PSC 2016 May - 15

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SINCE 1985

PSC Bulletin, Official Publication of Kerala Public Service Commission

Vol. 27 Issue 18 Fortnightly May 15, 2016 Page 32 ` 10

tIcf saUn°¬ FUyqt°j≥ k¿hokkn¬- bqWn-th-gvkn‰n

Aknkv‰‚v s{]m^k¿ C≥ Akn-Âv ]co£
Social Welfare SCHEMES
Hmd¬ B‚v 1000
amIvkntemt^jy¬ k¿Pdn Questions &
Dƒ-s∏sS 31 Xkv-Xn-IIfn¬- hn-Pv-Rm-]\w-

AssU-zkv satΩm-bpsS AWn-bd- b

- n¬ h¿-jm-¥- ]-co-£I - s- f- A-\p-kva - c
- n-∏n-°p-
∂- X-c-Øn¬- ]n.-F-kv.-kn.- ]-co-£-Iƒ-
°m-bp-≈- X-øm-sd-Sp-∏m-bn-cp-∂p- B-Zyw.-
{I-a-{]-hr-≤-am-b- Xn-c-s™-Sp-∏p- \-S-]-Sn-
I-fn¬- `m-K-`m-°m-bn- H-Sp-hn¬- dm-¶v- ]-´n-
I-bn¬- Dƒ-s∏-´X - d- n-™t- ∏mƒ- ap-Xe - p-≈-
- n-\v- ]-cn-ka - m-]vX- n-Ip-dn-°p-∂- A-
dn-bn-∏m-Wv- B- I-h-dn-\p-≈n¬-˛-A-ssUz-
kv- sa-tΩm.- kw-ÿm-\- k¿-°m-cn-s‚- H-
cp- h-Ip-∏n¬- A-s√-¶n¬- k¿-°m¿- D-S-a-
ÿ-X-bn-ep-≈- ÿm-]-\-Øn¬- Xm-≥ C-
—n-®- B- D-tZym-K-Øn-\v- ]-ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-
apPo-_v F. kv- I-Ωn-j-≥ X-s‚- t]-cv- \n¿-t±-in-®p- I-
gn-™p- F-∂p-≈- A-dn-bn-∏v- B-sc-bm-Wv-
AUo-j-W¬ sk{I-´dn-
D-’m-lØ - n-em-°m-ØX - v.- C-\n- G-Xm-\pw-
tIcf ]ªnIv k¿∆okv IΩn-j≥ Zn-h-k-߃-°-Iw- \n-b-a-\- D-Ø-c-hv- e-`n-
°pw- F-∂- {]-Xo-£-bn-em-Wv- Hm-tcm- Zn-
sXm- gn¬- A-t\z-jn-°p-∂- H-cp- D-tZym- \-hpw- I-S-∂p-t]m-Ip-∂-Xv.-
Km¿-∞n-bp-sS- kz-]v-\w- ]q-h-Wn-bp-∂- B- A-ssUz-kv- sa-tΩm- F-∂- Hu-tZym-
Zy- \n-an-jw- G-Xm-bn-cn-°pw-?- tI-c-f- ]- Kn-I- tc-Jb- n¬- H-cp- t]-cv- F-gp-Xn-t®¿-°p-
ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- I-Ωn-j≥ - F-∂- t]-cv- B- ∂-Xn-\v- tI-cf- - ]n.-Fk - v.k
- n.- G¿-s∏-Sp-Øn-
te-J-\w- sN-bv-X- X-hn-´p- \n-d-ap-≈,- A- bn-´p-≈- kw-hn-[m-\n-®n-´p-≈- {I-ao-I-c-W- K-c-ß-fn¬- ta-J-em- B-^o-kp-I-fp-ap-≠v.- ]-Xn-\m-ev- Pn-√-I-fn-epw- Pn-√m-
{X-ta¬- `w-Kn-bp-≈X- √
- m-Ø- H-cp- I-h¿- kz- ß-sf-°p-dn-®v- H-cp- e-Lp-hn-h-c-Ww- \¬- Hm-^o-kp-I-fpw.- Cu- ]-Xn-s\-´v- Hm-^o-kp-I-fn-epw- A-X-Xv- \n-b-a-\m-[n-Im-
¥w- ho-´p-ap-‰-Øv- t]m-Ãv-am-\n¬- \n-∂v- Imw.- I-Ωn-j-\v- A-Xn-s‚- B-ÿm-\w- cn-Iƒ- A-dn-bn-°p-∂- H-gn-hp-I-fn-te-°v- dm-¶v- ]-´n-I-bn¬- \n-∂pw- D-tZym-Km¿-
ssI-∏-‰p-∂- B- \n-an-jw.- A-Xn-\m-bm- ÿn-Xn- sN-øp-∂- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øv- ]- ∞n-I-sf- \n-b-a-\-Øn-\v- \n¿-t±-in-°p-∂n-\v- {]-tXy-Iw- k-÷-am-b- sk-£-
Wv- A-bmƒ- G-Xm-\pw- h¿-j-ß-fm-bn- Im- ´w- Xp-f-kn-°p-∂n-¬- ap-Jy- Hm-^o-kpw,- \p-Iƒ- D-≠v.- B-ÿm-\- Hm-^o-kn¬- A-Xn-\m-bn-am-{X-ap-≈- \m-ev- hn-`m-K-
Øn-cp-∂-Xv.- hn-Zym-`ym-k- Im-e-L-´-sØ- sIm-√w,- F-d-Wm-Ip-fw,- tIm-gn-t°m-Sv- \- (tijw- t]Pv- 2¬)-

Un-∏m¿-´v-sa‚¬- sSkv-‰v- ˛ Pq-sse 2016 hn-Pv-Rm-]\w-

website: E-mail: Circulation : 0471-2546270
(t]Pv 1¬ \n-∂v-) X-am-bmWv {]kvXpX 3% `n∂tijn kwh-cW \nb-a-\-
ß-fm-Wp-≈-sX-¶n¬- a-‰v- Hm-^o-kp-I-fn¬- A-t]-£-Iƒ- ߃ \S-Øp-∂-Xv. CXm-Is´ kmap-Zm-bnI kwh-cW
ssI-Im-cyw- sN-øp-∂- dn-{Iq-´v-sa-‚ v- sk-£-\p-I-fm-Wv- \n- N´-ßf - psS ]cn-[n-bn¬s∏-Sp-∂n-√. AXn-\m¬ Out of turn
b-a-\- \n¿-t±-i- tPm-en-I-fpw- \n¿-h-ln-°p-∂-Xv.- AYhm KS & SSR {]Im-c-ap≈ sdmt´-j\v A\-y-amb
-H-cp- sk-£-≥ Hm-^o-k-dp-sS- t\-Xr-Xz-Øn¬- aq-∂v- A- \nb-a-\-ß-fmWv Ah. 2008 apX¬ 3% `n∂-tijn Hgn-hp-
kn-Â - p-am-cS- ß - p-∂- D-tZym-Kÿ - - kw-La - m-Wv- \n-ba - \ - - \n¿- I- f n- t e- ° p≈ \nb- a - \ - ß ƒIqSn ]ªnIv k¿∆okv
t±-i- tPm-en-Iƒ-°m-bp-≈- sk-£-\n-ep-≈-Xv.- A-kn-Ã- IΩnjs‚ Npa-X-e-bn¬s∏Sp-Ønb tijw {]kvXpX
‚pw- sk-£-≥ Hm-^o-k-dpw- \n-b-am-\p-kr-X- {]-{In-b-I-fn- \nb-a\ - ß - ƒ KS & SSR {]Im-ca - p≈ P\-d¬ dn{Iq-´vsa‚n-
eq-sS- X-øm-dm-°p-∂- A-ssUz-kv- en-Ãn-s‚- Ir-Xy-X- A- s\m-∏am-Wv \-SØ - p-∂X - v. dm¶v ]´n-Ib - n¬ kwh-cW hn`m-
t]cpw- ≠¿- sk-{I-´-dn- ]-cn-tim-[n-®v- B-ÿm-\- Hm-^o-kn¬- tPm- K-߃°p≈ D]-]-´n-I-Iƒ°p-tijw 3% Hgn-hp-I-fn-te°v
t^m-t´m-FSp-Ø Xo-bXn-bpw- bn-‚ v- sk-{I-´-dn-°pw,- ta-J-em-/-Pn-√m- Hm-^o-kp-I-fn¬- Hm- ]cn-K-Wn-t°≠ `n∂-tijn DtZ-ym-Km¿∞n-I-fpsS {]tX-
^o-kv-ta-[m-hn-I-fm-b- ta-J-e,- Pn-√m- Hm-^o-k¿-am¿-°pw- k- yI ]´nI Dƒs∏-´n-cn-°pw. \ne-hnse N´-߃ {]Imcw
H‰ØhW cPn-kvt-{Sj≥- a¿-∏n-°p-∂p.- Hm-tcm- X-eØ
£v-a-]-cn-tim-[-\-°p-ti-j-am-Wv- en-Ãn-\v- Aw-Ko-Im-cw- \¬-
- n-ep-ap-≈- D-tZym-Kÿ - c
- p-sS- kq- Hmtcm 33 ˛m asØ Hgn-hn¬ t\{X kw_-‘n-bmb tIm´w
D≈-h-scbpw (Blind, Low Vision) 66 ˛m asØ Hgn-hn¬
t^m-t´m- kw-_\v-[n-® \n¿-t±i߃- Ip-I.- B-ÿm-\- Hm-^o-kn¬- sk-{I-´-dn- ap-tJ-\- ^-b¬- {ih-Ws - sh-Ie - y- a
- p-≈h- s- cbpw (Hearing Impairment) 99˛m
e-`n-°p-tºmƒ- ]-ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- I-Ωn-j-≥ Aw-Kw- A-s√- asØ Hgn-hn¬ Ne\ sshI-e-yw, skdn-{_¬ ]mƒkn
1.-1.-2012 ap-X¬- {]m-_-ey-Øn-ep-≈- h-¨-˛-ssSw- c-Pn-kv-t{S-j-
≥,- I- Ω o- j - s ‚- Hu- t Zym- K n- I - sh- _ v- s sk- ‰ m- b ¶n¬- sN-b¿-am-≥ B-Wv- A-ssUz-kv- en-Ãv- Aw-Ko-I-cn-°p- tcmKmhÿ (Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy) D≈- hgn- \SØn-btijam-Wv- DtZym-Km¿- ∂-Xv.- F-∂m¬- ta-J-e,- Pn-√m- Hm-^o-kp-I-fn¬- A-Xn-\p-≈- h-sc-bp-amWv \nb-a-\-Øn\v \n¿t±-in-t°-≠-Xv. Cßs\
∞n-Iƒ- hn-hn-[ Xkv-Xn-IIƒ-°m-bn- At]£ ka¿-∏n- Xm¬-°m-en-I- A-[n-Im-cw- A-X-Xv- ta-J-em,- Pn-√m- Hm-^o- s]m-Xp-hn-`mKw DtZ-ym-Km¿∞n-Iƒs°m∏w `n∂-ti-jn-°m-
t°≠Xv.- t^m-t´m- A]vt- em-Uv- sNøp-tºmƒ- ]co-£m¿-XY v- n- k¿-am¿-°v- \¬-In-bn-´p-≠v.- Xp-S¿-∂v- I-Ωn-j-≥ Aw-K-Øn- scbpw IrX-ya - mb ÿm\Øv Dƒs∏-SpØn k¥p-en-Xa - mb
Iƒ- Xm-sg ]dbp-∂ Im-cy-߃- {]tXy-Iw- {i≤n-t°≠Xm-Wv.- s‚- Aw-Ko-Im-cw- t\-S-Ww- F-∂- \n-_-‘-\-bn-t∑¬.- \nba\- ]-´n-I-bmWv tIcf ]ªnIv k¿∆okv IΩn-j≥
1.- t^m-t´m-bn¬- DtZym-Km¿-XvY - n-bp-sS t]cpw- t^m-t´m FSp- A-ssUz-kv- en-Ãn-\v- I-Ωn-j-s‚- Aw-Ko-Im-cw- e-`n-®m¬- Xøm-dm-°p-∂-Xv.
Ø Xo-bXn-bpw- ]Xn-®n-cn-°Ww. ]n-s∂- A-Xv- X-øm-dm-°p-∂X - n-\v- Im-Wn-®- A-tX- ip-jv° - m- kwh-cW hn`m-K-ß-fn¬s∏´ DtZ-ym-Km¿∞n-Iƒ°v
2. - IΩo-j≥- ]p-ds∏Sp-hn-°p-∂ hn-⁄m-]\߃- {]Im- ¥n-tbm-sS- A-ssUz-k-v se-‰¿- (\n-ba - \ - m-[n-Im-cn-°)-v ,- A-ssUz- sacn‰v ASn-ÿm-\-Øn¬ \nban-t°≠ Hgn-hp-I-fnepw
cw- DtZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- At]£ ka¿-∏n-°p-tºmƒ- A]v- kv- sa-tΩm- I-Ωn-js - ‚- sh-_vs - sk-‰n¬- {]-kn-≤s - ∏-Sp-Øp- (Open Competition Turn-OC Turn) ]cn-K-Wn-°-s∏-Sm≥
tem-Uv- sNøp-∂ t^m-t´mbv-°v- 10 h¿-jtØbv-°v- {]m- ∂-Xn-\p-≈- \n-ba - \ - - in-]m¿-in-Xc - p-sS- dm-¶p- \n-e,- \n-ba - \ - - A¿l-X-bp-≠v. kwÿm-\Øv kmap-Zm-bnI kwh-cWw
_ey-ap-≠m-bn-cn-°pw.-- - Nm¿-´v- F-∂n-h- X-øm-dm-°p-Ib - m-bn. H-∏w-Xs - ∂- A-ssUz-kv- A≥]Xp iX-am-\-ambn \nP-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p-≠v. ]ªnIv
3. ]co-£m¿-XvYn-bp-sS ap-Jhpw- tXm-fp-Ifp-sS ap-Iƒ-`m-Khpw- k¿∆okv IΩnj≥ Ch IrX-y-ambn ]men-°p-∂p-≠v.
en-Ãn-s‚- A-Sn-ÿm-\a - m-b- sdm-t´-j≥ - A-Yh - m- \n-ba - \ - - in-
hy-IX v- am-bn- ]Xn-™n-cn-°Ø° hn-[Øn-ep-≈ ]m-ktv- ]m¿-
]m¿-im-{I-aw- c-Pn-Ãd - n¬- ]-I¿-Øp-Ib - pw- sN-øp-∂p.- Cu- \- kmap-Zm-bnI kwh-c-W-Øn¬s∏´ Hgn-hp-I-fn¬ \nb-
´v- sskkn-ep-≈ If¿-/ªm-°v- & ssh‰v- t^m-t´m-bm-bn-cn-
°Ww.- S-]S- n-Iƒ- ]q¿-Øn-bm-Ip-∂- ap-db - v° - v- A-ssUz-kv- se-‰¿- c- a-\-Øn\v AtX kwh-cW hn`mK-Øn¬ \n∂p≈ DtZ-ym-
4. -shfp-ØtXm- Cfw- \n-dØn-tem- D≈ ]iv-Nm-ØeØn¬- Pn-tÃ-Uv- X-]m-en¬- \n-ba - \ - m-[n-Im-cn-°v- A-b® - p- sIm-Sp-°p- Km¿∞nsb dm¶v ]´n-I-bn¬ e`-y-a-√msX hcp-tºmƒ (No
Cfw- \n-dØn-ep-≈ hkv-{Xw- [cn-®v- FSp-Ø t^m-t´m-bm- ∂p.- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-°p-≈- sa-tΩm- Hm¿-Un-\d - n- t]m-Ãv- candidate available-NCA F∂ ÿnXn)Hgnhv {]kvXpX
bn-cn-°Ww.- B-bm-Wv- A-b° - p-I.- a-‰p- hn-hc - ß - ƒ- sh-_vs - sk-‰n¬- {]- kwh-cW hn`m-K-Øn¬ \n∂p≈h¿°mbn hn⁄m-]\w
5.- ap-Jw- t\scbpw- ]q¿-Æam-bpw- t^m-t´m-bp-sS a≤y-`m-KØv- kn-≤s - ∏-Sp-Øp-∂t- Xm-sS- ]n.-Fk - v.k - n.- °p- dn-t∏m¿-´v- sN-bv- sNbvXv {]tX-yI sXc-s™-Sp∏p \S-Øp-hm≥ kwh-cW
]Xn-™n-cn-°Ww.- X- H-gn-hn-t∑-ep-≈- \-S] - S- n-Iƒ- ]q¿-Øn-bm-sb-∂p- ]-db - mw.- N´w \njvI¿jn-°p-∂p. c≠p Xh-W-sb-¶nepw hn⁄m-
6.- IÆp-Iƒ- hy-IvX - am-bn- Im-WØ° hn-[Øn-em-bn-cn-°Ww.- A-ssUz-kv- \-S-]-Sn-Iƒ- ]q¿-Øn-bm-b- ti-jw- ssh-Im- ]\w sNbvXv Xnc-s™-Sp∏v \S-]-Sn-Iƒ \S-tØ-≠-Xm-Wv.
7.- A]v-tem-Uv- sNøp-∂ t^m-t´m-Iƒ- 200 ]n-Iv-sk¬- h x 150 sX- A-Xv- a-s‰m-cp- D-tZym-K-ÿ- kw-L-Øn-s‚- ]-cn-tim-[- CXn-\mWv N CA Vacancy, NCA Notification, NCA
]n-Iv-sk¬- w D≈Xpw- JPG t^m¿-am-‰n-ep-≈Xpw- 30 KB \-bv-°v- hn-t[-b-am-°p-∂p.- B-ÿm-\- Hm-^o-kv- tI-{µo-Ic - n- Recruitment, NCA Ranked List Fs∂√mw ]d-bp-∂-Xv.
^b¬ sskkn¬- A[n-Icn-°m-ØXp-am-bn-cn-°Ww.- ®p-≈- C-≥kvs - ]-£≥ - hn-`m-Kw- ]-Xn-s\-´v- Hm-^o-kp-If - n¬- \nba\ in]m¿im \S-]-Sn-I-fn¬ G‰hpw {][m\w,
8.- k¨-•m-kv,- sXm-∏n- F∂n-h [cn-®v- FSp-ØXpw- ap-JØn- \n-∂p-≈- \n-ba - \ - - in-]m¿-i- \-S] - S- n-If - p-sS- k-ºq¿-Æt- c-J- Hgn-hp-If - n-te°v dm¶p-]´- n-Ib - n¬ \n∂pw {Iam-\p-kr-Xa - mbn
s≥-d Hcp- hiw- am-{Xw- Im-WØ°hn-[ap-≈Xpw- ap-Jw- hy-
I-fpw- \n-jvI - r-jvS- a - m-bn- ]-cn-tim-[n-°p-Ib - pw- G-sX-¶n-epw- DtZ-ym-Km¿∞nsb Is≠-ØpI F∂-Xm-Wv. \qdv Hgn-hp-
Iv-Xa√m-ØXp-am-b t^m-t´m-Iƒ- kzo-Im-cy-a√.
9.- ""aXm-Nm-cØn-s≥-d `m-Kam-bn- sXm-∏n-/in-tcm-hkv-{Xw- [cn- X-cØ - n-se- A-]m-IX - I - ƒ- I-s≠-Øn-bm¬- A-h- Xn-cp-Øp- I-fn-te°v AYhm \qdv Dug-ß-fn-te°v sadn‰v˛kwh-cW
®v- FSp-Ø t^m-t´m- a‰v- \n¿-t±ißf\p-kcn-®m-sW¶n¬- ∂-Xn-\p-≈- \n-ba - \ - p-kr-X- \n¿-t±-iß - ƒ- I-Ωn-js - ‚- A-\p- ÿm\-߃ \n›-bn-®p≈ Hcp ]´nI KS & SSR ¬
kzo-Im-cy-am-Wv.- a-Xn-tbm-sS- ]p-ds - ∏-Sp-hn-°p-Ib - pw- sN-øp-∂p. Cu- \n¿-t±-i- \¬In-bn-´p-≠v. Rotation Chart F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂- Du-g-ß-
߃- \-S∏ - m-°n-bp-≈- a-dp-]S- n- dn-t∏m¿-´v- C-≥kvs - ]-£\ - v- k- fp-sS- ]-´n-I-bm-Wv- \n-b-a-\- in-]m¿-im-{I-a-Øn-s‚- A-®p-X-
a¿-∏n-°p-hm-≥ _-‘s - ∏-´- D-tZym-Kÿ - ¿- _m-[y-ÿc - m-Wv.- ≠v.- sdm-t´-j-≥ Nm¿-´pw- dm-¶v- ]-´n-I-bpw- H-∂-√- F-∂-Xv-
kw-ÿm-\- k¿-°m¿- D-tZym-Kß - f - n-te-°p-≈- \n-ba - \ - ß - - F-Sp-Øp-]d - t- b-≠X - n-√.- sdm-t´-j≥ - Nm¿-´n-se- H-∂p- ap-X¬-
hcn°mcpsS {i≤bv°v sf- B-Ia - m-\w- \n-b{- ¥n-°p-∂X - v- 1958 se- tI-cf - - tÃ-‰v- B- \q-dp-h-sc- Du-g-߃- H-cp- X-c-Øn¬- H-gn-hp-I-sf- {]-Xn-\n-
‚ v- k-t_m¿-Un-t\-‰v- k¿-ho-kv- N-´ß - ƒ - (KS & SSR F-∂v- [m-\w- sN-øp-∂p- F-∂v- ]-d-bmw.- X-kv-Xn-I-bn-te-°v- B-Zy-
82424 hscbp≈ hcn°mcpsS Imemh[n sabv- 15 Np-cp-°t- ∏-cv)- - B-Wv.- k¿-°m¿- h-Ip-∏p-Iƒ-°p-]p-dt- a- k¿- am-bn- {]-kn-≤o-I-cn-°p-∂- dm-¶v- ]-´n-I-bn¬- \n-∂pw- 1 OC
e-°tØmsSbmWv Ahkm\n°p∂Xv °m¿- A-[o-\X - b - n-ep-≈- s]m-Xp-ta-Je - m- ÿm-]\ - ß - f - n-se F-∂- sa-dn-‰v- tS-Wn¬- B-Wv- sdm-t´-j-≥ B-cw-`n-°p-I.- F-
hcnkwJy ˛ $ 200 (Public Sector Undertakings) bpw- ]-ªn-Iv- k¿-ho-kv- I-Ωn- ∂m¬- C-tX- X-kv-Xn-I-bn-te-°v- ap-ºv- dm-¶v- ]-´n-I- {]-kn-≤-
j-≥,- A-Uz-t°-‰v- P-\d - ¬- Hm-^o-kv- Xp-Sß - n-b- `-cW - L - S- \ - m- s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p-s≠-¶n¬- G-‰-hpw- H-Sp-hn-e-sØ- \n-b-a-\- in-
aWn-tbm¿U-dmbn Abt°≠ hnemkw: ÿm-]\ - ß - f - n-te-bpw,- k¿-°m-cn-\v- Io-gn¬- X-s∂-bm-sW-¶n- ]m¿-i- {I-a-Øn-s‚- (tdm-t´-j-s‚-)- Xp-S¿-®-bm-bm-Wv- ]p-Xn-
]ªn-Iv- dn-tej≥-kv- Hm-^o-k¿,- epw- kz- b w- ` - c - W m- [ n- I m- c - a p- ≈ - ÿm- ] - \ - ß - f n- t e- b p- w b- dm-¶v- ]-´n-I-bn¬- \n-∂pw- sdm-t´-j-≥ B-cw-`n-°p-I.- D-
tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-ho-kv- IΩnj≥,- (Autonomous Institutions) \n-ba - \ - ß - f - n¬- C-≥Uy-≥ `-c- Zm-l-c-Ww- 48H.-F-Iv-kv-˛¬- A-h-km-\n-®- ap-≥ tdm-t´-j-s‚-
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_m-[I - a - m-Wv.- sI.-Fk - v.- &- F-kv.F - k - v.B - ¿- s‚- c-≠mw- `m- X-bv-°v- A-\p-k-cn-®v- sdm-t´-j-≥ Du-g-ß-fn-te-°v- dm-¶v- ]-
h-cn-°m¿- _p-≈-‰n-≥ kw-_-‘n-®v- I-sØ-gp-Xp-tºm-gpw-
K-am-b- s]m-Xp- N-´-ß-fn-se (General Rules) 14 apX¬ 17 ´n-I-bn¬- \n-∂pw- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-sf- {]-Xn-jv-Tn-°p-∂-Xv- a-
t^m-¨- sN-øp-tºm-gpw- _p-≈-‰n-\n-s‚- te-_-en-ep-≈- hsc N´-ß-fmWv kwh-cW N´ß-sf∂v (Reservation s‰m-cp- k-µ¿-`-Øn¬- hn-i-Zo-I-cn-°mw.-
k-_v-kv-ss{I-_¿- \-º¿- Ir-Xy-am-bn- kq-Nn-∏n-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.- Rules) A-dn-bs - ∏-Sp-∂X - v.- Cu- N-´ß - ƒ- b-Ym-hn-[n- \-S∏ - n- hn-hn-[- co-Xn-bn-ep-≈- sX-cs - ™-Sp-∏p-If - p-am-bn- _-‘-
em-°p-∂X - n-\v- ]-cym-]vX - a - m-b- \-S] - S- n- \n¿-t±-iß - ƒ- ]-ªn-Iv- s∏-´v- A-ssUz-kv- sa-tΩm- X-øm-dm-°p-∂-Xn-s‚- cq-]- tc-J-
]{Xm[n]kanXn k¿-∆o-kv- I-Ωn-j≥ - Im-em-Im-eß - f - n¬- ]p-ds - ∏-Sp-hn-®p- h- am-{X-am-Wv- C-hn-sS- \¬-In-b-Xv.- ]-ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- I-Ωn-
cp-∂p.- A-Xn-\m¬- X-s∂- kw-hc - W - - am-\Z- W - vU - ß - ƒ- ]m-en- j-≥ Hm-^o-kp-Iƒ- H-cp- D¬-∏m-Z-\-im-e-bm-bn- I-cp-Xm-sa-
{io.- Atim-I≥- Ncp-hn¬ ˛ sNb¿-am≥ ®p-≈- \n-ba - \ - - {]-{In-b° - n-Sb - n¬- Nn-et- ∏m-sg-¶n-epw- ]p-Xp- ¶n¬- A-h-bn-se- ap-Jy- D¬-∏-∂-am-Wv- A-ssUz-kv- sa-tΩm-
saº¿-, tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩo-j≥ Xm-bn- B-hn¿-`h - n-°p-∂- k-ak - y-Iƒ- A-Sn-ÿm-\- \n-ba - ß - ƒ- F-∂v- B-e-¶m-cn-I-am-bn- hn-ti-jn-∏n-°mw. Z-im-_v-Z-ß-fp-
tUm.- sI Dj °v- A-\p-cq-]a - m-bn- ]-cn-lc - n-°p-∂X - n-\v- tI-cf - - ]-ªn-Iv- k¿- sS- {]-h¿-Ø-\- ]m-c-º-cy-ap-≈- I-Ωn-j-s‚- tk-h-\-ß-fp-
saº¿,- tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩo-j≥ ∆o-kv- I-Ωn-js - \-t∏m-se- {]m-]vX - n-bp-≈- a-s‰m-cp- dn-{Iq-´nw-Kv- sS- ap-Jy-]-¶pw- ku-P-\y-am-I-bm¬- hy-h-km-b- im-e-tbm-
{io.- ]n- in-hZm-k≥- ÿm-]\ - w- C-s√-∂v- \-ap-°v- A-`n-am-\n-°mw.- Sp-≈- D-]a - b- n¬- hm-Wn-Py- Xm¬-]c - y-ßf- p-sS- sa-sºm-Sn- tN-
saº¿,- tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩo-j≥ \tS ]cm-a¿in-® kmap-Zm-bnI kwh-c-W-Øn\v ]pdta cp-∂n-√- F-∂-Xv- Im-Wm-Xn-cn-°-cp-Xv. I-Ωn-j-s‚- {]-h¿-Ø-
{io-aXn.- kn-an- tdm-kv-s_¬- tPm¨- t\cn-´p≈ \nb-a-\-߃°p≈ (Direct Recruitment) Hgn- \-an-I-hn¬- B-[p-\n-I- hn-h-c- km-t¶-Xn-I- hn-Zy-bp-sS- ]-¶v-
saº¿, tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩo-j≥ hp-If - psS aq∂p iX-am\w `n∂-ti-jn-°m¿°v (Differently sN-dp-X-√.- \n-b-a-\-in-]m¿-im- \-S-]-Sn-I-fp-sS- Ir-Xy-X-bpw-
AUz.- C cho-{µ\m-Y≥- Abled) kw-h-c-Ww- sN-bv-Xn-cn-°p-∂p.- `n-∂-ti-jn-°m¿- K-Xn-th-Kh - pw- h¿-≤n-∏n-°p-∂X - n-\m-bn- \n-ba - \
- i- n-]m¿-im-{I-
saº¿,- tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩo-j≥ °v- A-\p-tbm-Py-am-bn- \n-›-bn-°-s∏-´- X-kv-Xn-I-I-fn-se- H- aw- (sdm-t´-j-≥)- X-øm-dm-°p-∂-Xn-\v- I-ºyq-´¿- kw-hn-[m-\-
gn-hp-I-fn-em-Wv- \n-e-hn¬- kw-h-c-Ww- _m-[-I-am-°n-bn-´p-≈- ߃- Iq-Sn- G¿-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-Xn-\p-≈- {]-h¿-Ø-\-߃-°v-
Xv.- 1995 se- Persons with Disabilities (Equal Xp-S-°w- Ip-dn-®n-´p-≠v.- A-Xn-s‚- ]q¿-Øo-I-c-W-tØm-sS-
]ªnIv dntej≥kv Hm^ok¿ opportunities,Protection of Rights and Full Participation) sXm-gn¬- A-t\z-j-I-cp-sS- kz-]v-\-߃- ]q-h-Wn-bp-∂- lr-
t^m¨ : 0471 2546368 OR 9446412483 Act F∂ tI{µ \nb-a-Øn\v A\p-kr-X-ambn kwÿm\ Zy-am-b- B- \n-an-j-߃- Iq-Sp-X¬- th-K-Øn¬- B-K-X-am-
k¿°ptej≥ (]n.B¿.bqWn‰v): 0471 2546270 k¿°m¿ 2000 ¬ Bhn-jvI-cn-®n-´p≈ N´-߃°-\p-kr- Ipw- F-∂v- {]-Xym-in-°mw.-

2 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2016 sabv- 15

hn-hn-[- X-kX
v- n-II
- f- n¬- \n-ba- \
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sXmgn¬ Ahkc߃
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- p-≈- {]-kv-Xp-X- hn-Pv-Rm-]-\-ß-fp-sS- kw-£n-]v-X- cq-]w- Np-h-sS- tN¿-°p-∂p.- DtZym- I-h¿-§- hn-`m-K-Øn¬-s∏-´-h¿-°v- 5 h¿-j-hpw- h-sc- D-b¿-∂- {]m-b-]-cn-[n-
h-cn¬-\n-∂pw- A-t]-£- £-Wn-®p-sIm-≠p-≈- hn-PR v- m-]\
- ߃- 12˛05˛-2016 Xo- Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- C-tXm-sSm-∏w- K-k-‰pw- t\m-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.- P-\-d¬- dn-{Iq-´v-sa-‚ n- bn¬- C-f-hv- A-\p-h-Zn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- h-b- n-f-hn-s\- kw-_-‘n-®- Iq-Sp-X¬- hn-
b-Xn-bn-se- tI-c-f- k¿-°m¿- A-km-[m-c-W- K-k-‰n¬- - {]-kn-≤o-I-cn-®n-´p-≠v.- \v- ]n-∂m-°- k-ap-Zm-b-ß-fn¬-s∏-´-h¿-°v- aq-∂p- h¿-j-hpw- ]-´n-I-Pm-Xn-/-]-´n- h-cß- ƒ-°-v K-k¡ - n-ep-≈- s]m-Xp-hy-hÿ
- I
- ƒ- t\m-°p-I.

Akm[mcW Kk‰v XobXn: 12˛-05˛-2016 Ahkm\ XobXn: 15˛06˛2016 cm-{Xn- 12 aWn hsc
DtZym-Km¿-∞n-Ifp-sS {i≤bv°
- -v
At]£ ka¿∏n°p∂ coXn: DtZymKm¿∞nIƒ tIcf ]ªnIv k¿∆okv IΩnjs‚ HutZymKnI sh_vssk‰mb hgn 'H‰ØhW cPnkvt{Sj≥' {]Imcw cPnÿ
sNbvXtijamWv At]£nt°≠Xv. cPnÿ sNbvXn´pff DtZymKm¿∞nIƒ AhcpsS User Id bpw Pass word Dw D]tbmKn®v Login sNbvX tijw kz¥w Profile eqsS At]£nt°≠XmWv.
Hmtcm XkvXnIbv°v At]£n°ptºmgpw {]kvXpX XkvXnItbmsSm∏w ImWp∂ Notification Link se 'Apply Now' ¬ am{Xw click sNtø≠XmWv. A]v-tem-Uv- sNøp∂ t^mt´m 31/12/2010
t\m- AXn\p-tijtam FSpØXmbncn°Ww. t^mt´mbpsS Xmsg DtZymKm¿-∞nbpsS t]cpw, t^mt´m FSpØ XobXnbpw hy‡ambn tcJs∏SpØnbncn°Ww. \n›nX am\Zfi߃
]men®psIm≠v A]v-tem-Uv- sNbvX t^mt´mbv°v A]v-tem-Uv- sNbvX XobXn apX¬ 10 h¿-j°metØbv°v {]m_eyap≠mbncn°pw. t^mt´m kw_‘n® a‰v \n_‘\Iƒ-
s°m∂pw Xs∂ am‰an√.- At]£ ^okv \¬tI≠Xn√. Bhiysa¶n¬ cPnkvt{Sj≥ Im¿Uv Link click sNbvXv Profile se hniZmwi߃ ImWp∂Xn\pw {]n≥dv Hu´v FSpØv kq£n°phm\pw
Ignbpw. Pass word clkyambn kq£nt°≠Xpw hy‡nKX hnhc߃ icnbmsW∂v Dd∏p-hcptØ≠Xpw DtZymKm¿∞nbpsS NpaXebmWv. Hmtcm XkvXnIbv°v At]£n°p∂Xn\v ap≥]pw
Xs‚ Profile ¬ Dƒs°m≈n®ncn°p∂ hnhc߃ icnbmsW∂v DtZymKm¿∞n Dd∏v hcptØ≠XmWv. IΩoj\pambp≈ F√m IØnS]mSpIfnepw User ID {]tXyIw tcJs∏SptØ≠XmWv.
IΩoj\p apºmsI Hcn°¬ ka¿∏n®n´p≈ At]£ tkm]m[nIambn kzoIcn°s∏Sp∂XmWv. BbXn\p tijw At]£bn¬ am‰w hcpØphmt\m Hgnhm°phmt\m IgnbpIbn√. Xncs™Sp∏v
{]{InbbpsS GXhkcØnembmepw ka¿∏n°s∏´ At]£Iƒ hn⁄m]\ hyhÿIƒ°v hncp≤ambn ImWp∂ ]£w \ncp]m[nIambn \nckn°p∂XmWv. hnZym`ymk tbmKyX, ]cnNbw,
PmXn, hb v apXembh sXfnbn°p∂Xn\p≈ {]amWßfpsS ]I¿∏pIƒ IΩoj≥ Bhiys∏Sptºmƒ lmPcm°nbm¬ aXnbmIpw.

Xm-sg ]dbp-∂ Xkv-XnIIfn-te°p-≈ sX-c-s™-Sp-∏n-\v- F-gp-Øp-]-co-£/HFw-B¿- ]co-£- \-S-Øp-∂-]-£w- A¿-l-X-s∏-´- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-°p-

≈- A-Uv-an-j-≥ Sn-°-‰v- Hm-¨-sse-≥ kw-hn-[m-\-Øn¬- I-Ωo-j-s≥d- Hu-tZym-Kn-I- sh-_v-ssk-‰n-eq-sS- \¬-Ip-∂-Xpw,- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- A-Xv- \n¿-t±-im-
\p-k-c-Ww- Uu-¨-tem-Uv- sN-bv-Xv- {]n-≥dv- F-Sp-t°-≠-Xp-am-Ip-∂p.-

H‰ØhW cPn-kv-t{Sj≥- \SØn-bn-´n-√m-Ø DtZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- H‰ØhW cPn-kv-t{Sj≥- ]q¿-Øn-bm-°n-bXn-\v- tijhpw- \n-ehn¬- cPn-kv-‰¿-
sNbv-Xn-´p-≈ DtZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- Ahcp-sS s{]m-ss^en-eq-sSbpw- Hm¨-sse\m-bn- IΩo-js‚ sh_v-ssk‰n-eq-sS At]£ ka¿-∏n-t°≠Xm-Wv.-
\-d¬- hn-`m-Kw- (]m¿-´v- 1)- skm-ssk-‰n- hn-`m-Kw- (]m¿-´-v I) F- tbmKyXIƒ: BCA/am-Ø-am-‰n-Iv-kv-/-tIm-ta-gv-kv-/-^n-kn-Iv-kv-
∂n-h-bv-°v- 1:-1 F-∂- A-\p-]m-X-Øn¬- hn-`-Pn-®-t∏mƒ- P-\-d¬-
P\d¬ dn{Iq´vsa‚v (kw-ÿm-\ Xew)- hn-`m-K-Øn-\p- am-{X-am-bn- e-`n-®n-´p-≈-Xp-am-Ip-∂p.- H-gn-hp-I-fn-
/-Ãm-‰n-Ãn-Iv-kv- F-∂n-h-bn-te-sX-¶n-epw- hn-j-b-Øn-ep-f-f- _n-
- pw- I-ºyq-´¿- B-πn-t°-j≥ - /-Iº
- yq-´¿- k-b≥
- kv/- s
- S-Ivt- \m-
se- B-Zy- Du-gw- P-\d - ¬- hn-`m-KØ- n-\p-≈X - m-bn-cn-°pw.- Sn- ÿm- f-Pn-bn-ep-f-f- Un-tπm-a-bpw-/-MCA
Im‰Kdn \º¿: 83/2016 ]-\-Øn¬-\n-∂pw- C-\n-bpw- F-gp-Xn- A-dn-bn-°-s∏-Sp-∂- H-gn- Ipdn∏v :Rule 10(a)(ii) of Part II, KS&SSR Cu sXcs™Sp∏n\v
hp-Iƒ.- 1:-1 F-∂- A-\p-]m-X-Øn¬- ta¬- hn-`-P-\-Øn-\v- Xp-S¿-
eIvNd¿ t{KUv. Idqd¬ C≥Ukv{Sokv ®-bm-bn- hn-`-Pn-®v- P-\-d¬- Im-‰-K-dn-bn¬- \n-∂pw- skm-ssk-‰n-
11. s]mXp hyhÿIfnse 2˛-mw JfinIbnse V ,VIII ,IX, X,
{KmahnIk\w Im-‰-K-dn-bn¬- \n-∂pw- \n-I-Øp-∂-Xm-Wv.- skm-ssk-‰n- hn-`m- XI ,XII ,XIII F∂o D]JfinIIfpw 7˛mw JfinIbpw ta¬-
K-Øn-\m-bn- am-‰n- h-bv-°-s∏-Sp-∂- H-gn-hp-Iƒ- ]m¿-´v- II B-bn- ∏d™ DtZymKØn\v _m[Ia√.
]p\:hn⁄m]\w {]-tXy-I- hn-⁄m-]-\w- ]p-d-s∏-Sp-hn-®v- \n-I-Øp-∂-Xm-Wv.- sI.-
Cu- hn-⁄m-]-\w- 2015 G-{]n¬- am-kw- 29˛mw- Xo-b-Xn- Im-‰- F-kv- B-‚ v- F-kv.-F-kv.-B¿- se- P-\-d¬- dqƒ-kv- 14 ap-X¬-
K-dn- \-º¿- 73/-2015 B-bn- \-S-Øn-b- hn-⁄m-]-\-{]-Im-cw- tbm- 17h-sc-bp-f-f- kw-h-c-W- hy-h-ÿ-Iƒ- ]m-en-®m-bn-cn-°pw- c-≠p- Im‰Kdn \º¿: 85/2016
Ky-cm-b- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-sf- e-`n-°m-sX-h-∂-Xn-\m¬- ho-≠pw- en-Ãn-epw- \n-∂p-ap-f-f- \n-b-a-\-߃.- Pq\nb¿ knÃwkv Hm^ok¿
]p-d-s∏-Sp-hn-°p-∂p.- 5. \nba\coXn : t\cn´pff \nba\w.
1 hIp∏v : {KmahnIk\w 6. {]mbw : 18˛-40 D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- 02/-01/-1976 tIcf tIm-Hm∏td‰ohv an¬°v am¿°‰nwKv
2 DtZymKt∏cv : eIvNd¿ t{KUv.I - \pw- 01/-01/-1998 \p-an-S-bn¬- P-\n-®-h-cm-bn-cn-°-Ww.- (c-≠p- Xo- s^Utdj≥ enan‰Uv
hn`mKw II (skmssk‰n Im‰Kdn)
dqd¬ C≥Ukv{Sokv b-Xn-I-fpw- Dƒ-s∏-sS-)- a-‰p- ]n-t∂m-°- hn-`m-K-Øn¬-s∏-´-h¿-
3 iºfw : ` 19,240-˛34,500/-˛ °pw,- ]-´n-I-Pm-Xn-/-]-´n-I-h¿-§- hn-`m-K-Øn-ep-≈-h¿-°pw- \n-b-
4 HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : 2 (c≠v) am-\p-kr-Xw- A-\p-h-Z-\o-b-am-b- h-b- n-f-hv- e-`n-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- 1 ÿm]\w : tIcf tIm - Hm∏td‰ohv an¬°v
5 \nba\coXn : hy-h-km-b- h-Ip-∏n-se- A-kn-Ã-‚ v- (hb nfhns\ kw_‘n® a‰p hyhÿIƒ°v ]m¿´v II am¿°‰nwKv s^Utdj≥
Un-kv-{Sn-Iv-‰v- C-≥U-kv-{So-kv- Hm-^o-k¿-am-cn¬-\n-∂pw- X-kv- ˛se s]mXphyhÿIfnse 2-˛mw JfinI t\m°pI.) enan‰Uv
Xn-I-am-‰w- h-gn.- Ip-dn-∏v-:-˛- bm-sXm-cp- Im-c-W-h-im-epw- D-b¿-∂- {]m-b-]-cn-[n- 2 DtZymKt∏cv : Pq\nb¿ knÃwkv Hm^ok¿
6 {]mbw- : 01.01.2016\v 45 hb v Ihnbm≥ 50 (A-º-Xv-)- h-b- v- I-hn-bm-≥ ]m-Sn-√- F-∂- hy-h-ÿ-bv-°v- 3 iºfw : ` 18810 ˛ -37970/-˛
]mSn√. hn-t[-b-am-bn- D-b¿-∂- {]m-b-]-cn-[n-bn¬- A-\p-h-Zn-®n-´p-≈- {]- 4 HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : 1 (H∂v)
7.tbmKyXIƒ : B¿-Sv-kn-tem- k-b-≥kn-tem- D-≈- tXy-I- B-\p-Iq-ey-߃-°v- Cu- hn-P-Rm-]-\-Øn-s‚- ]m¿-´v-˛- Ipdn∏v 1) Cu- H-gn-hv- C-t∏mƒ- \n-e-hn-ep-≈-Xpw,- tI-c-f- tIm-
_m-®n-e¿- _n-cp-Zw- A-s√-¶n¬- am-t\-Pv-sa-‚ n-ep-≈- Un-{Kn-/-am- II se- s]m-Xp- hy-h-ÿ-Iƒ- (J-fin-I- 2)- t\m-°p-I.- 09.-03.- Hm-∏-td-‰o-hv- an¬-°v- am¿-°-‰nw-Kv- s^-U-td-j-≥ en-an-‰-Un¬-
tÃ-gv-kv- _n-cp-Zw- A-s√-¶n¬- _n.-sS-Iv.- Un-{Kn.- 1998˛-se- k¿-°m¿- D-Ø-c-hv- (]n-)- \-º¿- 41/-98˛¬- ]-d-bp-∂- \n-∂pw- Pq-\n-b¿- kn-Ãw-kv- Hm-^o-k¿- X-kv-Xn-I-bv-°v- F-gp-
Ipdn∏v : 1. KS & SSR, Part II Rule 10(a) ii _m[IamWv. 29 (C-cp-]-Øn-sbm-≥]-Xv-)- k-l-I-c-W- ÿm-]-\-ß-fn¬- Fw- Xn- A-dn-bn-°-s∏-´n-´p-≈- c-≠v- (2)- H-gn-hp-I-fn¬- P-\-d¬- Im-‰-
2. D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- X-ßf - p-sS- k¿-ho-kv- sX-fn-bn-°p-∂X - n- tπm-bv-sa-‚ v- F-Iv-kv-tN-©v- ap-tJ-\- Xm¬-°m-en-I-am-bn- (s{]m- K-dn- (P-\-d¬- Hm-∏-¨- am¿-°-‰v- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-°m-bp-≈-
\m-bn- I-Ωo-j≥ - B-hi- y-s∏-Sp-∂- k-ab - Ø
- v- sl-Uv- Hm-^v- Hm- hn-j-W¬-)- \n-b-a-\w- e-`n-®n-´p-≈-h¿-°v- (k¿-∆o-kn¬- Xp-S-cp- Im-‰-K-dn-),- skm-ssk-‰n- Im-‰-K-dn- (tI-c-f- tIm- Hm-∏-td-‰o-hv-
^o-kv/- h
- I
- p-∏n¬- \n-∂pw- Xm-sg- sIm-Sp-Øn-´p-≈- am-Xr-Ib - n¬- ∂-h-tcm- ]n-cn-®p-hn-S-s∏-´n-´p-≈-h-tcm- B-bn-´p-≈-h¿)- H-cp- h¿- an¬-°v- am¿-°-‰nw-Kv- s^-U-td-j-≥ en-an-‰-Un¬- A-^n-en-tb-‰v-
t\-Sn-b- k¿-ho-kv- k¿-´n-^n-°‰ - v- lm-Pc
- m-t°-≠X- m-Wv.- j-Øn¬- Ip-d-bm-sX- k¿-∆o-kv- D-≈- ]-£w- X-ß-fp-sS- k¿- sN-bv-Xn-´p-≈- sa-º¿- skm-ssk-‰n-I-fn-se- Po-h-\-°m¿-°m-bp-
k¿-∆o-kv- k¿-´n^n-°‰n-s‚ am-Xr-Ibv-°v- sh_v-ssk‰n-se ∆o-kn-s‚- ssZ¿-Ly-tØm-fw- D-b¿-∂- {]m-b- ]-cn-[n-bn¬- C-f- f-f- Im-‰-K-dn-)- hn-`m-K-߃-°v- 1:-1 F-∂- A-\p-]m-X-Øn¬- B-
hn-Pv-Rm-]\w- Im-Wp-I.- ( hv- \¬-Ip-∂-Xm-Wv.- F-∂m¬- {]m-b-]-cn-[n-bn-ep-≈- Cu- C-f- Zy- Du-gw- P-\-d¬- Im-‰-K-dn- hn-`m-K-Øn-\v- F-∂- {I-a-Øn¬- hn-
hv- ]-c-am-h-[n- A-©p- h¿-j-°m-e-tØ-bv-°p- am-{X-ta- e-`n-°p- `-Pn-®-t∏mƒ- skm-ssk-‰n- Im-‰-K-dn- hn-`m-K-Øn-\v- am-{X-am-bn-
Im‰Kdn \º¿: 84/2016 I-bp-≈p.- H-cn-°¬- ÿn-c-am-b- A-Sn-ÿm-\-Øn¬- (sd-Kp-e¿- e-`n-®n-´p-f-f-Xm-Ip-∂p.- Cu- X-kv-Xn-I-bv-°v- C-\n-bpw- F-gp-Xn-
Pq\nb¿ knÃwkv Hm^ok¿ t_-kn-kv-)- \n-b-a-\w- e-`n-®p- I-gn-™m¬- Cu- B-\p-Iq-eyw- a- A-dn-bn-°-s∏-Sp-∂- H-gn-hp-Iƒ- 1:-1 F-∂- A-\p-]m-X-Øn¬- ta¬-
t‰-sX-¶n-epw- X-kv-Xn-I-bn-te-bv-°p-≈- \n-b-a-\-Øn-\v- \¬-Ip- hn-`-P-\-Øn-\v- Xp-S¿-®-bm-bn- hn-`-Pn-®v- P-\-d¬- Im-‰-K-dn-bn¬-
tIcf tIm-Hm∏td‰ohv an¬°v am¿°‰nwKv ∂-X-√.- Cu- B-\p-Iq-eyw- e-`n-t°-≠-h¿- B- hn-h-cw- A-t]- \n-∂pw- (]m¿-´v- I-)- skm-ssk-‰n- Im-‰-K-dn-bn-≥ \n-∂pw- (]m¿-´v-
s^Utdj≥ enan‰Uv £-bn-se- \n¿-±n-j-S- tIm-f-Øn¬- Im-Wn-®n-cn-t°-≠-Xpw- _- II-)- \n-I-Øp-∂-Xm-Wv.- H-gn-hp-I-fn-se- B-Zy- Du-gw- \n-b-am-\p-
‘-s∏-´- k-l-I-c-W- ÿm-]-\-ß-fn-se- h-Ip-∏v-/-Hm-^o-kv- ta- kr-X-am-bn- P-\-d¬- Im-‰-K-dn- hn-`m-K-Øn-\p-≈-Xm-Wv.-
]m¿´v ˛ 1 (P\d¬- Im‰Kdn) [m-hn-bn¬- \n-t∂m- \n-b-a-\m-[n-Im-cn-bn¬- \n-t∂m- Xm¬-°m- 5 \nba\ coXn : tI-c-f- tIm- Hm-∏-td-‰o-hv- an¬-°v-
1. ÿm]\w : tIcf tIm-Hm∏td‰ohv an¬°v en-I- \n-b-a-\-Øn-en-cp-∂- X-kv-Xn-I-bp-sS- t]-cv,- i-º-f- \n-c- am¿-°-‰nw-Kv- s^-U-td-j-≥ en-an-‰-Un¬- A-^n-en-tb-‰v- sN-bv-
am¿°‰nwKv s^Utdj≥ °v,- h-Ip-∏v-/-ÿm-]-\w,- tPm-en-bn¬- {]-th-in-®- Xo-b-Xn,- ]n-cn- Xn-´p-≈- sa-º¿- skm-ssk-‰n-I-fn¬- ÿn-c-am-bn- tPm-en- sN-
enan‰Uv ®p-hn-S-s∏-´- Xo-b-Xn- ap-X-em-b- hn-i-Z-hn-h-c-߃- hy-‡-am-°p- bv-Xp-h-cp-∂-h-cpw- \n-›n-X- tbm-Ky-X-bp-≈-h-cp-am-b- Po-h-\-°m-
2. DtZymKt∏cv : Pq\nb¿ knÃwkv Hm^ok¿ ∂- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v- (A- ¬)- I-Ωo-j-≥ B-h-iy-s∏-Sp-∂- k-a- cn¬- \n-∂pw- t\-cn-´p-≈- \n-b-a-\w.-
3. iºfw : ` 18810˛-37970/-˛ b-Øv- lm-P-cm-t°-≠-Xp-am-Wv.- {]-kv-Xp-X- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰n¬- A- 6 {]mbw : 18-˛50. DtZymKm¿∞nIƒ 02.01.1966
4. HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : 1 (H∂v) t]-£-I-≥ k-l-I-c-W- ÿm-]-\-Øn-se- d-Kp-e¿- k¿-∆o-kn-e- \pw 01.01.1998 \panSbn¬ P\n®hcmbncn°Ww. (c≠p
Ipdn∏v: 1) Cu- H-gn-hv- C-t∏mƒ- \n-e-hn-ep-f-f-Xpw- Cu- X-kv-Xn- √- tPm-en- t\m-°n-bn-cp-∂-sX-∂v- tc-J-s∏-Sp-tØ-≠-Xm-Wv.- A- XobXnIfpw Dƒs∏sS)
I-bv-°v- tI-c-f- tIm-Hm-∏-td-‰o-hv- an¬-°v- am¿-°-‰nw-Kv- s^-U- {]-Im-cw- lm-P-cm-°-s∏-Sp-∂- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v- (A- ¬-)- D-tZym- 7 tbmKyXIƒ : 1) A-t]-£-I-\v-/-A-t]-£-I-bv-°v-
td-j-≥ en-an-‰-Un¬- \n-∂pw- A-dn-bn-®- c-≠v- (2)- H-gn-hp-Iƒ- P- Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-°v- a-S-°n-s°m-Sp-°p-∂-X-√.- tI-c-f- tIm- Hm-∏-td-‰o-hv- an¬-°v- am¿-°-‰nw-Kv- s^-U-td-j-≥

