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India Pakistan have been Complex and largely hostile due to a number of historical and
political events. Since the creation of both nations in 1947 relationships between these two
countries has been Rocky because both the countries found three wars and one undeclared
war. Kashmir has been the Bedrock issue between both countries and has been resolved
boundary dispute. The allegation of Trans border filtration bread on Pakistani soul is an other
major issue despite many positive initiatives taken the India Pakistan relationship in recent
times has been reached an all time low with some sore issues sticking out. Relations
between two States have been defined by the violent partition of British India in 1947. The
Kashmir conflict and numerous military conflicts fought between two Nations consequently
their relationships has been plagued by hostility and suspicion. The subsequent partitions of
the former British India dispute up to 12.5 million people and varying from several hundred
to 1 million people were died in partition. Since their independence India and Pakistan
established diplomatic relations but the violent partition and numerous territorial claims
would overshadow their relationship. Soon after Independence the two countries have been
for three major wars1948, 1965, 1971 and one and undeclared war Kargal War started
between May and July 1999 fought. Both ciuntries have been involved in numerous and
military standoffs.
2. Kashmir conflict is territorial conflict primarily between India and Pakistan having started
partition in 1947. Kashmir conflict is the centred point of all conflicts with the exception of
India Pakistan war of 1971 which resulted as separation of Bangladesh.

3. The Simmla summit signed between India and Pakistan in 2nd July in the capital city of
Indian state of Himachal Pradesh.
4. Agral summit is two days summit 14 to 16 July 2001.
5. Lahore summit declaration bilateral agreement between India and Pakistan in 21st February
1999. Signed by India and Pakistan
6. Early 1980 relationship between India and Pakistan has been sored particularly after Siachin
7. The intensification of Kashmir insurgency in 1989.
8. India pakistan nuclear test in 1998 .
9. Kargal war 1999.
10. CBMs
Confidence building measure of actions reducing fear of attacking in many situations
especially in Politics.
 2003 ceasefire agreement
 Delhi Lahore bus service via border transits post of wahga.
 The route master Bus Number 10 is the symbolic importance as CBMs.
 There were some terrorist attack in 2001. India Parliament attack almost brought
two.countries to the blink.of Nueclear War
 2002 India Pakistan Standoffs.
 2007 Samjhota Express. Which killed 68 civilians and most of them were Pakistanis.
 2008 Mumbai attacks.
 NDMARB Non Discriminatory market access on Reciprocal basis.
 The political issues may not hijack commercial relationships between India and Pakistan.

In this regard SAARC played tremendous role.

 Social Relations
 Cultural Links
 Geographic links
 Linguistic ties.
 Matrimonial ties.
 Sporting ties
 Diasporic relations.
 Transport links
 Trade links.
 Please listen to this lecture and cover its all dimensions. @Tahseen CSS please add Ayesha
Ayesha here and divide this topic. Complete it as an assignment. Asmat has his exams so
please all of you are requested to give him relaxation for few days.

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