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Rule 67 Other constitutional provisions: a.

Sec. 18, Art. XII (National Economy and
Patrimony) - recognizes the authority of
the state to transfer to public ownership

Preliminaries and operation, privately owned

enterprises and utilities upon the
The power of eminent domain is one
payment of just compensation, when
of the inherent powers of the state
required by national welfare and
together with police and taxation power.
defense. b.) Sec. 22, Art. XVIII
Being inherent, no law or even the
(Transitory Provisions) - State may also
Constitution may confer it. Therefore,
expropriate idle or abandoned
any provision in law or Constitution
agricultural lands for distribution to the
making reference to it is only a limitation
beneficiaries of the agrarian reform
to its exercise.
The right of eminent domain is “the
The scope of the power of eminent
ultimate right of the sovereign power to
domain, as exercised by Congress is
appropriate, not only the public but the
plenary and is as broad as the police
private property of all citizens within the
power. Such power however, may also
territorial sovereignty, to public
be delegated to local political
purpose.” (Republic v. Heirs of Borbon,
subdivisions and public utilities.
G.R. No. 165354, January 12, 2015).

Sec. 9, Art. III of the Constitution lay

down specific limitations to its exercise Essence of expropriation; concept of

by requiring that the taking of private “public use”

property be done only for public use and Expropriation is forced private
upon payment of just compensation. property taking, the landowner being
The due process and equal protection really without a ghost of a chance to
clauses in Sec. 1 of Art. III of the defeat the case of the expropriating
Constitution likewise serve as limitations agency. In other words, the private
to the exercise of such power. owner is deprived of property against his
Public use, as an eminent domain
concept, has now acquired an
Government has no unrestricted title
expansive meaning to include any use
to the land expropriated
that is of usefulness, utility, or
advantage, or what is productive of A condemnor should commit to

general benefit.” use the property pursuant to the

purpose stated in the petition for
It is essential that the element of
expropriation, failing which it should file
public use of the property be maintained
another petition for the new purpose. If
throughout the proceedings for
not, the condemnor is required to return
expropriation. If not, it is incumbent upon
the property to its owner, if the latter so
the expropriator to return the said
property to its private owner, if the latter
desires to reacquire the same.
Otherwise, the property owner would be Exercise of eminent domain by local
denied due process of law, and the government units
judgment would violate the property
Section 19, RA 7160, also known
owner’s right to justice, fairness and
as the Local Government Code,
delegates to local government units the
power of eminent domain. The

Meaning of just compensation requisites under the said provision are:

Just compensation is defined as a. An ordinance is enacted by a

the full and fair equivalent of the local legislative council to

property taken from its owner by the exercise the power of eminent

expropriator. The word “just” is used to domain, or pursue expropriation

intensify the meaning of the word proceedings over a particular

“compensation” and to convey the idea private property through its chief

that the equivalent to be rendered for executive;

the property to be taken shall be real, b. The power of eminent domain is

substantial, full and ample. exercised for public use, purpose

or welfare, or for the benefit of the into the propriety of the expropriation –
poor and the landless; its necessity and the public purpose.
c. The power may be exercised
The first stage will end in the
through its chief executive acting
issuance of an order of expropriation if
pursuant to the enacted
the court finds for the plaintiff, or in the
dismissal of the complaint if it finds
d. There is payment of just
compensation, as required under
Section 9, Article III of the Second: Determination of just

Constitution, and other pertinent compensation through the court-

laws; and appointed commissioners.

e. A valid and definite offer has

been previously made to the
Matters to be alleged in a complaint
owner of the property sought to
for expropriation
be expropriated, but said offer
was not accepted. An expropriation proceeding is
commenced by the fling of a verified
The local government unit cannot
complaint which shall:
authorize an expropriation of private
property through a mere resolution of a. state with certainty the right of the
its lawmaking body. RA 7160 plaintiff to expropriation and the
expressly requires an ordinance for purpose thereof;
the purpose and a resolution that b. describe the real or personal
merely expresses the sentiment of property sought to be
the municipal council will not suffice. expropriated; and
c. join as defendants all persons
owning or claiming to own, or
Stages in the expropriation process occupying, any part of the

First: Determination of the property or interest therein

authority of the plaintiff to expropriate. showing as far as practicable the

This determination includes an inquiry interest of each defendant. If the

plaintiff cannot with accuracy
identify the real owners, averment defense to the taking of his property.
to that effect must be made in the This answer shall be served within the
complaint (Sec. 1, Rule 67, Rules time stated in the summons.
of Court).
He shall also allege all his
objections and defenses to the taking of
his property because those not adduced
Service of summons; who may be
are deemed waived.
If he fails to allege some
The defendant shall be served
defenses in the answer, the remedy of
with summons. The defendants in an
the defendant is to seek leave to amend
expropriation proceeding are not limited
the answer within 10 days from the filing
to the owners of the property
condemned. They include all other
persons owning, occupying or claiming Under Rule 67, the defendant
to own the property. cannot file an answer with a
counterclaim, answer with a cross-claim,
or third-party complaint. Also, a
Court with jurisdiction defendant who does not file an answer,

An action for expropriation is filed will not totally lose his standing in court

with the Regional Trial Court because it unlike the defendant in an ordinary civil

is an action incapable of pecuniary action who cannot take part in the trial if

estimation regardless of the value of the he is declared in default for failure to file

property. his answer.