2016 sabv- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 3

Akm[mcW Kk‰v XobXn: 12˛-05˛-2016 Ahkm\ XobXn: 15˛06˛2016 cm-{Xn- 12 aWn hsc
en-an-‰-Un¬- A-^n-en-tb-‰v- sN-bv-Xn-´p-≈- sa-º¿- skm-ssk-‰n- (i)Aw-Ko-Ir-X- k¿-h-I-em-im-e-bn¬- \n-∂pw- t\-Sn-b- _n.-Un.- 5 \nba\ coXn : t\cn´p≈ \nba\w
I-fn¬- G-sX-¶n-epw- X-kv-Xn-I-bn¬- aq-∂v- (3)- h¿-j-sØ- d-Kp- F-kv- _n-cp-Zw- 6 {]mbw : 24˛-41;- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- 02.-01.-
e¿- k¿-∆o-kv- D-≠m-bn-cn-°p-I-bpw- A-Ø-c-°m¿- A-t]-£- Xo- (ii)kw-kv-Ym-\- sU-‚¬- Iu-¨-kn-en-ep-≈- kv-Yn-cw- c-Pn-kv- 1975˛-\pw- 01.-01.-1992\pw- C-S-bn¬- P-\n-®-h¿- B-bn-cn-°-Ww.- (c-
b-Xn-bn-epw- \n-b-a-\- Xo-b-Xn-bn-epw- sa-º¿- skm-ssk-‰n- k¿- t{S-j-≥ ≠v- Xo-b-Xn-I-fpw- Dƒ-s∏-sS-)- a-‰p- ]n-∂m-°w,- ]-´n-I-Pm-Xn,- ]-
∆o-kn¬- Xp-S-cp-∂-h-cp-am-bn-cn-°-Ww.- (iii)lu-kv- k¿-P-\m-tbm- sU-‚¬- k¿-P-\m-tbm- B-ip-]-{Xn- ´n-I-h¿-§- hn-`m-K-ß-fn-ep-≈-h¿-°pw- \n-b-am-\p-kr-X- C-f-hp-
2) BCA/-am-Øa - m-‰n-Ivk
- v/- t- Im-ta-gvk
- v/- ^
- n-kn-Ivk- v/- Ã
- m-‰n-Ãn-Ivk
- v- bn¬- \n-∂pw- t\-Sn-b- B-dp-am-k-sØ- ]-cn-N-bw.- ≠m-bn-cn-°pw.- (h-b- n-f-hn-s\- kw-_-‘n-®- C-X-c- hy-h-kv-Y-
F-∂n-h-bn-te-sX-¶n-epw- hn-j-b-Øn-ep-f-f- _n-cp-Z-hpw- I-ºyq- Ipdn∏v:˛(i) KS & SSR ÉÞVGí II_æÜ ùâZ 10 (a) ii _m[IamWv. Iƒ-°v- s]m-Xp-hy-h-kv-Y-I-fn-se- c-≠mw- J-fin-I- t\m-°p-I-
´¿- B-πn-t°-j-≥/-I-ºyq-´¿- k-b-≥kv-/-sS-Iv-t\m-f-Pn-bn-ep-f-f- (ii)Hcp saUn°¬ Iu¨knent‚bpw XmXv ° menI )-
Un-tπm-a-bpw-/-MCA cPnkvt{Sj≥ ]cnKWn°p∂X√. 7 tbmKyXIƒ : Aknkv‰‚ v s{]m^k¿
Ipdn∏v : 1) Rule 10(a)(ii) of Part II, KS&SSR Cu sXcs™Sp∏n\v (iii)e-IvN
- d
- ¿- X-kvX
- n-Ib
- p-sS- 3%- H-gn-hp-Iƒ- tem-t°m-˛t- am-t´m¿- (i) sU-‚¬- Iu-¨-kn¬- Hm-^v- C-≥Uy-bp-sS- Aw-Ko-Im-c-ap-
_m[IamWv. Un-k-_n-en-‰n-/-sk-dn-{_¬- ]mƒ-kn- hn-`m-K-Øn¬-s∏-´- `n-∂- ≈- G-sX-¶n-ep-sam-cp- Aw-Ko-Ir-X- k¿-h-I-em-im-e-bn¬- \n-
Ipdn∏v : 2) P-\-d¬- Hm-∏-¨-am¿-°-‰v- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-fp-sS- ti-jn-bp-≈- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-°m-bn- kw-h-c-Ww- sN-ø-s∏- ∂pw- Hm-d¬- B-‚ v- am-Ik v- n-tem-t^-jy¬- k¿-Pd - n- hn-jb
- Ø
- n¬-
bpw- sa-º¿- skm-ssk-‰n- Po-h-\-°m-cp-sS-bpw- dm-¶v- en-Ãp-I- ´n-cn-°p-∂p.- (G.O.(P) No. 61/2012/SWD dated 17.10.2012). t\-Sn-b- _n-cp-Zm-\-¥-c- _n-cp-Zw- (Fw.-Un.-F-kv- C-≥ Hm-d¬-
fn¬- \n-∂pw- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-sf- H-∂n-S-hn-´v- bm-Ym-{I-aw- \n-b- B-‚ v- am-Iv-kn-tem-t^-jy¬- k¿-P-dn-)-
a-\-ip-]m¿-i- \-S-Øp-∂-Xpw- B-Zy- \n-b-a-\- ip-]m¿-i- P-\-d¬- (ii) kw-kv-Ym-\- sU-‚¬- Iu-¨-kn-en-ep-≈- kv-Yn-cw- c-Pn-kv-
Hm-∏-¨- am¿-°-‰n¬-s∏-´- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-°v- \¬-Ip-∂-Xm- Im‰Kdn \º¿: 87/2016 t{S-j-≥
Wv.- K-h-¨-sa-‚ v- h-Ip-∏p-I-fn-se-bpw- s]m-Xp- ta-J-em- ÿm-]- Aknkv‰‚v s{]m^k¿ C≥ I¨k¿th‰ohv (iii) aq∂v h¿jsØ A≤ym]\ ]cnNbw.
\-ß-fn-te-bpw- H-gn-hp-I-fn-te-bv-°v- I-Ωo-j-≥ \n-b-a-\- ip-]m¿- Ipdn∏v: 1.-sd-kn-U-≥kn- t{]m-{Km-an-eq-sS- _n-cp-Zm-\-¥-c- _n-
i- \-S-Øp-∂-Xp-t]m-se- sdm-t´-j-≥ Xp-S¿-®-bm-bn-´p-≈-Xm-bn- sU‚nkv{Sn cp-Zw- t\-Sn-b- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-fp-sS- ]-T-\-Im-e-b-f-hv- A-kn-
cn-°pw- sa-º¿- skm-ssk-‰n-I-fn-se- Po-h-\-°m¿-°p-th-≠n- X- tIcf saUn°¬ FUyqt°j≥ k¿hokkv kv-‰-‚ v- s{]m-^-k¿- X-kv-Xn-I-bp-sS- \n-b-a-\-Øn-\m-bp-≈- A-
øm-dm-°p-∂- dm-¶v- en-Ãn¬- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-fp-sS- Ip-d-hp-≠m- 1 hIp∏v : tIcf saUn°¬ ≤ym-]-\- ]-cn-N-b-am-bn- I-W-°m-°-s∏-Sp-∂-Xm-Wv.- sd-kn-U-
bm¬- B- H-gn-hp-Iƒ- Hm-∏-¨- am¿-°-‰v- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-fp-sS- FUyqt°j≥ k¿hokv ≥kn- t{]m-{Kmw- C-√m-sX- _n-cp-Zm-\-¥-c- _n-cp-Zw- t\-Sn-b- D-
dm-¶v- en-Ãn¬- \n-∂pw- \n-I-Øp-∂-Xm-Wv.- A-ß-s\- \n-I-Ø- 2 DtZymKt∏cv : Aknkv‰‚ v s{]m^k¿ C≥ tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- X-߃- ]-Tn-®n-cp-∂- tIm-tf-Pn-se- {]n-≥kn-
s∏-Sp-∂- H-gn-hp-Iƒ- ]n-∂o-Sv- skm-ssk-‰n- hn-`m-K-Øn-\v- Xn-cn- I¨k¿th‰ohv sU‚nkv{Sn ∏-en¬- \n-∂v- A-≤ym-]-\-/-¢n-\n-°¬- ]-cn-N-bw- X-߃-°v- _n-
sI- e-`n-°p-∂-X-√.- sI.-F-kv- &- F-kv.-F-kv.-B¿- se- P-\-d¬- 3 iºfw : `15600 ˛39100/˛ cp-Zm-\-¥-c- _n-cp-Z- ]-T-\-Im-e-b-f-hn¬- e-`n-®n-´p-s≠-∂- k¿-´n-
dqƒ-kv- 14˛17 {]-Im-c-ap-≈- kw-h-c-W- hy-h-ÿ-Iƒ- ]m-en-®m- 4. HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : 3 (aq∂v) ^n-°-‰v- lm-P-cm-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.-
bn-cn-°pw- c-≠p- en-Ãn-epw- \n-∂p-ap-≈- \n-b-a-\-߃.- 5 \nba\ coXn : t\cn´p≈ \nba\w 2. KS & SSR ÉÞVGí II_æÜ ùâZ 10 (a) ii _m[IamWv.
3)- Cu- X-kv-Xn-I-bn-te-°v- A-t]-£n-°p-∂- sa-º¿- skm-ssk- 6 {]mbw : 24˛41; D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- 02.-01.-1975˛- ta¬-∏-d-™n-´p-≈- tbm-Ky-X-bp-≈-h-cp-sS- A-`m-h-Øn¬- A-Sn-
‰n-I-fn¬- \n-∂p-≈- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- A-t]-£- k-a¿-∏n-°p- \pw- 01.-01.-1992-\pw- C-Sb - n¬- P-\n-®h - ¿- B-bn-cn-°W - w.- (c-≠v- Xo- kv-Ym-\- _n-cp-Zw- (_n.-Un.-F-kv-)- tbm-Ky-X-bp-≈- D-tZym-Km¿-
∂-Xn-\p-≈- A¿-lX - - sX-fn-bn-°p-∂X - n-\m-bn- k¿-∆o-kn-s\- kw- b-Xn-If - pw- Dƒ-s∏-sS-)- a-‰p- ]n-∂m-°w,- ]-´n-IP - m-Xn,- ]-´n-Ih - ¿-§- ∞n-I-sf- `8,000_13,500/_ iº-f- \n-c-°n¬- e-Iv-N-d¿- X-kv-Xn-
_-‘n-°p-∂- hn-i-Z-hn-h-c-߃- tc-J-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p-≈- k¿-∆o- hn-`m-Kß - f - n-ep-≈h - ¿-°pw- \n-ba - m-\p-kr-X- C-fh - p-≠m-bn-cn-°pw.- I-bv-°v- ]-cn-K-Wn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.-
kv- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v- k-l-I-c-W- h-Ip-∏n-se- A-kn-Ã-‚ v- c-Pn-kv- (h-b  - n-fh - n-s\- kw-_‘ - n-®- C-Xc - - hy-hk - vY- I- ƒ-°v- s]m-Xp- (i) Aw-Ko-Ir-X- k¿-h-I-em-im-e-bn¬-\n-∂pw- t\-Sn-b- _n.-Un.-
{Sm¿- (P-\-d¬-)-¬- \n-∂p- hm-ßn- kq-£n-t°-≠-Xpw- I-Ωo-j-≥ hy-hk - vY - I- f - n-se- c-≠mw- J-fin-I- t\m-°p-I)- - F-kv- _n-cp-Zw-
B-h-iy-s∏-Sp-∂- k-a-b-Øv- lm-P-cm-t°-≠-Xp-am-Wv.- k¿-∆o-kv- 7 tbmKyXIƒ : Aknkv‰‚ v s{]m^k¿ (ii) kw-kv-Ym-\- sU-‚¬- Iu-¨-kn-en-ep-≈- kv-Yn-cw- c-Pn-kv-
k¿-´n-^n-°-‰n¬- Xm-sg-∏-d-bp-∂- hn-h-c-߃- D-≠m-bn-cn-t°-≠- (i)sU-‚¬- Iu-¨-kn¬- Hm-^v- C-≥Uy-bp-sS- Aw-Ko-Im-c-ap- t{S-j-≥
Xm-Wv.- ≈- G-sX-¶n-ep-sam-cp- Aw-Ko-Ir-X- k¿-h-I-em-im-e-bn¬- \n- (iii)lu-kv- k¿-P-\m-tbm- sU-‚¬- k¿-P-\m-tbm- B-ip-]-{Xn-
k¿-∆o-kv- k¿-´n^n-°‰n-s‚ am-Xr-Ibv-°v- sh_v-ssk‰n-se ∂pw- I-¨-k¿-th-‰o-hv- sU-‚ n-kv-{Sn- hn-j-b-Øn¬- t\-Sn-b- _n- bn¬- \n-∂pw- t\-Sn-b- B-dp-am-k-sØ- ]-cn-N-bw-.-
hn-Pv-Rm-]\w- Im-Wp-I.- ( cp-Zm-\-¥-c- _n-cp-Zw- (Fw.-Un.-F-kv- C-≥ I-¨-k¿-th-‰o-hv- sU- Ipdn∏v:˛(i) KS & SSR ÉÞVGí II_æÜ ùâZ 10 (a) ii _m[IamWv.
11 s]mXp hyhÿIfnse 2--˛mw- JfinIbnse V, VIII, IX, X, ‚n-kv-{Sn)- (ii)H-cp- sa-Un-°¬- Iu-¨-kn-en-t‚-bpw- Xm-Xv-°m-en-I- c-Pn-kv-
XI, XII, XIII F∂o D]JfinIIfpw 7˛- m w JfinIbpw (ii) kw-kv-Ym-\- sU-‚¬- Iu-¨-kn-en-ep-≈- kv-Yn-cw- c-Pn-kv- t{S-j-≥ ]-cn-K-Wn-°p-∂-X-√.-
ta¬∏d™ DtZymKØn\v _m[Ia√. t{S-j-≥ (iii)e-IvN- d
- ¿- X-kvX- n-Ib
- p-sS- 3%- H-gn-hp-Iƒ- tem-t°m-˛t- am-t´m¿-
(iii)aq∂v h¿jsØ A≤ym]\ ]cnNbw. Un-k-_n-en-‰n-/-sk-dn-{_¬- ]mƒ-kn- hn-`m-K-Øn¬-s∏-´- `n-∂-
Ipdn∏v:sd-kn-U-≥kn- t{]m-{Km-an-eq-sS- _n-cp-Zm-\-¥-c- _n-cp- ti-jn-bp-≈- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-°m-bn- kw-h-c-Ww- sN-ø-s∏-
Im‰Kdn \º¿: 86/2016 Zw- t\-Sn-b- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-fp-sS- ]-T-\-Im-e-b-f-hv- A-kn-kv-‰- ´n-cn-°-p∂p. (G.O.(P) No. 61/2012/SWD dated 17.10.2012).
Aknkv‰‚v s{]m^k¿ C≥ ‚ v- s{]m-^-k¿- X-kv-Xn-I-bp-sS- \n-b-a-\-Øn-\m-bp-≈- A-≤ym-
Hm¿tØmtUm¨SnIvkv ]-\- ]-cn-N-b-am-bn- I-W-°m-°-s∏-Sp-∂-Xm-Wv.- sd-kn-U-≥kn- Im‰Kdn \º¿: 89/2016
t{]m-{Kmw- C-√m-sX- _n-cp-Zm-\-¥-c- _n-cp-Zw- t\-Sn-b- D-tZym-Km¿-
tIcf saUn°¬ FUyqt°j≥ k¿hokkv ∞n-Iƒ- X-߃- ]-Tn-®n-cp-∂- tIm-tf-Pn-se- {]n-≥kn-∏-en¬- \n- Pq\nb¿ sSIv\n°¬ Hm^ok¿ (knhn¬)
1 hIp∏v : tIcf saUn°¬ ∂v- A-≤ym-]-\-/-¢n-\n-°¬- ]-cn-N-bw- X-߃-°v- _n-cp-Zm-\-¥- tIcf ^n\m≥jy¬ tIm¿∏tdj≥
FUyqt°j≥ k¿hokkv c- _n-cp-Z- ]-T-\-Im-e-b-f-hn¬- e-`n-®n-´p-s≠-∂- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v-
1 hIp∏v : tIcf ^n\m≥jy¬
2 DtZymKt∏cv : Aknkv‰‚ v s{]m^k¿ C≥ lm-P-cm-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.- tIm¿∏tdj≥
Hm¿tØmtUm¨SnIvkv Ipdn∏v: KS & SSR ÉÞVGí II_æÜ ùâZ 10 (a) ii _m[IamWv. 2 DtZymKt∏cv : Pq\nb¿ sSIv\n°¬
3 iºfw : `15600 ˛ 39100 + `7000 AGP ta¬-∏d - ™- n-´p-≈- tbm-Ky-Xb - p-≈h - c
- p-sS- A-`m-hØ - n¬- A-Sn- Hm^ok¿ (knhn¬)
4. HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : 2 (c≠v) kvY - m-\- _n-cp-Zw- (_n.-Un.-Fk - v)- - tbm-Ky-Xb - p-≈- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n- 3 iºfw : ` 6000˛-11430/-˛
5 \nba\ coXn : t\cn´p≈ \nba\w I-sf- bp.-Pn.-kn.- am-\Z- fi - ß
- ƒ- A-\p-kc - n-®n-´p-≈- i-ºf - - \n-c- 4 HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : 1 (H∂v)
6 {]mbw : 24˛41; D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- 02.-01.-1975˛- °n¬- e-IvN - d- ¿- X-kvX - n-Ib- v°
- v- ]-cn-KW - n-°p-∂X - m-Wv.- 5 \nba\coXn : t\cn´p≈ \nba\w
\pw- 01.-01.-1992I-\pw- C-S-bn¬- P-\n-®-h¿- B-bn-cn-°-Ww.- (c-≠v- (i) Aw-Ko-Ir-X- k¿-h-I-em-im-e-bn¬-\n-∂pw- t\-Sn-b- _n.-Un.- 6 {]mbw : 18-˛36
Xo-b-Xn-I-fpw- Dƒ-s∏-sS-)- a-‰p- ]n-∂m-°w,- ]-´n-I-Pm-Xn,- ]-´n-I- F-kv- _n-cp-Zw- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- 02.-01.-1980\pw- 01.-01.-1998\pw- C-S-bn¬- P-\n-
h¿-§- hn-`m-K-ß-fn-ep-≈-h¿-°pw- \n-b-am-\p-kr-X- C-f-hp-≠m- (ii) kw-kv-Ym-\- sU-‚¬- Iu-¨-kn-en-ep-≈- kv-Yn-cw- c-Pn-kv- ®-h-cm-bn-cn-°-Ww.- (c-≠v- Xo-b-Xn-I-fpw- Dƒ-s∏-sS-).- ]-´n-I-Pm-
bn-cn-°pw.- (h-b- n-f-hn-s\- kw-_-‘n-®- C-X-c- hy-h-kv-Y-Iƒ- t{S-j-≥ Xn-/-]-´n-I-h¿-§-/-a-‰p- ]n-t∂m-°- hn-`m-K-°m¿-°v- A¿-l-am-b- C-
°v- s]m-Xp- hy-h-kv-Y-I-fn-se- c-≠mw- J-fin-I- t\m-°p-I-)- (iii) lu-kv- k¿-P-\m-tbm- sU-‚¬- k¿-P-\m-tbm- B-ip-]-{Xn- f-h-\p-h-Zn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.-
7 tbmKyXIƒ : Aknkv‰‚ v s{]m^k¿ bn¬- \n-∂pw- t\-Sn-b- B-dp-am-k-sØ- ]-cn-N-bw.- Ipdn∏v:- {]-kv-Xp-X- ÿm-]-\-Øn¬- s{]m-hn-j-W-em-bn- tPm-
(i) sU-‚¬- Iu-¨k - n¬- Hm-^v- C-≥Uy-bp-sS- Aw-Ko-Im-ca - p-≈- Ipdn∏v:˛(i) KS & SSR ÉÞVGí II_æÜ ùâZ 10 (a) ii _m[IamWv. en- t\m-°n-bn-´p-f-f-h¿- B-Zy-sØ- s{]m-hn-j-W¬- \n-b-a-\-
G-sX-¶n-ep-sam-cp- Aw-Ko-Ir-X- k¿-hI - e
- m-im-eb
- n¬- \n-∂pw- Hm¿- (ii)H-cp- sa-Un-°¬- Iu-¨-kn-en-t‚-bpw- Xm-Xv-°m-en-I- c-Pn-kv- Im-e-Øv- \n-›n-X- {]m-b-]-cn-[n- I-gn-™n-cp-∂n-s√-¶n¬- A-h-
tØm-tUm-¨S- n-Ivk - v hn-jb- Ø- n¬- t\-Sn-b- _n-cp-Zm-\¥ - c
- - _n- t{S-j-≥ ]-cn-K-Wn-°p-∂-X-√-. cp-sS- s{]m-hn-j-W¬- k¿-∆o-kn-s‚- ssZ¿-Ly-tØm-fw- D-b¿-
cp-Zw- (Fw.-Un.-Fk - v- C-≥ Hm¿-tØm-tUm-¨S- n-Ivk - v)- - (iii) e-Iv-N-d¿- X-kv-Xn-I-bp-sS- 3%- H-gn-hp-Iƒ- tem-t°m-˛-tam- ∂- {]m-b-]-cn-[n-bn¬- C-f-hv- A-\p-h-Zn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- F-∂m¬-
(ii)kw-kv-Ym-\- sU-‚¬- Iu-¨-kn-en-ep-≈- kv-Yn-cw- c-Pn-kv-t{S- t´m¿- Un-k-_n-en-‰n-/-sk-dn-{_¬- ]mƒ-kn- hn-`m-K-Øn¬-s∏-´- ]-c-am-h-[n- A-©p- h¿-j-°m-ew- am-{X-ta- Cu- B-\p-Iq-eyw- e-
j-≥ `n-∂-ti-jn-bp-≈- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-°m-bn- kw-h-c-Ww- sN- `n-°p-I-bp-f-fq.- Sn- ÿm-]-\-Øn¬- d-Kp-e¿- D-tZym-Kw- h-ln-°p-
(iii) aq∂v h¿jsØ A≤ym]\ ]cnNbw. ø-s∏-´n-cn-°p-∂p-. (G.O.(P) No. 61/2012/SWD dated 17.10.2012). ∂-h¿-°v- ho-≠pw- a-s‰m-cp- \n-b-a-\-Øn-\v- Cu- B-\p-Iq-eyw-
Ipdn∏v: sd-kn-U-≥kn- t{]m-{Km-an-eq-sS- _n-cp-Zm-\-¥-c- _n-cp- e-`n-°p-∂-X-√.- s{]m-hn-j-W¬- k¿-ho-kp-f-f-h¿- k¿-∆o-kn-
Zw- t\-Sn-b- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-fp-sS- ]-T-\ -Im-e-b-f-hv- A-kn-kv-‰- s‚- ssZ¿-Lyw- Im-Wn-°p-∂- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v- hm-ßn- ssI-h-
‚ v- s{]m-^-k¿- X-kv-Xn-I-bp-sS- \n-b-a-\-Øn-\m-bp-≈- A-≤ym- Im‰Kdn \º¿: 88/2016 iw- kq-£n-t°-≠-Xpw- I-Ωo-j-≥ B-h-iy-s∏-Sp-tºmƒ- lm-P-
]-\- ]-cn-N-b-am-bn- I-W-°m-°-s∏-Sp-∂-Xm-Wv.- sd-kn-U-≥kn- Aknkv‰‚v s{]m^k¿ C≥ Hmd¬ B‚v cm-t°-≠-Xp-am-Wv.- A-h¿- d-Kp-e¿- k¿-∆o-kn-e-√- tPm-en- t\m-
t{]m-{Kmw- C-√m-sX- _n-cp-Zm-\-¥-c- _n-cp-Zw- t\-Sn-b- D-tZym-Km¿- °n-bn-cp-∂s - X-∂v- k¿-´n-^n-°‰ - n¬- {]-tXy-Iw- ]-d™
- n-cn-°W
- w.-
∞n-Iƒ- X-߃- ]-Tn-®n-cp-∂- tIm-tf-Pn-se- {]n-≥kn-∏-en¬- \n- amIvkntemt^jy¬ k¿Pdn (h-b- n-f-hn-s\- kw-_-‘n-®- a-‰p- hy-h-ÿ-Iƒ-°v- Cu- hn-
∂v- A-≤ym-]-\-/-¢n-\n-°¬- ]-cn-N-bw- X-߃-°v- _n-cp-Zm-\-¥- tIcf saUn°¬ FUyqt°j≥ k¿hokkv ⁄m-]-\-Øn¬ ]m¿-´v- 2(i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (xii)¬ sImSpØncn
c- _n-cp-Z- ]-T-\-Im-e-b-f-hn¬- e-`n-®n-´p-s≠-∂- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v- 1 hIp∏v : tIcf saUn°¬ °p∂ s]mXphyhÿIƒ t\m°pI)
lm-P-cm-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.- FUyqt°j≥ k¿hokv 7 tbmKyXIƒ :
Ipdn∏v: KS & SSR ÉÞVGí II_æÜ ùâZ 10 (a) ii _m[IamWv. 2 DtZymKt∏cv : Aknkv‰‚ v s{]m^k¿ C≥ 1. _‘s∏´ hnjbØnepff F©n\obdnwKv _ncpZw
ta¬-∏-d-™n-´p-≈- tbm-Ky-X-bp-≈-h-cp-sS- A-`m-h-Øn¬- A-Sn- Hmd¬ B‚ v 2.H-cp- C-≥U-kv-{Sn-b¬- I-¨-kƒ-´-≥kn- Hm¿-K-ss\-tk-j-\n-
kv-Ym-\- _n-cp-Zw- (_n.-Un.-F-kv-)- tbm-Ky-X-bp-≈- D-tZym-Km¿- amIvkntemt^jy¬ k¿Pdn tem,- H-cp- C-≥U-kv-{Sn-b¬- I-º-\n-bn-tem- c-≠v- h¿-j-Øn¬-
∞n- I - s f- ` 8,000 _ 13,500/ _ iºf \nc°n¬ eIv N d¿ 3 iºfw : `15,600˛39,100/˛ + `7,000/˛ AGP Ip-d-bm-Ø- ]-cn-N-bw- D-f-f-h¿-°v- ap-≥K-W-\- \¬-Ip-∂-Xm-Wv.-
XkvXnIbv°v ]cnKWn°p∂XmWv. 4. HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : 2 (c≠vv) (]-cn-N-bw- Cu- X-kv-Xn-I-bv-°p-f-f- \n-›n-X- tbm-Ky-X- t\-Sn-b-
Xn-\p-ti-jw- e-`n-®-Xm-bn-cn-°-Ww-).-

4 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2016 sabv- 15

Akm[mcW Kk‰v XobXn: 12˛-05˛-2016 Ahkm\ XobXn: 15˛06˛2016 cm-{Xn- 12 aWn hsc
Ipdn∏v: sI.Fkv & Fkv.Fkv.B¿ ]m¿´v II dqƒ 10 F ii 3. iºfw : ` 8,960 ˛ 14,260/- ˛ Ibv - ° v - sh_v - s sk‰n- s e hn- P v - R m- ] \w- Im- W p- I .-
_m[IamWv. 4 HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : Pn√mSnÿm\Øn¬ (
D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- sXm-gn¬- ]-cn-Nb - w- sX-fn-bn-°p-∂X - n-\v- lm- Xncph\¥]pcw - 01 (H∂v) Ipdn∏v:- (i) tPm-en- sN-bv-Xn-cp-∂- X-kv-Xn-I-bp-sS- t]-cv- A-s√-
P-cm-t°-≠- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v- Xm-sg- sIm-Sp-Øn-cn-°p-∂- am-Xr-I- Be∏pg -01 (H∂v) ¶n¬- tPm-en-bp-sS- kz-`m-hw- A-Xm-b-Xv- Im-jz¬- sXm-gn-em-fn-
bn¬- B-bn-cn-°-Ww.- tIm´bw -01 (H∂v) A-s√-¶n¬- i-º-f-tØm-Sp- Iq-Sn-tbm- A-√m-sX-tbm- D-≈- A-
]cn-Nb k¿-´n-^n-°‰v,- km-£y-]{Xw- F∂n-hbp-sS am-Xr- tImgnt°mSv- 02 (c≠v) {]-‚o-kv- A-s√-¶n¬- ÿn-c-tam- Xm¬-°m-en-I-tam- B-b- sXm-
Ibv - ° v - sh_v - s sk‰n- s e hn- P v - R m- ] \w- Im- W p- I .- 5. \nba\ coXn : t\cn´p≈ \nba\w. gn-em-fn- C-h-bn-te-Xm-tWm- A-Xv- kq-Nn-∏n-®n-cn-°-Ww.-
( 6. {]mbw : 18˛-36.- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- 02.-01.-1980 (ii) F-√m- ]-cn-N-b- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰p-I-fpw- k¿-°m-cn-s‚- _-‘-
Iqdn∏v :- ]-cn-N-b- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v- k¿-°m-cn-s‚- _-‘-s∏-´- \n- \pw- 01.-01.-1998\pw- C-S-bn¬- P-\n-®-h-cm-bn-cn-°-Ww.- (c-≠p- Xo- s∏-´- \n-b-{¥-Wm-[n-Im-cn-/t- a-e[ - n-Im-cn-sb-s°m-≠v- km-£y-s∏-
b-{¥-Wm-[n-Im-cn-/t- a-e[ - n-Im-cn-sb-s°m-≠v- km-£y-s∏-Sp-tØ- b-Xn-I-fpw- Dƒ-s∏-sS-).- a-‰p- ]n-t∂m-°- hn-`m-K-Øn¬-s∏-´-h¿- Sp-tØ-≠X - m-Wv.- k¿-´n-^n-°‰- p-If- p-sS- k-Xym-hÿ
- - ]-cn-tim-
≠-Xm-Wv.- ]-cn-Nb - - k¿-´n-^n-°‰ - p-If - p-sS- k-Xym-hÿ - - ]-cn-tim- °pw,- ]-´n-I-Pm-Xn-/-]-´n-I-h¿-§- hn-`m-K-Øn-ep-≈-h¿-°pw- \n-b- [-\b - v°
- v- hn-t[-ba - m-°p-∂X
- pw- hym-P- k¿-´n-^n-°‰ - p-Iƒ- \¬-
[-\b- v°
- v- hn-t[-ba - m-°p-∂X - pw- hym-P- k¿-´n-^n-°‰ - p-Iƒ- \¬- am-\p-kr-X- h-b- n-f-hp-≠m-bn-cn-°pw.- Ip-∂h - c- p-tS-bpw- lm-P-cm-°p-∂- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-fp-sS-bpw- t]-
Ip-∂h - c- p-tS-bpw- lm-Pc - m-°p-∂- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-If - p-sS-bpw- t]- Ipdn∏v:- bm-sXm-cp- Im-c-W-h-im-epw- D-b¿-∂- {]m-b-]-cn-[n- 50 cn¬- \n-b-am-\p-kr-X-am-b- \-S-]-Sn-Iƒ- kzo-I-cn-°p-∂-Xp-am-Wv.-
cn¬- \n-ba - m-\p-kr-Xa - m-b- \-S] - S- n-Iƒ- kzo-Ic - n-°p-∂X - p-am-Wv.- (A-≥]-Xv-)- h-b- v- I-hn-bm-≥ ]m-Sn-√- F-∂- hy-h-ÿ-bv-°v- hn-
(a) s]mXphyhÿIfnse 2-˛mw JfinIIfnse V, VIII, IX, t[-b-am-bn- D-b¿-∂- {]m-b-]-cn-[n-bn¬- A-\p-h-Zn-®n-´p-≈- {]-
X, XI, XIII F∂o D]JfinIIfpw 5, 5(a), 6, 7 F∂o tXy-I- B-\p-Iq-ey-߃-°v- Cu- hn-⁄m-]-\-Øn-s‚- ]m¿-´v- II
kvs]jy¬ dn{Iq´vsa‚v (kwÿm\Xew)-
JfinIIfpw ta¬∏d™ DtZymKØn\v _m[Ia√. se s]mXp hyhÿIƒ (JfinI 2) t\m°pI.
(IqSpX¬ hnhc߃°v ]m¿´v 2¬ sImSpØncn°p∂ 7. tbmKyXIƒ :- Im‰Kdn \º¿:93/2016
s]mXp hyhÿIƒ t\m°pI) (F) s]mXp-hn-Zym-`ym-k- tbm-Ky-X-:- G-gmw- ¢m-t m- X-Øp-
ey-am-b- a-t‰-sX-¶n-epw- ]-co-£-tbm- ]m- m-bn-cn-°-Ww.-
FIvsskkv k¿°nƒ C≥kvs]Œ¿
P\d¬ dn{Iq´vsa‚v (Pn-√m-Xew)- (_n-)- km-t¶-Xn-I- tbm-Ky-X-:- (kvs]jy¬ dn{Iq´vsa‚v - ]´nIPmXn/
(i-)-πw-_¿- t{S-Un¬- e-`n-®n-´p-≈- sF-Sn-sF- t{S-Uv- k¿-´n-^n-
°-‰v- A-s√-¶n¬- XØpeyamb tbmKyX.
]´nIh¿§w & ]´nIh¿§w am{Xw)
Im‰Kdn \º¿: 90/2016 As√¶n¬ FIvsskkv
sslkvIqƒ AknÂv (Ddp±q) i)GsX¶n-epw- H-cp- Aw-Ko-Ir-X- F-©n-\o-b-dnw-Kv- ÿm-]-\-
(i 1 hIp∏v : FIvsskkv
Øn¬- \n-∂pw- πw-_nw-Kn¬- t\-Sn-bn-´p-≈- A-©p-h¿-j-sØ- 2 DtZymKt∏cv : FIvsskkv k¿°nƒ
hnZym`ymkw {]m-tbm-Kn-I- ]-cn-N-bw.- C\w (i i) ¬- {]-Xn-]m-Zn-®n-cn-°p-∂-h- C≥kvs]Œ¿
1. hIp∏v :
hnZym`ymkw cp-sS- A-`m-h-Øn¬- hm-´¿- h¿-Iv-kn¬- πw-_-dm-bn- A-©p-h¿- (kvs]jy¬ dn{Iq´vsa‚ v ]´nIPmXn/]´nIh¿§w &
2. DtZymKt∏cv :
sslkvIqƒ Akn v(Ddp±q) j-Øn¬- Ip-d-bm-sX-bp-≈- h¿-°v- F-Ãm-ªn-jv-sa-‚ v- k¿-∆o- ]´nIh¿§w am{Xw)
3. iºfw ` 15,380˛-25,900/- (P R)
: kv- D-≈-h-sc-bpw- ]-cn-K-Wn-°pw.- 3 iºfw : ` 20740 ˛ 36140/- (PR)
4. HgnhpIfpsS FÆw :
Pn√mSnÿm\Øn¬ Ip-dn-∏v-:- Cu- X-kv-Xn-I-tbm-S-\p-_-‘n-®p-≈- {]-tXy-I- Np-a-X- 4 HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : 3 (SC/ST – 1, ST only – 2)
IÆq¿ -01 (H∂v) e-I-fpw- tPm-en-kz-`m-h-hpw- I-Tn-\m-≤zm-\-hpw- ]-cn-K-Wn-®v- ]p- 5 \nba\coXn : t\cn´p≈ \nba\w
Ipdn∏v:- 03.01.2013 se k¿°m¿ DØchv \º¿ 1/13/SJD cp-j-≥am-sc- am-{X-ta- \n-b-a-\-Øn-\m-bn- ]-cn-K-Wn-°p-I-bp-≈p.- (kv-s]-jy¬- dn-{Iq-´v-sa-‚ v- ]-´n-I-Pm-Xn-/-]-´n-I-h¿-§w- &- ]-´n-I-
{]Imcw Cu XkvXnI°p≈ 3% HgnhpIƒ tbmKycmb
(Cu XkvXnIbntebv°p≈ sXcs™Sp∏n\v KS & SSR h¿-§w- am-{Xw-)-
`n∂tijn°mcmb DtZymKm¿∞nIƒ°mbn kwhcWw
sNbvXncn°p∂p. Part II Rule 10 (a) (ii) _m[Iambncn°p∂XmWv). Ipdn∏v:- ]-´n-IP - m-Xn-/]- ´- n-Ih- ¿-§Ø- n¬-s∏-Sm-Ø- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-
Iƒ- k-a¿-∏n-°p-∂- A-t]-£-Iƒ- \n-c-kn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- A-ß-
5. \nba\ coXn : t\cn´p≈ \nba\w. s\-bp-f-f-h¿-°v- A-t]-£- \n-c-kn-®p-sIm-≠p-≈- A-dn-bn-∏v- {]-
6. {]mbw :18-˛40. D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- 02/-01/- Im‰Kdn \º¿:92/2016 tXy-I-am-bn- \¬-Ip-∂-X-√.-
1976\pw- 01/-01/-1998\pw- C-S-bn¬- P-\n-®-h-cm-bn-cn-°-Ww.- (c-
≠p- Xo-b-Xn-I-fpw- Dƒ-s∏-sS-)- a-‰v- ]n-t∂m-°- hn-`m-K-Øn¬- A‰≥U¿ t{KUv- - - II 6 {]mbw : 19 ˛- 41
DtZymKm¿-∞n-Iƒ- 02.-01.-1975\pw- 01.-01.-1997\pw- C-S-bn¬- P-\n-
Dƒ-s∏-´-h¿-°pw- ]-´n-I-Pm-Xn-/-]-´n-I-h¿-§- hn-`m-K-Øn¬- Dƒ-
s∏-´-h¿-°pw- D-b¿-∂- {]m-b-]-cn-[n-bn¬- \n-b-am-\p-ky-X-am-b-
tlmantbm∏Xn ®-h-cm-bn-cn-°-Ww.- (c-≠v- Xo-b-Xn-I-fpw- Dƒ-s∏-sS-).-
1. hIp∏v : tlmantbm∏Xn (h-b- n-f-hn-s\- kw-_-‘n-®- \n-e-hn-ep-f-f- a-‰v- A-\p-Iq-ey-ß-
Ipdn∏v :-bmsXmcp ImcWhimepw Db¿∂ {]mb]cn[n 50 2. DtZymKt∏cv : A‰≥U¿ t{KUv - I sfm-∂pw- Cu- Xn-c-s™-Sp-∏n-\v- _m-[-I-a-√-)-
(A≥]Xv) hb v Ihnbm≥ ]mSn√ F∂ hyhÿbv°v 3. iºfw : ` 8730-˛13540/-˛ Ip-dn-∏v:- - \n-›n-X- {]m-b-]-cn-[n-bn-ep-≈- tbm-Ky-cm-b- D-tZym-Km¿-
4. HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : Pn√mSnÿm\Øn¬ ∞n-I-fp-sS- A-`m-h-Øn¬- D-b¿-∂- {]m-b-]-cn-[n-bn¬- 50 h-b-
hnt[bambn Db¿∂ {]mb]cn[nbn¬ A\phZn®n´p≈  p-h-sc- C-f-hv- A-\p-h-Zn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- F-∂m¬- bm-sXm-cp- Im-
{]tXyI B\pIqey߃°v Cu hn⁄m]\Øns‚ ]m¿´v Xncph\¥]pcw 04 (\mev)
c-W-h-im-epw- 50 h-b- v- I-hn-bm-≥ ]m-Sn-√.-
II se s]mXp hyhÿIƒ (JfinI 2) t\m°pI. sIm√w - 02 (c≠v)
7 tbmKyXIƒ : H-cp- Aw-Ko-Ir-X- k¿-∆-I-em-im-em- _n-cp-
7. tbm-Ky-X-Iƒ- :- tI-c-f-Øn-se- k¿-∆-I-em-im-e-Iƒ- \¬-In- ]Ø\wXn´ -02 (c≠v)
Be∏pg 04 (\mev) Zw- A-s√-¶n¬- X-Øp-ey- tbm-Ky-X-
b-tXm- Aw-Ko-I-cn-®n-´p-≈-tXm- B-b- D-dp-Zp- `m-j-bn-ep-≈- _n- 8 imcocnI tbmKyXIƒ :
tIm´bw -10 (]Øv)
cp-Z-hpw- _n.-F-Uv-/-_n.-‰n-/-F¬.-‰n-bpw- D-≠m-bn-cn-°-Ww.-
CSp°n - 01 (H∂v) (a) Dbcw : 160 cm
FdWmIpfw - {]Xo£nX HgnhpIƒ (b) s\©fhv : km[mcW \nebn¬ - 81 cm
tI-c-f-Øn-se- k¿-∆-I-em-im-e-Iƒ- \¬-In-b-tXm- Aw-Ko-I-cn-
Xy»q¿ - {]Xo£nX HgnhpIƒ hnImkw : 5 cm
®n-´p-≈-tXm- B-b- ]u-c-kv-Xy-`m-j- (D-dp-Zp-)- ]-T-\-Øn-ep-≈- (c) D-b¿-∂- Im-bn-I-ti-jn-bpw- B-bm-k-I-c-am-b- tPm-en-Iƒ-
ssS-‰n¬- ({]-kv-Xp-X- ssS-‰n¬- _-‘-s∏-´- _n-cp-Z-Øn-s‚- ]m¿- ]me°mSv - 03 (aq∂v)
sN-øp-hm-≥ {]m-]v-Xn-bp-ap-s≠-∂v- A-kn-Ã-‚ v- k¿-P-\n¬- Xm-
´v- 3\v- Xp-ey-am-bn- {]-Jym-]n-°-s∏-´n-´p-≈- ]-£w-)- Iq-Sm-sX- ae∏pdw - 02 (c≠v)
sg-b-√m-Ø- dm-¶n-ep-≈- H-cp- sa-Un-°¬- Hm-^o-k¿- km-£y-
tI-c-f-Øn-se- ]-co-£m- I-Ωo-j-W¿- \¬-In-b- `m-jm-≤y-m]I tImgnt°mSv -06 (Bdv) s∏-Sp-Øn-b- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v- lm-P-cm-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.-
]cnioe\ k¿´n^n°‰pw D≠mbncn°Ww. hb\mSv - {]Xo£nX HgnhpIƒ 9 s{Sbn\nwKv: Sn- X-kv-Xn-I-bn-te-bv-°v- \n-b-a-\w- e-`n-°p-∂-
Ipdn∏v:- (i) D-dp-Zp- `m-j-bn¬- _n-cp-Zm-\-¥-c- _n-cp-Z-ap-≈-h¿- IÆq¿ -02 (c≠v) D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- B-dv- am-k-Im-e-tØ-bv-°p-≈- s{S-bn-\nw-
°v- s{S-bn-\nw-Kv- tbm-Ky-X-bp-s≠-¶n¬- Cu- X-kv-Xn-I-bv-°v- A- Imk¿tKmUv - 04 (\mev) Kn-\v- hn-t[-b-cm-tI-≠-Xm-Wv.- s{S-bn-\nw-Kv- Im-ew- s{]m-t_-j-
t]-£n-°m-hp-∂-Xm-Wv.- [Pn.H.(Fw.Fkv) \º¿ 177/87/ 5. \nba\ coXn : t\cn´p≈ \nba\w \pw- C-≥{In-sa-‚ n-\pw- I-W-°m-°-s∏-Sp-∂-Xm-Wv.-
Pn.FUyq. XobXn 22-.8-.1987]. 6. {]mbw : 18˛-36. D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- 02.-01.-1980 10 s{Sbn\nwKv Imebfhnse iºfw : ]-cn-io-e-\- Im-e-b-
i)_n.FUv _‘s∏´ `mjbn¬ Bbncn°Ww.
(i \pw- 01.-01.-1998 \pw- C-S-bn¬- P-\n-®-h-cm-bn-cn-°-Ww- (c-≠p- Xo- f-hn¬- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-°v- Sn- X-kv-Xn-I-bv-°m-bn- \n-›-bn-
Ipdn∏v:- sI.-F-kv- &- F-kv.- F-kv.-B¿- ]m¿-´-v I dqƒ 10 a (i i) b-Xn-I-fpw- Dƒ-s∏-sS-).- ]-´n-I-Pm-Xn-/-]-´n-I-h¿-§- hn-`m-K-Øn-ep- ®n-´p-≈- i-º-f- kv-sI-bn-en-s‚- Ip-d-™- i-º-f-hpw- a-‰v- A-e-
Cu XkvXnIbv°v _m[IamWv. ≈-h¿-°pw- a-‰p- ]n-t∂m-°- hn-`m-K-Øn¬-s∏-´-h¿-°pw- \n-b- h-≥kp-I-fpw- e-`n-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.-
{]m-b]cn-[n,- \n-ba\w- F∂n-hsb kw-_‘n-®p-≈ \n- am-\p-kr-X-am-b- h-b- n-f-hp-≠m-bn-cn-°pw.- 11 t{]mt_j≥ :Sn- X-kv-Xn-I-bv-°v- sX-c-s™-Sp-°-s∏-Sp-∂-
_‘\Iƒ-°v- sh_v-ssk‰n-se hn-Pv-Rm-]\w- Im-Wp-I.- Ipdn∏v :- bmsXmcp ImcWhimepw Db¿∂ {]mb]cn[n h-sc-√m-h-cpw- A-h¿- ]-cn-io-e-\-Øn-\v- lm-P-cm-Ip-∂- Xo-b-Xn-
( 50 (A≥]Xv)hb v Ihnbm≥ ]mSn√ F∂ hyhÿbv°v ap-X¬- Xp-S¿-®-bm-b- aq-∂v- h¿-j-Øn-\p-≈n¬- c-≠v- h¿-j-sØ-
Ipdn∏v :-Xm-sg- s]m-Xp-hy-h-ÿ-I-fn¬- c-≠mw- J-fin-I-bn¬- hnt[bambn Db¿∂ {]mb]cn[nbn¬ A\phZn®n´p≈ s{]m-t_-j-≥ Im-e-b-f-hv- ]q¿-Øn-bm-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.-
]-d-bp-∂-h- B-b- G-sX-¶n-epw- Im-c-W-ß-fm¬- D-b¿-∂- {]m- {]tXyI B\pIqey߃°v Cu hn⁄m]\Øns‚ ]m¿´v 12 sSÃv : (F-)- {]-tXy-I- \n-b-a-\w- h-gn- sX-c-s™-Sp-°-s∏-Sp-
b-]-cn-[n-bn¬- \n-∂pw- H-gn-hm-°m-≥ A-h-Im-i-s∏-Sp-∂-h¿- B- -2 se s]mXp hyhÿIƒ t\m°pI. ∂- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- t\-c-sØ- ]m- m-bn-´n-s√-¶n¬- s{]m-
hn-h-cw- A-t]-£-bp-sS- \n-›n-X- tIm-f-Øn¬- tc-J-s∏-Sp-Øn- 7. tbmKyXIƒ : (i) F-kv.-F-kv.-F¬.-kn- P-bn-®n- t_-j-≥ Im-e-b-f-hn-\p-≈n¬- A-°u-≠v- sS-Ãv,- tem-h-dpw,- F-
bn-cn-t°-≠-Xpw- A-√m-Ø-]-£w- {]m-b-]-cn-[n- I-gn-™p- F- cn-°-Ww- A-Y-hm- X-Øp-ey-am-b- tbm-Ky-X- D-≠m-bn-cn-°-Ww.- - sk-kv- sS-Ãv- ]m¿-´v- F-bpw- ]m¿-´v- _n-bpw- DOM As√¶n¬
∂- Im-c-W-Øm¬- A-t]-£- \n-c-kn-°-s∏-Sm-≥ C-S-bp-≈-Xp- (ii) Kh-¨-sa-‚ v- tlm-an-tbm- tlm-kv-]n-‰¬-/-Un-kv-s]-≥k-dn- MOP ]m mbncnt°≠XmWv.
am-Ip-∂p.-bm-sXm-cp- Im-c-W-h-im-epw- D-b¿-∂- {]m-b-]-cn-[n- 50 A-s√-¶n¬- "-F- ¢m- v-'- c-Pn-tÿ-Uv- tlm-an-tbm- sa-Un-°¬- (_n) k-_vd - qƒ- (F-)b - n¬- \n¿-t±-in-®n-cn-°p-∂- ]-co-£- ]m- m-
h-b- v- I-hn-bm-≥ ]m-Sn-√m-Ø-Xm-Ip-∂p.- (s]m-Xp-hy-h-ÿ-I- {]m-Œo-j-\¿- \-S-Øp-∂- kz-Im-cy- tlm-an-tbm- tlm-kv-]n-‰¬-/ Im-Ø- B¿-°pw- X-s∂- C-≥{In-sa-‚ n-t\m- Aw-Ko-Ir-X- s{]m-
fn-se- J-fin-I- 2 Im-Wp-I-).- -Un-kv-s]-≥k-dn-bn¬- \n-t∂m- tlm-an-tbm- a-cp-∂p-Iƒ- ]-I¿- t_-jW - ¿- B-tbm- A-Yh - m- h-Ip-∏n-se- ap-gp-h≥
- k-ab - - Aw-K-
∂p- sIm-Sp-°p-I-tbm-/-ssI-Im-cyw- sN-bv-X-Xn-tem- D-≈- aq-∂v- am-tbm- \n-ba - n-°s- ∏-Sp-hm-≥ A¿-lX - - D-≠m-bn-cn-°p-∂X- √
- .-
Im‰Kdn \º¿: 91/2016 h¿-j-sØ- {]-hy-Øn- ]-cn-N-bw- D-≠m-bn-cn-°-Ww. (kn) \n-›n-X- Im-e-b-f-hn-\p-≈n¬- s{]m-t_-j-≥ ]q¿-Øn-bm-
Ipdn∏v:- KS&SSR Part II Rule 10 (a) (ii) bn-se- hy-h-ÿ-Iƒ- Cu- °p-I-bpw- A-Xn-\p-≈n¬- sS-Ãv- ]m- m-Ip-I-bpw- sN-øp-∂- B-
πw_¿ /πw_¿ Iw Hm∏td‰¿ X-kv-Xn-I-bp-sS- sX-c-s™-Sp-∏n-\v- _m-[-I-am-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- fp-sS- tk-h-\-Im-ew- C-≥{In-sa-‚ n-\v- I-W-°m-°p-I-bpw- A-
C≥jzd≥kv saUn°¬ k¿∆okkv D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- sXm-gn¬- ]-cn-Nb - w- sX-fn-bn-°p-∂X- n-\v- lm- ßn-s\-bp-≈-bm-sf- s{]m-t_-j-≥ ]q¿-Øn-bm-°n-b- Xo-b-Xn-
P-cm-t°-≠- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v- Xm-sg- sIm-Sp-Øn-cn-°p-∂- am-Xr-I- ap-X-tem,- sS-Ãv- ]m- m-Ip-∂- Xo-b-Xn- ap-X-tem,- C-Xn¬- G-Xv-
1. hIp∏v : C≥jzd≥kv saUn°¬ c-≠m-a-Xm-bn- h-cp-t∂m- B- Xn-b-Xn- ap-X¬- Aw-Ko-Ir-X- t{]m-
k¿∆okkv bn¬- B-bn-cn-°-Ww-
]cn-Nb k¿-´n-^n-°‰v,- km-£y-]{Xw- F∂n-hbp-sS am-Xr- t_-j-W¿-/-k¿-∆o-kn¬- ]q¿-Æ- Aw-K-Xz-ap-≈- B-fm-bn- ]-cn-
2. DtZymKt∏cv : πw_¿ /πw_¿ Iw Hm∏td‰¿

2016 sabv- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 5

Akm[mcW Kk‰v XobXn: 12˛-05˛-2016 Ahkm\ XobXn: 15˛06˛2016 cm-{Xn- 12 aWn hsc
K-Wn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- 2 DtZymKt∏cv : Akn v F©n\ob¿/ Ipdn∏v:- ]-´n-IP - m-Xn-/]- ´- n-Ih - ¿-§Ø- n¬-s∏-Sm-Ø- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-
(Un) \n›nX s{]mt_j≥ Imebfhn\p≈n¬ 12(a) slUv {Um^v‰vkam≥ Iƒ- k-a¿-∏n-°p-∂- A-t]-£-Iƒ- \n-c-kn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- A-ß-
JfinIbn¬ \n¿t±in®ncn°p∂ sSÃv ]m mImØhsc (knhn¬) s\-bp-≈-h¿-°v- A-t]-£- \n-c-kn-®p-sIm-≠p-≈- A-dn-bn-∏v- {]-
k¿∆okn¬ \n∂pw ]ncn®v hnSp∂XmWv. (kvs]jy¬ dn{Iq´vsa‚ v ]´nIh¿§°mcn¬ \n∂p am{Xw) tXy-I-am-bn- \¬-Ip-∂-X-√.-
17 s]mXphyhÿIfnse c≠pw, aq∂pw, Ccp]ØnA©pw 3 iºfw : ` 11070˛ -18,450/- (PR) 6 {]mbw : 18˛-41
JfinIIfnse (25-˛mw JfinIbnse tIcf tÉv B‚ v 4 HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : 14 ((]Xn\mev) D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- 02.-01.-1975\pw- 01.-01.-1998\pw- C-S-bn¬- P-\n-
kt_m¿Unt\‰v k¿∆okv N´ßfpsS c≠mw `mKØpff 5 \nba\coXn : t\-cn-´p-≈- \n-b-a-\w- (kv-s]-jy¬- ®-h-cm-bn-cn-°-Ww.- (c-≠v- Xo-b-Xn-I-fpw- Dƒ-s∏-sS-).-
3(c) h-Ip-∏n-s\- kw-_-‘n-®- N-´-߃- H-gn-sI-bp-f-f-)- hy-h- dn-{Iq-´v-sa-‚ v- ]-´n-I-h¿-§-°m-cn¬ \n∂pam{Xw) (h-b- n-f-hn-s\- kw-_-‘n-®- \n-e-hn-ep-f-f- a-‰v- A-\p-Iq-ey-ß-
ÿ-Iƒ- Cu- sX-c-s™-Sp-∏n-\v- _m-[-I-a-√.- Ipdn∏v:- ]´n-I-h¿-§-Øn¬-s∏-Sm-Ø- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- k-a¿- sfm-∂pw- Cu- Xn-c-s™-Sp-∏n-\v- _m-[-I-a-√-)-
18 \n-b-a-\-߃- \-S-Øp-∂-Xv- Cu- hn-⁄m-]-\w- B-kv-]-Z-am- ∏n-°p-∂- A-t]-£-Iƒ- \n-c-kn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- A-ß-s\-bp-f-f- Ip-dn-∏v-:- \n-›n-X- {]m-b] - c- n-[n-bn-ep-≈- tbm-Ky-cm-b- D-tZym-Km¿-
°n- X-øm-dm-°p-∂- en-Ãn-se- dm-¶v- A-\p-k-cn-®pw- ]-´n-I-Pm- h¿-°v- A-t]-£- \n-c-kn-®p-sIm-≠p-≈- A-dn-bn-∏v- {]-tXy-I-am- ∞n-If - p-sS- A-`m-hØ - n¬- D-b¿-∂- {]m-b] - c- n-[n-bn¬- 50 (A-
Xn/-]´- n-Ih - ¿-§°
- m¿-°m-bp-≈- {]-tXy-I- kw-hc - W
- w- kw-_‘ - n- bn- \¬-Ip-∂-X-√.- ≥]-Xv)- - h-b  - p-hs - c- C-fh - v- A-\p-hZ- n-°p-∂X - m-Wv.- F-∂m¬- bm-
®- 13.-04.-1972se- Pn.-H.-(Fw.-F-kv.-)- \-º¿- 142/-72/--PD,- 29.-11.-1973 6 {]mbw : 21 ˛- 45,- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- 02.-01.- sXm-cp- Im-cW - h - i- m-epw- 50 h-b  - v- I-hn-bm-≥ ]m-Sn-√.-
se- Pn.-H.-(Fw.-F-kv-)- \-º¿- 309/-73/-PD,- 17.-01.-1976se- Pn.-H.- 1971\pw- 01.-01.-1995\p-an-S-bn¬- P-\n-®-h-cm-bn-cn-°-Ww.- (c-≠v- Xo- 7 tbmKyXIƒ : Hcp AwKoIrX k¿∆Iemimebn¬
(]n-)- \-º¿- 21/-76/-]n.-Un,- 22.-01.-1994se- Pn.-H.-(]n-)-25/-94/-Pn.-F.- b-Xn-I-fpw- Dƒ-s∏-sS-).- \n∂pff _ncpZw As√¶n¬ XØpeyamb tbmKyX
Un.- F-∂o- k¿-°m¿- D-Ø-c-hp-I-fn-se- hy-h-ÿ-Iƒ- A-\p-k- (h-b- n-f-hn-s\- kw-_-‘n-®- \n-e-hn-ep-f-f- a-‰v- A-\p-Iq-ey-ß- Ipdn∏v: KS&SSR Part II Rule 10(a)ii Cu- X-kv-Xn-I-bv-°v- _m-[-
cn-®pw,- \n-b-a-\-°m-cy-Øn¬- A-t∏m-g-t∏mƒ- D-≠m-Ip-∂- {]- sfm-∂pw- Cu- Xn-c-s™-Sp-∏n-\v- _m-[-I-a-√-)- I-am-Wv.-
tXy-I- N-´-߃- A-\p-k-cn-®pw- 1958 se- tI-c-f- tÃ-‰v- B-‚ v- Ip-dn-∏v-:-\n-›n-X- {]m-b-]-cn-[n-bn-ep-≈- tbm-Ky-cm-b- D-tZym-Km¿- {]tXyI Ipdn∏v:- kv-s]-jy¬- dn-{Iq-´v-sa-‚ n-\p-th-≠n- hn-hn-
k-t_m¿-Un-t\-‰v- k¿-∆o-kv- N-´-ß-fp-sS- c-≠mw- `m-K-Øp-≈- ∞n-I-fp-sS- A-`m-h-Øn¬- D-b¿-∂- {]m-b-]-cn-[n-bn¬- 50 h-b- [- I-º\ - n-/t- _m¿-U/v- t- Im¿-∏t- d-j\ - p-If
- n¬-\n-∂pw- k-am-\- tbm-
3(kn-),- 17(F-),- 17 (_n-)- F-∂o- N-´-߃-°v- hn-t[-b-am-bpw- B-  p-h-sc- C-f-hv- A-\p-h-Zn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- F-∂m¬- bm-sXm-cp- Im- Ky-X-bpw- i-º-f- kv-sI-bn-epw- \n-›-bn-®n-´p-f-f- X-kv-Xn-I-I-fn-
bn-cn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- c-W-h-im-epw- 50 h-b- v- I-hn-bm-≥ ]m-Sn-√.- te-bv-°pw- Cu- hn-⁄m-]-\-{]-Im-cw- X-øm-dm-°p-∂- dm-¶v- en-
(t^m-t´m,- sF- Un- Dƒ-s∏-sS-bp-f-f- hn-i-Z- hn-h-c-߃-°v- s]m- 7 tbmKyXIƒ : tI-c-f- k¿-h-I-em-im-e-bp-sS- _n.-F-kv.- Ãn¬- \n-∂pw- \n-b-a-\-in-]m¿-i- \-S-Øp-∂-Xm-Wv.-
Xp- hy-h-ÿ-Iƒ- t\m-°p-I-)- kn.-F-©n-\o-b-dnw-Kv- Un-{Kn- (kn-hn¬-)- A-s√-¶n¬- _n.-sS-Iv- 12 s]m-Xp-hy-h-ÿ-I-fn-se- c-≠pw,- aq-∂pw,- C-cp-]-Øn-A-©pw-
F-©n-\o-b-dnw-Kv- Un-{Kn- (knhn¬) J-fin-I-I-fn-se- (25˛mw- J-fin-I-bn-se- tI-c-f- tÃ-‰v- B-‚ v-
As√¶n¬ k-t_m¿-Un-t\-‰v- k¿-∆o-kv- N-´-ß-fp-sS- c-≠mw- `m-K-Øp-f-f-
Im‰Kdn \º¿:94/2016 a{Zm-kv- k¿-h-I-em-im-e-bp-sS- _n.-C.- Un-{Kn- (kn-hn¬-)- A- 3(c-)- h-Ip-∏n-s\- kw-_-‘n-®- N-´-߃- H-gn-sI-bp-≈)- hy-h-
eIvNd¿ C≥ hben≥ s√-¶n¬- K-h-¨-sa-‚ v- Aw-Ko-I-cn-®n-´p-≈- X-Øp-ey-am-b- a-‰v- ÿ-Iƒ- Cu- sX-c-s™-Sp-∏n-\v- _m-[-I-a-√.-
G-sX-¶n-epw- tbm-Ky-X-.! 13 \n-b-a-\-߃- \-S-Øp-∂-Xv- Cu- hn-⁄m-]-\w- B-kv-]-Z-am-
(kvs]jy¬ dn{Iq´vsa‚v - ]´nIPmXn/]´nIh¿§w) As√¶n¬ °n- X-øm-dm-°p-∂- en-Ãn-se- dm-¶v- A-\p-k-cn-®pw- ]-´n-I-Pm-Xn-
C-≥Ãn-‰yq-j-≥ Hm-^v- F-©n-\o-tb-gv-kv- (C-¥y-)- bp-sS- (kn-
tImtfPv hnZym`ymkw hn¬-)- F-©n-\o-b-dnw-Kn-ep-≈- A-tkm-kn-tb-‰v- sa-º¿-jn-∏v- A-
/-]-´n-I-h¿-§-°m¿-°m-bp-≈- {]-tXy-I- kw-h-c-Ww- kw-_-‘n-
®- 13.-04.-1972 se- Pn.-H.-(Fw.-F-kv.-)- \-º¿- 142/-72/-PD,- 29.-11.-
1 hIp∏v : tImtfPv hnZym`ymkw
2 DtZymKt∏cv : eIvNd¿ C≥ hben≥
s√-¶n¬- K-h-¨-sa-‚ v- Aw-Ko-I-cn-®n-´p-≈- a-‰v- G-sX-¶n-epw- X- 1973 se- Pn.-H.-(Fw.-F-kv-)- \-º¿- 309/-73/-PD,- 17.-01.-1976se- Pn.-
Øp-ey-am-b- Un-tπm-a.- H.-(]n-)- \-º¿- 21/-76/-]n.-Un,- 22.-01.-1994se- Pn.-H.-(]n-)-25/-94/-Pn.-
(kvs]jy¬ dn{Iq´vsa‚ v - ]´nIPmXn/]´nIh¿§w) As√¶n¬
3 iºfw : ` 19240˛-34500/-˛ C-≥Ãn-‰yq-j≥ - Hm-^v- F-©n-\o-tb-gvk - v- (C-¥y-)b
- p-sS- (kn-hn¬-
F.-Un.- F-∂o- k¿-°m¿- D-Ø-c-hp-I-fn-se- hy-h-ÿ-Iƒ- A-
4 HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : 1 (H∂v) \p-k-cn-®pw,- \n-b-a-\-°m-cy-Øn¬- A-t∏m-g-t∏mƒ- D-≠m-Ip-∂-
)- F-©n-\o-b-dnw-Kn-ep-≈- A-tkm-kn-tb-‰v- sa-º¿-jn-∏v- ]-co- {]-tXy-I- N-´-߃- A-\p-k-cn-®pw- 1958 se- tI-c-f- tÃ-‰v- B-
5 \nba\coXn : t\cn´p≈ \nba\w £-bp-sS- "F-'- bpw- "-_n-'- bpw- sk-£-\p-Iƒ- P-bn-®n-cn-°-Ww.-
(kvs]jy¬ dn{Iq´vsa‚ v ]´nIPmXn/]´nIh¿§°mcn¬ ‚ v- k-t_m¿-Un-t\-‰v- k¿-∆o-kv- N-´-ß-fp-sS- c-≠mw- `m-K-Øp-
{]Xntcm[ tkh\w : Cu- tPm-en-bn¬- \n-b-an-°-s∏-Sp-∂- ≈- 3(kn-),- 17(F-),- 17 (_n-)- F-∂o- N-´-߃-°v- hn-t[-b-am-bpw-
\n∂p am{Xw) h¿- X-’-a-bw- A-h¿- D-b¿-∂- tPm-en-bn-em-sW-¶n¬- X-s∂-
Ipdn∏v:- ]-´n-IP - m-Xn-/] - ´- n-Ih
- ¿-§Ø - n¬-s∏-Sm-Ø- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n- B-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.-
bpw- Ip-d-™-Xv- \m-ev- h¿-j-sa-¶n-epw- (]-cn-io-e-\- Im-e-apƒ-
Iƒ- k-a¿-∏n-°p-∂- A-t]-£-Iƒ- \n-c-kn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- A-ß- s∏-sS-)- {]-Xn-tcm-[-h-Ip-∏n-tem- {]-Xn-tcm-[-b-Xv-\-߃-°p- th- (t^m-t´m,- sF- Un- Dƒ-s∏-sS-bp-f-f- hn-i-Z-hn-h-c-߃-°v- s]m-
s\-bp-f-f-h¿-°v- A-t]-£- \n-c-kn-®p-sIm-≠p-≈- A-dn-bn-∏v- {]- ≠n-tbm- C-¥y-bn-tem- hn-tZ-i-tØm- tk-h-\-a-\p-„n-°m-≥ _m- Xp- hy-h-ÿ-Iƒ- t\m-°p-I-)-
tXy-I-am-bn- \¬-Ip-∂-X-√.- ≤y-ÿ-cm-Wv.- {]-Xn-tcm-[- h-Ip-∏n-se- Cu- tk-h-\- _m-≤y-X-
6 {]mbw : 22˛-41 B-Zy-sØ- 10 (]-Øv-)- h¿-j-Øn-\p-≈n¬- am-{X-am-bn-cn-°pw.- Im‰Kdn \º¿:97/2016
D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- 02.-01.-1975\pw- 01.-01.-1994\pw- C-S-bn¬- P-\n- km-[m-c-W-K-Xn-bn¬- \m¬-∏-Xv- (40)- Xn-I-™-h¿-°v- Cu- \n-
®-h-cm-bn-cn-°-Ww.- (c-≠v- Xo-b-Xn-I-fpw- Dƒ-s∏-sS-).- _-‘-\- _m-[-I-a-√.- C≥kvs]Œ¿ Hm^v t]meokv
(h-b- n-f-hn-s\- kw-_-‘n-®- \n-e-hn-ep-f-f- a-‰v- A-\p-Iq-ey-ß-
sfm-∂pw- Cu- Xn-c-s™-Sp-∏n-\v- _m-[-I-a-√-)-
8 s{]m-t_-j-≥:- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n- tPm-en-bn¬- {]-th-in-°p-∂-
\mƒ- ap-X¬- Xp-S¿-®-bm-b- aq-∂p- h¿-j- tk-h-\- Im-e-b-f-hn¬-
Ip-dn-∏v:- - \n-›n-X- {]m-b-]-cn-[n-bn-ep-≈- tbm-Ky-cm-b- D-tZym-Km¿- c-≠p- h¿-jw- s{]-t_-j-\n-em-bn-cn-°pw- (kvs]jy¬ dn{Iq´vsa‚v ]´nIh¿§°mcn¬ \n∂p am{Xw)
∞n-I-fp-sS- A-`m-h-Øn¬- D-b¿-∂- {]m-b-]-cn-[n-bn¬- 50 h-b- 9 sS-Ãv- :- A-kn-Ã-‚ v- F-©n-\o-b¿- B-bn- t\-cn-´v- \n-b-an-°-
 p-h-sc- C-f-hv- A-\p-h-Zn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- F-∂m¬- bm-sXm-cp- Im- s∏-Sp-∂- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- A-°u-≠v- sS-Ãv- (tem-h¿-),- tI-
tIcf t]meokv k¿∆okv
c-W-h-im-epw- 50 h-b- v- I-hn-bm-≥ ]m-Sn-√.- c-f- ]n.-U-ªyq.-Un.- am-\z¬- sS-Ãv,- tI-c-f- ]n.-U-ªyq.-Un- sS-Ãv- H∂mw ]p\:hn⁄m]\w
7 tbmKyXIƒ : H-∂mw- ¢m- n-tem-/-c-≠mw- ¢m- n- F-∂n-h- t\-c-tØ- ]m- m-bn-´n-s√-¶n¬-!- s{]-t_-j-≥ Im-e-b- 1 hIp∏v : tIcf t]meokv k¿∆okv
tem- h-b-en-\n¬- t\-Sn-b- Fw.-F- _n-cp-Z-w- f-hn-\p-≈n¬- ]m- m-tI-≠-Xm-Wv.- 2 DtZymKt∏cv : C≥kvs]Œ¿ Hm^v t]meokv
As√¶n¬ 14 s]m-Xp-hy-h-ÿ-I-fn-se- c-≠pw,- aq-∂pw,- C-cp-]-Øn-A-©pw- (sSenIΩyqWnt°j≥)
Fw.-F- Un-{Kn- k¿-´n-^n-°‰ - n-\v- Xp-ey-am-bn- h-be
- n-\n¬- t\-Sn-b- J-fin-I-I-fn-se- (25˛mw- J-fin-I-bn-se- tI-c-f- tÃ-‰v- B-‚ v- (kvs]jy¬ dn{Iq´vsa‚ v ]´nIh¿§°mcn¬ \n∂p
H-∂mw- ¢m- n-tem-/c - ≠
- mw- ¢m- n-tem- D-≈- t]m-Ãv- Un-tπm-a- k-t_m¿-Un-t\-‰v- k¿-∆o-kv- N-´-ß-fp-sS- c-≠mw- `m-K-Øp-f-f- am{Xw)
12 s]mXphyhÿIfnse c≠pw, aq∂pw, Ccp]ØnA©pw 3(c-)- h-Ip-∏n-s\- kw-_-‘n-®- N-´-߃- H-gn-sI-bp≈)- hy-h- 3 iºfw : `10,790 ˛18,000/- (PR)
JfinIIfnse (25˛-mw JfinIbnse tIcf tÉv B‚ v ÿ-Iƒ- Cu- sX-c-s™-Sp-∏n-\v- _m-[-I-a-√.- 4 HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : 1 (H∂v)
kt_m¿Unt\‰v k¿∆okv N´ßfpsS c≠mw `mKØpff 15 \n-b-a-\-߃- \-S-Øp-∂-Xv- Cu- hn-⁄m-]-\w- B-kv-]-Z-am- 5 \nba\coXn : t\cn´p≈ \nba\w
3(c) hIp∏ns\ kw_‘n® N´ßƒ HgnsIbpff) °n- X-øm-dm-°p-∂- en-Ãn-se- dm-¶v- A-\p-k-cn-®pw- ]-´n-I-h¿-§- (kvs]jy¬ - dn{Iq´vsa‚ v ]´nIh¿§°mcn¬ \n∂pam{Xw)
hyhÿIƒ Cu sXcs™Sp∏n\v _m[Ia√. °m¿-°m-bp-≈- {]-tXy-I- kw-h-c-Ww- kw-_-‘n-®v- 17/-01/-1976 Ipdn∏v:- ]-´n-I-h¿-§-Øn¬-s∏-Sm-Ø- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- k-a¿-
13 \n-b-a-\-߃- \-S-Øp-∂-Xv- Cu- hn-⁄m-]-\w- B-kv-]-Z-am- se- Pn.-H.-(]n-)-\-º¿- 21/-76/-]n.-Un,- 22.-01.-1994se- Pn.-H.-(]n-)-\-
°n- X-øm-dm-°p-∂- en-Ãn-se- dm-¶v- A-\p-k-cn-®pw- ]-´n-I-Pm-Xn- ∏n-°p-∂- A-t]-£-Iƒ- \n-c-kn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- A-ß-s\-bp-f-f-
º¿- 25/-94/-Pn.-F.-Un- F-∂o- k¿-°m¿- D-Ø-c-hp-I-fn-se- hy-h- h¿-°v- A-t]-£- \n-c-kn-®p-sIm-≠p-≈- A-dn-bn-∏v- {]-tXy-I-am-
/-]-´n-I-h¿-§-°m¿-°m-bp-≈- {]-tXy-I- kw-h-c-Ww- kw-_-‘n- ÿ-Iƒ- A-\p-k-cn-®pw,- \n-b-a-\-°m-cy-Øn¬- A-t∏m-g-t∏mƒ-
®- 13.-04.-1972 se- Pn.-H.-(Fw.-F-kv.-)- \-º¿- 142/72/PD, 29.11.1973 bn- \¬-Ip-∂-X-√.-
D-≠m-Ip-∂- {]-tXy-I- N-´-߃- A-\p-k-cn-®pw- 1958 se- tI-c-f- 6 {]mbw : 20 ˛36
se Pn.H.(Fw.Fkv) \º¿ 309/73/PD, 17.01.1976-se Pn.-H.- tÃ-‰v- B-‚ v- k-t_m¿-Un-t\-‰v- k¿-∆o-kv- N-´-ß-fp-sS- c-≠mw-
(]n-)- \-º¿- 21/-76/-]n.-Un,- 22.-01.-1994se- Pn.-H.-(]n-)-25/-94/-Pn.-F.- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- 02.-01.-1980\pw- 01.-01.-1996\p-an-S-bn¬- P-\n-®-
`m-K-Øp-≈- 3(kn-),- 17(F-),- 17 (_n-)- F-∂o- N-´-߃-°v- hn-t[- h-cm-bn-cn-°-Ww.- (c-≠v- Xo-b-Xn-I-fpw- Dƒ-s∏-sS-).-
Un.- F-∂o- k¿-°m¿- D-Ø-c-hp-I-fn-se- hy-h-ÿ-Iƒ- A-\p-k- b-am-bpw- B-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.-
cn-®pw,- \n-b-a-\-°m-cy-Øn¬- A-t∏m-g-t∏mƒ- D-≠m-Ip-∂- {]- (h-b- n-f-hn-s\- kw-_-‘n-®- \n-e-hn-ep-f-f- a-‰v- A-\p-Iq-ey-ß-
(t^m-t´m,- sF-Un- Dƒ-s∏-sS-bp-f-f- hn-i-Z- hn-h-c-߃-°v- s]m- sfm-∂pw- Cu- Xn-c-s™-Sp-∏n-\v- _m-[-I-a-√-)-
tXy-I- N-´-߃- A-\p-k-cn-®pw- 1958 se- tI-c-f- tÃ-‰v- B-‚ v- Xp- hy-h-ÿ-Iƒ- t\m-°p-I-)-
k-t_m¿-Un-t\-‰v- k¿-∆o-kv- N-´-ß-fp-sS- c-≠mw- `m-K-Øp-≈- 7 tbmKyXIƒ : (1) sSenIΩyqWnt°j≥/tdUntbm
3(kn), 17(F), 17 (_n) F∂o N´ßƒ°v hnt[bambpw F©n\obdnwKnep≈ Untπma As√¶n¬ XØpeyamb
Bbncn°p∂XmWv. Im‰Kdn \º¿:96/2016 tbmKyX.
(t^mt´m, sF Un Dƒs∏sSbpff hniZ hnhc߃°v (2) h-b¿-se-kv- Hm-∏-td-j-\n¬- aq-∂v- am-k-Øn¬- Ip-d-bm-sX-
s]mXp hyhÿIƒ t\m°pI)
Pq\nb¿ AknÂv /Imjy¿ bp-≈- ]-cn-N-bw.-
(]´nIPmXn/]´nIh¿§°m¿°v am{Xw) Ipdn∏v : kn-Kv-\¬- tIm¿-]-kn- (kq-∏¿- ssh-k-dn-)- bn-ep-≈-
ap-∂v- h¿-j-sØ- ]-cn-N-bw- Dƒ-s∏-sS- sam-Øw- {]-Xn-tcm-[- h-
Im‰Kdn \º¿:95/2016 tIcf tÉv Ce{Œnkn‰n t_m¿Uv Ip-∏n¬- A-©v- h¿-j-sØ- tk-h-\w,- ap-I-fn¬- kq-Nn-∏n-®- tbm-
1 hIp∏v : tIcf tÉv Ce{Œnkn‰n Ky-X-Iƒ-°v- Xp-ey-am-bn- I-W-°m-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.-
AknÂv F©n\ob¿/ slUv t_m¿Uv (3) Xmsg ImWn®ncn°p∂ {]Imcap≈ Imgv N i‡n
{Um^v‰vkam≥ (knhn¬) 2 DtZymKt∏cv : Pq\nb¿ Akn v/Imjy¿ D≠mbncn°Ww.
(]´nIPmXn /]´nIh¿§°m¿°v am{Xw) (F) Zqc°mgvN heXp IÆv CSXp IÆv
(kvs]jy¬ dn{Iq´vsa‚v ]´nIh¿§°mcn¬ \n∂p am{Xw) 3 iºfw : ` 10800-˛21040/-˛ 6/6 kvs\√≥ 6/6 kvs\√≥
s]mXpacmaØv (AUvan\nkvt{Sj≥) 4 HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : 1 (H∂v) kao] ImgvN 0.5 kvs\√≥ 0.5 kvs\√≥
1 hIp∏v : s]mXpacmaØv 5 \nba\coXn : t\cn´p≈ \nba\w (_n) Hm-tcm- I-Æn-\pw- ]q¿-Æ-am-b- Im-gv-N- i-‡n- D-≠m-bn-cn-
(AUvan\nkvt{Sj≥) (]´nIPmXn /]´nIh¿§°m¿°v am{Xw) °-Ww.-

