Princeton University Targets CO2

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Princeton University Targets CO2

Reduction in Ongoing Project
he facilities engineering team followed by the acquisition of a highly ef- Princeton closer to its 2020 target. In fact,
at Princeton University is now ficient 2,500-ton electric chiller, bringing based on a capacity of 5.3 MW produc-
well into the second decade of a the plant cooling capacity to 15,500 tons. ing 8.4 million KWh/year, PV generation
capital investment program aimed at re- All chlorofluorocarbons in the chilled- helps avoid the production of 3,091 met-
ducing CO2 emissions by 2020 to below water plant were replaced with hydro- ric tons of CO2 per year. That amounts
1990 levels. What began as an effort to chlorofluorocarbons, and chiller speeds to 9.4 percent of Princeton’s total CO2
reduce operating costs and secondarily, were increased to regain their original ca- reduction goal. It also provides Princeton
lower emission levels, has now become pacities. A few years after the plant went with Solar Renewable Energy Certificates
a preoccupation with lightening the uni- into operation, a 40,000 ton-hr chilled- (SRECs). Until such time as the capital
versity’s carbon footprint in a cost-effi- water thermal storage system was added. investment has been paid off, the univer-
cient manner. In 2006, the energy plant, ever on the sity will sell the SRECs in the New Jersey
Throughout the entire upgrade project, lookout for new ways to move closer to market. Once the system has been paid
the team has been quick to acknowledge the 2020 target, began researching direct- for, the SRECs will be retired and the uni-
that it will take a combination of technol- contact heat recovery technology. Once versity will claim avoided carbon emis-
ogies to reach the 2020 target. To achieve convinced that the technology offered sions itself.
this goal, the energy plant has recently value in terms of performance, emissions Both technologies, direct-contact heat
installed direct-contact heat recovery reductions and return on investment, the recovery and PV generation, constitute
equipment and is in the process of install- team invested in a Percotherm direct- linchpins in a well-thought-out assault
ing solar photovoltaic (PV) generation. contact heat recovery system. Custom- on CO2 emissions, and each offers a
Additionally, the energy plant features a designed by Sofame Technologies Inc., valid rationale for purchase. On one
highly efficient use of combined heat and the system recovers residual heat con- hand, PV generation is highly effective
power (CHP). All of these components tained in the boiler’s flue gas and trans- in eliminating CO2 emissions and the
contribute to the university being well- fers the heat to incoming make-up water SRECs are impressive incentives, but
positioned for the successful reduction of and returning condensate. The complete the simple payback period can be from
CO2 emissions. system consists of a condensing econo- seven to 10 years, and will occupy 27
Surprisingly, the Princeton campus has mizer, an indirect-contact economizer, acres of land. The Percotherm system, on
had combined heat and power since 1876, four plate-and-frame heat exchangers, the other hand, reduces CO2 emissions
long before CHP became recognized as a four pumps, an induced-draft fan, three by 5,000 metric tons per year, takes no
modern-day innovation. At that time, a control dampers plus digital controls. additional real estate and has a payback
steam driven generator was coupled with The heat recovery system has been up timeframe of two to four years. These are
the campus’ first boilers, enabling the and running for three years, allowing just two of the many recent projects that
exhaust steam to heat nearby buildings. plant engineers to monitor performance the university is implementing to lower
But it was in 1996 that the energy plant and assess results. The energy from ap- its carbon footprint and also save money
really brought CHP to its current poten- proximately 300,000 lbs per hour of flue now and over the long term.
tial. It was then, after more than a decade gases is being recovered and turned into With less than a decade remaining
of research and design studies, that a new usable energy. CO2 production has been until the 2020 target date, Princeton
facility, capable of meeting all the cam- reduced by approximately 5,000 metric University is making the kind of in-
pus’ heat and power requirements, plus tons/year while energy costs are propor- vestments that illustrate a sustained
environmental regulations, was built and tionately lower. commitment to its goal.
equipped for long-term needs. Currently, the facilities engineering
Obsolete boilers were replaced by new plant is also adding PV generation to its Author’s Note:
ones as part of a cogeneration system ca- mix of CO2 lowering, cost saving solu- The author extends great appreciation to
pable of generating 15 MW of power and tions. The system provides a stable, long- Princeton University Energy Plant Manager Ted
180,000 pounds of steam. These were term, low cost supply of power that takes Borer, PE, CEM, LEED AP, for his valuable input.


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