0.1 Draft How To Reformat A Computer Using Windows 7 ICT Lesson Plan Grade 9

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Republic of the Philippines

University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines

Formerly Mindanao University of Science and Technology
CM Recto Avenue Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City
Tel. Nos.: (088) 856-1738 / 856-1739; Tel. Fax: (088) 856-4696

RATE: _________________
Ryan Dumip-ig Benjamin A. Tagaan
BSED-TLE 4W3 T-1 TLE Department
Subject: TLE_ICT Computer System Servicing


I. Learning Objectives
At the end of 4 hours, 95% of the ICT Grade 9 students are expected to:
a. back up and save the files to an external hard drive
b. obtain the computer's name if connected to a network
c. insert the Windows 7 installation disc
d. turn off the computer
e. power on the computer
f. format the C drive
g. restore your saved files.

II. Learning Content

How To Reformat Using Windows 7

III. Instructional Materials


Computer Hard drive or disc or Flash drive

IV. Learning Procedure

Teachers’ Activity Student’s Activity

A. Daily Routine
- Greetings
“A Pleasant Morning to all of you “A Pleasant Morning Sir. We are
class! How are you?” fine.”

“Very Good.”
- Prayer (Prayer Leader prays … )
“May I request everyone to please
stand up for our opening prayer, and
please Miss rose kindly lead the
prayer.” “AMEN”

- Arranging of Chairs (Students arranging their chairs)

“Before you sit down. Please “Done Sir”
Arrange your chairs properly.”
“Okay, thank you!”

- Picking up of Garbage (Students picking up garbage and

“and pick up pieces of papers and pieces of papers) “Done Sir”
garbage and throw them in the
garbage can” “Thank you Sir.”
“Thank you” You may now sit down.”

- Checking of Attendance
“I will check your attendance. Say
present if your name is called.”
(The teacher will call the names of
the students)

- Review of Previous Topic (Some Students raise their hands)

“Okay. Before we proceed to our
next topic may I know what are the
things that we have discussed last
Anyone?” “We discussed about the networking
“Yes? Miss Vidal?” Can you tell us?”
(All students)“Yes Sir”

“Is Miss Vidal correct of her

“Yes. Very Good Miss Vidal.”

B. Lesson Proper
Motivation “Me Sir.”
“Who among you here uses any
gadgets?” (All students)“Yes Sir.”
“Have you formatted a gadget?”

Today, you are going to learn how to

reformat a computer. But before
that, you are going to play a game.
This game is called
Please read the instructions: (Everybody are reading the
1. I will divide the class into 3 instructions)
2. Form a word/s out from the
jumbled letters (inside the 6
boxes) shown in the screen
3. The game will take in 5
4. The group who could first
form the words in each boxes
will be the winner.
“Yes Sir”
Are the instructions clear? “Yes Sir”
“Are you ready?”
( The students are participating )
“Great! Let’s start in 3-2-1 Go!
(The students will now be playing
the game. The group 1 is recognizes
as a winner)
( The students are clapping their
“Alright! Thank you very much for hands)
your participation. Give yourself a
“OOPS Clap”
“Yes Sir”
“Have you enjoyed the game?” (Some Students raise their hands)
“So, who can guess what will be our
topic for today?” “I think it’s How To Reformat Using
“Yes Miss Bagac?” Windows”
“Thank you Sir”
“Wow!” “Very Good!” “Thank you
Miss Bagac”
“So our topic for today is “How To
Reformat Using Windows 7”

- Presentation of the lesson

“At this moment class, I would like
you listen and interact our
discussion because at the end of the
lesson I will a short quiz”. “Yes Sir”
“Thank You!”

“I would like to introduce to you the (The students read the tools and
tools and equipment we’ll use:” equipments)
 Computer
 Hard drive or disc or Flash
“And these are the steps to make it”: (The students read the steps)
1. back up and save the 1.
files to an external hard
2. obtain the computer's
name if connected to a
3. insert the Windows 7
installation disc
4. turn off the computer
5. power on the computer
6. format the C drive. 2.