6 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2016 sabv- 15

Akm[mcW Kk‰v XobXn: 12˛-05˛-2016 Ahkm\ XobXn: 15˛06˛2016 cm-{Xn- 12 aWn hsc
(kn) I-f¿- ssª-≥Uv-\-kv,- tIm-¶-Æv- A-s√-¶n¬- I-Æn-s‚- 2 DtZymKt∏cv : -eIvNd¿ C≥ {^©v
tbm- I-¨-t]m-f-I-fp-sS-tbm- tcm-Km-h-ÿ- F-∂n-h- A-tbm-Ky-
X-bm-bn- I-W-°m-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.-
kvs]jy¬ dn{Iq´vsa‚v (Pn-√m-Xew)- 3 iºfw : \nc°n¬
4 HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : Cugh/Xnø/_n√h - 1 (H∂v)
(4) Im-cy-£-a-am-bn- tPm-en- \n¿-∆-ln-°p-hm-≥ B-tcm-Ky-]-c- ta¬-∏-d-™- H-gn-hv- C-t∏mƒ- \n-e-hn-ep-≈-Xm-Wv.- Cu- hn-⁄m-
am-bn- tbm-Ky-X-bp-s≠-∂- sX-fn-bn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. Im‰Kdn \º¿:99/2016 ]-\- {]-Im-cw- X-øm-dm-°-s∏-Sp-∂- dm-¶v- en-Ãv- Cu- X-kv-Xn-I-
Ipdn∏v :- tbmKyX kw_‘n® KS&SSR Part II Rule 10(a)ii bp-sS- 18.-04.-2011mw- Xo-b-Xn-bn¬- \n-e-hn¬- h-∂- dm-¶v- en-Ãn-
Cu XkvXnIbv°v _m[IamWv. et_md´dn AknÂv s‚- Im-e-b-f-hn¬- {]-kv-Xp-X- k-ap-Zm-b-߃-°p-th-≠n- \o-°n-
11 s]mXphyhÿIfnse c≠pw, aq∂pw, Ccp]ØnA©pw (]´nIPmXn/]´nIh¿§°m¿°v am{Xambpff {]tXyI \nba\w) h-®n-´p-≈- H-gn-hp-I-fn-te-bv-°pw- B- k-ap-Zm-b-ß-fn-se- D-tZym-
JfinIIfnse (25-˛mw JfinIbnse tIcf tÉv B‚ v Km¿-∞n-I-fp-sS- A-`m-h-Øn¬- \n-I-Ø-s∏-Sm-sX- h-cp-∂- H-gn-
kt_m¿Unt\‰v k¿∆okv N´ßfpsS c≠mw `mKØpff tIcf lb¿ sk°≥Udn hnZym`ymkw hp-I-fn-te-bv-°pw- \n-b-a-\- ip-]m¿-i-bpw- \n-b-a-\-hpw- \-S-Øp-
3(c) h-Ip-∏n-s\- kw-_-‘n-®- N-´-߃- H-gn-sI-bp-f-f-)- hy-h- 1 hIp∏v : tIcf lb¿ sk°≥Udn ∂-Xp-h-sc- {]m-_-ey-Øn¬- D-≠m-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- H-∂mw-
ÿ-Iƒ- Cu- sX-c-s™-Sp-∏n-\v- _m-[-I-a-√.- hnZym`ymkw F-≥.-kn.-F.- hn-⁄m-]-\w- (K-k-‰v- Xo-b-Xn-:- 16/-04/-2012,- Im-‰-
12 \n-b-a-\-߃- \-S-Øp-∂-Xv- Cu- hn-⁄m-]-\w- B-kv-]-Z-am- 2 DtZymKt∏cv : et_md´dn Akn v K-dn- \-º¿- 43/-2012)- c-≠mw- F-≥.-kn.-F- hn-⁄m-]-\w- (K-k-
°n- X-øm-dm-°p-∂- en-Ãn-se- dm-¶v- A-\p-k-cn-®pw- ]-´n-I-h¿-§- (]´nIPmXn/]´nIh¿§°m¿°v am{Xambpff {]tXyI
‰v- Xo-b-Xn-:- 31.-08.-2013,- Im-‰-K-dn- \-º¿- 276/-2013)- aq-∂mw- F-≥.-
°m¿-°m-bp-≈- {]-tXy-I- kw-h-c-Ww- kw-_-‘n-®v- 17/-01/- \nba\w)
1976se- Pn.-H.-(]n-)- \-º¿- 21/-76/-]n.-Un.,- 22.-01.-1994se- Pn.-H.-(]n- 3 iºfw : ` 8960-˛14260/-˛ kn.-F- hn-⁄m-]-\w- (K-k-‰v- Xo-b-Xn-:- 31.-12.-2014,- Im-‰-K-dn- \-
4 HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : Pn√mSnÿm\Øn¬ º¿- 705/-2014)- {]-Im-cw- {]-kv-Xp-X- k-ap-Zm-b-ß-fn-se- A¿-l-
)- \-º¿- 25/-94/-Pn.-F.-Un.- F-∂o- k¿-°m¿- D-Ø-c-hp-I-fn-se-
Xncph\¥]pcw -(]´nIPmXn/]´nIh¿§w - 3) (]´nIh¿§w - 1) cm-b- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-sf- e-`n-°m-Xn-cp-∂-Xn-\m-ep-≈- \m-emw-
hy-h-ÿ-Iƒ- A-\p-k-cn-®pw,- \n-b-a-\-°m-cy-Øn¬- A-t∏m-g-
sIm√w -(]´nIPmXn/]´nIh¿§w - 2) (]´nIh¿§w - 2) F-≥.-kn.-F.- hn-⁄m-]-\-am-Wn-Xv.-
t∏mƒ- D-≠m-Ip-∂- {]-tXy-I- N-´-߃- A-\p-k-cn-®pw- 1958se-
tI-c-f- tÃ-‰v- B-‚ v- k-t_m¿-Un-t\-‰v- k¿-∆o-kv- N-´-ß-fp-sS- Be∏pg -(]´nIPmXn/]´nIh¿§w - 2) (]´nIh¿§w - 1) 5 \nba\ coXn : t\cn´p≈ \nba\w (Cugh/
c-≠mw- `m-K-Øp-≈- 3(kn-),- 17(F-),- 17(_n-)- F-∂o- N-´-߃-°v- tIm´bw (]´nIPmXn/]´nIh¿§w - 2) (]´nIh¿§w - 1) Xnø/_n√h hn`mKØn¬s∏´ DtZymKm¿∞nIfn¬ \n∂v
hn-t[-b-am-bpw- B-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- FdWmIpfw (]´nIPmXn/]´nIh¿§w - 3) (]´nIh¿§w - 1) am{Xw.)
]me°mSv (]´nIPmXn/]´nIh¿§w -3) (]´nIh¿§w - 1) Ipdn∏v : Cu- hn-⁄m-]-\-Øn¬- ]-cm-a¿-in-°p-∂- k-ap-Zm-b-
ae∏pdw -(]´nIPmXn/]´nIh¿§w - 1) Øn¬-s∏-Sm-Ø- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- k-a¿-∏n-°p-∂- A-t]-£-
Im‰Kdn \º¿:98/2016 tImgnt°mSv (]´nIPmXn/]´nIh¿§w - 2) (]´nIh¿§w - 2) Iƒ- \n-c-kn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- A-ß-s\-bp-≈-h¿-°v- A-t]-£- \n-
hb\mSv (]´nIPmXn/]´nIh¿§w - 1) (]´nIh¿§w - 1) c-kn-®p- sIm-≠p-≈- A-dn-bn-∏v- {]-tXy-I-am-bn- \¬-Ip-∂-X-√.-
hm®vam≥ IÆq¿ (]´nIPmXn/]´nIh¿§w -3) (]´nIh¿§w - 1) 6 {]mbw : 22 ˛- 43.- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- 02.-01.-
(kvs]jy¬ dn{Iq´vsa‚v -]´nIPmXn/]´nIh¿§°mcn¬ \n∂p ImkdtKmUv - (]´nIPmXn/]´nIh¿§w - 3) (]´nIh¿§w - 1) 1973 \pw- 01.-01.-1994\pw- C-S-bn¬- P-\n-®-h-cm-bn-cn-°-Ww- (c-
am{Xw) Ipdn∏v:(- i)X-t±-ik - z-bw-`c - W
- - ÿm-]\ - ß
- f- p-sS- \n-b{- ¥-WØ - n- ≠v- Xo-b-Xn-I-fpw- Dƒ-s∏-sS-)- (s]m-Xp-hy-h-ÿ-I-fn-se- J-fin-
ep-f-f- l-b¿- sk-°-≥U-dn- kv-Iq-fp-I-fn¬-\n-∂pw- dn-t∏m¿-´v- I- 2 (I) Dƒs∏sS).
tIcf kvtamƒ C≥Ukv{Sokv sUhe∏vsa‚v sN-øp-∂- H-gn-hp-I-fn-te-bv-°pw- {]-kv-Xp-X- en-Ãn¬- \n-∂pw- \n- Ip-dn-∏v-:-h-b- n-f-hv- kw-_-‘n-®- a-‰p- \n-_-‘-\-Iƒ-°v- s]m-
b-a-\w- \-S-Øp-∂-Xm-Wv.- Xp- hy-h-ÿ-I-fn-se- c-≠mw- J-fin-I- t\m-°p-I- [-J-fin-I-
tIm¿∏tdj≥ enan‰Uv 5 \nba\coXn : t\cn´p≈ \nba\w 2(i-)- H-gn-sI-]
1 hIp∏v : tIcf kvtamƒ C≥Ukv{Sokv (]´nIPmXn/]´nIh¿§°mcn¬\n∂p am{Xw -kvs]jy¬ 7 tbmKyXIƒ : 1) A-≥]-Øn-b© - v- i-Xa
- m-\w- (55%-
sUhe∏vsa‚ v tIm¿∏tdj≥ dn{Iq´vsa‚ v ) )- am¿-°n¬- Ip-d-bm-sX-bp-≈- am¿-t°m-sS- _-‘-s∏-´- hn-j-b-
enan‰Uv Ipdn∏v:- ]-´n-IP - m-Xn-/]
- ´- n-Ih- ¿-§Ø- n¬-s∏-Sm-Ø- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n- Øn-ep-≈- _n-cp-Zm-\-¥-c-_n-cp-Zw- A-s√-¶n¬- C-Xn-s‚- X-Øp-
2 DtZymKt∏cv : hm®vam≥ Iƒ- k-a¿-∏n-°p-∂- A-t]-£-Iƒ- \n-c-kn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- A-ß- ey- tbm-Ky-X- D-≠m-bn-cn-°-Ww.- Iq-Sm-sX- sa-®-s∏-´- hn-Zym-
(kvs]jy¬ dn{Iq´vsa‚ v ]´nIPmXn/]´nIh¿§°mcn¬ s\-bp-f-f-h¿-°v- A-t]-£- \n-c-kn-®p-sIm-≠p-≈- A-dn-bn-∏v- {]- `ym-k- \n-e-hm-cw- ]p-e¿-Øn-bn-cn-°-Ww.-
\n∂p am{Xw) tXy-I-am-bn- \¬-Ip-∂-X-√.- 2) bq-Wn-th-gvk - n-‰n- {Km-‚ vk- v- I-Ωo-jt- \m- A-s√-¶n¬- kw-ÿm-
3 iºfw : ` 4510 ˛ 6230/˛- (PR) 6 {]mbw : 18 ˛- 41 \- k¿-°m¿- {]-tXy-Iw- cq-]o-Ic - n-®- G-P≥
- kn-tbm- C-Xn-\m-bn-
4 HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : 1 (H∂v) DtZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- 02.-01.-1975 \pw- 01.-01.-1998\p-an-S-bn¬- P-\n-®- \-SØ - p-∂- _-‘s - ∏-´- hn-jb - n-ep-≈- k-a{- K- ]-co-£- (com-
- Ø
5 \nba\coXn : t\cn´p≈ \nba\w h-cm-bn-cn-°-Ww.- (c-≠v- Xo-b-Xn-I-fpw- Dƒ-s∏-sS-).- prehensive test) P-bn-®n-cn-°-Ww.- tbm-Ky-X- Xp-ey-am-bn-cn-°p-
(kvs]jy¬ dn{Iq´vsa‚ v]´nIPmXn/]´nIh¿§°mcn¬ Ip-dn-∏v- :- \n-›n-X- {]m-b-]-cn-[n-bn-ep-≈- tbm-Ky-cm-b- D-tZym-
\n∂p am{Xw)) tºmƒ- a-e-bm-f-Øn¬- ]-cn-⁄m-\-ap-≈- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-
Km¿-∞n-I-fp-sS- A-`m-h-Øn¬- D-b¿-∂-{]m-b-]-cn-[n-bn¬- 50 h- °v- ap-≥K-W-\- \¬-Ip-∂-Xm-Wv.-
Ipdn∏v:] - ´n-IP
- m-Xn-/]
- ´- n-Ih
- ¿-§Ø - n¬-s∏-Sm-Ø- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-
Iƒ- k-a¿-∏n-°p-∂- A-t]-£-Iƒ- \n-c-kn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- A-ß-
b- v- h-sc- C-f-hv- A-\p-h-Zn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- F-∂m¬- bm-sXm-cp- Ipdn∏v:- i) 19.-09.-1991 \v- ap-ºv- _n-cp-Zm-\-¥-c- _n-cp-Zw- t\-Sn-b-
Im-c-W-h-im-epw- 50 h-b- v- I-hn-bm-≥ ]m-Sn-√.- ]n.-F-®v.-Un.- tbm-Ky-X-bp-≈- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-°v- _n-cp-Zm-\-
s\-bp-f-f-h¿-°v- A-t]-£- \n-c-kn-®p-sIm-≠p-≈- A-dn-bn-∏v- {]- 7 tbmKyXIƒ : 1. Fkv . Fkv . F¬.kn ]co£
tXy-I-am-bn- \¬-Ip-∂-X-√.- ¥-c- _n-cp-Z-Øn-\v- 50%- am¿-°v- a-Xn-bm-Ip-∂-Xm-Wv.-
6 {]mbw : 18 ˛ -41 (G.O (MS) No.2/07/H.Edn dated 04.01.2007)
2. tIcf ]ªnIv k¿∆okv IΩoj≥ \SØp∂ et_md´dn
DtZymKm¿∞nIƒ 02.01.1975\pw 01.01.1998\pw CSbn¬ A‰≥tUgvkv sSÃv ]m mbncn°Ww. ii) _-‘-s∏-´- hn-j-b-Øn¬- ]n.-F-®v.-Un.- tbm-Ky-X- t\-Sn-b-h-
P\n®hcmbncn°Ww. (c≠v XobXnIfpw Dƒs∏sS). Ipdn∏v 1 \n-b-a-\w- \-S-Øp-∂- k-a-b-Øv- e-t_m-d-´-dn- A-‰- sc- bp.-Pn.-kn.-bp-sS- k-a-{K- ]-co-£- (s\-‰v-)- ]m- m-bn-cn-°-W-
(h-b- n-f-hn-s\- kw-_-‘n-®- \n-e-hn-ep-f-f- a-‰v- A-\p-Iq-ey-ß- ≥tU-gvk - v- sS-Ãv- ]m- m-bn-cn-°W - w- F-∂v- \n¿-_‘ - a - n-√.- s{]m- sa-∂- \n-_-‘-\-bn¬- \n-∂v- H-gn-hm-°n-bn-´p-≠v.- (G.O. (MS)
sfm-∂pw- Cu- Xn-c-s™-Sp-∏n-\v- _m-[-I-a-√-)- t_-j-≥ Im-e-b-f-hn-\p-≈n¬- {]-kv-Xp-X- sS-Ãv- ]m- m-bm¬- No.86/07/H.Edn dated 19.06.2007)
Ip-dn-∏v-:-\n-›n-X- {]m-b-]-cn-[n-bn-ep-≈- tbm-Ky-cm-b- D-tZym-Km¿- a-Xn-bm-Ip-∂-Xm-Wv.- iii) ta¬-∏-d-™- X-kv-Xn-I-bn-te-bv-°p-≈- sX-c-s™-Sp-∏n-\v- bq-
∞n-I-fp-sS- A-`m-h-Øn¬- D-b¿-∂- {]m-b-]-cn-[n-bn¬- 50 h-b- 2 tbm-Ky-X- kw-_-‘n-®- KS&SSR Part II Rule 10(a)ii Cu Wn-th-gv-kn-‰n- {Km-‚ v-kv- I-Ωo-j-≥ Aw-Ko-I-cn-®n-´p-≈- k¿-∆-
 p-h-sc- C-f-hv- A-\p-h-Zn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- F-∂m¬- bm-sXm-cp- Im- XkvXnIbv°v _m[IamWv. I-em-im-e-Iƒ- \¬-Ip-∂- _n-cp-Z-߃- am-{X-ta- ]-cn-K-Wn-°p-
c-W-h-im-epw- 50 h-b- v- I-hn-bm-≥ ]m-Sn-√.- 12 s]mXphyhÿIfnse c≠pw, aq∂pw, Ccp]Ønb©pw I-bp-≈p.-
7 tbmKyXIƒ : (i) G-gmw- ¢m- v- (]p-Xn-bX - )v- - ]m- m-bn-cn-°- JfinIIfnse (25˛-mw JfinIbnse tIcf tÉv B‚ v iv) KS & SSR Part II Rule 10 (a) ii {]Imcap≈ hyhÿIƒ
Ww.- A-s√-¶n¬- X-Øp-ey-am-b- tbm-Ky-X- D-≠m-bn-cn-°W - w.- kt_m¿Unt\‰v k¿∆okv N´ßfpsS c≠mw `mKØpff _m[IamWv.
i) {]-Xn-tcm-[- tk-\-bn¬- (I-c-tk-\-bn-tem- \m-hn-I- tk-\-
(i 3(c) hIp∏ns\ kw_‘n® N´ßƒ HgnsIbpff)
bn-tem- thym-a-tk-\-bn-tem-)- aq-∂p- h¿-j-Øn¬- Ip-d-bm-sX- hyhÿIƒ Cu Xncs™Sp∏n\v _m[Ia√. Im‰Kdn \º¿:101/2016
bp-≈- tk-h-\w- A-\p-jv-Tn-®n-cn-°-Ww.- 13 \n-b-a-\-߃- \-S-Øp-∂-Xv- Cu- hn-⁄m-]-\w- B-kv-]-Z-am-
i ) ssk°nƒ khmcn Ad™ncn°Ww.
(i °n- X-øm-dm-°p-∂- en-Ãn-se- dm-¶v- A-\p-k-cn-®pw- ]-´n-I-Pm-Xn- lb¿ sk°‚dn kvIqƒ A≤ym]I≥
imcocnI AfhpIƒ: /-]-´n-I-h¿-§-°m¿-°m-bp-≈- {]-tXy-I- kw-h-c-Ww- kw-_-‘n-
Dbcw : 168 sk. ao. ®v- 13.-04.-1972se- Pn.-H- (Fw.-F-kv-)- \-º¿.-142/-72/-]n.-Un,- 29.-11.- (Pq\nb¿) amØam‰nIvkv
s\©fhv : km[mcW \nebn¬ - 81 sk. ao. 1973 se- Pn.-H- (Fw.-F-kv-)- \-º¿.- 309/-73/-]n.-Un,- 17/-01/-1976se- lb¿ sk°‚dn hnZym`ymkw
hnImkw - 5 sk. ao. Pn.-H.-(]n-)- \-º¿- 21/-76/-]n.-Un.,- 22.-01.-1994 se- Pn.-H.-(]n-)- \-º¿-
Ipdn∏v : Aw-K-ssh-I-ey-ap-≈-h¿- Cu- D-tZym-K-Øn-\v- A-t]- 25/-94/-Pn.-F.-Un.- F-∂o- k¿-°m¿- D-Ø-c-hp-I-fn-se- hy-h-ÿ- aq∂mw F≥.kn.F. hn⁄m]\w
£n-°p-hm-≥ A¿-l-c-√.- Iƒ- A-\p-k-cn-®pw,- \n-b-a-\-°m-cy-Øn¬- A-t∏m-g-t∏mƒ- D- 1. hIp∏v : lb¿ sk°‚dn
11 s]mXphyhÿIfnse c≠pw, aq∂pw, Ccp]ØnA©pw ≠m-Ip-∂- {]-tXy-I- N-´-߃- A-\p-k-cn-®pw- 1958 se- tI-c-f- hnZym`ymkw
JfinIIfnse (25˛-mw JfinIbnse tIcf tÉv B‚ v tÃ-‰v- B-‚ v- k-t_m¿-Un-t\-‰v- k¿-∆o-kv- N-´-ß-fp-sS- c-≠mw- 2. DtZymKt∏cv : lb¿ sk°‚dn kvIqƒ
kt_m¿Unt\‰v k¿∆okv N´ßfpsS c≠mw `mKØpff `m-K-Øp-≈- 3(kn-),- 17(F-),- 17(_n-)- F-∂o- N-´-߃-°v- hn-t[- A≤ym]I≥ (Pq\nb¿)
3(c) h-Ip-∏n-s\- kw-_-‘n-®- N-´-߃- H-gn-sI-bp-f-f-)- hy-h- b-am-bpw- B-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- amØam‰nIvkv.
ÿ-Iƒ- Cu- sX-c-s™-Sp-∏n-\v- _m-[-I-a-√.- (t^mt´m, sFUn Dƒs∏sSbpff hniZ hnhc߃°v 3. iºfw : ` 16,180 ˛ 29,180/
12 \n-b-a-\-߃- \-S-Øp-∂-Xv- Cu- hn-⁄m-]-\w- B-kv-]-Z-am- s]mXp hyhÿIƒ t\m°pI). 4. HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : a‰p{InkvXym\nIƒ
°n- X-øm-dm-°p-∂- en-Ãn-se- dm-¶v- A-\p-k-cn-®pw- ]-´n-I-Pm-Xn- (H.FIvkv.) - 1 (H∂v)
/-]-´n-I-h¿-§-°m¿-°m-bp-≈- {]-tXy-I- kw-h-c-Ww- kw-_-‘n- F≥knF HgnhpIfnte°v kwhcW kapZmb߃°v ap-I-fn¬- Im-Wn-®n-´p-≈- H-gn-hv- C-t∏mƒ- \n-e-hn-ep-≈-Xm-Wv.-
®- 13.-04.-1972se- Pn.-H.-(Fw.-F-kv.-)- \-º¿- 142/--72/--PD,- 29.-11.-1973 t\cn´p≈ \nba\w (kw-ÿm-\X
- ew) Cu- hn-⁄m-]-\- {]-Im-cw- X-øm-dm-°-s∏-Sp-∂- dm-¶v- en-Ãv- Cu-
se- Pn.-H.-(Fw.-F-kv-)- \-º¿- 309/-73/-PD,- 17.-01.-1976se- Pn.-H.- X-kv-Xn-I-bp-sS- 07.-07.-2008 Xo-b-Xn-bn¬- \n-e-hn¬- h-∂- dm-¶v-
(]n-)- \-º¿- 21/-76/-]n.-Un,- 22.-01.-1994se- Pn.-H.-(]n-)-25/-94/-Pn.-F.- Im‰Kdn \º¿:100/2016 en-Ãn-s‚- Im-e-b-f-hn¬- {]-kv-Xp-X- k-ap-Zm-b-߃-°p-th-≠n-
Un.- F-∂o- k¿-°m¿- D-Ø-c-hp-I-fn-se- hy-h-ÿ-Iƒ- A-\p-k- \o-°n-sh-®n-´p-≈-Xpw- Sn- H-gn-hp-I-fn-te-bv-°v- B- k-ap-Zm-b-Øn-
cn-®pw,- \n-b-a-\-°m-cy-Øn¬- A-t∏m-g-t∏mƒ- D-≠m-Ip-∂- {]-
-eIvNd¿ C≥ {^©v ep-≈- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-fp-sS- A-`m-h-Øn¬- \n-I-Ø-s∏-Sm-sX-
tXy-I- N-´-߃- A-\p-k-cn-®pw- 1958 se- tI-c-f- tÃ-‰v- B-‚ v- tImtfPv hnZym`ymkw h-cp-∂- H-gn-hp-I-fn-te-bv-°v- \n-b-a-\- in-]m¿-i-bpw- \n-b-a-\-hpw-
k-t_m¿-Un-t\-‰v- k¿-∆o-kv- N-´-ß-fp-sS- c-≠mw- `m-K-Øp-≈- \-S-Øp-∂-Xp-h-sc- {]m-_-ey-Øn¬- D-≠m-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- C-
3(kn-),- 17(F-),- 17 (_n-)- F-∂o- N-´-߃-°v- hn-t[-b-am-bpw- B-
\memw F≥.kn.F hn⁄m]\w Xv- 30.-11.-2009 Xo-b-Xn-bn-se- K-k-‰n¬- {]-kn-≤o-I-cn-®- Im-‰-K-dn-
bn-cn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- 1 hIp∏v : tImtfPv hnZym`ymkw 425/-2009 \-º¿- H-∂mw- F-≥.-kn.-F.- hn-⁄m-]-\-{]-Im-c-hpw,-

2016 sabv- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 7

Akm[mcW Kk‰v XobXn: 12˛-05˛-2016 Ahkm\ XobXn: 15˛06˛2016 cm-{Xn- 12 aWn hsc
16.-04.-2012 Xo-b-Xn-bn-se- K-k-‰n¬- {]-kn-≤o-I-cn-®- Im-‰-K-dn- 72/ \-bn¬- \n-∂pw- H-gn-hm-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- 3) KS & SSR, Part II Rule 10(a) ii _m[IamWv.
-2012 \-º¿- c-≠mw- F-≥.-kn.-F.- hn-⁄m-]-\-{]-Im-c-hpw,- tbm- {]tXyI CfhpIƒ
Ky-cm-b- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-sf- e-`n-°m-Ø-Xn-\m-ep-≈- Cu- X- 1.- tI-c-f- k¿-°m¿- \-S-Øp-∂- tIm-tf-Pv- e-Iv-N-d¿- X-kv-Xn-I-
kv-Xn-I-bp-sS- aq-∂mw- F-≥.-kn.-F- hn-⁄m-]-\-am-Wv-. Im‰Kdn \º¿:10-2/2016 \n-b-a-\-Øn-\v- G¿-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p-≈- tÃ-‰v- e-h¬- F-en-Pn-_n-
5. \nba\ coXn : t\cn´p≈ \nba\w. lb¿ sk°‚dn kvIqƒ A≤ym]I≥ en-‰n- sS-Ãv- (SLET) P-bn-®- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-sf- l-b¿- sk-°-
(a‰p{Inkv X ym\nIƒ (H.FIv k v . ) kapZmbßfnep≈ ‚-dn- kv-Iqƒ- A-≤ym-]-I- \n-b-a-\-Øn-\v- \n-jv-I¿-jn-®n-cn-°p-
DtZymKm¿∞nIfn¬ \n∂v am{Xw.) (Pq\nb¿) tkmtjymfPn ∂- tÃ-‰v- F-en-Pn-_n-en-‰n- sS-Ãv- (sk-‰v-)- P-bn-°p-∂-Xn¬- \n-
Ipdn∏v : Sn- k-ap-Zm-b-Øn¬-s∏-Sm-Ø- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- k- lb¿ sk°‚dn hnZym`ymkw ∂pw- H-gn-hm-°n-bn-´p-≠v.-
a¿-∏n-°p-∂- A-t]-£-Iƒ- \n-c-kn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- A-ß-s\-bp- 2.- \m-j-W¬- F-en-Pn-_n-en-‰n- sS-Ãv- ]-co-£-tbm- Pq-\n-b¿- dn-
≈-h¿-°v- A-t]-£- \n-c-kn-®p-sIm-≠p-≈- A-dn-bn-∏v- {]-tXy- H∂mw F≥.kn.F. hn⁄m]\w k¿-®v- s^-t√m-jn-t∏m- P-bn-®- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-sf- tÃ-‰v- F-
I-am-bn- \¬-Ip-∂-X-√.- 1. hIp∏v : lb¿ sk°‚dn hnZym`ymkw en-Pn-_n-en-‰n- sS-Ãv- (sk-‰v-)- hn-P-bn-°p-∂-Xn¬- \n-∂pw- H-gn-
6. {]mbw : 20˛-43.- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- 02.-01.-1973 2. DtZymKt∏cv : lb¿ sk°‚dn kvIqƒ hm-°n-bn-´p-≠v.-
\pw- 01.-01.-1996\pw- C-S-bn¬- P-\n-®-h-cm-bn-cn-°-Ww.- (c-≠v- A≤ym]I≥ (Pq\nb¿) 3.- ]n.-F-®v.-Un-/-Fw.-F-Uv.-/-tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-sX-¶n-epw- H-cw-Ko-
Xo-b-Xn-I-fpw- Dƒ-s∏-sS-)- (s]m-Xp-hy-h-ÿ-I-fn-se- J-fin-I- tkmtjymfPn Ir-X- k¿-∆-I-em-im-e-bn¬- \n-∂pw- _-‘-s∏-´- hn-j-b-Øn¬-
2(i) -se B\pIqeyw Dƒs∏sS) 3. iºfw : ` 16,180˛ 29,180/˛ t\-Sn-b- Fw.-F-^n¬- A-s√-¶n¬- X-Øp-ey- tbm-Ky-X-tbm- t\-
Ipdn∏v: 1. h-b- n-f-hn-s\- kw-_-‘n-®- a-‰p- hy-h-ÿ-Iƒ-°v- 4. HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : a‰p{InkvXym\nIƒ Sn-b- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-sf- tÃ-‰v- F-en-Pn-_n-en-‰n- sS-Ãv- (sk-‰v-
hn-⁄m-]-\-Øn-se- s]m-Xp-hy-h-ÿ-I-fn-se- c-≠mw- J-fin- (H.FIvkv.) - 1 (H∂v) )- P-bn-°-Ww- F-∂- \n-_-‘-\-bn¬- \n-∂pw- H-gn-hm-°n-bn-´p-
I- t\m-°p-I.- J-fin-I- 2(i) HgnsI) ap-If
- n¬- Im-Wn-®n-´p-≈- H-gn-hv- C-t∏mƒ- \n-eh - n-ep-≈X - m-Wv.- Cu- ≠v.-
2.- {]m-b-]q¿-Øn-bm-b- ti-jw- ]-´n-I-Pm-Xn-bn¬- \n-∂pw- {In- hn-⁄m-]\ - - {]-Im-cw- X-øm-dm-°s - ∏-Sp-∂- dm-¶v- en-Ãv- Cu- X-kv- 4.- s]m-Xp-hn-Zym-`ym-k- h-Ip-∏v- k-t_m¿-Un-t\-‰v- k¿-∆o-kn-se-
kvX - p-aX - Ø- n-te-°v- a-X] - c
- n-h¿-Ø\ - w- sN-bvX - n-´p-≈h - ¿-°pw- A- Xn-Ib- p-sS- 22.-01.-2014 Xo-bX - n-bn¬- \n-eh - n¬- h-∂- dm-¶v- en-Ãn- ssl-kv-°qƒ- X-e-Øn¬- ]-Øp- h¿-j-sØ- Aw-Ko-Ir-X- A-
h-cp-sS- k-¥m-\-߃-°pw- A-t]-£- k-a¿-∏n-°p-∂-Xn-\p-≈- s‚- Im-eb - f - h- n¬- {]-kvX- p-X- k-ap-Zm-bß - ƒ-°p-th-≠n- \o-°n- ≤ym-]-\- ]-cn-N-bw- ]q¿-Øn-bm-°n-b- A-≤ym-]-I-sc- tÃ-‰v- F-
D-b¿-∂- {]m-b-]-cn-[n- 45 h-b-kv- B-Wv.- [-02.-01.-1971\pw- 01.-01.- sh-®n-´p-≈X - pw- F-∂m¬- B- k-ap-Zm-bØ - n-ep-≈- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n- en-Pn-_n-en-‰n- sS-Ãv- (sk-‰v-)- ]m- m-I-Ww- F-∂- \n-_-‘-\-
1996\pw- C-S-bv-°v- P-\n-®-h¿-]- I-fp-sS- A-`m-hØ - n¬- \n-IØ - s - ∏-Sm-sX- h-∂- Cu- H-gn-hp-If - n- bn¬- \n-∂pw- H-gn-hm-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.-
7. tbmKyXIƒ te-bv°- v- \n-ba - \
- - in-]m¿-ib - pw- \n-ba - \- h - pw- \-SØ- p-∂X - p-hs
- c-
I tI-cf - Ø - n-se- G-sX-¶n-epw- H-cp- k¿-∆I - e- m-im-eb - n¬- \n-∂pw- {]m-_e - y-Øn¬- D-≠m-bn-cn-°p-∂X - m-Wv.-
50%- am¿-°n¬- Ip-db - m-sX- _-‘s - ∏-´- hn-jb - Ø - n¬- t\-Sn-b- 5. \nba\ coXn : t\cn´p≈ \nba\w. Im‰Kdn \º¿:103/2016
_n-cp-Zm-\¥ - c
- - _n-cp-Zw- A-s√-¶n¬- tI-cf - Ø
- n-se- G-sX-¶n-ep- (a‰p{Inkv X ym\nIƒ (H.FIv k v . ) kapZmbßfnep≈
DtZymKm¿∞nIfn¬ \n∂v am{Xw.)
sam-cp- k¿-∆I - e- m-im-e- X-Øp-ey-am-bn- Aw-Ko-Ic - n-®- _-‘s - ∏-
´- hn-jb - Ø- n-ep-≈- tbm-Ky-Xt- bm- t\-Sn-bn-cn-°W - w.- Ipdn∏v : Sn- k-ap-Zm-b-ß-fn¬-s∏-Sm-Ø- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- k- tIcf tÉv _nhtdPkv (am\p^mIvNdnwKv
II 1 tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-sX-¶n-ep-sam-cp- k¿-∆-I-em-im-e-bn¬-\n- a¿-∏n-°p-∂- A-t]-£-Iƒ- \n-c-kn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- A-ß-s\-bp- B‚v am¿°‰nwKv) tIm¿∏tdj≥ enan‰Uv
∂pw- "-d-Kp-e¿-'- ]-T-\-Øn-eq-sS _-‘-s∏-´- hn-j-b-Øn¬- t\-Sn- ≈-h¿-°v- A-t]-£- \n-c-kn-®p-sIm-≠p-≈- A-dn-bn-∏v- {]-tXy-
b- _n.-F-Uv.- _n-cp-Z-tam- tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-sX-¶n-epw- H-cp- k¿- I-am-bn- \¬-Ip-∂-X-√.- H∂mw F≥.kn.F. hn⁄m]\w
∆-I-em-im-e- _-‘-s∏-´- hn-j-b-Øn¬- X-Øp-ey-am-bn- Aw-Ko- 6. {]mbw : 20-˛43. D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- 02.-01.- 1 ÿm]\w : tIcf tÉv _nhtdPkv
I-cn-®- tbm-Ky-X-tbm- t\-Sn-bn-cn-°-Ww.- 1973\pw- 01.-01.-1996\pw- C-S-bn¬- P-\n-®-h-cm-bn-cn-°-Ww.- (c-≠v- (am\p^mIvNdnwKv B‚ v
2 _-‘-s∏-´- hn-j-b-Øn¬- _n.-F-Uv- _n-cp-Zw- t\-Sn-bn-´p-≈- Xo-b-Xn-I-fpw- Dƒ-s∏-sS-)- h-b- n-f-hn-s\- kw-_-‘n-®- a-‰p- hy- am¿°‰nwKv) tIm¿∏tdj≥
D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-fp-sS- A-`m-h-Øn¬- tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-sX-¶n- h-ÿ-Iƒ-°v- hn-⁄m-]-\-Øn-se- s]m-Xp-hy-h-ÿ-I-fn-se- c- enan‰Uv
ep-sam-cp- k¿-h-I-em-im-e-bn¬- \n-∂pw- _-‘-s∏-´- ^m-°¬- ≠mw- J-fin-I- t\m-°p-I.- J-fin-I- 2(i) HgnsI) 2 DtZymKt∏cv : sÃt\m{Km^¿
‰n-bn¬- t\-Sn-b- _n.-F-Uv- _n-cp-Zw- (B.Ed Degree acquired in the Ip-dn-∏v-:- {]m-b-]q¿-Øn-bm-b- ti-jw ]-´n-I-Pm-Xn-bn¬- \n-∂pw- 3 iºfw : ` 7990˛-12930/-˛
concerned facutly as specified in the Acts and Statutes of any of the {In-kvX- p-aX - Ø - n-te-°v- a-X] - c- n-h¿-Ø\ - w- sN-bvX - n-´p-≈h - ¿-°pw- 4 HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : F≥.kn.F Hgnhv
Universities in Kerala.). A-h-cp-sS- k-¥m-\-߃-°pw- A-t]-£- k-a¿-∏n-°p-∂-Xn-\p- Cugh/Xnø/_n√h - 1 (H∂v)
3 ap-I-fn¬- kq-Nn-∏n-®- C-\w- (1)-Dw- (2)-Dw- {]-Im-cw- _n.-F-Uv.- ≈- D-b¿-∂- {]m-b-]-cn-[n- 45 h-b-kv- A-Wv- [-02.-01.-1971\pw- 01.-01.- t\m´v: (ii) ap-I-fn¬- sIm-Sp-Øn-´p-f-f- H-gn-hv- C-t∏mƒ- \n-e-hn-
_n-cp-Zw-t\-Sn-b- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-If - p-tS- A-`m-hØ
- n¬- tI-cf - Ø
- n- 1996\pw- C-S-bv-°v- P-\n-®-h¿-]- ep-≈-Xm-Wv.- Cu- hn-⁄m-]-\-{]-Im-cw- X-øm-dm-°-s∏-Sp-∂- dm-
se- G-sX-¶n-ep-sam-cp k¿-∆-I-em-im-e-bn¬-\n-∂pw- d-Kp-e¿- ]- 7. tbmKyXIƒ ¶v- en-Ãv- Cu- X-kv-Xn-I-bp-sS- 06.-05.-2014 Xo-b-Xn-bn¬- \n-e-
T-\-Øn-eq-sS- G-sX-¶n-ep-sam-cp- hn-j-b-Øn¬- t\-Sn-b- _n.-F- I tIcfØnse GsX¶nepw Hcp k¿∆Iemimebn¬ hn¬- h-∂- dm-¶v- en-Ãn-s‚- (Im-‰-K-dn- \w.-354/-2008)- Im-e-b-f-
Uv.- _n-cp-Z-tam- A-s√-¶n¬- tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-sX-¶n-ep-sam-cp- \n∂pw 50% am¿°n¬ IpdbmsX _‘s∏´ hnjbØn¬ hn¬- Cu-g-h-/-Xn-ø-/-_n-√-h- k-ap-Zm-b-Øn-\p-th-≠n- \o-°n-sh-
k¿-∆-I-em-im-e- C-Xn-\v- X-Øp-ey-am-bn- Aw-Ko-I-cn-®- tbm-Ky- t\Snb _ncpZm\¥c _ncpZw As√¶n¬ tIcfØnse ®n-´p-f-f- H-gn-hn-te-bv-°v- B- k-ap-Zm-b-Øn-ep-f-f- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-
X-tbm- D-≠m-bn-cn-°-Ww.- GsX¶nepsamcp k¿∆Iemime _‘s∏´ hnjbØn\v I-fp-sS- A-`m-h-Øn¬- \n-I-Ø-s∏-Sm-sX- h-cp-∂- H-gn-hp-I-fn-te-
As√¶n¬ XØpeyambn AwKoIcn® tbmKyXtbm t\Snbncn°Ww. bv°- v- \n-ba - \- i - n-]m¿-ib - pw- \n-ba - \
- h - pw- \-SØ - p-∂X - p-hs - c- {]m-
\m-jW - ¬- Iu-¨k - n¬- t^m¿- F-Uyq-t°-j≥ - dn-k¿-®v- &- s{S- I 1 tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-sX-¶n-ep-sam-cp- k¿-∆-I-em-im-e-bn¬- \n- _-ey-ap-≠m-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.-
bn-\n-Mv- (F-≥.-kn.-C.-B¿.-Sn.-)- kvt- ]m-¨k - ¿- sN-øp-∂- G-sX- ∂pw- "-d-Kp-e¿-'- ]-T-\-Øn-eq-sS- _-‘-s∏-´- hn-j-b-Øn¬- t\-Sn- 5 \nba\ coXn : t\cn´pff \nba\w (Cugh/
¶n-epw- do-Pn-bW - ¬- C-≥Ãn-‰yq-´v- Hm-^v- F-Uyq-t°-j\ - n¬- ({]m- b- _n.-F-Uv.- A-s√-¶n¬- tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-sX-¶n-epw- H-cp- Xnø/_n√h kapZmbØnse DtZymKm¿∞nIfn¬ \n∂p
tZ-in-I- hn-Zym-`ym-k- ÿm-]\ - w-)- \n∂pw _-‘s - ∏-´- hn-jb - - k¿-∆-I-em-im-e- _-‘-s∏-´- hn-j-b-Øn-\v- X-Øp-ey-am-bn- Aw- am{Xw)
Øn¬- 50%-Øn¬- Ip-db - m-Ø- am¿-t°m-sS- t\-Sn-b- Fw.-Fk - v.- Ko-I-cn-®- tbm-Ky-X-tbm- t\-Sn-bn-cn-°-Ww.- Ipdn∏v :-Cu-gh - /- X
- n-ø/- _ - n-√h - - k-ap-Zm-bØ - n-s∏-Sm-Ø- D-tZym-Km¿-
kn.-FU - v.- (M.Sc.Ed.-)- ]m- m-bn-cn-°W - w.- 2 _-‘-s∏-´- hn-j-b-Øn¬- _n.-F-Uv- _n-cp-Zw- t\-Sn-bn-´p-≈- ∞n-Iƒ- Cu- X-kvX - n-Ib - v°- v- k-a¿-∏n-°p-∂- A-t]-£I - ƒ- \n-c-
III tI-c-f- k¿-°m¿- t\-cn-t´m- tI-c-f- k¿-°m¿- A-[n-Im-c-s∏- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-fp-sS- A-`m-h-Øn¬- tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-sX-¶n- kn-°p-∂X - m-Wv.- A-ßs - \-bp-ff - h
- ¿-°v- A-t]-£- \n-ck - n-®p-sIm-
Sp-Øn-b- H-cp- G-P-≥kn- ap-tJ-\-tbm- l-b¿-sk-°-≥U-dn- kv- ep-sam-cp- k¿-h-I-em-im-e-bn¬- \n-∂pw- _-‘-s∏-´- ^m-°¬- ≠p-ff - - A-dn-bn-∏v- {]-tXy-Ia - m-bn- \¬-Ip-∂X - √- .-
Iqƒ- A-≤ym-]-I- \n-b-a-\-Øn-\m-bn- \-S-Øp-∂- tÃ-‰v- F-en-Pn- ‰n-bn¬- t\-Sn-b- _n.-F-Uv- _n-cp-Zw- (B.Ed Degree acquired in the 6 {]mbw : 18˛-39, DtZymKm¿∞nIƒ 02.01.1977
_n-en-‰n- sS-Ãv- (sk-‰v-)- ]m- m-bn-cn-°-Ww.- concerned facutly as specified in the Acts and Statutes of any of the \pw 01.01.1998 \pw CSbn¬ P\n®hcmbncn°Ww (c≠p
Ipdn∏v : 1) KS & SSR, Part II Rule 10(a) ii _m[IamWv. Universities in Kerala) XobXnIfpw Dƒs∏sS). (ta¬ kqNn∏n® kwhcW
2) tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-sX-¶n-epw- H-cp- k¿-∆-I-em-im-e- Aw-Ko-I- 3 ap-I-fn¬- kq-Nn-∏n-®- C-\w- (1)-Dw- (2)-Dw- hn-`m-K-Øn¬-s∏-´-h- hn`mKØn\v A¿lamb hb nfhv Dƒs∏sS)
cn-®- _-‘-s∏-´- hn-j-b-Øn-ep-≈- Fw.-F-Uv- _n-cp-Zw- t\-Sn-b- cp-sS- A-`m-h-Øn¬- tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-sX-¶n-ep-sam-cp- k¿-∆-I- Ipdn∏v :-{]-kvX - p-X- ÿm-]\ - Ø - n¬- Xm¬-°m-en-Ia - m-tbm,- Zn-h-
D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-sf- _n.-F-Uv- tbm-Ky-X-bn¬- \n-∂pw- H-gn-hm- em-im-e-bn¬-\n-∂pw- d-Kp-e¿- ]-T-\-Øn-eq-sS- G-sX-¶n-ep-sam- k-°q-en- A-Sn-ÿm-\Ø - n-tem- Xp-S¿-®b - m-bn- 6 am-kØ - n-e[ - n-
°n-bn-´p-≠v.- cp- hn-j-b-Øn¬- t\-Sn-b- _n.-F-Uv.- _n-cp-Z-tam- A-s√-¶n¬- Iw- tPm-en- t\m-°n-bn-´p-ff - h- ¿-°v- A-hc - p-sS- k¿-∆o-kn-s‚- ssZ¿-
{]tXyI CfhpIƒ tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-sX-¶n-ep-sam-cp- k¿-∆-I-em-im-e- C-Xn-\v- X- Ly-tØm-fw- {]m-b] - c
- n-[n-bn¬- C-fh - v- A-\p-hZ- n-°p-∂X - m-Wv.- F-
1.- tI-c-f- k¿-°m¿- \-S-Øp-∂- tIm-tf-Pv- e-Iv-N-d¿- X-kv-Xn-I- Øp-ey-am-bn- Aw-Ko-I-cn-®- tbm-Ky-X-tbm- D-≠m-bn-cn-°-Ww.- ∂m¬- bm-sXm-cp- Im-cW - h - i - m-epw- C-hc - p-sS- D-b¿-∂- {]m-b] - c - n-
\n-b-a-\-Øn-\v- G¿-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p-≈- kw-ÿm-\-X-e- F-en-Pn- III tI-c-f- k¿-°m¿- t\-cn-t´m- tI-c-f- k¿-°m¿- A-[n-Im-c-s∏- [n- 50 (A-≥]-Xv)- - h-b  - v- I-hn-bm-≥ ]m-Sn-√.- Sn- ÿm-]\ - Ø - n¬-
_n-en-‰n- sS-Ãv- P-bn-®- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-sf- l-b¿- sk-°-‚-dn- Sp-Øn-b- H-cp- G-P-≥kn- ap-tJ-\-tbm- l-b¿-sk-°-≥U-dn- kv- d-Kp-e¿- D-tZym-Kw- h-ln-°p-∂h - ¿-°v- ho-≠pw- a-s‰m-cp- \n-ba - \ - -
kvI - qƒ- A-≤ym-]I - - \n-ba- \
- Ø
- n-\v- \n-jvI- ¿-jn-®n-cn-°p-∂- tÃ- Iqƒ- A-≤ym-]-I- \n-b-a-\-Øn-\m-bn- \-S-Øp-∂- tÃ-‰v- F-en-Pn- Øn-\v- Cu- B-\p-Iq-eyw- e-`n-°p-∂X - √- .- s{]m-hn-jW - ¬- k¿-
‰v- F-en-Pn-_n-en-‰n- sS-Ãv- (sk-‰v-)- P-bn-°p-∂-Xn¬- \n-∂pw- H-gn- _n-en-‰n- sS-Ãv- (sk-‰v-)- ]m- m-bn-cn-°-Ww.- ∆o-kn-ep-≈h - ¿- k¿-∆o-kn-s‚- ssZ¿-Lyw- Im-Wn-°p-∂- k¿-´n-
hm-°n-bn-´p-≠v.- Ip-dn-∏v- :- 1)- ta¬-∏-d-™- _n.-F-Uv.- _n-cp-Z-°m-cp-sS- A-`m-h- ^n-°‰ - v- hm-ßn- ssI-hi - w- kq-£n-t°-≠X - pw- I-Ωo-j≥ - B-h-
2. \m-j-W¬- F-en-Pn-_n-en-‰n- sS-Ãv- ]-co-£-tbm- Pq-\n-b¿- dn- Øn¬- 50%- am¿-°n¬- Ip--d-bm-Ø- am¿-t°m-sS- _n-cp-Zm-\-¥-c- iy-s∏-Sp-tºmƒ- lm-Pc - m-t°-≠X - p-am-Wv.- A-h¿- d-Kp-e¿- k¿-
k¿-®v- s^-t√m-jn-t∏m- P-bn-®- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-sf- tÃ-‰v- F- _n-cp-Z-hpw- tÃ-‰v- F-en-Pn-_n-en-‰n- sS-Ãv- (sk-‰v-)-Dw- ]m- m-b- ∆o-kn-e√ - - tPm-en- t\m-°n-bn-cp-∂s - X-∂v- k¿-´n-^n-°‰ - n¬- {]-
en-Pn-_n-en-‰n- sS-Ãv- (sk-‰v-)- P-bn-®n-cn-°-Ww- F-∂- \n-_-‘- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-sf- ]-cn-K-Wn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- ]n.-F-®v.-Un.- _n- tXy-Iw- ]-d™ - n-cn-°W - w.-
\-bn¬- \n-∂pw- H-gn-hm-°n-bn-´p-≠v.- cp-Z-tam- Fw.-^n¬- _n-cp-Z-tam- t\-Sn-bn-´p-≈-h¿-°pw- Pq-\n-b¿- (h-b- n-f-hn-s\- kw-_-‘n-®- a-‰p- hy-h-ÿ-Iƒ-°v- Cu- hn-
3.- ]n.-F-®v.-Un-/-Fw.-F-Uv.-/-tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-sX-¶n-epw- H-cw-Ko- dn-k¿-®v- s^-t√m-jn-∏v,- \m-j-W¬- F-en-Pn-_n-en-‰n- sS-Ãv- (s\- ⁄m-]-\-Øn-se- ]m¿-´v- 2se- s]m-Xp-hy-h-ÿ-Iƒ- J-fin-I-
Ir-X- k¿-∆-I-em-im-e-bn¬-\n-∂pw- _-‘-s∏-´- hn-j-b-Øn¬- ‰v-)- tbm-Ky-X- t\-Sn-b- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-°pw- ap-≥K-W-\- \¬- 2(i), (ii), (iii), (iv), & (Xii) t\m°pI)
t\-Sn-b- Fw.-F-^n¬- A-s√-¶n¬- X-Øp-ey- tbm-Ky-X-tbm- t\- Ip-∂-Xm-Wv.- Cu- hy-h-ÿ- {]-Im-cw- \n-b-an-°-s∏-Sp-∂- A-≤ym- 7 tbmKyXIƒ : H-cp- Aw-Ko-Ir-X- k¿-h-I-em-im-em-
Sn-b- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-sf- tÃ-‰v- F-en-Pn-_n-en-‰n- sS-Ãv- (sk-‰v- ]-I¿- \n-b-an-°-s∏-Sp-∂- Xo-b-Xn- ap-X¬- A-©p- h¿-j-Øn-\p- _n-cp-Zw- A-Y-hm- X-Øp-ey- tbm-Ky-X.-
)- P-bn-®n-cn-°-Ww- F-∂- \n-_-‘-\-bn¬- \n-∂pw- H-gn-hm-°n- ≈n¬- kz-¥w- sN-e-hn¬- _n.-F-Uv.- _n-cp-Zw- I-c-ÿ-am-t°- ssS-∏v-ssd-‰nw-Kv- Cw-•o-jv- (l-b¿-)- sI.-Pn.-Sn.-C-/-Fw.-Pn.-Sn.-C- A-
bn-´p-≠v.- ≠-Xm-Wv.- Y-hm- X-Øp-ey- tbm-Ky-X.-
4.- s]m-Xp-hn-Zym-`ym-k- h-Ip-∏v- k-t_m¿-Un-t\-‰v- k¿-∆o-kn-se- 2) tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-sX-¶n-epw- H-cp- k¿-∆-I-em-im-e- Aw-Ko-I- tjm¿-´v- lm-≥Uv- Cw-•o-jv- (l-b¿-)- sI.-Pn.-Sn.-C-/-Fw.-Pn.-Sn.-C-
ssl-kv-°qƒ- X-e-Øn¬- ]-Øp- h¿-j-sØ- Aw-Ko-Ir-X- A- cn-®- _-‘-s∏-´- hn-j-b-Øn-ep-≈- Fw.-F-Uv- _n-cp-Zw- t\-Sn-b- A-Y-hm- X-Øp-ey- tbm-Ky-X.-
≤ym-]-\- ]-cn-N-bw- ]q¿-Øn-bm-°n-b- A-≤ym-]-I-sc- tÃ-‰v- F- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-sf- _n.-F-Uv- tbm-Ky-X-bn¬- \n-∂pw- H-gn-hm- ssS-∏v-ssd-‰nw-Kv- a-e-bm-fw- (tem-h¿-)- sI.-Pn.-Sn.-C-
en-Pn-_n-en-‰n- sS-Ãv- (sk-‰v-)- P-bn-®n-cn-°-Ww- F-∂- \n-_-‘- °n-bn-´p-≠v.- tjm¿-´v-lm-‚ v- a-e-bm-fw- (tem-h¿-)- sI.-Pn.-Sn.-C-

