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Antibiotic-associated diarrhea: Epidemiology, trends and treatment

Article  in  Future Microbiology · November 2008

DOI: 10.2217/17460913.3.5.563 · Source: PubMed

154 1,640

1 author:

Lynne Mcfarland
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


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Antibiotic-associated diarrhea: epidemiology,

trends and treatment
Lynne V McFarland
A common complication of antibiotic use is the development of gastrointestinal disease.
Department of Health
Services Research & This complication ranges from mild diarrhea to pseudomembranous colitis. Outbreaks of
Development, Puget Sound antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD) may also occur in healthcare settings, usually caused
Veterans Administration, by Clostridium difficile. AAD typically occurs in 5–35% of patients taking antibiotics and
Healthcare System, varies depending upon the specific type of antibiotic, the health of the host and exposure to
S-152, 1100 Olive Way,
pathogens. The pathogenesis of AAD may be mediated through the disruption of the
#1400 Seattle, WA 98101,
USA normal microbiota resulting in pathogen overgrowth or metabolic imbalances. The key to
Tel.: +1 206 277 1095; addressing AAD is prompt diagnosis followed by effective treatment and institution of control
Fax: +1 206 764 2935; measures. Areas of active research include the search for other etiologies and more effective treatments.

Antibiotics are an effective available treatment History

for numerous infectious diseases, but their use is AAD became a recognized clinical concern in the
not without clinical complications. Concerns 1950s when the use of broad-spectrum antibiot-
include the overuse or inappropriate use of anti- ics (tetracycline and chloramphenicol) increased.
biotics, the emergence of antibiotic-resistant However, little attention was given to this seem-
strains of pathogens, poor compliance and the ingly benign complication until the frequency of
increasing rates of disease related to antibiotic use a relatively rare but serious disease, pseudo-
[1–4]. The most common intestinal complication membranous colitis (PMC), was reported in
of antibiotic use arises when antibiotics disrupt 10% of patients receiving clindamycin [13].
the ecology of the normal intestinal microbiota, Attempts to uncover the etiologic agent
resulting in antibiotic-associated diarrhea remained elusive until 1977/1978 when the link
(AAD). AAD is a broad disease designation that between AAD and an opportunistic anaerobe,
has historically lacked a standard definition in C. difficile, was discovered [14].
the literature, but generally encompasses people In the 1980s, much of the attention centered on
exposed to antibiotics who develop diarrhea nosocomial outbreaks that were due to C. difficile,
within 8 weeks. For nearly two-thirds of the even though C. difficile was only implicated in
AAD cases, the etiology is not known, but about one-quarter of the outbreaks [15,16].
Clostridium difficile accounts for nearly one-third Research during the 1990s was focused on
of all cases. Unless otherwise designated in this unraveling the pathogenesis, risk factors and
review, the term ‘AAD’ will refer to studies where transmission of C. difficile disease [17–19].
the etiologic agent was unknown or not diag- The 21st century has brought greater under-
nosed. The term ‘C. difficile AAD’ will refer to standing of the risk factors for AAD, mecha-
studies focused specifically on this etiology only. nisms, other possible etiologies, diagnostic assays,
AAD has been reported in a wide variety of treatment strategies and methods of control.
populations including outpatients, hospitalized Although much has been discovered about AAD,
patients and residents of long-term care facilities it continues to persist, especially with the devel-
[5]. The clinical presentation of AAD may range opment of newer broad-spectrum antibiotics.
from mild, uncomplicated diarrhea to more severe The search for other etiologies of AAD has been
Keywords: antibiotic- colitis, and may result in toxic megacolon or expanded, although C. difficile remains the lead-
associated diarrhea, death [6,7]. Consequences of AAD may result in ing known cause of AAD. AAD has been shown
antibiotic complications,
Clostridium difficile, colitis, extended hospital stays, increased medical care to be a risk for the individual (in whom AAD may
diarrhea, epidemiology, costs and increased diagnostic procedures [8–12]. lead to serious complications), but also a risk for
probiotics, risk factors The objective of this review is to summarize the the medical community (reflected by the
current state-of-the-art on the epidemiology and increased frequency of hospital outbreaks). As cur-
part of
risk factors for AAD and suggest recommendations rent treatment regimes are not always successful,
for treatment and control. AAD will be a continuing medical concern.

10.2217/17460913.3.5.563 © 2008 Future Medicine Ltd ISSN 1746-0913 Future Microbiol. (2008) 3(5), 563–578 563
REVIEW – McFarland

Incidence of AAD commonly contaminate hospital environments.

The reported incidence of AAD ranges from 12 Higher incidences are still found in healthcare-
per 100,000 person-years to 34 per 100 out- associated pediatric and adult patients (ranging
patient visits (Table 1), depending upon the type of from 5–34 out of 100 patients) [20,24–26,29].
antibiotic, host factors (age, health status, and so Secular trends of AAD are only available for
on), etiology, hospitalization status and presence C. difficile AAD, and data from several sources
of a nosocomial outbreak [20–34]. Rates of AAD are show that these types of infections are increasing
similar in pediatric and adult populations (Table 1). over time. The National Nosocomial Infections
The highest frequency of AAD is found during Surveillance reports increasing rates of C. difficile
healthcare-associated outbreaks, when susceptible AAD from 1987 to 2000 in US hospitals (from
patients are clustered by time, exposure and prox- 2.7 out of 10,000 up to 5.5 out of 10,000 dis-
imity. Healthcare-associated (in hospitals, long- charges) and other reports reflect this increasing
term care facilities, nursing homes, and so on) trend in Canada and the UK [35–37]. Incidence of
outbreaks of AAD are to be expected because C. difficile AAD from a large Veterans Adminis-
inciting agents (antibiotics), infectious agents and tration Healthcare System in Seattle, WA, USA
a susceptible patient population are intermixed. shows a trend for increasing rates (Figure 1), which
Historically, most cases of AAD were reported in reflects the national experience in other Veterans
hospitalized patients [5]. More recently, although Administration centers [33,201].
AAD still occurs in hospital settings, high rates
have been reported in outpatient pediatric popu- Clinical presentation
lations (6–33 out of 100 admissions) [21,22] and AAD has a spectrum of severity including
lower rates (12 out of 100,000 person-years to 14 uncomplicated diarrhea, colitis and PMC.
out of 100 persons) in nonhospitalized adults Epidemiologic studies are limited to the clinical
[23,30]. Lower rates observed in outpatients may be description of non-C. difficile-associated cases,
due to their generally higher health status com- but C. difficile AAD has also been well described.
pared to hospitalized patients and also to the lack In the general healthcare-associated population,
of exposure to nosocomial pathogens that most of the cases of C. difficile AAD are

Table 1. Incidence of antibiotic-associated diarrhea by population.

