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I. Intro Sequence

II. Wheel Gator (use X-Buster)

III. Bubble Crab (use Spin Wheel)

o a.) Heart Container #1
IV. Acquire Zero Parts (various locations)
o a.) Serges (Zero Part No.1)
o b.) Violen (Zero Part No.2)
o c.) Agile (Zero Part No.3)
V. Flame Stag (use Bubble Splash)
o a.) Sub Tank #1
o b.) Heart Container #2
VI. Morph Moth (use Speed Burner)
o a.) Armor Upgrade
VII. Magna Centipede (use Silk Shot)
o a.) Heart Container #3
VIII. Crystal Snail (use Magnet Mine)
o a.) Helmet Upgrade
IX. Morph Moth (return)
o a.) Heart Container #4
X. Overdrive Ostrich (use Crystal Hunter)
o a.) Boots Upgrade
XI. Wheel Gator (return)
o a.) X-Buster Upgrade
o b.) Heart Container #5
XII. Bubble Crab (return)
o a.) Sub Tank #2
XIII. Magna Centipede (return)
o a.) Sub Tank #3
XIV. Overdrive Ostrich (return)
o a.) Heart Container #6
XV. Wire Sponge (use Sonic Slicer)
o a.) Heart Container #7
o b.) Sub Tank #4
XVI. Crystal Snail (return)
o a.) Heart Container #8
XVII. Bubble Crab (return)*
o a.) Fill Sub Tanks!
VIII. X-Hunter Base Stage I**
o a.) Violen (use X-Buster)
XIX. X-Hunter Base Stage II**
o a.) Serges (use Silk Shot / X-
XX. X-Hunter Base Stage III
o a.) Agile (use Magnet Mine)
XXI. XXI.) X-Hunter Base Stage IV
o a.) Maverick Re-Fight (see
XXII. XXII.) X-Hunter Base Stage V
o a.) Sigma (use X-Buster)
o b.) Computer Sigma (use Strike

* To refill your Sub Tanks quickly, head to Bubble Crab's stage and work your way into the water. After the
fish comes out of its alcove to the left, follow it to the red horizontal door that opens to the right that'll let
you through. Immediately below this area to the left along the wall is a hidden area that can be accessed
through the wall. Walk through into the dead end room and equip the Silk Shot. Power it up and before you
know it, energy capsules will be flying towards you for you to grab. Repeat this as many times as you want
(in the same visit!) to refill your Sub Tanks quickly, easily, and safely.
** In between the first four stages of the X-Hunter Base (not during the final stage) you can and should
return to Bubble Crab's stage in the area mentioned above (under *) to refill your Sub Tanks.
Boss strategies below appear in the order you should defeat them. For more on the flow of the game in this
respect, please see the Flowchart section of the Guide.
Note: Here is a chart of boss weaknesses (in the order you should/will defeat the enemies) if you want to
know what to use on each boss in the game without having to spoil the game further by reading the in-
depth boss strategies below.

Boss Name Primary Weakness

Wheel Gator X-Buster
Bubble Crab Spin Wheel
Flame Stag Bubble Splash
Morph Moth Speed Burner
Magna Centipede Silk Shot
Crystal Snail Magnet Mine
Overdrive Ostrich Crystal Hunter
Wire Sponge Sonic Slicer
Violen X-Buster
Serges Silk Shot / X-Buster
Agile Magnet Mine
Sigma X-Buster
Computer Sigma Strike Chain

Wheel Gator

Use: X-Buster
Acquire: Spin Wheel

Wheel Gator's lair is covered in a red liquid at the bottom (we're assuming it's blood, but who really knows).
He likes to hide in this liquid pool in order to fire his wheels (which are in fact metal blades) along the liquid
and up the walls and along the ceilings. When he's hiding, stay on one of the walls at the very top of the
wall. This will give you ample time and room to react to the blade coming up the wall so you can jump back
into the liquid below to avoid it. He will also shoot his wheels at you from above the liquid, although these
are considerably easier to avoid (simply run towards a wall, climb, and then jump over them). Once in a
while, Wheel Gator will also fire plasma shots which are easy to avoid (although he can shoot right at you,
so don't fall asleep!) All the while, you should try to get in charged up X-Buster shots on Wheel Gator when
he's above the liquid, since he spends a lot of time underneath, out of harm's way. Just stick to the walls,
avoid the blades the best you can, and take as many shots at him as you can when the opportunity
presents itself, and before long he will be defeated.
Bubble Crab

