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ATM Management System (AMS)

1. Introduction
The software AMS is to be developed for Automated Teller
Machine (ATM). An Automated Teller Machine is
computerized system which will provide a secure platform for
customers of banks to perform financial transactions in public
places such as roads, malls, offices etc.; without any human
intervention. This system will provide a user-friendly
interface to access financial facilities provided by banks.
2. How does an ATM Management System (AMS)
The system make use of client-server network methodology,
where the server will be situated in branch of the bank and
client will be situated at the ATM. As soon as the user
punches the ATM card in the ATM the server is responsible
for the functions to be executed. Server is responsible for
executing relevant functions provided in the software.
Besides, an explicit operator will have access to the server and
connect the ATM machine through internet.
3. Process Model
Waterfall Model is adapted as process model for development
of AMS. Waterfall Model is choose for development of AMS
is because waterfall model supports development of software
in phases, the output of each phase serves as input to the next
consecutive phase. Due to this software development
progresses in understandable and explainable phases. Besides,
it is important to complete previous phases before starting the
next phase, scheduling is flexible in waterfall model.
1. Problem Definition.
Our project ATM Management System aims at developing a dynamic,
secured and user friendly system for financial institutions like banks.
Besides, it will provide a platform to banks as well as users to connect
each other. Users can access the services provided by the banks
without physically going to the bank. Computerization is necessary in
this area because traditionally the banks services were accessed by
actually visiting the bank and in some situations user need to access
bank services urgently besides branches of banks are not open for 24
x 7 hence it is very important to computerise this system to provide
user with services 24 x 7.
2. Requirement Analysis.
The software ATM is to be developed for Automated Teller Machine
(ATM). An Automated Teller Machine is computerized system which
will provide a secure platform for customers of banks to perform
financial transactions in public places such as roads, malls, offices
etc; without any human intervention.
The requirements are gathered from the end-user by consultation,
these requirements are analysed by our ATM.
3). System Design.
The ATM Management System is designed to understand the
complex relationship between the various Attributes and the functions
of ATM Management System. The User Interface is Very Simple and
Yet User Friendly the design is not too complicated and the GUI can
be used by all user of all Age groups.
4). Testing.
The testing of project is done on the basis of various Result in
construction of software. A software undergoes various type of
Following Steps are involved in most of the type Software:
1. Create an ATM Testing plan that can check the capability of
2. Executing the program and making it work on all the system
and on all the operating system.
3. Making the Program Bug free and making it smooth with no
lags what so ever.

5). Implementation:
The project of the ATM System includes various codes and
languages by making the software by following all software
engineering procedures. The Work of ATM is divided into
modules/units and then actual coding work has to start.
The ATM system is first developed in small programs called
units, which are integrated in the next phase. Each unit is
developed and tested for its functionality; this is referred to as
Unit Testing. Unit testing mainly verifies if the modules/units
meet their specifications.
In this our ATM Management System project will be in the
never ending phase that means it is a very long process. And
the problem occurrence ie the errors are not found during the
development cycle.
Most of the problems do not come in picture directly we have
to find and make them work we cannot find errors in our
project quickly that means the problem arises time to time and
needs to be solve hence this process is referred as
In our ATM System there are various database which will be
linked on the backend and should be properly maintained so
that it is not vulnerable and can’t make open access to
Hackers. So it is necessary to maintain the ATM System Time
to Time.
4. System Requirement Specification (SRS)
SRS stands for System Requirement Specification it is a
document which acts as an agreement between software
developer and clients about general description of software to
be developed. It is formal document created before the
development of the project besides it contains the general
functional and non-functional requirements of the software
which is to be developed.
1. Introduction
The software AMS is to be developed for Automated Teller
Machine (ATM). An Automated Teller Machine is
computerized system which will provide a secure platform for
customers of banks to perform financial transactions in public
places such as roads, malls, offices etc; without any human
intervention. This system will provide a user-friendly
interface to access financial facilities provided by banks.
This SRS defines performance and software system attributes.
This document is only intended for:-1) Software Developers.
2) Management of banks.
3) Software Testers.