Population Age/group Country No. studied Frequency of Ref.
Population studies of AAD
Inpatient >12 years Sweden 2462 4.9% [20]

Outpatient 1 month–15 years France 650 11% [21]

Outpatient 4 months–14.5 years Thailand 225 6.2% [22]

Ambulatory Adults USA 358,389 12/100,000 py [23]

Clinical trials (placebo group rates) of AAD

Inpatient >50 years UK 56 33.9% [24]

Inpatient 1–36 months Poland 36 33.3% [25]

Inpatient 6–36 months Brazil 77 31% [26]

Inpatient >18 years USA 134 29.9% [27]

In and 6 months–14 years Poland 127 23% [28]

Inpatient Children Japan 455 22.6% [29]

Outpatient >1 year UK 120 14% [30]

Clostridium difficile AAD

Inpatient Adults France 38 18.5% [31]

Inpatient Adults Ireland 60 21/1000 pd [32]

Inpatient veteran Adults USA 60,590 29.2/10,000 pd [33]

Inpatient Oregon residents USA 381,721 3.5/10,000 [34]

AAD: Antibiotic-associated diarrhea; pd: Person-days; py: Person-years.

564 Future Microbiol. (2008) 3(5) future science group

Antibiotic-associated diarrhea: epidemiology, trends & treatment – REVIEW

Figure 1. Secular trend for Clostridium difficile infections at Puget Sound Veterans Administration Health
Care System, Seattle, WA, USA, from 1998–2006.

Incidence of CDAD/100,000 admissions





1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

CDAD: Clostridium difficile-associated disease.

uncomplicated diarrhea (10–30 out of Antibiotic-associated diarrhea

100 patients), while colitis is less frequent (5–10 Diarrhea is defined as a change in the normal stool
out of 100 patients) and PMC is infrequent frequency with at least three loose or watery stools
(0.1–1 out of 100 patients) [5]. per day for several days [40–42,202]. The duration of
AAD typically ranges from 1 to 7 days in both
Incubation time pediatric and adult populations [21,22,38,43]. Of
The incubation time (defined as the time 225 outpatient children on a variety of different
between antibiotic initiation and the onset of types of antibiotics, the mean duration of AAD was
diarrhea) falls into two groups: early onset, found to be 2.6 ± 1.1 days [22]. Hsu et al. reported
occurring during antibiotic treatment and a longer mean duration of AAD in 42 hospitalized
delayed onset, which may occur from elderly patients (26.2 ± 56.1 days) [43].
2–8 weeks after the antibiotics have been dis-
continued [5,20]. In 225 outpatient children Antibiotic-associated colitis
given antibiotics, the mean onset after anti- If colitis develops, the diarrhea is usually more
biotics was 2.3 ± 1.1 days and all cases of AAD severe and is associated with abdominal
occurred while the children were taking the pain/cramping, fever that exceeds 40°C,
antibiotics [22]. Of 157 inpatient children (aged hypoalbuminemia and leukocytosis [19,44]. Coli-
6–36 months), the mean onset was tis can be diagnosed by colonoscopy when
4.0 ± 4.3 days and most cases occurred during inflammatory changes (erythema, friability or
antibiotic exposure (92%), while only 8% edema) are noted by biopsy, but no pseudomem-
occurred within 15 days of discontinuing the branes are present. Histologic examination for
antibiotics [26]. The time of onset is similar for C. difficile colitis may reveal ‘summit lesions’ or
outpatients (ranging from 2.3 to 7 days) ‘volcano lesions’ where inflammatory cells and
[21,22,38] and for inpatients (ranging from 4 to debris are ejected into the colonic lumen.
19 days) [20,26,39]. The incubation time for Sigmoidoscopy of patients with Klebsiella oxytoca
severe disease is also similar for milder forms of usually reveals diffuse or segmental left colitis.
AAD. Most patients with AAD and PMC
become symptomatic within 1 week following Severe AAD
antibiotic exposure, but symptoms may be At the extreme end of the spectrum of severity is
delayed in as many as 40% of patients with PMC, which is almost always associated with
PMC for 2–8 weeks after antibiotics have been C. difficile. PMC may have a prolonged duration
discontinued [24]. (>1–3 weeks) [45,46]. The symptoms of PMC