Use: Spin Wheel

Acquire: Bubble Splash

Both easy to fight and easy to avoid, Bubble Crab will put up little fight to X, especially if you're packing the
Spin Wheel (which you should be if you are following our suggested flowchart). Bubble Crab will use a
bubble shield of sorts to protect himself, but it can be penetrated with the Spin Wheel. Furthermore, he
acts in a predictable way - he'll jump up using the burners coming off of his body to try and damage X, and
he'll rove around his lair (with his shield up or down) trying to collide with X. The one variable that effects
the outcome of the battle will be how well you pay attention to the water level in the room. The water level
will determine whether Bubble Crab can jump high to damage you, or be limited (he must stay under the
water). Low water levels work to your advantage - jump-dash away from him when he jumps, turn around,
get some shots off, and repeat. Before long, Bubble Crab will be no more.

Flame Stag

Use: Bubble Splash

Acquire: Speed Burner

Using the Bubble Splash on Flame Stag makes him a joke, so you should have no fears whatsoever in
fighting him if you are following our order. While Flame Stag can bounce around his room (which is smaller
than usual because of the elevated floors), and while he will constantly be shooting fire at you, hitting him
with the Bubble Splash over and over again will not only damage him considerably, but it will also stun him
into doing the same attack over and over again, which can then be dodged before hitting him with the
Bubble Splash again (and hence repeating this process over and over again until he is slain). When he is
defeated, his powerful weapon, the Speed Burner, is yours. Just be weary of fighting him without the
Bubble Splash, which makes him both much more difficult and wholly unpredictable in battle.
Morph Moth

Use: Speed Burner

Acquire: Silk Shot

You know the Speed Burner works well on Morph Moth because it sets him on fire and chars him every
time you hit him with it. Morph Moth is a boss that will fight in two phases - first, he'll fight in a cocoon-like
stage, swinging from the top of the screen, firing junk, et cetera. He'll then go along the ground and scoop
garbage up, flinging it all over the place. In the swinging phase, fire at him every few seconds to damage
him, and when he goes along the ground, he isn't vulnerable to attack so climb high along one of the walls
and avoid what he throws. Finally, when you've done enough damage to his first form, he'll appear as an
actual moth, shooting down damaging dust as well as beams of light energy going down vertically from his
body that can also do massive damage. Naturally, in this form he is still weak to the Speed Burner. It won't
take much to defeat this foe!

Magna Centipede

Use: Silk Shot / X-Buster

Acquire: Magnet Mine

There's a problem when people face Magna Centipede in that some people choose the Silk Shot to use on
him, while others simply find it easier to use the X-Buster charged up on him. We use a combination of
both. Hitting Magna Centipede once with the Silk Shot will cause him to lose his tail, hence eliminating his
most powerful attack using the Magnet Mines. After that, you should revert to powered-up X-Buster shots
to use on him. He'll appear and disappear - when he appears on the ground, quickly run him through with a
charged X-Buster shot, then he'll disappear again. Let him continue this until he reaches the ceiling. When
this happens, dash out of the way of the ninja stars he throws at you (which are semi-heat-sinking) and
wait for him to re-appear on the ground (or if you're really good, you can climb up the wall and strike him to
cause him to disappear, but it's a risk if you don't want to get damaged). When this foe is finally defeated,
the Magnet Mine, the weapon he couldn't even use all battle, is all yours.
Crystal Snail

Use: Magnet Mine

Acquire: Crystal Hunter

An easy and predictable Maverick to defeat, Crystal Snail will put up little resistance. With the help of
Magnet Mines, not only will he be a sitting duck for your attacks (when he's not in his shell, which isn't
vulnerable to any weapon) but he will have a stuttered and half-broken attack plan that will become easy
for you to read and exploit. When he's out of his shell, fire a Magnet Mine at him to make him lose his shell.
You can knock it around thereafter and keep him chasing it if you want, but once he gets in it, he will
retreat into his shell, rise through the air, and either slow time down (which isn't really a big deal at all) or
he'll shoot towards you and land back on the ground. Either way, he'll again leave himself vulnerable to
attack. Repeat this process over and over again to defeat this easy enemy.

