Gráfico de Tensão-Deformação

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2 the stress–strain DiagraM 105

3.2 The sTress–sTrain diagram

Once the stress and strain data from the test are known, then the results
can be plotted to produce a curve called the stress–strain diagram. This
diagram is very useful since it applies to a specimen of the material made
of any size. There are two ways in which the stress–strain diagram is
normally described.

Conventional Stress–Strain Diagram. The nominal or

engineering stress is determined by dividing the applied load P by the
specimen’s original cross-sectional area A0. This calculation assumes that
the stress is constant over the cross section and throughout the gage
length. We have

s = (3–1)

Likewise, the nominal or engineering strain is found directly from the

strain gage reading, or by dividing the change in the specimen’s gage
length, d, by the specimen’s original gage length L0. Thus,

P = (3–2)

When these values of s and P are plotted, where the vertical axis is the
stress and the horizontal axis is the strain, the resulting curve is called a
conventional stress–strain diagram. A typical example of this curve is
shown in Fig. 3–4. Realize, however, that two stress–strain diagrams for a
particular material will be quite similar, but will never be exactly the
same. This is because the results actually depend upon such variables as
the material’s composition, microscopic imperfections, the way the
specimen is manufactured, the rate of loading, and the temperature
during the time of the test. s
From the curve in Fig. 3–4, we can identify four different regions in s¿f
tensão de ruptura real

which the material behaves in a unique way, depending on the amount of

strain induced in the material. su
limite de
tensão de
limite de proporcionalidade
Elastic Behavior. The initial region of the curve, indicated in light sY
limite de elasticidade
tensão de

orange, is referred to as the elastic region. Here the curve is a straight line spl
up to the point where the stress reaches the proportional limit, spl.
When  the stress slightly exceeds this value, the curve bends until the P

stress reaches an elastic limit. For most materials, these points are very
região escoamento endurecimento estricção
elástica por deformação

close, and therefore it becomes rather difficult to distinguish their exact comportamento
comportamento elástico

values. What makes the elastic region unique, however, is that after Conventional and true stress–strain diagram
for ductile material (steel) (not to scale)
reaching sY , if the load is removed, the specimen will recover its original
shape. In other words, no damage will be done to the material. Fig. 3–4

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