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Division of City Schools

City of Muntinlupa
District of Muntinlupa II

Name of Researcher: ANNALIZA C. DAMASCO Month: July 2018

This form aims to help you to develop the structure of your research and to ensure alignment of your
overall approach to your research problem.

DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions in bullet form. Once you have decided a clear outline of your
research, convert each row into paragraph/s to serve as one subheading in your action research.

What is the general situation/circumstances that -The CESA school canteen is managed and
makes you develop your research proposal? Why supervised by a teacher in-charged assigned by the
is this situation/circumstance important? administration in addition to her duties and
responsibilities. In the past, variety of food/snacks
items were displayed in contrast to the present sales in
consonance to DepEd Order No. 13,s. 2018 that only
GREEN category should be available daily .
The quantity and quality of food items sold in the
canteen can accommodate the number of students
enrolled in the school, teachers and employees as well.
However, the researcher perceived problem. A
number of pupils buy outside the school premise
before going to school, food items prohibited in extent
the RED category.

What do you intend to? This study will aim to determined the
-This is the aim of your study, This should be effectiveness of the intervention on how to enhance
embedded in your main arguments above. canteen operation technique. Specifically, it attempts
/sought to answer the following questions:
What possible operation technique that can
accommodate to the pupils of CESA?
1. How will you satisfy most of the pupils of CESA
if not all in terms of canteen services?
2. How many percent are severely wasted pupils
among CESA?
3. What are the contributing factors of being
4. What kind of foods should be served in a school
canteen to reduce malnutrition among pupils
of CESA?
Significance of your study. -The result of this study is important and will benefit
-Why is your study important? the following:
- Who or what industry will benefit? How? -The school where it is a great place to promote an
enjoyment of healthy eating. For pupils who use the
canteen regularly, the food purchased makes a
significant contribution to their total food intake and
nutrition; therefore it makes sense to ensure the best
food possible is available to enhance their ability to
learn and take in the information presented to them in
-For pupils who don’t use the canteen regularly, the
canteen still plays an important educational and
modelling role for healthy eating habits.
There are many aspects of a child’s life that may be
restricted in an educational setting. For example: the
type of reading material accessed in the library,
internet access and visual material (DVD) and the
clothes they wear. It is appropriate to restrict unhealthy
food in an educational setting.
-Food preferences are developed in childhood. By
promoting and encouraging healthier food choices
during childhood, it is anticipated that healthy eating
habits will be carried through to adulthood and may go
some way to help prevent chronic disease later in life.
What would be the potential contribution or - The most important finding of this study is the need
insight of your research? of canteen staff and orientation needed in the proper
-Will it solve a particular problem? handling of food and clientele satisfaction through
-Will it offer a new way of thinking? effective interpersonal skills and quality management
-Will it add evidence to a developing body of of all aspects necessary for an improved and well-
knowledge? managed canteen.
-Will it prove/ disapprove something?
-Will it develop a new theory/ prototype ,model,
process, tool, etc?

Submitted by: Checked by:


Teacher I Teacher I/CAR Coordinator

Adapted from DepEd Memorandum No.144 s.2017

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