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WEEKS 9-16

Introduction 2
About the GFHG 4
Recommendations Before You Dive In 5
Equipment Recommendations 6
Disclaimers 8
The Workout Split 8
Reaching Your Goals with GFHG 11
Nutrition incl. Cheat Meals 12
Week 9 & 11
AMRAP Challenge 17
Lower Body 18
Upper Body 19
Full Body 20
Abs & Cardio 21
Week 10 & 12
Lower Body 23
Upper Body 24
Full Body 25
Abs & Cardio 26
Week 9 - 12
Booty 28
Arms & Abs 29
Legs & Cardio 30
Week 13 & 15
AMRAP Challenge 33
Lower Body 34
Upper Body 35
Full Body 36
Abs & Cardio 37
Week 14 & 16
Lower Body 39
Upper Body 40
Full Body 41
Abs & Cardio 42
Week 9 - 16
Booty 44
Arms & Abs 45
Legs & Cardio 46
AMRAP Challenge 47
Glossary 50

Hey you!

Welcome to your new Grace Fit Home Guide: #GFHG. Well done for
deciding to continue your journey to a stronger, fitter and more
confident you. If you’re willing to put in the work, then I KNOW you’ll go

Before you dive in, make sure you read the recommendations pages.
I know it’s easy to skip a load of writing, but by reading them you can
make sure you’re doing exactly the right thing, helping you to reach your
goals faster.

Thank you for being a part of the GFG family – a community of kind,
determined and likeminded people who want to lift each other up and
support each other on this journey.

Let’s get started!

Tag @gracefitguide @gracefituk #GFHG #GFG #GraceFitGuide

#GFGBB on social media for a chance to be featured on my pages!

My Social Media Pages
I post a variety of different things on each of my social medias. Make
sure you’re following along for everything from workouts to selfies, vlogs
to photos of dogs and much more!

Instagram: @gracefituk

Twitter: @gracefituk

YouTube: Search ‘Grace Fit UK’ or type: into the search bar

Depop: @gracefituk – for all clothes from brand new

activewear to fancy dresses, with 20% of profits going to

About The GFHG

So, now you’re here, let me tell you a little more about the #GFHG and
what it will help you to achieve when you put the work in.

I have always wanted working out to be as accessible as possible. I don’t

believe that you should need to be wealthy or financially successful to
be fit and healthy, and whilst I produce a number of products to en-
hance your workout experience, I will never claim that these are
necessary by any means. To get fit and healthy all you need is yourself
(and a little bit of determination).

Just over a year ago I created the #GFG: 24 weeks of weight training
workouts to be performed at the gym. The guides have done amazingly
well – over 15,000 women are currently doing them, achieving the most
incredible transformations in not only physical appearance but also in
strength, confidence and ability. I have always believed in the benefits of
weight training and gained a lot of my muscle growth progress through
doing so. That being said, I also fell in love with fitness through working
out with absolutely no equipment in my living room. When I first got
into working out, there was no way in hell I could afford a gym mem-
bership, so three times a week I jumped, lunged and planked around at
home getting fitter and fitter. For my first year of exercising consistently,
I trained at home, with the very occasional trip to my college gym room
if it was free between classes. Through working out at home, I got the
fittest and most ‘toned’ I have ever been.

The GFHG is designed to help you get fit and ‘tone up’ with minimal
equipment, from home or anywhere you choose! I fully believe that you
can get incredible progress in both weight loss and looking more
defined without stepping foot in a gym.

And that’s why, since last year, I have been working on the #GFHG: a
guide to help anyone, anywhere reach their fitness goals without any
fancy machines or expensive gym membership.

I hope you’ll love it as much as I do!

