0kkmagic Lantern 8 MId Term Assessment Answer

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Mid-Term Assessment


A. 1. J – get a bit of paper to write down the plan, George- get the grocery catalogue Harris
himself- make the list.
2. Sea-mother, cloud- brother, waves- comrades.
3. Under the glare of the electric lights, Bob saw that his friend had a pug nose and not a
Roman one. This is how he caught on that he was not his friend Jimmy Wells.
4. 3rd of March 1887. Because Ann Mansfield Sullivan, her teacher, who taught her
everything with the help of touch and words and by doing so, improved the quality of her
life immensely came into her life on that day.
5. He thanks God for having given him the strength, the patience and ability to take up all
challenges in life. His unconquerable soul especially is what he is thankful for.
6. King Haakon VII’s Plateau.
7. because the past eighteen years of her life, she hasn’t had good education. She wants
to come out of that abyss of ignorance as soon as possible.
8. He believed that Uma must learn to be devoted to her husband. If she returned
frequently to her parents’ home, she would never settle down in her in-laws’ house.
B. 1. Roald Amundsen.
The object of his life had been to conquer the North Pole.
2. Hanssen, Wisting and Bjaaland.
3. Because it was a historic event. It had been all along a team effort. All the team
members had staked their lives in the struggle to get to the Pole and had held together
through thick and thin.
4. Helge was one of the dogs that had pulled the sledge. He had been an uncommonly
useful and good natured dog pulling from morning to night without any fuss.
He had to be killed because he had become unwell and could do no work. He had become a
burden on the others as well.
C. 1. c 2. e 3. a 4. f 5. d
D. 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True
F. Prepositions
1. at 2. Behind 3. Under 4. On-in 5. Over

G. Comparison of Adjectives
1. No other man in the neighbourhood is richer than him.
2. She bought a large car.
3. It is hotter than it was yesterday.
4. These lessons are more important than the others in our syllabus.
5. She is the thinnest one amongst us.

H. Punctuation
“It’s getting late!” exclaimed Rini as the wait for an auto stretched from 5 minutes to 15. It had
started to drizzle and neither she nor Rishabh have an umbrella. The few taxis that passed
by were all occupied. Nobody was willing to stop for two children standing by the road getting
wet. “Didi, what should we do?” asked Rishabh. “Don’t bother me kid”, snapped Rini. “Let me
think”. As it was beginning to get dark, an auto came to a halt beside them. They scrambled
inside. “ You do have the fare, don’t you?” asked the driver.

I. Participle
1. Driven   2. having seen   3. known   4. leading   5. playing


(i) a) The world is transitioning into a post-antibiotic era where common infections and
minor injuries will begin to kill, thanks to increasing antibiotic resistance (ABR).
b) It is the interplay of domestic factors such as a weak public health system, cheap
antibiotics available in the market, and their unregulated use, that has created ideal
conditions for superbugs.
c) Prescription of antibiotics for minor ailments, poor regulation of pharmacies, new
virtual markets that have made selling of medicines an opportunity for financial gains
and lack of awareness among people regarding the appropriate use of antibiotics
that has led to self- medication and non adherence to the prescribed course of
(ii) a) turning into the possible reason for prolonged illness, disability and death.
b) spreading out resistant pathogens called superbugs, into the atmosphere.
c) makes bacteria resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics that indications free movement of
ABR across borders.
d) drug distributors often sell drugs without proper prescriptions for their own financial
e) appropriate use of antibiotics; non-adherence to prescribed course of antibiotics.
(iii) a. ailment b. consumption c. curative d. virtual e. intensify
(iv) a. iv b. ii c. iv d. iv e iv

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