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Extremely Important Lexis

Lexis for
IGCSE Listening
Listening Exam
Exam 2010
Try to mug up all these words before the exam.

1. museum 54. music 107. resort 160. chocolate

2. tourist 55. expose 108. island 161. pudding
3. sculpture 56. exposure 109. paradise 162. expedition
4. exhibition 57. classical 110. mainland 163. voyage
5. desert 58. popular 111. tropical 164. unpredictable
6. concrete 59. tempo 112. public 165. weather
7. camping 60. childhood 113. sightseeing 166. mechanical
8. landscape 61. occasional 114. clothes 167. research
9. wander 62. lesson 115. humidity 168. criticism
10. erosion 63. children 116. umbrella 169. site
11. view 64. concept 117. euro ( ) 170. sight
12. appearance 65. challenge 118. pound ( ) 171. networking
13. kilometres 66. appropriate 119. dollar ($) 172. continuous
14. traveller 67. training 120. heritage 173. diary
15. advisable 68. interest 121. recommend 174. audience
16. species 69. enthusiastic 122. unique 175. revolution
17. century 70. language 123. delivery 176. university
18. exploit 71. prefer 124. professional 177. generation
19. exploitation 72. restaurant 125. private 178. critic
20. existence 73. waiter 126. carriage 179. experience
21. extinct 74. reception 127. cart 180. technology
22. extinction 75. season 128. low-tech 181. fashion
23. greenhouse 76. serve 129. message 182. magazine
24. recycle 77. coffee 130. guarantee 183. cream
25. bacteria 78. complain 131. religion 184. original
26. habitat 79. neighbour 132. dietary 185. channel
27. conservation 80. calm 133. conference 186. valley
28. panda 81. sympathy 134. corporation 187. coastal
29. region 82. celebrity 135. cooperation 188. slippery
30. disappear 83. acknowledge 136. container 189. annual
31. survive 84. famous 137. privilege 190. newsletter
32. ensure 85. kitchen 138. catalogue 191.alertness
33. essential 86. course 139. suburb 192. security
34. apartment 87. frequent 140. exotic 193. restriction
35. heavy 88. confidence 141. ceramic 194. grazing
36. traffic 89. relative 142. centimetre 195. persevere
37. coach/bus 90. receive 143. ornament 196. hospitality
38. frequent 91. ambition 144. surprise 197. visitor
39. convenient 92. ambitious 145. cuisine 198. term-time
40. comfort 93. variety 146. astronaut 199. recipe
41. decision 94. situation 147. scientist 200. ingredient
42. distance 95. southern 148. odour 201. flour
43. journey 96. peninsula 149. piece 202. butter
44. opportunity 97. independent 150. peace 203. stationery
45. fascinate 98. renovated 151. sandwich 204. bargain
46. homework 99. scene 152. flavour 205. television
47. listen 100. boutique 153. tomato 206. uniform
48. encourage 101. antique 154. juice 207. college
49. benefit 102. herb 155. attach 208. waterfall
50. development 103. medicine 156. space shuttle 209. winding path
51. keyboard 104. adventure 157. vitamin 210. rural
52. cupboard 105. adventurous 158. mineral 211. urban
53. software 106. harbour 159. dessert 212. employee