8 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2016 sabv- 15

Akm[mcW Kk‰v XobXn: 12˛-05˛-2016 Ahkm\ XobXn: 15˛06˛2016 cm-{Xn- 12 aWn hsc
Ip-dn-∏v-:- tbm-Ky-X- kw-_-‘n-®- KS&SSR Part II Rule 10(a)ii Cu Km¿-∞n-If - p-sS- A-`m-hØ - n¬- \n-IØ - s - ∏-Sm-sX- h-cp-∂- H-gn-hp- cn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.-
XkvXnIbv°v _m[IamWv. I-fn-te-bv° - v- \n-ba - \
- - in-]m¿-ib - pw-\n-ba - \- h
- pw- \-SØ - p-∂X - p-h- h-e-Xp-I-Æv- C-S-Xp-I-Æv-
11 (a) s]mXp hyhÿIfnse c≠mw JfinIbnse (v), sc- {]m-_e - y-Øn¬- D-≠m-bn-cn-°p-∂X - m-Wv.- Zq-c-°m-gv-N- 6/-6 kv-s\-√-≥ 6/-6 kv-s\-√-≥
(viii), (ix), (x) & (xi) F-∂o- D-]-J-fin-I-I-fpw- 5,- 6,- 7 F-∂o- J- 5. \nba\ coXn : hnizI¿Ω, a‰v {InkvXym\nIƒ k-ao-]-°m-gv-N- 0/-5 kv-s\-√-≥ 0.-5 kv-s\-√-≥
fin-I-I-fpw- ta¬-∏-d-™- D-tZym-K-Øn-\v- _m-[-I-a-√.- (H.FIvkv) DtZymKm¿∞nIfn¬ \n∂p am{Xap≈ t\cn´p≈ Hm-tcm- I-Æn-\pw- ]-cn-]q¿-Æ-am-b- Im-gv-N- ta-J-e- D-≠m-bn-cn-
\nba\w. °-Ww.- \n-d-߃- Xn-cn-®-dn-bp-hm-\p-≈- I-gn-hn-√m-bv-a-tbm- [-I-
Ipdn∏v : hn-iz-I¿-Ω,- a-‰v- {In-kv-Xym-\n-Iƒ- (H.-F-Iv-kv-)- hn-`m- f¿- ssª-≥Uv-\-kv,- tIm-¶-Æv- (kv-Izn-‚ v-dv-)-]- a-‰p- X-c-Øn-ep-≈-
Im‰Kdn \º¿:104/2016 ˛ 105/2016 K-ß-fn¬- A-√m-Ø- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- k-a¿-∏n-°p-∂- A-t]- G-sX-¶n-epw- \yq-\-X- G-sX-¶n-epw- I-Æn-t\m- I-¨- ]m-fn-Iƒ-
saUn°¬ sdt°m¿Uvkv sset{_dnb≥ £-Iƒ- \n-cp-]m-[n-Iw- \n-c-kn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- A-Ø-cw- D-tZym- t°m- D-s≠-¶n¬- A-h- A-tbm-Ky-X-bm-bn- ]-cn-K-Wn-°p-∂-Xm-
t{KUv II Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-°m-bn- \n-c-k-\- A-dn-bn-∏v- {]-tXy-Iw- \¬-Ip-∂-
Wv.- ta-ev-]-d-™- Im-gv-N-i-Iv-Xn-bp-sS- hn-h-c-߃- Im-Wn-®n-´p-
≈- sa-Un-°¬- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v- k¿-°m¿- k¿-∆o-kn-ep-≈- H-cp-
BtcmKy hIp∏v 6.{]mbw : - 2 1˛- 4 4,- D - t Zym- K m¿- ∞ n- I ƒ- 02.- 0 1.- t\-{X- tcm-K- hn-Z-Kv-[-\n¬-\n-∂pw- hm-tß-≠-Xpw- B-b-Xv- I-
1972\pw- 01.-01.-1995 \p-an-S-bn¬- P-\n-®-h-cm-bn-cn-°-Ww.- (c-≠p- Ωo-j-≥ B-h-iy-s∏-Sp-∂- k-a-b-Øv- lm-P-cm-t°-≠-Xp-am-Wv.-
H∂mw F≥.kn.F. hn⁄m]\w Xo-b-Xn-I-fpw- Dƒ-s∏-sS-)- Im-gv-N- \n-e-hm-cw- kw-_-‘n-®v- kw-i-b-ap-≈- k-µ¿-`-ß-fn¬-
1 hIp∏v : BtcmKy hIp∏v Ipdn∏v:- - (1)- {]-kvX - p-X- ÿm-]\ - Ø - n¬- s{]m-hn-jW - e- m-bn- tPm- B-b-Xv- sa-Un-°¬- t_m¿-Un-s‚- ]-cn-K-W-\-bv-°v- hn-Sp-∂-Xm-
2 DtZymKt∏cv : saUn°¬- sdt°m¿Uvkv en- t\m-°n-bn-´p-≈-h¿- B-Zy-sØ- s{]m-hn-j-W¬- \n-b-a-\- Wv.-
sset{_dnb≥ t{KUv II °m-e-Øv- \n-›n-X- {]m-b-]-cn-[n- I-gn-™n-cp-∂n-s√-¶n¬- A-h- \n-b-a-\m-¥-cw- tPm-en-°v- lm-P-cm-Ip-tºmƒ- c-≠mw- t{K-Uv-
3 iºfw : ` 5650˛-8790/˛ (dnhnj\v ap≥]v) cp-sS- s{]m-hn-j-W¬- k¿-∆o-kn-s‚- ssZ¿-Ly-tØm-fw- D-b¿- kn-hn¬- k¿-P-s‚- ]-Z-hn-°v- Xm-sg-b-√m-Ø- H-cp- sa-Un-°¬-
4 HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : ∂- {]m-b-]-cn-[n-bn¬- C-f-hv- A-\p-h-Zn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- F-∂m¬- B-^o-k-dn¬-\n-∂pw- e-`n-®- H-cp- sa-Un-°¬- ^n-‰v-\-kv- k¿-´n-
Im‰Kdn \w.- kapZmbw HgnhpIfpsS FÆw ]-c-am-h-[n- A-©p- h¿-j-°m-ew- am-{X-ta- Cu- B-\p-Iq-eyw- e- ^n-°-‰v- Iq-Sn- lm-P-cm-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.-
104/2016 ap…ow ˛ 2 `n-°p-I-bp-≈p.- Sn- ÿm-]-\-Øn¬- d-Kp-e¿- D-tZym-Kw- h-ln-°p- Ip-dn-∏v- :- Aw-K-ssh-I-ey-ap-≈-h¿- Cu- tPm-en-°v- A-t]-£n-
105/2016: em‰n≥ ImØenIv/ ∂-h¿-°v- ho-≠pw- a-s‰m-cp- \n-b-a-\-Øn-\v- Cu- B-\p-Iq-eyw- °p-hm-≥ A¿-l-c-√-
Bt•m C¥y≥ 1 e-`n-°p-∂-X-√.- s{]m-hn-j-W¬- k¿-∆o-kp-≈-h¿- k¿-∆o-kn- Ip-dn-∏v-:- sI.-F-kv.- B-‚ v- F-kv.-Fkv.B¿. ]m¿´v I hnse
ap-I-fn¬- Im-Wn-®n-´p-≈- H-gn-hp-Iƒ- C-t∏mƒ- \n-e-hn-ep-≈-Xm- s‚- ssZ¿-Lyw- Im-Wn-°p-∂- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v- hm-ßn- ssI-h- dqƒ 10(a) ii _m[IamWv.
Wv.- Cu- hn-Pv-Rm-]-\- {]-Im-cw- X-øm-dm-°-s∏-Sp-∂- dm-¶v- en-kv- iw- kq-£n-t°-≠-Xpw- I-Ωo-j-≥ B-h-iy-s∏-Sp-tºmƒ- lm-P-
‰v- Cu- X-kv-Xn-I-bp-sS- 21.-07.-2015˛mw- Xo-b-Xn-bn¬- \n-e-hn¬- cm-t°-≠-Xp-am-Wv.- A-h¿- d-Kp-e¿- k¿-∆o-kn-e-√ tPm-en- t\m-
h-∂- dm-¶v- en-kv-‰n-s‚- (Im-‰-K-dn- \-º¿- 102/-11)- Im-e-b-f-hn¬- °n-bn-cp-∂s - X-∂v- k¿-´n-^n-°‰ - n¬- {]-tXy-Iw- ]-d™ - n-cn-°W - w- Im‰Kdn \º¿:108/2016
ap-I-fn¬- ]-d-™- k-ap-Zm-b-߃-°p-th-≠n- \o-°n- sh-®n-´p- . tIcf tÉv tdmUv {Sm≥kvt]m¿´v
≈- H-gn-hp-I-fn-te-bv-°v- B- k-ap-Zm-b-ß-fn-ep-≈- D-tZym-Km¿- (2)-tI-c-f- ^n-j-do-kv- tIm¿-∏-td-j-\n¬- \n-∂pw- ]n-cn-®p-hn-S-
∞n-I-fp-sS- A-`m-h-Øn¬- \n-I-Ø-s∏-Sm-sX- h-cp-∂- H-gn-hp-I- s∏-´- Po-h-\-°m¿-°v- 31.12.1984se- Pn.-H-(B¿.-Sn-)-942/-84/-]n.-U- tIm¿∏tdj≥
fn-te-bv-°v- \n-b-a-\- in-]m¿-i-bpw- \n-b-a-\-hpw- \-S-Øp-∂-Xp- _v-fn-bp.- \-º¿- D-Ø-c-hv- {]-Im-cw- Sn- tIm¿-∏-td-j-\n-ep-≈- dnk¿∆v ss{Uh¿
h-sc- {]m-_-ey-Øn¬- D-≠m-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- {]-kv-Xp-X- k- k¿-∆o-kn-s‚- ssZ¿-Ly-tØm-fw- h-b- n-f-hn-\v- A¿-l-X-bp-
ap-Zm-b-ß-fn-se- A¿-l-cm-b- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-sf- e-`n-°m-Xn-cp- ≠m-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- c≠mw F≥.kn.F hn⁄m]\w
∂-Xn-\m¬- {]-kn-≤o-I-cn-°p-∂- -1˛mw- F-≥.-kn.-F- hn-Pv-Rm-]- F-∂m¬- bm-sXm-cp- Im-c-W-h-im-epw- D-b¿-∂- {]m-b-]-cn-[n- 50 1. ÿm]\Øns‚ t]cv : dnk¿∆v ss{Uh¿
\-am-Wn-Xv.- (A-≥]-Xv)- - h-b  - v- Xn-Ib - m-≥ ]m-Sn-√m-ØX - p-am-Ip-∂p.- H-tc- am¿- 2. DtZymKt∏cv : tIcf tÉv tdmUv
5 \nba\ coXn : t\-cn-´p-≈- \n-b-a-\w- (ap-…ow,- F- °v- e-`n-°p-∂- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-fn¬- Cu- hn-`m-K-Øn¬-s∏-´- {Sm≥kvt]m¿´v tIm¿∏tdj≥
¬-kn-/-F-sF- k-ap-Zm-b-ß-fn-¬- s]-´- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-fn¬-- h¿-°v- ap-≥K-W-\- \-ev-Ip-∂-Xm-Wv.- Sn- B-\p-Iq-ey-߃- e-`n- 3. iºfw : ` 3100˛-6685/˛
\n∂p-am-{Xw-)- t°-≠- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- X-ß-fp-sS- k¿-∆o-kn-s‚- ssZ¿- (]cnjvIcWØn\p ap≥]v)
6 {]mbw- : 18˛39. DtZymKm¿∞nIƒ 02.01.1977 Lyw,- ]n-cn-®p-hn-S-s∏-´- Xo-b-Xn- C-h- sX-fn-bn-°p-∂-Xn-\v- tI-c- 4. HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : ]´nIh¿§w 35 (ap∏Ønb©v)
\pw 01.01.1998 \pw CSbn¬ P\n®hcmbncn°Ww. (c≠v f- ^n-j-do-kv- tIm¿-∏-td-j-≥ am-t\-Pnw-Kv- U-b-d-Œ-dn¬-\n-∂pw- Ipdn∏v: (1) ap-I-fn¬- sIm-Sp-Øn-´p-≈- H-gn-hp-Iƒ- C-t∏mƒ- \n-
XobXnIfpw Dƒs∏sS) (s]mXphyhkvYIfnse JfinI e-`n-®n-´p-≈- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰n-s‚- kz-bw- km-£y-s∏-Sp-Øn-b- i- e-hn-ep-≈-Xm-Wv.- Cu- hn-⁄m-]-\-{]-Im-cw- X-øm-dm-°-s∏-Sp-
2(i) se B\pIqeyw Dƒs∏sS) cn-∏I - ¿-∏p-Iƒ-Iq-Sn- A-t]-£t- bm-sSm-∏w- A-bb - vt- °-≠X - m-Wv.- ∂- dm-¶v- en-Ãv- Cu- X-kv-Xn-I-bp-sS- 14.-06.-2007,-18.-08.-2014 Xo-b-
(hb nfhns\ kw_‘n® a‰p hyhkvYIƒ°v s]mXp 3)s]mXphyhÿIfnse 2˛-mw JfinIbnse v, vii, viii, ix, x, Xn-I-fn¬- \n-e-hn¬- h-∂v- dm-¶v- en-Ãp-I-fp-sS- (Im-‰-K-dn- \-º¿-
hyhkvYIfnse c≠mw JfinI t\m°pI. ˛ JfinI xi,xii, & xiii D-]-J-fin-I-I-fpw- 5,- 5a, 6,- 7 F-∂o- J-fin-I-I-fpw- 278/-2004,- 204/-2009)- Im-e-b-f-hn¬- ]-´n-I-h¿-§- k-ap-Zm-b-Øn-
2(i) HgnsI) ta¬-∏-d-™- D-tZym-K-Øn-\v- _m-[-I-a-√.- \v- \o-°n-h-®n-´p-≈- H-gn-hp-I-fn-te-bv-°v- B- k-ap-Zm-b-Øn-ep-
7 tbmKyXIƒ : i) H-cp- Aw-Ko-Ir-X- k¿-∆-I-em-im-e-bn¬- 4)-h-b- n-f-hn-s\- kw-_-‘n-®- a-‰v- hy-h-ÿ-Iƒ-°v- s]m-Xp- ≈- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-fp-sS- A-`m-h-Øn¬- \n-I-Ø-s∏-Sm-sX- h-
\n-∂pw- t\-Sn-b- sa-Un-°¬-- tUm-°p-sa-t‚-j-\n-ep-≈- _n-cp- hy-h-ÿ-I-fn-se- c-≠mw- J-fin-I-bn¬- tN¿-Øn-´p-≈-Xv- t\m- cp-∂- H-gn-hp-I-fn-te-bv-°v- \n-b-a-\- in-]m¿-i-bpw-\n-b-a-\-hpw- \-
Zw- (sa-Un-°-¬- tUm-°p-sa-t‚-j-\n¬-- _n-cp-Zm-\-¥-c- _n-cp-Z- °p-I-. S-Øp-∂-Xp-h-sc- {]m-_-ey-Øn¬- D-≠m-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.-
ap-≈-h¿-°v- ap-≥K-W-\- D-≠m-bn-cn-°pw-).- 7. tbm-Ky-X-Iƒ- :- (1)- \m-emw- Ãm-≥tU¿-Uv- P-bn-®n-cn-°W - w- 5. \nba\ coXn : ]-´n-I-h¿-§- k-ap-Zm-b-Øn-se- D-
As√¶n¬- (2)- sl-hn- Uyq-´n- hm-l-\-߃- Hm-Sn-°p-∂-Xn-\v- A-\p-h-Zn-®p- tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-fn¬- \n-∂p- am-{X-ap-≈- t\-cn-´p-≈- \n-b-a-\w.-
ii) Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw- {io- Nn-{Xm- C-≥Ãn-‰yq-´v- t^m¿- sa-Un- sIm-≠v- \-ev-In-b- \n-e-hn-ep-≈- tam-t´m¿- ss{U-hnw-Kv- sse- (]-´n-I-h¿-§- hn-`m-K-Øn¬-s∏-´- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-fq-sS- A-`m-h-
°¬- k-b-≥kv- B-‚ v- sS-Iv-t\m-f-Pn-bn¬- \n-∂pw- e-`n-®- sa- k-≥kv- e-`n-®-Xn-\p-ti-jw- G-gv- h¿-jw- (7)- ]q¿-Øn-bm-bn-cn- Øn¬- ]-´n-I-Pm-Xn-bn¬-s∏-´- D-tZym¿-∞n-I-fp-sS- A-t]-£-Iƒ-
Un-°¬- sd-t°m¿-Uv-kv- k-b-≥kn-ep-≈- Un-tπm-a.- °p-I-bpw- A-Xn¬- aq-∂v- (3)- h¿-j-tam- A-Xn¬- Iq-Sp-X-tem- kzo-I-cn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv-).-
ap-I-fn¬- ]-d-™- tbm-Ky-X-bp-≈-h-cp-sS- A-`m-h-Øn¬- H-cp- Im-e-b-f-hv- sl-hn- Uyq-´n- hm-l-\-߃- Hm-Sn-°p-∂-Xn-\v- A- Ip-dn-∏v- :- ]-´n-I-h¿-§,- ]-´n-I-Pm-Xn- hn-`m-K-ß-fn¬- A-√m-Ø- D-
sa-Un-°¬- tIm-tf-Pn¬- \n-∂pw- sa-Un-°¬- dn-°m¿-Uv-kv- kq- \p-h-Zn-®p-sIm-≠v- \-ev-In-b- sse-k-≥kv- In-´n-b-Xn-\p-ti-j-hpw- tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- k-a¿-∏n-°p-∂- A-t]-£-Iƒ- \n-cp-]m-[n-Iw-
£n-°p-∂-Xn-\v- H-cp- h¿-j-sØ- ]-cn-io-e-\w- t\-Sn-bn-´p-≈- {]o- B-bn-cn-°-Ww.- 16.1.1979\p- ti-jw- sse-k-≥kv- t\-Sn-b- D-tZym- \n-c-kn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- A-Ø-cw- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-°m-bn- \n-c-
Un-{Kn-/-l-b¿- sk-°-‚-dn-/-π-kv-Sp- A-s√-¶n¬- X-Øp-ey-am-b- Km¿-∞n-I-fp-sS- sse-k-≥kn¬- slhn- Kp-Uv-kv,- sl-hn- ]m- k-\- A-dn-bn-∏v- {]-tXy-Iw- \¬-Ip-∂-X-√.-
tbm-Ky-X-bp-≈-h-tc-bpw- ]-cn-K-Wn-°pw.- k-©¿- F-∂o- c-≠v- X-cw- hm-l\-߃- Hm-Sn-°p-hm-\p-≈- F- 6.{]mbw : 21˛-46,- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- 02.-01.-
≥tUm-gv-kv-sa-‚ v- D-≠m-bn-cn-°-Ww.- C-h-bn¬- H-∂p-am-{X-ap-≈- 1970\pw- 01.-01.-1995 \p-an-S-bn¬- P-\n-®-h-cm-bn-cn-°-Ww.- (c-≠p-
sse-k-≥kv- A-S-ßn-b- A-t]-£-Iƒ- \n-cp-]m-[n-Iw- \n-c-kn- Xo-b-Xn-I-fpw- Dƒ-s∏-sS-)-
Im‰Kdn \º¿:106/2016 ˛ 107/2016 °p-∂-Xm-Wv.- (tam-t´m¿- sh-ln-°nƒ- B-Œn-s‚- 47/-78 F-∂- Ipdn∏v: (1) {]-kvX - p-X- ÿm-]\ - Ø - n¬- s{]m-hn-jW - e
- m-bn- tPm-
en- t\m-°n-bn-´p-≈-h¿- B-Zy-sØ- s{]m-hn-j-W¬- \n-b-a-\-
tIcf tÉv tdmUv {Sm≥kvt]m¿´v t`-Z-K-Xn- Im-Wp-I-)-
°m-e-Øv- \n-›n-X- {]m-b-]-cn-[n- I-gn-™n-cp-∂n-s√-¶n¬- A-h-
3)- Sn- X-kv-Xn-I-bv-°v- A-t]-£n-°p-∂- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-°v-
tIm¿∏tdj≥ A-t]-£- k-a¿-∏n-°p-∂- A-h-km-\- Xo-b-Xn- ap-X¬- F-√m- cp-sS- s{]m-hn-j-W¬- k¿-∆o-kn-s‚- ssZ¿-Ly-tØm-fw- D-b¿-
dnk¿∆v ss{Uh¿ sX-c-s™-Sp-∏v- L-´-ß-fn-epw- \n-e-hn-ep-≈- Valid- sse-k-≥kp- ∂- {]m-b-]-cn-[n-bn¬- C-f-hv- A-\p-h-Zn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- F-∂m¬-
≠m-bn-cn-°-Ww.- ]-c-am-h-[n- A-©p- h¿-j-°m-ew- am-{X-ta- Cu- B-\p-Iq-eyw- e-
c≠mw F≥.kn.F hn⁄m]\w Ip-dn-∏v-:-1)- A-t]-£I - ¿-°v- an-en-´d - n-bn¬- G-gp- h¿-jw- Fw.-Sn- `n-°p-I-bp-≈p.- Sn- ÿm-]-\-Øn¬- d-Kp-e¿- D-tZym-Kw- h-ln-°p-
1. ÿm]\Øns‚ t]cv : dnk¿∆v ss{Uh¿ ss{U-h¿- (M T Driver-)- B-bn-´p-≈- k¿-∆o-kpw- sl-hn- Uyq-´n- hm- ∂-h¿-°v- ho-≠pw- a-s‰m-cp- \n-b-a-\-Øn-\v- Cu- B-\p-Iq-eyw-
2. DtZymKt∏cv : tIcf tÉv tdmUv l-\ß - ƒ- Hm-Sn-°p-∂X - n-\v- A-\p-hZ- n-®p-sIm-≠v- \-evI - n-b- \n-e- e-`n-°p-∂-X-√.- s{]m-hn-j-W¬- k¿-∆o-kp-≈-h¿- k¿-∆o-kn-
{Sm≥kvt]m¿´v tIm¿∏tdj≥ hn-ep-≈- kn-hn¬- sse-k≥ - kpw- D-s≠-¶n¬- A-h¿-°v- ss{U- s‚- ssZ¿-Lyw- Im-Wn-°p-∂- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v- hm-ßn- ssI-h-
3. iºfw : 3100˛-6685/˛ hn-Mv- sse-k≥ - kv- In-´n-bX - n-\p-ti-jw- 7 h¿-jw- ]q¿-Øn-bm-bn- iw- kq-£n-t°-≠-Xpw- I-Ωo-j-≥ B-h-iy-s∏-Sp-tºmƒ- lm-P-
(]cnjvIcWØn\p ap≥]v) cn-°W - w- F-∂- \n-_‘ - \ - - _m-[I - a - √- .- cm-t°-≠-Xp-am-Wv.- A-h¿- d-Kp-e¿- k¿-∆o-kn-e-√ tPm-en- t\m-
4. HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : ss{U-hn-wK - n-ep-ff - - I-gn-hpw- ]n-Fk - vk - n- \-SØ - p-∂- {]m-tbm-Kn- °n-bn-cp-∂s - X-∂v- k¿-´n-^n-°‰ - n¬- {]-tXy-Iw- ]-d™ - n-cn-°W - w-
Im‰Kdn \w.- kapZmbw HgnhpIfpsS I- ]-co-£b - n-eq-sS- sX-fn-bn-t°-≠X - m-Wv.- Sn- {]m-tbm-Kn-I] - c- o- .
FÆw £-bp-sS- `m-Ka - m-bn- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-°m-bn- {Ku-≠v- sS-Ãpw- (2)tI-c-f- ^n-j-do-kv- tIm¿-∏-td-j-\n¬-\n-∂pw- ]n-cn-®p-hn-S-s∏-
106/2016 hnizI¿Ω- 30 (H Test), Road TestDw- \-SØ - p-∂X - m-Wv.- {Ku-≠v- sS-Ãv- P-bn-°p- ´- Po-h-\-°m¿-°v- 31.-12.-1984se- Pn.-H-(B¿.-Sn-)-942/-84/-]n.-U-_v-
1-07/2016 Hm.FIvkv - 5 ∂- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Is - f- am-{X-ta- Xp-S¿-∂p- \-S° - p-∂- tdm-Uv- sS- fn-bp.- \-º¿- D-Ø-c-hv- {]-Im-cw- Sn- tIm¿-∏-td-j-\n-ep-≈- k¿-
Ipdn∏v: (1) ap-If - n¬- sIm-Sp-Øn-´p-≈- H-gn-hp-Iƒ- C-t∏mƒ- \n-e- Ãn¬- ]-s¶-Sp-°p-hm-≥ A-\p-hZ- n-°p-Ib - p-≈p.- ∆o-kn-s‚- ssZ¿-Ly-tØm-fw- h-b- n-f-hn-\v- A¿-l-X-bp-≠m-
hn-ep-≈X - m-Wv.- Cu- hn-⁄m-]\ - {- ]-Im-cw- X-øm-dm-°s - ∏-Sp-∂- im-co-cn-I- tbm-Ky-X-Iƒ- bn-cn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.-
dm-¶v- en-Ãv- Cu- X-kvX - n-Ib - p-sS- 14.-06.-2007,- 18.-08.-2014 Xo-bX - n-I- D-b-cw- :- 158 sk-‚o-ao-‰¿- (]-´n-I- Pm-Xn-°m¿-°pw- ]-´n-I-h¿-§- F-∂m¬- bm-sXm-cp- Im-cW - h - i - m-epw- D-b¿-∂- {]m-b] - c - n-[n- 50
fn¬- \n-eh - n¬- h-∂v- dm-¶v- en-Ãp-If - p-sS- (Im-‰K - d
- n- \-º¿- 278/- °m¿-°pw- C-Xn¬- C-f-hv- A-\p-h-Zn-°p-∂-X-√.)- (A-≥]-Xv)- - h-b  - v- Xn-Ib- m-≥ ]m-Sn-√m-ØX - p-am-Ip-∂p.- H-tc- am¿-
2004,- 152/-2010)- Im-eb - f - h- n¬- ]-´n-Ih - ¿-§- k-ap-Zm-bØ - n-\v- \o- s\-©-f-hv- :- (km-[m-c-W-)- 76 sk-‚o- ao-‰¿- °v- e-`n-°p-∂- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-If - n¬- Cu- hn-`m-KØ - n¬-s∏-´h - ¿-
°n-h® - n-´p-≈- H-gn-hp-If - n-te-bv° - v- B- k-ap-Zm-bØ - n-ep-≈- D-tZym- Im-gv-N- :- Xm-sg- Im-Wn-®n-cn-°p-∂- Im-gv-N- \n-e-hm-cw- D-≠m-bn- °v- ap-≥K-W\ - - \-evI- p-∂X - m-Wv.- Sn- B-\p-Iq-ey-߃- e-`n-t°-
≠- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- X-ßf - p-sS- k¿-∆o-kn-s‚- ssZ¿-Lyw,-

2016 sabv- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 9

Akm[mcW Kk‰v XobXn: 12˛-05˛-2016 Ahkm\ XobXn: 15˛06˛2016 cm-{Xn- 12 aWn hsc
]n-cn-®p-hn-Ss - ∏-´- Xo-bX - n- C-h- sX-fn-bn-°p-∂X - n-\v- tI-cf
- - ^n-j- 2. DtZymKt∏cv : ss{Uh¿ t{KUv - 2/ saUn°¬ k¿´n^n°‰v (A ¬) \n›nX ^mdØn¬
do-kv- tIm¿-∏t- d-j≥ - am-t\-Pnw-Kv- U-bd - Œ- d
- n¬-\n-∂pw- e-`n-®n-´p- ss{Uh¿ (F¬ Akn v k¿Ps‚ dm¶n¬ IpdbmØ Hcp saUn°¬
≈- k¿-´n-^n-°‰ - n-s‚- kz-bw- km-£y-s∏-Sp-Øn-b- i-cn-∏I - ¿-∏p- 3. iºfw : Cu- X-kv-Xn-I-bv-°v- A-Xm-Xp- B^okdn¬\n∂pw hmßn IΩoj≥ Bhiys∏Sptºmƒ
Iƒ-Iq-Sn- A-t]-£t- bm-sSm-∏w- A-bb - vt- °-≠X - m-Wv.- ÿm-]-\w- \n-›-bn-®n-´p-≈- lmPcm°Ww.
3)s]m-Xp-hy-h-ÿ-I-fn-se- 2˛mw- J-fin-I-bn-se- v, vii, viii, ix, x, i-º-f- \n-c-°v- Ip-dn-∏v-:- 1.- hn-I-emw-K¿- Cu- D-tZym-K-Øn-\v- A-t]-£n-°p-
xi,xii, & xiii D-]-J-fin-I-I-fpw- 5, 5a, 6, 7 F-∂o- J-fin-I-I-fpw- 4. HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : eØo≥-ItØmen°/ hm-≥ A¿-l-c-√.-
ta¬-∏-d-™- D-tZym-K-Øn-\v- _m-[-I-a-√.- BwKvtfm C≥-Uy≥- - 1 (H∂v) 2 A-t]-£- kzo-I-cn-°p-∂- A-h-km-\- Xo-b-Xn-bn-epw,- F-gp-
4) h-b- n-f-hn-s\- kw-_-‘n-®- a-‰v- hy-h-ÿ-Iƒ-°v- s]m-Xp- ta¬-∏-d-™- H-gn-hp-Iƒ- C-t∏mƒ- \n-e-hn-ep-≈-Xm-Wv.- Cu- hn- Øp-]-co-£,- {]m-tbm-Kn-I- ]-co-£,- C-‚¿-hyq- Xp-S-ßn-b- sX-c-
hy-h-ÿ-I-fn-se- c-≠˛mw-- J-fin-I-bn¬- tN¿-Øn-´p-≈-Xv- t\m- ⁄m-]-\-{]-Im-cw- X-øm-dm-°-s∏-Sp-∂- dm-¶v- en-Ãv- Cu- X-kv- s™-Sp-∏v- {]-{In-b-bp-sS- F-√m- A-h-k-c-ß-fn-epw- D-tZym-Km¿-
°p-I-. Xn-I-bp-sS- 07.-11.-2012 Xo-b-Xn-bn¬- \n-e-hn¬- h-∂- dm-¶v- en-Ãn- ∞n-Iƒ-°v- \n-e-hn-ep-≈- ss{U-hnw-Kv- sse-k-≥kpw- _m-Uv-
tbmKyXIƒ : (1) \memw Ãm≥tU¿Uv Pbn®ncn°Ww s‚- Im-e-b-f-hn¬- {]-kv-Xp-X- k-ap-Zm-bØ - n-\p-th-≠n- \o-°n- Ppw- (Current Driving Licence and Badge) D≠mbncn°Ww
(2) sl-hn- Uyq-´n- hm-l-\-߃- Hm-Sn-°p-∂-Xn-\v- A-\p-h-Zn-®p- sh-®n-´p-≈- H-gn-hp-If - n-te-°pw- {]-kvX - p-X- kw-hc - W- - k-ap-Zm-b- 3 D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-fp-sS- ss{U-hnw-Kn-ep-≈- {]m-K¬-`yw- I-Ωo-
sIm-≠v- \-ev-In-b- \n-e-hn-ep-≈- tam-t´m¿- ss{U-hnw-Kv- sse- Øn-se- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-If - p-sS- A-`m-hØ - m¬- \n-IØ - s- ∏-Sm-sX- j-≥ \-S-Øp-∂- {]m-tbm-Kn-I- ]-co-£-bn¬- sX-fn-bn-t°-≠-
k-≥kv- e-`n-®-Xn-\p-ti-jw- G-gv- h¿-jw- (7)- ]q¿-Øn-bm-bn-cn- h-cp-∂- H-gn-hp-If - n-te-°pw- \n-ba - \
- - in-]m¿-ib - pw- \n-ba - \
- h - pw- Xm-Wv.-
°p-I-bpw- A-Xn¬- aq-∂v- (3)- h¿-j-tam- A-Xn¬- Iq-Sp-X-tem- \-SØ- p-∂X - p-hs- c- {]m-_e - y-Øn¬- D-≠m-bn-cn-°p-∂X - m-Wv.- 11 (a) s]mXphyhÿIfnse c≠mw JfinIbnse (v), (vii)
Im-e-b-f-hv- sl-hn- Uyq-´n- hm-l-\-߃- Hm-Sn-°p-∂-Xn-\v- A- 5. \nba\ coXn : t\cn´p≈ \nba\w. F∂o D]JfinIIfpw 5, 6, 7 F∂o JfinIIfpw
\p-h-Zn-®p-sIm-≠v- \-ev-In-b- sse-k-≥kv- In-´n-b-Xn-\p-ti-j-hpw- (e-Øo-≥I-tØm-en-°-/- Bw-Kv-tfm- C-≥Uy-≥ F-∂o- hn-`m-K- ta¬∏d™ DtZymKØn\v _m[Ia√.
B-bn-cn-°-Ww.- 16.-1.-1979\p-ti-jw- sse-k-≥kv- t\-Sn-b- D-tZym- Øn¬- \n-∂v- am-{Xw-)-
Km¿-∞o-I-fp-sS- sse-k-≥kn-¬ slhn KpUvkv, slhn ]m- Ip-dn-∏v:- - ap-If- n¬- ]-d™ - - k-ap-Zm-bØ - n¬-s∏-Sm-Ø- D-tZym-Km¿- F≥knF HgnhpIfnte°v kwhcW kapZmb߃°v
k-©¿- F-∂o- c-≠v- X-cw- hm-l\-߃- Hm-Sn-°p-hm-\p-≈- F- ∞n-Iƒ- k-a¿-∏n-°p-∂- A-t]-£-Iƒ- \n-c-kn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- A- t\cn´p≈ \nba\w (Pn-√m-Xew)
≥tUm-gv-kv-sa-‚ v- D-≠m-bn-cn-°-Ww.- C-h-bn¬- H-∂p-am-{X-ap-≈- ß-s\-bp-≈-h¿-°v- A-t]-£- \n-c-kn-®p-sIm-≠p-≈- hy-‡n-K-
sse-k-≥kv- A-S-ßn-b- A-t]-£-Iƒ- \n-cp-]m-[n-Iw- \n-c-kn- X- A-dn-bn-∏v- \¬-Ip-∂-X-√.- Im‰Kdn \º¿:110/2016
°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- (tam-t´m¿- sh-ln-°nƒ- B-Œn-s‚- 47/-78 F-∂- 6. {]mbw : 18- ˛ 39. DtZymKm¿∞nIƒ
t`-Z-K-Xn- Im-Wp-I-) 01.01.1998\pw 02.01.1977- \ panSbn¬ P\n®hcmbncn°Ww
temh¿ Unhnj≥ ssS∏nÃv
3) Sn- X-kv-Xn-I-bv-°v- A-t]-£n-°p-∂- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-°v- (c≠p XobXnIfpw Dƒs∏sS) (hnap‡`S≥am¿°v am{Xw)
A-t]-£- k-a¿-∏n-°p-∂- A-h-km-\- Xo-b-Xn-ap-X¬- F-√m- sX- Ipdn∏v:- hn-hn-[- X-kv-Xn-I-I-fn-te-°p-≈- \n-b-a-\w- tI-c-f- ]-
c-s™-Sp-∏v- L-´-ß-fn-epw-- \n-e-hn-ep-≈- Valid- sse-k-≥kp-≠m- ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- I-Ωo-j-s‚- ]-cn-[n-bn¬- hn-´n-´p-≈- ÿm-]-\-
bn-cn-°-Ww.- ß-fn¬- Xm¬-°m-en-I-am-bn- tPm-en- t\m-°n-bn-´p-≈-h¿- B-Zy- \memw F≥.kn.F hn⁄m]\w
Ipdn∏v:1) At]£I¿°v anen´dnbn¬ Ggp h¿jw Fw.Sn sØ- \n-b-a-\-°m-e-Øv- \n-›n-X- {]m-b-]-cn-[n- I-gn-™n-cp-∂n- 1 hIp∏v : F≥\nIt£aw
ss{Uh¿ (M T Driver) B-bn-´p-≈- k¿-∆o-kpw- sl-hn- Uyq-´n- s√-¶n¬- A-h-cp-sS- s{]m-hn-j-W¬- k¿-ho-kn-s‚- ssZ¿-Ly- 2. DtZymKt∏cv : temh¿ Unhnj≥ ssS∏nÃv
hm-l-\-߃- Hm-Sn-°p-∂-Xn-\v- A-\p-h-Zn-®p-sIm-≠v- \-ev-In-b- tØm-fw- D-b¿-∂- {]m-b-]-cn-[n-bn¬- C-f-hv- A-\p-h-Zn-°p-∂-Xm- (hnap‡`S≥am¿°v am{Xw)
\n-e-hn-ep-≈- kn-hn¬- sse-k-≥kpw- D-s≠-¶n¬- A-h¿-°v- Wv.- F-∂m¬- ]-c-am-h-[n- A-©p-h¿-j-°m-ew- am-{X-ta- Cu- 3. iºfw : ` 9,940 ˛ 16,580/˛- (PR)
ss{U-hn-Mv- sse-k-≥kv- In-´n-b-Xn-\p-ti-jw- 7 h¿-jw- ]q¿- B-\p-Iq-eyw- e-`n-°p-I-bp-≈q.- Sn- ÿm-]-\-Øn¬- d-Kp-e¿- D- 4. HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : Pn√mSnÿm\Øn¬
Øn-bm-bn-cn-°-Ww- F-∂- \n-_-‘-\- _m-[-I-a-√.- tZym-Kw- h-ln-°p-∂-h¿-°v- ho-≠pw- a-s‰m-cp- \n-b-a-\-Øn-\v Cu- ]´nIPmXn
4)-ss{U-hnw-Kn-ep-f-f- I-gn-hpw- ]n-F-kv-kn- \-S-Øp-∂- {]m-tbm- B-\p-Iq-eyw- e-`n-°p-∂-X-√.- s{]m-hn-j-W¬- k¿-ho-kp-≈-h¿- sIm√w - 1 (H∂v)
Kn-I- ]-co-£-bn-eq-sS- sX-fn-bn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.- Sn- {]m-tbm-Kn-I- k¿-ho-kn-s‚- ssZ¿-Lyw- Im-Wn-°p-∂- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v- hm-ßn- tIm´bw - 01 (H∂v)
]-co-£-bp-sS- `m-K-am-bn- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-°m-bn- {Ku-≠v- sS- ssI-h-iw- kq-£n-t°-≠-Xpw- I-Ωo-j-≥ B-h-iy-s∏-Sp-tºmƒ- Cu- hn-⁄m-]-\w- ta¬-∏-d-™- X-kv-Xn-I-bn-te-bv-°v- Xm-sg-
Ãpw-- (H Test), Road Test-Dw \-S-Øp-∂-Xm-Wv.- {Ku-≠v- sS-Ãv- P- lm-P-cm-t°-≠-Xp-am-Wv.- A-h¿- d-Kp-e¿- k¿-ho-kn-e-√- tPm- ∏-d-bp-∂- \-º-cp-I-fn¬- ]p-d-s∏-Sp-hn-®- F-≥.-kn.-F- hn-⁄m-
bn-°p-∂- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Is - f- am-{X-ta- Xp-S¿-∂p- \-S° - p-∂- tdm- en- t\m-°n-bn-cp-∂-sX-∂v- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰n¬- {]-tXy-Iw- ]-d-™n- ]-\-ß-sf-Øp-S¿-∂pw- tbm-Ky-cm-b- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- e-`y-a-
Uv- sS-Ãn¬- ]-s¶-Sp-°p-hm-≥ A-\p-h-Zn-°p-I-bp-≈p.- cn-°-Ww.- C-{]-Im-cw- \n-›n-X- {]m-b-]-cn-[n- I-gn-™-h-cpw- G- √m-ØX - n-\m¬- ]p-ds - ∏-Sp-hn-°p-∂- \m-emw- F-≥.-kn.-F- hn-⁄m-
imcocnI tbmKyXIƒ sX-¶n-epw- I-º-\n-bn-se-/-tIm¿-∏-td-j-\n-se-/-t_m¿-Un-se-/-A- ]-\-am-Wv.-
D-b-cw- :- 158 sk-‚o-ao-‰¿- (]-´n-I- Pm-Xn-°m¿-°pw- ]-´n-I-h¿-§- tXm-dn-‰n-I-fn-se-/-skm-ssk-‰n-I-fn-se- Xm¬-°m-en-I- k¿-∆o- Pn√bpsS H∂mw F≥.kn.F c≠mw F≥.kn.F aq∂mw F≥.kn.F
°m¿-°pw- C-Xn¬- C-f-hv- A-\p-h-Zn-°p-∂-X-√.-) kn-s‚- A-Sn-ÿm-\-Øn¬- {]m-b-]-cn-[n-bn¬- C-f-hv- e-`n-®- dm- t]cv hn⁄m]\w hn⁄m]\w hn⁄m]\w
s\-©-f-hv- :- (km-[m-c-W-)- 76 sk-‚o- ao-‰¿- ¶v- en-Ãn-epƒ-s∏-Sm-≥ tbm-Ky-X- t\-Sn-b-h-cp-am-b- D-tZym-Km¿- Im‰Kdn Kk‰v Im‰Kdn Kk‰v Im‰Kdn Kk‰v
Im-gv-N- :- Xm-sg- Im-Wn-®n-cn-°p-∂- Im-gv-N- \n-e-hm-cw- D-≠m-bn- ∞n-I-sf- A-h¿- Xm¬-°m-en-I- tkh-\w- A-\p-jv-Tn-®n-cp-∂- \w-.- XobXn \w-.- XobXn \w-.- XobXn
cn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.- A-tX- ÿm-]-\-Øn-se- H-gn-hp-I-fn-te-°v- am-{X-ta- ]-cn-K-Wn- sIm√w 134/2011 31.05.2011 447/2013 15.11.2013 32/2015 12.03.2015
h-e-Xp-I-Æv- C-S-Xp-I-Æv- °p-I-bp-≈p.- tIm´bw 381/2010 30.11.2010 447/2013 15.11.2013 32/2015 12.03.2015
Zq-c-°m-gv-N- 6/-6 kv-s\-√-≥ 6/-6 kv-s\-√-≥ tI-c-f- ^n-j-do-kv- tIm¿-∏-td-j-\n¬-\n-∂pw- ]n-cn-®p-hn-S-s∏-
k-ao-]-°m-gv-N- 0/-5 kv-s\-√-≥ 0.-5 kv-s\-√-≥ ´- Po-h\ - ° - m¿-°v- 31.-12.-1984se- Pn.-H.-(B¿.-‰n-)1- 942/-84/-]n.-Uª - yq- Ipdn∏v:- (ii) Cu- hn-⁄m-]\ - {- ]-Im-cw- X-øm-dm-°s - ∏-Sp-∂- dm-¶v-
Hm-tcm- I-Æn-\pw- ]-cn-]q¿-Æ-am-b- Im-gv-N- ta-J-e- D-≠m-bn-cn- D-Øc - h
- v- {]-Im-cw- Sn- tIm¿-∏t- d-j\ - n-ep-≈- k¿-∆o-kn-s‚- ssZ¿- en-Ãv- Cu- X-kvX - n-Ib - p-sS- Xm-sg-∏d - b
- p-∂- Pn-√b - n¬- Xm-sg-∏d - -
°-Ww.- \n-d-߃- Xn-cn-®-dn-bp-hm-\p-≈- I-gn-hn-√m-bv-a-tbm- [I- Ly-tØm-fw- h-b- n-f-hn-\v- A¿-l-X-bp-≠m-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- bp-∂- Xo-bX - n-bn¬- {]-kn-≤o-Ic - n-®- dm-¶v- en-Ãn-s‚- Im-eb - f- -
f¿- ssª-≥Uv-\-kv,- tIm-¶-Æv- (kv-Izn-‚ v-dv-)-]- a-‰p- X-c-Øn-ep-≈- F-∂m¬- bm-sXm-cp- Im-c-W-h-im-epw- D-b¿-∂- {]m-b-]-cn-[n- A- hn¬- ap-If - n¬- tc-Js - ∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p-≈- kw-hc - W
- - k-ap-Zm-bØ - n-
G-sX-¶n-epw- \yq-\-X- G-sX-¶n-epw- I-Æn-t\m- I-¨-]m-fn-Iƒ- ≥]-Xv- h-b- v- Xn-I-bm-≥ ]m-Sn-√m-Ø-Xp-am-Ip-∂p.- H-tc- am¿- s‚- A-`m-hØ - n¬- D-≠m-bn-´p-≈/- D - ≠ - m-Im-hp-∂- H-gn-hp-If - n-te-
t°m- D-s≠-¶n¬- A-h- A-tbm-Ky-X-bm-bn- ]-cn-K-Wn-°p-∂-Xm- °p- e-`n-°p-∂- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-fn¬- Cu- hn-`m-K-Øn¬-s∏-´- bv°- v- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Is - f- \n-ba - \- i - n-]m¿-i- sN-bvX - v- \n-ba - \- w-
\-SØ - p-∂X - p-hs - c- \n-eh - n-en-cn-°p-∂X - m-Wv.-
Wv.- ta-ev-]-d-™- Im-gv-N-i-Iv-Xn-bp-sS- hn-h-c-߃- Im-Wn-®n-´p- h¿-°v- ap-≥K-W-\- e-`n-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- Sn- B-\p-Iq-eyw- e-`n-t°-
≈- sa-Un-°¬- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v- k¿-°m¿- k¿-∆o-kn-ep-≈- H-cp- ≠- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- X-ß-fp-sS- k¿-∆o-kn-s‚- ssZ¿-Lyw,- Pn√bpsS t]cv dm¶v enÃv {]kn≤s∏Sp Im‰Kdn
t\-{X-tcm-K- hn-Z-Kv-[-\n¬-\n-∂pw- hm-tß-≠-Xpw- B-b-Xv- I- ]n-cn-®p-hn-S-s∏-´- Xo-b-Xn- C-h- sX-fn-bn-°p-∂-Xn-\pw- tI-c-f- ^n- Ønb XobXn \º¿
Ωo-j-≥ B-h-iy-s∏-Sp-∂- k-a-b-Øv- lm-P-cm-t°-≠-Xp-am-Wv.- j-do-kv- tIm¿-∏-td-j-≥ am-t\-Pnw-Kv- U-b-d-Œ-dn¬-\n-∂pw- e-`n- sIm√w 24.02.2010 180/2008
Im-gv-N- \n-e-hm-cw- kw-_-‘n-®v- kw-i-b-ap-≈- k-µ¿-`-ß-fn¬- ®n-´p-≈- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v- hm-ßn- ssI-h-iw- kq-£n-t°-≠-Xpw- tIm´bw 24.02.2010 180/2008
B-b-Xv- sa-Un-°¬- t_m¿-Un-s‚- ]-cn-K-W-\bv-°v- hn-Sp-∂-Xm- I-Ωo-j-≥ B-h-iy-s∏-Sp-tºmƒ- lm-P-cm-t°-≠-Xp-am-Wv.- 5.- \n-b-a-\- co-Xn- -:- -t\-cn-´p-≈- \n-b-a-\w- (]-´n-I-Pm-Xn-
Wv.- tbmKyXIƒ :- 1 a-eb - m-fw,- X-an-gv,- I-∂S- - C-hb - n-te-sX-¶n-epw- kw-h-c-W- k-ap-Zm-b-Øn-se- hn-ap-‡- `-S-≥am-cn¬- \n-∂p- am-
\n-b-a-\m\-¥-cw- tPm-en-°v- lm-P-cm-Ip-tºmƒ- c-≠mw- t{K-Uv- `m-j- F-gp-Xm-\pw- hm-bn-°m-\pw- A-dn-™n-cn-°W - w.- 8,- 9,- 10 {Xw-).- ]-´n-I-Pm-Xn- hn-`m-K-Øn¬-s∏-´- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-fp-sS- A-
kn-hn¬- k¿-P-s‚- ]-Z-hn-°v- Xm-sg-b-√m-Ø- H-cp- sa-Un-°¬- ¢m- p-Iƒ- P-bn-®n-´p-≈h - s - c- am-{Xw- {]-kvX - p-X- tbm-Ky-X- \n-jv- `m-h-Øn¬- ]-´n-I-h¿-§- k-ap-Zm-b-Øn¬-s∏-´-h-sc- ]-cn-K-Wn-°p-
B-^o-k-dn¬- \n-∂pw- e-`n-®- H-cp- sa-Un-°¬- ^n-‰v-\-kv- k¿-´n- I¿-jn-°p-∂- ÿm-]\ - Ø - n-te-°v- ]-cn-KW - n-°p-∂X - m-Wv.- ∂-Xm-Wv.-
^n-°-‰v- Iq-Sn- lm-P-cm-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.- 2 sse‰v Uyq´nhml\߃ HmSn°phm≥ \nehnep≈ 6. {]mbw- : 18˛-50.DtZymKm¿∞nIƒ 02.01.1966-
Ipdn∏v : 1) AwKsshIeyap≈h¿ Cu tPmen°v ss{UhnwKv ssek≥kpw _mUvPpw. \pw 01.01.1998-\pw CSbn¬ P\n®hcmbncn°Ww. (c≠p
At]£n°phm≥ A¿lc√. 3 ssek≥kv FSpØn´v aq∂p h¿jw XnI™ncn°Ww XobXnIfpw Dƒs∏sS).
2)-sI.-F-kv.- B-‚ v- F-kv.- F-kv.- B¿.- ]m¿-´v- II hnse dqƒ 4 tamt´m¿ shln°nƒkv BIv‰v B‚ v dqƒkn¬ ]dbp∂ (K-k-‰n¬- c-≠mw- `m-K-Øv- \¬-In-bn-´p-≈- s]m-Xp-hy-h-ÿ-I-
10(a) ii _m[IamWv. {]Imcap≈ Xmsg∏dbp∂ km[mcW ImgvNi‡nbpw fn¬- A-\p-_-‘w- J-fin-I- 2¬- ]-cm-a¿-in-°p-∂- h-b- n-f-hv-
saUn°¬ ^n‰v\kpw D≠mbncn°Ww. Dƒ-s∏-sS-)-
5 sa-Un-°¬- ^n-‰v-\-kv- :- Ipdn∏v:- (i) D-b¿-∂- {]m-b-]-cn-[n-bn¬- bm-sXm-cp- Im-c-W-h-
Im‰Kdn \º¿:109/2016 F-)- sN-hn- :- ]-cn-]q¿-Æa - m-b- {i-hW - - i-‡n- D-≠m-bn-cn-°W - w- im-epw- C-f-hv- A-\p-h-Zn-°p-∂-X-√.-
ss{Uh¿ t{KUv - 2/ss{Uh¿ (F¬ _n-)- I-Æv- :- Zq-c-°m-gv-N- :- h-e-Xv- I-Æn-\pw- C-S-Xp- I-Æn-\pw- (ii) ssk-\n-I-tk-h-\-Im-ew- sX-fn-bn-°p-∂-Xn-\v- an-en-‰-dn- Un-
6/-6 kv-s\-√-≥ kv-Nm¿-Pv- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰n-s‚- km-£y-s∏-Sp-Øn-b- i-cn-]-I¿-∏v-
k¿°m¿ DSaÿXbnep≈ hnhn[ Iº\nIƒ/ k-ao-]° - m-gvN- - :- h-eX - v- I-Æn-\pw- C-SX - p- I-Æn-\pw- 0.-5kvs - \-√≥ - I-Ωo-j-≥ B-h-iy-s∏-Sp-tºmƒ- lm-P-cm-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.-
tIm¿∏tdj\pIƒ/t_m¿UpIƒ/AtXmdn‰nIƒ/ I-f¿-hn-j-≥:- km-[m-c-W-am-bn-cn-°-Ww- (iii) Cu- hn-⁄m-]-\-{]-Im-cw- sX-c-s™-Sp-°-s∏-Sp-∂- D-tZym-
\n-im-‘-X- :- C-√m-Xn-cn-°-Ww- Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-°v- A-h¿- tPm-en-bn¬- {]-th-in-°p-∂- Xo-b-Xn-
skmssk‰nIƒ Im-gv-N- ta-J-e- ]q¿-Æ-am-bn-cn-°-Ww- bn¬- 56 h-b- v- Xn-I-bm-≥ ]m-Sn-√.-
kn-)- t]-in-I-fpw- k-‘n-I-fpw- :- X-f¿-hm-Xw- D-≠m-bn-cn-°-cp- 7. tbmKyXIƒ (1) F-kv.-F-kv.-F¬.-kn- hn-P-bw- A-
H∂mw F≥.kn.F. hn⁄m]\w Xv.- F-√m- k-‘n-I-fpw- A-\m-bm-k-am-bn- N-en-∏n-°m-hp-∂-h- s√-¶n¬- X-Øp-ey- tbm-Ky-X.-
1. ÿm]\Øns‚ t]cv : k¿°m¿ DSaÿXbnep≈ bm-bn-cn-°-Wwf- (2)aebmfw ssS∏vssd‰nwKn¬ sI.Pn.‰n.C temh¿ t{KUv
hnhn[ Iº\nIƒ/tIm¿∏td Un-)- \m-Uo-L-S-\- :- ]q¿-Æa - m-bpw- km-[m-cW - - \n-eb - n-ep-≈X - m- k¿´n^n°‰v.
j\pIƒ/t_m¿UpIƒ bn-cn-°W - w-.- ]-I¿-®- hym-[n-Iƒ- bm-sXm-∂pw- D-≠m-bn-cn-°c - p-Xv.- (3) Cw-•o-jv- ssS-∏v-ssd-‰nw-Kn¬- sI.-Pn.-‰n.-C- tem-h¿- t{K-Uv-
AtXmdn‰nIƒ/skmssk‰nIƒ ta¬∏d™h kw_‘n® hnhc߃ sXfnbn°p∂ Hcp k¿-´n-^n-°-‰pw- I-ºyq-´¿- th¿-Uv- t{]m-k- nw-Kv- A-s√-¶n¬-

