1) Start With Your Audience

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1) Start With Your Audience

Who are the people that you are going to be presenting to? What is their age, who
are they, what is their income and occupation? These things will help you to craft
your PowerPoint presentation.

2) Your Message Is Important

Tailor the message to your audience to help them understand why you are
presenting and to reach your goal. This infographic is a great source to use when
deciding how to craft a presentation.

Source: visualistan.com
3) Keep Your Slides Short And To The Point
Each slide should only be about one key point or take away. If you put too much
information on one slide it will become confusing to the viewer. Try to focus on
putting one point and then some bullets explaining it on each slide.

4) You Don’t HAVE To Use PowerPoint

If you don’t have PowerPoint you don’t have to worry! There are some great free
options that you can make a great presentation with as well.

Canva is a great and powerful photo editing tool. It has great fonts and filters to
make it incredibly easy to create powerful, engaging, professional and custom
presentations. Canva gives you access to hundreds of design templates and gives
you the ability to customize your presentations to your exact specifications. The
best part is that all of it is free.

Check out canva.com for more information.

Prezi and Google Slides are also both web-based, free options that allow you to
give a presentation anywhere from the web.

5) Use These PowerPoint Presentation Templates

Use these 14 PowerPoint Presentation Tips and Templates. They will help you
create a presentation with style. You don’t have to use every single tool that
PowerPoint provides you with. These are some that you can definitely use to take
your presentation to the next level.

Source: hubspot.com

6) Use Pictures And Visuals When They Add To The

Use visuals in your presentation that help get your point across. Know your
audience. Here is a great Slideshare on creating visual presentations.
Source: Slideshare.net

7) Use Bullet Points Rather Than Paragraphs

When you use bullet points on your slides, it gives your audience key points from
your presentation. It also gives you speaking cues, incase you lose your train of
thought. Don’t overload your slides with bullets. This will keep your audience
engaged with you and not reading slides.

Your slides shouldn’t do the talking for you. Limit your words to 6 words per line,
and 6 lines per slide.

8) Don’t Read Your Slides Word For Word

Your presentation should help to supplement what you have to say and give key
points. You are the presenter, use your slides to get your key points across keep
them simple. Elaborate on the information in your slides, don’t read them word for
word. With each point, if you are using bullets, you can then elaborate by telling an
interesting story, or a joke.
9) Use Easy To Read Text
Use text that is easy to read for your audience when you are giving your
presentation. Use text such as Arial, or Helvetica. Save text that is fancy for large
headlines in your presentation.

10) Bring Your Own Hardware

Formatting is important if you bring your own USB. It’s best practice to bring your
own laptop that you want to use. Just make sure you have prepared how to connect
it. Bring your presentation on a USB flash drive as a backup just in case. It is also
possible to email the presentation to yourself or save it on Dropbox.

11) Try To Keep It Under 20 Minutes

A study at from the University of Tennessee stated that the average attention span
of an adult is 20 minutes.

Try to keep your presentations under this amount of time or give your audience a
break by showing a video or demo to keep them interested.

Get my Ultimate Sales Presentation Template. This 12 slide sales presentation has
everything you need.

12) Use Videos To Add Engagement

Sometimes a video will add a little something extra to your presentation. Use them
when they are beneficial. Communicate your idea in a 2-4 minute video. Ensure
that the production value of the video is good. The video should directly relate to
your presentation. Ensure that you are only using videos in your presentation to add

13) Quality Over Quantity

Don’t waste your audience’s time with fluff and nonsense. Use your slides for
quality information and only use them to enhance your presentation. Less is more.
The more words and fluff on a slide, the more chances your audience will have to
tune out. You don’t want that.

14) Practice, Practice, Practice

Preparation is the key to giving an effective presentation. So, write a complete
outline of your talk in bullet point detail. Don’t write it word for word, but write it
out as bullet points. Next, dictate your talk into a voice recorder or cell phone, and
then listen to it. It’s amazing how much different it sounds when you hear your
own voice. You’ll see ways that you could have presented it differently.

Sometimes just changing the order of points increases their impact.

15) Learn From The Best PowerPoint Presentations

Some presentations are better than others. Look at other presentations for ideas
before creating your own. Keep an eye on how the use of visuals and layouts.

Here is a great presentation to fix your really bad PowerPoint based on Seth
Godin’s e-book.

Fix Your Really Bad PowerPoint by @slidecomet : based on an ebook by

@ThisIsSethsBlog from SlideComet

16) Make It Actionable

Provide something at the end of your presentation that your audience can do
immediately to take action. This is the exclamation point at the end of your talk.
It’s where you wrap everything up and bring everything together. What can your
audience do when they walk out of the room to put what they learned into action?

Do you have any other tips to add to the list? Share them in the comments below.
I’ve also created a sales presentation Powerpoint Template that will help you
create a compelling sales presentation that includes everything you need to make to
win your prospects over.


Article Name
16 Presentation Ideas and PowerPoint Examples
16 PowerPoint presentation ideas and examples to ensure an attentive audience. Make your presentation more
engaging, to the point, and effective.
Brian Tracy
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Brian Tracy International
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About Brian Tracy — Brian is recognized as the top sales training and personal success
authority in the world today. He has authored more than 60 books and has produced more than
500 audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal
development, including worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement. Brian's goal is to
help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. You
can follow him on Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Linkedin and Youtube.




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