Recommendations Before You Dive

• TAKE PROGRESS PHOTOS! Take them before you start the guide and
from then on, every 1-4 weeks. Take the photos in the same place,
position, lighting and time of day to ensure you get the most reliable
progress reviews!
• I want to see your progress! Tag @gracefitguide @gracefituk #GFHG
#GFG #GraceFitGuide #GFGBB on social media for a chance to be
featured on my pages!
• Use the hashtags #GFHG #GFG #GraceFitGuide #GFGBB
#GFGFriends on social media to stay in contact with other girls doing
the guides. Comment on each other’s photos and encourage each
other’s progress! You never know when someone might need it most.
• Join the #GFG Facebook group! We have an incredible community of
girls over there just waiting to get you motivated. Just search “GRACE
FIT GUIDE” into Facebook or follow the link in your confirmation
• If you feel like you need an extra rest day, TAKE IT. If you want to work
out another day instead of resting, go ahead!
• Stretch before and after every session.
• When you’re ready to use heavier dumbbells, go for it!
• This is a GUIDE, not a set of strict instructions. Find out what works for
you and stick to it.
• Feel free to shuffle the sessions around dependent on your goals.
However, remember that even if you don’t want to grow your upper
body - for example - 1 or 2 sessions a week will do a lot of good for
your metabolism among other things!
: lighter dumbbells advised

: heavier dumbbells advised

• Remember that looks, the gym and fitness aren’t everything. You
are so much more than what you look like, what you weigh and/
or how big your muscles are. If you take one thing away from this
guide, I really hope this is it.


Whilst the GFHG is of course a home-based guide, I have a few equip-

ment recommendations to help you get the best progress, as quickly
as possible. Technically no equipment is required as all exercises can be
altered and done without, so if you’re hoping to start before these arrive
or before your bank account allows it, you have no excuses.
All recommended equipment can be found on,
though thanks to you amazing people who support me, they are often
in very high demand. I recommend keeping an eye on my social
medias to ensure you get your hands on some as soon as possible!
We aim to keep prices as low as possible to make creating your new
snazzy home gym as accessible as possible, but will absolutely never
compromise quality!

All Grace Fit products are vegan so none of our furry friends were
harmed while helping you get fit af.

Resistance Band(s):
Ӳ I will ALWAYS preach the importance of resistance bands for
activating your glutes, especially whilst training at home. I make the
best resistance bands ever for cheaper than you’ll find even bad
quality ones soooo, what are you waiting for?

Ӳ My bands are ranked by colour/difficulty. I recommend getting a few

different colours so you can use the hardest you can do on each
exercise, and work up to harder difficulties.
• Beginner: Blue & Pink
• Intermediate: Pink & Peach
• Advanced: Peach & Black

This guide works on the basis of you using 2 different sets of dumbbells,
denoted by exclamation marks next to the exercise. You can of course
have more or fewer sets of dumbbells – this is just my recommendation
for optimum results! You may know where you sit comfortably on the
weight scale, in which case by all means go with the heaviest option
you’re comfortable with, but if not, here are some recommendations.
• Beginner: Light (!) (1-4kg) and Heavy (!!) (4-6kg)
• Intermediate: Light (!) (4-6kg) and Heavy (!!) (6-10kg)
• Advanced: Light (!) (5-7kg) and Heavy (!!) (10-15kg)

: lighter dumbbells advised

: heavier dumbbells advised
Exercise Mat:
I recommend using an exercise mat for all exercises in which you lie
down to make sure you’re protecting your spine. You can of course
substitute this for a carpet or rug, but exercise mats are made for the
job, so are definitely recommended.

I do not include use of a barbell at any point in the #GFHG, however if
you either have one or want to push yourself a little further, by all means
use it for !! exercises. Barbells make it easier to use heavier weights, so
can help you to push yourself more – if you want to use one to up your
game, go ahead!

You may prefer to use a kettlebell on some exercises – if you do, then
use one.

1. I am not a qualified personal trainer. This guide is a collection of
workouts that I have written and have used and decided to share. By
using this guide, you acknowledge that I am not a qualified personal
trainer, and that all workouts are performed at your own risk.

2. I am not liable for any injury or harm that may come from using this

3. Resale or sharing of this guide is illegal, and unfair. Please

acknowledge the effort and time that has gone into creating this
guide, and respect the intellectual properties of the creator.

4. This guide has been checked and approved by a Certified Personal


The Workout Split

Each week consists of 4 ‘compulsory’ workouts, and 2 ‘+’ days.
I do not recommend working out more than 5-6 days a week, AKA I
advise you rest at least 1-2 days a week.

If you don’t do either of the + days, I do recommend that you have 1

active rest day in which you go on a walk or do some kind of light
activity. This being said, please do not be disheartened if you cannot fit
in even four workouts a week. Exercise is exercise, you will get
progress either way!