10 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2016 sabv- 15

Akm[mcW Kk‰v XobXn: 12˛-05˛-2016 Ahkm\ XobXn: 15˛06˛2016 cm-{Xn- 12 aWn hsc
X-Øp-ey-am-b- tbm-Ky-X-bpw.- (ssS-∏v-ssd-‰nw-Kv- tbm-Ky-X-bv-°v- 5. \nba\ coXn : t\-cn-´p-≈- \n-ba - \
- w- (ap-…ow- kw- Im‰Kdn \º¿:112/2016
sF.-Fw.-kn.- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰p-Iƒ- kzo-Im-cy-a-√-).- 2002 P-\p-h- h-cW - - k-ap-Zm-bØ - n-se- hn-ap-‡- `-S≥ - am-cn¬- \n-∂p- am-{Xw-).-
cn- am-kØ - n-\p-ap-ºv- sI.-Pn.-‰n.-C- ssS-∏vs - sd-‰nw-Kv- Cw-•o-jv- (tem- 6. {]mbw : 18˛-50. D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- 02.-01.- temh¿ Unhnj≥ ssS∏nÃv
h¿-)- tbm-Ky-X- t\-Sn-b-h¿- I-ºyq-´¿- th¿-Uv- t{]m-k- nw-Kn- 1966\pw- 01.-01.-1998\pw- C-S-bn¬- P-\n-®-h-cm-bn-cn-°-Ww.-(c-≠p- hnhn-[w
tem- X-Øp-ey- tbm-Ky-X-bn-tem- D-≈- {]-tXy-Iw- k¿-´n-^n-°- Xo-b-Xn-I-fpw- Dƒ-s∏-sS-).-
‰v- lm-P-cm-°-Ww.- (Kk‰nse Part IIse- s]m-Xp-hy-h-ÿ-I-fn¬- A-\p-_-‘w- J- H∂mw F≥.kn.F hn⁄m]\w
Ipdn∏v:- (i) tI-{µ-˛kw-ÿm-\- k¿-°m¿- h-Ip-∏p-I-tfm,- G-P- fin-I- 2¬- ]-cm-a¿-in-°p-∂- h-b- n-f-hv- Dƒ-s∏-sS-)- 1. hIp∏v : hnhn[w
≥kn-It- fm,- skm-ssk-‰n-It- fm,- bq-Wn-th-gvk - n-‰n-It- fm- \-SØ - p- Ipdn∏v:- (i) Cu- X-kv-Xn-I-bv-°v- D-b¿-∂- {]m-b-]-cn-[n-bn¬- bm- 2. DtZymKt∏cv : temh¿ Unhnj≥ ssS∏nÃv
∂- aq-∂p- am-k-Øn¬- Ip-d-bm-Ø- ssZ¿-Ly-ap-≈- tIm-gv-kp- sXm-cp- Im-c-W-h-im-epw- C-f-hv- A-\p-h-Zn-°p-∂-X-√.- 3. iºfw : ` 9,940 ˛ 16,580/˛-
Iƒ- hn-P-b-I-c-am-bn- ]q¿-Øn-bm-°n-b-Xn-s\- Xp-S¿-∂p- \¬- (]cnjv°cWØn\v apºv)
Ip-∂- I-ºyq-´¿- th¿-Uv- t{]m-k- nw-Kn-ep-≈- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v- (ii) ssk-\n-I-tk-h-\-Im-ew- sX-fn-bn-°p-∂-Xn-\v- an-en-‰-dn- Un-
4. HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : Pn√mSnÿm\Øn¬
sI.-Pn.-‰n.-C- I-ºyq-´¿- th¿-Uv- t{]m-k-knw-ßn-\p- X-Øp-√y- kv-Nm¿-Pv- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰n-s‚- km-£y-s∏-Sp-Øn-b- i-cn-]-I¿-∏v- IÆq¿ - emØo≥ ImØenIv/
tbm-Ky-X-bm-bn- ]-cn-K-Wn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- I-Ωo-j-≥ B-h-iy-s∏-Sp-tºmƒ- lm-P-cm-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.- Bwt•m C≥Uy≥ 1 (H∂v)
(ii) Kh-¨-sa-‚ v- k¿-∆o-kn¬- ssS-∏n-Ãv- X-kv-Xn-I-bn-te-°v- A- (iii) Cu- hn-⁄m-]-\-{]-Im-cw- sX-c-s™-Sp-°-s∏-Sp-∂- D-tZym- Ipdn∏v :- (ii) Cu- hn-⁄m-]-\-{]-Im-cw- X-øm-dm-°-s∏-Sp-∂- dm-
t]-£n-°p-∂-Xn-\v- a-Xn-bm-b- tk-h-\w- ]q¿-Øn-bm-°n-bn-´p-≈- Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-°v- A-h¿- tPm-en-bn¬- {]-th-in-°p-∂- Xo-b-Xn- ¶v- en-Ãv- Cu- X-kv-Xn-I-bp-sS- Xm-sg-∏-d-bp-∂- Xo-b-Xn-bn¬- {]-
hn-ap-‡-`-S-≥am¿-°v- a-e-bm-fw- ssS-∏v-ssd-‰nw-Kn¬- tem-h¿- tbm- bn¬- 56 h-b- v- Xn-I-bm-≥ ]m-Sn-√.- kn-≤o-I-cn-®- dm-¶v- en-Ãn-s‚- Im-e-b-f-hn¬- I-Æq¿- Pn-√-bn¬-
Ky-X- th-W-sa-∂v- \n¿-_-‘-an-√.- \n-b-a-\w- e-`n-°p-I-bm-sW- 7. tbmKyXIƒ em-Øo-≥ Im-Ø-en-Iv-/- Bw-t•m- C-≥Uy-≥ kw-h-c-W- k-ap-Zm-
¶n¬- A-h¿- s{]m-t_-j-≥ ]q¿-Øn-bm-°p-∂-Xn-\v- ap-ºv- {]-kv- (1) πkvSp hnPbw As√¶n¬ XØpey tbmKyX. b-Øn-s‚- A-`m-h-Øn¬- D-≠m-bn-´p-≈-/-D-≠m-Im-hp-∂- H-gn-hp-
Xp-X- tbm-Ky-X- I-c-ÿ-am-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.- (2) aebmfw ssS∏vssd‰nwKn¬ sI.Pn.‰n.C temh¿ t{KUv I-fn-te-bv-°v- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-sf- \n-b-a-\-in-]m¿-i- sN-bv-Xv-
(iii) Xm-sg- hn-iZ- a - m-°n-bn-´p-≈- X-cØ - n¬- {]-Xn-tcm-[ t- k-\b - n¬- k¿´n^n°‰v. \n-b-a-\w- \-S-Øp-∂-Xp-h-sc- \n-e-hn-en-cn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- Cu-
¢m¿-°/v- s - sd-´¿- X-kX v- n-Ib - n¬- 15 (]-Xn-\© - )v- - h¿-jØ - n¬- Ip-d- (3) Cw-•o-jv- ssS-∏v-ssd-‰nw-Kn¬- sI.-Pn.-‰n.-C- tem-h¿- t{K-Uv- en-Ãn¬-\n-∂pw- sl-Uv-Izm¿-t´-gv-kv- H-gn-hp-I-fn-te-bv-°pw- \n-
bm-Ø- tk-h\ - w- A-\p-jT v- n-®n-´p-s≠-¶n¬- K-h¨ - s - a-‚ v- k¿-∆o- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰pw- I-ºyq-´¿- th¿-Uv- t{]m-k- nw-Kv- A-s√-¶n¬- b-a-\w- \-S-Øp-∂-Xm-Wv.- A-{]-Im-cw- \n-b-a-\w- e-`n-°p-∂- D-
kn¬- ssS-∏n-Ãm-bn- A-t]-£n-°p-∂X - n-\v- a-Xn-bm-b- tbm-Ky-X- X-Øp-ey-am-b- tbm-Ky-X-bpw.- (ssS-∏v-ssd-‰nw-Kv- tbm-Ky-X-bv-°v- tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- 26.-09.-1980 se- Pn.-H- (Fw.-F-kv-)- 442/-80/-Pn.-
bp-≈X - m-bn- I-W° - m-°p-∂X - m-Wv.- F-∂m¬- \n-ba - \- w- e-`n-°p-I- sF.-Fw.-kn.- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰p-Iƒ- kzo-Im-cy-a-√-).- 2002 P-\p-h- F.-Un- A-\p-kc - n-®v- a-‰p- Pn-√b - n-te-bv° - v- ÿ-ew-am-‰Ø - n-\v- A¿-
bm-sW-¶n¬- s{]m-t_-j≥ - ]q¿-Øn-bm-°p-∂X - n-\p-ap-ºv- a-eb - m- l-cm-bn-cn-°pw.-
fw- ssS-∏v- ssd-‰nw-Kv- tem-h¿- ]-co-£- hn-Pb - n-t°-≠X - m-Wv.- cn- am-kØ - n-\p-ap-ºv- sI.-Pn.-‰n.-C- ssS-∏vs- sd-‰nw-Kv- Cw-•o-jv- (tem-
(iv)¢mkv I hn-`m-K-Øn¬,- I-c-tk-\-bn¬- ¢m¿-°v- (P-\-d¬- h¿-)- tbm-Ky-X- t\-Sn-b-h¿- I-ºyq-´¿- th¿-Uv- t{]m-k- nw-Kn- Pn√bpsS t]cv dm¶v enÃv {]kn≤s∏Sp Im‰Kdn
Uyq-´n-),- ¢m¿-°v- (Ãm-^v- Uyq-´n-),- ¢m¿-°v- (F.-H.-kn-),- t]-gv-kv- tem- X-Øp-ey- tbm-Ky-Xb - n-tem D≈ {]tXyIw k¿´n^n°‰v Ønb XobXn \º¿
W¬- A-kn-Ã-‚ v,- \m-hn-I- tk-\-bn¬- ssd-´¿,- thym-a-tk-\- lmPcm°Ww. IÆq¿ 17.05.2012 205/2009
bn¬- ¢m¿-°v- (P-\-d¬- Uyq-´n-)- F-∂o- X-kv-Xn-I-I-fn-tem,- {]- Ipdn∏v:- (i) tI-{µ- kw-ÿm-\- k¿-°m¿- h-Ip-∏p-I-tfm,- G-P- 5 \nba\ coXn : t\-cn-´p-≈- \n-b-a-\w.-
Xn-tcm-[-tk-\-bn¬- ¢m¿-°v- B-bn- ]-Xn-\-©v- h¿-j-Øn¬- Ip- ≥kn-It- fm,- skm-ssk-‰n-It- fm,- bq-Wn-th-gvk - n-‰n-It- fm- \-SØ - p- (em-Øo-≥ Im-Ø-en-Iv-/- Bw-t•m- C-≥Uy-≥ F-∂- kw-h-c-W-
d-bm-sX-tbm- tk-h-\w- A-\p-jv-Tn-®n-´p-≈- hn-ap-‡-`-S-≥am¿-°v- ∂- aq-∂p- am-k-Øn¬- Ip-d-bm-Ø- ssZ¿-Ly-ap-≈- tIm-gv-kp- k-ap-Zm-b-Øn¬-s∏-´- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-fn¬- \n-∂p- am-{Xw-)-
Cu- X-kvX - n-Ib- n-te-°v- A-t]-£n-°m-hp-∂X - m-Wv.- [18.-5.-1977se- Iƒ- hn-P-b-I-c-am-bn- ]q¿-Øn-bm-°n-b-Xn-s\- Xp-S¿-∂p- \¬- 6. {]mbw : 18˛-39. DtZymKm¿∞nIƒ 02.01.1977-
Pn.-H.-(]n-)- 143/-77/-Pn.-F.-Un,- 6.-1.-1979se- Pn.-H.-(]n-)- \-º¿- 35/ Ip-∂- I-ºyq-´¿- th¿-Uv- t{]m-k  - nw-Kn-ep-≈- k¿-´n-^n-°‰ - v- sI.- \pw 01.01.1998-\pw (c≠p XobXnIfpw Dƒs∏sS) CSbn¬
-79/-Pn.-F.-Un,- 30.-4.-1986 se- Pn.-H.- (]n-)- \-º¿- 143/-86/-Pn.-F.- Pn.-‰n.-C- I-ºyq-´¿- th¿-Uv- t{]m-k-knw-ßn-\p- X-Øp-√y- tbm- P\n®hcmbncn°Ww.
Un,]. \n-b-a-\w- e-`n-°p-I-bm-sW-¶n¬- A-h¿- t{]m-t_-j-≥ (s]mXp hyhÿIfnse JfinI 2 (1) Dƒs∏sS)
Ky-X-bm-bn- ]-cn-K-Wn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.-
]q¿-Øn-bm-°p-∂-Xn-\v- ap-≥]v- a-e-bm-fw- ssS-∏v-ssd-‰nw-Kv- tem- ]-c-am-h-[n- {]m-b-]-cn-[n- bm-sXm-cp- km-l-N-cy-Øn-epw- 50 h-b-
(ii) K-h-¨-sa-‚ v- k¿-∆o-kn¬- ssS-∏n-Ãv- X-kv-Xn-I-bn-te-°v- A-  v- I-hn-bm-≥ ]m-Sn-s√-∂- hy-h-ÿ-bv-°v- hn-t[-b-am-bn,- h-b-
h¿- tbm-Ky-X- t\-tS-≠-Xm-Wv.- tbm-Ky-X-bv-°v- ]-I-c-am-bn- I- t]-£n-°p-∂-Xn-\v- a-Xn-bm-b- tk-h-\w- ]q¿-Øn-bm-°n-bn-´p-≈-
W-°m-°p-∂- ]-£w- 15 h¿-j-sØ- ssk-\n-I-tk-h-\- Im-e-  n-f-hn-s\- kw-_-‘n-®- a-‰p- hy-h-ÿ-Iƒ-°v,- s]m-Xp- hy-h-
hn-ap-‡-`-S-≥am¿-°v- a-e-bm-fw- ssS-∏v-ssd-‰nw-Kn¬- tem-h¿- tbm- ÿ-I-fn-se- A-\p-_-‘w- c-≠mw- J-fin-I- t\m-°p-I,- J-fin-
b-f-hn-\v- sh-bn-t‰-Pv- \¬-Ip-∂-X-√.-
(v) 11.-05.-1977 se- Pn.-H- (]n-)- \-º¿- 139/-77/-Pn.-F.-Un- bn-se- hy- Ky-X- th-W-sa-∂v- \n¿-_-‘-an-√. -\n-b-a-\w- e-`n-°p-I-bm-sW- I- 2 (1)- H-gn-sI.-
h-ÿ-Iƒ-°v- hn-t[-b-am-bn- F-kv.-F-kv.-F¬.-kn- ]-co-£-bv-°v- ¶n¬- A-h¿- s{]m-t_-j-≥ ]q¿-Øn-bm-°p-∂-Xn-\v- ap-ºv- {]-kv- 7. tbmKyXIƒ :- (1)F- k v . - F - k v . - F ¬.- k n- A- s √-
a-e-bm-fw- A-√m-sX- a-t‰-sX-¶n-epw- `m-j- H-∂mw- `m-j-bm-bn- Xp-X- tbm-Ky-X- I-c-ÿ-am-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.- ¶n¬- X-Øp-ey-am-b- tbm-Ky-X.-
F-Sp-Øn-´p-≈- `m-j- \yq-\-]-£- hn-`m-K-Øn¬-s∏-Sp-∂-h¿-°v- (iii)Xm-sg- hn-iZ- a
- m-°n-bn-´p-≈- X-cØ - n¬- {]-Xn-tcm-[t- k-\b - n¬- (2) aebmfw ssS∏vssd‰nwKn¬ temh¿ t{KUv k¿´n^n°‰v
A-h¿- a-e-bm-fw- ssS-∏v-ssd-‰nw-Kv- (tem-h¿-)- tbm-Ky-X- I-c-ÿ- ¢m¿-°v-/-ssd-´¿- X-kv-Xn-I-bn¬- 15 (]-Xn-\-©v-)- h¿-j-Øn¬- (sI.Pn.‰n.C)
am-°n-bn-´n-s√-¶n-epw- Cu- X-kv-Xn-I-bv-°v- A-t]-£n-°m-hp-∂- Ip-d-bm-Ø- tk-h-\w- A-\p-jv-Tn-®n-´p-s≠-¶n¬- K-h-¨-sa-‚ v- (3) Cw-•o-jv- ssS-∏v-ssd-‰nw-Kn¬- tem-h¿- t{K-Uv- k¿-´n-^n-°-
Xm-Wv.-F-∂m¬- \n-b-a-\w- e-`n-°p-I-bm-sW-¶n¬- s{]m-t_-j- k¿-∆o-kn¬- ssS-∏n-Ãm-bn- A-t]-£n-°p-∂X - n-\v- a-Xn-bm-b- tbm- ‰pw- (sI.-Pn.-‰n.-C-)- I-ºyq-´¿- th¿-Uv- t{]m-k- nw-Kn-ep-≈- k¿-
≥ ]q¿-Øn-bm-°p-∂X - n-\p-ap-ºv- a-eb - m-fw- ssS-∏vs - sd-‰nw-Kv- (tem- Ky-X-bp-≈-Xm-bn- I-W-°m-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- F-∂m¬- \n-b-a-\w- e- ´n-^n-°-‰pw- A-s√-¶n¬- X-Øp-ey-tbm-Ky-X-bpw.- 2002 P-\p-h-
h¿-)- ]-co-£- hn-P-bn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.- `n-°p-I-bm-sW-¶n¬- s{]m-t_-j-≥ ]q¿-Øn-bm-°p-∂-Xn-\p-ap- cn- am-k-Øn-\p- ap-ºv- sI.-Pn.-‰n.-C- ssS-∏v-ssd-‰nw-Kv- Cw-•o-jv-
(vi) ssS-∏v-ssd-‰nw-Kv- ]-co-£m- tbm-Ky-X- sX-fn-bn-°p-∂-Xn-\v- ºv- a-e-bm-fw- ssS-∏v- ssd-‰nw-Kv- tem-h¿- ]-co-£- hn-P-bn-t°- (tem-h¿-)- tbm-Ky-X- t\-Sn-b-h¿- I-ºyq-´¿- th¿-Uv- t{]m-k-
K-h-¨-sa-‚ n¬-\n-∂pw- e-`n-®- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰p-Iƒ- am-{X-ta- kzo- ≠-Xm-Wv.-  nw-Kn-tem- X-Øp-ey- tbm-Ky-X-bn-tem- D-≈- {]-tXy-Iw- k¿-
I-cn-°p-I-bp-≈p.- (ssS-∏v-ssd-‰nw-Kv- C-≥Ãn-‰yq-´p-I-fn¬- \n-∂pw- (iv) ¢m-kv- I- hn-`m-K-Øn¬,- I-c-tk-\-bn¬- ¢m¿-°v- (P-\-d¬- ´n-^n-°-‰v- lm-P-cm-°-Ww.-
e-`n-°p-∂- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰p-Iƒ- kzo-Im-cy-a-√-).- Uyq-´n-),- ¢m¿-°v- (Ãm-^v- Uyq-´n-),- ¢m¿-°v- (F.-H.-kn-),- t]-gv-kv- Ipdn∏v : - (a)tI{µ kwÿm\ k¿°m¿ hIp∏pItfm,
(vii) Cu- X-kv-Xn-I-bn-te-°p-≈- sX-c-s™-Sp-∏n-\v- KS&SSR Part W¬- A-kn-Ã-‚ v,- \m-hn-I- tk-\-bn¬- ssd-´¿,- thym-a-tk-\- GP≥knItfm, skmssk‰nItfm, bqWnthgvkn‰nItfm
II Rule 10 (a) (ii) _m[IamWv. bn¬- ¢m¿-°v- (P-\-d¬- Uyq-´n-)- F-∂o- X-kv-Xn-I-I-fn-tem,- {]- \SØp∂ aq∂p amkØn¬ IpdbmØ ssZ¿Lyap≈
Xn-tcm-[- tk-\-bn¬- ¢m¿-°v- B-bn- ]-Xn-\-©v- h¿-j-Øn¬- tImgvkpIƒ hnPbIcambn ]q¿Ønbm°nbXns\ XpS¿∂p
\¬Ip∂ Iºyq´¿ th¿Uv t{]mk nwKnep≈ k¿´n^n°‰v
Im‰Kdn \º¿:111/2016 Ip-d-bm-sX-tbm- tk-h-\w- A-\p-jv-Tn-®n-´p-≈- hn-ap-‡-`-S-≥am¿-
°v- Cu- X-kv-Xn-I-bn-te-°v- A-t]-£n-°m-hp-∂-Xm-Wv.- [-18.-5.- sI.Pn.‰n.C Iºyq´¿ th¿Uv t{]mk nwKn\v XØp√y
temh¿ Unhnj≥ ssS∏nÃv 1977se- Pn.-H.-(]n-)- 143/-77/-Pn.-F.-Un,- 6.-1.-1979se- Pn.-H.-(]n-)- \- tbmKyXbmbn ]cnKWn°p∂XmWv.
(b) K-h¨ - s - a-‚ v- k¿-∆o-kn¬- ssS-∏n-Ãv- X-kvX - n-Ib- n-te-°v- A-
(hnap‡`S≥am¿°v am{Xw) º¿- 35/-79/-Pn.-F.-Un,- 30.-4.-1986se- Pn.-H.- (]n-)- \-º¿- 143/-86/-
Pn.-F.-Un,-.] \n-b-a-\w- e-`n-°p-I-bm-sW-¶n¬- A-h¿- s{]-t_- t]-£n-°p-∂X - n-\v- a-Xn-bm-b- tk-h\ - w- ]q¿-Øn-bm-°n-bn-´p-≈-
F≥\nIt£aw j-≥ ]q¿-Øn-bm-°p-∂-Xn-\v- ap-≥]v- a-e-bm-fw- ssS-∏v-ssd-‰nw- hn-ap-‡`- S- ≥ - am¿-°v- a-eb - m-fw- ssS-∏vs - sd-‰nw-Kn¬- tem-h¿- tbm-
Ky-X- th-Ws - a-∂v- \n¿-_‘ - a - n-√.- F-∂m¬- \n-ba - \
- w- e-`n-°p-I-
H∂mw F≥.kn.F hn⁄m]\w Kv- tem-h¿- tbm-Ky-X- t\-tS-≠-Xm-Wv.- tbm-Ky-X-bv-°v- ]-I-c-
bm-sW-¶n¬- A-h¿- s{]m-t_-j≥ - ]q¿-Øn-bm-°p-∂X - n-\v- ap-ºv-
1 hIp∏v : F≥\nIt£aw am-bn- I-W-°m-°p-∂- ]-£w- 15 h¿-j-sØ- ssk-\n-I-tk-h-
{]-kvX - p-X- tbm-Ky-X- I-cÿ - a
- m-t°-≠X - m-Wv.-
2. DtZymKt∏cv : temh¿ Unhnj≥ ssS∏nÃv \- Im-e-b-f-hn-\v- sh-bn-t‰-Pv- \¬-Ip-∂-X-√.-
(c)Xm-sg- hn-iZ- a - m-°n-bn-´p-≈- X-cØ - n¬- {]-Xn-tcm-[t- k-\b - n¬-
(hnap‡`S≥am¿°v am{Xw) (v) 11.05.1977 se- Pn.-H- (]n-)- \-º¿- 139/-77/-Pn.-F.-Un- bn-se- hy-
¢m¿-°v/- s - sd-´¿- B-bn- 15 (]-Xn-\© - v)- - h¿-jØ - n¬- Ip-db - m-Ø-
3. iºfw : ` 9,940 ˛ 16,580/- (PR) h-ÿ-Iƒ-°v- hn-t[-b-am-bn- F-kv.-F-kv.-F¬.-kn- ]-co-£-bv-°v- tk-h\ - w- A-\p-jT -v n-®n-´p-s≠-¶n¬- K-h¨ - s - a-‚ -v k¿-∆o-kn¬- ssS-
4. HgnhpIfpsS FÆw : Pn√mSnÿm\Øn¬ a-e-bm-fw- A-√m-sX- a-t‰-sX-¶n-epw- `m-j- H-∂mw- `m-j-bm-bn- ∏n-Ãm-bn- A-t]-£n-°p-∂X - n-\v- a-Xn-bm-b- tbm-Ky-Xb - p-≈X - m-bn-
ap…ow F-Sp-Øn-´p-≈- `m-j- \yq-\-]-£- hn-`m-K-Øn¬-s∏-Sp-∂-h¿-°v- I-W° - m-°p-∂X - m-Wv.- \n-ba - \ - w- e-`n-°p-Ib - m-sW-¶n¬- A-h¿-
]Ø\wXn´ -01 (H∂v) A-h¿- a-e-bm-fw- ssS-∏v-ssd-‰nw-Kv- (tem-h¿-)- tbm-Ky-X- I-c-ÿ- s{]m-t_-j≥ - ]q¿-Øn-bm-°p-∂X - n-\p- ap-ºv- a-eb - m-fw- ssS-∏v- ssd-
FdWmIpfw -01 (H∂v) am-°n-bn-´n-s√-¶n-epw- Cu- X-kv-Xn-I-bv-°v- A-t]-£n-°m-hp-∂- ‰nw-Kv- tem-h¿- tbm-Ky-X- t\-Sn-bn-cn-°W - w.-
Ipdn∏v:- (ii) Cu- hn-⁄m-]-\-{]-Im-cw- X-øm-dm-°-s∏-Sp-∂- dm- Xm-Wv.- F-∂m¬- \n-b-a-\w- e-`n-°p-I-bm-sW-¶n¬- s{]m-t_- (d) ¢m-kv- I- hn-`m-K-Øn¬,- I-c-tk-\-bn¬- ¢m¿-°v- (P-\-d¬-
¶v- en-Ãv- Cu- X-kv-Xn-I-bp-sS- Xm-sg-∏-d-bp-∂- Pn-√-I-fn¬- {]- j-≥ ]q¿-Øn-bm-°p-∂-Xn-\p-ap-ºv- a-e-bm-fw- ssS-∏v-ssd-‰nw-Kv- Uyq-´n-),- ¢m¿-°v- (Ãm-^v- Uyq-´n-),- t]-gv-kv-W¬- A-kn-Ã-‚ v,-
kn-≤o-I-cn-®- dm-¶v- en-Ãn-s‚- Im-e-b-f-hn¬- ap-I-fn¬- tc-J-s∏- (tem-h¿-)- ]-co-£- hn-P-bn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.- \m-hn-I- tk-\-bn¬- ssd-´¿,- thym-a-tk-\-bn¬- ¢m¿-°v- (P-\-
Sp-Øn-bn-´p-≈- kw-h-c-W- k-ap-Zm-b-Øn-s‚- A-`m-h-Øn¬- D- (vi) C\w (iii), (iv) F-∂n-h-bn¬- kq-Nn-∏n-Nn-´p-≈- {]-Im-c-ap-≈- d¬- Uyq-´n-)- F-∂o- X-kv-Xn-I-I-fn-tem,- {]-Xn-tcm-[- tk-\-bn¬-
≠m-bn-´p-≈-/-D-≠m-Im-hp-∂- H-gn-hp-I-fn-te-bv-°v- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- I-ºyq-´¿- th¿-Uv- s{]m-k-kn-Mv- tbm-Ky-X- ¢m¿-°v- B-bn- ]-Xn-\-©v- h¿-j-Øn¬- Ip-d-bm-sX-tbm- tk-h-
t\-Sp-∂-Xn¬- \n-∂pw- H-gn-hm-°-s∏-Sp-∂-Xm-Wv.- \w- A-\p-jv-Tn-®n-´p-≈- hn-ap-‡-`-S-≥am¿-°v- Cu- X-kv-Xn-I-bn-
I-sf- \n-b-a-\-in-]m¿-i- sN-bv-Xv- \n-b-a-\w- \-S-Øp-∂-Xp-h-sc-
(vii) ssS-∏v-ssd-‰nw-Kv- ]-co-£m- tbm-Ky-X- sX-fn-bn-°p-∂-Xn-\v- te-°v- A-t]-£n-°m-hp-∂-Xm-Wv.- [-18.-5.-1977 se- Pn.-H.-(]n-)- 143/
K-h-¨-sa-‚ n¬-\n-∂pw- e-`n-®- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰p-Iƒ- am-{X-ta- kzo- -77/-Pn.-F.-Un,- 6.-1.-1979 se- Pn.-H.-(]n-)- \-º¿- 35/-79/-Pn.-F.-Un,-
Pn√bpsS t]cv dm¶v enÃv {]kn≤s∏Sp Im‰Kdn I-cn-°p-I-bp-≈p.- (ssS-∏v-ssd-‰nw-Kv- C-≥Ãn-‰yq-´p-I-fn¬- \n-∂pw- 30.-4.-1986 se- Pn.-H.- (]n-)- \-º¿- 143/-86/-Pn.-F.-Un,-].- \n-b-a-\w-
Ønb XobXn \º¿ e-`n-°p-∂- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰p-Iƒ- kzo-Im-cy-a-√-).- e-`n-°p-I-bm-sW-¶n¬- A-h¿- s{]m-t_-j-≥ ]q¿-Øn-bm-°p-
]Ø\wXn´ 08.06.2015 132/2012 (viii) Cu XkvXnIbnte°p≈ sXcs™Sp∏n\v KS&SSR ∂-Xn-\p- ap-ºv- a-e-bm-fw- ssS-∏v- ssd-‰nw-Kv- (tem-h¿-) -tbm-Ky-X-
FdWmIpfw 07.10.2014 132/2012 Part II Rule 10 (a) (ii) _m[IamWv. t\-Sn-bn-cn-°-Ww.- F-∂m¬- 15 h¿-j-sØ- ssk-\n-I-tk-h-\-

2016 sabv- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 11

Akm[mcW Kk‰v XobXn: 12˛-05˛-2016 Ahkm\ XobXn: 15˛06˛2016 cm-{Xn- 12 aWn hsc
Im-e-b-f-hv- tbm-Ky-X-bv-°v- ]-I-c-am-bn- I-W-°m-°p-∂- ]-£w- fn¬- {]-kn-≤o-I-cn-®- dm-¶v- en-Ãp-I-fp-sS- Im-e-b-f-hn¬- ta¬- KS & SSR Rule 10 a (ii) _m[IamWv.
{]-kv-Xp-X-Im-e-b-f-hn-\v- sh-bn-t‰-Pv- \¬-Ip-∂-X-√.- ∏-d-™- k-ap-Zm-b-Øn-\p-th-≠n- \o-°n-h-®n-´p-≈- H-gn-hp-I-fn- Ipdn∏v:- (i) ap-I-fn¬- ]-d-™- c-Pn-tÿ-Uv- ÿm-]-\w- F-∂- ]-
(e-)- 11.5.1977se- Pn.-H- (]n-)- \-º¿- 139/-77/-Pn.-F.-Un-bn-se- hy-h- te-bv-°pw- B- k-ap-Zm-b-Øn¬-s∏-´- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-fp-sS- A- Zw-sIm-≠v- D-t±-in-°p-∂-Xv,- I-º-\o-kv- B-Œv- A-s√-¶n¬- Nm-
ÿ-Iƒ-°v- hn-t[-b-am-bn- F-kv.-F-kv.-F¬.-kn- ]-co-£-bv-°v- `m-h-Øn¬- \n-I-Ø-s∏-Sm-Ø- H-gn-hp-I-fn-te-bv-°pw- D-tZym-Km¿- cn-‰-∫nƒ- skm-ssk-‰o-kv- B-Œv,- A-s√-¶n¬- tIm-Hm-∏-td-‰o-
a-e-bm-fw- A-√m-sX- a-t‰-sX-¶n-epw- `m-j- H-∂mw- `m-j-bm-bn- ∞n-I-sf- \n-b-a-\- in-]m¿-i- sN-bv-Xv- \n-b-a-\w- \-S-Øp-∂-Xp- hv- skm-ssk-‰o-kv- B-Œv- {]-Im-cw- c-Pn-ÿ- sN-bv-Xn-´p-≈-
F-Sp-Øn-´p-≈- `m-j- \yq-\-]-£- hn-`m-K-Øn¬-s∏-Sp-∂-h¿-°v- h-sc- \n-e-hn-en-cn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- ÿm-]-\-߃-/-I-º-\n-/-skm-ssk-‰n- A-s√-¶n¬- hy-h-km-b-
A-h¿- a-e-bm-fw- ssS-∏v-ssd-‰nw-Kv- (tem-h¿-)- tbm-Ky-X- I-c-ÿ- Pn√bpsS t]cv dm¶v enÃv {]kn≤s∏Sp Im‰Kdn hn-I-k-\- I-Ωo-j-W¿- (F-kv.-F-kv.-sF-)- ap-≥]m-sI- c-Pn-
am-°n-bn-´n-s√-¶n-epw- Cu- X-kv-Xn-I-bv-°v- A-t]-£n-°m-hp-∂- Ønb XobXn \º¿ ÿ- sN-bv-Xn-´p-≈- sN-dp-In-S- hy-h-km-b- bq-Wn-‰p-Iƒ- A-
Xm-Wv.- F-∂m¬- \n-b-a-\w- e-`n-°p-I-bm-sW-¶n¬- s{]m-t_- ]Ø\wXn´ 14.03.2012 264/07 s√-¶n¬- k¿-°m¿- Aw-Ko-I-cn-®- G-sX-¶n-epw- B-Œv- {]-Im-
j-≥ ]q¿-Øn-bm-°p-∂-Xn-\p-ap-ºv- a-e-bm-fw- ssS-∏v-ssd-‰nw-Kv- cw- \n-b-a-\-km-[y-X-bp-≈- ÿm-]-\w-/- I-º-\n-/-skm-ssk-
5. \nba\ coXn : t\cn´p≈ \nba\w (]´nIPmXn
(tem-h¿-)- ]-co-£- hn-P-bn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.- ‰n-/-bq-Wn-‰v- F-∂m-Wv.- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- sXm-gn¬- ]-cn-N-
kwhcW kapZmbØn¬s∏´ DtZymKm¿∞nIfn¬ \n∂p
(f-)- ssS-∏v-ssd-‰nw-Kv- ]-co-£m- tbm-Ky-X- sX-fn-bn-°p-∂-Xn-\v- K- bw- sX-fn-bn-°p-∂-Xn-\v- lm-P-cm-t°-≠- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v- Xm-
h-¨-sa-‚ n¬-\n-∂pw- e-`n-®- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰p-Iƒ- am-{X-ta- kzo- 6. {]mbw : 18-˛41 DtZymKm¿∞nIƒ 2.1.1975- sg- sIm-Sp-Øn-cn-°p-∂- am-Xr-I-bn¬- B-bn-cn-°-Ww.- [-ÿm-
I-cn-°p-I-bp-≈p.- (ssS-∏v-ssd-‰nw-Kv- C-≥Ãn-‰yq-´p-I-fn¬- \n-∂pw- \pw 1.1.1998- \pw CSbn¬ P\n®hcmbncn°Ww (c≠v ]-\-Øn-s‚- (I-º-\n-/-tIm¿-∏-td-j-≥/-K-h-¨-sa-‚ v- Un-∏m¿-
e-`n-°p-∂- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰p-Iƒ- kzo-Im-cy-a-√-).- XobXnIfpw Dƒs∏sS) s]mXphyhÿIfnse JfinI ´v-sa-‚ v-/-k-l-I-c-W- ÿm-]-\-߃- ap-X-em-b-h-)- t]-cpw- c-Pn-
(g) Cu XkvXnIbnte°p≈ sXcs™Sp∏n\v KS&SSR Part 2(i) se CfhpIfS°w) ÿ- \-º-cpw- (sN-dp-In-S- hy-h-km-b- c-Pn-kv-t{S-j-≥ \-º¿-
II Rule 10 (a) (ii) _m[IamWv. Ipdn∏v :- bmsXmcp ImcWhimepw Db¿∂ {]mb]cn[n 50 A-s√-¶n¬- a-t‰-sX-¶n-epw- c-Pn-kv-t{S-j-≥ \-º¿-)- c-Pn-ÿ-
(A≥ºXv) hb v Ihnbm≥ ]mSn√ F∂ hyhÿbv°v sN-bv-X- Xo-b-Xn-bp-w].
]cn-Nb k¿-´n-^n-°‰v,- km-£y-]{Xw- F∂n-hbp-sS am-Xr-
Im‰Kdn \º¿:113/2016 hnt[bambn Db¿∂ {]mb]cn[nbn¬ A\phZn®n´p≈
ss_≥-U¿- t{KUv- II
{]tXyI B\pIpey߃°v Cu hn⁄m]\Øns‚ ]m¿´v Ibv - ° v - sh_v - s sk‰n- s e hn- P v - R m- ] \w- Im- W p- I .-
II s]mXp hyhÿIƒ t\m°pI (JfinI 2(i) HgnsI) (
hnhn-[w 7. tbmKyXIƒ : 1) G-gmw- Ãm-≥tU¿-Uv- (]p-Xn-b- Ip-dn-∏v- :- (1)- tPm-en- sN-bv-Xn-cp-∂- X-kv-Xn-I-bp-sS- t]-cv- A-
Xv-)- A-s√-¶n¬- X-Øp-√y-am-b- ]-co-£- P-bn-®n-cn-°-Ww.- s√-¶n¬- tPm-en-bp-sS- kz-`m-hw- A-Xm-b-Xv- Im-jz¬- sXm-gn-
H∂mw F≥.kn.F hn⁄m]\w 2)_p-°v- ss_-‚ nw-Kn¬- a-{Zm-kv- K-h¨ - s - a-‚ vs- S-Iv\ - n-°¬- ]-co- em-fn- A-s√-¶n¬- i-º-f-tØm-Sp- Iq-Sn-tbm- A-√m-sX-tbm- D-
1. hIp∏v :
hnhn[w £- (Fw.-Pn.-‰n.-C)- - A-s√-¶n¬- tI-cf - - K-h¨ - s- a-‚ v- sS-Iv\ - n-°¬- ≈- A-{]-‚o-kv- A-s√-¶n¬- ÿn-ct- am- Xm¬-°m-en-It- am- B-b-
2. DtZymKt∏cv ss_≥U¿ t{KUv II
: ]-co-£- (sI.-Pn,-‰n.-C)- - (tem-h¿-)- P-bn-®n-cn-°W - w.- sXm-gn-em-fn- C-hb - n-te-Xm-tWm- A-Xp- kq-Nn-∏n-°W - w.-
3. iºfw ` 8960 ˛- 14260/˛
: Cu- ]-d™ - - tbm-Ky-Xb - p-≈- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-If - p-sS- A-`m-hØ - n¬- (2)- F-√m- ]-cn-Nb - - k¿-´n-^n-°‰ - p-If
- pw- k¿-°m-cn-s‚- _-‘s - ∏-´-
4. HgnhpIfpsS FÆw :
Pn√mSnÿm\Øn¬ H-cp- k¿-°m¿- h-Ip-∏n-tem- c-Pn-tÿ-Uv- ÿm-]\ - Ø - n-tem- _p- \n-b{- ¥-Wm-[n-Im-cn-/- ta-e[ - n-Im-cn-sb-s°m-≠-v km-£y-s∏-Sp-tØ-
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]Ø\wXn´ - - 01(H∂v) ]-cn-KW- n-°p-∂X - m-Wv.- A-ßs - \-bp-≈h - ¿- _p-°v- _-b‚ - nw-Kn- hn-t[-ba - m-°p-∂X - pw- hym-P- k¿-´n-^n-°‰ - p-Iƒ- \¬-Ip-∂h - c - p-tS-
Ipdn∏v:- (iii) Cu- hn-⁄m-]-\-{]-Im-cw- X-øm-dm-°-s∏-Sp-∂- dm- ep-≈- X-ßf - p-sS- {]m-ho-Wyw- ]n.-Fk - v.k- n- \-SØ - p-∂- H-cp- {]m- bpw- lm-Pc - m-°p-∂- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-If - p-tS-bpw- t]-cn¬- \n-ba - m-\p-
¶v- en-Ãp-Iƒ- Cu- X-kv-Xn-I-bv-°v- Xm-sg-∏-d-bp-∂- Xo-b-Xn-I- tbm-Kn-I- ]-co-£b - n¬- sX-fn-bn-t°-≠X - m-Wv.- kr-Xa - m-b- \-S] - S- n-Iƒ- kzo-Ic - n-°p-∂X - p-am-Wv.-

Hm¨-sse≥- ]co-£m- Ie≠¿- ˛

- 2016 Pq¨-
* Examination Time includes one hour as preparation time for the verification of Admission Tickets and original ID of the candidates appearing for the examination.

{Ia Xo-bXn- Xkv-Xn-Ibpw- Im-‰Kdn- \ºdpw- hIp-∏v/- kn-e_kv-

\w- kabw- kvY
- m-]\w-
1 06/06/2016 MEDICAL RECORD INSURANCE MEDICAL Syllabus: An Objective Type Test based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Monday LIBRARIAN GRADE II SERVICES Main Topics:- Questions based on Technical Qualification
10.00 AM* 641/2014 ONLINE EXAMINATION (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 Hour 15 Minutes) ( Medium of Questions: English)
to 12.15 PM Date of completion of OTR Verification should be on or before 17/05/2016 (Circular 13/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 27/05/2016
2 13/06/2016 JUNIOR INSTRUCTOR INDUSTRIAL TRAINING Syllabus: An Objective Type Test based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Monday (LABORATORY ASSISTANT – ONLINE EXAMINATION Main Topics:- Questions based on Technical Qualification
10.00 AM* CHEMICAL PLANT) (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 Hour 15 Minutes) ( Medium of Questions: English)
to 12.15 PM 12/2010 Absolute admission should be completed on or before 24/05/2016 (Circular 13/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 03/06/2016
3 20/06/2016 LIVESTOCK INSPECTOR ANIMAL HUSBANDRY Syllabus: An Objective Type Test based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Monday GRADE II/POULTRY ASSISTANT/ ONLINE EXAMINATION Main Topics:- Part I : Questions based on Qualification prescribed Part II : Biology
10.00 AM* MILK RECORDER/STORE KEEPER/ Part III : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
to 12.15 PM ENUMERATOR (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
(NCA NOTIFICATION) Date of completion of OTR Verification should be on or before 31/05/2016 (Circular 13/2015)
449/2015 Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
KLM - SIUC N in the Website from 10/06/2016
4 20/06/2016 LIVESTOCK INSPECTOR ANIMAL HUSBANDRY Syllabus: An Objective Type Test based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Monday GRADE II/POULTRY ASSISTANT/ ONLINE EXAMINATION Main Topics:- Part I : Questions based on Qualification prescribed Part II : Biology
10.00 AM* MILK RECORDER/STORE KEEPER/ Part III : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
to 12.15 PM ENUMERATOR (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
(NCA NOTIFICATION) Date of completion of OTR Verification should be on or before 31/05/2016 (Circular 13/2015)
450/2015 Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
MPM - ST in the Website from 10/06/2016
5 20/06/2016 LIVESTOCK INSPECTOR ANIMAL HUSBANDRY Syllabus: An Objective Type Test based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Monday GRADE II/POULTRY ASSISTANT/ ONLINE EXAMINATION Main Topics:- Part I : Questions based on Qualification prescribed Part II : Biology
10.00 AM* MILK RECORDER/STORE KEEPER/ Part III : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
to 12.15 PM ENUMERATOR (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
(NCA NOTIFICATION) Date of completion of OTR Verification should be on or before 31/05/2016 (Circular 13/2015)
451/2015 Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
TSR - D in the Website from 10/06/2016
6 20/06/2016 LIVESTOCK INSPECTOR ANIMAL HUSBANDRY Syllabus: An Objective Type Test based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Monday GRADE II/POULTRY ASSISTANT/ ONLINE EXAMINATION Main Topics:- Part I : Questions based on Qualification prescribed Part II : Biology
10.00 AM* MILK RECORDER/STORE KEEPER/ Part III : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
to 12.15 PM ENUMERATOR (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
(NCA NOTIFICATION) Date of completion of OTR Verification should be on or before 31/05/2016 (Circular 13/2015)
452/2015 Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
KLM - HN in the Website from 10/06/2016

12 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2016 sabv- 15

{Ia Xo-bXn- Xkv-Xn-Ibpw- Im-‰Kdn- \ºdpw- hIp-∏v/- kn-e_kv-
\w- kabw- kvY
- m-]\w-
7 23/06/2016 TRACER TOWN & COUNTRY Syllabus: An Objective Type Test based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Thursday (SR FOR ST ONLY) PLANNING Main Topics:- Part I : Questions based on Qualification prescribed Part II : General Knowledge,
10.00 AM* 178/2015 ONLINE EXAMINATION Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
to 12.15 PM (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Date of completion of OTR Verification should be on or before 03/06/2016 (Circular 13/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 13/06/2016
8 27/06/2016 ASSISTANT ENGINEER UNITED ELECTRICAL Syllabus: An Objective Type Test based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Monday (SR FOR ST ONLY) INDUSTRIES LIMITED Main Topics:- Part I : Questions based on Qualification prescribed Part II : General Knowledge,
10.00 AM* 26/2014 ONLINE EXAMINATION Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
to 12.15 PM Further Details regarding Main Topics (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
are available on the Website Date of completion of OTR Verification should be on or before 07/06/2016 (Circular 13/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 17/06/2016

]co-£m- Ie≠¿- ˛
- 2016 Pq¨-
* Examination Time includes half an hour as preparation time for the verification of Admission Tickets and original ID of the Candidates appearing for the

{Ia Xo-bXn- Xkv-Xn-Ibpw- Im-‰Kdn- \ºdpw- hIp-∏v/- kn-e_kv-

\w- kabw- kvY
- m-]\w-
1 04/06/2016 WHARF SUPERVISOR PORT Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday 216/2015 Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala Part II : General
01.30 PM* KGD English Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 03.15 PM (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 04/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 21/05/2016
2 04/06/2016 MALE WARDER JAILS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala Part II : General
01.30 PM* 394/2015 English Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 03.15 PM TVM UNIT - SC (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 04/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 21/05/2016
3 04/06/2016 MALE WARDER JAILS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala Part II : General
01.30 PM* 395/2015 English Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
to 03.15 PM TVM UNIT - V (Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 04/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 21/05/2016
4 04/06/2016 MALE WARDER JAILS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala Part II : General
01.30 PM* 396/2015 English Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 03.15 PM TVM UNIT - M (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 04/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 21/05/2016
5 08/06/2016 VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTOR VOCATIONAL HIGHER Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Wednesday IN MECHANICAL SERVICING SECONDARY EDUCATION Main Topics:- Questions based on Technical Qualification
07.30 AM* (AGRO MACHINERY) (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
to 09.15 AM 492/2015 Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 09/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 25/05/2016
6 08/06/2016 VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTOR VOCATIONAL HIGHER Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Wednesday IN MECHANICAL SERVICING SECONDARY EDUCATION Main Topics:- Questions based on Technical Qualification
07.30 AM* (AGRO MACHINERY) (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
to 09.15 AM (BY TRANSFER) Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 09/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
493/2015 Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 25/05/2016
7 11/06/2016 DRIVER GRADE II (LDV) VARIOUS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Main Topics:- Part I: General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 127/2015 Part II: Questions based on Driving (LDV)
to 03.15 PM TVM - V (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 11/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 28/05/2016
8 11/06/2016 DRIVER GRADE II (LDV) VARIOUS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Main Topics:- Part I: General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 128/2015 Part II: Questions based on Driving (LDV)
to 03.15 PM KTM - ST (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 11/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 28/05/2016
9 11/06/2016 DRIVER GRADE II (LDV) VARIOUS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Main Topics:- Part I: General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala

2016 sabv- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 13

{Ia Xo-bXn- Xkv-Xn-Ibpw- Im-‰Kdn- \ºdpw- hIp-∏v/- kn-e_kv-
\w- kabw- kvY
- m-]\w-
01.30 PM* 129/2015 Part II: Questions based on Driving (LDV)
to 03.15 PM KTM - OBC (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 11/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 28/05/2016
10 11/06/2016 DRIVER GRADE II (LDV) VARIOUS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Main Topics:- Part I: General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 130/2015 Part II: Questions based on Driving (LDV)
to 03.15 PM KTM - LC/AI (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 11/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 28/05/2016
11 11/06/2016 DRIVER GRADE II (LDV) DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (PART I – DIRECT RECRUITMENT) BANK Main Topics:- Part I: General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 242/2015 Part II: Questions based on Driving (LDV)
to 03.15 PM KLM, KKD, KGD (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 11/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 28/05/2016
12 11/06/2016 DRIVER GRADE II (LDV) DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (PART II – DIRECT RECRUITMENT BANK Main Topics:- Part I: General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* FROM ELIGIBLE AND QUALIFIED Part II: Questions based on Driving (LDV)
to 03.15 PM EMPLOYEES OF MEMBER SOCIETIES (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
/PRIMARY CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES (Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
AFFILIATED TO THE KOZHIKODE, Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 11/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
KASARAGOD & KOLLAM DISTRICT Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
CO-OPERATIVE BANKS) in the Website from 28/05/2016
13 11/06/2016 DRIVER DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (PART I – DIRECT RECRUITMENT) BANK Main Topics:- Part I: General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 539/2015 Part II: Questions based on Driving (LDV)
to 03.15 PM KTM (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 11/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 28/05/2016
14 11/06/2016 DRIVER DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (PART II – DIRECT RECRUITMENT BANK Main Topics:- Part I: General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* FROM ELIGIBLE AND QUALIFIED Part II: Questions based on Driving (LDV)
to 03.15 PM EMPLOYEES OF MEMBER SOCIETIES (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
/PRIMARY CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES (Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
AFFILIATED KOTTAYAM DISTRICT Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 11/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
COOPERATIVE BANK) Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
540/2015 in the Website from 28/05/2016
15 11/06/2016 DRIVER GRADE II/ DRIVER (LDV) VARIOUS GOVERNMENT Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (NCA NOTIFICATION) OWNED COMPANIES/CORPO Main Topics:- Part I: General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 599/2015 RATIONS/BOARDS/AUTHORI Part II: Questions based on Driving (LDV)
to 03.15 PM D TIES/SOCIETIES (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 11/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 28/05/2016
16 11/06/2016 DRIVER GRADE II/ DRIVER (LDV) VARIOUS GOVERNMENT Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (NCA NOTIFICATION) OWNED COMPANIES/CORPO Main Topics:- Part I: General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 600/2015 RATIONS/BOARDS/AUTHORI Part II: Questions based on Driving (LDV)
to 03.15 PM E TIES/SOCIETIES (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 11/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 28/05/2016
17 11/06/2016 DRIVER GRADE II/ DRIVER (LDV) VARIOUS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Main Topics:- Part I: General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 609/2015 Part II: Questions based on Driving (LDV)
to 03.15 PM MPM - V (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 11/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 28/05/2016
18 11/06/2016 DRIVER GRADE II/ DRIVER (LDV) VARIOUS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Main Topics:- Part I: General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 610/2015 Part II: Questions based on Driving (LDV)
to 03.15 PM TVM- LC/AI (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 11/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 28/05/2016
19 11/06/2016 DRIVER GRADE II/ DRIVER (LDV) VARIOUS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Main Topics:- Part I: General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 611/2015 Part II: Questions based on Driving (LDV)
to 03.15 PM KNR - OX (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 11/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 28/05/2016
20 11/06/2016 DRIVER GRADE II/ DRIVER (LDV) VARIOUS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Main Topics:- Part I: General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 612/2015 Part II: Questions based on Driving (LDV)
to 03.15 PM KTM - SC (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)

14 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2016 sabv- 15

{Ia Xo-bXn- Xkv-Xn-Ibpw- Im-‰Kdn- \ºdpw- hIp-∏v/- kn-e_kv-
\w- kabw- kvY
- m-]\w-
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 11/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 28/05/2016
21 11/06/2016 DRIVER GRADE II/ DRIVER (LDV) VARIOUS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Main Topics:- Part I: General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 613/2015 Part II: Questions based on Driving (LDV)
to 03.15 PM KKD - E/B/T (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 11/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 28/05/2016
22 11/06/2016 DRIVER GRADE II/ DRIVER (LDV) VARIOUS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Main Topics:- Part I: General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 614/2015 Part II: Questions based on Driving (LDV)
to 03.15 PM KTM - M, MPM- M, KKD - M (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 11/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 28/05/2016
23 14/06/2016 LECTURER GRADE II – SOCIAL RURAL DEVELOPMENT Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Tuesday EDUCATION Main Topics:- Part I : Questions based on Social Work Part II : Questions based on Sociology
07.30 AM* (BY TRANSFER) Part III: General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
to 09.15 AM 74/2015 (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 13/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 31/05/2016
24 14/06/2016 LECTURER GRADE II – SOCIAL RURAL DEVELOPMENT Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Tuesday EDUCATION Main Topics:- Part I : Questions based on Social Work Part II : Questions based on Sociology
07.30 AM* (DIRECT RECRUITMENT) Part III: General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
to 09.15 AM 75/2015 (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 13/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 31/05/2016
25 18/06/2016 AMENITIES ASSISTANT LEGISLATURE HOSTEL Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (MLA HOSTEL) Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 241/2015 Part II : General Science Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 03.15 PM TVM (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 18/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 04/06/2016
26 18/06/2016 GUARD THE KERALA CERAMICS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (NCA NOTIFICATION) LIMITED Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 275/2015 Part II : General Science Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 03.15 PM ST (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 18/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 04/06/2016
27 18/06/2016 LIFT OPERATOR DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (PART I – DIRECT RECRUITMENT) BANK Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 422/2015 Part II : General Science Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 03.15 PM KKD (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 18/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 04/06/2016
28 18/06/2016 LIFT OPERATOR DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (PART II –SOCIETY QUOTA–DIRECT BANK Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* RECRUITMENT FROM ELIGIBLE EMPLO Part II : General Science Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 03.15 PM YEES OF MEMBER SOCIETIES/PRI (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
MARY CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES (Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
AFFILIATED TO THE CONCERNED Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 18/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE BANK) Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
423/2015 - KKD in the Website from 04/06/2016
29 18/06/2016 WATCHMAN/NIGHT WATCHMAN PORT Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (FOR EX-SERVICEMEN ONLY) Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 48/2015 Part II : General Science Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 03.15 PM KLM (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 18/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
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in the Website from 04/06/2016
30 18/06/2016 WATCHMAN/NIGHT WATCHMAN PORT Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (FOR EX-SERVICEMEN ONLY) Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 538/2015 Part II : General Science Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 03.15 PM TVM (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 18/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
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in the Website from 04/06/2016
31 18/06/2016 LAST GRADE SERVANTS SAINIK WELFARE Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (SR FROM AMONG EX-SERVICE Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* MEN OF SC/ST) Part II : General Science Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 03.15 PM 558/2015 (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
KLM (Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 18/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
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(tijw- t]Pv- 24¬-)-

2016 sabv- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 15

Facts About India
R.C.Suresh Kumar

India 13. These are Madhya Pradesh, Chhatisgarh,

Jharkhand ,Haryana and Telengana.
1. India is the seventh largest country in the world 14. The number of Indian States that share land
(after Russia, Canada, China, USA, Brazil and frontier with other countries is 17.
Australia). 15. The westernmost point of Indian Union is Guhar
2. The area of India is 2.4 % or 1/42 of the land Moti in Kutch, near the Sir Creek in Gujarat.
area of the World. 16. Kibithu in Arurachal Pradesh is the easternmost
3. As far as the whole globe is concerned, the point.
area of India is 0.57%. 17. Kanyakumari (8.4 degree) in Tamil Nadu is the
southernmost point of the mainland of India.
Geographical Facts 18. The Indira Point in Nicobar is the southernmost
4. The Indian subcontinent is in Asia. point of Indian Union (6°4' degree). Climate Sabha, of which 530 represent the States and
13 represent Union Territories and 2 represent
5. It is a peninsula and the three sides are 40.The climate of India can broadly be classified
surrounded by Arabian Sea in the south west, Coastline as a tropical monsoon one. But, in spite of
Anglo -Indian community. So, the total number
of Elected Members in the Lok Sabha is 543.
Bay of Bengal in the south east and Indian 19. The length of the coastline of the Indian Union, much of the northern part of India lying beyond 63. As per the provisions of the Constitution, the
Ocean in the South. which includes the mainland and the Island Ter- the tropical zone, the entire country has a maximum number of members in Rajya Sabha
6. Lying entirely in the northern hemisphere, the ritories, is 7516.6 km. tropical climate marked by relatively high is 250.At present there are 245 members. 229
mainland extends between latitudes 8° 4' and 20. The length of the coastline of the mainland is temperatures and dry winters. There are four members represent the States and 4 represent
37° 6' north, longitudes 68° 7' and 97° 25' east 6100 km. seasons: the Union Territories. 12 Members are nomi-
and measures about 3,214 km from north to 21. There are 9 states with coastline. These are Gujarat, 41.winter (December-February) nated from eminent persons in the fields of arts,
south between the extreme latitudes and about Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, 42.summer (March-June) science and literature.
2,933 km from east to west between the Andhra Pradesh, Orissa and West Bengal. 43.south-west monsoon season (June- 64. So at present, the total number of members in
extreme longitudes 22. Gujarat has the longest coastline. September) Parliament is 790. The total elected members
7. The area of India is 32,87,263 lakh monsoon season (October-November) are 776. There are 14 nominated (12+2) mem-
sq.miles) , of which 90.44% is land and 9.56% Neighbours
is water. 23. Seven countries share border with India.
Population Facts bers in the Parliament.

8. The highest point in undisputed Indian territory 24. Bangladesh shares the longest border with In- 45. India is the second most populous country in States
is Kanchenjunga (8598m) in Sikkim. dia (4096.7 km). the world (The five most populated countries 65. All Indian States have Legilative Assemblies.
9. Kuttanad in Alappuzha district in Kerala is the 25. Other neighbouring countries are China in the world are China, India, USA, Indonesia 66. Seven States have Legislative Council as the
lowest point. (3488), Pakistan (3323), Nepal (1751), and Brazil). upper house of the Legislature. These States are
Frontiers Myanmar ( 1643 ),Bhutan (699) and Afghani-
stan (106km). Status as per Jammu Kashmir (36),Uttar Pradesh
(100),Bihar(75), Maharashtra(78), Andhra
10. The land frontier of India is 15200 km. 26. India comes under the vicinity of three island the Constitution Pradesh (50) Telengana (40) and Karnataka(75).
11. The international boundary of India passes nations, namely Maldives, Sri Lanka and Indo- 67. The Union Territories of Delhi and Pondicherry
through 17 states. nesia. 46. India is the nation with the largest written con-
has Legisalative Assemblies.
12. Five states in India do not have coastline or 27. Geographically China is the largest stitution in the world.
68. There are total 4120 members in the Legisla-
border with foreign countries. neighbouring country of India (area and popu- 47. The Preamble of the Constitution defines In-
tive Assemblies in India.
lation). dia as a sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Demo-
Rank State / Territory Area (km²) 28. Bhutan is the smallest among the neighbours cratic republic.
48. President is the Head of the state in India.
that share border with India.
1 Rajasthan 342,240 49. Constitutionally his position is similar to Brit- 69. India has a three tier judiciary, consisting of the
29. Maldives is the smallest among the
2 Madhya Pradesh 308,252 ish Monarch. Supreme Court headed by the Chief Justice of
neighbouring countries in both area and popu-
3 Maharashtra 307,713 50. President is the executive head of the state as India,
well as constitutional head of the state. 70. 24 High Courts and a large number of trial
4 Uttar Pradesh 240,928 30. The nearest country to Andaman group of is-
51. He is regarded as the first citizen of the country. courts.
5 Jammu and Kashmir 222,236 lands is Myanmar and that of Nicobar group is
52. Prime minister is the head of the government
6 Gujarat 196,021
31. Sri Lanka is separated from India by a narrow or functional head of the state. National Symbols
7 Karnataka 191,791 channel of sea, formed by Palk Strait and the 53. His position is similar to that of British prime National flag:
8 Andhra Pradesh 160,205 Gulf of Mannar. minister.
54. The Prime minister is appointed by the presi- 72. The national flag of India is a horizontal tricolour
9 Odisha 155,707 32. The important geographical line passing through of deep saffron at the top, white in the middle
India is Tropic of Cancer. dent.
10 Chhattisgarh 135,191 55. By convention, he is supported by the party or and dark green at the bottom in equal propor-
33. It passes through the states of tion.
11 Tamil Nadu 130,058 political alliance holding majority in the Lower
Gujarat,Rajastan,Madhya Pradesh,Chhatisgarh, 73. The ratio of Length of the flag to its width is 3:2
12 Telangana 114,840 Jharkhand, West Bengal, Tripura and Mizoram House.
56. The Prime Minister and his council is directly In the centre of the white band is a navy blue
13 Bihar 94,163 (8 states).
responsible to the Lower House of Parliament. wheel which represents the Chakra.
14 West Bengal 88,752 74. Its design is that of the wheel which appears
15 Arunachal Pradesh 83,743 States & Union Territories 57. The Executive of India includes President, Vice
President, Prime Minister and Council of Min- on the abacus of the Saranath Lion Capital of
16 Jharkhand 79,714 34. There are 29 States and 7 Union Territories in isters. Ashoka.
17 Assam 78,438 India. 58. The Parliament of India has two houses, 75. Its diameter approximates to the width of the
35. The largest state is Rajastan and the smallest namely Lok Sabha or House of People (Lower white band and has 24 spokes.
18 Himachal Pradesh 55,673
is Goa. House) and Rajya Sabha or Council of States 76. The design of the national flag was adopted by
19 Uttarakhand 53,483 36. The largest Union Territory is Andaman Nicobar the Constituent Assembly of India on 22 July
(Upper House).
20 Punjab 50,362 and the smallest is Lakshadweep. 59. The Indian Legislative system closely follows 1947.
21 Haryana 44,212 the Westminster style (Britain).
22 Kerala 38,863 Desert 60. The form of Goverment is technically desig- History of national flag:
23 Meghalaya 22,429 37. The desert region is located in the western part nated as ‘quasi federal’, a system with strong 77.The design of the flag was originally mooted by
24 Manipur 22,327 and north western part of the country. centre and weaker states. Madam Bhikaji Cama in 1907 and was unfurled
38.It lies mostly in the Indian state of Rajasthan, 61. As per the provisions of the Constitution of In- for the first time at Struttgart (Germany) for the
25 Mizoram 21,081 and extends into the southern portion of dia, the maximum number of members in Lok second International Socialist Congress held
26 Nagaland 16,579 Haryana and Punjab states and into northern Sabha is 552, i.e. 530 from the States , 20 from on August 22, 1907.
27 Tripura 10,486 Gujarat state the Union Territories and 2 from Anglo -Indian 78. Pingale Venkiah, an Andhra youth suggested
28 Sikkim 7,096 39.. In Pakistan, the desert covers eastern Sind community so as to ensure representation of the current design.
29 Goa 3,702 province and the southeastern portion of that community. 79. Saffron represents courage and sacrifice.
Pakistan’s Punjab province. 62. At present there are 545 members in the Lok 80. White represents peace and truth.

16 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2016 sabv- 15

81. Green represents faith and chivalry. lines of the stanza (playing time approximately 116. It was adopted as the national animal in 1972.
82. The Flag Code of India, 2002, takes effect from 20 seconds) is also played on certain occasions. 117. Before that lion was the national animal. States Capital
26 January 2002 supercedes the ‘Flag Code- 98. The English version of the national anthem was 118. To check the dwindling population of tigers in Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad
Indias’ as it existed. rendered by Tagore begins with the lines ‘Thou India, ‘Project Tiger’ was launched in April Arunachal Pradesh Itanagar
83. The person who headed the Committee ap- art the ruler of the minds of all people’. 1973. Assam Dispur
pointed b y Constituent Assemby to select na- 99. Janaganamana is composed in the raga 119. Several tiger reserves have been established Bihar Patna
tional flag- Dr.Rajendra Prasad ‘Sankarabharana’. in the country under this project. Nagarjauna
100. The present music is given by Captain Ram Chhatisgarh Raipur
84. The ratio of lengh:breadth of National flag- 3:2 Srisailam santuary is the largest tiger reserve
85. The number of dimensions prescribed in the Flag Singh Takur in India. Goa Panaji
Code of India, 2002- Nine . The largest is 120. National Bird: Indian Peacock is the national Gujarat Gandhinagar
6300X4200mm and the smallest is 150x100 mm. National Song: Haryana Chandigarh
101.The song Vande Mataram , composed in San- Himachal Pradesh Shimla
National Emblem: skrit by Bankimchandra Chatterji has an equal Jammu & Kashmir Srinagar (Summer),
86. The state emblem status with Jana-Gana-Mana. Jammu (Winter)
was adopted from 102. The first political occasion it was sung was Jharkhand Ranchi
the Saranath Lion the 1896 session of the INC. Karnataka Bangalore
Capital of Ashoka. 103. The first stanza begins with the words ‘Vande Kerala Thiruvananthapuram
87. In the original there mataram! Sujalam, suphalam,Malayaja Madhya Pradesh Bhopal
were four lions, shitalam’. Maharashtra Mumbai
standing back to 104. The translation was rendered by Aurobindo
Manipur Imphal
back, mounted on Ghosh. It begins with ‘I bow to thee, Mother,
richly-watered, richly fruited....”. Meghalaya Shillong
an abacus with a
105. Vande Mataram is a part of the Bengali novel Mizoram Aizawl
frieze carrying
sculptures in high named ‘Anand Math’ written by Nagaland Kohima
relief of an el- Bankimchandra Chatterji. Orissa Bhubaneswar
ephant, a galloping horse, a bull, and a lion 106. The Sanskrit song was sung by a charector Punjab Chandigarh
separated by intervening wheels over a bell named Bhavanandan. Rajasthan Jaipur
shaped lotus. 107. Vande Mataram is dedicated to Durga. Sikkim Gangtok
88. It was adopted by the Govt. of India on 26 108. On 15th August, 1947 Suchata Kripalani bird of India.
Tamil Nadu Chennai
January 1950. sang Vande Mataram in the Constituent 121. Its scientific name is Pavo cristatus. It given
this status is 1963. Telengana Hyderabad
89. In the emblem three lions are visible, a fourth Assembly.
122. National flower: Lotus (Nelumbo nucipera) is Tripura Agartala
being hidden from view.
90. The wheel appears in the centre of the abacus National Calendar: the national flower of India. Uttar Pradesh Lucknow
123. National Tree: Banyan Tree (Ficus Uttaranchal Dehradun
with a bull on right and a horse on left. 109.The national calendar based on Saka Era, with
91. The words ‘Sathyameva Jayate’ from Mundaka bengalensis) is the national tree of India. West Bengal Kolkata
Chaitra as its first month and a normal year of
Upanishad, meaning ‘Truth alone Triumphs’, are 124. It is also known as Fig tree or Pipal tree.
365 days was adopted from 22 March 1957 125. National Sports: Field Hockey is the national Union Territory Capital
inscribed below the abacus in Devanagari Script. (Chaitra 1, 1879) along with the Gregarion cal- game. It has 11 players in a team.
National Anthem: 110. Dates of the national calendar have a perma-
126. National Homours: The highest civilian honour Andaman &
Nicobar Islands Port Blair
in the country is Bharat Ratna.
92. The song ‘Jana-gana-mana’, composed origi- nent correspondence with the dates of the 127. The other highest national civilian honours are Chandigarh Chandigarh
nally in Bengali by Rabindranath Tagore was Gregorian calendar, 1 Chaitra falling on 22
Padmavibhushan, Padmabhushan and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Silvasa
adopted in its Hindi Version by the Constituent March normally and 21 March in leap year. Padmasree.
111. The last month of Saka Calendar is Phalguna. Daman & Diu Daman
Assembly as National Anthem of India on 24 128. The highest decoration for valour is Param
112. Saka Era was started during the period of Delhi Delhi
January 1950. Veer Chakra (PVC).
93. It was first sung in a political occasion on 27 Kanishka, the greatest ruler of the Kushana Lakshadweep Kavaratti
129. Ashok Chakra is the highest peace time gal- Puducherry Puducherry
December 1911 at the Calcutta session of the dynasty. lantry award which is equivalent to PVC.
Indian National Congress.
94. The complete song consists of five stanzas. National Animal: 130. Mahavir Chakra is the second highest deco-
ration and Vir Chakra is the third highest. Capital, the Territory of Delhi.
95. The first stanza contains the full version of the 113. The Royal Bengal Tiger is the national animal 131. National River is Ganga (2008). 146.Gujarati is the official language of Gujarat.
National Anthem. of India. 132. National Aquatic Animal is River Dolphin 147.Tamil is the official language of Tamil Nadu,
96. Playing time of the full version of the national 114. It is found throghout the country except the (2009). Puducherry and the Andaman and Nicobar
anthem is approximately 52 seconds. north western region. 133. National Heritage animal is Elephant. Islands.
97. A short version consisting of the first and last 115. Panthera tigris is the scientific name. 134. Standard Time: Indian Standard Time(IST) 148.Malayalam is the official language of Kerala
is based on 82.5 degree longitude which di- and Lakshadweep.
vides the country into two halves and 149.Kannada is the official language of Karnataka.
Name and Meaning passes through Allahabad (UP) and
Kakinada (AP).
150.Telugu is the official language of Andhra
Pradesh and Telengana.
135. The IST is 5.5 hours ahead of the Greenwich 151.Oriya is the official language of Orissa;Oriya
Andhra Pradesh Land of the Andhras Mean Time (GMT). is spoken also in parts of West Bengal,
Assam Unequalled, peerless or uneven 136. It is 4.5 hours behind Australian Eastern Stan- Chattishgarh and Jharakhand.
Bihar From vihara (“Buddhist monastery”) dard Time and 10.5 hours ahead of American 152.Assamese is the official language of Assam;
Chhattisgarh Thirty-six forts Eastern Standard Time it is spoken widely in many of the seven
Gujarati) Land of the “Gurjars northeastern states.
Haryana Abode of God Religions 153.English is the co-official language of the
Himachal Pradesh Land of the snow clad mountains 137. India is the birth place of four religions- Hin- Indian Union, and each of the several states
Jammu&Kashmir Land desiccated by water From duism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikh religion. mentioned above may also have another co-
138. The religions came to Indian soil are Juda- official language.
Sanskrit Ka(water) and shimeera(to desiccate)
ism, Zorashtrianism, Christianity and Islam. 154.The government of India has included 22
Jharkhand Land of jhari Jhari means short bushes
139. The largest religion in India is Hinduism, which languages in the 8th Schedule”.
Karnataka Lofty Land 155.When the Constitution was brought into effect
Kerala Land of the coconut trees is one of the oldest religions in the world.
140. Sikh religion is the youngest religion in India. (1950), the number of languages in 8th
Madhya Pradesh Middle Province Schedule was 14.
Great State
Jewelled Land
Official Languages 156.Sindhi was added through 21st amendment
in 1967.
Mizoram Land of the highlanders: Mi means people and zo means 142.Hindi is an official language of the states of 157.Konkani, Manipuri and Nepali were added
highlander Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, through 71st amendment in 1992.
Megahalaya The abode of clouds Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, 158.Bodo,Dogri, Maithili and Santhali were added
Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana through 92nd amendment in 2003.
Nagaland Land of the Nagas
and the National Capital, the Territory of Delhi. 159.For cultural/historical reasons Sanskrit is on
Orissa Land of the Oriyas
143.Bengali is the official language of West the official schedule, though only 14 thousand
Punjab Land of the five rivers. Bengal, Tripura and certain other parts of the people claim it to be their language, but many
Sikkim New Palace North-east. more study it in school as the classical
Rajasthan Land of Kings 144.Marathi is the official language of language of India.
Tamil Nadu Tamil country Maharashtra. 160.In January 2010, Sanskrit was given the
Uttar Pradesh Northern Province 145.Punjabi is the official language of Punjab, status of second official language in
West Bengal Land of the Bengalis Himachal Pradesh,Haryana, and the National Uttarakhand.