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include watery diarrhea (90–95%), abdominal of the patient owing to the multiplicity of etiolo-
cramping (80–90%), fever (80%), leukocytosis gies of diarrhea and the high frequency of
(80%) and, rarely, vomiting [47]. Lee et al. deter- asymptomatic carriers of C. difficile in hospital-
mined that patients over 70 years of age and ized patients. Although enzyme immunoassays
patients with lengthy hospitalizations (>20 days) (EIAs) are more frequently used in healthcare
had significantly increased risk of developing facilities due to the rapid availability of results
PMC compared with AAD (adjusted odds ratio and low cost, tissue cell-culture with neutraliza-
[aOR]: 2.7; 95% confidence interval [CI]: tion is considered the ‘gold standard’ for the
1.2–6.1 and aOR: 5.1; 95% CI: 2.1–12.2, respec- detection of C. difficile toxin B as it is very sensi-
tively) [48]. Complications of PMC may include tive to even low levels of stool toxin B [52]. How-
hypokalamia (37%), renal failure (27%) and ever, a negative stool toxin B test should not be
hypoproteinema (50%). Less frequently, compli- relied upon to rule out C. difficile. EIAs for
cations of PMC may include toxic megacolon, C. difficile toxins A and B have been shown to
perforation of the colon and shock [49]. have 48–99% sensitivity and 75–100% specifi-
city [52–54]. Although few local microbiology lab-
Recurrent AAD oratories perform cultures for C. difficile, up to
In approximately 15–60% of the patients who 32–35% of cases may be missed if cultures are
develop C. difficile AAD, a recurrent form of the not done [33,53]. Examination of the stools for
disease may develop, despite repeated antibiotic leukocytes may not be sufficiently specific to
treatments [37,50,51]. The clinical disease may be diagnose C. difficile infections by itself, but may
more severe in patients with recurrent C. difficile be clinically useful to identify inflammatory
AAD compared to patients with an initial epi- diarrhea. Newer technologies including real-time
sode. Fekety compared 60 patients with recur- PCR assays have acceptable sensitivity and
rent C. difficile AAD with 64 nonrecurrent specificity (86 and 97%, respectively) [52].
disease and found more patients reported fever Endoscopic examination should be reserved for
(43 and 13%, respectively), abdominal cramping patients who are seriously ill or whose diagnosis is
(83 and 32%, respectively) and colitis (60 and in doubt due to negative cultures, or when other
40%, respectively) [19]. This recurrent form of possible intestinal conditions are suspected. PMC
AAD leads to increased use and cost of antibiot- is diagnosed when sigmoidoscopic examination
ics, especially vancomycin, additional hospitali- reveals multiple yellow-tan or green raised plaques
zations and medical complications [50]. Patients (pseudomembranes) that can be dislodged from
with recurrent episodes of C. difficile AAD do the mucosa during biopsy. These pseudomem-
not show an increase in the severity of disease as branes may range in size from small (1–2 mm)
the number of episodes progress [5]. distinct nodules to a confluent layer of pseudo-
membrane overlying the mucosa. Procto-
Diagnosis of AAD sigmoidoscopy may be completely negative and
AAD should be suspected in persons exhibiting some clinicians recommend colonoscopy. Histo-
continuing diarrhea and who have had a recent logically, each plaque consists of mucous, inflam-
exposure to either antibiotics or recent hospitali- matory cells and fibrin excavate typically overlaying
zation (within 8 weeks) (Table 2). If a specific normal appearing mucosa. Computerized tomog-
pathogen is not detected, the diagnosis may have raphy may be useful to detect fulminant C. difficile
to rest on the exposure to antibiotics and the AAD, or infrequent cases of right-sided colitis or
exclusion of other causes of diarrhea (other med- acute abdomen syndrome [41,52].
ications, chronic intestinal conditions, such as The differential diagnosis of AAD includes
inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel acute or chronic diarrhea caused by enteric
syndrome, and food intolerances). If the patient pathogens not associated with antibiotic expo-
has had a recent hospitalization, C. difficile sure (Giardia, Vibrio, Staphylococcal food poi-
should be suspected and appropriate assays per- soning and Shigella), chronic gastrointestinal
formed. The diagnosis of C. difficile disease must conditions (inflammatory bowel disease, irritable
fulfill all of the following criteria: a positive bowel syndrome, ischemic colitis, collagenous
C. difficile assay (culture, toxin A or toxin B), colitis and colon cancer), side effects of nonanti-
presence of diarrhea associated with antibiotic biotic medications (laxatives, cancer chemother-
use and exclusion of other causes of diarrhea apeutic agents, antiviral therapy, antacids and
[33,41]. Diagnosis must rely on the combination nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), or other
of laboratory assays and the clinical presentation infections (intra-abdominal sepsis).

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Antibiotic-associated diarrhea: epidemiology, trends & treatment – REVIEW

Table 2. Diagnosis of antibiotic-associated diarrhea and Clostridium difficile antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

General Check for
Medical history History of recent antibiotics (<2 months)
History of recent hospitalization
Defined diarrhea Change in normal bowel habits with at least three loose, watery
stools for at least 2 days
Exclude other diarrhea causes Medications resulting in diarrhea
Chronic intestinal conditions (inflammatory bowel disease,
Crohn’s, ischemic colitis, short bowel syndrome)
Food intolerances
Exclude nonantibiotic enteric pathogens Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter,
Aeromonas, Yersinia, Escherichia coli O157:H7
Test for specific known etiologies Clostridium difficile cell cytotoxin B assay or EIA kits for toxin A
and B or PCR
Clostridium perfringens cytotoxin test
Staphylococcus aureus
Klebsiella oxytoca
If diarrhea persists or serious symptoms develop Repeat Clostridium difficile assay
Consider sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy with histologic
biopsy (colitis)
Consider computerized tomography scan
EIA: Enzyme immunoassay.

Consequences AAD, which may be due to two factors: the spec-

Consequences of AAD may include extended trum of activity against the normal microbiota
hospital stays and increased medical costs [12,33]. and the degree of absorption from the intestinal
Longer durations of hospitalizations for patients tract. Narrow spectrum antibiotics have low rates
with C. difficile AAD were noted in three studies of AAD and broad-spectrum antibiotics, espe-
ranging from 3 to 24 days of non-C. difficile cially those effecting anaerobic normal microbi-
AAD patients [9,11,33]. Estimates for costs for ota, are associated with higher rates of AAD. The
medical care of patients with AAD and degree of absorption may influence the rates of
C. difficile AAD have ranged from US$3500 to AAD. Antibiotics that are poorly absorbed from
US$77,483 (in surgery patients) [11,12,55]. Signif- the colon or are secreted in bile (such as clindamy-
icantly increased rates of mortality have been cin, cefixime, ceftriaxone or cefoperatzone) are
associated with outbreaks of the hypervirulent associated with high rates of AAD. Antibiotics
BI/NAP1/027 strain of C. difficile [9,56]. with high absorption, such as doxycycline and
cefaclor, have lower rates of AAD [59]. Once coloni-
Mechanisms of AAD pathogenesis zation resistance has been disrupted, overgrowth by
The pathogenesis of AAD involves two major opportunistic pathogens may occur. Several patho-
mechanisms that are initiated by the disruption of gens have been studied that may be capable of this
normal intestinal microbiota: overgrowth by opportunistic overgrowth and the supporting
opportunistic pathogens or alterations of meta- evidence for their role in AAD is given below.
bolic functions. Colonization resistance, or the
ability of the normal microbiota to resist over- Overgrowth by pathogens:
growth by pathogenic organisms, has been well Clostridium difficile
documented [57,58]. Colonization resistance oper- The majority of studies involving AAD have
ates on several levels within the intestinal lumen: focused on C. difficile-associated AAD, as this
normal microbiota competes for microbial nutri- pathogen came to the attention of the medical
ents, produces bacteriocins or toxin-degrading community when the frequency of nosocomial
proteases and shelters pathogen attachment sites outbreaks began to increase. Approximately
or toxin receptor sites. Colonization resistance is a 25–33% of AAD cases and nearly all (95–99%)
result of complex interactions of numerous bacte- cases of PMC can be attributed to C. difficile [52].
rial species, which can be disrupted by antibiotics. Gursoy et al. found that in 65 outpatients who
Different types of antibiotics have varying rates of developed AAD, 27.7% were positive for

