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Respondents Profile

Direction: Please fill in the spaces provided that correspond to your best answer.

Name: (optional)____________________________________ Age:________ Gender:_____________

Part 1. Factor that affect working condition perceived by respondents.

Instruction: Mark X the box of your choice response.

A. Cleanliness Agree Uncertain Disagree

1. Cleanliness is observed in the office.

2. I feel more productive if my surrounding

are cleaned and organized.

3. A clean workplace is highly desirable

in doing job.

4. I feel more motivated in doing my job if

the office area is cleaned.

5. A dirty and ugly workplace reduce overall

morale of employees and increase turnover.

B. Good Ventilation
1. The presence of good ventilation in the

office makes me feel better and energetic.

2. Enough office space makes me comfortable

in doing my job.

3. Lacks of ventilation in the office makes me

feel sleepy and excessively tired.

4. Availability of air condition in the office

is relaxing.

5. There is enough windows in the office

for air to enter.

C. Good Ambiance

1. Good arrangement of the office makes me

cheerful in doing my job.

2. Available facilities in office makes work easy.

3. A discomfort and irritable which affects job


4. The color in the office affects my overall


5. Sufficient lighting in the office affects my mood

in working
Part II. Categories of working Condition.

Direction: Please encircle the number that best corresponds to your answer.

Agree Undertrained Disagree

3 2 1

A. Physical Working Condition.

1. Cleanliness is observed in the office very much. 3 2 1

2. Adequate lighting is provided in the office that help

me in doing the job effectively and efficiently 3 2 1

3. The good ambiance of the office influence

my thought processes. 3 2 1

4. Excessively high or low temperature causes me

discomfort and affects my job performance. 3 2 1

5. One becomes unduly fatigue and irritable as

a result of noise. 3 2 1

B. Social Working Condition

1. When there is conflict between my co-workers,

it affects the quality of my job. 3 2 1

2. The management is enforcing cooperation and

collaboration among its employees that provides

a positive working environment for higher job

performance among workers. 3 2 1

3. The supervisors display of interpersonal skills to

engage employees and enhance of self-confidence is a

positive encouragement for employee good performance. 3 2 1

4. The management acting as advocates, is unfavorable to

employees in performing a better and enhanced job

performance. 3 2 1

5. The employees has a sense of belongingness in the

organization. 3 2 1

C. Technological Working Condition

1. There are adequate tools and materials in the office

for us to do our job. 3 2 1

2. The employees are knowledgeable enough to handle

the automated technology. 3 2 1

3. Computers and other equipment are available for

everybody used in the office. 3 2 1

4. Availability of computers are highly needed in the

office for the job well done. 3 2 1

5. Advanced technology is available in the office. 3 2 1

D. Economic Working Condition

1. Overtime pay, holiday pay, etc. are naturally

enjoyed by the employees. 3 2 1

2. Salaries are enough for daily needs. 3 2 1

3. Benefits and incentives in the office are

available for all employees. 3 2 1

4. Loans are available in the office for emergency

purposes. 3 2 1

5. Other bonuses like 13th month pay was observed

and distributed by the management. 3 2 1

E. Management Condition

1. There is good relationship between management

and employees. 3 2 1

2. top management is fair in evaluating the employees. 3 2 1

3. Top management treated the employees in the office equally 3 2 1

4. The Top management is responsible enough to

handle the employees conflict. 3 2 1

5. The Supervisor’s guidance is well appreciated by

the employees in the office 3 2 1

Part III. Level of Job Satisfaction and Salary

Instructions: Please put a check mark on the box that corresponds to your answer. Each response will

serve as indicator of how you perceived level of satisfaction in the office.

Always Sometimes Never


1. Willingness to learn, acquire new skills and knowledge

about the new technology.

2. Willingness to provide extra services and effort beyond

office hours.

3. Ability to complete assigned task on time.

4. Ability to do task without close supervision from


5. Ability to abide with office rules, policies and regulation.

6. Willingness to experiments and take risks for assigned

task to be done.

7. Happy to be given additional workload as it gives us

opportunity to utilize our knowledge and skill.

8. Willingness to be given more responsible for the

achievement of organizational goals.

9. Willingness to take suggestion from higher authority for

the improvement of work.

10. Ability to be a team player to facilitate the completion

of job.


3 – Always

2 – Sometimes

1 – Never

Part IV. Issues and Problems Encountered by the Employee Relative to their Working Condition in

the Office.

Instruction: Kindly put a check (√) mark on possible issues and problems you have encountered related to

working condition in the organization.


(3) (2) (1)

1. Working environment in the office is not good that

decrease productivity and makes employees ineffective.

2. No available materials and equipment are used to operate

in the office.

3. There are no safety rules and policies that protect

employee from injury.

4. Insufficient facilities just like lighting and air

conditioning that result work mistakes.

5. The ambiance of the office is not good that makes us

sleepy and tired.

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