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English 4

Oral production activity unit 8

Topic: A video Curriculum Vitae

Student: Jean Pierre Torreblanca Martinez

Course: English 4

Link to video:

Hello, my name is Jean Pierre Torreblanca and I am finishing my fourth year of mining
management engineering at the UPC in Lima. I am excited to be in search of a practice
and employment of four or eight months from January 2020. I started to study mining
management engineering with a strong desire to solve problems in a mine and to visit new
places looking for the innovation of mining. My skills that I possess are that I am
punctual, honest, responsible and I look for solutions to any type of problems. Now, I have
not previous experience in a mine. I have only worked in other areas that are not my
career. I have a quiet personality, hardworking, responsible and efficient when resolving
any type of conflict. The reasons why I get the job is that I am very hardworking, very
friendly with others when working as a team, very efficient when I set my goals and
objectives when developing something. My favorite hobbies are playing soccer, listening to
music and walking my puppy. Thank you for watching the video. Goodbye.

This task is due on Sunday, May 26th at 23:59 p.m.

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