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C. difficile [60]. In another study, during an out- were positive for C. perfringens [60]. In 52 fecal
break of AAD, 52% of the cases were due to samples in hospitalized patients with diarrhea,
C. difficile [61]. Of 217 hospitalized patients with 11% were positive for C. perfringens only, 44%
AAD, 52 (24%) had a positive stool toxin for were positive for C. difficile only and 31% were
C. difficile [42]. In a mixed population of positive for both bacteria. [65]. Another study of
inpatients and outpatients with AAD, 13 out of 4659 consecutive inpatients from June 2001 to
91 (14.3%) were due to C. difficile [62]. Another April 2002, of which 94% had diarrhea and
study of hospitalized patients with AAD in Tai- 85% had taken antibiotics within the past
wan found only 12.5% of the AAD cases were 28 days, a positive etiologic agent was only
positive for C. difficile [43]. found in 16.2% of the cases [8]. C. difficile cyto-
The effect of overgrowth by C. difficile results in toxin was found in 591 patients (12.7%),
toxin-mediated pathogenesis mostly due to two C. perfringens enterotoxin was found in 155
large heat-labile enterotoxic and cytotoxic toxins (3.3%) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
called toxin A and toxin B, although up to aureus was found in 10 (0.2%). Usually, only
six types of toxins have been described [63]. Some one etiologic agent was found in a patient at the
isolates, including the hypervirulent strain same time, but 21 (2.9%) were co-infected with
BI/NAP1/027, which caused large outbreaks in two agents (usually both C. difficile and C. perf-
Canada, produce another type of toxin called ringens). Although C. perfringens is less fre-
binary toxin, but the role of this toxin in the quently isolated in patients with AAD, it appears
pathology of C. difficile disease is uncertain [64]. to contribute as an etiologic agent.
tcdA has been found a potent stimuli of human
neutrophil IL-8 production and toxin A may also Klebsiella oxytoca
stimulate neutrophils to increase adherence to Another potential candidate that has been inves-
fibrinogen-coated surfaces. The effects of these tigated is K. oxytoca, which produces a cytotoxin
two toxins on enterocytes is to disrupt (via glyco- and has been studied in rabbit intestinal loop
sylation of Rho protein) the cytoskeleton of the models. A recent case report of amoxicillin-asso-
cell, disrupting F-actin, distorting the cellular ciated hemorrhagic colitis was caused by
shape and broadening tight junction space K. oxytoca [66]. Högenauer et al. reported cyto-
between the cells. Local production of hydrolytic toxic K. oxytoca was more frequently isolated in
enzymes causes connective tissue damage, fluid patients with antibiotic-associated hemorrhagic
production and diarrhea results. In addition to the colitis (22.7% of 22 cases) compared with
physical disruption of enterocytes, toxins A and B healthy controls (6 out of 385, 1.6%, p <0.05)
attract polymorphonuclear leukocytes and other [67]. Futher investigation is needed to determine
inflammatory cells to the site, which can be if Klebsiella has a causative role in AAD.
observed at endoscopic or histologic examination.
The largest epidemic of C. difficile AAD occured Staphyloccocus aureus
in Quebec, Canada between 2004 and 2005. Historically, this bacteria was once implicated as
Increased rates (>15 out of 10,000 patient-days) the major etiologic agent of AAD, but subse-
were reported in over 30 hospitals, which were quent studies on AAD caused by clindamycin
over four-times higher than expected rates and (an effective antistaphylococcal antibiotic) dis-
cases had five-times the expected mortality rates. A counted this theory. The discovery of C. difficile
hypervirulent strain (BI/NAP1/027) of C. difficile as an etiologic agent for AAD turned the atten-
was associated with this increase and this strain was tion away from this organism. Antibiotics pri-
also found to produce more toxin A and B than marily associated with a positive stool for
other C. difficile strains owing to a mutation in a S. aureus are tetracyclines, chloramphenicol and
toxin downregulator gene [3,9]. Although neomycin and the pathology is evident in the
C. difficile appears to cause approximately one- small bowel, which is atypical for AAD or
third of all cases of AAD and has been the most C. difficile-associated disease. Flemming et al.
thoroughly studied, other possible etiologies need cultured 2727 cases of nosocomial diarrhea and
to be examined to further understand AAD. only found that 198 (7.3%) were associated with
S. aureus [68]. Gravet et al. cultured stools from
Clostridium perfringens inpatients in a 2-year prospective study (98%
The association between Clostridium perfringens with AAD) and found 60 cases of S. aureus [69].
and AAD has been reported in a few small stud- Of 1033 diarrheal stools assayed at a 500-bed
ies. In 89 inpatients with AAD, only five (6%) teaching hospital, 22% were methicillin-resistant

568 Future Microbiol. (2008) 3(5) future science group

Antibiotic-associated diarrhea: epidemiology, trends & treatment – REVIEW

S. aureus-positive [70]. Thus, S. aureus may be an Enteric nervous system

infrequent etiology of AAD, but more research Antibiotics may affect the enteric nervous system
is needed. (ENS), which is involved in normal intestinal
transit and physiology. The ENS modulates
Candida albicans interactions between intestinal mucosa and
The role of Candida albicans in AAD has been pathogenic bacteria and altered ENS activity has
investigated since 1955 with differing conclu- been reported when the normal microbiota has
sions. Firm conclusions have been clouded by been disrupted by antibiotics [74]. C. difficile
the presence of C. albicans in normal healthy toxin A increases myoelectric activity and affects
populations and the lack of biopsy evidence of capsaicin-sensitive sensory afferent neurons and
pathogenesis. Possible mechanisms of mast cells in the intestine [5]. Further investigation
C. albicans diarrhea may involve the impair- on the role of the ENS and AAD are needed.
ment of sodium and water absorption due to
this yeast or the ability of C. albicans strains to Risk factors
produce high levels of β-lactamases. Several types of risk factor are associated with
Krause et al. found no significant difference in AAD (Figure 2), which can be broadly separated
the frequency of C. albicans from AAD patients into several major areas: the type of inciting anti-
(77 out of 98, 78.6%) compared to patients biotic or medication, factors relating to the host,
with antibiotic exposure but no diarrhea (75 exposure to pathogenic agents and procedures
out of 93, 80.6%) [71]. that disrupt normal colonic microbiota.

