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Typical Unit Structure, this will be very different in the guard/reserve, but it gives you an idea.

Don’t worry about 1-4 yet

1. Corps level
2. Division Level
3. Brigade Level
4. (Regiment Level)
5. Battalion Level
a. Multiple companies per battalion
b. HHC (Headquarters Headquarters Company)(don’t ask lol) all of the battalion level
assets on paper belong to the HHC
c. The Battalion commander and their enlisted counterpart the Command Sergeant Major
are in charge of everything below this. They will also have many officers in the staff
shops, a few majors, many captains and some lieutenants.
d. When people ask your unit this is usually what they are asking, you may also add your
company letter to this. So my unit when I was in I would have responded with first of
the five oh two for 1st Battalion of the 502nd infantry regiment, that is if they already
knew my division. If they didn’t then I would usually just say my division and regiment,
101st, 502nd , im not sure how they break things up in the reserves and guard
6. Company Level
a. multiple platoons per company
b. The Company commander and their enlisted counterpart, the 1 st Sergeant are in charge
of everything below this. They also have an XO (executive officer) usually a lieutenant
to help with logistics.
7. Platoon
a. Multiple sections or squads per platoon
b. The platoon leader (usually a lieutenant) and their enlisted counterpart, a platoon
sergeant, usually a SFC or SSG are in charge of everything below this.
8. Section
a. Multiple teams per section or squad
b. No officer, usually a SSG or SGT is in charge of everything below this, some units
depending on their specific jobs may have an officer
9. Team
a. Usually only a few people per team
b. No officer, usually a SGT, CPL or SPC in charge.

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