An answer is not required if the

defendant has no objection or defense
Defenses and objections in the
to the action or to the taking of his
property. Instead, he may file and serve
The defendant shall serve an a: (a) notice of appearance, and (b)
answer if he has objection to the: (a) manifestation to the fact that he has no
filing of the complaint, (b) allegations in objection or defense to the taking of his
the complaint, or (c) objection or
property, within the time stated in the property should the court decide in favor
summons. of the plaintiff, and should it be
otherwise, the deposit shall serve as
Entry upon the property or
indemnity against any damage which
possession thereof; deposit and
the owner may have sustained. (Visayan
Refining Company v. Camus and
Under Sec. 2 of Rule 67, in order Paredes)
to be entitled to the possession of the
property, the plaintiff, upon the filing of
the complaint or at anytime thereafter,
must deposit with the proper
RA 8974 as modification of Sec. 2,
government authority an amount
Rule 67
equivalent to the assessed value of the
property for purposes of taxation with an RA 8974, otherwise known as

authorized government depositary, "An Act to Facilitate the Acquisition of

which deposit shall be held by the bank Right-of-Way, Site or Location for

subject to the orders of the court. National Government Infrastructure

Projects and For Other Purposes," and
Notice is required to be sent to
its Implementing Rules and Regulations
the defendant before the plaintiff shall
has modified Sec. 2 of Rule 67.
have the right to take or enter upon the
possession of the real property involved. RA 8974 requires that the
Government make a direct payment to
The making of the required
the property owner before the writ may
deposit entitles the plaintiff to the
issue as compared to Rule 67. It only
immediate possession of the property
applies in instances when the national
although there was no prior hearing. All
government expropriates property for
that is required for the immediate
national government infrastructure
possession is notice to the owner and
the deposit.

The deposit shall serve as an

advanced payment to the owner of the
Deposit under the Local Government An appeal of the order will not,
Code however, prevent the court from
determining the just compensation to be
Be it noted that under Sec. 19 of
paid and shall not delay the right of the
the Local Government Code, the local
plaintiff to enter the property.
government unit may immediately take
possession of the property upon the Just compensation
filing of the expropriation proceedings
Upon the issuance of the
and making a deposit with the proper
order of expropriation, the court shall
court of at least 15 percent of the fair
appoint not more than 3 commissioners
market value of the property based on
to ascertain the just compensation for
the current tax declaration of the
the property. A hearing before the
property to be expropriated.
commissioners is indispensable to allow
the parties to present evidence on the
issue of just compensation.
Order of expropriation
RTC is to observe the following
An order of expropriation shall
guidelines for the proper determination
issue in any of the following cases:
of just compensation as provided by
(a) In the event objections of the jurisprudence: (a) just compensation
defendant are overruled; or must be valued at the time of taking of
(b) When no party appears to object the property expropriated, or the time
to or defend against the when the owner was deprived of the use
expropriation. and benefit of his property; (b) interest

After the rendition of the order of may be awarded as may be warranted

expropriation, the plaintiff shall not be by the circumstances of the case; and

permitted to dismiss or discontinue the (c) just compensation must be arrived at

proceeding except upon such terms as pursuant to the guidelines set forth in

the court deems just and equitable. The Section 17 of RA 6657 and outlined in a

order is also appealable by any party formula provided in DAR A.O. No. 5.

aggrieved by such order. The judgment rendered as to

compensation is also appealable.
Just compensation is to be A real mortgage is an accessory
ascertained at the time of taking of the contract executed by a debtor in favor of
property or the filing of the complaint, a creditor as security for the principal
whichever comes first. obligation. It must be constituted on a
real property or alienable real rights.
Payment shall consist of the
amount fixed in the judgment including The mortgagor need not be the
legal interest from the taking of debtor and the latter need not be the
possession of the property. mortgagor. There can also be several
mortgages over the same property since
If the defendant and his counsel
there is no law prohibiting it.
absent themselves from the court, or
decline to receive the amount tendered, Failure to register the instrument
the same shall be ordered deposited in in the Register of Deeds does not affect
court, which will have the same effect as its validity between the parties.
actual payment to the defendant or the Registration is only necessary to bind
person ultimately adjudged entitled third persons.