Overdrive Ostrich

Use: Crystal Hunter

Acquire: Sonic Slicer

Overdrive Ostrich is another Maverick that, if you have the proper weapon to use on him, will get caught up
in a pattern that will allow you to really lay the hurt down on him. If you've been following our order, you do
have the weapon we need to do this - the Crystal Hunter. Strike Overdrive Ostrich with the Crystal Hunter
to phase him and electrocute him. This will stop him (likely mid-run) and he'll jump up and rain down Sonic
Slicers on you before landing back on the ground. Strike him again, he'll jump back in the air, rain down
more Sonic Slicers on you, and land once more. Repeat this process to kill him quickly and easily. This will
also allow you to not have to worry about his speed and agility in battle... otherwise, this fight would be a
lot more difficult.
Wire Sponge

Use: Sonic Slicer

Acquire: Strike Chain

The final Maverick in our order to defeat is Wire Sponge, and thankfully he's one of the easier foes to beat
in the game. With our Sonic Slicer, Wire Sponge will rarely get to attack nonetheless use his more
advanced battle tactics. Mainly, Wire Sponge will run around his room using his hand weapons (the Strike
Chain) to do as much damage as possible to X, but also to quickly get from one side of the room to the
other. Additionally, he will be able to use the Strike Chain to hang onto the ceiling, where he can then fire
vine seeds which will make vines grow on the ground. When you damage him enough, he'll turn orange
and launch into the air, sending down lightning bolts. While all of this is happening, pound away at him with
the Sonic Slicer. Before long, our friend Wire Sponge is no more!


Use: X-Buster
Acquire: N/A

This should be your second fight with Violen in the game (if you're following our flowchart and fought him
early in the game to acquire a piece of Zero). He is basically the same this time around except for, well,
he's not so easy. A difference between the first fight and this fight, also, is that he will create small yellow
blocks randomly in the room which you can use at platforms, but more importantly will act as guards
between you and his massive ball and chain that he throws around the room. It's not as easy to avoid this
time either, so you'll probably be using a Sub Tank on this level. In anycase, the X-Buster is your primary
weapon of choice here simply because you can fire it so quickly and accurately. Don't bother charging up
(unless he's changing the formation of the yellow blocks, at which point he is invincible to attack) and lay
into him as quickly as you can with as much ferocious firepower as possible.

Use: Silk Shot / X-Buster

Acquire: N/A

Defeating Serges this time around (and for good) is even more difficult than it was the first time around.
The huge machine he mans here takes up an entire side of the screen and the entire battle takes place
over spikes that will kill you in one hit if you fall down onto them. The only thing you have to stand on here
is, in the first phase four platforms, and in the second phase, two platforms, all of which move up and down
randomly. Enter the battle equipped with Silk Shot to defeat all four cannons on his huge machine in one or
two hits each. Once the cannons are defeated, the battle will shift to the second phase where you'll actually
be able to damage Serges himself. The X-Buster here, charged or otherwise, is your best friend. As the
platforms move up and down, so will Serges - when you two are on equal footing, fire away to damage
him. Don't be afraid to use Sub Tanks here, especially because we can refill them after we defeat Serges
back at Bubble Crab's stage. Don't try to dodge the green plasma shots he fires that split into four smaller
shots, either; it takes too much concentration, and it just isn't worth it. Concentrate on hurting him as much
as you can as quickly as you can, and don't be afraid to tear through even all of your Sub Tanks! Once
he's defeated, Serges is gone for good.


