Homonyms Quiz

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NAME: _________________________________ SECTION: _____________DATE: _________________ SCORE: _______

Underline the homophones in the sentences below.

1. Add this sports ad in the newspaper.

2. We are not allowed to read aloud in the library.
3. The green bird that had flu flew away.
4. Don’t be near that tree as it has a bee hive.
5. I saw the boy who got black eye when he fell.
6. Did you hear the little bird that land here?
7. Everyday we play for an hour in our garden.
8. I ate my dinner at eight o’clock.
9. See the ship sailing in the sea.
10. I have four big books for the kids.

Arrange the following sets of words in a cline in an ascending order.

1. small 2. huge 3. gigantic 4. big

11. a. 2314 b. 4321 c. 1423 d. 1234
1. cool 2. freezing 3. cold 4. chilly
12. a. 1243 b. 1432 c. 2314 d. 2431
1. sluggish 2. quick 3. slow 4. rapid
13. a. 3124 b. 1342 c. 1423 d. 1234
2. I go out of the sea every year with my parents to see majestic waters.
3. My hair in the morning is like a hare, always jumping around like a bunny.
4. I write with my right hand because I’m not left-handed.
5. I gave him a piece of cake to make peace with him.
6. He bought me a pair of pear-colored shoes for my birthday.

Complete each analogy.

7. Cup: Coffee :: Bowl: ___________ a. dish b. food c. soup d. spoon

8. Face: Nose :: _____________ : ___________ a. Feet : Slippers c. Hair : Comb
b. Hand : Finger d. Mouth : Smile
9. Needle : Sew :: Shield : ________ a. carry b. hold c. protect d. point
10. Pen : Poet :: Needle : __________ a. button b. sewing c. tailor d. thread
11. Optimist : Cheerful :: Pessimist : __________ a. gloomy b. helpful c. petty d. mean

Grammar Awareness- Choose the letter of the best answer.

12. Excuse me! _________ is the post office, please?

a. How b. What c. When d. Where
13. Could you tell me __________ to get to the History Museum, please.
a. how b. what c. when d. where
14. the library will be on your left. It’s a large red-brick building. You can’t __________ it.
a. find b. forget c. miss d. see
15. Go __________ the flower shop, the drugstore, and the supermarket.
a. across b. behind c. opposite d. past
16. I am __________ for the new children’s library.
a. asking b. finding c. looking d. trying
17. Would you mind __________ me some directions, please?
a. explaining b. giving c. helping d. offering

Select the word that belongs in each sentence.

18. God __________ all over creations. a. rains b. reigns c. reins d. rheins
19. Can you __________ some milk for me? a. poor b. pore c. pour d. pure
20. Use a knife to __________ the potatoes. a. pair b. pare c. pear d. pier
21. His mother’s death left him in a __________. a. daise b. days c. daize d. daze
22. There is not much to buy for one __________. a. cent b. sent c. scent d. saint
23. I learn to __________ when I was 11 years old. a. sew b. soe c. so d. sow
24. Plastic does not __________ easily. a. break b.brake c. breek d. breake
25. Please __________ to me from all the cities you visit. a. right b. write c. ryt d. wryte
26. I haven’t __________ Alfie lately. What could have happened to him.
a. seen b. scene c. sin d. sain

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