Other investigations for AAD etiologies Antibiotic type

The above etiologies can account for approxi- The strongest predictor of AAD is the type of
mately 40% of AAD, but the etiologies of the antibiotic itself, although virtually all types of
remaining cases of AAD are still undetermined. antibiotics have been associated with AAD.
In a study by Vaishnavi and Kaur, hospitalized Even short courses of preoperative oral antibiot-
patients taking antibiotics were cultured and ics are associated with AAD [75]. Higher rates of
Campylobacter jejuni was found in 12 out of AAD are typically associated with broad-spec-
138 (8.7%), but no controls were used [72]. trum antibiotics [6,76]. The three most common
Investigation of viral etiologies of AAD have types of antibiotics with higher rates of AAD
not been productive. include: ampicillin/amoxicillin, cephalosporins
and clindamycin [76]. Turck et al. reported that
Metabolic alterations the highest rates of AAD in 650 pediatric cases
The other major effect of disturbing the normal were associated with amoxicillin/clavulanate
microbiota is altered colonic digestion and fer- (23%), penicillin A or M (11%) and erythro-
mentation of ingested carbohydrates. Reduced mycin (16%) [21]. Wistrom et al. reported that
fermentation by disrupted normal microbiota patients given a single antibiotic, broad-spectrum
leads to accumulation of large osmotically penicillin or cephalosporin had low rates of
active saccharides in the colon. In the undis- AAD (6.7 and 6.1%, respectively), but patients
turbed intestine, fermented short chain fatty receiving multiple antibiotics had significantly
acids (SCFAs) such as acetate, butyrate and higher rates of AAD (11%) [20]. The risk of AAD
propionate acids are found in the lumen where doubled if the antibiotics were given for over
they stimulate sodium and water absorption 3 days (relative risk [RR]: 2.3; 95% CI: 1.2–4.2)
and maintain the integrity of colonic epithelial [20]. Asha et al. compared 503 patients with
cells [73]. When antibiotics disrupt normal C. difficile AAD and 132 with C. perfringens
microbiota, patients may develop osmotic AAD to 254 age- and sex-matched asympto-
diarrhea due to unfermented carbohydrates and matic controls and determined that there were
the lack of SCFAs. Broad-spectrum antibiotics different risk factors for each etiology of AAD [8].
(associated with higher rates of AAD) disrupt a Risk factors for C. difficile AAD included: use of
greater range of normal microbiota and are cephalosporins (OR: 2.76; 95% CI: 1.88–3.64),
associated with a significant decrease in SCFA. use of macrolides (OR: 3.56; 95% CI:
By contrast, narrow spectrum antibiotics 2.81–4.32), increasing length of hospitalization
(which have lower rates of AAD) have less (OR: 1.03; 95% CI: 1.01–1.04), cytotoxic drugs
impact on the normal microbiota and do not (OR: 8.07; 95% CI: 6.4–9.8) and nasogastric
affect SCFA concentrations [5]. tube feeding (OR: 5.63; 95% CI: 4.52–6.41).

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Figure 2. Risk factors for antibiotic-associated diarrhea and Clostridium difficile

antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

Risk factors for AAD

Medications Host factors Pathogen exposure Procedures

• Antibiotics • Age >65 years • Prolonged hospitalization • Surgery
• Chemotherapy • Female • Infected roommate • Nasogastric tube
• Antacids? • Co-morbidity • Type of institution • Enemas?
• Reduced immune response • Prior admissions • Diagnostic endoscopy?
• Prior AAD history • Colonization pressure

AAD: Antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

Use of penicillin V or G was significantly protec- C. difficile AAD in several studies [6,76,79]. The
tive against C. difficile AAD (OR: 0.13; 95% CI: risk of comorbidity may be due, in part, to addi-
0.07–0.18). By contrast, only one risk factor for tional antibiotic exposure used to treat the con-
C. perfringens AAD was found: antacid use current infection. However, the risk is significant
(OR: 2.79; 95% CI: 2.03–3.55). Use of broad- even for illnesses not treated with additional anti-
spectrum pencillins was significantly protective biotics and thus the comorbidity may be an
against C. perfringens AAD (OR: 0.26; 95% CI: indictor of a patient in poor health who cannot
0.16–0.31). Hsu et al. did not find any significant mount an effective immune response to challenge
differences in risk factors between C. difficile AAD by bacterial overgrowth.
and non-C. difficile AAD [43]. There may be an immune component to the
pathogenesis of AAD, but this role needs further
Proton pump inhibitors investigation. Depressed immune response has
Other medications that can alter colonic micro- been associated with an increased risk of
biota may also increase or decrease the risk of C. difficile AAD. Munoz et al. found the rate of
AAD or C. difficile AAD. One area that is hotly C. difficile AAD was significantly higher in
debated is whether proton pump inhibitors 141 hypogammaglobulinemic heart transplant
(PPIs) increase the risk of C. difficile AAD. Some patients (29 cases, 20.6%) compared with 6 out
studies have found a significant effect, while oth- of 94 (6.4%) heart transplant patients treated
ers have not [33,44,77,78]. The role of PPIs in with γ-globulin [80]. In addition, symptomatic
C. difficile AAD has yet to be resolved. C. difficile AAD patients have been found to have
lower IgG antitoxin A levels than healthy controls
Host factors or asymptomatic carriers of C. difficile [81].
The frequency of AAD shows a distinctive curve
with increased frequencies found in children Pathogen exposure
under 6 years, a nadir in frequency for ages 7–50 Being susceptible owing to antibiotic exposure is
and an increase in adults aged over 50 years [5]. In not sufficient to cause AAD – exposure to a
hospitalized adults, the mean age of patients with pathogen is also involved. To date, most of the
AAD was significantly older (mean: 70.2 ± 14.6) etiologic agents are not culturable, but as hospi-
than patients with no AAD (mean: 58.5 ± 21.0) talized patients have higher rates of AAD, it may
[15]. Higher rates of C. difficile AAD are typically be assumed that the pathogens are present in the
reported for patients over 65 years old [6,76]. healthcare setting. The best example of this is
There is no evidence that comorbidity plays a C. difficile AAD. Nonhospitalized adults and out-
role in non-C. difficile AAD. By contrast, co- patients have lower rates of AAD, even when
morbidity has been significantly associated with exposed to similar types of broad-spectrum

