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President Emmanuel Macron of France has urged "swift clarification" on Brexit

after the resignation of UK Prime Minister Theresa May.

He stressed the need to "maintain the smooth functioning of the EU", as the European
Commission ruled out any change to Brexit policy.

Mrs May is stepping down after failing to get her Withdrawal Agreement through
Parliament three times.

Mr Macron also joined EU leaders in paying tribute to Mrs May's "courage".

 EU asks what next for Brexit after May goes
 European parliament elections: The Brexit effect
 Brexit: All you need to know

The Withdrawal Agreement was reached with the EU in November after arduous

What are EU leaders saying?

The European Commission made clear it would work with Theresa May's successor but
that there would not be any changes to the Withdrawal Agreement.

"[EU Commission] President [Jean-Claude] Juncker followed Prime Minister May's

announcement this morning without personal joy," said Commission spokesperson Mina

"The president very much liked and appreciated working with Prime Minister May and,
as he has said before, Theresa May is a woman of courage for whom he has great

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