Extremely - We
important lexismake English
for IGCSE charming!
Listening / Prepared by: Mohamed Sujaau / Maaungoodhoo School
213. navigation 272. Arctic 330. apparatus 388. invade
214. except 273. vulnerable 331. treasure 389. invasion
215. accept 274. climate 332. pearls 390. diamond
216. scenery 275. thawing 333. descend 391. pulsate/glow
217. breeze 276. fragile 334. ascend 392. core
218. cliff 277. consequence 335. surface 393. crystal
219. route 278. hall 336. immediately 394. traffic jam
220. colleague 279. tennis 337. conscious 395. saucer
221. schedule 280. lane 338. intelligent 396. rush hour
222. crossroad 281. narrow 339. strategy 397. hover
223. village 282. match 340. notion/idea 398. legroom
224. appreciate 283. fare 341. enhance 399. congestion
225. calender 284. fortune 342. pupils 400. engine
226. insurance 285. bicycle 343. dialogue 401. queue
227. overseas 286. bamboo stick 344. potassium 402. attic/roof
228. grateful 287. pole 345. wheat 403. curtains
230. steering 288. prize 346. maize 404. chimney
231. robot 289. price 347. hygienic 405. microwave
232. theme 290. tunnel 348. frying pan 406. oven
233. scenario 291. emergency 349. wrapped 407. maintenance
234. design 292. rescue 350. prosperity 408. nuclear
235. garage 293. motorway 351. prosperous 409. piano
236. unpleasant 294. code 352. average 410. violin
237. garden 295. library 353. lifespan 411. orchestra
238. architect 296. former 354. cancer 412. choir
239. architecture 297. tournament 355. potential 413. trumpet
240. pitch 298. taxi 356. internet 414. concert
241. breakfast 299. breed 357. faculty 415. guitar
242. cereal 300. tuition 358. financial 416. voice
243. serial 301. tutor 359. cashier 417. souvenir
244. firm 302. command 360. scheme 418. comet
245. farm 303. lifestyle 361. aspects 419. asteroid
246. germ 304. safety 362. height 420. orbit
247. psychology 305. procedure 363. strength 421. performance
248. nomad 306. picturesque 364. endurance 422. thunderstorm
249. nomadic 307. fuel 365. athlete 423. rainfall
250. dweller 308. petrol 366. superior 424. tyre
251. tribe 309. broadcast 367. boredom 425. fibre
252. tribesmen 310. pattern 368. programme 426. flu
253. settlers 311. privacy 369. viewing 427. mushroom
254. symbol 312. discovery 370. documentary 428. toffee
255. preserve 313. manuscript 371. cinema 429. baking powder
256. access 314. pamphlet 372. theatre 430. interview
257. origin 315. device 373. globalisation 431. parcel
258. drought 316. astronomy 374. persuade 432. weekend
259. attribute 317. satellite 375. aggression 434. weekdays
260. recent 318. certificate 376. violent 435. hostel
261. spacecraft 319. gym 377. violence 436. attitude
262. passenger 320. enormous 378. wealthy 437. sanitation
263. flight 321. grams 379. entrance 438. decompose
264. session 322. artificial 380. corn 439. litter/rubbish
265. trial 323. vanilla 381. ethanol 440. harvest
266. seatbelt 324. strawberry 382. authority 441. ultra violet (UV)
267. float 325. archaeology 383. insulate 442. double paned
268. qualified 326. costume 384. tumble dryer 443. source
269. aeroplane 327. reference 385. recycle 444. livelihood
270. pilot 328. licence 386. organic 445. engineering
271. captain 329. scuba 387. sandstorm 446. plateau

Extremely - We
important lexismake English
for IGCSE charming!
Listening / Prepared by: Mohamed Sujaau / Maaungoodhoo School
447. recreation 500. fossil 553. fairground
448. preservation 501. indigenous 554. graduate
449. snorkelling 502. excavate 555. territory
450. wildlife 503. terminal 556. map reading
451. tambourine 504. terminus 557. permanent
452. hatch 505. category 558. cosmetics
453. nectar 506. planetary 559. lagoon
454. field 507. raft 560. spa
455. countryside 508. inflatable 561. algae
456. pesticide 509. lecture 562. furniture
457. membership 510. lantern 563. meal
458. beehive 511. ceiling 564. address
459. terrace 512. tranquil 565. accommodation
460. manual 513. black soot
461. variety 514. questionnaire 567. environment
462. interactive 515. musician 566. predator
463. soya beans 516. sunbathing 567. delicate
464. transplant 517. excursion 568. ecosystem
465. limbs 518. altitude 569. threat
466. evidence 519. specialist 570. framework
467. universe 520. footwear 571. alternative
468. colonies 521. peak 572. depleted areas
469. frostbite 522. extent 573. government
470. summit 523. extend 574. venture
471. mountaineer 524. curious 575. secure
472. inspiration 525. campaign 576. career
473. exhilaration 526. salad 577. tornado
474. marine 527. voucher 578. visa
475. cargoes 528. leisure 579. adapt
476. technique 529. shopping mall 580. headache
477. sunken 530. publicity 581. camping
478. cave 531. atmosphere 582. engine
479. drilling 532. drama 583. shallow
480. native 533. nurse 584. diagnosis
481. heavenly 534. rehearsal 585. monitored
482. roundabout 535. daughter 586. surgeon
483. freezing fog 536. witness 587. guarantee
484. shipwreck 537. subscribe 588. fishing rod
485. wreckage 538. enough 589. doubtful
486. webcam 539. technician 590. forest fires
487. shrimp 540. festival 591. high winds
488. earthquake 541. accordion 592. El Nino
489. spherical 542. intranet 593. studying
490. crisps 543. gadget 594. agency
491. autumn 544. ecologists 595. mystery
492. buried 545. art gallery 596. clue
493. civilisation 546. statue 597. hurt
494. submarine 547. transparent 598. shiver
495. submerged 548. temporary 599. breathing
496. tide/tidal 549. slide 600. character
497. artefacts 550. funfair 601. psychological
498. awareness 551. sculpture 602. resource
499.quarry 552. enormous 603. emphasis

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