Which days you do will of course be dependent on your goals and
ability. As I stated in my recommendations, please feel free to use the
guide as a guideline rather than a set of concrete rules – find what
works for you and tailor the schedule and workouts to your taste and

The suggested workout split is as follows:

1. Lower Body
2. Upper Body
3. Full Body
4. Abs and Cardio

Choose from:
• Booty
• Legs & Cardio
• Arms & Abs

Below are some example timetables of how you could set out your
training, dependent on how many sessions you’re planning to do per

1. 3 workouts per week

Day Workout
Monday Lower Body


Wednesday Upper Body


Friday Abs and Cardio


Sunday Active Rest: 40min walk

2. 4 workouts per week

Day Workout
Monday Lower Body

Tuesday Active Rest: 40min walk

Wednesday Upper Body


Friday Full Body


Sunday Abs and Cardio

3. 5 workouts per week

Day Workout
Monday Lower Body

Tuesday Upper Body

Wednesday Booty


Friday Full Body


Sunday Abs and Cardio

4. 6 workouts per week

Day Workout
Monday Lower Body

Tuesday Upper Body

Wednesday Legs and Cardio

Thursday Arms and Abs

Friday Full Body

Saturday Abs and Cardio


Reaching Your Goals with GFHG
Although this guide is suitable for people with a variety of goals, there
are certain aspects you should concentrate on to enhance your
progress in reaching your goals. Below are some suggestions to help
you use the GFHG to achieve your goals.
Goal Workouts Nutrition
Lose Fat 1. Prioritise cardio-based Caloric Deficit
2. Most rest days should
be active rest days
3. 1-2 HIIT workouts per
week (20s on, 40s off, 1-3%
incline, 15 mins)

Tone Up 1. At least 1 cardio-based 1. Extra fat/weight to lose

workout per week as well as wanting to tone
2. 1 HIIT workout per week up: slight caloric deficit
(15s on, 45s off, 1-3% in- 2. Just tone up – happy
cline, 10 mins) with current fat %: Mainte-

Get Fit 1. At least 1 extra (+) cardio Maintenance

workout per week
2. 1-2 HIIT workouts per
week (25s on, 40s off, 1%
incline, 15 mins)

Build Muscle 1. Prioritise non-cardio ‘+’ Caloric Surplus

2. Try to make it to the
gym when you can, espe-
cially in regards to training
legs – lifting heavy with a
caloric surplus is the key to
muscle gain
3. If you definitely do not
want to lose any weight,
substitute ‘abs and cardio’
day with ‘arms and abs’ or
‘booty’ + days.

Beginners +
Intermediate +
Advanced +

Caloric deficit: Energy (kcal) expenditure > energy (kcal) consumption
Maintenance: Energy (kcal) expenditure = energy (kcal) consumption
Caloric surplus: Energy (kcal) expenditure < energy (kcal) consumption
Active rest days: Active rest days are advised, especially if you are taking
more than one rest day a week. These will ensure that you keep your
metabolism going, and that you are cardiovascularly healthy. Anything
from a 30-minute walk to being generally active or on your feet works
HIIT Sprints: High Intensity Interval Training.
Ӳ Sprints on the treadmill, as fast as possible. On and off for the
designated amount of time.
Ӳ If you do not have access to a treadmill, do these outside! Set
markers and do sprints between them, giving yourself 15s rest in
between each sprint. For an extra challenge, make them hill
Ӳ Can massively help to both get fit and shed fat!
Ӳ Be careful not to do HIIT more than 2 times per week & allow yourself
adequate recovery time.

*although you can build muscle through the use of weights in a home
environment, I would like to stress that for maximum muscle growth I
would strongly advise joining a gym so that you can lift as heavy as
possible, especially in regards to training your lower body.

As I’m sure you’ve been told 100 times, nutrition is a very important
part of obtaining progress, not to mention its significance in ensuring
you are generally healthy.

The essentials of weight loss, weight gain and weight maintenance

come down to energy expenditure vs. energy consumption. If you
consume more calories than you use, you will gain weight, and if you
consume fewer than you’ll lose weight – it’s that simple!
Of course it’s easier said than done, but follow those rules and you will
reach your goals.