This document applies for Automated Teller Machine (ATM).
This software facilitates user to perform various transactions
with his account without physically going to bank. This
software offers services such as cash withdrawals, fund
transfers and other bank related facilities provided by the
respective bank. Besides, this software reduces hassles of
going to branch of bank for performing the financial
This software takes input as login id and password which is
provided by the banks at time of creating a bank account. The
output consist of a interactive display which helps user to
decide the financial service to be performed.
2. Project Description
Project Perspective
-The AMS is a single functional unit consisting of various sub
systems and sub components.
- This software allows user to access to their bank accounts
with without help of any human bank teller.
-This software also perform certain extra functionalities
provided by banks.
- The AMS is connected to the central server of bank to
provide service for 24x7.
Project Functions
-Language Selection
After the user has logged in with authorised user id and
password the interface provides a list of languages from
which user can select any one of them which will remain
same throughout the session. After the user has selected the
language a user will be prompted with a option to fix the
language for future use as well this result in bit faster
transaction. User also has freedom to switch languages
whenever needed.
-Account Maintenance
User has complete freedom to choose between the account
types for the current transaction whether it is saving account
or current account. After selecting the account type for
transaction software prompts user to select the type of service
i.e. Cash withdrawal or Cash deposit. Then user has to enter
the amount of cash which is to be deposited or withdrawn
from the respective account.
User will be provided with authorised bill of current
transaction besides, user will be given an option whether
printed bill is to be issued or just account update is to be done.
If he chooses second option of not printing bill a text message
will be sent at his registered mobile number giving details of
the current transaction.
The user has freedom to cancel the transaction at any point of
time by just clicking on cancel button. Besides user can cancel
the whole session by clicking cancel two times in quick
3. Non Functional Requirements
-Working capacity
ATM is expected to provide 24 x 7 service to the customers.
-Session Requirements
The verification time of ATM must not exceed 0.8 sec during
minimal server load and 1sec during peak server load. The
user id and password verification time must not exceed 0.3sec
during minimal server load and 0.5sec during peak server
load. Account Balance display time must not exceed 2sec
under minimal server load and 3sec under peak server load.
Account balance transfer time must not exceed 3sec under
minimal server load and 4sec under condition of heavy server
load. Cash withdrawal transaction time must not exceed 4sec
under normal server load and 5sec under heavy server load.
Deposit transaction time must not exceed 5sec under normal
server load and 6sec under peak server load. Receipt printing
time must not exceed 3sec under minimal server load as well
as heavy server load.
- Software System Attributes
The data communication protocol should be such that it
ensures the quality and reliability of data in any environment
including mobile environment. The memory of ATM should
be of non-volatile type which will ensure transaction security.
ATM should have 24 x 7 interrupted power supply besides, a
backup power supply should be provided in case of power
failures. Any abnormal operation should result in complete
shutdown of the system. Once the system is shutdown it
should only be restarted manually by an authorised
maintenance personnel. There should not be inconsistency
introduced in the account of user accessing the financial
The system should be compatible the respective security
standards. The system should have two levels of security
system for better data and privacy security. The user password
should be 6-14 characters with combination of numeric and
alphanumeric characters. Password should not contain the
name of the customer at any cost because it prone to be
hacked easily. User should be given only three attempts for
login failing and if the user fails to login after three attempts
the ATM card should be blocked for next 24 hrs. There should
be a security camera installed at the entrance of ATM as well
as in the ATM; second camera should be focused primarily on
ATM. There should be triple locking mechanism installed on
the cash vault of the ATM to provide security to the cash in
the ATM.
The hardware components used to develop the system should
be standardised quality. Besides, this components should be
easily serviceable without accessing the vault of ATM. The
system should be self-monitoring periodically in order to
detect faults in the system and faults should be immediately
intimidated to the bank. Detailed report should be sent to the
bank about the faults.
Our aim is to provide quality software. As it is impossible to
measure quality of intellectual property quantitatively is
should be judged on following parameters:-
1. Consistency
All the code will be consistent with respect to the coding style
which is implied when adhering to the respective standards
2. Test cases
All the functionalities will be thoroughly tested and necessary
changes would be quickly so that strong, error free and most
importantly quality software is delivered.
-Other requirements

5. Data Flow Diagram

A data flow diagram (DFD) is way of representing the flow of
data in the software system. DFD provides information about
the input and output available for each entity. A DFD has no
flow control, there are no decision rules and no loops.
DFD are of two types:-
-Level 0 DFD
-Level 1 DFD
-Level 0 DFD
-Level 1 DFD

6. Use case
A Use case diagram is the pictorial representation of user
and use cases. It shows the user interaction with the
system which provides a clear cut view on how the user
is going to interact system. It provides a clear cut view to
the software developer about the user interaction and the
limitations to be applied on user regarding interaction
with the system. It provides a higher level view of the
overall software system which is to be developed.

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