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UNIFORM STRAIGHT BILL OF LADING ORIGINAL.--NOT NEGOTIABLE SUBJECT OTHE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE URAFONM BLL OFLADING QUESTIONS? CALL 4585 FedEx. ae aT Freight opere REQUIRED: Please select a service Qpe fl FedEx Freight® Priority O FedEx Freight* Economy ‘SHIPPER (ron) Please provide IP codes and phone numbers. CSTs Sipe pero eons oo a oo fae Ras la De, Se ADT aes Des ORD rae oa ey ev aatreee ERRaite [arin nara [brreawitow [ona Cone Astra Sv Fos wa Ope Cg Ce Fup O nie es Aina Se Fos ed Chg 0 gn Ove Dery O Un ene spp eo cam ry Wren Spec seine BIL FREIGHT CHARGES TO it iron han above Fgh Gargesan PREPAID ess Tc GOD. The eters “CO. wast appear in hex befor con mated ole. 33 2 COD fundstotecolecedas: CH Cored Funds C3 Company Check Persnal Check CHECK BOXIF COLLECT CO —inOUNT 2. COD. fe tobe pod br CI Shiver Consign TaD pve bore: Rane Male ese iio nent ee er nn nd FORINTERNATIONAL SHIPMENTS INDICATE BROKER NAME, FAX AND PHONE NUMBERS, Ferny ete cre tener geemeee ropa sitet Nar maansncnaagerg cesses aye Cio neNEW rain txnlitanCoern noe smnte SiS Ce ayer Oe wh Aden oer EM Carer actos co pcan and agar aca. Car cas onary repens ron wanda vale nr carer a OO ery prt uel or euler coceret ne wea UNIFORM STRAIGHT BILL OF LADING Terms & Conditions Sec. 1 [a} The carter or the partyin possession of any ofthe property describedinthisBilloLadg shall beliable as atcommonlaw foranylossthereofor damage theroto, excoptashoreinafterprovided {b] Nocarier shall bo liable forany loss or damage toa shipment or for any delay caused by an Act of God, the public enemy, the authority of law, or actor defaultof shipper. Exceptinthecase of negligence ofthe carier or partyin possession, the carer or partyin possession shal not be ible frloss, damage or delay which results: when the properyis stopped and heldin transit upon equast ot ‘heshipper owner or partyentiledto make suchequestsorfrom faulty orimpassible highway. orby lack of capacity of ahighway bridge orferryior froma defector vice in property a from ots or strikes. Theburden to prove freedom rom negligence is onthe carrerortheparyinpossession Sec.2. Unlessarrangedoragreodupon, inviting, prior toshipment, carrier ‘snotboundto ransportashipmenthya particular schedule orintime for aparticular market, buts tesponsibeto anspor with reasonable ispaeh, Incase physica necessity cartier mayforward ashipmentviaanothercarir. Sec. 3.(a) Asa condition precedent to recovery claims must be ied in vwrting with: any participating carter having suff ent information to identify the shipment, {o} Claims forlossordamagemustbefldwith nninemonthsafter deliveryof he property or inthe case of export afi, within rine months after deliveryatthe por of export) excep tha claims for alue tomate delivery mustbe filed withinninemanths after areasanablat mefordelveryhas elapse. {c) Suits forlos, damage, inuryordelayshallbeinstituted against any carrier no later than two years and one day from the day when writen notice is sven by the carer to the claimant that the carrier has disallowed the claim or any partorpartsotheclaim specifiedn the notice, Wnereclaims arenot ed orsuitsare notinstituted thereon naccordance withthe foregoing provisions, nocarershallbe Tale, and suchelaimswillnotbe paid {al Any carieror part liable or loss of or damage to any of said property shallhave the fll beneftofanyinsurancethatmayhavebeen effected, upon ron account of said propery, so far as ths shal ot avoid the polices ot contracts of insurance, PROVIDED, that the carier receiving the benefitof such insurance wil reimburse the claimantforthe premium paidon theinsurancepolicyr contrac Sec, 4, a} IF the consignee refuses the shioment tendered for delivery bycarirorifcarier is unable to delve the shipment, because of fault ormstake ofthe consignor or consignee, the cari liability shall then become that of a warehouseran. Carrier shal promptly attempt to provide noice, by telephonic or flectroniecommunicatianasprovidedon the face oftheBillotLading iso indicated, the shipper othe party, any, cesignated to receive notice on this Blof Lacing. Storagecharges, basedon carrie’ tani, sal startno sooner thantherext business ay following the attempted natieation. Storage may be, athe cari’s ation, in any cation that provides reasonable protactionagainst less o dammaga, The carrer ‘mayplace the shipmentin public