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CE - 669A

Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry

Home Assignment 6
Year 2018-19 Even Semester

1. Imagine that Concorde is (was) flying at speed u from New York to London along a latitude
circle. The deflecting force due to the Coriolis effect is towards the south. By lowering the left
wing ever so slightly, the pilot (or perhaps more conveniently the computer on board) can
balance this deflection. Draw a diagram of the forces-gravity, uplift normal to the wings, and
Coriolis-and use it to deduce that the angle of tilt, 𝛾, of the aircraft from the horizontal required
to balance the Coriolis force is
2Ω sin 𝜑 x 𝑢
𝑡𝑎𝑛 𝛾 =
Where Ω is the Earth’s rotation, the latitude is 𝜑 and gravity is g. if u = 600 ms-1, insert typical
numbers to compute the angle. What analogies can you draw with atmospheric circulation?

2. A geostationary satellite is positioned over latitude φ0 = 30◦ and longitude λ0 = 0◦. From it, a
projectile is fired northward at a speed v0. By ignoring the satellite’s altitude, calculate the
longitude where the projectile crosses 45◦ latitude if (a) v0 = 1000 m s-1, (b) v0 = 100 m s-1, (c) v0
= 10 m s-1. (d) For each case, evaluate the dimensionless time for the traversal, scaled by the
rotation period of the Earth.

3. A punter kicks a football a distance of 60 m on a field at latitude 45° N. Assuming the ball,
until being caught, moves with a constant forward velocity (horizontal component) of 15 ms -1 ,
determine the lateral deflection of the ball from a straight line due to the Coriolis effect. [Neglect
friction and any wind or other aerodynamic effects].

4. Using only the equation of hydrostatic balance and the rotating equation of
motion, show that a fluid cannot be motionless unless its density is horizontally uniform. (Do not
assume geostrophic balance, but you should assume that a motionless fluid is subjected to no
frictional forces.)

5. A viscous liquid fills the annular gap between vertical concentric cylinders. The
inner cylinder is stationary, and the outer cylinder rotates at constant speed. The
flow is laminar. Simplify the continuity and Navier-Stokes, equations to model this flow field.
Obtain expressions for the liquid velocity profile.

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