Comsats Unversity of Islamabad Vehari Campus: Name: Shumayim Khan

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Name: Shumayim khan

Roll No. SP19-BCS-053

Assignment no. 2

Subject: Islamiat

Submitted to: proff Zia ul haqq

Al-Aṣr is an Arabic word which mean "The Declining Day, Eventide, The Epoch,
Time" is the section of the Quran, the Muslim’s blessed book. It contains three
stanzas. Surat al-Asr is the second most limited part after al-Kawthar.

Explanation of Surah Al-Asr

To comprehend that this surah underscores the significance of using time astutely.
It indicates out what can spare humankind from misfortune in this world and the

Surah Al-Asr is the one hundred and third (103) surah of the Quran. It has been
alluded to as a unique case of completeness since it clarifies in three brief refrains
the best approach to progress and the best approach to demolish.

Imam Ash-Shafi said that if individuals considered this surah well it would be
adequate in the method for direction. Various ahadith talk about the high regard in
which the sahabah held this surah. In like manner at whatever point any at least
two sahabi met they would not go separate ways without presenting surah Al-Asr.

"By Al-Asr (the time). Verily, man is in misfortune, aside from the individuals
who accept and do great deeds, ask each other to reality and urge each other to

This surah opens with caution to mankind. Allah makes a vow by "time" and
proclaims that mankind is in a condition of misfortune. Each and every individual,
man or lady, is in a condition of misfortune with the exception of the individuals
who endeavor and complete four things; accept, do honorable deeds, and prescribe
each other to truth, and to sabr.
The importance of “Asr”
The basic interpretation for the word asr would be time. Anyway asr has an a lot
further importance than another Arabic word significance time, dahr. Dahr implies
time without any points of confinement set upon it, asr then again implies time that
is restricted; time that will reach an end. At a semantic dimension one of the
implications of asr is something that is squeezed or crushed. Allah is swearing a
pledge by time, a period that is restricted, a period that will end and a period that
must be crushed or squeezed so we, mankind, get however much from our
constrained time as could reasonably be expected.

Allah is additionally requesting that we consider the progression of time. Another

implying that is given to the word asr is the declining day, the season of the Asr
petition, when the day is slowing down reaching an end. Allah is disclosing to us
that our time is short and restricted and in the event that we don't benefit as much
as possible from it we are without a doubt the washouts, verily, Allah says, we are
in misfortune.

Explanation of Misfortune
The Arabic word for misfortune is khusr and it is the inverse of benefit
subsequently additionally conveying the importance of insolvency. In this setting it
could imply that mankind will lose their fundamental capital for the Hereafter if as
opposed to utilizing this life to pick up by confidence and deeds they deal it away
with doubt and sin.

We are in risk of losing something exceptionally uncommon, and that is a

delighted life in the Hereafter. Anyway before that incredible misfortune we will
lose our closeness to Allah and consequently our tranquility and serenity in this
life. Lost satisfaction can now and again lead mankind to act misleadingly, and to
run quick into inconvenience and difficulty. However, Allah is continually
cautioning us and here He is yet again saying, pause, think and spare yourself.
Spare yourself by planning to have four character qualities:

1. To accept. The initial step of salvation is through maintaining the right

conviction and sticking to it with conviction and sureness.

2. To do upright deeds. The manner by which we gain this sureness is by doing the
activities that are satisfying to Allah; we show our conviction through our activities
or honorable deeds. Our deeds must be performed in agreement to what is in the
Quran and the genuine Sunnah. They ought not be as per our impulses and wants.
The genuine indication of achievement is to comply with Allah's decrees and to
oppose the longing to sin.

3. To energize, prescribe or associate with truth. In Arabic haqq. Allah is

instructing us to remind one another and urge each other to be devoted to reality,
and to give it a chance to emerge plainly by making progress toward equity.

4. To prescribe each other to sabr is the fourth quality and setting up a promise to
haqq would not be conceivable without sabr. Being unflinching in following the
instructions of Allah requires tolerance, avoiding sins requires persistence, and not
miserable in the midst of cataclysms requires persistence. Ibn ul Qayyum clarified
that having sabr implied being able to prevent ourselves from hopeless, to forgo
whining, and to control ourselves during trouble and stress.

