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Shivendu Pratap Singh Solanki M.Sc. (Fruit Science) Dr. YS Parmar, UHF,Solan(H.P.)

Yogesh Nilvarn Shivajirao M.Sc.(Floriculture) MPKV,Rahuri

Sampath Reddy M.Sc.(Vegetable Science) SKLTHU, Telangana state


28/01/2017 Shivendu Pratap Singh Solanki

1. World Fisheries day.....................

a) 6 Oct. b) 21 Nov. c) 15 Jan. d) 10 July
2. A kisan credit card scheme was introduced in the year.
a) August 1987 b) September 1987 c) August 1988 d) September 1988
3. First Organic state of India.
a) MadhyaPradesh b) Kerala c) Sikkim d) Bihar
4. Optimum leaf/stem ratio of amaranthus should be.
a) 1 b) >1 c) < 1 d) None of these
5. Which is the basic process important for vegetative propagation is become successful.
a)Meiosis b) Mitosis c) pinocytosis d) both a& b
6. In onion which method is used for commercially seed production?
a)Bulb to seed b) seed to bulb c) seed to seed d) a & c
7. Pink colour rose variety is...............
a) Grand Gala b) Rodeo c) Sonia d) First Red
8. Which annona species gives the mango like flavor?
a) A. reticulata b) A. cherimola c) A. atemoya d) A. muricata
9. In Temperate fruit crops which is highly perishable in nature .
a) Peach b)Pear c)Pecan Nut d)Apricot

10. Which fruit crop is considered as ”fruit of new world”

a) Carambola b) persimmon c)Avacado d)Mangosteen
11. White pulp mango spp?
a) M.caesia b)M.similis c)M.oblongifolia d)M.pajang
12. In which Mango spp fruits can be peeled like banana fruits ?
a) M.caesia b)M.gedede c)M.decandera d)M.pajang
13. Sai sugandha is the Mango variety released from?
a) BSKKV, Dapoli b)Dr.PDKV, Akola c)MPKV, Rahuri d)MAU, parbhani
14. International network for the improvement of Banana and plantain(INIBAP) located at?
a) USA b)India c)France d)China
15. “ Ladys finger” Banana cultivar belong to which genomic group ?
a) AAB b)AB c)ABB d)AA
16. The brown box dots on food package indicates?
a) Egg product b)Pure vegetarian product
c)Organically produced product d)Meat & Animal produce product
17. Which state has maximum area in fruit Production ?
a) Gujarat b)UP c)MP d)MH
18. The Citrus Canker disease of Lemon was introduced in India from ?
a) Mexico b)USA c)Japan d)Argentina
19. Trees or Plants which dies after once flowering & fruiting called ?
a) Bicarpic b)Monocarpic c)Monoecious d)None

20. After cutting the plants tips , lateral branches grows fastly due to ?
a) Apical Dominance b) Removal of Apical Dominance
c) Removal of GA d)Removal of Kinetin Shivendu Pratap Singh Solanki

21. Which fruit plant is allogamous?
a) Litchi b)Mangosteen c)Dwarf Coconut d)None
22. Banana is commonly?
a) Entomophilous b)Animophilous c)Ornithophilous d)All
23. Mango malformation is a serious problem of ?
a) Lal sundari b)Basrai dwarf c)Bahaduran d)Trifoliate Orange
24. Limon results in bitterness on ?
a) Reduction b)Oxidation c)Neutralization d)None
25. Grafting is not attempted in Monocot because ?
a) Vascular bundles are scattered b)Cambium layer is absent
c) Absence of Endodermis d)Sclerenchymatous hypodermis
26. Nemtode resistant rootstock of Fig is ?
a) F.infectoria b)F.glomerata c)F.religiosa d)F.benghalensis
27. False bloom is a disorder associated with excessive water, it is observed in which of the
following fruit crop?
a) Straw berry b)Crane berry c)Rasp berry d)None
28. Domestic Quarantine exist in India for ?
a) Potato eel worm b)Panama wilt of Banana
c) Sanjose Scale d)Sugar beet eel worm
29. Sap-burn is a post harvest disorder in ?
a) Guava b)Mango c)Citrus d)Apple
30. How many types of oil produced by Oil palm ?
a) 5 b) 2 c) 4 d) 3
31.Which of the following is not a partial self incompatible variety of Loquat fruit crop?
a)Fire Ball b)Large Agra c)Tanaka d)Thomas pride
32.Which fruit crop earns highest foreign exchange?
a)USA b)India c)China d)Japan
33. Shade tree’s are planted in Tea estate mainly for?
a) Enhancing Rainfall b)Lowering frost occurrence
c)Improving fertility of soil d)Regulate the temperature