Use: Magnet Mine

Acquire: N/A

Agile's second incarnation is laughably easy. With the extremely difficult stage leading up to it, Capcom
must have figured an easy boss would be a nice break! If you equip X with the Magnet Mines and direct
them upwards after firing them, you'll hit Agile's craft each and every time. His attacks seem weak, so just
stay on the left side of the room, dodge missiles/shocks/falling platforms if you are able, but don't sweat
playing defensively as much as shooting Magnet Mines to defeat him as quickly as possible. Use a Sub
Tank if you need to, but it probably shouldn't be necessary! Easy fight!

Use: X-Buster
Acquire: N/A

This is the first of two forms of Sigma you must fight (and he is the more difficult form). You should have
four full Sub Tanks - try to allocate one (or two MAX) to this version of Sigma. Use the X-Buster on him
(preferably super charged) to do massive damage, while avoiding him. He is a melee fighter primarily so
he'll need to move in close to do damage to you. His claws don't do that much damage, but he can throw
you around, which does a good amount of damage, and he can disappear and then reappear, doing huge
damage to you as he comes down on you. Try to keep on the walls and avoid him (he is fast!) as best you
can. When he is defeated, his final form appears...

Computer Sigma

Use: Strike Chain

Acquire: N/A

The final form of Sigma doesn't have an energy meter so you'll simply have to take our word for it that the
weapon of choice here is the Strike Chain. A melee weapon, the Strike Chain will necessitate that you are
fairly close to the moving holographic head of Sigma. He has a few physical attacks up his sleeve
(primarily disappearing and reappearing later in the battle when he's a little bit weaker) but his primary way
to damage you is through head-on collisions with you, and by spawning various robotic enemies which will
then go at you (luckily, these enemies drop items that will sustain you if you run out of weapon energy for
the Strike Chain or you're out of Sub Tanks). You shouldn't even have to use a Sub Tank here - he's that
simplistic. When he is defeated, you've beaten Mega Man X2. Congratulations!
Where?: Morph Moth's stage
What?: Spin Wheel

Acquiring the Armor upgrade can be a little ambiguous, so the screenshots above will be especially useful
to you here. In the beginning stretch of Morph Moth's stage, look for an area that corresponds to the left-
side screenshot above, where you will see an orange support beam to the left and some flat, gray ground
to the right of it. In the corner there, attempt to use the Spin Wheel; if you're in the right place, the Spin
Wheel will dig through the ground, revealing a secret area below. Go down into the pit and head rightward
to the capsule which holds the Armor upgrade for you, allowing X to store up damage he receives to use in
an outward, offensive manner.
Where?: Crystal Snail's stage
What?: Nothing.

A little after midway through Crystal Snail's stage, you'll encounter a slope of ice leading downward that
you'll slide down uncontrollably. A large crystal will follow you up and try to pincer you. After this point, go
rightward and slide down a pit along the left wall to a hidden corridor. Kill the crystal robots as you head
leftward to this out-in-the-open capsule that will give X the Helmet upgrade, allowing him to find some
secrets in the game! (With this guide, however, the Helmet upgrade isn't all that useful...)
Where?: Overdrive Ostrich's stage
What?: Spin Wheel

The Boots are located near the end of Overdrive Ostrich's stage, and it's really hard to miss, it's just a
matter of whether you have the Spin Wheel in order to access it or not. If you're following the order we've
given you in this guide, however, you've had the Spin Wheel for quite some time by this point. As you go
down a pit near the end of the stage, look to the right. You'll see some purple blocks blocking your pathway
rightward. Use the Spin Wheel to break through them, and then go to the capsule. Easy enough!
Where?: Wheel Gator's stage
What?: Boots upgrade

Near the beginning of the stage, you will go down a series of ladders, and be forced to go rightward to
another chasm that you'll need to go down. Instead of going down that chasm, however, you'll want to go
through the hole in the ceiling you'll see there, which can only be accessed by way of the Boots upgrade,
that'll allow you to dash after already being in the air. Climb to the top of the rightmost wall here, and then
dash leftward after falling for a split-second. If timed right, you'll grab the wall on the left side of the hole in
the ceiling, and from there will be able to climb your way up to the capsule waiting for you.

