job which is within my

Since I am specialised in computer networks, I am comfortable with any information

technology related tasks. In addition, I could also
do administrative related jobs as I have worked in a similar field in the past.

I will be available to join the hospital from next month to begin my service.
However, incase if you have an emergency, please write me
back so that I could find an alternative to rearrange my current schedule.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,
Naveen Jacob

People should marry before turning 30 agree/ disagree

I agree
1. Human beings has biological needs
2. Important to have your successor at a young age.

arriage is often regarded as the turning point in an individual's life. Some people
argue that it is important to stay single, inorder to
achieve their goals.This essay will explain why it is best for a person to marry a
suitable companion before turning 30.

Firstly, human beings are biological beings as any other animal and they have their
desires. A person would be supressing their
natural needs if they marry late. Like any living being, it is natural for humans
to think about reproduction and they could be seeking out
immoral ways to fulfil these needs. For instance, majority of rape cases which are
reported all over the world, is because that person could not
find a partner.

Secondly, I beleive that it is important to have early marriage because it could

increase the probabilty of having a heir close to an individuals
peak years. This way the person would be well equipped to plan about the future in
a better shape. For example, my childhood friend was born when
his father was 38 and by the time my friend reached 20, his father passed away and
that left him in astray in this vast tricky world.

People should be advised to find their partners at a young age itself. In this
essay, we have discussed why it is important to sort out the marriage
life at the earliest.

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