AeroTeam Merge Into Military Builders Contract

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Aeroteam Merge with Military Builders Contract 

The following document will establish the rules, boundaries, conditions, benefits, and 
plan of Aeroteam merging completely with the Military Builders 
Experienced Staff 
Large Community 
Server with Unlimited Ram, Paid for by STEALTHy 
Access to sell content on MB store 
Conditions and Requirements 
The following conditions and requirements are set in place by Military Builders 
staff and leadership. For the AeroTeam server to merge completely with the 
Military Builders these conditions must be agreed on. If needed before the 
signing of contract, these conditions and requirements can be altered, but once 
everyone has signed and is in agreement, they will remain in place unless decided 
upon by all original signers.  
1: ​The 4 staff of AeroTeam must apply for a staff role in our application and answer 
everything truthfully. Link here ​ 
They will automatically be given the role of Aeroteam staff. Once they do so they will be 
trained on how to handle the discord server. Once a majority of MB staff members 
deems them fit and qualified they will be transferred to the role of MB Staff, along with 
all of its responsibilities and privileges. If an Aeroteam staff member by their choice 
does not want the added responsibility they can remain as Aeroteam Staff. AeroTeam 
staff will at all times must be granted access to do whatever they so please with their 
maps, since that belongs to them. If a staff member request permission to do 
something another staff member or leadership deems wrong they have the right to not 
obey that request. (Example: Staff member request an entire map to be deleted) 
2: ​All Aeroteam members wishing to build on the server must apply on the Military 
Builders website to become official Military Builders members.  
Link here ​ 
Becoming an official member of the Military Builders is not required to be able to build 
on the server, but privileges such as worldedit will be limited or non-existent if they do 
not apply. As well non-members will only have access to build on a plotworld map. The 
plots are available in excess of a 16,000 block area for everyone, regardless of 
membership status.  
If it is found an individual applying does not meet the bare minimum requirements of 
trust to be granted membership status they will remain the rank of civilian and only be 
allowed to build on Plotworld. They may continue to apply until they are granted 
membership as long as it is with maturity and respect, and rule violations will be 
treated fairly and punished depending on severity of rule broken. Should any member 
or non-member find themselves banned from the server for any given reason at any 
time. They can file a ban appeal form at our website.  
3: ​The server will be paid exclusively by the Military Builders leadership and by 
donations. Donations are a willful contribution to help out the group as a whole. 
Individuals will not be granted special favors or access to anything for donating 
besides what is stated on our Patreon website. If any staff member or any individual 
wants to help pay for the server they may do so on our Patreon or Paypal. All money 
donated will go directly toward funding the server.  
4. ​All AeroTeam Members will initially be given the rank of ​Aeroteam Member. ​Once 
they have applied and are accounted for they will be given an MB rank along with all its 
5. ​Select​ ​Staff of Valvy and Aeroteam will be granted limited access to the server files. 
For access to be granted the staff member must be trusted and have a reasonable 
degree of knowledge of Multicraft and FTP. If they are not knowledgeable they will not 
be granted access. If they alter, change, delete, and/or remove files on the server 
without prior permission, access will be revoked. For staff who are not granted access 
to Multicraft/FTP they will at all times be granted schematics/world downloads of their 
individual builds or their teams builds upon their request via downloadable link. This 
must be granted at all times whether they are banned, suspended, kicked, or an official 
member. Downloads will be provided by STEALTHy or Heliks within a reasonable 
amount of time from the original date of the request of a download.   
Non Negotiable Terms 
The following terms are non-negotiable meaning they must be accepted in order 
for the merge to happen. All other conditions that are not under here can be 
subject to change if either party wishes to alter them before the official signing of 
the contract. 
All Aeroteam members regardless if they are a member, non-member, banned or any 
other capacity. Must be granted access to a download of their creations, the Military 
Builders does not claim any build on the server to be of their own, but believes strongly 
they belong directly to the original creator. The entire server also enforces creative 
commons to help aid in preventing anyones creations from being stolen.  
The purpose of these non-negotiable terms is to ensure all AeroTeam members 
get a fair deal and are treated fairly within this contract.  

Rules and reasons for Voids of Contract or Expulsion from

1: ​Nobody may sell personal data of another, the MB server collects IP addresses by 
default. If it is found someone is using any personal information for wrong doing or 
illegal activity including but not limited too selling personal data, revealing personal 
home address, or other. Will result in the immediate expulsion of this contract from the 
guilty party. If it is found an individual acted alone on this and was not reflectatory on 
the AeroTeam server, then only the individual responsible will be expelled from the 
contract and all its privileges.  
2:​ Any member or staff who is found to be breaking rules, causing toxic behavior, or 
other mal intent towards other may and most likely will be expelled from the contract 
and all its privileges, as well as being banned from the group. The individual member if 
banned will still have access to their builds even if they are banned via downloadable 
file that will be sent to them upon their request.  
Plan for implementation of Contract 
Once the document is signed, all files that are planned to be implemented on the 
server will be sent to Military Builders leadership. All files sent are assumed to be 
under creative commons and therefore is not owned by the Military Builders but 
instead is assumed to be owned by the individual creator of each of their 
creations. The same sort of policy is practiced with all Military Builders maps and 
These Files will then be uploaded and stored on a new server for 1.13.2+. The 
current MB server will still remain at 1.12.2. Thus there will be 2 concurrent 
servers the original Military Builders server remaining at 1.12.2 and the new 1.13.2 
server with all Aeroteam/Valvy maps and some Military Builders maps. The 
purpose of this decision was to reach a compromise between everyone since not 
everyone likes 1.13.2 version of minecraft. At a future date if a majority of staff 
and all members agree to combine the 2 servers on a version of 1.14 or some 
other version; then that can be a possibility as well. However the combining of 
both MB servers will not occur for the initial merge, and must be decided in a 
different agreement between the group itself.  
Concerning the ranking system, initially all Aeroteam members will be given a 
temporary role of ​Aeroteam Member​, during this time the new ranking system 
update that was proposed by Carlos and Modified by STEALTHy will begin. The 
result will be all MB and Aeroteam Members getting updated ranks at the same 
time; the ranks will be based upon their build quality, and skill. This will be 
explained in further detail in another document. The basis of it though will be that 
all members get the appropriate rank that matches their current quality and skill 
level with their creations. Some members may be demoted while others 
promoted, some may even stay at their current rank. The ranks themselves will 
be the current ones with the lowest being Private and the highest being 
General/Admiral. Along with all the other ranks in between those. You can get a 
full list of the ranks by looking at the MB website or discord info.  
Initially Aeroteam Members will only be allowed to build on the Aeroteam maps. 
After they have successfully filled out the application though and are deemed 
trustworthy they will be given access to build on available maps for the Military 
Builders on both servers. During this time they will also get their new MB rank.  
Agreed and Accepted 
The signing of this document hereby declares all the conditions above, this document 
may be amended and altered at a future date, but must be ratified by all original 
signers, or all signers who have not been exempted or voided by breaking the rules of 
the contract. ​Only sign if you are in agreement with all above conditions. Once 
everyone signs Aeroteam will officially be apart of the Military Builders.  
First real name and discord name, include discord ID numbers 
example Name#0123 

Military Builders Leadership 
Commander of MB ​Alexander / STEALTHy#3904 

2nd in Command _________________________ 

3rd in Command _________________________ 

AeroTeam Staff Members 

BrotUndFlugZeugeUberall ______________________ 

Tiger _________________________ 

NITR0_Zeus _______________________ 

PilotSchnitzler __________________________ 


GregVdD - Liteox ___________________

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