34. Iodine test is performed to judge the maturity index of which crop ?
a) Apple b)Guava c)mango d)pineapple
35. Botanically coffee fruit is a ?
a) Aggregate berry b)Berry c)Drupe d)Capsule
36. Which of the following fruit crop highly resistant to wet soil ?
a) AAB b)AB c)ABB d)AA
37.Oil palm introduced as an ornamental crop at National Botanical Garden,Kolkata during
the year ?
a) 1840 b)1860 c)1848 d)1960
38. Barren nuts in coconut are produced due to the deficiency of nutrient ?
a) B b)Mg c)K d)N Shivendu Pratap Singh Solanki

39. Which is the volatile harmone ?
a) Kinetin b)Ethylene c)Zeatin d)None
40. Clonal rootstock of apple where evolved first ?
a) California b)Shimla c)Long Ashton d)East malliong
41. In citrus the indicator plant used for Xyloporosis is ?
a) Orlando Tangelo b)Mandarin c)Grape Fruit d)Sweet orange
42. The process of branching at the tip of branch in cocoa fruit crop is reffered as ?
a) Fan shoot b)Jorquette c)Plagiotropic shoot d)Water shoot
43. Uniform ripening of coffee berries is achieved by spraying of ?
a) GA3 b)CCC c)NAA d)Ethrel
44. Botanical name of Indian Rubber ?
a) Hevea brasiliensis b)Castiolla elastica c)Ficus elastic d)Manihot glaziovii
45. The aroma in ripened fruit is caused due to the formation of ?
a) Fats b)Essential oil c)Aromatic compounds d)Esters
46. Which essential element deficiency causes gummosis in Almond ?
a) B b)Cu c)Mo d)Ca
47. Plucking of terminal bud with more than two leaves in Tea is known as ?
a) Coarse plucking b)Fine plucking c)Bud plucking d)Medium plucking
48. Father of Organic farming ?
a) Masanobu Fukuoka b)Albert Howard c)Rudolf steiner d)Francis Galton
49. Number of deemed university under the ICAR ?
a) 4 b)5 c)6 d)7
50. National Agriculture Science Museum located at New Delhi ,is established in which year ?
a) 2005 b)2006 c)2008 d)2004
51. Central institute of Horticulture sanctioned in Nagaland during ?
a) 2005 b)2006 c)2008 d)2004
52. Firstly Bt gene was isolated & discovered in which country ?
a) USA b)India c)Germany d)China
53. Bt was discovered by ?
a) wilmont b) S.Ishiwata c)J.B.Boussingault d)Zimmerman
54. Present D.G. of ICAR ?
a) Dr.Mangala Rai b) Dr.S.Ayappan c)Dr.B.P.Pal d)Dr.H.B.Singh
55. Largest Tulip Garden in Asia which is located at ?
a) Bangalore b) Lucknow c)Srinagar d)Chandigarh
56. Which Harmoe is used for the inducing parthenocarpy in tomato ?
a) CCC b) 2,4-D c)PCPA d)BA
57. Which crop reffered as “one species super market”.
a) Chenopodium b) Winged Bean c)Faba Bean d)Amaranthus
58. Which Gourd Vegetables inhibits the growth of HIV-1 in human cells ?
a) Ivy Gourd b) Snake Gourd c)Pointed Gourd d)Sponge Gourd
59. Which country is known as “Home of Sugar” .
a) Brazil b) USA c)China d)India
60. Anything can satisfy a human wants is called as ?
a)Utility b) Demand c)Goods d)None
61. Transport of goods from one place to another place , it forms which type of utility ?
a) Time b) Form c)Place d)None Shivendu Pratap Singh Solanki

