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Vol Vol Yo. Vol Vol. Vol. Vol. Voi. Vol Vol Vol Vol. Vol. Yo. Vo. Vo Vol, Vol. Vol Vol. Vol Vol. Vol Vol. Vol. ol Vol, ol Vol Vol. Vol Vol. Developments in Civil Engineering ‘The Dynamics of Explosion and its Use (Henrych) ‘The Dynamics of Arches and Frames (Henrych) Conczete Strength and Strains (Avram etal Structural Safety and Retiablity (Moan and Shinozuka, Editors) Piastics in Material and Structural Engineering (Bares, Editor) Asc Aerated Conc, Modmur and Properite (Wittmann, itor Fracture Mechanics of Concrete (Wittmann, Editor) Manual of Surface Drainage Engineering, Volume 11 (Kinori and Mevorach) Space Structures (Avram and Anastasescu) Analysis and Design of Space Frames by the Continuum Method (Kollar and Hegedis) structural Dynamics (Vertes) ‘The Selection of Load-Bearing Structures for Buildings (Horvath) Dynamic Behaviour of Concsele Structures (Tilly, Editor) Stelis, Membranes and Space Frames (Heki, Editor) The Time Factor in Transportation Processes (Tarski) gab of Dynamic Beets on Engeeig Stcteres (Bata and iach) Post-Buckling Behaviour of Elastic Structures (Szabd, Géspir and ‘Tama, Editors) peta Toughness and Face Eneray of Concrete (Wittmann, itor Pavement Anatysis (Ullidtz) ‘Analysis of Skeletal Structural Systems in the Elastic and Elastic-Plas- tic Range (Borkowski) Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete Elements and Structures (Smerda and K#istek) Theory and Calculation of Frame Structures with Stiffening Walls ‘bal ae in Conerete Structures (Gilbert) Stresses in Layered Shells of Revolution (Kovatik) ‘ier Intakes and Diversion Dame (Razvan) Analysis of Dimensional Accuracy of Building Structures (Vorliek and Holick) Reinforced-Concrete Slab-Cofumn Structures (Ajdukiewice and Starosolski) Finite Models and Methods of Dynamics in Structures (Henrych) Endurance of Mechanical Structures (Némec and Drexler) Shells of Revelution (Mazurkiewicz and Nagorski) Structural Load Modeling and Combination for Performance and Safety Evaluation (Wen) ‘Advanced Analysis and Design of Plated Structures (KHstek and Skaloud) Developments in Civil Engineering 32 Advanced Analysis and Design of Plated Structures by VLADIMIR KRISTEK ely of Cal Engineering Caech Techn Overy Prone Cecloslonaia and MIROSLAV SKALOUD Insite of Theoretieal and Applied Mechanict ‘Of the Covchsioat Academy of Sciences ‘Prague, Czechoslovakia TW SERNA ELSEVIER AMSTERDAM - OXFORD -NEW YORK - TOKYO. 1991 UNIVERSITA DI_PISh a i ‘Scientise Editor ‘Academician Viastimil KRupka Reviewer Prof. Ing. Antonin Schindler, ise. Published in co-dition with ACADEMIA, Publishing House of the Cezchosiovak Academy of Sciences, Prague Distribution ofthis book is being handled bythe following publishers for the USA. and Canads ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. 655 Avenue ofthe Americas ‘New York, NY 10010 se at apne Comin, Cie None Ko Cay Van and Meng cs ings of i Caron tayo Snes ages Ct i for all remaining areas . seven Sciees fuauisiens 3 Sin bps Fo orl 0) AE AMSTERDAM, The Nea Library of Congres Calalogingo-Pubcation Dat, ere, Vad. ‘Advanced analysand design of pated structures /by Vladiie fistck and Mirela Stal 'p. em, « (Developments in civil engineering: 32) Includes bibliographical references, 3 ISBN 0-44.9696527 1. Pats (Engincrng 2. Stractural analy (Egincrng) 3. Structural design. I Staloud, Mirosan. IL Tie. ML Series ‘TASSO POKSS 190 624.1 7165-420 s9.71849 cr ISBN 0-448-98765-7 (Vol 32) 4 ISBN 0-444—41715-X (Series) © Vladimir Krstek, Mirosiy Staloud, 1991, All rights reserved, No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in tetieval sytem, ‘or transmitted in any Sorm or by any means, electroni, mechanical photocopying, recording, oF ‘otherwise, without the prior writen permission of the Copyright owners. Printed in Czechotlovaa Contents Preface Tatroduction ‘Folded Plate Theory and its Application in the Design of Pated Structures 21. Simply Supported Folded Plate Structures with Support Diaphragms 22 Folded Pats with Deformable End Cross-Sections 23 Folded Pats with iphapns Resting Free Cross Setonal Warps : 24 Folded Pate Stroctures with Various End Conditions 25. Folded Pate Structures on an Elastic Foundation. 26 Staal Indeterminate Continuous Folded Plt Stroctures with terior Diaphragms 27 Analysis of Skew Stroctures « © 23 Foe Pte Af of ti Wt Stes an Fame Si, References Shear Lag in Wide Flanges Ai Methods of Analysis 532. The Maia Features of Sbear Lag and the lfueace of Various Parameters 33. Curved Box Girdes. 3A nial Imperfections in the Shear Lag Behaviour of Wide PFs 435. Box Girders Subjected to Torsion 36 Mths of Reding Sear Lag Ele References Loca Efets in Ste! Plued Structres 41 Behaviour of Webs Siject to Pastial Bége Loading. 42 Sires Sate io Webs Subject to Partial Edge Loo 4 ‘Duekg of Wes Sujet oP Eée Losing Referees. ‘Bucking of LongtuiallyStifened Flanges S51. Linear Buckling Theory Approach 52. Post-Buckled Bebaviour References u n 13 st Ey 136, 6s 166 166, 16 189 190 190 26 2 6 Interaction of Bukliog with Shear Lg in Longitudinal Suened Compreton Flanges 7 61 Linear Teor Approach 62 NowLinear Theory Appeouch References. ‘i Subject Index <3 2 286 a ae Preface ‘The need to save steel and other structural materials has led to the development of new kinds of structures. Thin-walled plated structures, ie. structural systems ‘made of thin plate elements, play a very important part among them. However, their successful practical application requires adequate scientific data for reliable design. It is therefore not surprising that a great number of research teams in sarious parts of the world have directed their attention fora good many years to Investigations into numerous aspects of the behaviour of plated structures This was also the foundation of a productive collaboration between the two ‘authors of ths publication. Their working contacts have now extended over more ‘than tn years, and the fruits are numerous. About twenty papers and other reports, dealing with various aspects of the behaviour and limit states of plated structures, ‘have so far resulted from the cooperation. For their research achievements, both ‘authors were awarded a number of Czechoslovak distinctions, among them being the Czechoslovak State Prize. During recent years, the authors have frequently been asked to sum up their research resuls in a monograph which would provide some guidance for reliable ‘and economic design of plated structures, and thus help fo promote progress inthis ‘field. That was the genesis of work on this publication. As the size of the prospective ‘monograph was rather limited it was essential to restrict the scope of the book, and ‘thus only the main results ofthe authors’ most important studies could be included. ‘The authors cooperated closely, both during the research itself and in the course of all work on the publication. The English translation of the text was carried out dy the second author (M. Skaloud). The authors have written this monograph in the hope that i will contribute, in conjunction with the labours of other research teams, to further progress in knowledge of the behaviour of plated structures. The publication is addressed 10 ‘analysts and designers of civil engineering structures: it should assist them in the design of up-to-date buildings and bridges. The work is also meant to be used by

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