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1. Rewrite the following into the active/passive voice.

1. Mrs. Thompson is teaching physics to Pam (2 ways)
2. They have returned the novel to the library.

3. Students of English have to learn the list of irregular verbs.

4. The boss is going to fire them.

5. Someone has left this key on the table.

6. This story can’t be published because it has been copied.

7. We will pay the gardener a lot of money

a) Fill in the blanks with the right relative pronoun/adverb if necessary. Add commas where necessary.
1. The man ……………. called left a message …………….. sounded quite strange.
2. Dino’s is the restaurant ………………… we had dinner the day ………….. we got engaged.
3. The next painting …………….I will sell at an auction shows Edmund’s wife Margaret ………………..
he married in 1605.
4. My left ankle ……………….. I broke last winter is still giving me trouble. That’s the reason ……… I am
having it x-rayed next week.
5. …………………….. I watched on the news last night is unbelievable.

b) Join the sentences by means of a relative clause

1. This is the book. Mum keeps her jewellery in it.

2. Kevin was in a bad mood. His car had been stolen.

3. He says he has met the Prime Minister. This can’t be true.

4. The girl was very tall. He fell in love with her.

5. My bicycle has been stolen. I got it last week.


a) Transform into reported speech.
1. ‘Does your dog stick his head in this cupboard?’ Sally said to me.

2. ‘Why didn’t anybody feed the cats yesterday?’ my mother said to her.

3. ‘Leave the parrot in its cage!’ Andrew said.

4. ‘Who took my Benetton shirt last night?’ Paul told his sisters.

5. ‘Don’t drink and drive tonight!’ my father said to me.

6. ‘What is Michael doing tomorrow evening?’ Ian wanted to know.

7. ‘I need to hear both sides of the story before I can decide is to blame,’ Joe said.

8. ‘I’ll visit my grandchildren next week,’ Mrs. Barnes said.

9. ‘We’re going to visit our friends in Lancaster next week,’ Mrs. Greene said.

10. ‘Please don’t smoke in this area,’ the waitress said to them.

11. ‘Would you like a cup of tea?’ Helen said.

12. ‘Let’s take a taxi!’ she said.

13. ‘I am sorry that I can’t see you tomorrow,’ your sister told me.

14. ‘Did you watch MTV last night?’ Alex wanted to know. ‘No, I didn’t,’ I said.

15. ‘Will I have to clean out the hamster’s cage tomorrow?’ I said to my mother.

b) Transform into direct speech

1. My mum told me not to bite my nails.

2. He asked them how often I played chess.

3. She said to him that the police were coming to arrest him then and she advised him to hide in the forest.

4. He asked her if she would marry him.

5. Alan said Peter had to return the CD the following week.

6. Mary suggested ordering some dessert.

7. Ruth advised her sister to wear a jacket because the weather was very cold that day.

8. Sarah told Tom to eat his meal.

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