May 23

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The Messenger

Dear Sisters & Brothers in Christ, May 23, 2019

This summer is probably the most important sum-
mer in the life of Saron in many years. This summer Worship With Us
your Call Committee will begin interviewing candi-
dates to fill Saron’s need for a regularly called pas-
Sunday Schedule
tor. This is a very exciting time for the congrega-
9:00 am
tion. Praise and Thanksgiving Commun-
While the Call Committee will be busy developing
questions, reviewing candidate profiles, and sched- May 26
uling interviews—they are not the only ones who Acts 16:9-15 Psalm 67, John 14:23-29
should be busy. All of the congregation can be busy Visions abound in the reading for the
with the on-going life of our community of faith. As sixth Sunday of Easter. Paul has a vision
you read this newsletter, there are many ways you about what to do. John has a vision of
are needed to help prepare for welcoming the next what will be. The risen Lord Jesus pro-
pastor to Saron. I’ll list a few: Worship—one of the vides visions of peace that passes hu-
key elements of healthy faith community is a thriv- man understanding and power beyond
ing worship attendance. It is one of the statistics a human imagination.
new candidate will look at first. While summer is a
wonderful time for travel and outings, if you are June 2
home on Sunday come to church. You’ll have a hap- Acts 16:16-34, Psalm 97, John 17:20-26
pier, more meaningful week! Fellowship—our ea-
gerness to gather together indicates we enjoy each It is possible to hear in Jesus’ high
other, we want to know each other, and we want to priestly prayer, a prayer he offered
encourage each other. There are several opportuni- shortly before his death, the petitions of
ties for fellowship this summer, especially in the the ascended Lord for his own through-
month of June, golf and/or lunch June 1 at the Golf out history—to our day—and beyond.
Tournament, Church Picnic on June 9, a Baby Jesus prays for us. In holy baptism we
Shower on June 8 for our musician, Katie Bomer. become believers in God, have our
As the summer unfolds there will be other opportu- robes washed in the flood of Christ’s
nities for fellowship to lift each other up and en- forgiveness, and the gift of life forever
courage us in our life and faith. Giving—it is an un- with all the saints.
happy ‘tradition’ that congregations sometimes
slow in their giving during the summer. This corre-
sponds to a slump in worship attendance. If you are during this important summer:
not going to be in worship because of travel or va- Worship, Fellowship, and Giving.
cation, please bring or mail in your pledge/regular We share the work of this commu-
giving. It causes concern and worry for your broth- nity, so that we can share in the
ers and sisters in Christ, those who serve on council joy of being the people of God to-
and are responsible for paying the bills, when offer- gether.
ings drop during the months of summer.
God’s blessing to each of you as
The Call committee has a check list of things they Saron enters this important sea-
will be busy with this summer. Now you have a son,
check list of ways that you can support Saron Pr.Sheri
Continued prayers for comfort and heal-
ing for Mary Ann Olson, Karen Pearson, Saturday, June 1st is fast approach-
Birger Pearson and Karin Reenstierna, ing. The 14th Annual Saron Lutheran
and the family and friends who mourn. Community Golf Tournament and Lunch-
A New Doctor eon is not an event to miss!

Zachariah Grochau-Wright, Deborah & We have 50 golfers from our community

David’s son, has successfully defended who will play 18 holes of golf for terrific
his thesis and has been awarded a Ph.D. trophies and prizes. We have even upped
in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the Hole In One prize to $10,000!!!
the University of Arizona. Saron is so
proud of you, Zach!
The raffle and silent auction include prizes
such as sporting event tickets, hotel stays,
Housekeeping: a signed Warriors jersey, theater tickets,
food from local eateries, and much
The Church Council voted to have An-
more! (Please bring your checkbook or
drews Roofing repair the roof starting cash for event day purchases.)
this week (weather permitted). The cost
for the repairs are $23,840.00. Also, You may purchase your lunch and raffle
there is a need to trim the trees and this tickets on Sunday or contact Ann to re-
will be done by Green Valley Tree Service serve your spot. Lunch will even include a
dessert table courtesy of the Saron Luther-
for $3,900.00. There was some urgency
an bakers.
to both projects as there was some wa-
ter leakage and branches have fallen Located in Ripon, Jack Tone Golf is a lovely
during the recent storms. Because of 18 hole facility which includes a covered
your generous donations there are funds patio and BBQ pit. Enjoy a beautiful day
to pay for both projects. outdoors with friends, fellowship and fan-
tastic food.
The Council also asks that you “save the
date” of June 9th and plan to come to the This fundraising event has been widely
church picnic. You are asked to bring supported by our community. Please sup-
salads, desserts or any dish of your port this event and our community partici-
pants by attending on June 1st.
choice. The church will provide ham-
burgers, hotdogs, condiments and
See you there!
drinks. Come and worship and stay for
the picnic. Lisa Alessi

Be sure to pick up your prayer rock and

other items about prayer that the Stew-
ardship Ministry Team has provided as a
reminder of the importance of prayer.
Those That Serve

Serving June 2 June 9 June 16 June 23 June 30

Altar Guild K Pendleton S Harrison J Matt T Hair D Grabow
Flowers N Sappenfield C Holck J Ervin-Gade
Greeters A Shaddix J & S Spears D Bookwalter C Shipley J & S Rose
Organist B Dahlin B Dahlin K Bomer K Bomer K Bomer
Usher M Olson M Olson M Olson M Olson M Olson
Lector M Cole C Holck B Sappenfield
Acolyte Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer
Assisting S McGowan C Shipley D Cook J Emery T Hair
Commun- K Pendleton S Harrison J Matt T Hair N Sappenfield
ion M Olson * * * *
Money K Pendleton N Sappenfield D Grabow N Sappenfield
Counters L Spurgeon D Grabow R Scholz B Emery

* Intinction

May 25
Children’s Planning Committee

June 1
14th Annual Golf Tournament 8:00 am
Lunch Tickets $15.00 (Even if you don’t
play golf, join us for lunch.)

June 8
Katie Bomer’s Shower 11:00 am

June 9
Church Picnic
Bring your favorite dish. Hotdogs, Hamburgers,
condiments & drinks provided.

June 13
Witness & Service Ministry Team 9:00 am
Church Council 6:00 pm

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