Zero Parts

Acquiring the Zero parts involves both a little bit of luck and know-how; luckily, we at IGN Guides can help
you with the latter. After you've defeated any of the two Mavericks in the game, three new enemies will
appear that are new to the Mega Man X series (you got a glimpse of them in the game intro, however).
They'll randomly place themselves in one of the enemy zones in the game (even in a place you've already
been). Our suggestion is that you stop what you're doing and fight each of them before defeating your third
boss. Defeating too many Mavericks will catalyze their disappearance, and then you won't get what they
have for you.
Where?: Random
What?: X-Buster
Acquire: Zero Part No.1

Serges is the most tricky of the three enemies to defeat in order to obtain the Zero Parts. He rides on a
moving platform with spikes on both sides that creates a force field around him that can only be penetrated
by use of charged X-Buster shots. You need to damage him when you can (each time he's hit, he'll fall and
then jump into the air, flipping and shooting hard-to-dodge plasma shots down at you). He'll also place
bombs along the ground that you can destroy, but that can pile up along the entire floor if you let them go
for too long. Use charged X-Buster shots on him, and try to enter the battle with a full Sub Tank to fall back
on just in case. When he's defeated, Zero Part No.1 is yours.
Where?: Random
What?: X-Buster
Acquire: Zero Part No.2

Violen is a big robot that packs quite the punch. Thankfully he isn't too smart nor is he too skilled in battle.
The big robot will jump around the lair you're fighting him in, attempting to ram into you. All the while he
can stop midair to shoot a stream of plasma shots, or do so on the ground. What seems to be his most
menacing attack, however, is the humongous ball-and-chain that comes off of his back and swings
everywhere. Thankfully, if you stand right in front of him while he does this last attack, you won't be hit and
you can simply fire at him, at will, until he stops. We suggest simply using the X-Buster here (charged or
otherwise) to inflict pain on this foe.
Where?: Random
What?: X-Buster
Acquire: Zero Part No.3

Agile seems more menacing than he actually is, and much like when we fought Serges, you should
probably try to enter the battle packing a full Sub Tank if possible. Agile has a sort of set battle technique
that will allow for some predictable moves out of him, but for the most part you're going to need to read him
the best you can. He packs a sword that he goes back and forth along the ground with, slashing away.
This is where he does the most damage. To avoid him, stay away from him along the walls, and when he
comes, quickly climb and then jump-dash over him, getting some shots off in the meanwhile. He'll also
jump and shoot a huge wave at you when you're along the wall. This is where you can do the most
damage to him. Try to stay high along the wall, and when he jumps to fire, drop down and fire at him.
When he is defeated (by way of a Sub Tank, perhaps), the third piece of Zero is all yours.
Heart Containers
Heart Container #1
Where?: Bubble Crab's stage
What?: Nothing.

Acquiring this Heart Container takes a little luck and skill, but thankfully there are no prerequisites other
than that; you can grab it whenever you want. Near the beginning of the underwater part of the stage, a
large robotic fish will appear. Follow it as it heads rightward, and when it begins to go downward, let it go
for the time being and instead jump-dash to the wall to the right. Climb up the wall to enter an alcove where
an energy pellet can be acquired. Now, from here, go slightly below the alcove and jump-dash to the left.
Timing this is slightly random, so keep trying until you are able to grab hold of the moving platforms you
see there. Then, simply work your way upward to the Heart Container you find there.
Heart Container #2
Where?: Flame Stag's stage
What?: Nothing.

In the beginning area of Flame Stag's stage, X will have to climb upwards from the pit of a volcano while
lava is quickly chasing after him. There are all sorts of goods on the way up that may convince you to stray
from the path, but you shouldn't. Instead, near the top of the volcanic opening, on your left, will be the
second Heart Container guarded by a foe that will block your path from getting it. This means, of course,
that time is of the essence. Climb the pit with your X-Buster charged and when you encounter this foe,
quickly lay into him with a charged shot followed up by some regular shots, and then grab the Heart
Container. You will thereafter be killed by the lava and will have to start the stage again, but it's worth it!
Heart Container #3
Where?: Magna Centipede's stage
What?: Nothing.

