Cyborg Arnima Jain, BCA Second Year, Semester-4: Abstract

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jain, BCA
second year,
Abstract- Humans have been gifted with the most experiencing colors beyond
intelligent and complex body. We all grew up and the scope of normal human
developed from animal ape to smart humans. Our body perception. Harbisson is
is made up of natural organic parts. A cybernetic equipped with a
organism in short is pronounced as a cyborg. This is specialized electronic eye,
related with both natural organic and artificial or eyeborg, which renders
synthetic parts. The next computer generation will be perceived colors as sounds
dominated by intelligent machines. The latest on the musical scale. In
developments in this field are cybernetic organisms. other words, his device
These biological organisms will have the intelligence of allows him to “hear” color.
humans and the toughness of machines. They can be He has become so adapted
useful to design smart sensors. The human and to this device that his brain
machine together become an integrated system, a has formed new neural
Cyborg, part human part machine.The era of the pathways that allow him to
Cyborg is now upon us. This has enormous develop an advanced kind
implications on ethical values for both humans and of perception.
cyborgs. Routes to cyborgisation are introduced and
different types of Cyborg are considered. The
presentation involves ethical aspects of cyborgisation
both a sit stand snow and those which need to be
investigated in the near future as the effect so increased
technological power have a more dramatic influence.
An important feature is the potential for cyborgs to act
against, rather than for ,the interests of humanity


Cyborg , a compound word derived from cybernetics and

organism, is a term coined by Manfred Clynes in 1960 to
describe the need for mankind to artificially enhance
biological function in order to survive in the hostile
environment of space. Originally a cyborg reffered to a “
human being with bodily functions aided or controlled by
technological devices, such as an oxygen tank, artificial
heart valve or insulin pump. “ over the years, the term
has acquired a more general meaning ,describing the
dependence of human being on technology. In the sense ,
cyborg can be used to characterize anyone who relies on
a computer to complete his or her daily work. A cyborg
is a cybernetic organism part human part machine .


2) Kevin warwick :
Neil Harbisson was born Warwick has been
with achromatopsia, or experimenting with various
extreme colorblindness electronic implants since
that meant he could only 1998, when he "installed" a
microchip in his arm that
see in black-and-white, he allowed him to operate
is now capable of doors, lights, heaters and
other computers remotely
as he moved from room to
room. 4) Jens Naumann :

After a pair of horrific

accidents, Jens Naumann was struck
blind in both eyes, but he never gave
up hope that he would someday see
again. That dream became a reality
when, in 2002, Naumann became
the first person in the world to
receive an artificial vision system.
His electronic eye is connected
directly to his visual cortex through
brain implants. Unlike with other
cyborg implants, which translate
visual information into another sense
such as sound or touch, Naumann
actually "sees" the world. Though it
has its limits (he can only vaguely
see lines and shapes), his vision has
been technically restored. Looking to
the future, it's possible to imagine
artificial vision systems that allow
users to see in wavelengths beyond
normal human perception. Perhaps
someday, after the inevitable cyborg
takeover, we'll all be able to see in

3) Jesse Sullivan :

Jesse Sullivan is a pioneer

in this respect. He
effectively became one of
the world's first cyborgs
when he was equipped
with a bionic limb,
connected through a nerve-
muscle graft. Not only can
Sullivan control his new
limb with his mind, he can
also feel hot, cold, and the
amount of pressure his grip
is applying. 5) Nigel Ackland :

After losing part of his arm

during an accident at work. Ackland
controls the arm through muscle
movements in his remaining forearm.
The range of movement is truly
extraordinary. He can independently
move each of his five fingers to grip
delicate objects, or even pour a liquid
into a glass. He is even equipped
with one alarming grip called the
"trigger grip."

