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​ Questions to be asked 

● What was the basic idea behind your company?
● What is your mission, vision statement? And what is the basic goal of your
● Tell us the history of company.(founder , mother land , started business)
● What kind of problems your organizations face, when they started business
in Pakistan and In Faisalabad?
● What were the risks and threats are involved when you started business in
● What are your competitors? (on international level as well in Pakistan)
● Did you have competitive advantage on them?
● What is your basic product and services?
● What was the total number of countries, in which you are dealing and also
tell us does your organization providing same kind of products in every
● What is your target market ?
● Who make your pricing structure and did your prices are customers
● The prices of your products are too high. What was the reason behind on
● Do you think high prices can affect your sale and growth?
● What were the present risks and threats?
● Your sale in Faisalabad is less than other cities. What is the reason?
● What are your marketing channels (the ways of promoting your products)?
● Who are your co-partners?
● What kind of unique offers, that your organization offering to the people?
● What was your production structure?
● What were your selection criteria? Do you give any kind of training to
● What kind of efforts you are performing to promote your company in
● You are dealing in different kind of product? Do you have any kind of
patents or rights?
● What was the difference between Pakistan and other countries you’re your
organization feels?
● What are your major logistics and supply chain management ?
● is your hr department hire employees or you believe in outsourcing?
● what competencies do your hr professionals need?
● what type of benefits and compensation you offer to your employees ?
● do you think that your hr practices support your company's mission and
values ?what type of training courses you offer to your corporate as well as
first line managers ?
● whether it is paid training or not?
● these courses are frequently updated or not?
● where you see your company in future?
● what makes an employee want to stay in your company?
● what the best change you can make for the future ?
● from an hr perspective ,what should you do to improve your market place
● what type of positions exist in your hr department like top corporate hr
executives and hr managers?
● if u have more orders than usual and u have less work force , do you have
alternative work arrangements.
● how can you evaluate the performance of your employees e.g balanced
● do you believe in e-HR?

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