2016 sabv- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 17

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1. In which year AK Gopalan led ‘starvatiom 26. Kerala Yuktivadi Sangham was established 54. Who was instrumental in the establishment 78. After becoming the disciple of Sree
march’ from Kannur to Madras with 32 at Thrissur in: 1964 of “Muslim Aikya Sangham”, a united Narayana Guru to which place Kumaru
followers? 1936 27. Who was the first president of Kerala Muslim forum for all the Muslims of the (Kumaranasan) was sent for higher studies
2. In which year an agricultural and industrial Yuktivadi Sangham? M.C.Josheph Travancore, Cochin and Malabar regions? in Sanskrit? Bangalore
fair was organised under the initiative of 28. Which organisation encouraged Vakkom Maulavi 79. Who authored ‘Anandasutram’?
Sree Narayana Guru at Kollam? 1905 ‘Misrabhojanam’ to annihilate the evils of 55. The founder of ‘Samathwa Samajam”: Brahmananada Sivayogi
3. In which year Sree Narayana Guru and caste system? Sahodara Sangham Ayya Vaikundar 80. The only poet in Malayalam who became
Kumaranasan met for the first time? 1891 29. Who was called ‘Vaikom Veerar? 56. In which year Samastha Kerala Sahodara ‘mahakavi’ without writing a ‘mahakavyam’:
4. The temple where Sree Narayana Guru met E.V.Ramaswami Naicker Sammelanam was held at Aluva? 1921 Kumaranasan
Chattampi Swamikal for the first time? 30. Which Satyagraha was conducted after 57. Which community was profoundly 81. In which year Sree Narayana Guru
Aniyoor independence? Paliyam Satyagraha influenced by the ideals of Chattampi established Adwaithasramam at Aluva?
5. The film ‘Yugapurushan’ depicts the life of: 31. The famous personality of Malabar who Swamikal ? Nair 1914
Srinarayana Guru embraced Buddhism in 1926? 58. Which organisation showed profound 82. In which year Kuriakose Elias Chavara was
6. Who directed the film ‘Yugapurushan’? C.Krishnan adherence to the principles enshrined by born? 1805
R.Sukumaran 32. The slogan ‘Travancore for Travancoreans’ Chattampi Swamikal? Nair Service 83. The first book printed at Mannanam Press
7. The year in which Sree Narayana Guru is related to: Malayali Memorial Society founded by Kuriakose Elias Chavara?
gave the message ‘One caste, one religion, 33. The date of Temple Entry Proclamation in 59. Who was deputed by Sree Narayana Guru Gyanapiyusham
one god for man’ at a conference held at Travancore: 12 th Novemeber 1936 in Sree Lanka to supervise the activities 84. Who wrote ‘Anandavimanam’?
‘Adwaithasramam’, Aluva: 1924 34. The birth place of Chattampi Swamikal: there? Swami Satyavratha Brahmananda Sivayogi
8. Rabindranath Tagore visited Sree Narayana Kollur 60. The social reformer whose mother’s name 85. Whose mother was Veyilal? Ayya
Guru at Sivagiri in: 1922 35. Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi founded: was Kuttiyamma? Sree Narayana Guru Vaikuntar
9. Headquarters of Nair Service Society is at: Ananda Maha Sabha 61. The place where Ayyankali started a school 86. Whose birthday is observed as
Perunna 36. “ Liquor is poison, make it not, sell it not, for the depressed classes in 1904: ‘Jeevakarunya Dinam’? Chattampi
10. Vakkom Maulavi started drink it not” are the words of: Sree Venganur Swamikal
‘Swadeshabhimani’ in: 1905 Narayana Guru 62. The name of the boat Kumaranasan was 87. ‘Daiva Dasakam’ was authored by: Sree
11. Who played a key role along with M 37. The original name of Thycaud Ayya was: travelling before he met an accident that Narayana Guru
Govindan in the publication of Subbarayan caused his death: Redeemer 88. Who introduced Thycaud Ayya to Sree
Vivekodayam which started publication in 38. Who started the publication of a journal 63. The first member of Pulaya community to Narayana Guru? Chattampi Swamikal
1904 as the mouth piece of the SNDP called ‘Abhinava Kerala’? Vagbhatananda be nominated to Travancore Legislative 89. Who was respectfully called “Superintend
Yogam? Kumaranasan 39. Vedadhikara Niroopanam was authored by: Assembly: Ayyankali Ayya”? Thycaud Ayya
12. For the installation of idol in which temple, Chattampi Swamikal 64. In which year Dr.P.Palpu was born? 1863 90. “Without differences of caste,Nor enmities
Sree Narayana Guru reached there with 40. Who was named Kumaran at his birth? 65. The founder of Thathva Prakashika Ashram of creed, Here it is, the model of an
Chattampi Swamikal? Poothotta Sree Poikayil Yohannan at Kozhikode: Vagbhatananda abode,where all live like brothers at heart”
Vallabheswara Temple 41. “I consider it the greatest good fortune of 66. Who was given the name ‘Mudichoodum – at which place these words were
13. For which community Sree Narayana Guru my life to have visited the beautiful Perumal’ by his parents? Ayya Vaikundar inscribed by Narayana Guru on a plaque ?
consecrated Thiruppatheeswara Temple at Travancore state and met the most 67. In which district Vakkom Abdul Khadir Aruvippuram
Mangalore? Billava venerable saint, Sree Narayana Guru Moulaviwas born in 1873 91. Who gave the name ‘Vagbhatananda’ to
14. The headquarters of SNDP Yogam: Kollam Swami trippadangal” Who wrote these ?Thiruvananthapuram V.K.Gurukkal ? Sivayogi of Alathur
15. Who was the volunteer captain of words in the guest book at Sivagiri? 68. Jaathikkummi is the famous work of: 92. Sree Narayana Dharma Sangham was
Guruvayur Sathyagraha: A.K.Gopalan Gandhiji Pandit Karuppan registed in: 1928
16. Who led the ‘Liberation Struggle’? Mannath 42. Who was called the ‘Lincoln of Kerala’? 69. Who studied at the ‘Patasala’ of Pettayil 93. Who authored ‘Mokshapradeepam’?
Padmanabhan Pandit Karuppan Raman Pillai asan and became the monitor Brahmananada Sivayogi
17. Whose ancestral home was ‘Vayalvaram 43. Who is called the father of literacy in of the class? Chattampi Swamikal 94. At which place Chattampi Swamikal
Veedu’ ? Sree Narayana Guru Kerala? Kuriakose Elias Chavara 70. “Not for argument but to know and inform aquired self realization ? Vadaveeswaram
18. Who took initiative to file a counter 44. Who founded the Siddhasramam at others” these words were the theme of the 95. The place which was selected by Nanu
memorial in favour of Brahmins, against the Alathur? Brahmananda Sivayogi conferece held at____ under the leadership Asan (Narayana Guru) as his abode for
Malayali Memorial? Chenkotta Ramayyar 45. The organiser of ‘Kalyanadayini Sabha’: of Sree Narayana Guru in 1924: Aluva meditation and spiritual activities:
19. Who was the official editor of Pandit Karuppan 71. Jnanodayam Sabha’ was founded under Aruvippuram
‘Vivekodayam’ when it was started in 46. “Organize and strengthen, Educate and the patronage of Pandit Karuppan at: 96. “Oru jathy, oru matham ,oru Daivom”
1904? M.Govindan Enlighten” are the words of: Sree Edakochi (“Intha ulakathile orae oru jathy than, Orae
20. Yogakshemasabha aimed at the welfare of Narayana Guru 72. ‘Prachina Malayalam’ was authored by: oru matham than, orae oru kadavul than” )
____. Brahmins 47. Sree Narayana Guru made his first visit to Chattampi Swamikal is the Malayalam translation of Thycaud
21. In which year Yogakshemasabha was Sri Lanka in: 1918 73. The place selected by Narayana Guru Ayya’s teaching . Who popularised it? Sree
founded? 1908 48. Who undertook a studentship in poetry when he decided to give up his wandering Narayana Guru
22. Who was a disciple of Kollur Krishna Pillai under Manamboor Govindan Asan? life and settle down: Varkala 97. Whose childhood name was Ayyappan?
and Pettayil Raman Pillai Asan? Kumaranasan 74. The first to establish a printing press in Chattampi Swamikal
Chattampi Swamikal 49. Narayana Guru’s second visit to Sri Lanka Kerala without foreign support: Kuriakode 98. Who authored ‘Athmanuthaapam’?
23. Whose sisters were Kochu, Thevi and was in: 1926 Elias Chavara Kuriakose Elias Chavara
Matha? Sree Narayana Guru 50. ‘Sanmarga Pradeepa Sabha’ at Kumbalam 75. The only Keralite whose birth day and 99. Who authored ‘Nalagamangal’? Kuriakose
24. At which place Sree Narayana Guru was patronised by: Pandit Karuppan death anniversary are declared holiday by Elias Chavara
installed the idol of Subramanya for the first 51. Sree Narayana Guru visited the the Government of Kerala: Sree Narayana 100.The place where the relics of Kuriakose
time? Vakkom Satyagrahis at Vaikkom in: 1924 Guru Elias Chavara is kept? Mannanam
25. Which temple consecrated by Sree 52. In which year Thycaud Ayya passed away 76. Moksha Pradeepa Khandanam was written 101.The social reformer whose native place is
Narayana Guru is also called Velayudhan ? 1909 by: Chattampi Swamikal Swamithope? Ayya Vaikuntar
Nada? Vakkom Subramanya Swami 53. The founder of ‘Travancore Ezhava Sabha’: 77. The only foreign country visited by Sree 102.The social reformer whose father’s name is
Temple Dr.Palpu Narayana Guru: Sri Lanka Vasudeva Sharma? Chattampi Swamikal

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103.The social reformer whose ancestors were 132.The first Sanyasa disciple of Sree Ayya Vaikundar disciples of : Chattampi Swamikal
migrated from Malabar to Tamil Nadu Narayana Guru: Sivalingadasa Swamikal 164.Vakkom Maulavi passed away in: 1932 200.What was the pet name of Chattampi
during the invasion of Tipu 133.Who was honoured by the Maharaja of 165.Araya Vamsodharani Sabha had its seat at: Swamikal: Kunjan
Sultan?Thycaud Ayya Cochin with the title ‘Kavithilakan’? Pandit Engandiyoor 201.Who became the editor of ‘Yukthivadi’
104.The place where Dr.Palpu was born: Pettah Karuppan 166.Atmopadeshasatakam was authored by: magazine in 1928? Sahodaran Ayyappan
105.Whois referred to as the “father of muslim 134.Who wrote Darshanamala? Sree Narayana Sree Narayana Guru 202.The author of ‘Adukkalayilninnu
renaissance in Kerala”? Vakkom Moulavi Guru 167.Kumaranasan passed away in: 1924 Arangathekku’: V.T.Bhatathirippad
106.The Ezhava Memorial of 1900 was 135.Who was the first to introduce the system 168.The novel ‘Guru’ depicts the life of Sree 203.In which year Sadhujana Paripalana
submitted before: Lord Curzon called “A school along with every church”? Narayana Guru is authored by: Sangham became ‘Pulaya Mahasabha’?1938
107.From whom Mannath Padmanabhan Kuriakose Elias Chavara K.Surendran 204. The founder of ‘Islam Dharma Paripalana
received the Bharat Kesari honour? 136.Who was also known as ‘Kumara 169.“Ask not, Say not, think not caste” are the Sangham’: Vakkom Moulavi
Dr.Rajendra Prasad Gurudevan’? Poikayil Yohannan words of: Sree Narayana Guru 205. Sahodaran Ayyappan launched
108.Who expounded the philosophy 137.In which year Jagannatha Temple was 170.Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi was born in: ‘Mishrabhojanam’ programme at Cherayi in:
“Snehamanakhilasaramoozhiyil” (Love is founded at Thalassery by Sree Narayana 1852 1917
all in this world) in his writings? Guru? 1908 171.Who was born in 1814 in Nakalapuram? 206.Who ousted god from the centre and
Kumaranasan 138.The prompt explanation of which by Thycaud Ayya placed mind in its place? Brahmananda
109.Name the publication started by Chattampi Swamikal was appreciated by 172.The personality who was visited by Sivayogi
Muhammad Abdur Rehman Sahib from Swami Vivekananda when the latter visited Narayana Guru at Thiruvannamala, Tamil 207.The presiding deity of the Thycaud Ayya
Kozhikode in 1924: Al Ameen Kerala? Chinmudra nadu in 1916: Ramana Maharshi Swami Temple: Shiva
110. Dr.Palpu served in the medical service 139.The foundation stone of which temple was 173.Who founded Prathyaksha Raksha Daiva 208.Which organisation inspired Ayyan Kali to
under the government of: Mysore laid by Annie Besant and was consecrated Sabha? Poikayil Yohannan establish Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham?
111. Prabodha Chandrodayam Sabha by Sree Narayana Guru? Sreekanteswara 174.The headquarters of Prathyaksha Raksha SNDP Yogam
patronised by Pandit Karuppan had its Temple, Kozhikode Daiva Sabha: Iraviperoor 209.Name the leader of renaissance who was
seat at: North Paravur 140.Which is the second temple where Sree 175.‘Adwaitha Chintha Paddhathi was written ousted from his caste for the reason of
112. In which year Narayana Guru did the Narayana Guru installed mirror in place of by’: Chattampi Swamikal attending the Ahmedabad Congress
prathishta of the goddess Sree Sarada at idol? Ullala (Kottayam district) 176.Who was the only person who was Session of 1921? V.T.Bhatatirippad
Sivagiri ? 1912 141.Who authored ‘Divyakokilam’ as a tribute to exempted from court appearances in civil 210.The birth place of Mannath Padmanabhan:
113. The date of birth of Chattampi Swamikal? Rabindranath Tagore? Kumaranasan cases by Government of Travancore? Sree Perunna
25.09.1853 142.Which is regarded as the first work of Sree Narayana Guru 211. The place where Ayyankali started a
114. Who said these words “I installed my siva; Narayana Guru? Gajendramoksham 177.‘Baalaakalesam’ was authored by: Pandit ‘Kudippallikkoodam’ for the depressed
not a Brahmin siva”? Sree Narayana Guru Vanchippatt Karuppan classes in 1905? Venganoor
115. Who along with Vallabhasseri Govindan 143.Who became a member of Travancore 178.The place where Narayana guru is believed 212.The greatest exponent of mishrabhojanam
Vaidyar conceived the idea of Sivagiri Dewaswam Board when Mannath to have attained a state of Enlightenment: in the history of Kerala renaissance?
Theerthadanam and presented it before Padmanabhan became its president? Maruthwamala Sahhodaran Ayyappan
Sree Narayana Guru? T K Kittan Writer R.Shankar 179.The third signatory in the Malayali Memorial 213.Who started the publication ‘Vidyalayam’?
116. Who wrote “Akilathirat’? Ayya Vaikuntar 144.Aggrieved by the death of Sree Chattampi (1891) a mass petition signed by more than Moorkoth Kumaran
117. Who wrote ‘Anandadarshanam’? Swamikal, who wrote a condolence poem 10000 persons submitted before Sree 214.The famous leader whose birth place is
Brahmananda Sivayogi namely ‘Samadhi Sapthakam’? Pandit Mulam Tirunal, the King of Travancore: Peralasseri in Kannur? A.K.Gopalan
118. Who constructed a temple at Mangalam in Karuppan Dr.Palpu 215.Whom Sardar K.M.Panicker called the
1852 for the avarnas? Arattupuzha 145.Who called Kumaranasan ‘Viplavathinte 180.Who was also known by the name ‘Sree ‘Madan Mohan Malavya of Kerala’?
Velayudha Panicker Sukranakshatram’? Joseph Mundassery Bhatarakan’? Chattampi Swamikal Mannath Padmanabhan
119. The first in south India to install mirror for 146.Who patronised ‘Sudharma Sooryodaya 181.The publication ‘The Muslim’ was launched 216.Who became the first president of the
worshipping? Ayya Vaikuntar Sabha’ at Thevara? Pandit Karuppan by Vakkom Moulavi in: 1906 Travancore Devaswam Board in 1949?
120.Who constituted a troup for practising and 147.Whose childhood name was ‘Kumaru’? 182.The birth place of Vaikunta Swamikal: Mannath Padmanabhan
performing Kathakali under the aegis of Kumaranasan Swamithoppe 217.The year of Perinad Revolt led by
Mangalam temple?Arattupuzha 148.Who translated the dialogue between 183.Who called Kumaranasan as ‘Chinna Ayyankali: 1915
Velayudha Panicker Tagore and Narayana Guru into Malayalam Swami’? Dr.Palpu 218.Who led the starvation march?
121.Who authored ‘Anasthasiayude during Tagore’s visit to Sivagiri? 184.The elegy ‘Prarodanam’ mourns the death A.K Gopalan
Rakthasakshyam’? Kuriakose Elias Kumaranasan of Kumaranasan’s contemporary and friend 219.Who was known as the ‘Saint without
Chavara 149.Who was the first secretary of Ananda ______. A. R. Raja Raja Varma Saffron’? Chattampi Swamikal
122.The social reformer who went to Goa to Maha Sabha? Rama Panicker 185.The last Sanyasa disciple of Sree 220.Name the leader of renaissance who
learn the rituals related to temples? 150.The social reformer who was known as Narayana Guru: Anandatheertha became a minister in Travancore Cochin:
Arattupuzha Velayudha Panicker ‘Daivadasan’? Kuriakose Elias Chavara Swamikal Sahodaran Ayyappan
123.Who wrote ‘Arulnool’? Ayya Vaikuntar 151.Who mooted the idea that a school should 186.The first medical graduate from Ezhava 221.Who gave a detailed explanation of
124.Kummampalli Raman pillai Asan was the be constructed with each church? community in Travancore: Dr.Palpu ‘Chinmudra’ to Swami Vivekananda when
teacher of: Sree Narayana Guru Kuriakose Elias Chavara 187.The Maharaja of Travancore who invited he visited Kerala? Chattampi Swamikal
125.In which year the prefix ‘Mahakavi’ 152.Who authored ‘Dhyanasallaapangal’? Thycaud Ayya to his palace and became 222.Who wrote ‘Paropakari’? Makthi Thangal
awarded to Kumaranasan by Madras Kuriakose Elias Chavara his disciple? Swati Tirunal 223.Name the leader related to the
University ?1922 153.Who wrote ‘Sthreevidyaposhini’? 188.Kumaranasan was born in the year: 1873 ‘Muthukulam Speech’ of 1947? Mannath
126.The name ‘Sivagiri’ was given by: Sree Brahmananda Sivayogi 189.The real name of Brahmananda Sivayogi: Padmanabhan
Narayana Guru 154.Whose father was Ponnu Nadar? Ayya Karat Govinda Menon 224.Who gave financial aid to Kumaranasan to
127.The real name of Vagbhatananda Vaikuntar 190.Whose wife was Kamalammal? Thycaud get education from Bangalore and Kolkata?
Gurudevar: V.K.Gurukkal 155.The social reformer who proscribed his Ayya Dr.Palpu
128.The work of Kumaranasan that depicts the followers from worshipping his picture? 191.Whose father is Muthukumaran? Thycaud 225.Who led the first organised strike of
fact ‘Mamsanibhadamalla ragam’ (Love is Ayya Vaikuntar Ayya agricultural labourers in Travancore?
not an artifact of flesh): Leela 156.The founder of All Travancore Muslim 192.In which year Ayya Vaikuntar passed Ayyankali
129.Who is regared as the greatest Keralite of Mahajanasabha : Vakkom Moulavi away? 1851 226.‘Navamanjari’ written by Sree Narayana
20th century? Sree Narayana Guru 157.Who exhorted ‘Mattuvin Chattangele’ 193.The social reformer who proclaimed himself Guru is dedicated to: Chattampi Swamikal
130.“His grandfather Hrishikesan and his father (Change the rules)? Kumaranasan as an incarnation of Mahavishnu? Ayya 227.Who, on the basis of logical reasoning
Muthukumaran were great yogis and were 158.Nirvritipachakam was written by: Sree Vaikuntar rejected all existing religions and at the
migrated to Tamilnadu from Pampumkadu Narayana Guru 194.In which year Kuriakose Elias Chavara was same time established a new religion called
in Malabar during Tipu Sultan’s aggression. 159.The Malayalam poet who had prominent declared as a saint by Pope? 2014 ‘Aananthamath’? Brahmananda Sivayogi
Lord Subramanya was their family deity. At Buddhist influence in his writings: 195.Who demanded wages in accordance with 228.In which year Ayyankali passed away? 1941
the age of 12, he received spiritual initiation Kumaranasan labour? Ayya Vaikuntar 229.Who founded ‘Vidhyaposhini’, a cultural
from two Tamil Saints, Sachidananda 160.Who advised Dr. Palpu to associate with 196.Who authored ‘Nalla Appante Chavarul’? organisation? Sahodaran Ayyappan
Maharaj and Sri Chitti Paradeshi.”-The some spiritual person in his effort to fight Kuriakose Elias Chavara 230.Who called Kerala “a lunatic asylum’?
person mentioned here is: Thycaud Ayya for the rights of the Ezhavas? 197.“ Whatever may be the religion of a man, it Vivekananda
131.‘I have been touring different parts of the Vivekananda is enough if he becomes virtuous “ are the 231.In which year Makthi Thangal was born? 1847
world. During these travels, I have had the 161.Who is regarded as the father of the words of: Sree Narayana Guru 232.Who expounded the concept of
good fortune to come into contact with several renaissance of Kerala? Sree Narayana Guru 198.Who conferred the Title of ‘Vidwan’ upon ‘Aananthajathi’? Brahmananda Sivayogi
saints and maharshis. But I have frankly to 162.The name ‘Muthukutty’ was the childhood Pandit Karuppan in 1913? Keralavarma 233.The last temple consecrated by Sree
admit that I have never come across one who name of: Ayya Vaikundar Valiakoithampuran Narayana Guru: Kalavancode
is spiritually greater than Swami Sree 163.Who called the rule of English as ‘White 199.Bodheswaran, Perunnelli Krishnan 234.Who presided over the All Communities
Narayana Guru of Kerala” Whose words are Devil’ and the rule of the King of Vaidhyan, Velutheri Kesavan Vaidhyan, Conference organised by Ayyankali on 10th
these? Rabindranath Tagore Travancore as the ‘Devil of Ananthapuri’? Kumbalath Sanku Pillai etc were grihastha December 1915 in connection with the

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Perinad strike? Changanassery was started after attaining the age of 17: president of S.N.D.P.Yogam? 1923 328.Who took initiative to establish Samastha
Parameswaran Pillai V.T.Bhatathirippad 293.The remains of Chavara Kuriakose Alias is Thiruvithamkur Pulayar Mahasabha?
235.Who advised the organisers of Vaikom 262.Name the newspaper started by kept at: Mannanam T.T.Kesavan Sastri
Satyagraha to conduct ‘Savarna Jatha’? C.V.Kunhuraman in 1911 to propagate the 294.Who served as the manager of Residency 329.From which place the publication of Kerala
Mahathma Gandhi ideals of Sree Narayana Guru: Kerala in Thiruvananthapuram? Thycaud Ayya Kaumudi was started in 1911? Mayyanad
236.Who led the Perinad strike ? Ayyankali Kaumudi 295.Who led agitation against oozhiyavela 330.At present where is the headquarters of
237.Which organization is related to the slogan 263.Who was the first European disciple of (forced labour)? Ayya Vaikuntar Kerala Kaumudi? Pettah in
“To change the Nampoothiri into human” ? Sree Narayana Guru? Ernest Kirk 296.Who authored ‘Adhyathmayuddham’? Thiruvananthapuram
Yogakshema Sabha 264.The work of Kumaransan on the back- Vagbhatananda 331.The organisation in Kerala which was
238.Who headed a deputation which submitted ground of the Malabar Rebellion of 1921: 297.The persolality who was known as ‘Bharat founded in the lines of Servants of India
a memoradum signed by 23000 persons Duravastha Kesari’: Mannath Padmanabhan Society? Nair Service Society
before the Regent Queen during the 265.The world rises from love /And attains 298.Onre ulakam, Onre matham, Onre Arasu, 332.Who called Ayyankali ‘Pulayaraja’?
Vaikom Satyagraha? Changanassery progress with love,/Love is itself the power Onre neethi” who said this? Ayya Mahathma Gandhi
Parameswaran Pillai of the world,/Love brings happiness to all; / Vaikunatar 333.Which was the mouth piece of Abstention
239.The mouth piece of Sadhujana Paripalana Love is life itself, sir,/And Love’s absence 299.In which session of the Indian National Movement? Kerala Kesari
Sangham, started in 1913: Sadhujana is death”-The work of Kumaranasan which Congress T.K.Madhavan took initiative to 334.At present the mouth piece of Sree
Paripalini depicts the sacredness of love : introduce a resolution related to Vaikom Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam-
240.In which year was the Begging March of Chandalabhikshuki Satyagraha? Kakinada Yoganadam
V.T.Bhatathirippad? 1931 266.Thonnakkal in Thiruvananthapuram district 300.Which newspaper started its publication on 335..Who suggested the name Nair Service
241.Who passed away on the previous day of is famous for the memorial of: 18th March 1923? Mathrubhumi Society? K.Paramu Pillai
India becoming a republic? Kumaranasan 301.The author of ‘Udhyanavirunnu’: Pandit 336.All are of one Self-fraternity such being the
242.“Whatever the religion, attire, language and 267.Sahodaran Ayyappan memorial is at: Karuppan dictum to avow, In such a light how can we
such other things of human kind, as they Idappally 302.‘Ente Jeevithasmaranakal’ is the autobiog- take life And devoid of least pity go on to
belong to same caste (species) there is no 268.Whom Dr.Palpu called ‘Chinna Swami’? raphy of: Mannath Padmanabhan eat.who said? Sree Narayana Guru
harm in interdining and intermarriage Kumaranasan 303.Who established places of worship known 337..Who led ‘Jeevasikha Jatha’ during the
between them”-Sree Narayana Guru made 269.The birth place of Chattampi Swamikal: as ‘Nizhal thangal’? Ayya Vaikuntar Liberation Struggle? Mannath
this suggestion to: Sahodaran Ayyappan Kannammoola 304.The social reformer who was known as Padmanabhan
243.Who led ‘Kallumala (Stone ornament) 270.The Keralite who wrote a book on ‘Karl ‘Shanmukhadasa’: Chattampi Swamikal 338.Who called Ayyan Kali as Pulaya Raja-
Agitation”? Ayyankali Marx’ in 1912? K Ramakrishna Pillai 305.Mannath Padmanabhan started his Mahathma Gandhi
244.In which year the Goverment of Travancore 271.Swadeshabhimani K Ramakrishna Pillai professional life as a: Teacher 339.The social reformer who led Achipudava
issued orders to open the approach roads was banished from Travancore for alleged 306. ‘Thuvayal Panthi’ was established by: Samaram ?Arattupuzha Velayudha
to temples to all avarnas? 1928 charge of sedition, in the year: 1910 Ayya Vaikunatar Panicker
245.Name the social reformed who had 272.Veenapoovu, by Kumaranasan which 307.Who wrote ‘Swaathanthrya gadha’ ? 340.In which year the Maharajah of Travancore
contacts with Sree Narayana Guru and marked the beginning of romanticism in Kumaranasan exempted Nârâyana Guru from personal
Brahmananda Sivayogi: Vagbhatananda Malayalam was published in ‘Mithavadhi’ 308.In a message to the Sree Narayana appearances in court, an honour recogniz-
246.Which agitation is also known as in: 1907 Dharma Paripalana Yogam in 1926 who ing the Guru as a distinguished living
“Thonnooramand Lahala’? Oorutapalam 273.The social reformer who wrote declared, No community can make pTravancoreersonality? 1904
revolt ‘Panchavadi’? CV Kunjuraman progress except through organization? 341.first planned and organized agitation for
247.In which year Mannath Padmanabhan was 274.Who established ‘Atmavidhyasangham’? Sree Narayana Guru denied rights in the history of Kerala:
elected to the Travancore Legislative Vagbhatananda 309.The social reformer related to ‘Villuvandi Vaikom Satyagraha
Assembly? 1949 275.Who started ‘Deshabhimani’ from Kollam in Yatra’? Ayyankali 342.Who wrote ‘Jathi Nirnayam’ ? Sree
248.Name the leaders of renaissance of Kerala 1915, which published till 1930? TK 310.Who established Narayana Gurukulam in Narayana Guru
who kept a warm relationship throughout Madhavan 1923 in the Nilgiri Hills with the blessings of 343.Who was the president of the Guruvayur
their life from the beginning of their 276.Who was the first president of Nair service Nârâyana Guru? Nataraja Guru Satyagraha Committee? Mannath
friendship? Sree Narayana Guru and Society formed in 1914 as ‘Nair 311. Who called Sree Narayana Guru as ‘The Padmanabhan
Chattampi Swamikal Bhrithyajana Sangham’? K Kelappan Second Buddha’? G. Sankara Kurup 344.The Tamil Renaissance leader who was
249.Name the organisation jointly launched by 277.In connection with which event, Gandhiji 312.Who ruled that Sivagiri pilgrims could wear associated with the Vaikom Satyagraha of
Mannath Padmanabhan and R.Sankar: visited Kerala for the second time, in 1925? yellow clothes - the colour of the garments 1924-25? E.V.Ramaswami Naicker
Hindu Maha Mandalam Vaikom Satyagraha Sri Buddha wore? Sree Narayana Guru 345.Who wrote ‘Nirvruthi Panchakam’ ? Sree
250.From where the Begging March of 278.‘Ente Jeevitha Katha’ is the autobiography 313.The publication ‘Prabuddhakeralam’ was Narayana Guru
V.T.Bhatathirippad was started? Thrissur of: AK Gopalan launched by: Agamananda 346.The leader of Paliyam Satyagraha who was
251.Who said “No caste, no religion, no god for 279.‘Ente Jeevithasmaranakal’ is the autobiog- 314.Whose home was ‘Sahithyakudeeram’? killed in police action. A.G.Velayudhan
man”: Sahodaran Ayyappan raphy of: Mannath Padmanabhan Pandit Karuppan 347.Who is related to the pen name
252. “The people who form the Ezhava 280.The year of commencement of Vaikom 315.In which year Mannath Padmanabhan got ‘Thiruvithamkotte Theeyan’? Dr.Palpu
samajam and Nair samajam are them- Satyagraha, the first Satyagraha in India the award ‘Bharat Kesari’? 1959 348.Who wrote ‘Brahmavidya Panchakam’ , a
selves proclaiming that they are non- against untouchablity? 1924 316.Who proclaimed: It is years since I left Sanskrit work ? Sree Narayana Guru
Brahmins and are of backward class, 281.Who was instrumental in submitting a castes and religions. Yet some people think 349.Who suggested the name ‘Nair
thereby destroying their eminence and petition named ‘Ezhava Memorial’ in 1896 that I belong to their caste. That is not Bhrithyajana Sangham’? K.Kannan Menon
unity”-Who said this? Brahmananda demanding appointments for Ezhavas in correct. I do not belong to any particular 350.Who was the chairman of the Anti-
Sivayogi Govt services? Dr.Palpu caste or religion? Sree Narayana Guru untouchability Committee formed at a
253.In which district was the Perinad strike 282.Who was the first signatory of Malayali 317.A notable disciple of Sree Nârâyana Guru conference held at Ernakulam in 1924?
held? Kollam Memorial? K.P.Sankara Menon introduced Guru’s visions and ideals to the K.Kelappa
254.In order to provide opportunity of education 283.Who was declared as his successor by western world: Nataraja Guru 351.‘Jeevithasamaram’ is the autobiography of:
for poor children, what was organized by Sree Narayana Guru in 1925? 318.Which organization is related to the C.Kesavan
V.T.Bhatathirippad ? Begging March Bodhananda publication ‘Service’? Nair Service Society 352.The only leader in the world to bring down a
(Yachana Yatra 284.Kumarakodi is the final resting place of: 319.The real name of Agamananda: Krishnan Communist Government by public and
255.Who was the Chief Minister when the Kumaranasan Nambiathiri democratic movement: Mannath
Government of Kerala decided to return the 285.Who organised interdining at Kozhikode 320.Who was the Secretary of the committee Padmanabhan
press that had been confiscated in 1910 to and called it “Preethibhojanam”? for Abstention Movement in Travancore? 353.Who was the king of Travancore when
the descendants of Vakkom Maulavi, in Vagbhatananda C.Kesavan Vaikom Satyagraha was started? Sri
1957? E.M.S.Namboothirippad 286.Whom Dr.Palpu called ‘Periya Swami’? 321.In which year was the Villuvandi yatra of Mulam Tirunal
256.Who translated the ‘Atmopadeshasatakam’ Sree Narayana Guru Ayyankali? 1893 354.Who came to the Satyagraha camp at
of Sree Narayana Guru into English with 287.The work of Kumaranasan based on 322. ‘Unni Namboothiri’ is the publication of: Vaikom as an observer at Gandhij’s
the Title ‘Centiloquy to the Self”? Nataraja Buddhist legend: Chandalabhikshuki Yogakshema Sabha instence? Vinoba Bhave
Guru 288.Who wrote introduction to ‘Nalini’ written by 323.The first secretary of N.S.S: Mannath 355.The king of Travancore who issued Temple
257.The social reformer who said “Mind is Kumaranasan?A.R.Rajaraja Varma Padmanabhan Entry Proclamation: Chithira Tirunal
God”: Brahmananda Sivayogi 289.Who raised the concept of ‘Dravida dalit’ 324.In which publication Dr.Palpu wrote with the 356.Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham founded
258.Neelakanda Theerthapadar was the who is neither Hindu nor Christian? pen name ‘Thiruvithamkotte Theeyan’? by Ayyankali was modelled after: SNDP
disciple of: Chattampi Swamikal Kumaragurudevan Madras Standard Yogam
259.The social reformer who inspired the 290.Who started the publication ‘Saragrahi’ to 325.In which year was the Villuvandi Yatra of 357.In which year Cheramar Mahasabha was
formation of ‘Karshaka Sangham’ in propagate his ideals? Brahmananda Ayyankali? 1893 founded? 1921
Malabar: Vagbhatananda Sivayogi 326.The first school of N.S.S. was started at: 358.The social reformer who married
260.Whose ancestral home is’Koodilla Veedu’? 291.Who called Kumaranasan “the Poet of Karukachal Thottakkad Madhavi Amma, the first
K.Ramakrishna Pillai Renaissance’? Thayatt Sankaran 327.How many people signed the Ezhava woman member of Cochin Legislative
261.Name the social reformer whose education 292.In which year Kumaranasan became the Memorial? 13176 Council: Mannath Padmanabhan

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359.Who among the following actively 385.“Brahmasri Sree Narayana Guruvinte 411. In which year Chattampi Swamikal was Gazette’? Vivekodayam
participated in Vaikom Satyagraha but Jeevacharitha Samgraham” is written by: born: 1853 444.The social reformer in Kerala who got ‘Rao
didn’t participated in Guruvayur Satyagraha Kumaranasan 412.The last anniversary of the SNDP Yogam Sahib’from the British? Ayyathan Gopalan
as he had gone abroad to practise law? 386.“Here I met a remarkable man” About which Narayana Guru attended was held at 445. Under whose compulsion C.Kesavan
K.P.Kesavamenon whom Swami Vivekananda made this _____ in 1927: Palluruthy joined Law College Thiruvananthapuram to
360.Name the prime minister who visited Kerala comment on hearing the clarifications on 413.Who is referred to as ‘Sampooranathevan’ study law? Sree Narayana Guru
during the Liberation Struggle: Jawaharlal ‘Chinmudra’ ? Chattampi Swamikal in Ayyavazhi mythology? Ayya Vaikuntar 446.From whom Chattampi Swamikal learned
Nehru 387.Sree Narayana Guru used saffron colour 414.Who wrote Vrithantha Pathra Pravarthanam Marma Vidhya? Atmananda Swamikal
361.What was the aim of Vaikom Satyagraha? dress for the first time during the occassion (1912), the first book on journalism in the 447.C.Kesavan married Vasanthi, a school
Open the approach road of the temple to of: First visit to Sri Lanka Malayalam language? K.Ramakrishna teacher, who was the daugher of the social
avarnas 388. “Reminiscences of my life” is the English Pillai activist: C.V.Kunhiraman
362.The ruler of Travancore who stopped the translation of the autobiography of: 415. In 1922, when Rabindranath Tagore visited 448.Who is the author of the book ‘Brahmarshi
Kudikkari or Devadasi system: Mannath Padmanabhan Trivandrum, who sang ‘Divyakokilam’, Sree Narayana Guru’ which is selected by
Sethulakshmi Bai 389.Bhattarakeswaram Temple is related to: penned by Kumaranasan in praise of National Academy of Letters to translate
363.The leader who exhorted the women of Chattampi Swamikal Tagore? C. Kesavan into 23 languages including English?
Kerala in 1931 to boycott temples as they 390.Where Chattampi Swamikal met Swami 416.Who is related to the ‘Bhagavan Karl Marx T.Bhaskaran
had to remove upper cloths during festival Vivekananda? Ernakulam speech’? C.Kesavan 449.Which occasion coincides with the
seasons as a part of some rituals: 391. “During my travels throughout the world, I 417.The date of Mannam Jayanthi? January 2 proclamation of Temple Entry Proclama-
Mannath Padmanabhan have had the good fortune to come in 418.The lawyer who appeared for C.Kesavan in tion? Birth day of Maharaja of
364.“A smriti which is the people’s charter of contact with several saints and the Kozhanchery Speech case: TM Travancore
spiritual emancipation” who hailed the maharishis... But I have frankly to admit Varghese 450.Who was ridiculously called ‘Kafur’ by the
Temple Entry Proclamation with these that I have never come across one who is 419.Who described C.Kesavan as the conservative sect of muslims as they
words? Mahathma Gandhi spiritually greater than Swami Narayana ‘uncrowned king of Travancore’ in a opposed his reformist activities? Vakkom
365.In which temple Sree Narayana Guru Guru or a person who is at par with him in meeting held at Alappuzha after his release Maulavi
Installed a slab as idol with the words: spiritual attainment.” Who paid tribute in from jail? K.C. Mamman Mappila 451.Who authored the publication ‘Treatment of
“Sathyam’ (Truth), Dharmam (Ethics), Daya the above words after visiting Sree 420.The publication launched by C.Kesavan Thiyyas in Travancore” in 1896? Dr.Palpu
(Compassion), Sneham (love)” ? Narayana Guru? Rabindranath Tagore when the licence of Navasakthi was 452.The leader who had to resign from the post
Murukkumpuzha 392.Who established Sree Vidhyadhiraja confiscated: Prabodhini of Deputy President of Legislative
366.The founder of Cheramar Mahasabha? Theerthapada Paramabhattrakasram? 421.The autobiography of Swadeshabhimani Assmebly as he had welcommed
Pampadi John Joseph Chattampi Swamikal K.Ramakrishna Pillai: Ente Naadukadathal C.Kesavan on behalf of the 51 lakh people
367.After which notable incident Gandhiji 393.The publication of which newspaper was 422.The name ‘Nivarthana Prakshobhanam’ of Travancore in meeting organised to
visited Kerala for the last time? Temple stopped in 1906 as the press caught fire ? (Abstention Movement) was coined by: facilitate C.Kesavan after his release from
Entry Proclamation Sujananandini I.C.Chacko jail: T.M.Varghese
368.The social activist who was killed in 1874 394.Who among the following was a proponent 423.Who formed an organization named 453.The famous thinker Natarajaguru is the son
during a boat journey by a group of upper- of the Civil Rights Movement in Uralungal Koolivelakkarude Paraspara of: Dr.Palpu
class people: Arattupuzha Velayudha Travancore? T.K.Madhavan Sahayya Sangham(ULCCS ) as part of his 454.Who published ‘Athmavidhya kahalam’?
Panicker 395.In which year K.Ramakrishna Pillai took social revolutionary mission to fight the Vagbhatananda
369.“One caste, One religion and One God for charge as the editor of Swadeshabhimani? caste barriers? Vagbhatananda 455.Jatavallabhar was the teacher of:
man of the same blood and form, there is 1906 424.C.Kesavan became the Chief Minister of Chattampi Swamikal
no difference animals of the same caste 396.Sree Narayana Guru gave the message Travancore-Cochin in: 1951 456.In which branch of medicine Chattampi
alone procreate Viewed thus all humanity “Organize and strengthen” during the 425.The teeth of Sree Narayana Guru, which is Swamikal acquired knowledge? Siddha
belong to one caste”- In which book of Sree occassion of: Second visit to Sri Lanka his only mortal remains, is kept at: Nerul in 457.Under what capacity C.Kesavan attanded
Narayana Guru these words can be seen? 397.Before his first visit to Sri Lanka what was Navi Mumbai the Christian Conference held at
Jati Mimamsa the colour of the dress used by Sree 426.The social reformer who worked as proof Kozhanchery in 1935 and made the historic
370.Who among the following built a Vihar for Narayana Guru? White reader in the publication ‘Mangalodayam’? ‘Kozhanchery speech’? General Secretary
Budhhists and eventually became a 398.Barrister G.P.Pillai who was mentioned by V.T.Bhatathirippad of SNDP
Buddhist himself? C.Krishnan Mahathma Gandhi in his autobiography 427.Vagbhatananda selected the city of _____ 458.The journal ‘Sivayogavilasom’ was
371.The samadhi of Sree Narayana Guru is at: was the editor of: Madras Standarad as his main centre of activity. Kozhikode published by: Vagbhatananda
Sivagiri 399.Chattampi Swamikal learnt the art of ‘Hat 428.Who established ‘Muslim Printing House’? 459.Who among the following had been
372.“Pracheena Malayalam” is authored by: yoga’ from: Thycaud Ayya Vakkom Maulavi appointed as an accountant in Government
Chattambi Swamikal 400.In which temple consecrated by Sree 429.The leader of renaissance who formerly Secretariat by Dewan T.Madhava Rao?
373.The first statue of Sree Narayana Guru was Narayana Guru installed ‘flame’? worked a head loader during the construc- Chattampi Swamikal
unveiled at: Thalassery Karamukku tion of Government Secretariat building in 460.The birth place of C.Kesavan: Mayyanad
374.Who was the leader of opposition in Kerala 401.Which eminent figure of freedom Thiruvananthapuram: Chattampi 461.Who was passed away at Muhamma in
Legislative Assembly during the Liberation movement of India accompanied Swamikal Alapuzha district at the age of 42?
Struggle? P.T.Chacko Rabindranath Tagore when he visited Sree 430.Who was called ‘Pavangalude P.Krishna Pillai
375. ‘Vavootuyogam’ was the predecessor of: Narayana Guru? C.F.Andrews Padathalavan’? A.K.Gopalan 462.Who led ‘Oorutambalam agitation’?
SNDP Yogam 402.“If you want to speak of politics in India, 431.Who was called ‘Simhala Simham’? Ayyankali
376.During the Liberation Struggle (1959), the you must speak through the language of C.Kesavan 463.The social reformer who is known as
‘Jeevasikha Jatha’ led by Mannath religion.” Who gave this advice to 432.Along with whom Thycaud Ayya started ‘Sarva Vidhyadiraja’: Chattampi Swamikal
Padmanabhan was started from: Angamali Dr.Palpu? Swami Vivekananda Saiva Prakasa Sabha in 1884? 464.Vagbhatananda established ‘Atmavidhya
377. “If a temple perishes that much supersti- 403.After the meeting which eminent personal- Prof.Sundaram Pillai Sangham’ in: 1915
tion will perish” who made this controver- ity Sree Narayana Guru wrote 433.Who led Rajadhani March in 1938? 465.The colour of dress used by Sri Narayana
sial statement? C.Kesavan ‘Municharyapanchakam’(The Path of the Akkamma Cheriyan Guru in his last days: White
378.Whom Mannanth Padmanabhan once Ascetic)? Ramana Maharshi 434.The famous journalist whose final resting 466.The founder of National Democratic
dubbed as his ‘political nephew’? R.Sankar 404.“Ascetic and holy man who tried to break place is Payyambalam in Kannur? Congress: Mannath Padmanabhan
379.Vaikom Satyagraha lasted for ____ the Brahmin hold on the performance of K.Ramakrishna Pillai 467.Kuriakose Elias Chavara was beatified in: 1986
months. 20 religious ceremonies. Attacked caste and 435.Who established SN Trust in 1952? 468.The first Malayali poet whose picture was
380.The immediate cause of the outbreak of the associated with Izhavas. Said to have R.Shankar printed on an Indian stamp: Kumaranasan
Liberation Struggle was the introduction of taught yoga to Sree Narayana Guru” – 436.Which newspaper was called ‘Bible of 469.The founder of Travancore Cheramar
the : Education Bill Robin Jeffri made this comment about: Thiyyas’? Mithavadi Mahajana Sabha: Pampady John Joseph
381.The dewan of Travancore against whom Chattampi Swamikal 437.Who was the first owner of Mithavadi? 470.Which book written by Chattampi Swamikal
K.Ramakrishna Pillai launched vehement 405.Who wrote the article titled ‘Let’s set fire on T.Sivasankaran quashes the legend that Kerala was
criticism? P.Rajagopalachari temples’? V.T.Bhatathirippad 438.From where Mithavadi was published under donated to Brahmins by Parasurama?
382.Who married Kaliyamma under the 406.Who declared that his god and goddess are the editorialship of Moorkoth Kumaran? Prachina Malayalam
compulsion of relatives but later discontin- his organisation? Mannath Padmanabhan Thalassery 471.The sculptor of the statue of Ayyankali at
ued married life as he had been devoted to 407.Name the leader who was imprisoned in 439.From where Mithavadi was published under Vellayambalam in Thiruvananathpuram:
ascetic life? Sree Narayana Guru connection with Kozhanchery speeh? the editorialship of C.Krishnan? Kozhikode Ezra David
383.Which was the major site of Kerala C.Kesavan 440.In which year P.Krishna Pillai was born? 472.What was the real name of
renaissance movements, where first major 408.Who authored ‘Jeevakarunya 1906 Anandatheerthan? Ananda Shenai
protests against untouchability and Niroopanam’? Chattampi Swamikal 441.Who wrote ‘Jnanakkummi’? Brahmananda 473.In which district Vaikom Satyagraha held?
casteism in Hinduism was organized? 409.In which year Mannath Padmanabhan was Sivayogi Kottayam
Vaikom temple born? 1878 442.The newspaper which provided propaganda 474.Who formed ‘Dharmabhata Sangham’ in
384.In which year Pampadi John Joseph was 410.Sivagiri Pilgrimage begins in the month of: for Malayali Memorial? Malayali order to strengthen the activities of SNDP
born? 1887 December 443.Which publication was called ‘Ezhava Yogam? T.K.Madhavan

2016 sabv- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 21

475.Who established the journal ‘Arayan’ in the literate state in India 532.The importance of 13th May, 1935 in the 567.‘Unaruvin,Akhileshane smarippin….’ was
year 1917? ) Dr.Velukutty Arayan 504.Who established Rajayogananda Kaumudi history of Travancore: Kozhanchery the slogan of: Athmavidhya Kahalam
476.Who wrote a book to criticise in 1911? Vagbhatananda Speech 568.In which year GP Pillai attended a session
Mokshapradeepam written by 505.To which place in Madras province 533.Who wrote with the pen name ‘Keralan’? of Indian National Congress for the first
Brahmananda Sivayogi? Chattampi Swadeshabhimani K.Ramakrishna Pillai K.Ramakrishna Pillai time? 1889
Swamikal was banished in 1910? Tirunelveli 534.All Travancore Joint Political Conference 569.In which year GP Pillai passed away? 1903
477.Who wrote a series of article in Madras 506.In which taluk of the erstwhile Malabar was launched in: 1932 570.Who wrote the song beginning with the
standard to depict the plight of Ezhavas of district was Guruvayur satyagraha held? 535.The leader of renaissance who was known lines ‘Jayajaya Komala Kerala Dharani…”?
Travancore with the title ‘Thiruvithamkotte Ponnani as ‘Bharat Kesari’: Mannath Padmanabhan Bodheswaran
Theeyan’? Dr.Palpu 507.Which district was the venue of 536.In which satyagraha, Antharjana Samajam, 571.Who wrote Sivasathakam? Sree Narayana
478.Who wrote the editorial ‘Save the Soul of Suchindram Satyagraha? Kanyakumari the women wing of Yogakshema sabha Guru
Gandhiji’ when he started fast unto death to 508. The king of Travancore issued a proclama- participated? Paliyam Satyagraha 572.The slogan ‘American Model Arabikkadalil’
protest against Communal Award in 1932? tion announcing the right of Nadar women to 537.Who founded Sidhasamjam at Vatakara in is related to: Punnapra-Vayalar
Vagbhatananda wear upper clothes but on condition that they 1920? Swami Sivananda Paramahamsar 573.Narauyana Guru established
479.Who organised the first fisheries Confer- should not imitate the style of clothing worn 538.In which year first widow remarriage in ‘Adwaithasramam’ at Aluva in: 1914
ence in 1949 with a view to evolving by upper class women: Uthram Tirunal Namboothiri community was held-1934 574.Swadeshabhimani K Ramakrishna Pillai
sustainable projects and programmes for 509.Who exhorted the pilgrims not to go to (sep 13) was passed away in: 1916
the development of the costal region and Kodungallur Bharani as animal sacrifice 539.Who was the groom of the first Namboothiri 575.The first Malabar political conference was
fishermen folk? Dr.Velukutty Arayan was cruel, foolish and sinful, that the Widow remarriage? MRB (Mullamangalath held under the aegis of Congress and
480.The drama written by Pandit Karuppan in singing of obscene songs was uncivilized? Raman Bhattathirippad) Home Rule League in: 1916
connection with the ‘Shashti poorthy’ Sahodaran Ayyappan 540.Who was the bride of the first Namboothiri 576.In which year GP Pillai became secretary
celebrations of Maharaja of Cochin? 510.What threatening of Ezhava leaders made Widow remarriage? Uma Antharjnam of Indian National Congress? 1894
Baalakalesam Dewan Sir C. P. Ramaswami Iyer to compel 541.Which revolt was also called Upper Cloth 577.In which district is the birth place of
481.Who was the first Vice President of SNDP Maharaja of Travancore to issue the Rebellion? Channar Revolt C.Krishnan? Thrissur
Yogam: Dr.Palpu Temple Entry Proclamation? En masse 542.In which year Parvathi Nenminimangalam 578.Who authorered the book ‘Representative
482.The founder of Araya Vamsa Paripalana convertion to Christianity was born? 1911 Indians’ which contains 36 biographies?
Yogam: Dr.Velukutty Arayan 511. Who authored ‘Sathyamennath Ivide 543.Who was nominated by Cochin Legislative G P Pillai
483.Another name of ‘Melmundu Kalapam’? manushyanakunnu’? V.T.Bhattathirippad Assembly as the representatives of 579.In which year GP Pillai was born? 1864
Channar Agitation 512.The old name of Nair Service Society: Nair antharjanams in connection with 580.In which year Kottayam became the fully
484.Who started Araya Service Society? Bhruthya Jana Sangham Namboothiri bill? Parvathi literate town in India? 1989
Dr.Velukutty Arayan 513.Who led Savarna Jatha from Nagercoil to Nenminimangalam 581.‘Kanneerum Kinavum’ is the autobiography
485.Who initiated Raja Yoga into Thiruvananthapuram? M.E.Naidu 544.In which year AV Kuttimalu Amma was of: VT Bhatathirippad
Vagbhatananda? Brahmananda Sivayogi 514.Who established the first school for born? 1905 582.The famous poet in Malayalam who died in
486.Who made the inaugural speech on the All depressed classes in Kerala? Ayyankali 545.In which year Arya Pallam was born? 1908 a boat accident in Pallana river in 1924:
Religious Meet held at Aluva which aimed 515.Who was the chairman of the Ezhava 546.The founder of Indian Coffee House? Kumaran Asan
at the promotion of understanding between Mahasabha held at Alapuzha on 27th A.K.Gopalan 583.The son in law of CV Kunhiraman who later
different religions? Sahodaran Ayyappan November, 1932 under the auspices of 547.Woman leader who became the president became the Chief Minister of Travancore
487.Who founded Akhila Thiruvithamcore SNDP Yogam? K.Ayyappan of Malabar Pradesh Congress Committee? Cochin? C.Kesavan
Navika Thozhilali Samgham? Dr.Velukutty 516.The publication of which journal owned by AV Kuttimalu Amma 584.The venue of the first all Kerala political
Araya K. Ramakrishna Pillai was caesed when he 548.The date of birth of Sree Narayana Guru? conference held in 1921: Ottappalam
488.The book ‘Christumathachedanam’ was assumed the editorship of 20.08.1856 585.With whom GP Pillai visited England in
written by: Chattampi Swamikal ‘Swadeshabhimani’? Keralan 549.The date of demise of Sree Narayana 1897? Dr.TM Nair
489.The venue of Paliyam Satyagraha: 517.In which year ‘Kesavan Memorial’ was Guru? 20.09.1928 586.The founder of Sharada Book Depot?
Chendamangalam submitted demanding the release of 550.Under which name the song ‘Jayajaya Kumaranasan
490.In which year Gandhiji made a visit to Kerala, C.Kesavan from jail? 1937 Komala Kerala Dharani’ is famous? 587.The poet who founded a tile factory at
that was described by him a ‘pilgrimage’? 1937 518.Who founded Athma Bodhodaya Sangham?
Keralaganam Aluva? Kumaranasan
491.On whose request the proposed fast unto Subhananda Gurudevan
551.The woman leader of Communist Party 588.Whose wife was Bhanumathi?
death by K.Kelappan was given up during 519.Who wrote the book ‘Dr.Palpu’?
who was the sister of Akkamma Cheriyan: Kumaranasan
Guruvayur Satyagraha? Mahathma Gandhi T.K.Madhavan
Rosamma Punoose 589.In which year Kumaranasan became a
492.Name the poet who named his residence 520.The first leader of Ezhavas to organise
552.Who is called the father of political agitation member of Praja Sabha? 1920
as Kerala Varma Soudham as a mark of them into a community: Dr.Palpu
in Travancore? Barrister GP Pillai 590.The first poet nominated to Praja Sabha?
respect for Kerala Varma Valiyakoyi 521.Who was arrested along with A.K.Gopalan
553.Who authored ‘Sivayogarahasyam’? Kumaranasan
Thampuran, who was his close friend: when the starvation march reached
Brahmananda Sivayogi 591.The venue of the first Malabar district
Muloor Padmanabha Panicker Madras? Chandroth Kunhiraman Nair
554.The years in which Poykayil Yohannan was conference held in 1916: Palakkad
493.Who led ‘Mookkoothi Samaram’’? 522.In which year Ayyankali became a member
nominated to Praja Sabha? 1921, 1931 592.The year in which Kerala Kaumudi was
Arattupuzha Velayudha Panicker of Sri Mulam Praja Sabha? 1910
555.Who used the pen name ‘Simhalan’? CV started publication under the leadership of
494.Yogakshema Sabha was formed in a 523.Where is C.Kesavan Memorial? Mayyanad
Kunjuraman CV Kunhuraman with Mooloor S
meeting held under the presidentship of: 524.Who established ‘Brahma Pratyaksha
556.The seat of Kerala State Library Council: Padmanabha Panicker as editor: 1911
Desamangalam Sankaran Sadhu Jana Paripalana Sangham’ in 1912,
Thiruvananthapuram 593.The year of Morazha incident in which KPR
Namboothirippad aimed at the welfare of Paraya community
557.The motto of Kerala Sasthra Sahitya Gopalan was sentenced for capital
495.The closest disciple of Sree Narayana of Travancore? Kavarikkulam Kandan
Guru who advised the followers of Sree Kumaran Parishad: Sasthram Samoohika punishment: 1940
Narayana Guru that they should shed the 525.The founder of Kerala Granthasala Viplavathinu 594.Who convened a conference of Buddhists
concept of Sree Narayana Guru as a God : Sangham? P.N.Panicker 558.The mouth piece of Kerala Grantha Sala in 1925and constructed a worshipping
Sahodaran Ayyappan 526.Who was the managing proprietor of Sangham: Granthalokam place for Buddhists near his house ?
496.Who wrote the play “Marakkudakkullile Swadeshabhimani newspaper when it was 559.Who wrote the song ‘Akhilandamandalam C.Krishnan
Mahanarakam” which aimed at the reforma- confiscated by the Government of aniyichorukki...”? Panthalam K.P.Raman 595.Who constructed Paran Hall in memory of
tion of Namboothiri community? Travancore in 1910? K.Ramakrishna Pillai Pillai his father? C.Krishnan
Mullamangalatha Raman Bhatathirippad 527.Who led the march of volunteers from 560.Whose father’s name is Madan Asan? Sree 596.Who introduced Education Bill in Kerala
497.The founder of Keraleeya Nair Samajam: Payyannur to Guruvayur to consolidate Narayana Guru legislative assembly ? Joseph
C.Krishna Pillai solidarity of the general public to 561.The first branch of Theosophical Society Mundassery
498.Who authored ‘Keralam-Malayalikalude Guruvayur Satyagraha? Subramanyan was started in Kerala in the year? 1882 597.Who presided over the first Malabar district
Mathrubhumi’? EMS Namboothirippad Tirumump 562.In which place the first branch of Theo- conference held at Palakkad in 1916?
499.K.Ayyappan started the journal ‘Sahodaran’ 528.At the time of his demise, sophical Society was started in Kerala? Annie Besant
from: Mattanchery Swadeshabhimani K.Ramakrishna Pillai Palakkad 598.Who was in charge of Home department in
500.The importance of 27th October 1946 in the was a resident of: Kannur 563.The real name of Bodheswaran? Kesava the beginning of the first EMS ministry? EMS
history of Travancore: The Vayalar uprising 529.What was the destination of Begging March Pillai 599.Who was instrumental in preparing a
501.In which year K.Ayyappan was elected to of V.T.Bhatathirippad? Chandragirippuzha 564.In reverence of whom Vivekodayam was petition named Malayali Memorial which
Kochi legislature? 1928 530.In which year Poikayil Yohannan established named so? Swami Vivekananda was signed by 10038 persons? Barrister
502.The slogan ‘Vayichu Valaruka’ is related to: ‘Pratyaksha Raksha Daiva Sabha’? 1909 565.Who was the founder editor of Sadhujana G.P.Pillai
Granthasala Sangham 531.Whom Ayyankali considered as his heir in Paripalini? Kalichothikaruppan 600.Who was the editor of Kerala Kaumudi
503.The importance of 19th April 1991 in Kerala the activities for the welfare of his 566.Which organization established community started in 1911? Muloor Padmanabha
history: Kerala bacame the first total community? T.T.Kesavan Sasthri courts? Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham Panicker