storage atthe owners experseand without ibility tothecarre. {b]Ithecarier does notrecivecispositioninstructionswithin€ hoursofthetime of carrirsaitemptedfrstnoticatio, carer willattemptto suea secordand{nalconfimed notation Suchnotice shall advise hat teri dows not receive disposition instructions within 10daysof thatnotifcaion, carermayoffe the shipment forsale atapublicauctionand thecartiet has therighto oer the shipment forsale. The amount of sale willbe applied tthe carror’sinvoice for ransporaton, storage and other law‘ul charges. The owner wil be responsible forte balance of thargesrnot covered by the saeco the goods. If there is balance remaining afterall charges and expenses are paid, suchbalance willbe paldtathecwmerafthe property soldhrounder uponclaim and proaafownership c) Where carrerhas attempted to follow the procedure set orth in subsestions 4a and (bj above and the procedure provided in this section's nat possible, nathing inthis section shall ba construed to abrige the rght ofthe cartier atts optionto sellthe property under such circumstances and insuch manner asmay bbe autvorized by aw When perishable goods cannot be delivered and dispositions rat given withina reasonable time, the carrier may dispase of propery tothe best advantage. (a Whereacarririsdirectedty consignee orconsignortounload cor deliver propertyatapariculaocationwher consignor consignee, orteagentat either is notreguary locate, therskafter unloading or delivery shallnotbethatof thecartiat. Sec. 5. {a} Inalicases ntprohibitedby la, where alower value than the actualvalueof the said property hasbeen stated inwrtingby the shipper orhas been agreed upon in writing a the released value ofthe property as detrmined by the classifeation or tariffs upon which the rate is based, such ower valve ps freight chargesifpaidshalle themaximum recoverable amount forlassordamage, whether cor not suchloss or damage occurs from nogligence (b} No carrier hereunder wil erry or be ialein ary way for any documents coinmoney,orforanyartclesf extraordinary valuenot specially rated inthe published classification or tris nless a special agreement todo so and a stipulatedvalueofthe articles are endorsed on thsbillo lading ‘Sec. 6. Every party, whether principal or agent, wo ships explosives or dangerous goods, without previous full written disclosuretothecarteratheirratwre, shale lable for and indemnity the carter againstallos or damagecausedby such goods, Such goods may be warehoused al ovine’ risk and expense or destroyed withoutcomoensation. See. 7.(a) The consignar a consignee shale liable forthe freight and other lawful charges accruing onthe shipment, as billed or corrected, except that toilet shipments may move without recourse to the consgnor when the consignot s0stipulates by signatureorendorsementinthe space providedonthe face ofthe il fading. Nevertheless, the consignor shall remain ile for transportationcharges where there has been an erronaousdeterm nation of the feignt charges assessed, bbasedupon incompleteorincoroe information providedby the consignor. [by Notwithstanding he provisions of subsection a above, the consignee liability forpaymentof aditonalcrarges that maybe foundtobeduestter Aelveryshallbe as speciiedby 49U.S.C.813706, exceptthat theconsigneeneednot provide the specified writennaticetathedelveringcarierftheconsignee is aforhire [e) Nothing inthis illo Ladingshalimttheightofthecarrorto require the prepayment orguaranteeof thecharges atthe timeof shipmentorpriorto deliver. the descritionof articles or other nformationon ths BilofLadingis found tobeincorectorincomplete te eightchargesmustbepaidbased uponthe articles actully shippe, ‘Sec, 8, lfthi Bl oLadng sissuedon the order ofthe shipper orhis agent, inexchangeor substitution foranotherBillof Laing, the shipper’ signature onthe prior BilofLading or in connection with the rir Bill ofLading as tothe statement of ‘value ar otherwise oras tothe election afcomman lar Bill afLading lability shall bbeconsidoredaparofthisillofLadingasfullyas tho sare were witon on ormade inconnection wit this BilofLading Sec. 9. Mall oranypartof said property carried by waterover any partof ssidroute, such watercarriage shall be performed subjctta the terms and provisions ard imitations of liability specified bythe “Catiage of Goods By Sea Act” anc any othoportinont laws applicabletowatorcarros,

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