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- Hi, do you have a minute?


- Today I read an article in magazine about future. And I want to know what you think
about some crazy predictions.


- If everybody lives forever, world will be massively overpopulated, I think, and people will
not find a job because of the large number of people in the Earth. And there will be no
place on Earth to live. All forests will be cut down and all nature will be destroyed. What do
you think about that?

- Yes, I agree with you, technology is rapidly evolving and computers are used in many
ways and computers will be part of our lives to do diffrent tasks. But If humans have
computer chips in their brain, we will probably going to be hacked, because other people
could control us.


-I don‘t like that people, because these old animals can‘t fit in todays world and old animals
can cause various problems for other animals. If computers become more intelligent than
humans, we will be able to rest and let to do a job for computer and for this reason work
will be done much more accurately and faster. What is your opinion?

-Yes, of course, because people are smart and they will find out how to live in diffrent
climate . Well thanks for your time, it was nice to talk with you, I have to go to the lesson.


- Bye

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