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Role of the students in language classroom

Language classes often don't focus on the aspect of learning a language that
intrigues students most speaking it. We should get students talking more.
The role of students in traditional teaching is passive and receptive
In learning centered teaching,the students contribute to the overall design of the
course content and learning procedure
Students contribute to design language learning activities
Students are encouraged to take learning responsibility
Student Roles in a Collaborative Classroom
Students also assume new roles in the collaborative classroom. Their major roles
are collaborator and active participator. It is useful to think how these new roles
influence the processes and activities students conduct before, during, and after
For example, before learning, students set goals and plan learning tasks; during
learning, they work together to accomplish tasks and monitor their progress; and
after learning, they assess their performance and plan for future learning. As
mediator, the teacher helps students fulfill their new roles.

Goal setting Students prepare for learning in many ways. Especially important is
goal setting, a critical process that helps guide many other before-, during-, and
and after-learning activities.
Although teachers still set goals for students, they often provide students with
choices. When students collaborate, they should talk about their goals. For
example, one teacher asked students to set goals for a unit on garbage. In one
group, a student wanted to find out if garbage is a problem, another wanted to
know what happens to garbage, a third wanted to know what is being done to solve
the problem of garbage. The fourth member could not think of a goal, but agreed
that the first three were important and adopted them. These students became more
actively involved in the unit after their discussion about goals, and at the end of the
unit, could better evaluate whether they had attained them.

Sometimes, is a good idea to pick formal roles and to give them to the students,
here is a list of suggested roles.
Students as Facilitators: Knowledge comes from study, experience, and
reflection. Engaging students as learning guides and facilitators helps reinforce
their commitment to learning and the subject they are teaching; it can also engage
both young and older learners in exciting ways.
Students as Researchers: Identifying issues, surveying interests, analyzing
findings, and developing projects in response are all powerful avenues for Student
Students as Planners: Planning includes program design, event planning,
curriculum development, and hiring staff. Students planning activities can lend
validity, creativity, and applicability to abstract concepts and broad outcomes.
Students as Organizers: Community organizing happens when leaders bring
together everyone in a community in a role that fosters social change. Students
community organizers focus on issues that affect themselves and their
communities; they rally their peers, families, and community members for action.
Students as Evaluators: Assessing and evaluating the effects of programs,
classes, activities, and projects can promote Student Voice in powerful ways.
Students can learn that their opinions are important, and their experiences are
valid indicators of success.
Students as Experts: Envisioning roles for students to teach students is relatively
easy; seeing new roles for students to teach adults is more challenging. Students
specialists bring expert knowledge about particular subjects to programs and
organizations, enriching everyone’s ability to be more effective.
Students as Advisors: When students advise adults they provide genuine
knowledge, wisdom, and ideas to each other, adults, schools, and education
agencies, and other locations and activities that affect them and their world at
Students as Teachers: Facilitating learning for themselves, other students and
educators, other adults in schools, or adults throughout our schools can be
teachers of small and large groups in all kinds of topics. [Examples]
Students as Trainers: When they train adults, students, children, and others,
youth can share their wisdom, ideas, knowledge, attitudes, actions, and processes
in order to guide programs, nurture organization and community cultures, and
change the world.
The success of classroom learning is very much dependent on how students relate
to each other, how effectively students cooperate and communicate with each
other, and what roles the teachers and learners play.

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