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Chapter 19

Guess Paper ➢ Aldol reaction with mechanism

➢ Cannizzaro’s reaction with mechanism
Chemistry XIi ➢ Reaction of aldehyde with 2,4-DNPH with
➢ Iodoform test
➢ Chemical conversions
Chapter 13
➢ Trends of atomic size and energies Chapter 20
➢ Inert pair Effect and Covalent bond / ionic bond ➢ Method of prep of carboxylic acid
➢ Oxidizing properties of Halogens ➢ Reaction of esters with Grignard’s reagent
➢ Reducing property of halide ion ➢ Fischer Esterification with mechanism
➢ Mechanism of conversion of nitrile to carboxylic
Chapter 14 acids
➢ Nomenclature of complex compounds
➢ Types of ligands Chapter 21
➢ Redox reactions of KMnO4 & K2Cr2O7 (Oxidizing ➢ Carbohydrates and it’s Classification
Agent) ➢ Monosaccharide
➢ Reason for color of transition metal complexes ➢ Structure of protein
➢ Properties of lipids
Chapter 15
➢ Tests of Nitrogen and Sulphur in organic Chapter 22
compounds ➢ Dyes and plastics (polymer)
➢ Functional groups ➢ Thermosetting and thermoplastic
➢ Mordant dyes
Chapter 16 ➢ Reason for change in colors of phenolphthalein in
➢ Optical and geometrical isomerism acidic and basic medium
➢ Ozonolysis of alkene ➢ Formulas of dyes
➢ Partial hydrogenation of alkynes
➢ Structural formulas Chapter 23
➢ Molecular orbital treatment of benzene ➢ Pollutant’s sources and effects
➢ Substitution reactions with mechanism of benzene ➢ Ozone depletion with reactions
➢ Ortho-para ad meta directing groups ➢ Thermal pollution
➢ Causes of water pollution
Chapter 17 ➢ Insecticides
➢ SN1 and SN2 reactions ➢ Greenhouse effect
➢ Comparison of substitution vs elimination
➢ Reactivity of Amines & Diazonium Salt Chapter 24
➢ conversions ➢ Combustion analysis
➢ Types of NMR
Chapter 18 ➢ Transition in UV spectroscopy
➢ Williamson’s synthesis ➢ Functional group peaks in IR
➢ Acidity of phenol ➢ Mass spectroscopy principle
➢ Lucas Test ➢ Uses of atomic absorption and emission
➢ Differentiate between ethanol and methanol spectroscopy.
➢ Methods of preparation of phenol

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