Failure to pay by the government

Dragnet Clause or Blanket Mortgage
does not automatically entitle the
landowner to recover possession of the
expropriated lots; instead, the Dragnet or Blanket Mortgage

government has 5 years with which to Clause are provision in a mortgage

pay. contract where the mortgage is a

security for past, present and future
Rule 68


When foreclosure is proper; demand
to pay

Foreclosure of real estate

mortgage presupposes that the debtor
failed to pay his debt despite demand. Court with jurisdiction
The issue of whether demand was made
The MTC or RTC has jurisdiction
before the foreclosure was effected is
in actions to foreclose a mortgage
essential. If demand was made and duly
depending on the assessed value of the
received by the respondents and the
property involved.
latter still did not pay, then they were
already in default and foreclosure was
proper. However, if demand was not Judicial foreclosure and extrajudicial
made, then the loans had not yet foreclosure
become due and demandable.
Extrajudicial foreclosure is the
In case of default of the debtor, mode to be used if there is a special
the creditor has the following alternative power inserted in or attached to the real
remedies: (a) to file an action for estate mortgage contract allowing an
collection of a sum of money; or (b) to extrajudicial foreclosure sale. Where
foreclose the mortgage, if one has been there is no such special power, the
constituted. The election of one foreclosure shall be done judicially
constitutes as a waiver of the other. through Rule 68.

Pactum commissorium; not a valid Judgment on foreclosure; payment or

agreement sale

Pactum commissorium is “a If after the trial, the court finds

stipulation empowering the creditor to that the matters set forth in the
appropriate the thing given as guaranty complaint are true, it shall render a
for the fulfillment of the obligation in the judgment containing the following
event the obligor fails to live up to his matters: (a) an ascertainment of the
undertakings, without further formality, amount due to the plaintiff upon the
such as foreclosure proceedings, and a mortgage debt or obligation, including
public sale.” interest and other charges as approved
by the court, as well as costs; (b) a
judgment of the sum found due; (c) an
order that the amount found due be paid
Sale of the mortgaged property
to the court or to the judgment obligee
within a period of not less than ninety If the mortgagor fails to pay the

(90) days nor more than one hundred sum due within the period of 90-120

(120) days from the entry of judgment; days from the entry of judgment, the

(d) and an admonition that in default of mortgagee must file a motion for the

such payment the property shall be sold sale of the mortgaged property. Such

at public auction to satisfy the judgment motion is non-litigable and may be made

(Sec. 2, Rule 68, Rules of Court). ex parte.

Equity of redemption and right of Confirmation of the sale

redemption After the foreclosure sale has

The 90-day period talks about been effected, the mortgagee shall file a

equity of redemption, which is the right motion for the confirmation of the sale

to extinguish the mortgage and retain which requires a notice and a hearing.

ownership of the property by paying the The confirmation of the sale shall
debt even after the foreclosure sale operate to divest the rights in the
provided it is made before the sale is property of all the parties to the action
confirmed by the court. and vest their rights in the purchaser,

Right of redemption is a right subject to such rights of redemption as

granted to the mortgagor to reacquire may be allowed by law.

the property even after the confirmation The order of confirmation is

of the sale and the registration of the appealable, and if not appealed within
certificate of sale. Right of redemption the period for appeal, such order
only exists in extrajudicial foreclosure becomes final.
and not in judicial foreclosure, the
Upon the finality of the order of
exception being when the foreclosure is
confirmation or upon the expiration of
in favor of banks.
the period for redemption when allowed
by law, the purchaser at the auction sale in the registry of deeds. If there is no
or last redemptioner, if any, shall be right of redemption, the certificate of title
entitled to the possession of the property in the name of the mortgagor shall be
and he may secure a writ of possession, cancelled, and a new one shall be
upon motion, from the court which issued in the name of the purchaser.
ordered the foreclosure unless a third
party is actually holding the same
adversely to the judgment obligor. Deficiency judgment; when there is
no deficiency judgment

If there be a balance due to the

Disposition of the proceeds of the
plaintiff after applying the proceeds of
foreclosure sale
the sale, the court, upon motion, shall
The proceeds of the sale of the render judgment against the defendant
mortgaged property shall, after for any such balance. Execution may
deducting the costs of the sale, be paid issue immediately if the balance is all
to the person foreclosing the mortgage, due at the time of the rendition of the
and when there shall be any balance or judgment. If not due, the plaintiff shall be
residue after paying off the mortgage entitled to execution at such time as the
debt due, the same shall be paid to remaining balance shall become due
junior encumbrancers in the order of and such due date shall be stated in the
their priority. If there be any further judgment (Sec. 6, Rule 68, Rules of
balance after paying them or if there be Court). The deficiency judgment is, in
no junior encumbrancers, the same shall itself, a judgment, hence, also
be paid to the mortgagor or any person appealable.
entitled thereto.
It is the duty of the mortgagee to
return to the mortgagor any surplus in
the selling price during the foreclosure
Registration of the sale
A certified copy of the final order
of the court confirming the sale is
necessary for the sale to be registered
Distinction between judicial (e) In a judicial foreclosure, recovery of
foreclosure and extrajudicial the deficiency can be done by mere
foreclosure motion for a deficiency judgment; in an
extrajudicial foreclosure, the recovery of
Judicial and extrajudicial
the deficiency is through an independent
foreclosures may be distinguished from
action and, although nothing about the
each other, as follows:
recovery of the deficiency is provided in
(a) A judicial foreclosure is governed by Act 3135, there is no prohibition either.
the Rules of Court; an extrajudicial
foreclosure is governed by Act 3135, as
amended. Rule 69