In the beginning area of Magna Centipede's stage, you'll have to compete with spotlights that, if they see
X, will go off, alerting robotic blocks to be sent down from above to fire on him. The idea here is to set off
none of these as you work your way through the beginning part of the stage. Eventually, you will see a
block still stuck to the ceiling adjacent to a vertical path leading upward. If you haven't set off the alarm, this
block will be there and with a well timed jump, X can grapple onto it and then work his way upward from
there, where an alcove holds the Heart Container we seek.
Heart Container #4
Where?: Morph Moth's stage
What?: Crystal Hunter

Head rightward from the beginning of Morph Moth's stage, killing a few enemies as you go. When you
enter into a structure of sorts (it's kind of like a cave), you're in the right place. At this point, you will
encounter the first enemy on the stage that's not a dummy-robot (you'll know what we're talking about), but
is instead a shield-wielding robot. Use the Crystal Hunter on the foe to crystalize him, creating a platform
for X to stand on. After jumping on the crystalized robot, jump and dash upward and rightward, grappling to
a secret platform where an extra life can be found, as well as the fourth Heart Container.
Heart Container #5
Where?: Wheel Gator's stage
What?: Boots upgrade / X-Buster upgrade / Speed Burner

This Heart Container is located about midway through Wheel Gator's stage, and is clearly visible even
when we first go through the stage at the beginning of the game. It's atop a small platform to your left after
climbing up a ladder, but the wall leading up to it is covered with spikes that'll kill you in one hit if you touch
them. The X-Buster upgrade that you'll get on Wheel Gator's stage is what you'll need to grab this Heart
Container, as well as the Boots upgrade that allows you to dash midair. Go to the higher platform to the
right of the Heart Contianer, charge up the Speed Burner by use of the new X-Buster, and then jump in the
air, dash, and then unleash the Speed Burner to get swept all the way to the platform holding the Heart
Container. Be patient... you may die a few times attempting this.
Heart Container #6
Where?: Overdrive Ostrich's stage
What?: Boots upgrade / X-Buster upgrade / Speed Burner

Grabbing this Heart Container will require that you commit suicide - there's really no way to grab it and not
die. After the long part of the stage where you'll ride a motorbike across the desert, you'll walk through a
rather long corridor until you come to a huge gap. On the other side of the gap is a small corridor leading
up to a fork in the path - the upper path is almost exclusively covered in deadly spikes at the end of which
is the Heart Container we seek. To grab it, jump onto the platform to the left of the spikes. Have the Speed
Burner equipped and powered up. Then, jump into the gap, dash mid-air with the Boots upgrade, and then
unleash the Speed Burner. Doing this just right will allow you to land on and grab the Heart Container we
seek. Thereafter you will hit the spikes and die... but you have yourself another Heart Container as a result
of your heroics!
Heart Container #7
Where?: Wire Sponge's stage
What?: Nothing.

This is the most straight-forward Heart Container to obtain in the game. At the very beginning of the stage,
simply climb the left-side wall to the top, where a secret alcove will be discovered. Within it, you will run
into the Heart Container. Not bad, eh?
Heart Container #8
Where?: Crystal Snail's stage
What?: Nothing. (Optional: Strike Chain)

This is a fairly complex Heart Container to get, and although we suggest that you have the Strike Chain in
your arsenal before getting it, you in fact technically need nothing at all to get this Heart Container if you're
good enough. To get it, go forward at the very beginning of the stage. The first gap you come across is our
target, but ignore it for now and go down the icy corridor ahead to find a mech. Jump in the mech, and then
walk leftward back to the chasm, which you should jump into. Bear leftward in the gap to find a secret
platform. To your left is a gigantic chasm. In order to cross it, you'll need to jump and launch yourself
across by way of the mech (using its advanced dashing capabilities) and then at the very last second bail
out of the machine to the platform holding the Heart Container. The Strike Chain comes into play here
because it will allow you to grab the wall to your left if you're a little short; otherwise, you may fall. Either
way you attempt to do it, this is the final Heart Container on our list, so don't pass it up!
Sub Tanks
Sub Tank #1
Where?: Flame Stag's stage
What?: Nothing.