a. you will see a

while start asking
you to “Press any
key to boot from
CD…” So press
any key on the
keyboard and
The Windows 7 3.
setup process will
be launched.
b. you can see the
Windows files will
be loaded.
c. you have to
choose your
d. click on Install
Now 4.
e. click on 'I accept
the license terms'
by reading the
agreements and
terms(if you want
to :-P) and click
f. a screen will
appear asking
'What type of 5.
installation do
you want?'
Choose Custom
g. a new window will
appear asking
'Where do you
want to install
Windows?' Now 6.
Click “Drive
h. select the
partition of your
existing operating
i. if your Hard Disk
has multiple drive
then be sure and a.
choose the
one(Generally its
"C[Partition 1]"
j. now Click on the
Drive and Click
on format.
k. after completing
this formatting b.
process you will
be notified.
l. after the very
completed click
m. after completion
of installation
your computer
will be restarted. c.
After starting
'Press any key to
n. Now just wait for
a min and your
PC will continue
booting and
complete the
whole installation
process within d.
just few more
o. finally the
now enter your
user name(this
will be your
Windows name) e.
and Windows will
ask you for a
password. This is
p. now click next
and type your
Windows 7
product key. And
check the
“Automatically f.
activate Windows
when I’m online”
q. now select the
windows update
option. To run
your system
securely and with
stability it's
g. .
that you choose h. .
one of the first i. .
two options. j. .
r. in the next
window set date
and time.
s. Next select
Generally most of
users select
Home Network
k. .
Everything done. l. .
After a final
loading Windows
will start. And
now you can
explore your PC.

7. restore your saved files.

“And this is how to reformat using

windows 7. Okay?”

“If you have any questions.” Don’t

hesitate to ask me.”







Okay Sir!”
So, can you do it for
yourselves now (The students are restating the steps)
?” Let’s do a short recap on
the steps:

1. back up and save the (The students perform the steps

files to an external hard demonstrated by their teacher.)
drive ”Okay Sir.”
2. obtain the computer's
name if connected to a
3. insert the Windows 7
installation disc
4. turn off the computer
5. power on the computer
6. format the C drive.

a. you will see a

while start asking
you to “Press any
key to boot from
CD…” So press
any key on the
keyboard and
The Windows 7
setup process will
be launched.
b. you can see the
Windows files will
be loaded.
c. you have to
choose your
d. click on Install
e. click on 'I accept
the license terms'
by reading the
agreements and
terms(if you want
to :-P) and click
f. a screen will
appear asking
'What type of
installation do
you want?'
Choose Custom
g. a new window will
appear asking
'Where do you
want to install
Windows?' Now
Click “Drive
h. select the
partition of your
existing operating
i. if your Hard Disk
has multiple drive
then be sure and
choose the
one(Generally its
"C[Partition 1]"
j. now Click on the
Drive and Click
on format.
k. after completing
this formatting
process you will
be notified.
l. after the very
completed click
m. after completion
of installation
your computer
will be restarted.
After starting
'Press any key to
n. Now just wait for
a min and your
PC will continue
booting and
complete the
whole installation
process within
just few more
o. finally the
now enter your
user name(this
will be your
Windows name)
and Windows will
ask you for a
password. This is
p. now click next
and type your
Windows 7
product key. And
check the
activate Windows
when I’m online”
q. now select the
windows update
option. To run
your system
securely and with
stability it's
that you choose
one of the first
two options.
r. in the next
window set date
and time.
s. Next select
Generally most of
users select
Home Network.
Everything done.
After a final
loading Windows
will start. And
now you can
explore your PC

7. restore your saved files.


“Now, I would like you to do it and

then apply what I had demonstrated

V. Assessment

“Your performance in doing the task

will be graded using this rubric:

Criteria Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactor

(30 points) (20 points) (15 points) y
(10 points)
Comprehension Students very Students most Students perfectly Students able
and perfectly able perfectly able to able to to comprehend
understanding to comprehend comprehend comprehend and and understand
and and understand understand the the concept but
understand the the concept concept needs the
concept teacher’s
Speed and Student was Student was Student was able Student was
mastery able to perform able to perform to perform the able to perform
the activity the activity activity the activity
successfully in successfully in successfully in 15 successfully in
10 minutes 12 minutes minutes more than 15
Attitude while Student Student Student Student did not
working participated in participated in participated in actively
all aspects of most aspects of some aspects of participate the
the the manipulation the manipulation manipulation of
manipulation of the computer of the computer the computer
of the

(So the teacher will check the output of the students and the rubric as tool for
VI. Assignment

“For your assignment, answer this

question in a ¼ sheet of paper for 10
1. What is internet?
2. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of internet

“Do you have any questions?” “No Sir.”

“Okay Thank you for your


“Now may I request Miss Gacayan

to lead the closing prayer” (Prayer)

“Alright!” “Thank you very much

class” “Have a great day!”
“Good bye Sir!”

Time distribution of one hour learning activity

A. Greetings 0 minute
Prayer 1 minute
Arranging of chairs 1 minute
Picking up of garbage 1minute
Checking of attendance 1 minute
Review of previous topic 3 minutes
B. Lesson Proper
Motivation 3 minutes

Presentation of the topic 22 minutes

Recapitulation 10 minutes
Application 10 minutes
Evaluation (Rubrics) 4 minutes
Assignment 4 minutes

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