In order to work out how many calories you need to eat, you need to first
determine whether you want to be in a calorie surplus, maintenance
or deficit. Following this, you need to work out your TDEE: Total
Daily Energy Expenditure. This is the approximate number of calories
you use in a day – sleeping, walking, breathing, working out – every
activity burns calories. I would advise using or a TDEE
calculator of your choice to work this out. The answer you get will of
course by approximate – it is based on height, weight and activity
level, but does not take into account individual metabolic rate etc. From
this, you can work out approximately how many calories you should
be eating. You do not need to count calories or macros in order to get
progress, but it might be an idea to count them for the first 1-2 weeks if
you never have before to ensure you know around how much is optimal
for you to eat.

All goals:
When starting out, it is important to monitor your nutrition to work out
how much you should be eating. Your TDEE may be inaccurate, so I
advise eating along the lines of your TDEE for a week or so and
assessing whether you feel overly hungry, or like you’re putting on
weight. If you feel cranky due to incessant hunger, your TDEE is probably
higher than you previously expected, and if you feel constantly full or as
if you are putting on weight, your TDEE is likely lower. Alter your calorie
intake accordingly and start working towards your goals!

Weight Loss:
Ensure you are eating below your TDEE in a caloric deficit. Don’t
decrease your calories all at once – although you may feel like you’re
losing weight when you do this, you will mainly be losing water weight
and shocking your body. Remember that the slower your progress, the
more sustainable it will be. Trust me, you don’t want a quick weight loss
‘fix’ – it’ll just make you sad and tired, and you will likely end up putting it
all back on just as quickly as it came off.
I strongly advise against going anywhere as low as 1200 calories per day.
Please do not listen to any fad diet advice – it won’t work and will make
you take more steps backwards than forwards.

Ensure you are eating at your TDEE at caloric maintenance.
As mentioned above, your deciphered TDEE from online may be inac-
curate. Monitor your intake for the first week or so to establish whether
your TDEE is too high or low. If you have been maintaining your weight
for a while, eat a similar amount to your norm whilst doing this guide.
If you have been losing weight prior to starting the guide, slowly increase
your calories by about 50 calories per week so that your body has time
to adjust and can work on maintaining your progress. If you want to
know more about this process, research ‘reverse dieting’.

Weight Gain:
Make sure you are eating above your TDEE in a caloric surplus. If you
haven’t been trying to put on weight prior to starting this, make sure you
take it slowly.
Don’t increase your calories all at once - your body can’t gain muscle
THAT fast. You want to increase approx. 75-100 calories a week, aiming
to gain approximately 0.5-1 pound per week as this is the rate at which
it’ll mostly be muscle, so when/if you cut you won’t have to lose too
much unnecessary fat - when I bulked I used the scale to monitor my
increase just as a number, not using it to get disheartened!
Bulking/committing to growing muscle is HARD! Keep going, even on
the bad days. It’s where da booty comes from!
Do not commit to a bulk if you are planning to bulk for less than 3
months. You will not get the muscle gain in that time for it to be worth
the extra fat you will have gained (unless fat gain is also a main goal of
yours). You will have bad days and the process will be hard, but honestly
in terms of progress, bulking was the best decision I ever made!

Cheat Meals/Days:
Cheat days are a difficult topic – should you have them? Should you use
them to go crazy? How many is too many?

My personal opinion on this subject is that, as always, it’s best to find

what works for you. That being said, of course having a 10,000 calorie
cheat day every week will absolutely impinge on your progress.

When I count macros or am in general stricter on my nutrition and
training, I like to have a designated amount of cheat meals or days per
week. For example, I might give myself Friday night dinner or Sunday
from lunch to bed time off. This might work for you, or it might make
you go a little too crazy both in the week when fantasising about your
cheats. In general, it worked pretty well for me as it wasn’t too rigid and
if I really wanted to ‘cheat’ earlier in the week, I would allow myself to. It
also made me appreciate unhealthy food more as an occasional treat,
whereas now I’m a little too lenient in regards to when I indulge.

The best thing for you may however be a generally more lenient
approach towards less healthy foods. It’s important to understand that
there is no such thing as a ‘bad’ food. No food should make you feel
stressed or guilty. Following my stricter macro counting days, I now
allow myself to indulge if and when I want. Granted, there are ways to
do this without ruining your progress, such as allowing yourself to have
the cupcake, but then not succumbing to the chocolate bar offered to
you later the same day. Different things work for different people but
I’d be lying if I suggested that eating whatever you want whenever you
want would still allow you to achieve your goals in the time frame you
might be aiming for. Be disciplined and exercise self-control, but don’t
sacrifice a good relationship with food for a diet, trust me it’s not worth

But first, it’s time to take some progress
Here’s your little reminder to track your progress.