62. Demand for agricultural goods is which type as compared to industrial goods?
a) Elastic b) Inelastic c) perfect d)unit elastic
63. Which year is known as the year of Technology ?
a) 2002 b) 2004 c)2006 d)2008
64. Which year is known as the year of Bio-Diversity ?
a) 2002 b) 2004 c)2006 d)2010
65. Avenue tree related to lord krishna ?
a) Anthocephalous cadamba b)Delonix regia c)Ficus religiosa d)Saraca indica
66. John Innes Horticultural Institute (JIHI) is located at ?
a) England b) Rome (Italy) c)China d)India
67. Tomato is suitable for?
a) Dehydration b)Canning c)Freezing d)A & B
68. Cell without cell wall is known as ?
a) Hypo plast b) Protoxyloplast c)Protoplast d)Plastid
69. Poor mans vegetable?
a)Cow pea b) Cluster bean c)Lima bean d)Indian bean
70. Shoe- string viral disease of which vegetable crop ?
a) Tomato b) Cucumber c)Potato d) Chilli
71. Calyx withering is a physiological disorder of?
a) Tomato b) Cucumber c)Brinjal d)Chilli
72. Pinking is a physiological disorder of which cole crop ?
a) Cabbage b) Kale c)Cauliflower d)Broccoli
73. Black leg (Phoma lingam)is a fungal disease of a Cole crop ,it is ?
a) Soil born b) Air born c)seed born d)a,b,c.
74.Pillow is fruit disorder of which cucurbits ,caused due to low calcium level in the tissue?
a)Sponge gourd b) Ridge gourd c)Bottle gourd d)cucumber
75. Phule sai is the variety of which vegetable crop ?
a) Brinjal b) Tomato c)Sweet paper d)Chilli
76. Pusa-120 is the X-ray mutant of tomato from which introduced variety ?
a) Best of All b) Roma c)Sioux d)Money maker
77. Pusa jyoti is the variety of palak developed by which breeding method ?
a)Mutation b)Polyploidy c)Hybridization d)Selection
78. what is the ploidy level of Sree Harsha variety of Cassava ?
a) 2002 b) 2004 c)2006 d)2008
79. Which wild Solanum species is used to introduced resistance to little leaf of brinjal disease
a) S.indicum b)S.gilo c)S.incanum d)S.viarum
80. Powdery mildew resistant variety of muskmelon ?
a)DVRM-1 b)Punjab Rasila c)Arka Rajhans d)DVRM-2
81. Which of the following carriers information from nuclear RNA to Cytoplasm ?
a) r-RNA b) t-RNA c)DNA d)m-RNA
82. which chemical used for checking the pollen sterility in rose ?
a) Ethyl alcohol b) Acetocarmine c)Potassium Iodide d)All of the above
83.Botanical name of the French Rose?
a)R.centifolia b) R.gigantia c)R.gallica d)R.multiflora
84. Stenting method of propagation is followed in which flower crop
a) jasmine b) Rose c)Gerbera d)Carnation Shivendu Pratap Singh Solanki

85.Wintering in Rose is very common in which part of the India ?
a) western b) Eastern c)Southern d)Northern
86. Native place of Carnation ?
a) France b)Germany c)India d)China
87. For getting single large peak flowering in standard cultivar of Carnation, Which type of
pinching is followed ?
a) Pinch & a half b) Single pinching c)Pinch plus pull pinch d)Double Pinching
88. Calyx splitting in Carnation is due to the night temperature is less than ?
a) 15˚C b)10 ˚C c)20˚C d)5˚C
89. Family of Gladiolus grandiflorus ?
a) Asteraceae b) Orchidaceae c)Iridaceae d)Caryophyllaceae
90. Corms of Gladiolus is rich in which Vitamin ?
a) Vit-A b)Vit-B c)Vit-D d)Vit-C
91. Dormancy of gladiolus corms is due to the presence of which acid?
a) Linolinic acid b)Linoleic acid c)Palmic acid d)All of the above
92. Which group of lilium is odour less ?
a) Oriental b) Asiatic c)Both d)Only A
93. The period for which flowers or foliage remains in presentable form without loosing its
grade & Quality is known as?
a) Longevity b) Vase life c)Display life d)All the above
94. Which of the following is strongest senescence stimulator ?
a) BA b) ABA c)PBA d)AOA
95. Geotrophic bending during transportation is common in ?
a) Gladiolus b) Chrysanthemum c)Lupine d)All of these
96. Epinasty in Poinsettia can be reduced by spraying ?
a) Sugar b) Silver Nitrate c)Cobalt Nitrate d)Ancymidol
97. Which perfume is costliest in the world ?
a) rose b) jasmine c)carnation d)Michelia champaka
98. Which of the following fruit tree is not good for Bonsai?
a)Guava b) Fig c)Papaya d)Orange
99. In Japanese language , Man is known as?
a) Soe b) Juthi c)Sogustu d)Manni
100. Mobility in garden is created by use of ?
a) Different size b) Deciduous trees c)Evergreen tree d)Ever green shrub
101. Phalsa crop is a ?
a) Herbaceous b) Shrubaceous c)Woody tree d)None
102.Botanically carambola fruit is ?
a) Pome b) Berry c)Nut d)Capsule
103.which of the following is a climacteric fruit crop ?
a) Grape b) Pomegranate c)Fig d)Litchi
104.Family of carrisa carandas ?
aCaricaceae b) Tiliaceae c)Apocynaceae d)Moraceae
105.Family of “New Zealand spinach” ?
a) Chenopodiaceae b) Aizoaceae c)Alliaceae d)Araceae Shivendu Pratap Singh Solanki