570 Future Microbiol. (2008) 3(5) future science group

Antibiotic-associated diarrhea: epidemiology, trends & treatment – REVIEW

antibiotics. The lower rates are probably associ- [8,37,85].

However, for more serious cases of AAD
ated with a lower risk of exposure to pathogens and C. difficile AAD, more active treatment
able to cause AAD. For inpatients, the length of is required.
hospitalization before AAD develops has been
found to be a significant risk factor. Asha et al. Antibiotic treatment
compared 503 C. difficile AAD cases to 254 age- In instances where the etiologic agent for AAD is
and gender-matched controls and determined known, specific antibiotics targeted against these
that the risk of C. difficile AAD increases by pathogens is recommended. For C. difficile, two
each day of hospitalization (aOR: 1.03; 95% CI: antibiotics are recommended: oral vancomycin
1.01–1.04) [8]. Admittedly, this factor may be and metronidazole [3,85]. Vancomycin has been
confounded by multiple in-hospital exposures shown to be more effective in reducing the time
that increase the risk of AAD, such as exposure to until diarrhea is cured and the patient has less
other infected patients, additional antibiotic expo- than three loose stools per day (a mean of 3 days)
sures, medical procedures, and so on. Coloniza- compared with metronidazole (a mean of 5 days)
tion pressure, or proximity to a C. difficile AAD [3,85]. Currently, however, oral vancomycin is not
case, increases the risk of acquiring C. difficile given as a first-line treatment for patients with
AAD in patients who are nearby [11,82]. initial C. difficile AAD owing to its expense and
the possibility of increased rates of vancomycin-
Procedures resistant enterococci. Vancomycin should be
Healthcare-associated procedures, such as intes- used in patients whose use of metronidazole is
tinal surgery or endoscopy, can also disrupt contraindicated (previously failed on metro-
colonic microbiota and have been found to nidazole, allergic or pregnant) or who have severe
increase the risk of AAD [5,73]. Asha et al. found C. difficile disease or toxic megacolon, or when
the use of nasogastric tubes increased the risk of the AAD is caused by S. aureus [85,86]. If symp-
C. difficile AAD (aOR: 5.63; 95% CI: toms persist, if vancomycin cannot be given
4.52–6.41) even after adjusting for age, gender, orally, or if ileus is present, vancomycin may be
length of stay and antibiotic use [8]. given via nasogastric tube or by enema. In simi-
lar cases, metronidazole may be delivered intra-
Multivariate risk factor analyses venously [85]. Intravenous immunoglobulin as an
Many of the above risk factors are closely corre- adjunct to vancomycin has been helpful in a few
lated and the individual risk estimates of AAD cases, but controlled randomized trials are lack-
attributable to each factor are thus difficult to ing. The higher rate of metronidazole treatment
quantitate. Multivariate models allow the failures associated with the BI/NAP1/027
assessment of the risk for each factor, while C. difficile strain raises the concern that the two
simultaneously adjusting for the influences of most replied upon antibiotics may not be effec-
the other risk factors in the model. Unfortu- tive in the future. Other antibiotics under inves-
nately, the majority of studies utilizing multi- tigation for C. difficile AAD include
variate modeling have focused on just one nitrazoxanide, tiacumicin B and rifampin [87–89],
etiology of AAD (C. difficile), so the risk factors but other treatments for non-C. difficile AAD
for other etiologies of AAD need to be studied are urgently needed.
using this method of analysis. Multivariate Another difficult treatment problem is recur-
analyses indicate that antibiotics and exposures rent C. difficile AAD. This form of C. difficile-
that perturb colonic microbiota are consistently associated AAD has been noted in 20% of
predictive of C. difficile AAD. Most multi- patients after their initial episode of C. difficile
variate models for C. difficile AAD have found AAD has been treated, and recurrent episodes
age over 65 years, exposure to antibiotics, may persist for up to 4 years, despite multiple
comorbidities and length of hospitalization to treatments with antibiotics [49,90]. Strategies of
be common risk factors for this type of AAD antibiotic treatment for recurrent C. difficile
[33,64,78,79,83,84]. AAD include a repeat course of antibiotic using a
prolonged, tapering dose schedule or a pulsed
Treatments for AAD (every other day) scheme [90]. The need to find
Discontinuation of inciting antibiotic an effective treatment that would not further
For uncomplicated cases of AAD, the most pru- perturb the colon microbiota (as with an addi-
dent measure is to discontinue or change the tional course of antibiotics) has generated inter-
inciting antibiotic if possible, as shown in Figure 3 est in nonantibiotic-dependent treatments. The

future science group 571

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Figure 3. Treatment algorithm for antibiotic-associated diarrhea and Clostridium difficile

antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

AAD diagnosed

No known etiology Clostridium difficile-positive Other etiology found

• Stop inciting antibiotic •Toxin or culture-positive • Appropriate antibiotic or antifungal
• Switch to lower-risk antibiotic • Rule out other etiologies for diarrhea

Asymptomatic carrier Primary episode of C. difficile AAD

• No treatment • Stop inciting antibiotic if possible
• Treat with oral metronidazole (500 mg t.i.d., 10–15 days)
• Treat with oral vancomycin (125–250 mg q.i.d., 10 days)