Front Progress Photo
Side Progress Photo
Back Progress Photo


Weigh In


Make sure you take any progress photos, weights and measurements in
the morning before breakfast. Try to keep your progress photos in similar
lighting too!

Make sure to share your progress with me on social media!

@gracefitguide #GFHG #GFG #GraceFitGuide

Welcome to your first challenge of GFHG2!
I strongly recommend you do this challenge at least once every four
weeks to track your fitness progress.

Perform as many reps as possible of each exercise within one minute,

then move straight onto the next. Repeat x2.
Good luck!

X-Jumps Shoulder Taps

Crab Walks Narrow Stance Jump Squats

Jump Lunges Squats

Push Ups In and Out Jump Squat

Jump Squats Leg Raises

Squat to Curtsey Lunges Jumping Jacks

High Knees Jacknives

Tricep Dips Squat Thrusters

Burpees Crunches

Reverse Lunges

Tuck Jumps

WEEKS 9&11
Perform each exercises for the given amount of reps continuously within each
circuit. These circuits alternate with AMRAP circuits in which you perform each
exercise as many times as possible within 30 seconds, then move straight onto
the next.
Circuit 1 : 8 mins Circuit 2 : AMRAP Circuit 3 : 7 mins Circuit 4 : AMRAP
Cricuit 5 : 6 mins Circuit 6 : AMRAP Circuit 7 : 5 mins

Exercise 1 - Single Leg Glute Bridges - 10 reps

Exercise 2 - Narrow Stance Jump Squats - 12 reps

Exercise 3 - Step Ups - 15 reps

Exercise 4 - Reverse Lunges - 12 reps

WEEKS 9&11
Perform each exercises for the given amount of reps continuously within each
circuit. These circuits alternate with AMRAP circuits in which you perform each
exercise as many times as possible within 30 seconds, then move straight onto
the next.
Circuit 1 : 8 mins Circuit 2 : AMRAP Circuit 3 : 7 mins Circuit 4 : AMRAP
Cricuit 5 : 6 mins Circuit 6 : AMRAP Circuit 7 : 5 mins

Exercise 1 - Spider Push Ups - 10 reps

Exercise 2 - Rear Delt Flyes - 12 reps

Exercise 3 - Tricep Dips - 20 reps

Exercise 4 - Arnold Press - 10 reps

WEEKS 9&11
Perform each exercises for the given amount of reps continuously within each
circuit. These circuits alternate with AMRAP circuits in which you perform each
exercise as many times as possible within 30 seconds, then move straight onto
the next.
Circuit 1 : 8 mins Circuit 2 : AMRAP Circuit 3 : 7 mins Circuit 4 : AMRAP
Cricuit 5 : 6 mins Circuit 6 : AMRAP Circuit 7 : 5 mins

Exercise 1 - Bulgarian Split Squats - 12 reps

Exercise 2 - High Knees - 30 reps

Exercise 3 - Neutral Grip DB Press - 12 reps

Exercise 4 - Straight Leg Reverse Crunch - 10 reps

WEEKS 9&11
Perform each exercise for 40 seconds, rest for 15 seconds then move
onto the next. Repeat x4.
Perform the finisher for 50 reps – rest if and when you need but don’t
stop before you get to 50!

Exercise 1 - Oblique Crunches

Exercise 2 - Burpees

Exercise 3 - Ab Bicycles

Exercise 4 - Reverse Crunch

Exercise 5 - Commandos

Exercise 6 - Russian Twists

Exercise 7 - Squat Thrusters

WEEKS 10&12
Perform each exercises for the given amount of reps continuously within each
circuit. These circuits alternate with AMRAP circuits in which you perform each
exercise as many times as possible within 30 seconds, then move straight onto
the next.
Circuit 1 : 8 mins Circuit 2 : AMRAP Circuit 3 : 7 mins Circuit 4 : AMRAP
Cricuit 5 : 6 mins Circuit 6 : AMRAP Circuit 7 : 5 mins

