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“The stale in this second series oF L.A. Hills widely brown Stories for Reproduction are ll eax. Each story is followed not only by comorehension questions but also by avariety of other exerts, ‘Advanced Stories for Reproduction 2 contains 30 sors, tac about TO words long witha page oF excresos ‘oppasite each story. Vocabulary isrestrcted to LA, Hil’: 2076 hosdyvord oval, and tha rammatical struc ures ate also stietly conse. A word lists Inlused at the end of the back. The four boaks in she series are Introductory Stories for Reproduction 2 (75-neseuord vel Elomontary Storios for Reproduction 2 |1900hcxvord level Intermediate Stories for Repraduction 2 [1500 prado [el | ‘Advanced Stories for Reproduction 2 {207 fivuvord ese eH ADVANCED ri STORIES REPRODUCTION OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Some villagers were going to celebrate an important wine festival in a few days" time, so they borrowed a huge bareel from the nearest town, put i in the village square, and deter- mined that each of them should empty 1 bottle of the best wine he had into it, s0 that there should be plenty at the feast. ‘One ofthe villagers thought he would be very clever. ‘1 pour a bottle of water in, instead of wine, no one will notice ity he said to himself, ‘because there will be so much excel: lent wine inthe barrel thatthe water will be lost init." "The night of the feast arrived. Everybody gathered in the village square with their jugs and their glasses forthe wine ‘The tap on the barrel was openedbut what came out was pure water. Everyone in the village had had the same idea. Wind sae he 2075 fl 4 1. Why did she iar borrow the bare? 2, How di they plan to a2 3, what did the vile who put dhe watrin expec the otere todo? 4, Wine i hey in fat do? 1B. Which word inde sory om pge 4 mean: 1, caleted 4. very big 3. thous (Put the number ofthe comet sentence ender the comet pcre 1. One of dhe wlagers ied abot with water 2, The vlagers went t he fom and borrowed age bare 51 They tamed the tap on-and pete wate come ot 44 Altheeilagers gathered in henge to i the wine. 5: They putt inthe wage aqare 5: He poured tino the are A, Annwer these quetons, 1. What strange about the at sentence inhi tory? i 2 Why dia then sign bares picture of horse 5! Why di the owner of the inn want snow lige 4. Whar din’ he Me aboot dhe weiting om he ew sg? 1. Here isanother problem for you think of a entence in which hat pens four times without any other wards in between, You ll find one atthe bottom of thi page* And ere ic nother pl with word: what word on you {ind which are spelt the sae way Torvarde an taco ke dl, deed and madam? (Sach word ar aed ‘palindromes in Enh} Write this tory. Choote the right words rom each bach ‘A: Ob,lookt what’ that man doing? Br Tekin he (ma paint be pantnginast have painted) } something ‘ ‘hs Ye ta og. pining he sg outs that i. : ® t ‘them every few years, don't you think? i ‘Ah: Yeu napot iT onto he oer de oks le and : De acy font panna Oe patting hse pid) Can you think of a sentence in which the word ‘and? appears a five times, without any words inbetween? Theres one tthe fend ofthis story. ‘hs Yea lot a te window! They ot be patted) mabe ‘There was once an inn which was called “The Horse and ing pated have ee ated) ony once cry ane Gur’ Tt had a sign outside it which had picture ofa horse yeast and cart oni but thet was getting very ol, so the owner Rated of te ven al pe nal ey, fdtheces x pot of gan pat bend I at Be pened? Of the inn decided to have a new one made. He went to ee painter and asked him to paint one, and to write “The Horse and Cart’ on It in large eters. ‘A Tew days later, he went to see how the painter was getting on. He liked the picture of the horse and cart very ‘much, but he did not lke the writing at all. He said to the painter, ‘No, nol There's too much epace between HORSE and AND and AND and GART!" + That “that” that that teacher mid wa wrong relly comet: one an ay "the man that an" ae wel a the man whom Te" 6 7

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