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“The Victor Over Your Battle”

The Letter Writer”

Y ou’ve been tough these days.

A warrior has been fighting for you, has been there for you... to fight the fight
you’ve been preparing for the whole day. The curve that has painted on your lips hides
the wound that almost tears you apart, yet it is not pretention. It is your identity of
strength, because you are that warrior – the invincible one!

This time, I am writing for you.

There might be times you question your worth because of so many things that hit
you hard. There might be times you’ve seen, the world turns its face behind, and you feel
alone all day. There might be times, you lost your temper because of some people who
pushed you to your limits. Lastly, there might be times that you feel so unloved despite
of the love and care you give for those who surround you.

“There might be times”

...and those times were not just mere times, because those times were your hardest
times that made you shuttered SLOWLY AND DEEPLY.

Remember, YOU ARE YOUR OWN WARRIOR. You fought the fight that was once you
were afraid of.

But how can you save yourself from the whirlpool of iniquities just in case life will
wear its cloth of unfairness again?

Take my advices.


People are vain. Yesterday, you were a stranger. Today, you are special. Tomorrow,
you will just somebody they used to know. If you are a type of person who depends too
much on people whom you thought will never change the way they treat you today, you
are preparing your misery someday. You know why? Because you simply built your abode
in them when in fact, they are just your temporary visitors. How about if one day, they’re
gone in your life permanently? Have you thought about it? They are here with you and as
time goes by, they are with somebody else. Indeed, you are just part of their journey and
so as they to you. Do not stop paddling your own boat of life just in case they left you at
the middle of your ocean... just in case they left you hanging. Stop embracing their
shadow when they’re isn’t there with you. There memories are sweet but regretting the
times makes you bitter. Be better with or without them.
Learn to release goodbyes and just find dependence in God and in yourself.



You know who you were before you entered a toxic relationship. You were whole.
You were bold. You were brave. Your happiness was simple. Your heart wasn’t troubled.
Your smiles were pure. Your sadness was shallow, and it didn’t even affect you.

However, the moment you entered a toxic relationship, the old soul who was once
possessing you suddenly vanished and from then on, a soul full of burden and trouble has
driven your whole system. To tell you honestly, it is a real danger for you.

Trials in a relationship are common but when can we call a relationship as toxic?
If the relationship doesn’t give you peace, that’s already toxic. If trust isn’t there,
that’s already toxic. If you don’t grow inside the relationship and it actually has the
potential to destroy you, then that’s already TOXIC.

We both know that falling in love is great and the feeling of being loved in return
is greater. It is really magical. The word “love” itself is sugar-coated and once felt to
someone else, the time becomes divine, and every crooked is straighten!

Love is beautiful. It is perfect, and in fact, we are meant to find our other half at
the right time.

Let us say, your heart is a fruit of a tree. You suddenly picked it from the tree when
it was not yet its season. You gave it to someone whom you thought will take care of it
until it will ripe. Out of the blue, the fruit wasn’t cared. It was actually played, and thrown
upside down for many times. Then, it was given back to you full of bruises. It was ripe
yet it wasn’t sweet as you thought should be.

Falling in love with the wrong person is a greater risk you could ever imagine, just
like the illustration you read ealier. When you enter in a relationship and both of you
(you and your partner) are still immature to handle things, or let us say, both of you are
still IMMATURE since it’s not yet your season to enter such, then, do not ever expect for
a relationship that would last long! Don’t ever expect for a relationship that will build
you as a better person. Don’t ever expect for a relationship that can go through in the eye
of the needle, because that type of relationship wasn’t mature enough!

Leave if that relationship breaks you everyday. Being broken for 1 year to how many
years is better than lifetime. Leave the person if he/she doesn’t make you any better. Leave
if hurt is greater than being happy. Leave if everytime you are with that person, you
question your worth.


You deserved true happiness and if it cannot be found in the relationship which you
thought perfect for you, then LEAVE and try to find happiness without that person as the
The ways of moving forward from the relationship you’ve invested the most might
be so dark and full of nightmare, but don’t stop for there will be light at the end of the
tunnel. Realizations will come over, and from that, you’ll grow as the better one –
something you’ve never done inside that relationship.

Embrace the learnings you caught from your experience and make them as your tools
to be the best version of yourself!

Then, pardon yourself. Forgive the person. Forget the hurt. One day (as meant by
God), you will meet the right one for you who matches you perfectly.





