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Collaborative glossary on

classical fashion and body care

2nd product of B.I.S. Beauty Is Subjective Erasmus+ project
Description of the product
Competences covered
Cultural awareness and expression:
-To classify, summarize, and analyse information related
Collaborative glossary of 190 terms tied to to classical fashion and body care.
classical fashion and body care. Linguistic competence:

Each glossary entry is linked to a collaborative -To express oneself correctly both orally and in writing
using English and mother languages.
virtual board providing the following information:
-To understand different kinds of texts in English,
-Oral and written definition of the term in English, Spanish, Basque, Italian, Dutch and French.
Basque, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and French.
-To search, collect and process information in different
-Graphic representation of the term. languages..

Use indicators Digital competence:

Student’s age: from 13 to 18 years -To search, collect and process information by means of
technological resources.
Academic subjects: Classics, History, Arts. -Top create and share digital resources.

Ancient Greek dress

◈ Ampechone ◈ Ephestris ◈ Periamma

◈ Anachurides ◈ Epiblema ◈ Periblema
◈ Chlaina ◈ Exomis ◈ Perizoma
◈ Chlamys ◈ Himation ◈ Petasos
◈ Clamys ephebike ◈ Ionic Chiton ◈ Pháros
◈ Clamys straiotike ◈ Kyne ◈ Sparganon
◈ Diplax ◈ Peplos ◈ Strophion
◈ Doric Chiton

Ancient Greek military clothing

◈ Aspis
◈ Hoplon
◈ Knemide
◈ Linothorax

Author: B.I.S. 2019

Ancient Greek footwear

◈ Kothornos
◈ Krepis
◈ Pedila
◈ Sandalion
◈ Shikos
◈ Sykonia
Author: B.I.S. 2019

Ancient Greek pottery for cosmetic products

◈ Alabastron
◈ Aryballos
◈ Bombylios
◈ Lecythos
◈ Pyxis

Public Domain

Ancient Roman dress 1

◈ Causia-Kausia ◈ Fascia pectoralis

◈ Abolla
◈ Coae vestis ◈ Fasciae pedules/pedulia
◈ Alicula
◈ Colobium ◈ Feminalia/femoralia
◈ Apex
◈ Cucullus ◈ Galerus
◈ Birrus
◈ Dalmaticae ◈ Infula
◈ Bombycina vestis
◈ Endromis ◈ Laena
◈ Braccae
◈ Fasciae ◈ Linteolum
◈ Caliendrum
crurales/cruralia ◈ Mastrucae
◈ Capitis velum
◈ Oraria

Ancient Roman dress 2
◈ Stola
◈ Paenula ◈ Strictoria ◈ Toga
◈ Palla ◈ Suffibulum ◈ Toga atra
◈ Pallium ◈ Subligacula / ◈ Toga pallens
◈ Patagium subligaria / ◈ Toga picta
◈ Penulae subucula ◈ Toga praetexta
◈ Pilleus ◈ Sudaria ◈ Toga praetexta
◈ Reticulum ◈ Supparum ◈ Toga pulla
◈ Ricinium ◈ Synthesis ◈ Toga purpurea

Ancient Roman dress 3

◈ Toga rasa ◈ Tunica recta

◈ Toga virilis ◈ Tunica regilla
◈ Trabea ◈ Tunica talaris
◈ Tunica ◈ Vestae auratae
◈ Tunica clavata ◈ Vestis cenatoria
◈ Tunica manicata ◈ Vestis serica
◈ Tunica manuleata
Author: B.I.S. 2019
◈ Tunica palmata

Ancient Roman military clothing

◈ Balteus
◈ Lacerna
◈ Calligae
◈ Lorica
◈ Cassis
◈ Paludamentum
◈ Cinctus
◈ Sagum
◈ Cingulum
◈ Galea

Author: B.I.S. 2019

Ancient Roman footwear
◈ Aluta ◈ Calopus ◈ Pero
◈ Baxae ◈ Carbatina ◈ Sandalium
◈ Calcea ◈ Crepida ◈ Sculponea
◈ Calceus ligneus ◈ Cothurnus ◈ Soccus
◈ Calceus patricius ◈ Hircinus ◈ Solea
◈ Calceus senatorius ◈ Mulleus ◈ Zanca
◈ Caliga ◈ Obstragulum
◈ Calones ◈ Pedila

Ancient Roman ornaments 1

◈ Catena
◈ Acus ◈ Compedes ◈ Gemma
◈ Annulus ◈ Crotalia ◈ Inaures
◈ Armilla ◈ Dextroxerium ◈ Linea margaritarum
◈ Aspis ◈ Diadema ◈ Lunula
◈ Bracchiale ◈ Ectypa gemma ◈ Manicae
◈ Bulla ◈ Fibula ◈ Margarita
◈ Capitulum ◈ Flabellum, ◈ Mitra
◈ Catellae flabrarius ◈ Monilia

Ancient Roman ornaments 2

◈ Nimbus ◈ Torques
◈ Ungulus
◈ Periscelis
◈ Vitta
◈ Spatalium
◈ Spinter
◈ Taenia
◈ Tiara

Author: B.I.S. 2019

Ancient Roman hairdesign

◈ Acus crinales ◈ Pecten

◈ Calamister ◈ Speculum
◈ Capillamentum ◈ Tonsor
◈ Cincinnus ◈ Tutulus
◈ Nodus ◈ Villae
◈ Ornatrix

Author: B.I.S. 2019

Ancient Roman care products

◈ Auriscalpium ◈ Fuligo
◈ Dentiscalpium ◈ Lomentum
◈ Dropax ◈ Oesypum
◈ Medicamina faciei ◈ Diapasmata
◈ Spongia ◈ Susinum
◈ Tabernae unguentariae
◈ Volsellae

Author: B.I.S. 2019

Ancient Roman pottery for cosmetic products

◈ Cista
◈ Balsamarium
◈ Unguentarium
◈ Vas unguentarium

Public Domain

Authors: students from
◈ IES URBI BHI (Coordinator. Basauri / Spain),
◈ Liceo Classico Statale Tito Livio (Partner. Milano / Italy)
◈ Athena Campus Pottelberg (Partner. Kortrijk / Belgium)

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents
which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made
of the information contained therein.


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