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Romeo feel anxious and excited for the good news from Juliet. Even so excited, Romeo dreamed
about Juliet at that night. He dreamed that Juliet came for him althought he was dead. Even
thought Romeo was dead, he feel joyful because his life I full of Juliet’s love and make him
obsessed with love.
But, then Balthasar tells him a bad news that Juliet was dead and her body sleeps in Capel’s
Monument. Romeo was bathed after hear about that news and make him want to murdered. He
demantd to Balthasar to give him a poison, but Balthasar refuse his order. Then, Romeo calls
apothecary to carry him a poison. The apothecary accept his order, but he give suggestion to
Romeo. He must put that in any liquid and drink it off and then it will make him get a strange
like twenty men.Romeo thanks him greatly for the gift and accept his suggestion.
Back to Friar laurence’s cell, Fiar John report that he can’t send the vital letter to Romeo. Then,
Friar Johntold him to get iron crow and bring it to their cell. He get a three hours until Juliet will
awake. Friar Lawrence just can trust Fiar John to keep Juliet safe in his own cell until Romeo can
be reached.
Paris and his page enter the churchyard and stand before the Capulet tomb. Paris orders the page
to stand watch so that he can be alone in his grief. He strews the vault with flowers and speaks to
He is interrupted by his page's whistle, warning him that someone approaches. He hides in the
darkness and sees Romeo and Balthasar enter with a torch, a mattock, and a wrenching iron.
Romeo hands Balthasar a letter and asks him to deliver it to Lord Montague in the morning.
Then, he cracks open the tomb and tells Balthasar that he must not interfere with the actions that
he will now take. Balthasar agrees to leave, but he instead hides in the shadows to observe his
master. Paris, who still believes Romeo to be the murderous villain who has slain Tybalt and,
challenging Romeo to a duel. Romeo warns Paris to leave him be: "Good gentle youth, tempt not
a desperate man"
Romeo does not want another to die at his hands. But Paris attacks and Romeo is forced to fight.
Skilled at the art of combat, Romeo has no trouble defeating Paris. As Paris lay dying he requests
that Romeo place his body beside Juliet's and Romeo, knowing Paris' anguish far too well, gladly
agrees. He carries Paris inside the crypt, where he sees his beloved Juliet, as beautiful as ever in
her best clothes. Romeo begins his farewell to his young bride standing above of her, "O my
love! my wife!". Then, h start to drinks the poison, and with one last kiss he falls dead to the
floor of the tomb. Friar Laurence arrives and Balthasar comes out of hiding to tell him that
Romeo has been in the vault for at least half an hour. Friar Laurence rushes in to find Romeo
dead and Juliet awakening from her death-like slumber. Juliet feel confuse and asks Friar
Laurence where Romeo is. He can do nothing but tell her the horrible truth.
Hearing the Watchmen in the distance and fearing they will be caught, Friar Laurence begs Juliet
to hurry. Juliet refuses to go and the Friar, desperately afraid for his own life and reputation, runs
outside, leaving Juliet behind. She sees the vial of poison still enclosed in Romeo's hand, without
thinking, she drinks from it, but there is no poison left. She kisses her love with the hopes that
there is enough poison on his lips to kill her, but she keeps lives on. She grabs Romeo's and
falling dead upon Romeo's body. The Watchmen rush in and are shocked at the bloody scene.
They capture Balthasar and Friar Laurence as Prince Escalus arrives, along with the Capulets and
Lord Montague. The Friar recounts the whole tragic story to the Prince and the feuding families,
and they realize that their hate is the reason why their children lay dead. Capulet and Montague
vow to end their war and they decide to erect golden statues of the star-crossed lovers as a
beautiful yet painful reminder of their lives and extraordinary love.

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