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The stories in thisse known istallo WT INTRODUCTORY our books in she se Introductory Stories for Re Elementary Storis for Reproduction 21000 Intermediate Stores for Reproduction 2 (7<00. ‘Advanced Stories for Reproduction 2 | OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 7 SS Sete [Mr Jones wanted a picture for her living-room. She tock the bus and went to town. She looked for a picture shop, and aftr a few minutes she found one. There were some pictures in the window, but she did mot like them very suc, She went into the shop and looked at some other pictures. She liked some of those moce. There was a picture of a young girl and Mrs. Jones liked it very much. She went to the shopkeeper and said, ‘How much do you want for this Picture?" “The shopkeeper turned the piture round. He looked at the back of and then said, “Thirteen pounds? “Thirty pounds?” Mrs. Jones said, “That's very expensive {Tm going o offer you twenty pounds fort! ‘Tsai, “Thirteen pounds", not “Thirty pounds"? the rman answered, “Thirteen?” Mrs, Jones sid. “Then I'm going toffer you nine pounds for it Word nat ee 750: es), shopkeeper 1. Which words in the story on page 4 mean ‘Answer these 4 1. Why did Mrs. Jones go to town? 2. Which pictre ise ike moat? 8, What ald she say tthe shopkeeper? ‘What did he ay to Mr. Jones? 5. What did the anewer? cheap Put the mumbor of the correct sentence under the correct picture, 1 He Jooked behind the picture and then std "Thirteen pounds? Mrs. Jones did not have «pith in her living-room She founda peture of a young gi She looked fort piture shop, She sid to the shopkeeper, How inuch is his? She Weat into the shop, She went to town by bus “Them ae found one Mary worked in an office in London, and she usually went ‘out and had lunch in a restaurant. She liked foreign food ‘and often looked in the newspaper for the names of new res- taurants, because she enjoyed going to them and cating new things, Sometimes she said, don't lke this restaurant, T'm not going to come here again’; but often she said, ‘I like this one. 'm going to have my lunch here often? ‘One day she saw the name of a new Greek restaurant in hher newspaper, and the went there for lunch. It was very small, but it was clean and nice, and the food was good. But then Mary found something hard in her mouth. She took it out. It was a button Look here, waiter!” she said. ‘'ve found tt my food “Thank you, thank you! the waiter answered happily. Tooked everywhere for it? [AL Answer these questions 1, What fod did Mary ike? 2. Where did the go one day? 3. What did she find in ber mouth? 4 button in What did she say then? 5. What dd the waiter answer? Worden inthe 730% restaurant, hank you, waiter 6 Whi of th ‘Write the correc fo these questions answers down. 1. id Mary always goto the same restaurant? 2 Noyshe di, 1. Yea she di a 2. Did she go back toa restaurant afer the frst ie? Noy never . Yen always Yes, often, ‘Where did sh a Taabig i find the names of new restaurants? i Ine ewapapes 4, What did she find in ber nowt one day? button, B. Some hard food 5. Was the walter happy, or angry? He wana He was ha Write this story ‘This i Mary brother, Hi. George in the ... of Chicago and 8. Py Pat one word in euch empty «pact. He lives works ia a small Greek there He ies... Alt of people come and have thers, because the le good, Lock at that man, He i... some mest and reading bie... He comer (o thi restaurant, becuse fe works in an. quite sorb 7

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