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UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, JAMAICA COLLEGE/ FACULTY: Faculty of Engineering and ‘Computing SCHOOL/ DEPARTMENT: School of Engineering Final Examination, Semester 1 Module Name: Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering Module Code: CVE3003 Date: December , 2011 ‘Theory/ Practical: Theory Groups: BEng 3 Civil LIBRARY COPY Duration: 2 hours Instructions: 1. Show all working and illustrations clearly and neatly 2. Answer any FOUR (4) questions 3. State all assumptions made DO NOT TURN PAGE UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO. 1a) 1B) 2a) 2B) 3a) 3B) Explain the following terms i. Ultimate Bearing Capacity (@2MaRKs) fi, Allowable Bearing Capacity (@Q.MARKS) iii, Feetor of Safety (@ MARKS) ‘A square foundation, approximately 2.5m square, is located at a depth of 1.5m in anheterogencous soil deposit sand and clay sil mixture), where the fllowing soil Parameters are known about the deposit: Yor = 21kNém’, ¢ = 12kPa, ‘Vary ITkN/m’,o®* = 36.5°, Determine the following: i. The Ultimate Bearing Capacity, ifthe ground water table is Sm below the base ofthe footing. (6 MARKS) li, The Allowable Beating Capacity of the foundation ifthe FOS is 2.6, and GWT is two metres below the ground surface. (MARKS) State and Explain two types of Geophysical Methods of ground inves igtion vty Vaan (10 MARKS) Differentiate, by giving appropriate examples, the difference between Immediate Senlement and Consolidation Setlement. (10 MARKS) State and briefly explain the term “Bored Piles” (5 MARKS) Determine the Ultimate Bearing Capacity of a pile of the square reinforced ‘conerete pile (400 x 400mm x 10,000mm) in a sand stratum, at the following depths: DF taken to 17.SkNin’, and & =22.8°, (5 MARKS) (4) metres below ground surface where the unit weight of dry sand is i) Eight (8) metres below the ground surface where the saturated unit weight of sand is approximately 20kN/m’, and the GWT is at 2.0m below the round surface, where @ = 21,6°, (10 MARKS) 4) 4B) 5B) sc) Explain the following terms: Deep Foundations (5 MARKS) ii, Pile Base Resistance (5 MARKS) iii, Pile Shaft Resistance (5 MARKS) Briefly describe the “Limit Equilibrium Concept” as it relates to Slope Stability Analysis (MARKS) 'A.43° slope (as shown in Figure | below) is excavated to depth of 12m ina deep ith sea of layer of saturated clay of unit weight of 19kNim?, The relevant shear st parameters are ¢y = S8kNim? and ®, = 0, ABCD = 83n?. 1.5m, The eros seetion 1) Determine the Factor of Safety fortral surface shown. ($ MARKS) li) Determine the Minimum Factor of Safety (MARKS) Figure 1 Determine the resultant horizontal force between the back ofa retaining wall and soil under the At-Rest condition per unit length of wall, fora retaining wall wth following properties: Height of wall = 8m; Coefficient of Lateral Earth Pressure at Rest 314. Unit Weight of Soil = 18,71N/m* (5 MARKS) Explain the phrase “ompound Slide”, a it relates to Slope Stability/Instability (5 MARKS)

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