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Test of Arithmetic and Mental Ability
14. Sandeep ranks twelfth in a class of 46 (a) 12 (b) 21
1 students. What will be his rank from
2 (c) 15 (d) 10
1. The least number of square tiles the last? 1. January 1,1995 was a Sunday. What 15. Choose the subject which is different
required to pave the ceiling of a room (a) 33 (b) 34 day of the week was on January 1, from others:
15m 17cm long and 9m 2cm broad is: (c) 37 (d) 35 1996? (a) Mathematics (b) Arithmetic
(a) 814 (b)841 15. Find the HCF of 30,48 and 72: (a) Sunday (b) Monday (c) Geometry (d) Algebra
(c)851 (d)800 (a) 6 (b) 3 (c) Saturday (d) Tuesday 16. A student was asked to add 16 and
2. If 1st January 2004 was Thursday, then (c) 12 (d) 30 2. The HCF of two numbers is 24 and subtract 10 from a number. He by
what day is 1st January of 2005? 16. I am facing east. I turn 1000 in the their LCM is 1080. One of the numbers mistake added 10 and subtracted 16.
(a) Thursday (b) Friday clockwise direction and 1450 in the is 120 . Find the other is: If his answer is 14 what is the correct
(c) Saturday (d) Sunday anticlockwise direction. Which direction (a) 216 (b) 532 answer?
3. The length of a rectangle is 2 cms less I am facing now? (c) 108 (d) 820 (a) 20 (b) 26
than its breadth. If the perimeter of the (a) East (b) North 3. How many days there be from 26th (c) 30 (d) 32
rectangle is 12cms. What is its area? (c) North East (d) North West January 1996 to 15th May 1996 (Both 17. If 3=0, 4=4, 5=10, 6=18, then 7=?
(a) 16 (b) 22 17. At present Satheesh is half his father’s days inclusive): (a) 28 (b) 21
(c) 6 (d) 8 age. After 20 years his father’s age (a) 110 (b) 112 (c) 36 (d) 24
4. The angle between hour hand and will be one and half times of (c) 111 (d) 113 18. How many men need to be employed
minute hand of a clock when the time Satheesh’s age. What is father’s age 4. The simple interest on a sum of money to complete a job in 5 days if 10 men
is 8.30 is: now? will be Rs.600 after 10 years. If the can complete half the job in 7days?
(a) 800 (b) 600 (a) 40 (b) 20 principal is trebled after 5 years what (a) 7 (b) 14
(c) 105 0
(d) 750 (c) 26 (d) 30 will be the total interest at the end of (c) 28 (d) 35
5. The age Rama is ¾ of the age of his 18. If 32-24=3224 and 34-22=3242 then tenth year? 19. Select the pair which has the same
brother. If the difference in their age is 36-26=? (a) Rs.12000 (b) Rs.1400 relationship as the given pair: Traveller
6 years, what is the age of Rama? (a) 3626 (b) 3226 (c) Rs.1200 (d) Rs. 3400 :Destination
(a) 36 (b) 18 (c) 3662 (d) 3266 5. A shepherd has 17 sheep. All but nine (a) Beggar: Donation (b) Teacher:
(c) 24 (d) 16 19. A goldsmith uses gold and copper in died. How many was he left with? Education (c) Refugee:
6. Cobra: Snake:: Crocodile:? the ratio 9:1.5. What is the amount of (a) Nil (b) 17 Shelter (d) Accident:
(a) Pond (b) Carnivore gold required to make an ornament (c) 8 (d) 9 Hospital
(c) Reptile (d) Marsh weighing 84 gms? 6. What percent 144 is 36? 20. What is 20% of a number whose 200%
7. What is the distance covered by a (a) 81 (b) 75 (a) 25 (b) 40 is 360?
vehicle in one minute if its speed is 45 (c) 72 (d) 70 (c) 50 (d) 60 (a) 36 (b) 72
kmph? 20. Which number is like in the given set 7. Which is the irregular member of the (c) 50 (d) 144
(a) 0.33km (b) 0.75 km (3,17,31)? following group? 21. If MLC=LKB, then BCG =?
(c) 0.66 km (d) 1.25 km (a) 15 (b) 45 (a) RQPA (b) MLKA (a) BKL (b) ABC
8. Choose the group of letters which is (c) 49 (d) 5 (c) STUA (d) HGFA (c) ABF (d) CDH
different from others: 21. There are three numbers such that the 8. If 3 numbers are in the ratio 1:3:4 and 22. If there are three numbers in such a
(a) BDC (b) MLK double of the first number is the the average of these numbers is 56, way that the first number is double the
(c) NPR (d) PQR second number and the double of the then one of these numbers is: second number and the third number is
9. The area of a square plot is 44100 second number is the third number. If (a) 92 (b) 64 one third of the first number. If the
sq.m. What is the length of its one the average of these numbers is 210, (c) 42 (d) 84 average of these numbers is 22, then
side? then the first number is: 9. In a certain code MONKEY is written any one of these numbers is:
(a) 210 m (b) 2100 m (a) 60 (b) 90 as XDJMNL. How is TIGER written in (a) 81 (b)16
(c) 210 sq.m. (d) 200 m (c) 45 (d) 40 that code? (c) 15 (d) 18
10. Pune is bigger than Jhansi. Sitapur is 22. Find the odd man out: (a) SDFHS (b) SHFDQ 23. Showing a man Saroj said “He is the
bigger than Chittur, Raigarh is not as (c) QDFHS (d) UJHFS
(a) OOTRONT (b) OKOTY brother of my uncle’s daughter”. What
big as Jhansi, but bigger than Sitapur. 10. There are 850 students in a school.
(c) SRPAI (d) LEDIH is the relation of Saroj with the man?
Which is the smallest? Find the number of boys if the number
23. If we add 25 to 90% of a number, we (a) Son (b) Brother in law
(a) Chittur (b) Pune of girls is 56 less than the boys:
get the number. Then the number is: (c) Nephew (d) Cousin
(c) Jhansi (d) Sitapur (a) 451 (b) 450 (c) 452 (d) 453
(a) 400 (b) 300 24. Two numbers are in the ratio 3:5 and
11. A job is finished by 7 people in 15 11. Which of the following does not belong
(c) 200 (d) 250 their least common multiple is 75. Then
days. Same job can be finished by 5 to the group?
24. Next number in the series: one of the numbers is:
people in how many days? (a) Cube (b) Rectangle
3,15,35,63,? (a) 25 (b) 30
(a) 18 (b) 20 (c) Rhombus (d) Square
(a) 99 (b) 98 (c) 35 (d) 20
(c) 21 (d) 23 12. The sum of three numbers is 174. The
(c) 84 (d) 77 25. A man is facing north-west. He turns
12. Which comes next in the series? ratio of the second number to the third
25. If 12 people can finish a job in 5 days, 900 and in the clockwise direction and
GAS,HCR,IEQ,JGP,? number is 9:16 and the ratio of the first
how many days will be required to number to the third is 1:4. The second then turn 1350 in anticlockwise direction.
(a) KIP (b) KJO finish the same job by 10 people? Which direction is he facing now?
(c) KIN (d) KIO number is:
(a) 9 (b) 8 (a) 24 (b) 96 (c) 48 (d) 54 (a) East (b) West
13. A man distributed Rs.100 equally (c) 7 (d) 6 (c) North (d) South
among his friends. If there had been 13. Moon: Satellite :: Earth:?
(a) Sun (b) Solar System
five more friends, each would have Answers (c) Asteroid (d) Planet
received one rupee less. How many
friends did he have? 1 (a) 2(c) 3 (d) 4 (d) 5(b) 6(c) 7(b) 8(c) 9(a) 14. The difference between five times 1 (b) 2(a) 3 (c) 4 (c) 5(d) 6(a) 7(c) 8(d) 9(c)
(a) 35 (b) 25 10(a) 11(c) 12(d) 13(c) 14(d) 15(a) 16(c) 17(a) certain number and 2 times the same 10(d) 11(a) 12(d) 13(d) 14(a) 15(a) 16(b) 17(a)
(c) 20 (d) 30 18(d) 19(c) 20(d) 21(b) 22(a) 23(d) 24(a) 25(d) number is 36. The number is: 18(c) 19(c) 20(a) 21(c) 22(d) 23(d) 24(a) 25(b)

2016 sabv- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 23

(t]Pv- 15¬- \n-∂v)-
{Ia Xo-bXn- Xkv-Xn-Ibpw- Im-‰Kdn- \ºdpw- hIp-∏v/- kn-e_kv-
\w- kabw- kvY
- m-]\w-
32 18/06/2016 LAST GRADE SERVANTS VARIOUS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (SR FOR SC/ST ONLY) Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 559/2015 Part II : General Science Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 03.15 PM TSR, WYD (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 18/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 04/06/2016
33 18/06/2016 COOLY WORKER KERALA STATE WATER Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (NCA NOTIFICATION) TRANSPORT Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 597/2015 Part II : General Science Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 03.15 PM LC/AI (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 18/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 04/06/2016
34 18/06/2016 PRESSMAN SURVEY & LAND RECORDS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 638/2015 Part II : General Science Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 03.15 PM TVM - M (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 18/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 04/06/2016
35 18/06/2016 CINEMA OPERATOR INFORMATION & PUBLIC Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday RELATIONS Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 375/2015 Part II : General Science Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 03.15 PM IDK (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 18/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 04/06/2016
36 21/06/2016 DRIVER GRADE II (HDV) – NCC/SAINIK WELFARE Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Tuesday (EX-SERVICEMEN ONLY) Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
07.30 AM* 444/2014 Part II : Questions based on Driving (HDV)
to 09.15 AM ALP (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 21/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 07/06/2016
37 21/06/2016 DRIVER GRADE II (HDV) VARIOUS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Tuesday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
07.30 AM* 615/2015 Part II : Questions based on Driving (HDV)
to 09.15 AM KTM - LC/AI, PKD - LC/AI (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 21/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 07/06/2016
38 25/06/2016 ACCOUNTANT/JUNIOR VARIOUS GOVERNMENT Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday ACCOUNTANT/ACCOUNTS OWNED COMPANIES/ Main Topics:- Part I : Questions based on B.Com. Part II : General Knowledge, Current Affairs &
to 03.15 PM 88/2015 AUTHORITIES/SOCIETIES (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 25/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 10/06/2016
39 25/06/2016 ACCOUNTANT/JUNIOR VARIOUS GOVERNMENT Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday ACCOUNTANT/ACCOUNTS OWNED COMPANIES/ Main Topics:- Part I : Questions based on B.Com. Part II : General Knowledge, Current Affairs &
to 03.15 PM 89/2015 AUTHORITIES/SOCIETIES (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 25/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 10/06/2016
40 29/06/2016 STATISTICAL ASSISTANT GRADE II/ ECONOMICS & STATISTICS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Wednesday STATISTICAL INVESTIGATOR GRADE II/ Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
07.30 AM* COMPUTER OPERATOR GRADE II Part II : General English Part III: Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 09.15 AM (NCA NOTIFICATION) (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
606/2013 (Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
PKD - ST Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 30/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 15/06/2016
41 29/06/2016 LOWER DIVISION COMPILER/ ECONOMICS & STATISTICS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Wednesday INVESTIGATOR Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
07.30 AM* (NCA NOTIFICATION) Part II : General English Part III: Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 09.15 AM 448/2015 (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
KNR - ST (Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 30/05/2016 (Circular 12/2015)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 15/06/2016

24 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2016 sabv- 15

Un-∏m¿-´v-sa≥-d¬- sSkv-‰v- Pq-sse- 2016
tIcf ]_vfnIv k¿∆okv IΩn-j≥ ep≈ t^mt´m Ah-km-\- Xo-bXn°p ap≥]mbn A]vtemUv sNtø≠Xm-Wv.
1˛10 hscbpff \n¿t±i߃ ]men°mØ t^mt´mbpff At]£Iƒ \ncp]m[nIw
hn⁄m-]\w \nckn°p∂XmWv.
\º¿ Un.C I (1) 891/ 2016 /EW Xncp-h-\-¥-]p-cw, (b) hIp∏pXe ]co-£bv°v Online At]-£-Iƒ BZy-ambn £Wn® 2011 P\p-h-cn°v apºmbn Hcp
3/5/2016 ]m¿´ns‚ `mKn-I-amb t]∏-dp-Iƒ Pbn-®n-´p-≈-h¿ tijn°p∂ t]∏-dp-Iƒ°pw k¿´n-^n-°-‰n\pw
Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬- sSÃv Pq-sse 2016 ^okv HSp°n Hm¨sse≥ aptJ\ At]-£n-t°-≠Xm-Wv. 2011 P\p-h-cn- apX¬ k¿´n-^n-°‰v
^okv HSp-°p-Ibpw F∂m¬ ]co£ tXm¬°p-Ibpw sNbvX-h¿ ho≠pw k¿´n-^n-°‰v ^okv
1. tIcf ]ªnIv k¿∆okv IΩnj≥ 2016 Pq-sse amk-Øn¬- Xmsg ]dbp∂ tI{µßfn¬- h®v HSpt°-≠Xn√. 2011 P\phcnbnse Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co-£ apX¬ At]-£n-°p-Ibpw hnhn[
\S-Øm≥ \n›-bn-®n-´p≈ Un∏m¿´vsa‚ v ]co£Iƒ°v Hm¨sse≥ aptJ\ At]-£-Iƒ Imc-W-ß-fm¬ At]£ \nc-kn-°-s∏-Sp-Itbm Paperdisallow Bhp-Itbm sNbvXn´pffhcpw
£Wn®p sIm≈p∂p. At]-£-Iƒ 2016 Pq¨- 1˛mw XobXn _p[\mgvN cm{Xn 12 aWn hsc k¿´n^n°‰v ^okv HSp°pIbpw Hcp XhW t]mepw ]co£ FgpXmXncn°pIbpw sNem≥
kzoIcn°p∂XmWv. \n›nX ka-b-Øn\p ap≥]p Xs∂ E-payment kwhn[m\w D]tbmKn®v verify sNømXncn°pIbpw sNbvXn´p≈hcpw E- payment kwhn[m\w D]tbmKn®v k¿´n^n°‰v
^okv AS-bv°p-∂-Xnepw At]£ ka¿∏n-°p∂-Xnepw ]co-£m¿∞n-Iƒ {]tXyIw {i≤n-t°- ^okv ho≠pw HSpt°≠XmWv.
≠Xm-Wv. Hm¨sse≥ aptJ\ A√msX-bp≈ At]£Iƒ \ncp-]m-[nIw \nckn-°p∂Xm-Wv. (c) ]-co-£m¿∞n-I-fpsS s{]mss^-en¬ Ah-cpsS t^mt´m-tbm-Sp-Iq-Snb Admission Ticket- Dw Identi-
tIcf ]ªnIv k¿∆okv IΩojs‚ HutZym-KnI sh_vssk-‰mb eqsS fication Certificate- Dw e`y-am-°p∂Xpw BbXv Uu¨temUv sNbvXv bYmhn[n km£y-s∏-
cPn-kvt{S-j≥ ]q¿Øn-bm-°nbXn\ptijw ]co-£m¿∞n-Iƒ°v At]-£n-°m-hp∂Xm-Wv. ap≥ SpØn ]co-£bv°v lmP-cm-t°-≠Xp-am-Wv.
]co£Iƒ°v Hm¨sse\mbn At]£n°p∂Xn\pth≠-n cPnÿ sNbvXn´pff ]co-£m¿∞n- (d) Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co-£I - ƒ°v At]£ ka¿∏n-°p∂Xn-\p≈ Ah-km\- XobXnhscbpw X߃
Iƒ Hcp ImcWhimepw ho≠pw cPnÿ sNøphm≥ ]mSpffX√. Ah¿ {]kvXpX cPn-kvt{S- ka¿∏n® At]-£-bnse hnh-c-߃ (DZm: t]∏-dp-Iƒ, sSÃv, taJe apX-em-b-h) am‰n
j\neqsS (s{]mss^eneqsS) am{Xw Hm¨sse\mbn At]£nt°≠XmWv. k¿∆oknepff \¬Ip∂Xn\v ]co-£m¿∞n-Iƒ°v A\p-hmZw D≠m-bn-cn-°p∂Xm-Wv. Ah-km\Xo-bXnbn¬
A‘cmb ]co£m¿∞nIƒ°v th≠n \SØp∂ Viva-Voce °v (G.O.(P)No.31/11/P&ARD dated \nehnepff t^mt´mbpw a‰p hnhcßfpw ASßnb At]-£Ifmhpw ]cnKWn-°pI. Online
7.9.2011 {]Imcw) At]£n°phm≥ {]tXyI hn⁄m]\w ]pds∏Sphn°p∂XmWv. BbXn\m¬ application ]qcn-∏n-°p∂Xn\v ap≥]v hn⁄m-]\w hni-Z-ambn hmbn-t°≠-Xm-Wv. hn⁄m-]\w
A‘cmb ]co£m¿∞nIƒ Cu hn⁄m]\{]Imcw At]£nt°≠Xn√. IΩo-js‚ sh_vssk-‰nepw IΩo-js‚ Pn√m/taJem B^o-kp-Iƒ, If-IvS-td‰p-Iƒ, Pn√m
2. 2012 Pqsse apX¬ Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co£Iƒ Objectivet ype (OMR aqey\n¿Æbw) co-Xnbn¬ C≥^¿ta-j≥ B^o-kp-Iƒ F∂n-hn-S-ß-fnepw e`y-am-Wv.
\S∏nem°nhcnIbmWv. Second Class Language Test in Malayalam (Tamil/Kannada), Minortiy Lan- (e) ]co-£-bv°p≈ ka-b-hn-h-c-∏-´n-Ibpw taJ-em-tI-{µ-ß-fpsS t]cpw bYmk-abw Kk-‰n¬ ]c-ky-
guage Test (Tamil/Kannada) F∂o sSÃpIƒ°v \nehnepff coXnbnepw hIp∏pXe ]co£bpsS s∏-Sp-Øp∂Xm-Wv. ka-bh - n-hc
- ∏
- ´- n-II - ƒ ]ªnIv k¿∆okv IΩo-js‚ sh_vssk-‰v, Pn√m/taJem
_m°nbpff F√m sSÃpIƒ°pw Objective coXnbnepamWv ]co£ \SØp∂Xv. Alpha Code Hm^o-kp-Iƒ, ]co-£m-tI-{µ-߃ F∂n-hn-Sß-fn¬ \n∂pw ]co-£m¿∞n-Iƒ°v d^d≥kn\v e`n-
_m[Iambn´pff OMR ]co£bmWv \SØp∂Xv. Hmtcm t]∏dns‚bpw ]camh[n am¿°v °p∂Xm-Wv. IqSmsX Hmtcm ]co-£m¿∞n°pw Bh-iy-ambn hcp∂ ]co-£I - f
- psS ssSwtS-_nƒ
100˛Dw hnPbn°p∂Xn\pff an\naw am¿°v 40˛Dw BWv. Negative Mark _m[IamWv. Hmtcm Ah-c-h-cpsS s{]mss^-en¬ e`yam-°p∂-Xm-Wv. hy‡n-]-c-ambn ]co-£m¿∞n-Iƒ°v ka-b-hn-h-
icnbpØcØn\pw 1 am¿°v e`n°pIbpw Hmtcm sX‰pØcØn\pw 1/3 (aq∂nsem∂v) am¿°v c-]-´n-I-Iƒ X]m-en¬ Ab-bv°p-∂X√.
\jvSamIpIbpw sNøpw. hIp∏pXe ]co£Iƒ°v \nehnepff with books/without books coXn 3. IΩn-js‚ 05.03.2003 se 17˛mw \º¿ Xocp-am\ {]Imcw Un∏m¿´v-sa‚¬ sSÃvv k¿∆o-kn¬ D≈-
XpScp∂XmWv. Objective coXn-bn-ep-ff ]co-£-Iƒ°v \ne-hn-ep-ff ka-b-{I-a-Øn¬ am‰w D≠m- h¿°v am{X-ambn ]cn-an-X-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-cn-°p∂p. A√m-Ø-h-cn¬ \n∂pw e`n-°p∂ At]-£-Iƒ
bn-cn-°p∂Xm-Wv. \ncp-]m-[nIw \nc-kn-°p∂Xm-Wv.
2. 1 Xmsg ]d-bp∂ ÿe-ß-fn-emWv ]co-£m-tI-{µ-߃ D≈Xv. 4. At]-£m-^okv:-˛ 2016 P\phcnbnse hn⁄m]\w apX¬ Online banking kwhn[m\w
(1) Xncp-h-\-¥-]pcw (2) s\øm-‰n≥Ic (3) B‰n-߬- D]tbmKn®p≈ E-payment aptJ\bmWv ]co£m ^okpw, k¿´n^n°‰v ^okpw HSpt°≠Xv
(4) s\Sp-a-ßmSv (5) sIm√w (6) sIm´m-c-°c (sNem≥ D]tbmKn®v {SjdnIfn¬ t\cnt´m/ C ˛ sNem≥ aptJ\tbm ]WsamSp°p∂Xv
(7) Icp-\m-K-∏≈n (8) ASq¿ (9) ]Ø\wXn´ kzoImcya√.) Epayment aptJ\ ]Ww HSp°∂Xn\v ]co£m¿∞nIfpsS s{]mss^ense Make
(10) amth-en-°c (11) sNß∂q¿ (12) Xncp-h√ payment F∂ Hm]vj≥ D]tbmKn°mhp∂XmWv. Sn Hm]vj≥ hgn ]co£m¿∞n°v {Sjdn
(13) Be-∏pg (14) XIgn (15) lcn-∏mSv hIp∏ns≥d ssk‰nte°v {]thin®v Online Bbn ]Ww HSp°mhp∂XmWv. CXn\mbn
(16) tN¿Øe (17) tIm´bw (18) ]mem ]co£m¿∞nt°m/_‘s∏´h¿t°m GsX¶nepw _m¶ns≥d Online banking Account
(19) sXmSp-]pg (20) DSp-º≥tNme (s\-Spw-¶≠-w) (21) ss]\mhv (hmg-tØm-∏v) BhiyamWv. {Sjdn ssk‰n¬ \n∂pw ]Ww HSp°p∂Xn\mbn _m¶nßnte°v {]thin°ptºmƒ
(22) ]ocp-taSv (23) I´-∏\ (24) hS-°≥ ]d-hq¿ e`yamIp∂ GR Number (Government Reference No.) Ipdns®SpØv kq£nt°≠XmWv. ]Ww
(25) Fd-Wm-Ipfw (26) Xr∏q-Wn-Øpd (27) aqhm-‰p-]pg HSp°n°gn™m¬ ]co£m¿∞nbpsS s{]mss^en¬ GR Number Dƒs∏sS payment details
(28) s]cpºmhq¿ (29) ssh°w (30) Xr»q¿ ImWmhp∂XmWv.
(31) Ip∂w-Ipfw (32) Ccn-ßm-e-°pS (33) Nme°pSn 4.1 Hm-tcm- t]-∏-dn-\pw- 75/- (F-gp-]-Øn- A-©v-)- cq-]- F-∂- \n-c-°n-em-Wv- ]-co-£m- ^o-kv.- Cu- A-Sn-ÿm-
(34) ]me-°mSv (35) aÆm¿°mSv (36) H‰-∏mew \-Øn¬- F-{X- t]-∏d - p-Iƒ- D-≠v- F-∂v- I-W° - m-°n- ap-gp-h≥
- ]-co-£m-^o-kpw- H-Sp-t°-≠X - m-Wv.- H-cp-
(37) Be-Øq¿ (38) Nn‰q¿ (49) ae-∏pdw sS-Ãv- k¿-´n-^n-°‰ - n-\v- 100/- cq-]- \n-c° - n¬- F-{X- k¿-´n-^n-°‰ - n-\m-tWm- A-t]-£n-°p-∂X - v- A-{X-bpw-
(40) \ne-ºq¿ (41) at©cn (42) s]m∂m\n Xp-I- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰n-\m-bpw- H-Sp-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.- P-\p-h-cn- 2011 ap-X¬- Un-∏m¿-´v-sa-‚¬- sS-Ãn-\v- A-t]-
(43) Xncq¿ (44) tX™n-∏mew (45) tImgn-t°mSv £n-°p-I-bpw,- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v- ^o-kv- H-Sp-°p-I-bpw- sN-bv-X-h¿- A-tX- s{]m-ss^-en-eq-sS- A-t]-£n-
(46) sImbn-em≠n (47) hSIc (48) Iev∏‰ ®m¬- am-{X-ta- H-Sp-°n-b- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v- ^o-kv- km-[p-hm-bn- ]-cn-K-Wn-°p-I-bp-f-fp.- (A-√m-sX-bp-≈-
(49) kp¬-Øm≥_-tØcn (50) am\-¥-hmSn (51) Xe-t»cn A-t]-£-Iƒ- \n-c-kn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv-)- H-cn-°¬- A-S-®- ]-co-£m- ^o-kv- bm-sXm-cp- Im-c-W-h-im-epw- Xn-
(52) Ccn´n (Nmht»cn) (53) IÆq¿ (54) Xfn-∏-dºv cn-sI- e-`n-°p-∂-X-√.-
(55) ]ø∂q¿ (56) Im™-ßmSv (57) Imk¿tKmUv 4.2 E-payment CS]mSv ]q¿ØnbmIp∂Xn\Sbn¬ s\‰v h¿°v XIcm¿ Dƒs∏sS kmt¶XnI
(58) Ih-cØn (e-£-Zzo-]v) (Pp-Uo-jy¬ sSÃp-Ifpw dh\yq sSÃp-Ifpw ]©mbØv sSÃp-Ifpw XS ßƒ ImcWw Account ¬ \n∂pw ]Ww debit BIpIbpw CS]mSv ]q¿ØnbmsIsXbpw
FIvsskkv sSÃp-Ifpw am{Xw) h∂m¬ t\csØ Ipdns®SpØ GR number D]tbmKn®v _m¶v/ {Sjdn- -sb kao]n®v ]Ww
2.2 Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co-£I - ƒ°v At]-£n-°p∂-Xn\v ap≥]mbn ]co£m¿∞n-Iƒ Hm¨sse\mbn kw_‘n®v hy‡X hcpØmhp∂XmWv.
One-time Regitsration sNtø-≠Xm-Wv. cPn-kvt{S-j≥ ka-bØv Hmtcm ]co-£m¿∞nbpw Xß- 4.3 Hcp slUv Hm^v A°u≠nte°v HSp°s∏´ ]Ww as‰mcp slUv Hm^v A°u≠nte°v
fpsS hy‡n-]-c-amb hnh-c-ß-fmb P\-\-Øo-b-Xn, ta¬hn-em-kw, HutZym-KnI ]Z-hn, HutZym- am‰phm≥ Ignbp∂X√. AXmbXv k¿´n^n°‰v ^okn\mbn HSp°nb ]Ww ]co£m ^okmtbm
KnI ta¬hn-emkw apX-em-bh \¬Ip∂Xnt\msSm∏w Xß-fpsS t^mt´m-{Km^pw A]vtemUv Xncnt®m hIbncpØm≥ km[n°n√.
sNtø≠Xm-Wv. XpS¿∂v Hcp 'User ID' \¬Ip∂Xm-Wv. ]co-£m¿∞n-Iƒ°v Xs∂ 'Password' t\m´v:-˛ (F) t\cn-´p≈ \nb-a\w hgntbm {Sm≥kv^¿ apJm-¥n-ctam\nb-an-°-s∏-´n-´p≈ Hcp DtZym-K-
Dw 'User ID' Dw sXc-s™-Sp-°m-hp∂-Xm-Wv. Ch c≠pw clky-ambn kq£n-t°≠-Xv ]co-£m¿∞n- ÿs‚ s{]mt_-js - ‚tbm s{Sbn-\nw-Kn-s‚tbm ]q¿Øo-Ic - W- Ø - nt\m GsX-¶nepw XkvXn-Ib - n¬
I-fpsS Npa-X-e-bm-Wv. IqSmsX hy‡nhnhc߃ icnbmsW∂v Dd∏phcptØ-≠XpamWv. C≥{In-sat‚m ÿnc-s∏-Sp-Øtem e`n-°p∂-Xnt\m Db¿∂ XkvXn-I-bn-te°v DtZym-K-°-b‰w
2.3 Xß-fpsS 'User ID', 'Password' F∂nh D]-tbm-Kn®v Hmtcm {]mh-iyhpw At]£ £Wn-°p∂ In´p∂-Xnt\m Hcp t]mÃn¬ ]ng-Iq-SmsX XpS-cp∂-Xnt\m GsX-¶nepw sSÃv ]m m-bn-cn-°-W-
apdbv°v ]co-£m¿∞n-Iƒ°v Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co-£-Iƒ°v At]£ ka¿∏n-°m-hp∂Xm-Wv. sa∂v \n¿t±-in-®n-´p-s-≠¶n¬ (obligatory tests) {]kvXpX sSÃp-Iƒ°pw k¿∆o-kn-ep≈ Bfp-
(a) cPn-kvt{S-j\v D]-tbm-Kn-t°≠ t^mt´m-bpsS khn-ti-j-X-Iƒ Iƒ°v ]pXp-Xmbn GsX-¶nepw sSÃv G¿s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´ps≠¶n¬ A{]-Im-c-ap≈ sSÃp-Iƒ°pw
1. t^mt´m 31.12.2010 \p tijw FSpØhbmbncn°Ww. At]£Is‚ t]cpw t^mt´m FSpØ G.O.(MS)166/76/PD dated 04.06.1976 A\p-k-cn®v Poh-\-°m¿°v AXmXv Un∏m¿´vsa‚nse DtZym-
XobXnbpw t^mt´mbn¬ Print sNøpItbm a‰phn[Øn¬ tcJs∏SpØpItbm sNbvXncn°Ww. K-°-b-‰-߃°v (Line of promotion) D≈ XkvXn-I-I-fn-tebv°v Bh-iy-amb Un∏m¿´vsa‚ v sSÃp-
2. ]co-£m¿∞n-bpsS apJhpw tXmƒ`m-Khpw hy‡-ambn ]Xn-™n-cn-°Ø - °- h- n-[Ø
- n-ep≈ If¿/ Iƒ°pw At]-£-I-cn¬ \n∂v ^okv CuSm-°p∂-√. Cu kuP\yw Hmtcm sSÃns\ kw_-‘n-
ªm°v & ssh‰v ]mkvt]m¿´v sskkv t^mt´m-bmbn-cn-°-Ww. ®n-St- Øm-fhpw Hcmƒ°v H∂n¬ IqSp-X¬ XhW e`n-°p-∂X - √- . (G.O.(MS)26/76/PD dated 25.01.1976)
3. 200 ]nIvsk¬ Db-c-hpw, 150 ]nIvsk¬ hoXnbpw D≈Xpw jpg t^m¿am‰n-ep-≈Xpw 30 kb c≠m-asØ XhW apX¬ ^okv CuSm-°p-∂X - m-Wv. Hcp ]co-£bv°v At]-£n-°p-Ibpw F∂m¬
^b¬ sskkn¬ A[n-I-cn-°m-Ø-Xp-amb Cta-Pp-Iƒ BWv Upload sNtø-≠Xv. A{]-Im-c- GsX-¶nepw Imc-Wh-im¬ ]co£ Fgp-Xm-Xn-cn-°p-Ibpw sNbvXm¬ AXpw ^okv kuP\yw
a√mØ Cta-Pp-Iƒ \ncp-]m-[nIw \nc-kn-°-s∏Sp∂XmWv. A\ph-Zn-°-s∏-´n-´p≈ Xh-W-bmbn IW-°m-°-s∏-Sp∂-Xm-Wv. ^okv kuP\yw A\p-h-Zn-°-s∏-´n-
4. shfp-ØtXm Cfw \nd-Øntem D≈ ]›m-Ø-e-Øn¬ FSpØ t^mt´mbm-bn-cn-°Ww (t^m- ´p-≈Xv Hmtcm sSÃn\pw apgp-h-\m-bn-´m-Wv. A√msX ]e t]∏-dp-I-fp≈ Hmtcm sSÃn-s‚bpw
t´m-bn-ep≈ hy‡nsb Xncn-®-dn-bm≥ km[n-°p∂ Xc-Øn¬ ]›m-Øew plain Bbn-cn-°-Ww). Hmtcm t]∏-dp-If - m-bn-´√. (G.O.(MS)29/75/PD dated 06-02-1975) DZm-lc - W
- a
- mbn A°u≠-v sSÃn\p
5. apJw t\scbpw ]q¿Æ-ambpw t^mt´m-bpsS a≤y-`m-KØv ]Xn-™n-cn-°Ww. tNcp∂ Hcmƒ°v (4 t]∏-dn\pw IqSn tN¿∂mepw Cs√-¶n-epw) Hcp ]co-£bv°v am{Xta ^okv
6. IÆp-Iƒ hy‡-ambn ImW-Ø-°-hn-[-Øn-em-bn-cn-°Ww. kuP\yw In´p-Ib - p-≈p. B ]co-£b - n¬ F√m t]∏-dp-Ifpw Pbn-°m≥ km[n-®n-´n-s√-¶n¬ ASpØ
7. sXm∏n, (a-Xm-Nm-c-Øns‚ `mK-am-bp≈ sXm∏n/intcm-hkv{Xw F∂n-h-sbmgn®v) tKmKnƒkv XhW apX¬ tXm‰ t]∏-dp-Iƒ°pw At]-£n-°m-Xn-cp∂ t]∏-dp-Iƒ°pw ^okv HSp°n At]-
F∂nh [cn®v FSp-ØtXm apJ-Øns‚ Hcp hiw am{Xw ImW-Ø-°-hn-[-Øn-ep-≈tXm apJw £n-t°-≠Xm-Wv. apI-fn¬ ]d™ B\p-Iq-ey-߃ G.O.(MS)249/70/PD dated 22.07.1970 A\p-k-
hy‡-a√m-Ø-tXm Bb t^mt´m-Iƒ D]tbmKn°m≥ ]mSn√. cn®v Kh¨sa‚ v k¿ho-kn-ep≈ ssS∏n-Ãp-Iƒ°pw sÃt\m-{Km-^¿am¿°pw G.O.(Ms.)274/71/
8. 8. samss_¬ t^m¨, Web Cam F∂nh D]-tbm-Kn®v FSp-°p∂ t^mt´mbpw Polaroid& PD dated 27.08.1971 A\p-k-cn®v ]_vfnIv k¿∆okv IΩoj≥ \S-Øp∂ F v. F v.-F¬.-kn.
Computer Generated Photo bpw kzoI-cn-°p∂X√. Ãmt‚¿Uv (S.S.L.C Standard) ep≈ ¢dn-°¬ ]co-£bv°v Ccn-°phm≥ A\p-aXn e`n-®n-´p≈
9. Cfw \nd-Øn-ep≈ hkv{Xw [cn®v FSpØ t^mt´m Bbn-cn-°Ww. Xmgv∂ hcp-am-\° - mcmb Khs◊‚ v Poh-\° - m¿°pw G.O.(Rt.)No.706/75/PD dated 21.07.1975 A\p-
10. BZy-L-´-Øn¬ cPn-kvt{S-j≥ \S-Øn-b-t∏mƒ ]gb amXr-I-bn-ep≈ t^mt´m A]vtemUv k-cn®v tIcf JmZn B‚ v hnt√Pv C≥U-kv{Sokv t_m¿Unse Poh-\° - m¿°pw G.O.(Ms.)No.302/
sNbvX-h¿ C\nbpw ]co£ Fgp-Xp∂-Xn\v th≠n At]-£n-°ptºmƒ ]pXnb amXr-I-bn- 75/G..Edn. dated 17.12.1975 A\p-k-cn®v Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ sSÃv Hªn-tK-‰-dn-bmbn \n›-bn-°-s∏-´n-

2016 sabv- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 25

´p≈ tIc-fØ - nse Fbn-UUv sslkvIq-fn-tebpw Fbn-UUv s{Sbn-\nwKv kvIqfn-tebpw slUvam- °m¿°pw ssat\m-dn‰n emwtKzPv sSÃv Fgp-Xm-hp-∂-Xm-Wv. kne-_- v, am¿°v, kab{Iaw XpS-
ÿam¿°pw a‰p Poh-\-°m¿°pw G.O.(Ms.)No.146/76/G..Edn. dated 04.08.1976 A\p-k-cn®v Hªn- ßnb hni-Z-hn-h-c-߃ A\p-_‘w "Un' (Annexure-D) bn¬ sImSp-Øn-cn-°p-∂p.
tK-‰-dn-bmbn \n›-bn-°-s∏-´n-´p≈ Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ sSÃp-Iƒ°pw tIc-f-Ønse ss{]adn 10. Annexure-A bn¬ 46 ˛m-a-Xmbn sImSp-Øn-cn-°p∂ tIcf Npa´p sXmgn-emfn \nb-a-ßsf kw_-
kvIqfpIfntebpw A∏¿ss{]adn kvIqfp-I-fn-tebpw slUvam-ÿam¿°pw ]n.-Un.So®¿am¿°pw ‘n® Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co£ tIcf Npa´p sXmgn-em-fn-t£-a\ - n[n t_m¿Unse bp.-Un. Ivfm¿°v
G.O.(P)No.150/77/PW. dated 17.9.1977 A\p-k-cn®v s]mXp-a-cm-aØv hIp-∏nse Pq\n-b¿ F©n-\o- XkvXn-I-bn-te°v ÿm\-°-b-‰w aptJ-\tbm XkvXn-I-am‰w aptJ-\tbm \nb-a\w e`n-°p-∂-Xn-
b¿am-cpsS s{]mt_-j≥ ]q¿Øo-I-cn-°p∂Xn\pw XpS¿∂v DtZym-K-°-b‰w In´p∂-Xn\pw \mbn Fw.H.]n, A°u≠v sSÃv (tem-h¿) F∂n-hbv°v ]pdsa \n¿_-‘-ambpw Pbn-®n-cn-t°-
\n¿_‘am°-s∏-´n-cn-°p∂ ]n.-U-ªyq.-Un. am\p-h¬ sSÃn\pw (P.W.D. Manual Test) e`n- ≠Xm-Wv. [G.O(Rt.)No.3022/2008/sXmgn¬ dated 31.12.2008]
°p∂-Xm-Wv. tIm¿∏-td-j≥, ap\n-kn-∏m-en‰n F∂o kzbw-`c - W ÿm]-\ß - f- nse Poh-\° - m¿°pw 11. F√m sSÃp-Iƒ°pw Pbn-°p-∂Xn-\m-h-iy-amb G‰hpw Ipd™ am¿°v Hmtcm t]∏-dn\pw 40%
bqWn-thgvkn-‰n, Ce-Iv{Sn-kn‰n t_m¿Uv, sI. F v. B¿. Sn. kn., hm´¿ AtXm-dn´n XpS-ßnb (\m¬∏Xv iX-am-\w) BWv.
ÿm]-\-ß-fnse Poh-\-°m¿°pw ^okv kuP-\y-Øn\v A¿lX D≠m-bncn-°p∂-X√. F∂m¬ 12. dh\yq sSÃp-Iƒ 2011 Pqsse apX¬ ]pXnb kne-_- n¬ am{Xw Fgp-Xm≥ A\p-h-Zn-°p∂Xm-
tIcf ]©m-bØv tIma¨ k¿∆o-kn-ep≈ Poh-\-°m¿°v G.O.(MS)No.215/86/LAD dated Wv. ap≥]v `mKn-I-ambn ]gb kne-_-kn¬ ]m m-bn-´p≈-h¿ k¿´n-^n°‰vv e`n-°p∂Xn\v ]pXnb
28.10.1986 {]Imcw Hªn-tK-‰d - n-bmbn \n›-bn-°s - ∏-´n-´p≈ Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ sSÃp-Iƒ°v ^okv kuP- kne-_- n¬ \mev t]∏-dp-Ifpw FgpXn ]m m-tI≠Xm-Wv. F∂m¬ P\phcn 2011 hscbp≈
\y-Øn\v A¿lXbp≠m-bn-cn-°p∂Xm-Wv. {Sj-dn, tem°¬ ^≠v BUn‰v F∂o hIp-∏p-I-fnse t\m´n^nt°j\pIƒ {]Imcw hnt√Pv B^otkgvkv am\ph¬ ]co£ ]m mbn´pffh¿ ]pXnb
Poh-\-°m¿ Hgn-sI-bp-≈-h¿°v Account Test (Higher) \v ^okv kuP-\y-Øn\v A¿lX D≠m-bn- kne_ v {]Imcapff dh\yq sSÃns‚ \memasØ t]∏dn\v ho≠-pw ]co£ FgptX≠Xn√.
cn-°p∂-X√. hnZym-`ymk hIp-∏nse Higher SecondarySchool Teacher, Vocational Higher Second- ]co£m¿∞nIƒ hnt√Pv Hm^okv am\ph¬ ]co£ ap≥]v ]m mbn´p≈Xmbn ÿncoIcWw
ary School Teacher, Non Vocational Higher Secondary School Teacher, Btcm-Ky-hI - p-∏n-tebpw saUn- \¬Iptºmƒ dh\yq sSÃns‚ 4 t]∏dpIfpw Dƒs°mffp∂ k¿´n^n°‰v \¬Ip∂XmWv.
°¬ hnZym-`ym-k-h-Ip-∏ntebpw Staff Nurse, Head Nurse F∂o XkvXn-I-I-fn¬ tPmen t\m°p- 13. Free Chance Hgn-sI-bp≈ Ah-k-c-ß-fn¬, A\y{X tkh-\-Øn¬ XpS-cp∂ Poh-\-°m¿ Ahn-
∂h¿°v hIp-∏vXe ]co£ Obligatory A√m-Ø-Xn-\m¬ Hcp sSÃn\pw ^okv kuP\yw D≠m- SpsØ Xs∂ B^okv ta[mhn/ hIp∏v ta[m- h n- s b- s °m≠v AUv a n- j ≥ Sn°‰pw
bn-cn-°p∂X√. Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co-£-Iƒ°v Hm¨sse≥ aptJ\ At]£ ka¿∏n-°p-tºmƒ sFU‚n^nt°j≥ k¿´n^n°‰pw km£y-s∏-Sp-Øn-bm¬ aXn-bm-Ip∂-Xm-Wv.
"Free Chance'' F∂ Hm]vj\ - n¬ ¢n°v sNøp∂ ka-bØv ''Yes'' F∂p tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øp∂p F∂Xp 13. (F) P\-{]-Xn-\n-[n-If- psS t]gvkW - ¬ Ãm^n¬ AwK-am-bn-´p≈ k¿°m¿ Poh-\° - m¿ Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬
sIm≠p am{Xw ]co-£m¿∞n°v {^o Nm≥kv e`n-°p∂Xn\v A¿lX D≠v F∂v [cn-t°≠-- ]co-£bv°v lmP-cm-°p∂ AUvan-j≥ Sn°-‰ntebpw -sFU‚n^nt°j≥ k¿´n^n°‰n-tebpw
Xn√. At]-£-I-fpsS kq£va-]-cn-tim-[-\m-th-f-bn¬ "Free Chance" ¬ ]co£ Fgp-Xp∂-Xn\v km£y-s∏-Sp-Ø-ep-Iƒ (FreeChance Hgn-sI-bp-≈-h¿) _‘-s∏´ P\-{]-Xn-\n[n Xs∂ \n¿∆-ln-
A¿l-X-bn-√mØ ]co-£m¿∞n-I-fpsS At]£ \nc-kn-°p∂-Xm-Wv. Bb-Xn-\m¬ Free Chance ®mepw aXn-bm-Ipw. Ah-cpsS t]cv, ]Zhn apX-em-bh Dƒs°m≈p∂ koep-Iƒ bYm-ÿm-\Øv
e`n-°p∂-Xn\v (^ok-S-bv°msX ]co£ Fgp-Xp∂-Xn\v) X߃°v A¿lX D≠v F∂v _‘- \n¿_-‘-ambpw ]Xn-®n-cn-°-Ww.
s∏´ k¿°m¿ DØ-chv ]cn-tim-[n®v Dd-∏p-h-cp-Øn-b-tijw am{Xw At]-£n-t°≠-Xm-Wv. tIcf 14. Hmtcm sSÃn\pw AXm-Xp Un∏m¿´p-sa‚nse DtZym-K-ÿ-¿ ]mkm-bn-cn-°-Wsa∂v Imem-Im-e-ß-
A{Kn-°ƒ®-d¬ bqWn-th-gvkn‰n Poh-\-°m¿°v G.O(Rt.)No.101/78/AD dated 16.1.1978 {]Imcw fn¬ ]pd-s∏-Sp-hn-®n-´p≈ k¿°m¿ DØ-c-hn≥ {]Imcw \n¿_-‘n-X-am-°n-bn-´p-≈-Xm-Wv. (P-bn¬
Hªn-tK-‰-dn-bmbn \n›-bn-°-s∏-´n-´p≈ Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ sSÃp-Iƒ°v ^okv kuP-\y-Øn\v sSÃv, tIcf tÉv s{]mt_-j≥ sSÃv,v cPn-ktv {S-j≥ sSÃv, tem°¬ ^≠v BUn‰v Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬
A¿lXbp≠m-bn-cn-°p∂Xm-Wv. sSÃv, t^mdÃv sSÃv, ]©m-bØv sSÃv, tIm˛-Hm-∏-td-‰ohv sSÃv, F Unhe∏vsa‚ v
(_n) ^okv kuP-\-y-Øn\v A¿l-cm-bn-´p-≈-h¿ {]kvXpX hnhcw At]-£-bn¬ tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øp∂-Xp- Un∏m¿´vsa‚ v sSÃv, tIcf tÉv {Sm≥kvt]m¿´v k¿ho-knse AwK-߃°p≈ Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬
Iq-SmsX Admission Ticket- s\m∏w Uu¨ temUv sNbvsX-Sp-°p∂ Identification Certificate-¬ Sn sSÃvv F∂nh AXmXp Un∏m¿´vsa‚nse DtZym-K-ÿ∑m¿°v am{X-ap-≈-Xm-Wv.) tIcf tÉv
hnhcw Xß-fpsS hIp∏p ta[mhntbtbm B^okv ta[m-hn-tbtbm sIm≠v k¿´nss^ sNøn- s{]mt_-j≥ sSÃv kmaqly-t£a hIp-∏nse Unkv{SnIvSv s{]mt_-j≥ B^o-k¿amsc Dt±-in-
t°≠Xpw _‘s∏´ tImfØn¬ am¿°v sNønt°≠XpamWv. ®p-≈-Xm-Wv. hnhn[ hIp-∏p-I-fn-ep-≈-h¿°v AXmXp hIp-∏p-I-fn¬ \n¿_-‘-am-°n-bn-´p≈ F√m
5. Annexure-A bn¬ 5˛-m-a-Xmbn sImSp-Øn-cn-°p∂ ]n.-U-ªyp.-Un. am\p-h¬ sSÃv, s]mXp-a-cm-aØv sSÃp-Ifpw Fgp-Xp-hm≥ Ign-bØ - ° - h- n-[a- mWv IΩo-j≥ ssSwtS-_nƒ Xøm-dm-°p-∂X - .v F∂m¬ GsX-
hIp-∏nse Pq\n-b¿ F©n-\o-b¿am¿°v s{]mt_j≥ ]q¿Øn-bm-°p-∂Xn\pw XpS¿∂p≈ DtZym- ¶nepw hIp-∏n¬ \n¿_-‘n-Xa- √ - mØ ]co-£bv°v At]-£n-°p∂-h¿ ssSwtS-_nƒ {]Imcw {]kvXpX
K-°-b-‰-Øn\pw Ct∏mƒ \n›-bn-®n-´p≈ A°u≠v sSÃv temh-dn\pw ]n.-U-ªyp.-Un. sSÃn\pw ]co£ Fgp-Xp-hm≥ km[n-°p-sa-¶n¬ am{Xw At]£nt°≠Xm-Wv. A√msX AXn-\mbn ssSwtS-
]pdta \n¿_-‘a - m-°n-bn-´p-≈X - mWv. [G.O(P)No.150/77/PW dated 17.9.1977](F) Annexure-A- bn¬ _n-fn¬ am‰w hcp-Øp∂X√. C°-gn™ Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co-£b - psS ssSwtS-_n-fns‚ apd-bv°p-X-
t]meokv sSÃvv 18,19 F∂nh {]tXyIw sSÃp-IƒXs∂bm-bn-cn-°pw. [G.O(MS)No.146/82/Home s∂-bm-bn-cn-°pw ASpØ sSÃv \S-Øp-hm≥ km≤y-Xb - p-≈s - X∂v [cn-t°≠Xm-Wv.
(A) Department dated 16.12.1982 A\pk-cn®v ] 15. 31.07.1986˛se GO (Ms) No. 249/86/GAD A\p-k-cn®v C≥Uy≥ t^mdÃv k¿∆okv (I.F.S.) ˛ep≈
6. Annexure-A bn¬ 23˛m-aX - mbn sImSp-Øn-cn-°p∂ tIc-f- P-bn¬ Hm^o-tkgvkv sSÃv ˛aq∂mw t]∏¿/ Pq\n-b¿ saº¿am¿°v bqWn-ss^Uv A°u≠v sSÃv {]tXyIw \S-Øp∂Xn-\m¬ 15.12.1978˛se
tIcf Pbn¬ kt_m¿Un-t\‰v Hm^o-tkgvkv sSÃv c≠mw t]∏¿ ({]m-Iv‰n-°¬) ]co-£bv°v GO (Ms) No. 549/78/GAD A\pk-cn-®p≈ A°u≠v sSÃv (tem-h¿) \mev t]∏-dp-Iƒ _m[-I-am-
Pbn¬ sF.-Pn. AwKo-I-cn-®n-´p≈ ÿm]-\- ß-fn¬ \n∂pw AXm-bXv 30.09.1993 hsc RICA-¬ bn-cn-°p∂X√. {]kvXpX k¿∆o-kn-ep-≈-h¿ {]tXyI hn⁄m-]\ {]Imcw bqWnss^Uv
\n∂pw/ SICA-¬ \n∂pw 01.10.1993 apX¬ 13.10.2003 hsc SICA-¬ \n∂pw am{Xhpw 14.10.2003 A°u≠v sSÃn\v At]-£n®psImt≈≠Xm-Wv.
apX¬ RICA-¬ \n∂pw/ SICA-¬ \n∂pw BwUv B‚ v kvIzmUv {Un√n¬ (ssd-^nƒ jq´nw-Kv, C≥Uy≥ t^mdÃv k¿∆o-kn-ep≈ (I.F.S.) Pq\n-b¿ saº¿am¿ ""t^mdÃv sSÃv t^m¿ FIvkn-
dnthmƒh¿ jq´nwKv apX-em-b-h) ]cn-io-e\w hnP-b-I-c-ambn ]q¿Ønbm-°nb k¿´n-^n-°‰v e`n- Iyq-´ohv B‚ v I¨t{Sm-fnwKv Ãm^v'' F∂ ]co-£bv°v Cu hn⁄m-]-\-{]-Imcw At]-Iv-jn-
®h¿°v am{Xta At]-£n-°p-hm≥ A¿l-X-bp-≈q. Xangv\m´nse sh√qcnep≈ RICA bpsS t°≠Xn-√. Sn ]co-£bv°v At]-£I - ƒ £Wn®psIm≠p≈ hn⁄m-]\w 19.02.1985 XobXnbnse
t]cv APCA (Academy of prisons & Correctional Adminitsration) F∂m°n am‰nbn´p≈Xn\m¬ Sn GO (Ms) No. 74/85/GAD A\p-k-cn®v {]tXyIw {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øp∂-Xm-Wv.
ÿm]\Øn¬ \n∂pw k¿´n^n°‰v t\Snbn´p≈h¿°pw {]mtbmKnI ]co£bv ° v 16. Annexure-'A' bn¬ 14˛-ma-Xmbn sImSp-Øn-cn-°p∂ ap\n-kn-∏¬ Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ sSÃv, ap\n-kn-∏¬
At]£n°mhp∂XmWv. A\p-_‘w "F' bn¬ 24˛m-a-Xmbn sImSp-Øn-cn-°p∂ tIcf Pbn¬ Un∏m¿´p-sa‚n¬ tPmen sNøp∂ ¢m¿°p-am¿°p-th≠n 12.07.1978 Xob-Xn-bnse G.O(Rt.)2072/
kt_m¿Un-t\‰v Hm^o-tkgvkv sSÃv c≠m-asØ t]∏-dn-\p-≈ {]mtbmKnI ]co-£bv°v (Prac- 78/LA & S.W.D, 25.05.1979 Xob-Xn-bnse G.O(Rt.)1712/79/L A& S.W.D, 20.02.1981 Xob-Xn-bnse
tical Test) Xncp-h-\-¥-]pcw Pbn¬ s{Sbn-\nwKv kvIqfn¬ \n∂pw {]kvXpX sSÃn-\p≈ ]cn- G.O(M.S)3681/LA & S.W.D F∂o DØ-c-hp-Iƒ {]Imcw \S-Øp∂ ]co-£-bmWv. Cu ]co-£-bp-
io-e\w hnP-b-I-c-ambn ]q¿Øn-bm-°n-´p-≈-h¿°v am{Xta tNcp-hm≥ A¿lX D≠m-bn-cn-°p-I-bp- tSbpw tIcf ap\n-kn-∏¬ sSÃv aq∂mw t]∏-dn-t‚bpw kne-_kv H∂p-X-s∂-bm-Wv.
≈q. A√m-sX-bp≈-h-cpsS At]-£-Iƒ ]cn-K-Wn-°p-∂-X√. s{Sbn-\nwKv t\Sn-bn-´p≈ k¿´n-^n- 17. 17. ]co-£m-lm-fn¬ _p°p-I-fpsS klm-b-tØmSp IqSn DØ-c-sa-gp-Xm-hp∂ sSÃp-Iƒ (with
°-‰ns‚ icn-∏-I¿∏v kzbw km£y-s∏-SpØn tPmbn‚ v sk{I-´-dn,Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ sSÃv hnwKv, books) GsX-√m-am-sW∂v A\p-_-‘-Øn¬ kne-_kv hnh-cn-°p∂n-SØv hy‡-am-°n-bn-´p≠-v.
tIcf ]ªnIv k¿∆okv IΩo-j≥, ]´w, Xncp-h-\-¥-]pcw F∂ ta¬hn-em-k-Øn¬ Xma-kw-hn\m Aß-s\-bp≈ sSÃp-Iƒ°v \n›-bn-®n-´p≈ ]pkvXIßfpw (K-h-¨sa‚ v {]kn-≤o-I-c-W-߃
Ab-®p-Xt- c≠Xm-Wv. lmP-cm-°m-Øh - c
- psS At]-£I - ƒ \nc-kn-°p∂Xm-Wv. ta¬]-d™ - n-cn-°p∂ am{Xw) Ah-bn¬ hcp-Øn-bn-´p≈ t`Z-K-Xn-Ifpw X¬kw-_-‘-ambn Kh-s◊‚ v {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øn-
sSÃp-I-fpsS {]mtbm-KnI ]co-£-Iƒ Xncph\¥]pctØm Xr»qtcm IÆqtcm IΩo-j\v kuI- bn-´p≈ BIvSv B‚ v dqƒkpw, sI.] A\paXn \¬In´p≈, Time Table Notification˛¬
cyw F∂p tXm∂p∂ at‰sX-¶nepw tI{µ-Øn¬ ht®m \S-Øp∂-Xm-bn-cn-°pw. {]mtbm-Kn-I-]- hy‡am°p∂, kzImcy {]kn≤oIcWßfpw am{Xta ]co£mlmfn¬ D]-tbm-Kn-°p-hm≥ A\p-
co£ \S-Øp∂ ÿehpw Xob-Xnbpw bYm-h-kcw {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-Xm-Wv. hm-Za- p-≈q. hn⁄m-]\ - Ø
- n¬ hy‡ambn ]d-™n-´p-≈X - √
- msX sIm®n-bnse ktX¨_p°v Iº-
7. Annexure-A bn¬ 30˛m-a-Xmbn sImSp-Øn-cn-°p∂ tIcf ]©m-bØv sSÃv, ]©m-bØv Un∏m¿´p- \n, \mj-W¬ _p°v Ãmƒ tIm´bw apX-em-bh {]ko-≤n-I-cn-®n-´p≈ tIcf k¿∆okv dqƒkv
sa‚nse bp.-Un.-¢m¿°p-am¿, slUv¢m¿°p-am¿, ]©mbØv FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv Hm^o-k¿am¿ F∂n- XpS-ßnb ss{]h‰v ]ªn-t°-j\ - p-Iƒ ]co£mlmfn¬ D]-tbm-Kn-°m≥ ]mSp-≈X - √. Ipdn-∏p-Itfm
h¿°p-th≠n G.O.(MS.)No.154/75/LA& SWD dated 09.07.1975 {]Imcw \S-Øp∂ s]mXp-]-co-£- hnh-cß - tfm AS-ßnb _p°p-Ifpw ssKUp-Ifpw, AwKoIrX]pkvXIßfpsS km£ys∏SpØnb
bm-Wv. apºv \S-Ønbn-cp∂ tIcf ]©m-bØv FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv Hm^o-tkgvkv sSÃv {]kvXpX ]I¿∏v F∂nhbpw ]co-£m-lmfn¬ sIm≠p-hc - p∂-Xn\v A\p-hZ- n-°p-∂X - √
- . Cu \n¿t±-iß - ƒ°p
DØ-chp- {]Imcw \n¿Ø-em°n Ign-™p. tIcf ]©m-bØv FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv Hm^otkgvkv hn]-co-Xambn s]cp-am-dp∂ ]co£m¿∞n-If - psS DØ-c° - S- e- m- p-Iƒ Akm-[p-hm-°s - ∏-Sp∂XmWv.
sSÃns‚ F√m t]∏-dp-Ifpw CXn-\Iw Xs∂ Pbn-®n-´p-≈-hsc ]©mbØv sSÃvv Fgp-Xp-∂-Xn¬ AXn-t\m-sSm∏w Xs∂ IΩo-j\v DNn-X-sa∂p tXm∂p∂ a‰p in£m-\-S-]-Sn-Ifpw kzoI-cn-°p∂-
\n∂pw Hgn-hm-°n-bn-´p≠-v. tIcf ]©m-bØv FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv Hm^o-tkgvkv sSÃnse GsX-¶nepw Xm-Wv. A‰Ãv sNbvX t^mt´mtIm∏nbnepff ]pkvXIßtfm t]∏dpItfm ]co£bv°pff 'hnØv
t]∏-dp-Iƒ Pbn-°p-hm≥ D≈-h¿ ]©m-bØv sSÃnse XZ-\p-kr-Xa - mb (Corresponding) t]∏-dn\v _p°vkv' (with books) F∂ \nebn¬ ]cnKWn°pIbn√. kne-_-kns‚ t\¿°v 'hnØv
tN¿∂v Pbn-®m¬ aXn-bm-Ip-∂-Xm-Wv. _p°vkv' (withbooks) F∂v Fgp-Xn-bn-´n√mØ sSÃp-Iƒ _p°p-If - psS klm-ba - n√msX FgptX≠-
8. F√m sSÃp-Ifpw `mKn-I-ambn ]m m-Im-hp∂-Xm-Wv. AXp-sIm≠v ]co-£m¿∞n-Iƒ°v Ah¿ -Xm-Wv.
]m m-tI≠ sSÃp-Iƒ apgp-h-\mtbm Ht∂m AXn-e-[n-Itam t]-∏-dp-Iƒ°p am-{X-amtbm tNcp- 17 (F) samss_¬ t^m¨, ªqSqØv, hm°vam≥, Im¬°pte‰¿ XpSßn hnh-chn-\n-ab - Ø- n-\p≈ F√m
hm-\p≈ kzmX{¥yw D≠m-bn-cn-°pw. H.Fw.-B¿ amXr-I-bn-ep-ff sSÃp-I-fpsS kabw [A°u≠v Ce-Ivt{SmWnIvkv D]-Ic - W- ß- fpw ]co-£m-Im-ºk - n¬ I¿i-\a - mbn \ntcm-[n-®n-cn-°p∂p. CØcw
sSÃv (temh¿) sI.Fkv.B¿, A°u≠v sSÃv lb¿ (sI.Fkv.B¿), A°u≠v sSÃv t^m¿ D]-I-c-W-߃ ]co-£m-lm-fn-\p≈n¬ ssIhiw hbv°p∂ ]co-£m¿∞n-I-fpsS DØ-c-°-S-em-
FIvknIyq´ohv Hm^otkgvkv t]∏¿ ˛ II (sI.Fkv.B¿), FIvsskkv sSÃv ˛]m¿´v F &  p-Iƒ Akm-[phm- °p∂Xv Dƒs∏-sS-bp≈ in£m \S-]-Sn-Iƒ IΩo-j≥ ssIs°m-≈p∂Xm-
]m¿´v _n F∂nh HgnsI] H∂c aWn-°q¿ Bbn-cn-°p-∂Xm-Wv. A°u≠v sSÃv (temh¿) Wv.
sI.Fkv.B¿, A°u≠v sSÃv lb¿ (sI.Fkv.B¿), A°u≠v sSÃv t^m¿ FIvknIyq´ohv 18. ]co£m NpaXe hln°p∂ No^v kq{]≠-n-t\mtSm Akn-Â v kq{]-≠nt\mtSm AUo-j-W¬
Hm^otkgvkv t]∏¿ ˛II (sI.Fkv.B¿), FIvsskkv sSÃv ˛ ]m¿´v F & ]m¿´v _n F∂o No^v kq{]≠-n-t\mtSm A]-a-cym-Z-bmbn s]cp-am-dp-Itbm ]co-£-bn¬ GsX-¶nepw Xc-Øn-ep≈
]co£Iƒ°v c≠v aWn°q¿ Bbncn°pw.. {Ia-t°-Sp-Iƒ ImWn-°p-Itbm 17 ˛mw Jfin-I-bnse \n¿t±-i-߃°p hn]-co-X-ambn ]co-£m-
9. DtZymK\nb-a-\-Øn-\p≈ sXc-s™-Sp∏p ]co-£-Iƒ ae-bmfw Hgn-®p≈ {]mtZ-inI `mj-Ifn¬ lm-fn¬ _p°p-Iƒ sIm≠p-h-cn-Itbm sNøp∂h-cpsS DØ-c-°-S-em- p-Iƒ Akm-[p-hm-°-s∏-
Fgp-Xp-∂h¿°p th≠n [G.O.(Ms.)No.142/66/PD dated 31.03.1966, G.O.(P)No.356/82/GAD dated Sp∂Xm-Wv. AXn\p ]pdsa Ahsc tIcf ]ªnIv k¿∆okv IΩn-j≥ \n›-bn-°p∂ Ime-tØmfw
03.11.1982, G.O.(P)No.164/84/GAD dated 31.05.1984] A\p-k-cn®v \S-∏m-°nb ae-bmfw sk°‚ v Un∏m¿´p-sa‚¬ ]co-£-Iƒ Fgp-Xp∂-Xn¬ \n∂pw XS™-phbv°p∂XmWv. ta¬∏-d™ \S-]-
¢m v emwtKzPv sSÃv (Second Class Language Test in Malayalam) A\p_‘w "F' (Annexure-A) Sn-Iƒ°p ]pdta a‰v DNn-Xa - mb \S-]S- n-Iƒ°mbn hIp∏p ta[m-hn-It- fbpw hnPn-e≥kv Un∏m¿´vsa‚ v
bn¬ 41˛ma-Xmbn tN¿Øn-´p≠-v. kne-_- v, am¿°v, kab{Iaw XpS-ßnb hni-Z-hn-hc-߃ A\p- Ub-d-IvStdbpw Adn-bn-°p∂Xm-Wv. IΩo-j-\w-K-ß-sftbm IΩo-js‚ Ãm^n¬s∏´ Bsc-sb-
_‘w "kn' (Annexure-C) bn¬ sImSp-Øn-cn-°p∂p. ¶n-eptam ]co-£I - s- \tbm ]co£ kw_-‘n® Imcy-߃°mbn kzm[o-\n-°p-hm≥ {ian-°p-Itbm
9.(F) \yq-\-]£ `mj kwkm-cn-°p∂ {]tZ-i-ß-fn¬ tPmen sNøp∂ DtZ-ym-Kÿ¿°v {]kvXpX AXn\v a‰m-sc-sb-¶nepw \ntbm-Kn-°p-Itbm sNøp∂h¿°pw ta¬∏-d™ in£ \¬Ip∂-Xm-Wv.
`mj-bn¬ {]mtbm-KnI ]cn-⁄m\w Bh-i-y-am-sW-∂Xn-\m¬ 12.09.1968˛se G.O.(Ms.)No.290/ 19. Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co-£° - v At]£ kzoIcn°p∂ Ahkm\ XobXnhsc ]co£m¿∞nIƒ°v
PD {]Imcw G¿s∏-Sp-Ønb ssat\m-dn‰n emwtKzPv sSÃv (Xan-gv/I-∂-U) A\p_‘w "F' (An- t]∏dpIƒ/taJe F∂nh am‰phm\p≈ Ahkcw AhcpsS s{]mss^en¬ e`yamIp∂XmWv.
nexure-A) bn¬ 42˛ma-Xmbn tN¿Øn-´p≠-v. 19.12.1987˛se G.O.(Ms.)No.283/87/LAD Kh-s◊‚ v ]co£m t]∏- d p- I ƒ ]co- £ m¿∞n- I ƒ kzbw sXcs™- S p- ° p∂- X n- \ m¬ Ahkm\
DØ-chv (Fw.Fkv.) \º¿ 283/87 F¬.-F.-Un. {]Imcw tIcf ap\n-kn-∏¬ k¿∆okv Poh-\- XobXn°ptijw bmsXmcp ImcWhimepw A\phZn°s∏´ t]∏dnIfn¬ am‰w \¬Ip∂X√.