Exercise 1 - Goblet Squats - 10 reps

Exercise 2 - Single Leg Hip Thrusts - 10 reps

Exercise 3 - In and Out Jump Squat - 15 reps

Exercise 4 - Stationary Lunges - 10 reps

WEEKS 10&12
Perform each exercises for the given amount of reps continuously within each
circuit. These circuits alternate with AMRAP circuits in which you perform each
exercise as many times as possible within 30 seconds, then move straight onto
the next.
Circuit 1 : 8 mins Circuit 2 : AMRAP Circuit 3 : 7 mins Circuit 4 : AMRAP
Cricuit 5 : 6 mins Circuit 6 : AMRAP Circuit 7 : 5 mins

Exercise 1 - Incline Push Ups - 15 reps

Exercise 2 - Bent Over Rows - 10 reps

Exercise 3 - Skullcrushers - 12 reps

Exercise 4 - Seated Dumbbell Clean - 12 reps

WEEKS 10&12
Perform each exercises for the given amount of reps continuously within each
circuit. These circuits alternate with AMRAP circuits in which you perform each
exercise as many times as possible within 30 seconds, then move straight onto
the next.
Circuit 1 : 8 mins Circuit 2 : AMRAP Circuit 3 : 7 mins Circuit 4 : AMRAP
Cricuit 5 : 6 mins Circuit 6 : AMRAP Circuit 7 : 5 mins

Exercise 1 - Squats - 12 reps

Exercise 2 - Burpees - 15 reps

Exercise 3 - Ab Bicycles - 20 reps

Exercise 4 - Arnold Press - 10 reps

WEEKS 10&12
Perform each exercise for 40 seconds, rest for 15 seconds then move
onto the next. Repeat x4.
Perform the finisher for 50 reps – rest if and when you need but don’t
stop before you get to 50!

Exercise 1 - V-Sit Crunches

Exercise 2 - Tuck Jumps

Exercise 3 - Mountain Climbers

Exercise 4 - Straight Leg Reverse Crunch

Exercise 5 - Ab Bicycles

Exercise 6 - Jump Squats

Exercise 7 - Jacknives

WEEKS 9-12
Perform each exercises for the given amount of reps continuously within each
circuit. These circuits alternate with AMRAP circuits in which you perform each
exercise as many times as possible within 30 seconds, then move straight onto
the next.
Circuit 1 : 8 mins Circuit 2 : AMRAP Circuit 3 : 7 mins Circuit 4 : AMRAP
Cricuit 5 : 6 mins Circuit 6 : AMRAP Circuit 7 : 5 mins

Exercise 1 - 3-Pulse Lunges - 10 reps

Exercise 2 - Single Leg Glute Bridges - 12 reps

Exercise 3 - Banded Seated Hip Abductions - 30 reps

Exercise 4 - In and Out Jump Squat - 15 reps

WEEKS 9-12
Perform each exercises for the given amount of reps continuously within each
circuit. These circuits alternate with AMRAP circuits in which you perform each
exercise as many times as possible within 30 seconds, then move straight onto
the next.
Circuit 1 : 8 mins Circuit 2 : AMRAP Circuit 3 : 7 mins Circuit 4 : AMRAP
Cricuit 5 : 6 mins Circuit 6 : AMRAP Circuit 7 : 5 mins

Exercise 1 - Decline Push Ups - 10 reps

Exercise 2 - Toe Touches - 20 reps

Exercise 3 - Incline Push Ups - 10 reps

Exercise 4 - Commandos - 20 reps

WEEKS 9-12
Perform each exercise for 40 seconds, rest for 15 seconds then move
onto the next. Repeat x4.
Perform the finisher for 50 reps – rest if and when you need but don’t
stop before you get to 50!

Exercise 1 - Burpees

Exercise 2 - Stationary Lunges

Exercise 3 - Squat Thrusters

Exercise 4 - 3-Pulse Lunges

Exercise 5 - Pulse Squats

Exercise 6 - Tuck Jumps

Exercise 7 - Goblet Squats


Here’s your little reminder to track your progress.

Front Progress Photo
Side Progress Photo
Back Progress Photo


Weigh In


Make sure you take any progress photos, weights and measurements in
the morning before breakfast. Try to keep your progress photos in similar
lighting too!

Make sure to share your progress with me on social media!

@gracefitguide #GFHG #GFG #GraceFitGuide

It’s challenge time!

Perform as many reps as possible of each exercise within one minute,

then move straight onto the next. Repeat x2.
Good luck!