106.Primrose is classified based on photoperiodic requirement ?
a) long day b) short day c)Day neutral d)None
107.Family of Khas-Khas ?
a) Papaveraceae b) piperaceae c)Papilionaceae d)Iridaceae
108.Botanically Walnut Fruit is ?
a) Modified berry b) Simple fruit c)Aggregate Fruit d)Multiple Fruit
109.Scientific name of Ber Fruit flies ?
a) Dacus dorsalis b) Chetodacus spp c)Carpomiya vesuviana d)Athalia proxima
110.Bt-Brinjal is developed by which seed company ?
a) Indo-american b) Mahyco c)Monsanto d)Ankur Seeds
111.Scab disease of the potato is caused by ?
a) Fungus b) Bacteria c)Virus d)Mycoplasma
112.Aster Yellow disease of Onion & garlic is caused by ?
a) Fungus b) Bacteria c)Virus d)Mycoplasma
113.Horn moth is the pest of which vegetable crop ?
a) Brinjal b) Chilli c)Tomato d)French bean
114.Arecanut beetle is the storage pest of which crop ?
a) Arecanut b) Aroids & Yam c)Cassava d)Sweet Potato
115.Tea Rust disease is caused by
a) Fungus b) virus c)Bacteria d)Algal
116.”Kokke Kandu” is the viral disease of?
a) Large Cardamom b) Small Cardamom c)Cinnamon d)Ginger
117.Thinning Plays the role of ?
a)Increase the fruit size b) Decrease the TSS c)Decrease the Acidity d)All
118.Which essential nutrient improves the keeping quality of fruits & Vegetables ?
a) N b) P c)K d)Ca
119.Nettinjg is a Maturity index in ?
a) water melon b) Musk Melon c) Jack Fruit d)Pine apple
120.Maximum Safe temperature for Onion curing at field is __________ for 3-5 days ?
a) 35.8˚C b) 36.8˚C c)37.8˚C d)38.8˚C
121For the Banana, Mango, Citrus, Tomato. Better de-greening temperature is the ?
a) 25˚C b)26˚C c)27˚C d)28˚C
122.In which of the following fruit Hybridization program use the “ Caging technique”
developed at IARI New delhi ?
a) Sapota b) Mango c)Aonla d)Custard Apple
123.seeded Banana follows the ?
a) Single sigmoid growth curve b) Double sigmoid growth curve
c)Triple sigmoid growth curve d)Both A& B
124.Virus free planting material in citrus can be produced by ?
a) Chemo therapy b) Thermo therapy c)Micro grafting d)All
125.Which is a species suitable for cross pollination technique in Citrus for Citrus Tristeza virus
a) Rangapur lime b) Kagzi lime c)Tahiti Lime d)Sweet lime
126.Synonymous of Citrus grandis ?
a) C.paradisi b)C.limon c)C.latifolia d)C.maxima Shivendu Pratap Singh Solanki

127.Time of FBD in Aonla is ?
a)Feb-Mar b) Apr-May c)Mar-Apr d)May-Jun
128.Botanical name of strawberry Guava
a) P.cettelianum b) P.guinieense c)P.pomiferum d)P.guajava
129. Vitamin C content in Guava is highest in fruit peel at which stage?
a) Immature b) Fully ripe c)Mature d)At all stages
130.Which fruit crop rich in the calcium content ?
a) Cashew nut b)Date palm c)Karonda d)Litchi
131.In Mango which chemical used as anti-malformin?
a) Ascorbic acid b) Glutathione c)K2S2O3 d)All
132.Native place of Coffee ?
a) Newzealand b) Brazil c)Ethiopia d)China
133.Which harmone is used for inducing more number of female flower in cucumber?
a) GA3 b) Ethrel c)2,4-D d)ABA
134.Which of the following is only one bean grown as winter crop?
a) Lima bean b) Cluster bean c)Broad bean d)Dolichos bean
135.Thermo dormancy is found in which of the following vegetable crop ?
a) Celery b) Lettuce c)Parsley d)Amaranthus
136.Generally how much stamens or Anthers present in the Solanaceae family flower ?
a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 8