Basically, we have two types of criticisms. If people truly cares about you, then they
will give you constructive criticisms. If people want to drag you down, they will give you
destructive criticisms.

A constructive criticism is a positive correction. You aren’t perfect. You commit

mistakes. You stumble. You hurt others’ feelings. Yet as you grow, there will be persons
who’ll mentor you and guide you to be matured and wise. A constructive criticism might
be hurtful sometimes or most of the times (in some cases), but remember, its only aim is
to make you better – a way of slivering your imperfections and unjust philosophy.

There are times that you won’t be corrected because the truth is, your ego closes
your ears to listen and receive constructive criticisms. Everytime you react against
somebody’s correction towards you, it’s the ego that brags about the “appropriate”
responses you thought should be.
Let us say, you are on your way to perfection, yet it is always a subjective matter.
The perfection that is believed by others might be far different from yours. Therefore, do
not boast the soul who’s in you being “righteous”. As long as you breathe, correction is
the tool for you to be whole as a person.

Listen and let the fire of humility construct your ways to be upright. Throw away
that ways of finding faults from others just to give comfort to yourself that you’re better
than them!

No, you can’t be better than anyone else, unless you decide to throw that ego which
stinks like a rotten egg inside you, and embrace a criticism which is the constructive one!

Thus, here comes the destructive cristicism.

Have you ever met someone who sees a lot of mistakes about you even if you’ve
done nothing to them? That person doesn’t simply dislike you, but he’s also making up
stories to others just to destroy everything about you. Well, believe it or not, that person
is also your mentor who tests your wisdom and tries to shaken your totality as who you
are. Do you know what pushes them to do such things to you? It’s their ENVY. You have
that something in which they couldn’t afford to have. It might be your physical
appearance, your character, your wholesome personality, wealth or achievements!

When envy sits on the throne of the heart of a person, that person wouldn’t hesitate
to tear you into pieces no matter what kind of profit they get from doing it, as long as
you’ll be destroyed in the eyes of many, it gives them satisfaction without feeling any

A person who gives you a constructive criticism will appreciate your every step and
development, while the one who gives you a destructive criticism will feel trouble at the
moment they see, you’re above him.

The question is, what you shall do if somebody has wronged you with destructive
criticisms? The solution isn’t simple but I guarantee you, it will help you a lot to become
a fully armed warrior of your life.
Never argue with someone who uses his tongue or other resources for your
downfall even if you’re the one who’s accurate. Learn to win an argument by just putting
things pass by without putting much care on what’s untrue and non-sense. People who
like to destruct you love to see you falling apart through fighting them back.

In this darkest time, you’ll realize how hard it is to apply what God had commanded,
“LOVE YOUR ENEMY”, and He even stated in the Bible to “PRAY FOR THOSE WHO
PERSECUTE YOU”. In your human mind you might be thinking, “Why do I have to love
those who hurt me badly and to pray for them? That is awesomely silly! It isn’t fair!”

Well, always take time to realize that God’s thoughts are really far from yours. God
knows at the first place that the sweetest revenge you can make is to pray for those who
wronged you while you continue to live as if nothing happens at all. It will make them
wonder how you can manage things despite of the stones they’ve thrown in front of you.
Until such a time, they’ll see the goodness and light of God through you.

Choosing not to fight back is never a cowardice. It’s in fact a sort of bravery that
lets you say “I am not afraid. I am not alone. God’s in me, so bring it on!”




We are humans, and God made us with emotions. According to the Merriam
Webster’s dictionary, an emotion is a strong feeling of love, anger, joy, hate or fear, but
it is just temporarily accuring in a person’s particular moment in life. Imagine people
without emotions. Probably, this world would be raising humans who don’t know how to
be sad yet at the same time, who do not know the meaning of happiness. They may not
know what a fear feels like, yet they may not also know the concept of being brave! They
will probably be safe from being broken, yet they will never realize the beauty of love
and being loved in return. In other words, this world will be raising robots and God (at
the first place) didn’t mean people to be emotionless.
Aside from “free will”, God gave you emotions to make you more human. Whether
you like it or not, you are fully packaged with emotions since birth.

However, emotions are sometimes used by your “enemy” to destroy your

relationship with God, with other people or worst, they are used to destroy YOURSELF
because they’re really STRONG ENOUGH to do so. Once an emotion is accompanied by a
tricky decision added by your ego, expect for a worst and risky situation that you’ve never
planned. A situation that isn’t aline with God’s perfect plan for you since it is made out
of it.