Initial resolution of symptoms

Persistence of symptoms or
development of serious colitis
• Intravenous metronidazole or
First recurrence of C. difficile AAD vancomycin enema
• Retreat with metronidazole or vancomycin • Intravenous immunoglobulin
• Last resort: colectomy

Repeated C. difficile recurrences

• Pulsed or tapering course of vancomycin If no response, consider investigational
• Adjunctive treatment with probiotics therapies
• Fecal replacement therapy • Intravenous immunoglobulin
• Toxin-binding polymers
• Investigational antibiotics

AAD: Antibiotic-associated diarrhea; q.i.d.: Four-times daily; t.i.d.: Three-times daily.

rationale is to find a treatment strategy that some bacterial and yeast strains as probiotics for
would allow the re-establishment of normal the prevention of AAD, the evidence for
microbiota (and colonization resistance) or C. difficile AAD is weaker. The advantages of
decrease bowel motility while limiting the use using living microbes is that they are effective
of additional antibiotics. One tactic has been to while minimizing the impact on normal intestinal
use toxin-binders instead of targeting the patho- microbiota and, unlike antibiotic treatments, have
gen directly with antibiotics. One investigational not been associated with serious adverse effects.
drug, tolevamer, is a good example of using a
toxin binder and Phase III trials are ongoing [91]. Other types of treatments
As it has been shown in several studies that patients
Probiotic therapy with recurrent C. difficile AAD may be immuno-
Use of living organisms as a treatment or prophy- suppressed, use of pooled immunoglobulin as a
laxis for AAD has been tried using several species, treatment strategy has been reported in several case
and probiotics are widely used in Europe for reports and series, but there are no controlled trials
diarrhea therapy [6,92]. Probiotics are defined as to date [94,95]. Other types of treatments under
‘living microorganisms, which administered in investigation include colonization with nontoxi-
adequate amounts, confer health benefits to the genic strains of C. difficile and fecal replacement
host’ [93]. Although the evidence is strong for therapy using donor stool infusions [85].

572 Future Microbiol. (2008) 3(5) future science group

Antibiotic-associated diarrhea: epidemiology, trends & treatment – REVIEW

Surgery should be considered the last resort A meta-analysis of 25 randomized controlled

for some patients with severe or fulminant cases trials (involving 2810 patients) found that probi-
of C. difficile AAD and intractable PMC. otics have an overall protective efficacy for AAD
Although the rate of colectomy has ranged from (pooled RR: 0.43, 95% CI: 0.31–0.58) [101].
3.4 out of 1000 to 23% in C. difficile AAD Another meta-analysis limited the trials to those
patients [55,96], the rate of mortality is high in done with children and pooled results from six
these patients (44–47%) [55,97]. Patients with randomized, controlled trials (involving
severe disease treated with emergency colectomies 766 children) and found a protective effect
(soon after C. difficile AAD diagnosis) have a sig- (pooled RR: 0.44; 95% CI: 0.25–0.77) [102]. The
nificantly lower mortality rate (34%) than patients efficacy was most pronounced for L. rhamnosus
treated with metronidazole or vancomycin before GG, Saccharomyces cerevisiae variant boulardii
surgery was performed (58%) [55]. and a mixture of Bifidobacterium lactis and Strep-
tococcus thermophilus. In another study,
Prevention Szajewska et al. limited their meta-analysis to
Because AAD is a direct effect of the use of anti- randomized, controlled trials of one type of pro-
biotics, simultaneous use of a probiotic which is biotic (S. cerevisiae boulardii) [103]. Pooling the
not sensitive to the prescribed antibiotic (such results from five trials (involving 1076 subjects), a
as a yeast probiotic) may be an effective prophy- significantly protective effect was found (pooled
lactic strategy. Another recommendation is to RR: 0.43; 95% CI: 0.23–0.78). However, most
limit the abuse and overuse of antibiotics. Anti- of the protective effect was due to two studies
biotics are overprescribed for viral respiratory with S. cerevisiae boulardii. Although these results
infections and bronchitis and the overuse of show promise, more clinical trials testing differ-
antibiotics has been shown to be associated with ent types of probiotics are needed for C. difficile
an increase in antibiotic-associated complica- AAD and other types of AAD. In addition, it is
tions, such as AAD and antibiotic resistance important to note that the therapeutic effect is
[1,98]. Kardas et al. analyzed data from specific to the probiotic strain, so clinical efficacy
46 studies and found that the mean compliance found for one strain does not guarantee efficacy
with a course of antibiotic was only 62%, part for another type of probiotic.
of which may be due to the development of Prebiotics are ‘nondigestible food ingredients
AAD [2]. Rational use of antibiotics may well be that benefically affect the host by selectively stim-
the best preventive in our arsenal. ulating the growth and/or activity of one or a lim-
There are several lines of evidence that probi- ited number of bacteria in the intestine’ [104].
otics may be effective for preventing AAD. Beau- Lewis et al. randomized 435 elderly inpatients
soleil et al. conducted a double-blind (>65 years old) taking broad spectrum antibiotics
randomized study of hospitalized patients for the to either a prebiotic (oligofructose, 12 g/d) or
prevention of AAD using fermented milk with a placebo [105]. Patients were treated during the
mixture of two lactobacilli strains duration of the antibiotics and for an additional
(Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus acidophilus 7 days. Patients given the prebiotic developed
CI1285) compared with placebo milk [99]. Of AAD at a similar rate (36 out of 215, 17%) to the
89 enrolled patients, AAD occurred in 7 out of control patients (37 out of 220, 16.8%).
44 (15.9%) of the probiotic milk group, and sig-
nificantly more (16 out of 45, 35.6%) of the pla- Control of AAD
cebo group developed AAD. There were no The prevention of AAD and C. difficile AAD that
adverse effects of either treatment in this study. is associated with healthcare facilities has been
Wenus et al. also found a significant protection easier to control than trying to reduce inappro-
of probiotic fermented milk in their study of priate antibiotic use. Several studies have shown
87 adult inpatients receiving antibiotics [100]. positive results when focused efforts have been
Patients were randomized to either a probiotic taken on several levels. The first step is to
fermented milk (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, promptly diagnosis and treat cases (when appro-
Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 and Bifidobacte- priate), which limits the spread of the organism
rium bifidus Bb-12) or a control group with into the hospital environment. The second step is
heat-killed bacteria. Significantly fewer patients to limit the transmission of pathogens through
(2 out of 46, 5.9%) given the probiotic milk increased enteric precautions, use of disposable
developed AAD compared with the patients gloves and thermometers, increased room disin-
receiving the control milk (8 out of 41, 27.6%). fection and increased educational programs for