(b) A judicial foreclosure involves the PARTITION

filing of an independent action; an
extrajudicial judicial foreclosure does not
require the filing of an action. Partition is defined as the
separation, division and assignment of a
(c) There is an equity of redemption in a
thing held in common among those to
judicial foreclosure and no right of
whom it may belong. It presupposes the
redemption except when the mortgagee
existence of a co-ownership over a
is a banking institution; there is a right of
property between two or more persons.
redemption in extrajudicial foreclosure of
The rule allowing partition originates
from a well-known principle embodied in
(d) In a judicial foreclosure of mortgage, the Civil Code that no co-owner shall be
there could be a deficiency judgment obliged to remain in the co-ownership.
rendered by the court in the same
proceeding; there can be no judgment
for a deficiency in an extrajudicial Instances when a co-owner may not

foreclosure because there is no judicial demand partition at any time:

proceeding, although recovery of the (a) There is an agreement among the

deficiency is allowed. co-owners to keep the property
undivided for a certain period of time but
not exceeding ten years (Art. 494, Civil An action for partition of real
Code of the Philippines); property involves the title to, or
possession of, real property, or any
(b) When partition is prohibited by the
interest therein; hence, jurisdiction
donor or testator for a period not
should be determined by inquiring into
exceeding twenty years (Arts. 494 and
the assessed value of the real property.
1083, Civil Code of the Philippines);
It may be with the MTC or the RTC
(c) When partition is prohibited by law depending on the value of the property
(Art. 494, Civil Code of the Philippines); involved.

(d) When the property is not subject to a

physical division and to do so would
Modes of partition
render it unserviceable for the use for
which it is intended (Art. 495, Civil Code Partition may be made in either of
of the Philippines); or two ways: (a) by agreement of the
parties; or (b) by judicial proceedings
(e) When the condition imposed upon
under the Rules of Court when the
voluntary heirs before they can demand
parties cannot reach an agreement.
partition has not yet been fulfilled (Art.
1084, Civil Code of the Philippines).

Stages/phases in partition

Prescription of action for partition The first phase of a partition

and/or accounting suit is taken up with
Prescription does not run in favor
the determination of whether or not a co-
of a co-owner or co-heir against his co-
ownership in fact exists, and a partition
owner or co-heirs as long as there is a
is proper and may be made by voluntary
recognition of the co-ownership,
agreement of all the parties interested in
expressly o impliedly.
the property.

The second phase commences

Court with jurisdiction when it appears that “the parties are
unable to agree upon the partition”
directed by the court. In that event, in order, the court will issue an order for
partition shall be done for the parties by partition.
the court with the assistance of not more
than 3 commissioners.
Partition by agreement and by court-
appointed commissioners
Who may file action for partition;
The order for partition is one that
directs the parties or co-owners to
The action shall be brought by partition the property where they may
the person who has a right to compel make the partition among themselves by
the partition of real estate or of an estate proper instruments of conveyance, if
composed of personal property, or of they agree among themselves. If they
both real and personal property. do agree, the court shall then confirm
the partition so agreed upon by all the
The plaintiff is a person who is
parties, and such partition, together with
supposed to be a co-owner of the
the order of the court confirming the
property or estate sought to be
same, shall be recorded in the registry
partitioned. The defendants are all the
of deeds of the place where the property
co-owners, who are indispensable
is situated.
If the co-owners are unable to
agree upon the partition, the court shall
Order for partition; final order is appoint not more than 3 commissioners
appealable to make the partition for the parties.

During the trial, the court shall The commissioners shall make a
determine whether or not the plaintiff is report to the court of all their
truly a co-owner of the property, that proceedings to the partition where
there is indeed a co-ownership among copies are to be served upon all
the parties, and that a partition is not interested parties with notice that they
legally proscribed, thus, may be allowed. are allowed 10 days within which to file
If the court finds that a partition would be objections to the findings of the report.
The proceedings had before the
commissioners shall not bind the parties
or pass title to the property until the
court shall have accepted the report of
the commissioners and rendered
judgment thereon.

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