X-Jumps Shoulder Taps

Crab Walks Narrow Stance Jump Squats

Jump Lunges Squats

Push Ups In and Out Jump Squat

Jump Squats Leg Raises

Squat to Curtsey Lunges Jumping Jacks

High Knees Jacknives

Tricep Dips Squat Thrusters

Burpees Crunches

Reverse Lunges

Tuck Jumps

WEEKS 13&15
Perform each exercises for the given amount of reps continuously within each
circuit. These circuits alternate with AMRAP circuits in which you perform each
exercise as many times as possible within 30 seconds, then move straight onto
the next.
Circuit 1 : 10 mins Circuit 2 : AMRAP Circuit 3 : 9 mins Circuit 4 : AMRAP
Cricuit 5 : 8 mins Circuit 6 : AMRAP

Exercise 1 - Squat to Curtsey Lunges - 10 reps

Exercise 2 - Squat Thrusters - 10 reps

Exercise 3 - Crab Walks - 20 reps

Exercise 4 - Glute Bridges - 12 reps

WEEKS 13&15
Perform each exercises for the given amount of reps continuously within each
circuit. These circuits alternate with AMRAP circuits in which you perform each
exercise as many times as possible within 30 seconds, then move straight onto
the next.
Circuit 1 : 8 mins Circuit 2 : AMRAP Circuit 3 : 7 mins Circuit 4 : AMRAP
Cricuit 5 : 6 mins Circuit 6 : AMRAP Circuit 7 : 5 mins

Exercise 1 - Tricep Push Ups - 10 reps

Exercise 2 - Front Raises - 15 reps

Exercise 3 - Lateral Raises - 15 reps

Exercise 4 - Woodchoppers - 10 reps

WEEKS 13&15
Perform each exercises for the given amount of reps continuously within each
circuit. These circuits alternate with AMRAP circuits in which you perform each
exercise as many times as possible within 30 seconds, then move straight onto
the next.
Circuit 1 : 8 mins Circuit 2 : AMRAP Circuit 3 : 7 mins Circuit 4 : AMRAP
Cricuit 5 : 6 mins Circuit 6 : AMRAP Circuit 7 : 5 mins

Exercise 1 - Front Squats - 10 reps

Exercise 2 - Squat Thrusters - 10 reps

Exercise 3 - Russian Twists - 20 reps

Exercise 4 - Jump Lunges - 20 reps

Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, rest for 15 seconds then move
onto the next. Repeat x4.
Perform the finisher for 50 reps – rest if and when you need but don’t
stop before you get to 50!

Exercise 1 - Side Plank Dips

Exercise 2 - Burpees

Exercise 3 - Russian Twists

Exercise 4 - Tuck Jumps

Exercise 5 - Jumping Jacks

Exercise 6 - Commandos

Exercise 7 - Jump Lunges

WEEKS 14&16
Perform each exercises for the given amount of reps continuously within each
circuit. These circuits alternate with AMRAP circuits in which you perform each
exercise as many times as possible within 30 seconds, then move straight onto
the next.
Circuit 1 : 10 mins Circuit 2 : AMRAP Circuit 3 : 9 mins Circuit 4 : AMRAP
Cricuit 5 : 8 mins Circuit 6 : AMRAP

Exercise 1 - Romanian Deadlifts - 10 reps

Exercise 2 - Pulse Squats - 20 reps

Exercise 3 - In and Out Jump Squat - 12 reps

Exercise 4 - Banded Seated Hip Abductions - 20 reps

WEEKS 14&16
Perform each exercises for the given amount of reps continuously within each
circuit. These circuits alternate with AMRAP circuits in which you perform each
exercise as many times as possible within 30 seconds, then move straight onto
the next.
Circuit 1 : 8 mins Circuit 2 : AMRAP Circuit 3 : 7 mins Circuit 4 : AMRAP
Cricuit 5 : 6 mins Circuit 6 : AMRAP Circuit 7 : 5 mins

Exercise 1 - Double Pulse Tricep Dips - 12 reps

Exercise 2 - Hammer Curls - 10 reps

Exercise 3 - Neutral Grip DB Press - 12 reps

Exercise 4 - Front Raises - 15 reps

WEEKS 14&16
Perform each exercises for the given amount of reps continuously within each
circuit. These circuits alternate with AMRAP circuits in which you perform each
exercise as many times as possible within 30 seconds, then move straight onto
the next.
Circuit 1 : 8 mins Circuit 2 : AMRAP Circuit 3 : 7 mins Circuit 4 : AMRAP
Cricuit 5 : 6 mins Circuit 6 : AMRAP Circuit 7 : 5 mins

Exercise 1 - Commandos - 20 reps

Exercise 2 - Goblet Squats - 10 reps

Exercise 3 - Burpees - 15 reps

Exercise 4 - Bulgarian Split Squats - 12 reps

WEEKS 14&16
Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, rest for 15 seconds then move
onto the next. Repeat x4.
Perform the finisher for 50 reps – rest if and when you need but don’t
stop before you get to 50!