future science group 573

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hospital personnel [3]. Hospital wide restriction Conclusion

of high-risk antibiotics (clindamycin and second AAD continues to become more frequent due to
or third-generation cephalosporins) and control- the increase in broad spectrum antibiotics, the
ling inappropriate antibiotic prophylaxis has aging of the population and the increasing fre-
been shown to be effective in reducing nosoco- quency of healthcare-associated outbreaks. Four
mial rates of C. difficile AAD [3,98]. Integrated, major factors increase the risk of AAD and
multidisciplinary multilevel infection control pro- C. difficile AAD: host characteristics (age, co-
grams have been shown to be effective in reducing morbidity), exposure to fomites (shared hospital
outbreaks of C. difficile AAD and may well be rooms, prolonged hospital stays), medications
effective even in cases where the etiology is not (antibiotics, chemotherapy, motility altering
known, but is amenable to the same infection drugs, antacids) and medical procedures (sur-
control practices as C. difficile AAD [32,106]. gery, enemas). AAD may result in increased costs

Executive summary

• A lower incidence of antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD) is found in outpatients and

community populations.
• Higher incidences of AAD are found in healthcare-associated settings.
• Secular trends show a continued increase in incidence over time.

Clinical presentation

• AAD ranges from mild diarrhea to inflammatory colitis to pseudomembranous colitis (PMC).
• AAD may occur while taking antibiotics, or develop as much as 8 weeks afterwards.
• Duration of AAD ranges from 1 day to several months.
• Colitis and PMC are associated with fever, leukocytosis and abdominal cramping.


• AAD may cause extended hospital stays and increased healthcare costs.
• Recurrent AAD may occur in 20–50% of patients.
• Mortality is increased in severe cases of AAD.


• Disruption of normal intestinal microbiota is the key step that causes susceptibility.
• Overgrowth of opportunistic pathogens or altered fermentation results in the development
of symptoms.
• Etiologic agents for AAD include Clostridium difficile, Clostridium perfringens, Klebsiella oxytoca and
Staphylococcus aureus.

Risk factors

• High-risk antibiotics (especially clindamycin, cephalosporins and penicillins).

• Low-risk antibiotics (fluoroquinolones and macrolides).
• Host factors (advanced age, immunosuppression and co-morbidities).
• Exposure to pathogens (hospitalization, shared rooms and outbreaks).
• Procedures (nasogastric tube feeding and surgery).


• Discontinue inciting antibiotic or switch to a lower risk antibiotic if possible.

• If C. difficile AAD, treat with metronidazole or vancomycin.
• Consider probiotics for recurrent C. difficile AAD or to prevent AAD.
• Colectomy for nonresponsive cases.


• Rational use of antibiotics.

• Prompt diagnosis and treatment.
• Infection control programs for inpatients.

574 Future Microbiol. (2008) 3(5) future science group

Antibiotic-associated diarrhea: epidemiology, trends & treatment – REVIEW

of medical care and has infrequent, but serious understanding of the complexity of the inter-
complications, especially if the etiology is actions between intestinal bacteria and the dis-
C. difficile. Further research into treatments and covery of the identity of more etiologies of AAD
preventive measures are required. is just around the corner. With these insights,
Limitations in the literature on AAD include a rational infection control programs should be
lack of standardized definitions for AAD. Studies able to limit healthcare-associated outbreaks of
often report different etiologies or do not fully AAD and lessen the impact on the healthcare
diagnose them, have a variety of incubation community at large.
period definitions, follow patients for varying
times and use different diagnostic procedures. In Veterans administration disclaimer
addition, treatment or prevention clinical trials are The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do
needed with consistant inclusion and exclusion not represent the views of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
criteria, using standardized study drug doses and
durations and intention to treat analyses. Financial & competing interests disclosure
The author has no relevant affiliations or financial involve-
Future perspective ment with any organization or entity with a financial inter-
As C. difficile AAD continues to plague health- est in or financial conflict with the subject matter or
care settings and rates continue to increase, effec- materials discussed in the manuscript. This includes employ-
tive control programs and newer treatments will ment, consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or options,
be the focus of future research. The development expert testimony, grants or patents received or pending,
of technologically advanced molecular probes are or royalties.
beginning to characterize new, previously uncul- No writing assistance was utilized in the production of
turable species of intestinal microbes. A greater this manuscript.

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difficile associated diarrhea. Clin. Infect. Dis. 100. Wenus C, Goll R, Loken EB, Biong AS, Affiliation
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92. Elmer GW, McFarland LV, McFarland M: antibiotic-associated diarrhoea by a Department of Health Services Research &
Antibiotics-associated diarrhea and colitis fermented probiotic milk drink. Eur. J. Clin. Development, Puget Sound Veterans
(Chapter 4). In: The Power of Probiotics: Nutr. 62(2), 299–301 (2008). Administration, Healthcare System,
Improving Your Health with Beneficial 101. McFarland LV: Meta-analysis of probiotics S-152, 1100 Olive Way, #1400 Seattle,
Microbes. Haworth Press, Binghamton, for prevention of antibiotic associated WA 98101, USA
NY, USA (2007). diarrhea and treatment of Clostridium Tel.: +1 206 277 1095;
• Comprehensive and patient-friendly guide difficile disease. Am. J. Gastroenterology 101, Fax: +1 206 764 2935;
on important aspects of probiotics and 812–822 (2006).
therapy. Describes how to choose an • Largest meta-analysis of probiotics and and,
effective probiotic and provides detailed AAD/C. difficile AAD to date, reviewing Department of Medicinal Chemistry,
evidence-based data on clinical trials from a 25 randomized controlled trials on AAD Box 357610, School of Pharmacy,
wide variety of diseases. and five on C. difficile AAD. Overall, University of Washington, Seattle,
93. Reid G: Food and Agricultural Organization probiotics showed a significant protective WA 98101, USA
of the United Nation and the WHO. effect for both diseases.

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