Acquiring this Sub Tank is quite simple; it just takes a little bit of cunning. Use your noggin! At the outset of
Flame Stag's stage, you will encounter this flying robot that will try and smash into you. The idea on the
stage is to make it smash into the breakable wall, which will destroy both the wall and the machine.
However, climb upwards so it smashes underneath you (but not on the breakable wall) and then jump on
top of it. Ride it all the way to the top of the area, then jump off of it to your left, where the Sub Tank will be
found in the corner of the platform you find there. Simple enough!
Sub Tank #2
Where?: Bubble Crab's stage
What?: X-Buster upgrade / Bubble Splash

Return to Bubble Crab's stage once you've acquired the X-Buster upgrade and have already beaten
Bubble Crab so you've acquired his Bubble Splash. When you enter the huge pool of water in the stage, go
rightward past the humongous robotic fish, down through the red horizontal barrier the fish opens up, and
further rightward. At a point where the land levels out (see screenshot above), equip the Bubble Splash
and charge it up with the X-Buster upgrade so that bubbles surround X and cause him to jump higher.
Jump up a few times to see where you are - somewhere on your left should be a small platform where the
Sub Tank will be waiting for you to grab it!
Sub Tank #3
Where?: Magna Centipede's stage
What?: X-Buster upgrade / Boots upgrade / Speed Burner

This is possibly the hardest "extra" item to acquire in the game, and will take several tries and a lot of
patience to properly execute. After the initial area of Magna Centipede's stage where you'll have to dodge
spotlights that will set of alarms, you will have to navigate over and around a series of blocks that fall from
the ceiling and move in different directions (the purple blocks can be destroyed). Traverse this area first
just to see the area we're talking about - it's a hole in the ceiling after a long chasm that leads to the Sub
Tank. When you're familiar with the area, you'll want to try to get to it as quickly as possible (after the
blocks start to move) so that the lone block above you before the chasm will come down and launch over
the chasm and then down it. You must approach the block before it falls with a charged up Speed Burner -
when the block falls, jump on it, then jump into the air facing rightward, jump, dash, then unleash the
Speed Burner. If executed just right, you will land grasping the right wall of the hole in the ceiling. Work
your way up it and to the Sub Tank!
Sub Tank #4
Where?: Wire Sponge's stage
What?: Nothing.

Near the beginning of the stage, you will encounter an area where you'll have to jump from moving
platform to moving platform. These platforms, which move vertically and are extremely thin, will get you
from point A to point B just fine, but instead of using them, try simply jumping on the first one, then turning
around and jump and dash leftward to the wall above where you just came from. Here, you can grapple
your way upward and work your way to a hidden series of platforms over this area. On the far right
platform, the Sub Tank we seek can be found. Just be careful here, especially if it's raining, because the
jumping can be treacherous.
Bubble Splash
Acquired From: Bubble Crab

The Bubble Splash, which is acquired from Bubble Crab, is an interesting weapon in the same vain as the
Bubble Lead acquired from Bubble Man in Mega Man 2, except that multiple bubbles are shot at once and
go in an upwards direction after being fired. This weapon is useful and extremely damaging on certain
enemies, but its more interesting use is its charged up version, which when activated will put the bubbles in
orbit around X's body. This allows X to have a shield around him, and when in water, will also allow him to
jump extra high! Hence, the charged up version has both an offensive nature to it, as well as a neutral one.
Crystal Hunter
Acquired From: Crystal Snail

The Crystal Hunter is an interesting weapon with a primary use in its basic form; to crystalize and hence
freeze its target. This both slows down and stops completely the targeted enemy, who can then simply be
ignored or better yet used as a platform (the latter is a technique used often in the game to reach secret
areas or cross vast stretches of deadly spikes). The charged version of the Crystal Hunter utilizes the other
skill Crystal Snail uses in battle, primarily that of slowing down time. This is useful if there are too many
enemies in an area or whatever, although you'll probably find yourself using this rarely if at all during your
play-through of Mega Man X2.
Magnet Mine
Acquired From: Magna Centipede