Cyborgs are
categorized into two types
based on their structural
and functional role play.
Structurally cyborgation can take place either
internally or Externally. The former
Convenient cyborgs may refer to any external
provision of an exoskeleton for the satisfying
the altered fancy needs of body

6) Jerry Jalava : 2) CONDITIONAL CYBORG :

After losing a finger in a It includes bionic implants replanting the lost
motorcycle accident, or damaged body part for the normal living in
Jalava decided to embed a the present environment. There is also different
2GB USB port into his types of cyborgs differentiated as
prosthetic. It doesn't upload per their body working.
information directly into
his nervous system, but it's
at least more useful than a CYBORG APPLICATION IN SOCIETY
USB keychain.
In medicine, there are two
important and different
types of cyborgs : the
restorative and the

Restoractive technologies “restore lost function , organ

and limbs “. The key aspect of restoractive cyborgization
is the repair of broken or missing processes to revert to a
healthy or average level of function. The enhancement
cyborgation follows the principle of optimal
performances maximizing the output with a minimized
7)Claudia Mitchell : output.

Claudia Mitchell became

the first woman to become a cyborg when she
was outfitted with a bionic limb . Her robotic arm is
similar to the one installed on fellow cyborg Jesse
Sullivan. The limb is connected to her nervous system,
allowing her to control it with her mind.The range of
motion is extraordinary, allowing her to use it for
"cooking, for holding a laundry basket, for folding 2) IN MILTARY :
clothes — all kinds of daily tasks."
solider whose weapons as well as the survival systems
are integrated into the self, creating a human-machine
data from sensors implantes into the insects during its
pupal stage for detecting the the presence explosive and


The conceot of cyborgation to

associate to most people with science fiction, they tend to
believe cyborgs exist only in imagination of writers and
artists. Cyborg get famed through mainly science fiction
films and through stories of writers.


1) Returning function.

2) Increased Strength.
POWERED EXOSKELETON :which combines a human
control system with robotic muscle. 3) Added Functionality.

IN SPORTS: 4) Possibly Longer Lifespan.

Some prosthetic leg and feet allow 5)Increased Intelligence/

for runners to adjust the length of their stride which
could potentially improve run times and in time actually Computational Power/Perception
allow a runner with prosthetic leg to be fastest in the
1) Possible loss of humanity.

2) Expensive.

3) Loss of Acceptable Appearance.

4) Likely to Die in the Creation Procedures

 Cybernetics is one of the scientific field in REFERENCES
which continuous researches and studies are
and spontaneous developments are derived by [1]HTTPS://WWW.GOOGLE.CO.IN/SEARCH?Q=PICS+OF+LAT
its taking place dedicated scientists. EST+TECHNOLOGY+IN+CYBORGS&BIW=1517&BIH=740&

 Kevin Warwick, the famous Scientists who YDG&VED=0CAQQ_AU#Q=PICS+OF+LATEST+DEVELOP

implanted a series of 100 electrodes in to his
nerves system and controlled his complete lab
[2] MY%20WORK/CYBORG%20-
with the implant and he also developed a %20%20COMPUTER%20SCIENCE%20SEMINAR%20TOPIC
mechanical handwhich works as per his neural S.HTML
 At present Cyborgology concentrates on the
development of Conditional cyborgs. [4]HTTP://UPLOAD.WIKIMEDIA.ORG/WIKIPEDIA/COMMONS/F
 That is living being with a mechanical body _OF_SPRING%22_BY_STRAVINSKY.JPG
part which is replaced for the damaged or lost
 Among them has prime importance, it has
functioning similar to our leg.
 These external mechanical parts works by the
stimulations received generated from our


In 2010, the cyborg foundation became the world's first [9]

international organization dedicated to help humans 11293382
become cyborgs. The foundation was created by cyborg
Neil harbisson and Moon ribas as a response to the
growing amount of letters and emails received from
people around the world interested in becoming a
cyborg. The foundation's main aims are to extend human
senses and abilities by creating and applying cybernetic
extensions to the body,to promote the use of cybernetics
in cultural events and to defend cyborg rights.In 2012,
Spanish film director Rafel Duran Torrent, created a
short film about the Cyborg Foundation. In 2013, the
film won the Grand Jury Prize sundance film festival's
Focus Forward Filmmakers Competition and was
awarded with $100,000 USD

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