Consilierea Carierei Curs

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`You are what you eat!` ( Lesson Time – 60 min.

Vocabulary ( Types of food )
1. Work in pairs. Which types of food and drinks can you see in the pictures?
rice / vegetables / chicken / bread / pasta / tea / milk / shrimps / peppers / coffee / biscuits /
banana / cheese / ice cream / grapes / orange / fish / broccoli / melon ( 5 min. )



2. Match each type of food to the right picture:

( 2 min.)
fruit and vegetables - …………….

milk and biscuits - ………………..

fish and chips - …………………..

ice cream - …………………..

pasta - ………………..

seafood - …………………..

3. Use the prompts to describe the following: ( 3 min. )

cold / bitter / hot / sour / sweet

• strawberry ice cream

• lemonade

• chocolate lava cake

• dark chocolate

• vanilla pudding

• apple pie
eg. Strawberry ice cream is cold and sweet

4. Listen and repeat the words, then label each picture accordingly: ( 5 min.)
toast / bread / coffee / honey / pizza / cabbage / chicken / fish / jam / cereal / biscuits / cake / chips / pie
/ pasta / tea / fruit / cola
5. Look at the pictures and say which are the items we can refer to using: ( 5 min. )
a bowl of / a slice of / a loaf of / a mug of / a spoon of / a can of / a packet of / a piece of

eg. a slice of cake

Grammar ( Countable & Uncountable Nouns ) ( 3 min. )

6. Study the table:

We can count countable nouns because they have plural forms.
eg. an orange – two oranges

We cannot count uncountable nouns because they do not have plural forms.

eg. Water

7. Mark the following nouns C (for countable) or U (for uncountable) as in the

example: ( 2 min.)
• milk : U salt : …… butter : …..

• apple : …… beaf : …… banana : …..

• child : …… sandwich : ….. water : ……..

• carrot : ….. man : ……. honey : …..

8. Study the table: ( 10 min.)

We use ‘a / an’ in the affirmative, interrogative and negative with countable nouns in the singular.

eg. a pear; an apple.

We use ‘some’ in the affirmative with countable nouns in the plural and uncountable nouns.

eg. She’s got some pears. He’s got some milk.

We use ‘any’ in the negative and interrogative with countable nouns in the plural and
uncountable nouns.

eg. She hasn’t got any pears. He hasn’t got any milk. Has she got any pears? Has he got any

9. Write in a / an / some for each of the following nouns: ( 2 min. )

... elephant

... pears

... butter

... child
... bread

... onion

... potato

... carrots

... lettuce

10. Use the prompts to ask and answer questions: ( 3 min. )

grapes? / pineapple pieces? / kiwi pieces? / apple slices? / carrots? / ham?

( affirmative & negative forms )

eg. Are there any grapes? Yes, there are some.

11. Fill in the blanks using: ( 2 min. )

a/ an / some / any

There are ... watermelon pieces, but there aren’t ... kiwi pieces. There is a pineapple, but there
aren’t ... pineapple pieces. There is ... orange and ... mango, but there aren’t ... grapes. There
aren’t ... banana slices, but there is ... melon juice, and ... orange juice.

A lot of / much / many / ( a ) little / ( a ) few

12. Study the table: ( 5 min. )


She has got a lot of pears. I drink a lot of water.

How many pears has she got? How much water do you drink ?

too many too much

a lot of / lots of a lot of / lots of

a few / some (enough) a little / some (enough)

too few (not enough) too little ( not enough)

13. Fill in “how much” or “how many”: ( 3 min. )
1. ... sugar is there in the cupboard?

2. ... apples are there on the table?

3. ... vanilla do we need for the cake?

4. ... pumpkins are you carving for Halloween?

5. ... water is there in the human body?

6. ... vegetables are there in this soup?

14. Choose the right form: ( 5 min.)

1. “How much / many milk have we got?” “Not many / much. We only have few / little.”

2. “I want some / any coffee, please.” “Here you are! A cup of coffee with a lot of / a few milk in

3. “How much / many peppers are there in the fridge?” “There are a little / a few green peppers.”

4. “There is many / a lot of milk on the floor!”

5. “How much / many apples do you need for the apple pie?” “Not much / many! Only a few / a
little. But I also need a little / a few milk.

15. I will give and explain them the homework for the next time: ( 5 min.)

1. What’s in the fridge? Write sentences using:

much / many / little / few / some / any / a lot of / no

eg. There is a lot of milk. There are no apples.

2. Match the two columns to form expressions, then use them in sentences:
1. colourful a. diet

2. sugary b. protein

3. correct c.grains

4. dairy d. drinks

5. whole e. fruit

6. healthy f. products

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