This surah prompts the individuals who accept to act altogether to reinforce their
situation in the Hereafter. It infers asking and welcoming individuals to do noble
deeds and preventing them from falling into wrongdoing and incredulity.

The disclosure of this surah happened amid troublesome occasions. The early
Muslims needed to battle with the mistreatment and surah Al-Asr gave them
quality and trust even with their hardships. It is maybe consequently that it was
unforgettable to the sahabah and still is to the individuals who endeavor to have
honest existences. These days when an individual winds up in misfortune, his
position can be pivoted by following the concise guidance Allah provided for us in
surah Al-Asr.
By Abu Abdis Salaam All Praises are expected to Allah, and may the Peace and
Blessings of Allah be showered upon the Noble Messenger. To Proceed: Allah
says in Soorah al-'Asr: "By the 'Asr, Indeed all of humanity is in a condition of
misfortune, Except the individuals who have emaan, Conduct equitable activities,
Call each other to the Truth, And call each other to having tolerance." 'Asr here
methods time. So there are three sentiments with respect to what it is:

1 - The time from the formation of the world till the Day of Judgment

2 - The span of the Prophethood of Muhammad SAW

3 - Salaat-ul-'Asr When Allaah says 'By the 'Asr', He is promising. So Allaah is

swearing by al-'Asr. Allaah can swear by anything He needs, as He can utilize
anything to be His observer. Be that as it may, we as Muslims, are not permitted to
swear by anything or anybody aside from by Allaah, His Names or His Attributes.
The Prophet SAW stated: "Whoever swears by other than Allaah has without a
doubt submitted kufr or evade." So this is a restriction for us to swear by anything
or anybody aside from Allaah. At that point Allaah says: "Inna al-insaana la
expense khusr" Indeed humanity is in loss. Here Allaah could have stated: "Al-
Insaanu charge khusr" mankind is in loss But, rather, He accentuated this sentence
by the expansion of 'inna' and 'la'. This is possibly done if this there is some
uncertainty or dismissal of the sentence. In the Arabic language one would not
utilize 'inna' or 'la' with the exception of in the event that somebody may have
question in what is being said. So one would underscore what he is stating by
including these two words. Moreover, it isn't important to utilize the 'la', as Allaah
could likewise have recently utilized 'inna': "Inna al-insaana expense khusr" So He
included the 'la' for additional accentuation. So Allaah underscored the way that
humankind - mankind in general - are in misfortune, in three different ways:

1 - Using a promise

2 - Using 'Inna'

3 - Using 'la' He did this because of the way that the kuffaar (disbelievers) rejected
the way that they would be in misfortune except if they had the four characteristics
referenced later in the soorah. So the accentuation implies that we give
extraordinary consideration to what is coming straightaway. We should need to
know how we can be avoided from the general standard of being in a condition of
misfortune. So Allaah then says: "Aside from the individuals who have eemaan"
Eemaan can be inexactly interpreted as confidence. In any case, a meaning of
eemaan, as expressed by Shaykh-ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah, would be: "Eemaan is
proclamation and activity - articulation of the heart and the tongue, and activity of
the heart, the tongue, and the appendages. It increments with submission [of
Allaah] and diminishes with insubordination.

So we can see that eemaan comprises different sections:

1. Proclamation OF THE HEART This is known as tasdeeq, or the firm

convictions that an individual holds, which concedes no uncertainty, at all. E.g.: as
for Allaah, His Angels, Books, Messengers, Qadr , the Last Day and so forth

2. Proclamation OF THE TONGUE This is the point at which an individual

broadcasts his conviction, eg when he says: 'I take the stand none has the privilege
to be adored aside from Allaah, and I give testimony Muhammad is the Messenger
of Allaah'.

3 - ACTION OF THE HEART This alludes to the distinctive states and

sentiments of the heart. Things like love, trust, dread, dependence and trust in
Allaah, and so on

4 - ACTION OF THE TONGUE Things like making dhikr of the tongue, for
example, saying subhaanAllaah. Or on the other hand like giving da'wah - charging
the great and deny.

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