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NARMADA — 111 2009 COURE): SUMMER 2017 ‘SUBJECT : SHALAKYA TANTRA (PAPER ~ De i: ‘Time: 10.00 AMO 01.00 PM Date: 95/06/2017 Max, Marks ; 70 1) Allquestions are COMPULSORY. 2) Figures tothe right indicate FULL marks. 3) Answers to both the sections shouldbe written inthe SAME answer book. SECTION -1 QA Write the names of Shuklagata Vyadhi and describe Prastaryarma according to [15] Ayurveda and Modem Science along with operative procedure. Q2 Describe the Vitamin A deficiency and its diseases. 10, Q3 Write short notes on ANY TWO ofthe following: 110) a) Layers of Comea b)- Saptamrit Louha ©) Pindi and Bidalak SECTION -1 QA Deseribe in detail Terpan and Putapaka Kriyakalpa us} QS Deseribe the Netraroga Hetu as per classical text, ho} Q.6 Write short notes on ANY TWO ofthe following: to} a) Myopia b) Atropine eye drop ©) Payalas NARMADA - IIL (2009 COURE): SUMMER - 2017 SUBJECT : SHALAKYA TANTRA (PAPER — I) Dey: May” Date: 05/06/2017 All questions are COMPULSORY. ‘You have to make @ such kind of marks in the box of appropriate answer. ‘This questions paper it self as answer script, you have to return to the Supervisor after 10 minutes.” 4) There is no negative making aie ‘Total Marks Obtained Ir. Supervisor's Examiners Signature ofthe Examiner Mco’s 1) Sushruta deserted _ number of eye diseases. » Cn » C)% ) Ele » Con 2) Kukutand-rasopam Srava seen in a) (Lagan bE) Kumbiika 9 CDUssangini J) Aviannamiks 3) Arjun is___ Vyadhi, a) (J Sarvagata 1) [)shuktosat © )rishioa CJ krishnagat 4) Nombers of krishnagata Vyadhi are =) [aly » Cn 9 Cr a (os PTO. 6 % » 10) ») » * a » 9 a In Kaphaj Adhimantha Drishinash occurs in____ days. oO: Cos Cie tor Drisiis__ofKrishnamant. Ow Ow Ou Como Normal OP is_ mm Cu-2 (30-40 Cs 10 [Nonspecific treatment of come ulcer is (J antiiotes (antiinflammatory [1 Myatriaties [| cyetoptegics: Posterior subcapsular cataract is [J caneiform (7) copatiorm (Bott [None ofthe above Number of extragcular muscles in one eye is_. os cals Cie els

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