Exercise 1 - Lying Leg Raise with Crunch

Exercise 2 - X-Jumps

Exercise 3 - Narrow Stance Jump Squats

Exercise 4 - Commandos

Exercise 5 - In and Out Jump Squat

Exercise 6 - Ab Bicycles

Exercise 7 - Squat Thrusters

WEEKS 9-12
Perform each exercises for the given amount of reps continuously within each
circuit. These circuits alternate with AMRAP circuits in which you perform each
exercise as many times as possible within 30 seconds, then move straight onto
the next.
Circuit 1 : 8 mins Circuit 2 : AMRAP Circuit 3 : 7 mins Circuit 4 : AMRAP
Cricuit 5 : 6 mins Circuit 6 : AMRAP Circuit 7 : 5 mins

Exercise 1 - Hip Thrusts - 15 reps

Exercise 2 - Reverse Lunges - 10 reps

Exercise 3 - Pulse Squats - 12 reps

Exercise 4 - Squat Thrusters - 10 reps

Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, rest for 15 seconds then move
onto the next. Repeat x4.
Perform the finisher for 50 reps – rest if and when you need but don’t
stop before you get to 50!

Exercise 1 -X-Jumps

Exercise 2 - Front Squats

Exercise 3 - Jump Lunges

Exercise 4 - Hip Thrusts

Exercise 5 - Jump Squats

Exercise 6 - Bulgarian Split Squats

Exercise 6 - X-Jumps

WEEKS 9-16
Perform each exercises for the given amount of reps continuously within each
circuit. These circuits alternate with AMRAP circuits in which you perform each
exercise as many times as possible within 30 seconds, then move straight onto
the next.
Circuit 1 : 8 mins Circuit 2 : AMRAP Circuit 3 : 7 mins Circuit 4 : AMRAP
Cricuit 5 : 6 mins Circuit 6 : AMRAP Circuit 7 : 5 mins

Exercise 1 - Russian Twists - 20 reps

Exercise 2 - Tricep Push Ups - 10 reps

Exercise 3 - Leg Raises - 15 reps

Exercise 4 - Double Pulse Tricep Dips - 15 reps


Here’s your little reminder to track your progress.

Front Progress Photo
Side Progress Photo
Back Progress Photo


Weigh In


Make sure you take any progress photos, weights and measurements in
the morning before breakfast. Try to keep your progress photos in similar
lighting too!

Make sure to share your progress with me on social media!

@gracefitguide #GFHG #GFG #GraceFitGuide

It’s challenge time!

Perform as many reps as possible of each exercise within one minute,

then move straight onto the next. Repeat x2.
Good luck!

X-Jumps Shoulder Taps

Crab Walks Narrow Stance Jump Squats

Jump Lunges Squats

Push Ups In and Out Jump Squat

Jump Squats Leg Raises

Squat to Curtsey Lunges Jumping Jacks

High Knees Jacknives

Tricep Dips Squat Thrusters

Burpees Crunches

Reverse Lunges

Tuck Jumps

Caloric deficit: Energy (kcal) expenditure > energy (kcal) consumption
Maintenance: Energy (kcal) expenditure = energy (kcal) consumption
Caloric surplus: Energy (kcal) expenditure < energy (kcal) consumption
Active rest days: Active rest days are advised, especially if you are taking
more than one rest day a week. These will ensure that you keep your
metabolism going, and that you are cardiovascularly healthy. Anything
from a 30 minute walk to being generally active or on your feet works
AMRAP: As Many Reps As Possible – in these circuits, perform as many
reps of the exercise as possible within the given time. If you have to stop
and rest, do, but make sure you get back into it as soon as possible be-
fore the time is up!

: lighter dumbbells advised

: heavier dumbbells advised


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