Controllable weapons are all the rage, and the Magnet Mine is just that. With remote technology, the
Magnet Mine is able to be fired and then controlled with the d-pad, sending it upwards or downwards as it
shoots outwards. This is extremely useful for enemies that happen to be above or below you that you want
to kill easily and from afar. Furthermore, if you launch the Magnet Mine at a hard surface like a wall, it will
stick. Thereafter, pressing the fire button again will explode the Mine remotely. This is useful if you have
the patience to use such an option! The charged version of the Magnet Mine is a slow moving black hole-
like object that destroys all in its path and sucks all enemy fire towards it as well. Very useful indeed!
Silk Shot
Acquired From: Morph Moth

An interesting weapon indeed, the Silk Shot (acquired from Morph Moth) is a weapon with initially unclear
powers. The Silk Shot itself is a fairly powerful weapon that can be fired directly onto the ground in front of
X, where it then splits into four pieces which fly to various directions across the screen. It's not extremely
useful or practical, but it is the weakness of some enemies in the game. It's the powered-up form of the
weapon that is really important to mention; mainly, that when powered up, the Silk Shot will attract debris
from around X to his X-Buster, which can then be shot. But if you do this power up in certain areas in the
game, you won't attract debris but rather items en masse, such as energy pellets. Very useful! (Especially
when you're quickly trying to fill up those Sub Tanks!)
Sonic Slicer
Acquired From: Overdrive Ostrich

A weapon that is purely offensive in nature (none of these nifty neutral gimmicks here!), the Sonic Slicer is
an X-Buster derived weapon that fires spinning energy waves slowly (but surely) to enemies in front of X.
This weapon is extremely powerful and versatile throughout the game, being the weakness of many
mundane enemies in many stages (not to mention the primary weakness of Wire Sponge). The powered-
up version of the Sonic Slicer, however, is even more impressive. Once unleashed, huge versions of the
Sonic Slicer will appear, go into the air, and then rain back down, destroying most (if not all) of the enemies
on screen. Quite the nice weapon to have in your arsenal, wouldn't you say?
Speed Burner
Acquired From: Flame Stag

If there was a weapon in the game that is perhaps the most useful, this would be the one. Regularly, the
Speed Burner, which is acquired after defeating Flame Stag, is simply a large, spinning flame that is shot
directly from the X-Buster at any varying number of enemies with varying degrees of damage inflicted. But
the really important part of the Speed Burner is what it can do when you charge it up. There are many,
many things in the game that can only be acquired by (or with great help from) the charged up Speed
Burner, because it engulfs X in flames and shoots him forward quickly. If done in midair after dashing, X
can literally cross humongous chasms without fear of dying, and if you read the Heart Containers section,
the Sub Tank section, et cetera, you will find many uses for this weapon that you would have otherwise
never guessed. An extremely vital weapon to completing all there is in the game.
Spin Wheel
Acquired From: Wheel Gator

The Spin Wheel in its primary form is a slow moving metal wheel that will damage all enemies in its path as
it moves across the ground in front of X. It's useful on a variety of enemies even through its fairly slow
speed and the fact that you can only fire one at a time. However, the Spin Wheel's primary version is also
the key to unlocking some secret areas in the game that would otherwise be unattainable, for it can cut
through certain rocks and stones that would otherwise obstruct X's path (revealing things like secret items
and X-Hunter Lairs). The powered-up version of the Spin Wheel shoots a wheel like the original version,
but it also sends beams shooting from X upward in five directions - useful for pesky airborne enemies that
would otherwise be giving you a hard time, for instance.
Strike Chain
Acquired From: Wire Sponge

A pretty basic weapon with few uses, the Strike Chain is a melee weapon that is shot from and returns to
X's X-Buster after every use. It can be used to varying degrees on enemies to damage them, but its real
use is to grasp onto walls from afar and pull yourself towards them. Hence, the powered-up version of this
weapon actually makes a lot of sense, since it's simply the Strike Chain, but bigger, stronger, and longer
than the regular one, allowing you to do more damage to enemies, and to reach to further walls and other
hard surfaces to pull yourself along.

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