26 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2016 sabv- 15

19. (F) ]co-£-bpsS sk‚-dp-Iƒ am‰n-°n-´-W-sa∂p≈ At]-£-Iƒ km[mcWKXnbn¬ ]cn-K-Wn- Annexure - A
°p∂-X√. F∂m¬ {Sm≥kv^¿/s{Sbn\nwKv aqew sk‚-dp-Iƒ am‰n-In-´-W-sa∂v B{K-ln-°p-∂-
h¿ AUvan-j≥ Sn°‰v In´n-b-Xn-\ptijw _‘-s∏´ DØ-chv klnXw ]co£ XpS-ßp-∂-Xn\p Name of Test Syllabus
apºp Xs∂ tIcf ]ªnIv k¿∆okv IΩo-j≥ Un∏m¿´p-sa‚¬ ]co£m hn`mKw tPmbn‚ v 1. Secretariat Manual Test (One Paper) The Kerala Secretariat Office Manual
sk{I-´-dn°v At]-£n-t°≠--Xm-Wv. IΩo-js‚ B^o-kn¬ \n∂pw e`n-°p∂ tcJm-aq-e-amb 2. District Offices Manual Test (One Paper The District Office Manual
A\p-hmZw IqSmsX sk‚-dp-Ifpw t]∏-dp-Ifpw am‰n-sb-gp-Xp∂ ]co-£m¿∞n-I-fpsS DØ-c-°-S- 3. Manual of Office Procedure Test (One Paper) Manual of Office Procedure for use in Offices other
em-kp-Iƒ Akm-[p-hm-°-s∏-Sp-∂-Xm-Wv. ]co- £m¿∞n-Iƒ°v Xß-fpsS CjvS-{]-Imcw ]co£m than Secretariat
tI{µ-߃ sXc-s™-Sp-°p∂-Xn\v Hcp Imc-Wh - i- mepw kzmX{¥yw D≠m-bn-cn-°p∂-X√. F∂m¬ 4. Departmental Test for the Staff of the Kerala The Kerala Public Service Commission Office Manual
Region sXc-s™-Sp-°m-hp∂Xpw sXc-s™-SpØ Region Xs∂-bmWv Online application ˛¬ tcJ- Public Service Commission
s∏-Sp-Øn-b-sX∂pw Dd-∏p-h-cp-tØ-≠XmWv. At]-£-Iƒ Ab-bv°p∂ kabØv ]co-£m¿∞n- 5. KSRTC Manual Test The Kerala State Road Transport Corporation Manual
Iƒ C°mcyw {]tXyIw {i≤n- t °≠- - X m- W v . Un∏m¿´v s a‚¬ ]co- £ m- k w- _ - ‘ - a m- b p≈ 6. P W D Manual Test The Kerala P W D Manual and additions
IØnS]mSpIƒ F-√mw tPmbn‚ v sk{I-´dn (Un-∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co£m hn`m-Kw), tIcf ]_vfnIv amendment to it from time to time (With Books)
k¿∆okv IΩo--j≥, ]´w, Xncp-h-\-¥-]pcw, ]n≥ tImUv˛ 695 004 F∂ hnem-k-Øn¬ Bbn- 6. Account Test (Lower) – (4 Papers) 1. Kerala Service Rules (With Books)
cnt°-≠Xm-Wv. 2. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I and II and Kerala
20. FIvsskkv Un∏m¿´psa‚ns‚ kvs]jy¬ dqƒ t`ZKXnsb XpS¿∂v tIcf]ªnIv k¿∆okv Budget Manual (With Books)
IΩnj≥ t\cn´p \nban°p∂ {]nh‚ohv B^ok¿am¿°v s{]mt_j\pth≠n \SØp∂ 3. Kerala Account Code Volume I (With Books)
Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co£Iƒ {Excise test Part A - I & II Papers, Part B-III Papers (MOP) FIvsskkv and Introduction to the Indian Government
Km¿Uv XkvXnIbnepffh¿°v {]nh‚ohv B^ok¿ XkvXnIbntebv°pff s{]mtamj\v Accounts and Audit (V Edition except Chapters
_m[Iam°nbpw FIvsskkv Km¿Upam¿°v Ct∏mƒ \SØn hcp∂ "Departmental Test for Ex- 12, 26, 27, 28 and 29) (Without Books).
4. The Kerala Treasury Code Volume I and II
cise Guards as Preventive Officers" F∂ ]co£ \n¿Øem°nbpw 20.08.2011 - se G.O.(P)No.26/
and Kerala Account Code Volume II (With Books).
2011/P&ARD {]Imcw k¿°m¿ DØchmbncn°p∂p. 2012 P\phcnbnse Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬
8. Account Test (Lower) for the Ministerial 1. Kerala Service Rules (With Books)
]co£Iƒ apX¬ Sn DØchn\v {]m_eyw \evIn \S∏nem°nhcnIbmWv. BbXn\m¬,
and Executive Staff of the K S E Board 2. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I and II and the
Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co£bv°v At]£n°p∂ FIvsskkv Km¿Uv XkvXnIbnepffh¿ {]nh‚ohv (4 Papers) Kerala Budget Manual (With Books).
B^ok¿ XkvXnIbnepffh¿°v IΩnj≥ Ct∏mƒ \SØnhcp∂ Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co£IfpsS 3. Elements of Commercial Accounts Book keeping -
t]∏dpIƒ sXcs™Spt°≠XmWv. All Chapters except Chapters XIII and XV dealing
21. Xmsg ]d-bp∂ \yq\-X-I-fp≈ At]-£-Iƒ \ncp-]m-[nIw \nc-kn-°p∂-Xm-Wv. (1) aXn-bmb in Partnership Accounts and Company Accounts
At]£m ^okv C√mØ At]-£-Iƒ. respectively of the Books Double Entry Book-Keeping
(2) ]co-£m-^okv AS-bv°p-∂Xn¬ \n∂pw Hgn-hm-°s - ∏-Sp∂Xn-\p≈ A¿lX C√msX kuP\y by Jamshed R.Batliboi.
Ah-kcw e`n°p∂-Xn\v At]-£n-®-h-cpsS At]-£-Iƒ. 4. Kerala Account Code Volume I and Kerala
(3) Hcp k¿´n^n°‰n\mhiyamb t]∏dpIƒ°v apgph\mtbm `mKnIamtbm kuP-\y-A-h-kcw Treasury Code Volume I (With Books).
Hcp XhW A\p-hZ- n-°s - ∏-Sp-Ibpw ]n∂oSv `mKn-Ia- mbn am{Xw kuP\y Ah-kc - Ø
- n\v At]-£n- 9. Account Test for Executive Officers 1. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I and II.
°p-Ibpw sNbv-Xn-´p-≈-h¿. (2 Papers) The Kerala Account Code Volume I and Kerala
(4) \n¿t±-i-{]-Im-c-a√mØ t^mt´m-tbm-Sp-Iq-Snb At]-£-Iƒ. Budget Manual (Chapters I to IV, VI and VII)
{]kvXpX \yq\XIƒ GsX¶nepw L´Øn¬ Is≠ØpIbmsW¶n¬ Adnbns∏m∂pw (With Books).
IqSmsX At]£ \nckn°phm\pw DØc°SemkpIƒ Akm[phm°phm\pw IΩoj\v 2. Kerala Service Rules (With Books).
A[nImcw D≠mbncn°p∂XmWv. 10. Account Test (Higher) – 4 Papers Part I
22. Xmsg ]d-bp∂ \yq\-X-Iƒ D≈ DØ-c-°-S-em- p-Iƒ Akm-[p-hm-°p∂-Xm-Wv. 1. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I,II and Kerala Budget
(1) AUvan-j≥ Sn°-‰n-tebpw sFU‚n^nt°j≥ k¿´n^n°‰ntebpw km£ys∏-Sp-Ø-ep-Iƒ Manual (With Books).
Part II
bYm-hn[n \n¿∆-ln-°mXncn°pI.
1. Introduction to Indian Government Accounts
(2) ^okv kuP\yw At]-£-bn¬ Ah-Im-i-s∏-Sp-Ibpw BbXv sXfn-bn-°p∂-Xn-\p≈ k¿´n-^n-
and Audit (V edition except Chapters 12, 26, 27,
°‰v lmP-cm-°mXncn°pIbpw sNøpI. 28 and 29) (Without Books). The Constitution of
(3) AUvan-j≥ Sn°-‰v {]Imcw A\phZn°mØ t]∏-dp-Iƒ°v ]co£ Fgp-Xp-I. India (With Books) and Kerala Accounts Code
(4) sFU‚dn^n-t°-j≥ k¿´n-^n-°-‰nse t^mt´mbpw, ^okv HSp-°nb hnh-c-߃ kw_-‘n® Volume I (With Books).
k¿´n-^n-°‰pw km£y-s∏-Sp-ØmXncn°pI. 2. Kerala Treasury Code Volumes I and II and
(5) DtZymKm¿∞nbpsS H∏v tcJ-s∏-Sp-ØmØ sFU‚n^nt°j≥ k¿´n^n°‰v lmP-cm-°p-I. the Kerala Account Code Volume II (With Books).
(6) t^mt´m hy‡amImØ sFU‚n^nt°j≥ k¿´n^n°‰v lmPcm°pI. 3. Kerala Service Rules (With Books).
23. AUvanj≥ Sn°‰v & sFU‚n^nt°j≥ k¿´n^n°‰v ]co-£m¿∞nIƒ AUvan-j≥ Sn°‰v, 10A. Account Test (Higher) – 5 papers for those Part I
sFU‚n^nt°j≥ k¿´n^n°‰v F∂nh bYmhn[n km£ys∏SpØn ]co£m lmfn¬ working in P W D and Electricity Board 1. Kerala Public Works Account Code and
lmPcmt°≠Xpw IC A[nIrX¿°v ssIamtd≠XpamWv . AUv a nj≥ Sn°‰pw Kerala Account Code Volume III (With Books).
sFU‚n^nt°j≥ k¿´n^n°‰pw lmP- c m- ° mØ ]£w ]co£ FgpXphm≥ 2. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I, II and Kerala
A\phZn°p∂X√. AUv a nj≥ Sn°‰v , sFU‚n^nt°j≥ k¿´n^n°‰v F∂nh Budget Manual. (With Books).
km£ys∏SpØptºmƒ ]co£m¿∞nbpsS H∏v, t^mt´m, t]cv F∂nhbpw {^oNm≥kv Part II
AhImis∏SpIbmsW¶n¬ BbXpw ]cntim[n®v tae[nImcn _‘s∏´ tImfßfn¬ 3. Introduction to Indian Government Accounts
and Audit (V edition except Chapters 12, 26, 27,
am¿°v sNbvXpsh∂pw Hm^okv ap{ZtbmsSm∏w km£ys∏SpØp∂ tae[nImcnbpsS H∏v,
28 and 29) (Without Books). The Constitution of
t]cv, XkvXnIbpsS t]cv F∂nhtbmtcm∂pw hy‡ambnØs∂ sFU‚n^nt°j≥
India (With Books) and Kerala Accounts Code Volume I
k¿´n^n°‰nepw AUvanj≥ Sn°‰nepw tcJs∏SpØnbn´p≠v F∂pw Dd∏p hcptØ≠XmWv. (With Books).
B^okv ko¬ HutZymKnI ]Zhn°v sXfnhmbn kzoIcn°s∏Sp∂X√. At]£I≥ Xs∂ 4. Kerala Treasury Code Volumes I and II and
B^okv ta[mhnbmsW¶n¬ At±lØns≥d tae[nImcnbpsS tasem∏pw the Kerala Account Code Volume II (With Books).
hmßnt°≠XmWv. Chbn¬ GsX¶nepsam∂v hn´vt]mIp∂Xn\mepw A]q¿Ætam, 5. Kerala Service Rules (With Books).
Ahy‡tam Bb km£ys∏SpØepIƒ ImcWambpw ]co£m¿∞nIƒ°v ]co£ 11. Kerala P W D Test (2 Papers) 1. Kerala P W D Code (With Books)
FgpXphm\p≈ Ahkcw \jvSamIp∂XmWv tae[nImcnbn¬ \n∂pw ]co£m ka-bØv 2. Kerala P W D Account Code (With Books)
lmP-cm-°p∂ sFU‚dn^n-t°-j≥ k¿´n-^n-°‰√msX ]n∂oSv ] B^o-kn- 12. Departmental Test for the Ministerial Staff 1. Kerala P W D Code (With Books)
tebv°v Ab-®p-Xc - p∂- sFU‚n^nt°j≥ k¿´n^n°‰pIƒ bmsXmcp Imc-Wh - i
- mepw kzoI- of the K S E Board (4 Papers) 2. Kerala P W D Account Code (With Books)
cn-°p∂X√. ]co£m ka-bØv \yq\Xbpff- sFU‚n^nt°j≥ k¿´n^n°‰pIƒ lmP- 3. Electricity Supply Act (Chapters I to IV and
cm-°p∂ ]co-£m¿∞n-Iƒ°v ]n∂oSv \yq\X ]cnlcn°phm≥ Ahkcw \¬Ip∂X√. VI), Store Accounting Rules, Tariff and Revenue
24. Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co-£Iƒ°v Hm¨sse-\mbn ka¿∏n® At]-£-I-fn¬ BZy-L´ kq£va-]-cn- Accounting Rules.
tim-[-\-bn¬ km[p-hmbn Is-≠Øp∂h-sc am{Xw tkm]m-[n-I-ambn ]co£ Fgp-Xp-hm≥ A\p- 4. Departmental Manual of Office Procedure.
h-Zn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv. ]co£m ka-bØv DtZymKm¿∞n-Iƒ ssIam-dp∂ AUv-an-j≥ Sn°‰pw 13. Departmental Test for Executive Staff of 1. Kerala P W D Code (With Books).
sFU‚n^nt°j≥ k¿´n^n°‰pw a‰v tcJ-Ifpw ]cn-tim-[n® tijw {Ia-{]-Imcw F∂v Is- K S E Board (3 Papers) 2. Kerala P W D Accounts Code (With Books).
≠Øp∂-h-cpsS am{Xw ]co-£m-^ew {]kn-≤o-I-cn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv. 3. Electricity Supply Act, Electricity Act and Rules Store
25. At]-£-Iƒ hnP-b-I-c-ambn ka¿∏n®p (Successfully uploaded/ Received) F∂Xv sIm≠v Accounts, Tariff and Revenue Accounting Rules.
At]-£-Iƒ A¥n-a-ambn kzoI-cn-°-s∏´p F∂v [cn-t°≠-- Xn√. At]-£-I-fpsS kq£va- 14. The Kerala Municipal Tests (3 Papers) 1. Kerala Service Rules (With Books).
]-cn-tim-[\ \S-Øn-b-Xn\v tijw am{Xta At]-£-I-fpsS kzoIm-cyX kw_-‘n®v Adn-bp- 2. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I and II and the
hm≥ km[n°p-I-bp-≈q. Kerala Budget Manual, Kerala Account Code Vol.I
26. ]co-£m¿∞n-Iƒ Region Xnc-s™-Sp-°p∂ ka-bØpw E- paymant Bbn ^okv HSp°p∂ kabØpw and II (With Books).
3. Act and Rules, Special Services Rules and Standing
\¬Ip∂ 'Alert' IrXy-ambn {i≤n®v XpS¿\S-]-Sn- Iƒ kzoI-cn-t°≠Xm-Wv.
Orders as described hereunder (With Books).
27. At]£I≥ Hcp s{]mss^eneqsS Xs∂ At]£ ka¿∏n®v _‘s∏´ t]∏dpIƒ hnPbn®m¬ (a) Kerala Municipalities Act and Rules.
am{Xta k¿´n^n°‰v \¬IpIbpffq. c≠p s{]mss^¬ hgn At]£ \¬In hnPbn®tijw (b) The Kerala Municipal Corporation Act, 1961.
k¿´n^n°‰v Bhiys∏´m¬ \¬Ip∂X√. Hcp ]co£bpsS F√m t]∏dpIfpw H‰ s{]mss^¬ (c) Local Authorities Loans Act and Rules.
hgn Xs∂ At]£n®p hnPbn®ncn°Ww. (d) Local Authorities Entertainment Tax Act and Rules.
28. GsX¶nepw ImcWhim¬ hIp∏pXe ]co£Iƒ d±m°pItbm, am‰n shbv ° pItbm (e) Places of Public Resort Act and Rules.
sNøp∂]£w BbXv kw_‘n® hnhc߃ ]{X˛Zyiyam[ya߃ hgn am{Xw (f) Public Health Act and Rules.
Adnbn°p∂XmWv. ]co£m¿∞nIƒ°v hy‡nKX satΩm \¬Ip∂X√. (g) Food Adulteration Act and Rules.
(H∏v) (h) Town Planning Act and Rules.
kmPp tPm¿Pv (i) Cattle Trespass Act and Rules.
sk{I´dn, tIcf ]ªnIv k¿∆okv IΩnj≥ (j) Other Acts and Rules prescribed from time to time.
]´w, Xncph\¥]pcw ˛ 695004. (k) Special Service Rules framed for Local Body

2016 sabv- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 27

(l) Standing Orders in respect of Municipal Matters. (d) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children)
15. Municipal Department Test (One Paper) 1. Act and Rules, Special Service Rules and Act 2000 (Central Act)
Standing Orders as described hereunder (with books). (e) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children)
(a) Kerala Municipalities Act and Rules. Rules 2003 (State Rules)
(b) The Kerala Municipal Corporation Act, 1961. (f) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children)
(c) Local Authorities Loans Act and Rules. Amendment Act 2006 (Central Act)
(d) Local Authorities Entertainment Tax Act and Rules. (g) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children)
(e) Places of Public Resort Act and Rules. Rules 2007 (Central Model Rules 2007)
(f) Public Health Act and Rules. 2. Principles of the Probation System (Probation and
(g) Food Adulteration Act and Rules. related measures- A publication issued by the
(h) Town Planning Act and Rules. United Nations)
(i) Cattle Trespass Act and Rules. 19. Test on Kerala Police Manual Police Manual (with books)
(j) Other Acts and Rules prescribed from time to time. 20. Test on Manual of Office Procedure (Police) Manual of Office Procedure (Police)
(k) Special Service Rules framed for Local Body 21. Departmental Test for the Ministerial Staff of the 1. Police Manual (with books)
Employees. Vigilance Division (2 Papers) 2. Manual of Office Procedure for Officers other than
(l) Standing Orders in respect of Municipal Matters the Secretariat.
(Common paper under item 13 (3) above).
22. Forest Test (For Executive and Controlling 1. General Law
16. Local Fund Audit Department Test (Higher) 1. Acts and Rules as described hereunder (with books). Staff) (3 papers) (a) The Kerala Forest Act and Rules there under
(3 Papers) (a) Constitution of India. (b) The Kerala Land Acquisition Act
(b) Kerala Municipal Act 1994 and the Rules thereunder. (c) The Boundary Act
(c) The Court of Wards Act and Rules thereunder. (d) The Cattle Trespass Act
(d) LFAD Act and Rules thereunder. (e) The Indian Penal Code Chapters 1 to 5, 9 to
(e) Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994. 11, 17, 18 and 23 and
(f) The Kerala Local Authorities Entertainment Tax (f) Indian Criminal Procedure Code, 1973
Act and the Rules thereunder. (Chapters1,5,6,7,15,16,19, 20, 23, 24,26,27 and 30)
(g) The Kerala Local Authorities Loans Act and Rules 2. Law – The Kerala Forest Act and Rules there
thereunder. under (with books)
(h) The Kerala Places of Public Resort Act and 3. Procedure – The Kerala Forest Code and
the Rules thereunder. Departmental Rules (with books)
(i) The Public Health Act and the Rules thereunder.
23. Forest Test (for Clerical and Protective Staff) 1. The Kerala Forest Code (with books)
(j) The Food Adulteration Act and the Rules thereunder.
(2 papers) 2. Law – The Kerala Forest Act and Rule there under
(k) The Town Planning Act and the Rules thereunder.
(with books)
(l) The Kerala Cattle Trespass Act and the Rules
thereunder. 24. Kerala Jail Officers Test (4 Papers) 1. (a) Indian Penal Code – Chapters 2,3,4 and 9 and
(m) The Madras Hindu Religious and Charitable Sections 136, 138, 220, 225, 225 A, 225B and 227.
Endowments Act and Rules thereunder. (b) Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (Act 2 of 1974)
(n) The Travancore Cochin Hindu Religious Institutions Chapter I, II, III, VIII, XXV, XXXII, XXXIII.
Act. (c) Travancore- Cochin Prison Act XVIII of 1950 and the
(o) The Charitable Endowments Acts and Rules Kerala Prison Rules
thereunder. (d) Lunacy Act (Central)
(p) The Kerala University Act and the Statutes 2. Sociology, Penology and Criminology
thereunder. 3. Test in (1) Close Order drill (2) Lathi drill,
(q) The Cochin University Act and the Statutes (3) Weapon Training and (4) Revolver firing (practical)
thereunder. 4.First Aid, Personal Hygiene and General Sanitation.
(r) The Calicut University Act and the Statutes 25. Kerala Jail Subordinate Officers Test 1. A Hand-book of prison and the Kerala Sub Jail Rules
thereunder. (2 papers) 2. Test in (1) Close Order drill (2) Lathi drill, (3) Weapon
(s) The Kerala Agricultural University Act and Training and (4) Rifle firing
the Statutes thereunder. 26. Kerala Co-operative Test (2 Papers) 1. Elements of Banking
(t) The Kerala State Housing Board Act and the 2. Principles of Co-operation and the Co-operative
Rules thereunder. Societies Act and Rules issued thereunder. The following
Note:- Panchayat Manual and the Kerala Municipal reference books will be used by the candidate for the
Corporation Manual published by Government preparation of the Test.
can be used as reference books as per Banking
G.O.(Ms.) No.248/84/Fin. Dated; 9.5.1984. (i) Banking Law and Practice – By Tannan
2. Finances of Local Bodies and Principles of (ii) Modern Banking in India – By S.K.Muranjan
Local Fund Audit, Principles and Procedure in the Co-operation
Indian Audit Code and Audit Manual with special (i) Co-operation – Law and Practice – By Calvert
reference to Local Fund Account. (ii) Co-operation at Home and Abroad – By C.R.Fay
3. Book-keeping and Accountancy. (iii) Co-operation in India (1962 Edition)- By
17. Local Fund Audit Department Test (Lower) 1. Acts and Rules (with Books). Prof.Bhagatswaroopp.
(2 Papers) (a) LFAD Act and Rules thereunder. (iv) Theory and Practice of Co-operation in India –
(b) Kerala Municipal Act 1994 and the Rules thereunder. By Prof.Kulkarani
(c) The Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994 and the Candidates should study on the Co-operative Societies
Rules thereunder. Act and Rules and the Madras Co-operative Manual
(d) Other Enactments: written by Sri.J.C.Rayaon for Co-operation.
(i) The Charitable Endowments Act and the 27. Canal Rules Test (One Paper) Canal Rules and Regulations Travancore and Cochin.
Rules thereunder. 28. Agricultural Income-tax and Sales-tax Test 1. (a) The Kerala General Sales-tax Act, 1963
(ii) The Madras Hindu Religious and Charitable (3 papers) and the Rules thereunder (with books)
Endowments Act and the Rules thereunder. (b) The Central Sales-tax Act, 1956, the Central Sales-
(iii) The Travancore – Cochin Hindu Religious tax (Registration and Turnover) Rules, 1957 and the
Institutions Act. Central Sales-tax Kerala Rules, 1967 (with books)
Panchayat Manual and the Kerala Municipal (c) The Kerala Surcharge on Taxes Act, 1957
Corporation Manual published by Government (with books)
can be used as reference books as per G.O.(Ms.) 2. Agricultural Income-tax Act and the Rules thereunder
No.248/84/Fin. Dated; 9.5.1984. (with books)
2. General Knowledge, Precis and Drafting . 3. Book-keeping (Theory and Practical)
(a) Office Procedure in Local Fund Audit Office 29. Civil Judicial Test ( 2 Papers)Only Bare 1. (a) Indian Civil Procedure Code (With Books)
including Precis and Draft writing. Acts will be allowed. (b) The Kerala Civil Rules of Practice (With Books).
(b) Principles and Procedure of Audit of Fund Accounts. 2. (a) The Indian Limitation Act (With Books)
18. Kerala State Probation Test (4 Papers) Part- I (b) The Kerala Civil Courts Act (With Books).
1. Indian Penal Code (c) The Kerala Courts Fee and Suit Valuation Act
2. Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (Act 2 of 1974) (with books).
Security Section (Chapter VIII – Sections 106 to 124) (d) The Kerala Stamp Act (With Books).
Maintenance of Public Order and Tranquility 30. Criminal Judicial Test (2 Papers)Only Bare 1. (a) Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (Act 2 of 1974)
(Chapter X Sections 129-132 G.O.Ms 3/76/LA and SWD Acts will be allowed. (With Books).
dated 5-1-1976) (b)The Travancore – Cochin Criminal Rules of Practice
Part-II (With Books).
1.(a) Probation of Offenders Act, 1958 Central and the 2. The Indian Penal Code (With Books).
Kerala Probation of Offenders Rules, 1960 31. Panchayat Test (4 Papers) 1. Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994 and Rules (With Books)
(b) Immoral Traffic Prevention Act, 1986 and the Rules excluding subject specified under Paper III with specific
framed thereunder. reference to citizens charter, Ombudsman, Tributed for
(c) Juvenile Justice Act 1986 and the Rules framed LSGI’s etc.
thereunder and 2. Allied Acts and Rules including KMBR Registration &

28 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2016 sabv- 15

Birth & Death Act 1969, Hindu Marriage Act 1955, Local (2) The Cochin Kuries Act and the Rules.
Fund Audit Act 1994, Registration of marriages (common) (3) The Travancore –Cochin Societies Registration Act
Rules 2008,Cinema Registration Act 1958, Local Bodies (Act XII of 1958); and
Entertainment Tax Act 1961, Public Health Act (4) The Madras Societies Registration Act (One full
1955, (T.C.), Public Health Act 1939 (Madras) question will be set on each of the 4 items above).
3. Acts, Rules, Manuals, Government Orders/ 34 [A]. Departmental Test on laws relating to (1) Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 (Central Act IV of 1939)
Circulars in respect of Accounts, Audit (LF, AG, Motor Vehicles for the Members of the Kerala as amended and the Kerala Motor Vehicles Rules,
Social) Budgeting, Store Purchasing, Public Works Transport Subordinate Service and the Ministerial 1961 (With Books).
Governing the PRIs and functions transferred to PRIs. Staff of the Motor Vehicles Department (2 Papers). (2) Kerala Motor Vehicles Taxation Act, 1976 and the
4. Constitution 73rd, 74th Amendments,Provisions of Writ Rules made thereunder (With Books)
Jurisdiction (G.O.(P)215/76/PW dated; 22.9.1976).
Cr.PC 1973 – Chapter VI (of process to compel B. Second Class Language Test in Malayalam
appearance) for those who have not studied Malayalam for SSLC Common paper under item 41
Chapter VII (of process to compel production of or its equivalent, as a medium of language as a
documents) Subsidiary Language (for the members of the Kerala (See also Annexure ‘C’)
Chapter X (Public nuisances) Transport Service and the Kerala Transport
C.P.C 1908 – Section 15 to 20,60,79,80 and order Subordinate Service).
35. Departmental Test in Code of Criminal Procedure The Code of Criminal Procedure,1973 (Act 2 of 1974).
RTI Act – 2005, Disaster Management, Centrally
and the Kerala Manual of Office Procedure (for the Covering Chapters I to VII, XII, XIII, XV to XVII, XIX
Sponsored Schemes viz, NREGS, RInF, SGSY,
Motor Vehicles Inspectors in the Kerala Transport to XXI, XXIIIA, XXIIIB, XXIV, XXVII, XXIX, XXXII
PMGSY etc. various Social Security pension, the
Service). and Kerala Manual of Office Procedure (with books)
Person with disabilities (Equal Opportunities,
(G.O.Rt.1673/75/PW dated; 9.12.1975).
Protection of Right and Full Participation) Act –
1995, Decentralised Planning of PRIs, Five Year 36. Hand Book of SC Development Department Hand Book of the Harijan Welfare Department
Plan with reference to the functions specified Test (One Paper) (With Books).
under Schedule III, IV, V of Kerala Panchayat Raj 37. Test in Kerala Education Act and Rules Kerala Education Act and Rules
Act 1994. Betta service deliver, Front Offices (One Paper)
system, Good Governance, Civil registration online, 38. Labour Department Test (3 Papers) Part – I
Hospital Kiosks, Environmental Protection Act 1986. (One Paper – With Books )
32. Departmental Test on Employment Exchange 1. Placement work (this will cover placement work The following Acts and Rules administered by the
Procedure (2 Papers) including placement of physically handicapped) and Labour Department:-
collections of employment market information 1. Plantation Labour Act, 1961.
based on the following chapters in Parts I, II and 2. Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
IV of the National Employment Service Manual 3.Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986
Vol. I and II (with the connected E.E Minutes/ 4. Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961.
Notes/ Amendments etc. issued from time to 5. Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishments Act,
time. Chapters V to XIII, XVI, and XVIII of Part I 1960.
and all chapters of Part II and Part IV, NESM 6. Payment of Wages Act,1936 ( in respect of
(Vol.I) with relevant portion of NESM Vol.II. establishment other than Factories).
(NESM 1984 edition with subsequent changes.) 7.The Beedi and Cigar Workers(Conditions of
2. Special Scheme and General Instructions: Employment ) Act, 1966 and
This will cover Special Schemes like Vocational 8. The Motor Transport Workers (Payment of
Guidance and Employment Counselling, Fair Wages) Act, 1971.
Occupational Research etc. and the Chapters on Part – II
(i) Study and Development of Employment (One Paper – With Books) The following Acts and Rules
Opportunities (ii) Public Relations and Publicity, administered by the Labour Department :-
(iii) Various General Instructions and 1. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
(iv) Inspections and Technical Evaluation of 2. Industrial Employment (Standing Orders Act, 1946).
Employment Exchanges based on the following 3. Indian Trade Union Act, 1926.
Chapters in Paras II and III of NESM. Vol.I and 4. Working Journalists (Conditions of Service and
Vol.II (With connected E.E Minutes/Notes/ Miscellaneous Provisions )Act, 1955.
Amendments etc., issued from time to time). 5. Working Journalists (Fixation of Rates of Wages)
Chapters I to IV, XIV, XV and XVII of Part I and all Act, 1958.
Chapters of Part III. N.E.S. M Vol.I with the 6. Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 (Central Act).
relevant portions of N.E.S.M. Vol.II. 7. Kerala Industrial Establishments (National
33. Kerala Registration Test (4 Papers) Part – I and Festival Holidays) Act, 1977.
1. The Indian Registration Act, the Kerala 8. The Employees Compensation Act, 1923.
Registration Rules and Table of Fees as prescribed by 9. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
the Kerala Government (With Books). 10. The Kerala Industrial Employees Payment of
2. The Kerala Registration Manual and Circular Gratuity Act, 1970.
Orders (With Books). 11. The Interstate Migrant Workmen (Regulation of
Part – II Employment and conditions of service) Act 1979.
The Kerala Stamp Act and the Rules there under and the 12. Labour Laws (Exemption from Furnishing Returns and
Indian Stamp Act in respect of documents specified in maintaining Registers by Certain Establishment) Act ,1988
entry 91 of List I (Union List) of the Seventh Schedule of 13. The Building & other Construction workers (Regulation
the Constitution of India and the Rules relating to these of Employment & Condition of Service) Act, 1996
documents (With Books). 14. The Building & other construction workers Welfare
Part – III Cess Act, 1996.
(Miscellaneous Act, etc. ) Part – III
The Transfer of Property Act, the Evidence Act, the (One Paper – With Books) The following Acts and Rules
Special Marriage Act, (Central Act 43 of 1954) and the administered by the Labour Department:-
Kerala Special Marriage Rules, 1958 and the Chitties Act 1. The Contract Labour (Registration and Abolition )
and Rules thereunder, the Societies Registration Act and Act, 1970.
the Documents Writers Licence Rules (With Books). 2. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.
Note :- (i) Until such time as the Kerala Registration 3. The Kerala Payment of Subsistance Allowance
Manual is published for the second paper in Part I, Act, 1973.
questions will be based on the Circular Orders issued by 4. The Kerala Agricultural Workers Act, 1974.
the Inspector General of Registration after 1.11.1956 5. The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976.
regarding matters covered by the Registration Act and 6. The Sales Promotion Employees (Conditions of
Rules and Table of Fees. Service) Act, 1976.
(ii) Till Common Chitties Act and Rules and Societies 7. The Kerala Casual Temporary and Badali workers
Registration Act and Rules are introduced, questions in (Wages) Act 1989
Part III will be set in two compartments ‘A’ and ‘B’. 8. The Kerala Head Load workers Act 1978.
Questions in Compartment ‘A’ will be compulsory for all 39. Animal Husbandry Department Test (One paper) Animal Husbandry Department Manual (With books)
the candidates and they will be given option to 40. Excise Test- Parts A & B (3 papers) Part A- Excise Manual
answering one of the questions in ‘B’. First Paper
(a) Compartment ‘A’ will contain question on: Abkari Acts and Rules and Notifications (With books)
(1) The Transfer of Property Act. Second Paper
(2) The Evidence Act. Prohibition Act and Rules, Medicinal and Toilet
(3) The Special Marriage Act (Central Act 43 of 1954) Preparation Act, and Rules. The Narcotic Drugs and
and the Kerala Special Marriage Rules, 1958. Psychtoropic Substaces Act 1985 and the Rules made
(4) The Kerala Document Writers Licence Rules. there under by the Government of India and Government
(b) Compartment ‘B’ will contain questions on: of Kerala, Spirituous preparation, Inter-state Trade and
(1)The Travancore Chitties Act and Rules thereunder. Commerce Control Act, Rules (with books)

2016 sabv- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 29

Part B- Criminal Law (iii) Kerala State Housing Board Establishment
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (Act 2 of 1974), Regulations (Maintenance of Accounts) Rules, 1984
Evidence Act and Indian Penal Code (with books) (iv) Kerala State Housing Board Establishment
41. The Kerala Port Department Test 1. The Kerala Port Department Manual Regulations Allotment Regulations.
(One paper-with books) 2. The Indian Ports Act, 1908 (Act XV of 1908) 47. Departmental Test on Kerala Head Load 1. Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
3. The Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 (Act XLIV of 1958) Workers Rules (One Paper) (With books) 2. Payment of Wages Act, 1936
4. The Indian Light House Act 3. Workmen Compensation Act, 1923.
5. The Madras Minor Ports Harbour Crafts Rules, 1953 4. Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.
6.Port Conservancy Rules, Port Pier Rules governing the 5. Kerala Head Load Worker (Regulation of
Warehousing of goods in the Government sheds and Employment and Welfare) Scheme 1983.
godowns at the Port of Travancore-Cochin, Port Cargo
6. Kerala Head Load Worker Act, 1978.
Boats Rules and Rules for the working of Tugs “Alappuzha”
7. Industrial Dispute Act, 1947.
and “Venad” issued in Notification No. PWC 4-3496/55/PWC
8. Kerala Head Load Worker Welfare Board
dated 18/10/1955 amended from time to time.
7. Note for the guidance of Officers in Common Wealth Staff (Appointment, Service Conditions, Code and
Countries Overseas, Territories and the Irish Republic Conduct) Rules 2002).
(British Merchant Shipping and Seaman Revised). Issued ANNEXURE-B
by the Ministry of Transport 1963. REVENUE TEST – 4 PAPERS
(i) The Merchant Shipping (Registration of Sailing Name of Test Syllabus
Vessels) Rules, 1960. 48 Revenue Test – I Paper 1. Land Acquisition Act – 1894
(ii) The Merchant Shipping (Tonnage fee Measurement 2. Kerala Land Relinquishment Act –1958
of Sailing Vessels) Rules, 1960. 3. Kerala Survey and Boundaries Act-1961
(iii) The Sailing Vessels (Assignment of Free Board) 4. Kerala Escheats and Forfeitures Act 1968
Rules, 1960. 5. Kerala Treasure Troves Act – 1968
(iv) The Sailing Vessels (Statement of Crew) Rules, 6. Kerala Requisitioning and Acquisition of Property Act 1981
1960 and the Sailing Vessels (Inspection) Rules,1962. 7. Kerala Road Fund Act – 2001
(v) The Indian Merchant Shipping (Life Savings 8. Kerala Land Utilisation Order – 1967
Appliances) Rules, 1956 9. Kerala protection of Paddy Land and Wet Land Act –
(vi) Merchant Shipping (Distressed Seamen) 2008
Rules 1960 10. National Highway Act - 1956
(vii) Merchant Shipping (Continuous Discharge 49 Revenue Test – II Paper 1.Kerala Government Land Assignment Act – 1960
Certificates) Rules, 1960. 2. Kerala Restriction on Transfer by and Restoration of
(viii) Merchantile Marine Circulars issued by the Lands to Scheduled Tribes Act – 1999
Government of India from time to time 3. Kerala Scheduled Tribe (Restoration onTransfer of
(ix) Sea Rescue Operations Lands and Restoration of Alinated Land Act – 1975)
(x) The Inland Vessels Act 1917 as amended by 4. Kerala Land Conservancy Act – 1957
the Inland vessels Act 2007 5. Kerala Land Development Act – 1964
(xi) Kerala Inland Vessels Rules 2010 6. Kerala Land Development Corporation Limited
(xii) International Maritime Organization structure (Special Powers) Act – 1974
and functions 7. Kerala Service Inam Lands (Vesting and Enfranchise-
(xiii) UN Conventions and Protocols on maritime ment) Act – 1981
law and regulations 8. Kerala Highway Protection Act – 1999
(xiv) Coastal Zone Regulation Rules 9. Kerala Protection of River Bank’s and Regulation of
(xv) Dock workers Safety Rules Removal of Sand Act – 2001
(xvi) Marine pollution and oil slicks. 10. Kerala Stay of eviction proceedings Act – 2001
42. Second Class Language Test (in Malayalam) (See Annexure – C below) 11. Kerala Private Forest (Vesting and Assignment)
43. Minority Language Test (in Tamil/ Kannada) (See Annexure – D below) Act – 1971
44. Test in Weights and Measures Act and 1.Standards of Weights and Measures Act,1976 12. Sree Pandaravaka Lands (Vesting and
Rules (One paper) 2.Standards of Weights and Measures (P.C) Rules, 1977 Enfranchisement) Act – 1971
3.Standards of Weights and Measures (General) Rules, 13. Sreepadam Lands Enfranchisement Act – 1969
1987. 14. Malabar Land Registration Act – 1895
4.Standards of Weights and Measures (Approval of 15. Kannan Devan Hills (Resumption of Lands)
Models) Rules, 1987. Act – 1971
5.Standards of Weights and Measures (Inter- 16. Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest
state Verification and Stamping) Rules, 1987. Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006
6. Standards of Weights and Measures (Numeration) 50 Revenue Test – III Paper 1. Kerala Land Reforms Act – 1963
Rules, 1987. 2. Kerala Land Tax Act – 1961
7. Standards of Weights and Measures (National 3. Kerala Revenue Recovery Act – 1964
Standards) Rules, 1987. 4. Kerala Public Accountants Act – 1963
8. Standards of Weights and Measures (Enforcements) 5. Kerala Board of Revenue Abolition Act – 1996
Act, 1985 6. Transfer of Registry Rules – 1966
9. Standards of Weights and Measures (Enforcement) 7. Kerala Plantation Tax Act – 1960
Rules, 1992 8. Kerala Building Tax Act – 1975
9. Kerala Building (Leases and Rent Control) Act – 1965
45. Departmental Test for Assistant Electrical Paper-I
10. Kerala Stamp Act 1959
Inspectors (2 papers) Function of Electrical Inspectorate, Kerala State Electricity
Board Ltd., Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission, 51 Revenue Test – IV Paper Unified Village Manual Common Paper (with books)
Energy Management Centre and such other statutory ANNEXURE-C
organisations and statutory provisions as envisaged in SECOND CLASS LANGUAGE TEST (IN MALAYALAM) [should be applied for Part A (written test)
central statutes pertaining to generation, transmission, Part B (viva voce) separately]
distribution, and use of electrical energy provided under
Item of Syllabus No. of marks
the Electricity Act, 2003, Central Electricity Authority
Maximum Minimum Separate Duration
(Measures Relating to Safety and Electric Supply)
marks Marks Minimum of test
Regulations, 2010, Energy Conservation Act 2001, and
Codes prescribed by the Bureau of Indian Standards Written
General ideas regarding functioning of Central Electricity Part-A
Authority, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Central Electricity Translating an essay passage of Tamil/ Kannada
Regulatory Commission, State Regulatory Commission Prose relating to Indian Subjects which contains no
etc., Obligations of Licensees as envisaged in the basic words that have not familiar equivalents in Malayalam
statues. (with books) (The passage may be of VII Standard) 100 35% 30% 45 Minutes
Paper-II Viva Voce Aggregate
Various provisions in the State Regulations such as Kerala Part- B Conversing with accuracy and fluency in
Electricity Duty Act, 1963, Kerala Electricity Duty Rules, Malayalam 100 (70 marks out of 200) 15 Minutes
1963, Kerala Cinemas (Regulation) Act, 1958, Kerala
Cinemas (Regulation) Rules, 1988, Kerala State Electricity ANNEXURE-D
Licensing Board Rules, Kerala Lift and Escalators Act 2013 MINORITY LANGUAGE TEST (IN TAMIL/KANNADA)
and the Rules made thereunder, Kerala Electricity Supply Written Test
Code 2014, obligations of licensed electrical constractors Syllabus Maximum Minimum Duration of
and consumers as envisaged in State Regulations (with Marks Marks Test
books) A Simple Test in translation consisting of one paper of two
46. Kerala State Housing Board Act and Rules (i) Kerala State Housing Board Act, 1971 (19 of 1971) hours duration. There shall be Two questions, One on
(One paper Written test with books) (ii) Kerala State Housing Board Establishment translation from English to Kannada or Tamil and the other
Regulations, 1977 on translation from Kannada or Tamil to English. 100 40% 2 Hours

30 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2016 sabv- 15

Social Welfare Schemes
1. Who is called as the father of Planning in In- 45. In 1938, the National Planning Committee of Year Plan?Sixth tion came into force in ?1993
dia? M Visweswaraiah Indian National Congress was set up under 81. Who gave the slogan “Garibi Hatao”(Eradicate 107. The elections to the three- tier
2. Who wrote the book ‘Planned Economy for the chairmanship of? Jawaharlal Nehru Poverty)?Indira Gandhi Panchayat Raj institutions are conducted
India’?M Visweswariah 46. The father of the idea of ‘Gram 82. Employment Assurance Scheme (EAS) was by?State Election Commission
3. On which date Planning Commission came Swaraj’:Gandhiji launched in which year? 1993 108. The Rolling Plan concept in National
into existence? 15th March,1950 47. Community Development Programme was 83. Who was the Prime Minister of India when Planning was introduced by?Janatha Govern-
4. In which list of the Constitution ‘Economic and introduced in India in:1952 the 73rd and 74th Amendments of the Con- ment
Social Planning’ is included?Concurrent 48. In which year Small Farmers Development stitution were passed?Narasimha Raosident 109. Who was the Prime Minister of India
5. India copied the idea of Five Year Plans Agency was formed? 1971 of India when Prime Minister’s Rozgar Yojana (PMRY)
from:Former Soviet Union 49. In which year Drought Prone Area Programme 84. The concept of mixed economy was intro- was started?Narasimha Rao
6. The ex-officio chairman of the Planning Com- was introduced ?1973 duced during which Five Year Plan? Second 110.During which Five Year Plan Food for Work
mission was:Prime Minister 50. In which year Command Area Development 85. The major source of revenue of the state gov- Programme was introduced?Fifth Plan
7. National Development Council was formed Programme was launched?1974 ernments? Sales Tax 111.During which Five Year Plan Khadi and Vil-
in:1952 51. In which year Marginal Farmers and Agricul- 86. The Belwant Rai Mehta Committee was ap- lage Industries Commission was set
8. The chairman of the National Development tural Labourers Development Agency was pointed by? National Development Council up?Second
Council was: Prime Minister formed ?1975 87. The main objective of Prime Minister’s Grama 112.In which state Community Development
9. The first Five year Plan was started in:1951 52. In which year Food For Work Pragramme was Sadak Yojana (PMGSY)? To construct all Programme was started in an experimental
10. In which area priority was given in the first started?1977 weather roads to connect hilly areas and main basis? Punjab
Five year Plan?Agriculture 53. In which year TRYSEM (Training of Rural roads 113.Who was the last Deputy Chairman of Plan-
11. The period of the first Five Year Plan:1951-56 Youth for Self Employment) was 88. In India, Community Development Project ning Commission? Montek Singh Ahluwalia
12. Which five year plan was called Harrold launched?1979 was started in?October 2, 1952 114. Who is the Chairperson of Kudumbasree?
Domer model?First 54. In which year National Rural Employment 89. The first Asian country to start Community Minister for Local Self Government
13. The period of second Five year Plan:1956-61 Programme (NREP) was launched?1980 Development Project?India 115. What is the aim of the Growth rate of 12th
14. In which area priority was given in the sec- 55. In which year Integrated Rural Development 90. NRY (Nehru Rozgar Yojana) was started in Five Year Plan? Eight
ond Five year Plan?Industries Programme (IRDP) was launched ?1980 which year? 1989 116. Who served as the chairperson of Planning
15. Which five year plan was called Mahalanobis 56. In which year Development of Women 91. During which Five Year Plan, the Twenty Point Board for the longest period? Indira Gandhi
model?Second and Children in rural Area (DWCRA) was Programme (TPP) was launched by Indira 117. When was Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana was
16. Annual Plans are implemented for the first launched ?1983-84 Gandhi?Five started? 2014 October 11
time during the period:1966-69 57. In which year Rural Landless Employment 92. The main model that formed the basis of the 118. What is the other name of National Rural Live-
17. Which five year plan was suffered by the Guarentee Programme (RLEGP) was intro- strategy of the Second Five Year Plan was lihood Mission? Ajeevika
Chinese attack of 1962?Third duced?1983-84 formulated by whom? P.C.Mahalanobis 119. On which date Make in India was declared?
18. Which five year plan was terminated prema- 58. In which year Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) was 93. The Panchayat Raj system was introduced 2014 September 25
turely by the Janata Government of Morarji introduced?1985 in 1959 under the recommendation of which 120.Who was the exponent of Gandhian Plan?
Desai in 1978?Fifth 59. In which year Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRY) committee? Belwant Rai Mehta Committee Sreeman Narayanan
19. During which Five Year Plan stresswas by laid was started?1989 94. Father of Green Revolution in India? 121.Who designed Make in India Campaign?
on employment, poverty alleviation, and jus- 60. In which year Nehru Rozgar Yojana (NRY) was Wieden+Kennedy
tice. Fifth started ?1989 122.Who was the Prime Minister of India when
20. The first chairman of Planning Commission 61. In which year Mahila Samridhi Yojana was Make in India Campaign was launched?
was:Jawaharlal Nehru introduced?1993 Narendra Modi
21. The first deputy chairman of Planning Com- 62. In which year Employment Assurance 123.Which animal can be seen in the logo of Make
mission was:Gulsarilal Nanda Scheme (EAS) was started?1993 in India Campaign? Lion
22. Which one of the ancient dynasties was fa- 63. In which year Prime Minister’s Rozgar Yojana 124.In which year Kudumbasree Project was in-
mous for village administration? Chola was started?1993 augurated? 1998
23. Who said ‘India lives in her villages’?Gandhiji 64. In which year Ganga Kalyan Yojana was 125.Who inauguarated Kudumbasree Project at
24. Father of Local Self Government in India:Lord launched? 1997 Malappuram? AB Vajpayee
Rippon 65. In which year Jawahar Gramasamridhi Yojana 126.Which is the other name of Rajiv Gandhi
25. Who called villages as ‘Little (JGSY) was started ?1999 Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent
republics’?Charles Metcaf 66. In which year Swarna Jayanti Grama Girls? Sabala
26. Who was the exponent of Sreeniketan Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) was started?1999 127.When the Digital India Project was started?
Project? Rabindranath Tagore 67. In which year Annapoorna Scheme was 2015 July 1
27. In which year Sreeniketan Project was launched?2000 128.What is the motto of Digital India? Power to
launched?1914 68. In which year Pradhanmantri Grama Sadak Empower
28. Where Sreeniketan Project was launched Yojana was started?2000 129.Who was the Prime Minister when Digital In-
?Bengal 69. In which year Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar dia was launched? Narendra Modi
29. Marthandom Project was launched in the state Yojana (SGRY) was launched?2001 130.What is the aim of Digital India? Connecting
of:Tamil Nadu 70. In which year Valmiki Ambedkar Awaas Yojana M.S.Swaminathan rural areas with high-speed Internet networks
30. Who was the exponent of Marthandom Project was introduced?2001 95. In which year Ashok Mehta Committee was and improving digital literacy.
?Spencer Hatch 71. In which year National Rural Employment appointed? 1977 131.Who is the custodian of Digital India Project?
31. Marthandom Project was started in the year? Guarentee Programme (NREGP) was brought 96. Name the Prime Minister who appointed National Optical Fibre Network
1921 into effect ?2005 Ashok Mehta Committee in 1977?Morarji 132. Which District in Haryana awarded for being
32. Where the Gurgaon Project was 72. Which Article of the Constitution is related to Desai the top performing district in the state under
launched?Punjab Village Panchayats?40 97. The Indira Awas Yojana aims to provide? the Digital India campaign on 28th December
33. Who was the architect of Gurgaon Project? 73. In which field Co-operative Movement was Houses to poor 2015? Panchkula
FL Brane started for the first time in India? Agricultural 98. Which Five Year Plan is referred to as ‘Indus- 133.The motto of National e-Governance Plan?
34. Where Farkha Development Scheme was Credit trial and Transport Plan’?Second Public Services Closer Home
introduced?Madras 74. In which year Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRY) 99. The major emphasis of Third Five Year Plan 134.In which year Indra Dhanush Sceheme
35. Farkha Development Scheme was introduced was started?1989 was? Making India self-reliant launched? 2014 (December 25)
in the year:1946 75. In which schedule of the Constitution 100. Who coined the term ‘Hindu Growth 135.What is the aim of Indra Dhanush? Provide
36. Where Ittawa Project was implemented ?Uttar Panchayat Raj is included?11 Rate’?Raj Krishna vaccination against seven diseases
Pradesh 76. Who inaugurated the Panchayat Raj system 101. The concept of Five Year Plan in India 136.Which Department launched Indra Dhanush?
37. The exponent of Ittawa Project:Albert Mayer at Nagaur in Rajastan in 1959?Jawaharlal was introduced by ?Jawaharlal Nehru Health Ministry of the Union Government
38. Ittawa Project was launched in the year:1948 Nehru 102. In which year Family Planning was 137.In which year Social Welfare Department was
39. Who launched Sevagram Project?Gandhiji 77. Where is the headquarters of CAPART (Coun- started in India?1952 started in Kerala? 1975
40. Sevagram is now in the state of:Maharashtra cil for Advancedment of People’s Action and 103. Who is known as Father of Indian 138.What is the new name of Social Welfare De-
41. The father of Nilokheri Experiment:SK Dey Rural Technology)?New Delhi Budget?P.C.Mahalanobis partment in Kerala? Social Justice Depart-
42. The first book on Indian Planning entitled 78. In which country Green Revolution was 104. Where is National Institute of Rural ment
‘Planned Economy’ for India was the attempt started?Mexico Development situated?Hyderabad 139.The aim of Ujjwala Project launched by Union
of: M.Visvesvarayya 79. Which body compiles the national income of 105. In which schedule of the constitution Government? Rehabilitation of sexually
43. People’s Plan was envisaged by: M.N.Roy India?Central Statistical Organisation provisions related to Municipal Administration abused victims
44. The first Minister for Community Development 80. The Integrated Rural Development is included?12 140.The Prime Minister who started Antyodaya
in the Central Cabinet? S.K.Dey Programme was started during which Five 106. The 73rd Amendment of the constitu- Anna Yojana? AB Vajpayee

2016 sabv- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 31

1. R.N. 44588/86 Reg. No. KL/TV (N)34/2015-17 PSC BULLETIN Rupees 10
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141.In which year Antyodaya Anna Yojana was 167.During which Five Year Plan Bharat Nirman scheme? Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti or Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan? To make gov-
started? 2000 Project was inaugurated? Tenth Yojana ernment buildings disabled friendly
142.The Project started by the Government of 168.The online scheme of Union Government to 195.What is the aim of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya 214.The Aadhar based Digital Life Certificate for
Kerala to curb atrocities against women and book new LPG connection? Sahaj Gram Jyoti Yojana? Creation of Rural Elec- Pensioners is known as : Jeevan Pramaan
girls? Nirbhaya 169.Union Goverments scheme for the welfare tricity Infrastructure & Household Electrifica- 215.In which year Jeevan Pramaan was
143.Where EMS Housing Scheme was launched of non resident Indians? Mahathma Gandhi tion for providing access to electricity to ru- launched? 2014
for the first time ? Kodakara (Thrissur) Pravasi Suraksha Yojana ral households 216.The slogan of Swachch Bharat
144.In which year Nirbhaya was started? 2013 170.The new form of Jawaharlal Nehru Urban 196.In which year Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana Abhiyan(Clean India Mission)? One step to-
145.The Project started by the Government of Renewal Mission? AMRUT (Atal Mission for was started? 2007 wards cleanliness
Kerala to address the problems of unmarried Rejuvanation and Urban Transformation 197.What was the aim of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas 217.Swachch Bharat Abhiyan was started in
mothers? Snehasparsham Scheme) Yojana ? Achieve 4% annual growth in agri- which year? 2014 (October 2)
146.Name the project launched by Kerala Gov- 171.The brand ambassador of Nirmal Bharat culture through development of Agriculture 218.Who inauguarated Swachch Bharat Abhiyan
ernment in the lines of Mahathma Gandhi Abhiyan? Vidya Balan and its allied sectors during the XI Plan pe- by cleaning Rajpath in New Delhi? Narendra
National Employment Guarentee Programme 172.The name of strategic and customer-ori- riod Modi
for provide employment to unskilled urban ented initiative of the Government of India 198.The name of te scheme to provide Health 219.Under which name Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan
people for atleast 100 days? Ayyankali Ur- to modernize India’s Ports? Sagarmala insurance to poor (BPL), Domestic workers, was restructured? Swachch Bharat Abhiyan
ban Employment Guarentee Scheme Project MGNERGA workers, Rikshawpullers, Build- 220.Who designed Swachch Bharat Mission logo?
147.In which year Aam Aadmi Bheema Yojana 173.Who designed Aadhar logo? Atul Pandey ing and other construction workers, and many Anant Khasbardar
was started? 2013 174.Who designed Digital India logo? Rana other categories as may be identified by the 221.The number of cities included in the first
148.The shelter home launched by Kudumbasree Bhowmik respective states? Rashtriya Swasthya phase of AMRUT? 500
for women and children who are victims of 175.Whose birth day is observed as Antyodaya Bheema Yojana 222.The number of cities included in the first
atrocities? Snehitha Day (Sepemtember 25)? Deen Dayal 199.In which year Rashtriya Swasthya Bheema phase of Smart City Project? 100
149.The rehabilitation scheme launched by Upadyaya Yojana was launched? 2008 223.On 30th April 2015 which was declared as the
Kudumbasree aiming at poorest destitutes of 176.Which scheme replaced Aajeevika? Deen 200.What is the aim of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan first open defacation free district in India?
the society? Aasraya Dayal Upadhyaya Antyodaya Yojana Yojana? To make banking facility available Nadia (West Bengal)
150.The Project started by the Government of 177.Father of Family Planning in India? RD Karve to all citizens 224.Name the organizations that provide support
Kerala to provide monthly financial assis- 178.Brand Ambassador of Digital India Project? 201.Which scheme was replaced by Pradhan to Nadia district to construct toilet in all
tance to bedridden patients? Aaswasakiran Kriti Tiwari Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana? Swabhiman houses? World Bank and UNICEF
151.The Project started by the Government of 179.In which year Deen Dayal Upadhyaya 202.In which year Swabhiman was launched? 225.The first television channels for farmers in
Kerala to provide treatment to children suf- Antyodaya Yojana was launched? 2014 2011(feb 15)
fering from fatal diseases? Thalolam 180.Brand Ambassador of Make in Kerala? 203.The brand Ambassador of Pradhan Mantri
152.The Project started by the Government of Jan Dhan Yojana? Amitabh Bachan
Kerala to detect missing children? Operation 204.In which year Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
Valsalya was launched? 2015
153.The Project started by the Government of 205.What is the aim of Pradhan Mantri Awas
Kerala to provide special care to children Yojana ? To enable better living and drive eco-
whose parents are affected by HIV? nomic growth stressing on the need for people
Snehapoorvam centric urban planning and development.
154.Which project provides ‘108 Ambulance’ Ser- 206.In which year Sukanya Samridhi Yojana (Girl
vice? National Rural Health Mission Child Prosperity Scheme) was launched?
155.Where Mahathma Gandhi National Employ- 2015
ment Guarentee Programme was started for 207.The scheme of Government of India that
the first time? Bandlappalli in Andhra Pradesh primarily ensures equitable share to a girl
156.The scheme of Kerala Government to encour- child in resources and savings of a family in
age donation of organs? Mrithasanjeevani which she is generally discriminated as India? DD Kisan
157.When Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan was started? against a male child? Sukanya Samridhi 226.When was DD Kisan was launched by Prime
1999 Yojana Minister Narendra Modi? 2015 May 26
158.The taxi service for women started by Social 208.In which year Smart Cities Mision was 227.Which is the first smart city allotted to Kerala?
Justice Department of Government of launched? 2015 Kochi
Kerala? She Taxi Mammootty 209.What is the aim of Smart Cities Mision? To 228.What is the annual premium of Pradhan
181.The aim of Make in Kerala? To make Kerala enable better living and drive economic Mantri Suraksha Bheema Yojana (PMSBY)?
investment friendly growth stressing on the need for people cen- Rs 12
182.Atal Pension Yojana was started in which tric urban planning and development. 229.What is the annual premium of Pradhan
year? 2015 210.Who gave the concept of PURA (Providing Mantri Jeevan Jyothi Bheema Yojana
183.The aim of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram (PMJJBY)? Rs 330
Jyoti Yojana? Rural power supply 230.What percent is the Swachch Bharat cess?
184.In which year Gramin Bhandaran Yojana was 0.5%
launched? 2007 231.The date on which Swachch Bharat cess was
185.In which year Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog brought into effect? 2015 November 15
Yojana was launched? 2010 232.The initiative of the Central Government as
186.The sheme for providing One-time cash in- a part of the Startup India campaign to cre-
centive to pregnant women for institutional/ ate 2.5 lakh SC/ST entrepreneurs? Standup
home births through skilled assistance? India
Janani Suraksha Yojana 233.At which place Prime Minister Narendra Modi
159.Who is the ambassador of She Taxi? Manju 187.In which year Janani Suraksha Yojana was officially lauched the Standup India Scheme
Warrier launched? 2005 on 5th April 2016? Noida
160.The service started by Kudumbasree for the 188.The Act to provide legal guarantee for one 234.Name the campaign that was first announced
safe travelling of women? Kudumbasree hundred days of employment in every finan- by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his Inde-
Travels cial year to adult members of any rural house- pendence Day address from the Red Fort in
161.Districts where Mahathma Gandhi National hold willing to do public work-related unskilled 2015? Startup India Campaign
Employment Guarentee Programme imple- manual work? Mahatma Gandhi National 235.The first state to achieve total primary edu-
mented for the first time in Kerala? Palakkad Rural Employment Guarantee Act cation? Kerala
and Wayanad 189.National Pension Scheme was launched in 236.Who declared Kerala as the first Indian state
162.Which was the first state to enact an employ- which year? 2004 to achieve total primary education on 13th
ment guarantee act in the 1970s? 190.In which year National Social Assistance January 2016? Vice President Hamid Ansari
Maharashtra Scheme was launched? 1995 237.Name the project launched by Literacy Mis-
163.In which district Operation Sulaimani imple- 191.In which year Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Urban Amenities to Rural Areas)? APJ Abdul sion to achieve total primary education?
mented for the first time? Kozhikode Yojana was launched? 2010 Kalam Athulyam
164.The Cochlear Implantation Project lauched 192.In which year Pradhan Mantri Suraksha 211. Which year National Initiative on Climate Re- 238.In which Panchayat Athulyam was launched
by Kerala Government? Sruthitharangam Yojana was launched? 2015 silient Agriculture was launched? 2011 for the first time? Nilambur (Malappuram)
165.Where Valmiki Ambedkar Awaaz Yojana was 193.In which year Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti 212.In which year Accessible India Campaign or 239.Who is the brand ambassador of Athulyam
inaugurated? Hyderabad Bheema Yojana was launched? 2015 Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan was launched? Project? Dileep
166.Bharatmala Project aims the development of: 194.Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana 2016 240.The first district to attain total primary edu-
Roads launched in 2005 was replaced by which 213.What is the aim of Accessible India Campaign cation? Kannur (Second Kasargod)

Views and ideas expressed in the articles published in PSC Bulletin are not, necessarily, those of the Commission. Edited and Published by Saju George, Secretary
Kerala Public Service Commission on behalf of Kerala Public Service Commission and Printed by him at P. Krishna Pillai Memorial Printing & Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd, Thiruvananthapuram.

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