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FMP Evaluation

Game Design

Kyran James Walker


When I started my modelling production I stated that I would be making WW2 weapons
and making them more modern with a diesel punk style. This meant that the guns would
still keep the atheistic of the old WW2 weapon while having a more modernized feel and
look to them. This would mean that the weapons and attachments would look like a mix
between old time looks with wooden trim, paint, and keeping the same frame but with
more modern construction methods and attachments. In task one I said I would create
some guns with corresponding attachments and a melee weapon in the style of WW2
diesel punk. I believe that these models that I have made do fit in to the WW2 diesel
punk style due to the fact that the weapons can clearly be recognized and the viewer
could tell what the base weapons references were. For example the Mauser model one
can see that it is a Broom-handle Mauser with a more modern look to it while still
retaining the WW2 feel. There was no narrative content to think of when making these
weapons models. The product dose meet the expectations and standards of my chosen

While the product meets the expectations and standards of my chosen genre. It
personally falls short of my own expectations because I believe that I could have done
better and worked faster to make higher quality models that the one that I have currently
made. I had much higher hopes for the final product but do to my own problems the
models came out at a lower quality then I had set out to complete.
There were many issues that I faced when making these models. First I did not know how
to make an image plane in Maya this meant that I would have had to keep tabbing out of
the Maya window and to a different window to view the reference image that I used for
modelling. In order to solve this I had help from a colleague that showed me how to use
an image plane which meant that any reference images that I need to use for modelling
could now be put in to Maya. This help to increase workflow speed since I know longer
need to Tab to a different window every 10 minutes.
Next I need to know how to professional model a weapon. At first I had tried using 3D
poly cubes and cylinder to make my weapon model. But this proved to inefficient as an
edit in one side of the model was not made on the opposite side leading to me having to
make the same edit twice. This meant that the model was uneven and lop-sided. So in
order to fix this I look up specific tutorials on how to make weapon models. These
tutorials side I should use panel modelling this method meant that the model was made in
2D but could be later made 3D with another tool. Panel modelling means that I would
manipulate a 2D panel in to the shape of the gun and using tools like extrude and cut
would add details to the model. Thanks to this technique I was able to make a much
higher detail and better looking model.

Then I had to make the model 3D I tried to just copy and paste the 2D model and
bridging the two together but this did not work. So I asked my teacher for advice on what
to do and he told me about the mirror tool. This tool allowed me to mirror an object and
neatly combine the two models meaning that I could turn a 2D model into 3D without
many complications.

After that I had to make sure that the model had the necessary detail on the gun like
indents and other things. To do this I had to use of the extrude tool to manipulate the
different faces. The problem that occurred here was that sometimes when I extrude a
face the normal would reverse meaning that the selected face was pitch black. The fix for
this was simple as I just had to flip them again using the reverse face tool.

Next problem that I had was there where too many polygons in the model. This meant
that if I were to texture it there would be problems with the UV. So in order to fix I had to
delete the unnecessary polygons and any internal polygons that wouldn’t be seen by
anyone. This makes it easier to unwrap and do the UV when I texture the model. Then
after that I tried to texture my model but I was unable to due to how complicated I find
the process. I had looked at my different tutorials on how to do it. But no matter how
many times I tried I was unable to do it. Any time I applied a texture it looked weird even
when I tried to fix it and make it look right. This was the same with all of the models I had
made which is why they all remain un-textured.

The problems I had while making the other models where the same as the first so the
solutions where identical as well. So in order to avoid repeating myself I will not be
writhing about those things.
The next problem that I had occurred was in the making the defined outline of the sketch
drawings. I had attempted to use a Wacom drawing tablet but was unable to since it
made me have a very weird disconnection when using it. As I tried to use it to draw I
found myself not being able coordinate myself properly with what was going on screen
and what my hand was doing on the tablet. So I instead opted to use the mouse as I found
that easier. There was a problem with the mouse though as the line I was drawing were
not straight. To fix this I went in to the tool setting and add a smoothing effect to the
mouse lines which made them a lot straighter and better to work with. I also had to get
my drawing from paper to the computer and in to illustrator. To do this was simple as I
just had to take a picture of them and send them to myself. Then I would just upload them
in to illustrator.
While I was doing research in to different weapons and weapon manufacturing
techniques I could not go on to have of the websites due to them being blocked. But
some websites were not blocked so I just used those site instead. These were all of the
problems and solutions that I had throughout the process of making my FMP.
In order to organize myself properly so I could meet deadlines. I made sure that I
attended all of my lessons so I did not miss any time to work on my FMP. And I also did
some work at home to make sure that I did not fall behind in my FMP work. Also I had my
time planner which detailed what I would be doing on what days and how I would do it.
Even though I did not follow it all the time I made sure to try and stick to it as much as
possible but there where time were I could not adhere to the time planner.

While I work solo on the majority of my FMP Project there were time where I had help
from my peers. This was just general help for example reminding me of Maya shortcuts
and useful tips. I do personally believe that I had approached them in a professional
manner when I approached them for help.

This can be evidenced because as I stated before in an earlier part of this evaluation I
had wrote “In order to solve this I had help from a colleague”. Also here is a quote form
one of my peers that I had help from. Nicole Stott – “When Kyran requested help from me
he approached me in a mature way and proceeded to help him with his task.”

The strength of my project is that believe that I have done a good job with making the
weapon models. They have been model and look realistic and like they could be made
and used it real life. They are of high quality and do not have any rouge polygons that
stick out. All though I could have textured them but as said before I found texturing to be

very difficult to do. But other than that I believe I have done my model to an AA standard.
[AA is a mid-level game]

Nicole Stott – In all the models Kyran has created, you can tell that he took care in the
details of the guns and the gun attachments. The gun models he created are highly
realistic and very detailed. To my knowledge I know that Kyran struggled with certain
aspects of the gun models since they are very complex to model. Overall the models are
very detailed and very realistic.

Gregory Howsam – The details of the guns are kept and even updated, keeping things
fresh while keeping them familiar. As an improvement, I think it would be best to
replicate the rounds of the guns (7.63 Mauser and 9x19mm Parabellum respectively) as
to give an idea of the guns power.

Stephen White – The models that Kyran James Walker are to a high standard and very
detailed. The Maya models look like they were made by a professional modeller. The
finer details on the guns are very realistic in terms of size and proportions of each of the
parts. When comparing the guns to the real life counterparts in WW2 there the exact
same with few minor details changed. Overall he has done well in terms of modelling
and has come a long way since the beginning of the course.

Cameron Speed – The models of the guns above have both been complete to a very
good quality and very high standard of work I strongly suggest to use these in a war
game if this the type of style of gaming, Please consider the following questions very
carefully who is the main villain in this game? Or what is the objective of this game? And
how many characters would be in this game and who are they?
The response I have got from the audience it that my models are of a high standard and
that are well detailed. They have also said that they could see that the guns being used in
real life or a game. In response to the improvements that they have suggested. Is that I
should have modelled the ammunition that the guns would use. And what type of game
that they would be used in. it will be used in a deiseal punk type of game set in an
alternative history of the WW2 era. The main villain would eldritch cultists and there
minions. The objective would be to stop them and you would play a soldier going to stop
the cultists.
In conclusion I have done well in creating my models in Maya. There were problems that
I had encountered but I was able to overcome them and create solutions to those

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