Always bear in mind that emotions are not permanent. They have been temporarily
accuring at the moment. Now, think of a time when you were very emotional. Perhaps,
you’ve done something very peculiar because you were drawn by emotions, and then later
on you realized, it really brought a huge embarrasment and regret to you. You had a hard
time to get out from such situation and normalize things just because you were drawn
with a temporary emotion.

See? There is so much with deciding things out of emotions and the huge part of it
is REGRET. Nobody learned the ability of bringing back time, but the ability to spend a
lot of times just to build what has been broken due to temporary emotion can be learned.
Still, there will be a lot of adjustments to do as part of the consequence.

So when you are in a deep emotional quest, remember not to decide anything. Take
a pause. Find peace. Wait for your heart to settle its beat to a normal tune. Wait for your
brain to bring back its sanity to rationalize things. Pray to God. Ask for wisdom. You can
even cry harder to Him. Well it’s fine! When yourself is assured and totally in good
condition, then that’s time to think deeper and to decide in accordance with God’s will.

Let me share to you one of the discouragements I experienced.

When I was in second year college, one of my professors informed us that the
students who are qualified to become cum laude are those who have an 86th-grade and
up for each subject, and 90 and up for the over-all average. God knew how hard I prayed
and worked to get such honor yet upon hearing the news, it seemed like there was a great
thunder which struck my heart straightly! It brought an enormous speed of what we call
“discouragement”. I had an 85th-grade in one of my subjects, and that made me realized,
maybe it wasn’t for me.

Well, my father was the reason why I was so eager to get the title. I wanted to
reward him in silence and hard work, because that is how I show love. I express love not
in words but in my every effort exerted day by day.

However, things I’ve heard regarding to the said award lost my “chance” to be one
of the possible honors. I savor the pain of discouragement at my own risk. Only God knew
how stiff the path I was walking on during those days. One of the greatest pain this life
could provide is to put expectations and hard work at the same, and only to find out,
you’ll not be going to attain what you’ve been expecting even if how strong you’ve been
trying, but the good thing was, I did not let discouragement to rule over me. I prayed and
by God’s grace, He restored my strength and helped me realize that being the best doesn’t
engrave by a title.

I maintained my standards when it comes to my studies despite of the fact that I

may not get the title, well, it didn’t really matter to me after the incident. I learned to fix
my eyes on Jesus for there’s hope in Him, and I learned to do my best in my academics
with or without any reward.

Surprisingly, during my fourth year days, I learned that what my professor said
about the qualifications to become an honor has not been approved. An 85 th-grade in a
particular subject is still qualified! I graduated with honors and two more awards. It
wasn’t my intelligence that worked. It was my way of fixing my eyes to Jesus which
eventually washed away my discouragement to pursue what God has set for me.

We’ve been through discouragements. It either from people or from ourselves, a

discouragement is a concrete picture of dismay, hurt, twinge, shuttered hope, mistrust
and doubt, and every time you encounter another of it, it makes you feel that you won’t
be believing in anything again.


Everyone of us has encountered discouragements, but there’s always hope in Jesus.

Nothing is impossible with our Lord and Savior. Indeed, discouragement is a distraction,
yet when you fix your eyes to Jesus, another type of hope will sprout and you’ll always
find the reason why unnecessary things in life do happen. You will understand that not
all things will be done the way you expect them. Sometimes, God will intervene against
your human plans because He has greater plans in your life. Sometimes, He let
discouragements happen so that you’ll only depend on Him and not on yourself full of
unstable ideas and decisions. Sometimes, your faith will be tested during the time you
encounter discouragements that apparently, hurt you badly.

There are so many reasons why discouragements happen but there’s only main
reason why they exist, they always teach you to fix your eyes to Jesus.


Fighting your life’s battle is never a piece of cake. There will be times that you are
struggling so hard because you’re about to be defeated by your myriad opponents in life.
Cultivate the bravery stored behind your fear. Do not let the spear of “giving up” to cause
you ungrip the rope to survive. Take heed around you using your senses of vigilance. God
has installed a spirit of warrior inside you. That warrior is always meant to win his battle.
Remember, you are that WARRIOR – the conqueror, the defender, the victor over your

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