137.Which of the following essential element increase the number of flowers in Tomato ?
a) N b) P c)K d)S
138.Thinning is compulsory in which crop?
a) Beet root b) Carrot c)Turnip d)All
139.Which is the important principal constituent in Small Cardamum?
a) Terbein b) Cineol c)Cuminol d)Limone
140.Family of Vanilla ?
a)Iridaeae b) Lauraceae c)Orchidaceae d)Araceae
141.Summer shower is important for flowering in which spice crop ?
a) Small cardamum b) Nutmeg c)Clove d)Kokum
142. National Organic Farming Research Institute situated at....
a) Sikkim b) Gaziabad c) Jabalpur d) Katni
143.Highest number of medicinal crops under which family ?
a)Apocynaceae b) Papaveraceae c)Asteraceae d)Gramineae
144.Aswagandha is also known as ?
a) Second silajeet b) Sonamukhi c)Indian Ginseng d)Psyllium
145.Which is the main constituent of Cassia leaf oil is ?
a) Eugenol b)Cinnamaldehyde c)Cineole d)Terbein
146.Tamarind seed contain ___________ % of tartaric acid?
a) 8 b) 9 c)10 d)11
147.Curing the habitual constipation is by which medicinal plant ?
a) Henbane b)Dill c)Foxglove d)Senna
148.Which of the following medicinal plant is used as a tranquilizer ?
a) Periwinkle b) Liquorice c)Isabgol d)Datura Shivendu Pratap Singh Solanki

149.Lemon grass is a major source of ?
a) Citral b)Geraniol c)Citronellol d)Linalool
150.CIMAP is located at ?
a)Bangalore b) Kolkata c)Hydearabad d)Lucknow

Match the pairs

1) 1.Banana a)Corebreakdown
2.Mango b)Gumming
3.Persimmon c)Jelly seed
4.Peach d)Neer vazhai
5.Apple e)Sunscald

2) 1.Lye solution a)20-25% sugar

2.Brine solution b)Golden colored enamel
3.Syrup c)1-3% common salt
4.Pickling d)15-25% salt
5.Lacquiring e)1-2% caustic salt

3) 1.Hand peeling a)potato

2.Steam peeling b)Carrot
3.Mechanical peeling c)Sweet potato & mandarin
4.Flame peeling d)Mango
5.Lye peeling e)Onion

4) 1.Indian Horticulture a)GAU,Junagarh

2.Scientific Horticulture b)Hissar(HA)
3.Indian Spices c)Cochin(Kerala)
4.indian Journal of Horticulture d)ICAR,New Delhi
5.Haryana Journal of Horticulture e) IARI,New Delhi

5) 1.Auxins a)Genetcal Dwarfism

2.GA3 b)Fruit ripening
3.Cytokinin c)Cell Division
4.Ethylene d)Stomata Closing
5.ABA e)Apical Dominance

6) 1.Strwberry a)Hexaploid
2.Banana b)Octaploid
3.Pisatachionut c)Tetraploid
4.Pseudoananas d)Diploid
5.Persimmon e)Triploid Shivendu Pratap Singh Solanki

7) 1.Hazelnut a)Anacardiaceae
2.Chestnut b)Corylaceae
3.Pistachionut c)Oleaceae
4.Pecan Nut d)Fagaceae
5.Olive e)Juglandaceae

8) 1.2n=14 a)Lasoda
2.2n=26 b)Cucumber
3.2n=16 c)loquat
4.2n=34 d)Fig
5.2n=24 e)Muskmelon

9) 1.Catkins a)Gladiolus
2.Corymb b)Grape
3.Spadix c)Mulberry
4.Spike d)Coconut
5.Panicle e)Pear

10) 1.Indigenous Vegetable a)Phalsa

2.Indigenous Fruit b)Guava
3.Spice Bowl c)Brinjal
4.Delicious fruit d)Banana
5.Poor man’s Vegetable e)Calicut

HORTICULTURE….GYAN Shivendu Pratap Singh Solanki

HORTICULTURE....GYAN Shivendu Pratap Singh Solanki

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