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Deangelo Aviles

Mrs. Malmberg

Dance 1

10 May 2019

Cyprus Senior High Dance Company Showcase

High school dancers dancing professionally is a skill recognized with respect. Cyprus Dance

Company showcased a production on April 18th and 19th, performing various types of styles of

dance like Contemporary, Jazz/Hip-Hop, and Modern, incorporating each and every student’s

choreography into one piece. The dance was performed at Cyprus High’s main auditorium,

attended by most dancer’s closer relatives, differing from all ages. The concert had a specific

theme tied to every dance: Turning the Page. In my personal opinion, I felt that turning page had

two aspects: melancholy and joyful. Majority of the dances brought a somber, remorseful type of

vibes. While the rest of the dances brought a much higher atmosphere, bringing joy and

liveliness. Observing the dances, the concert over-delivered my expectations, from different

components, from the selection of the music, spine-chilling dance moves, and studio lighting.

Many performances done by the dancers stood out to me, like the beginning number by “Lovely”

by Billie Ellish featuring Khalid, the Survivor dance with black attire, and the Birdbox inspired

themed dance. Not only admiring the creativity of the dances but the components of fitness

each dancer performed with.

In my in-depth evaluation, I will be assessing two dances from Cyprus High. As mentioned,

the beginning number by the song name “Lovely”, and the Survivor dance, and how both

dances contrast from each other. With Lovely, all 7 energy qualities were used. In doing so, the

choreographer was able to create a motif that was displayed throughout the whole dance,

specifically in the vibratory sense with their hands. The choreographic structure of the motif was

seen in both the beginning and the end and created a reoccurring theme, which projected its
message concisely. Along with the dynamic levels. The dancers use small steps to indicate

tranquility, and the dancers use huge, elongated steps to indicate a “crescendo”, leading to

strong, accented movements. Along with the balance between unison and contrast. The

moment when the dancers go in a line and use the vibratory feature, they provide contrast by

moving their heads in two directions: towards the audience or to the background. Going along

with the theme, I feel that the dance was trying to display conflicts in life and moving on with

past issues.

For “Survivor”, it took a different approach. Throughout the whole dance, one choreographic

element utilized were accented movements. Both the music and dance executed the “hard-

hitting” and structured parts of the dance, which was seen both beginning, middle, and end.

With the use of different locomotors, common locomotors were running, leaping, and walking.

The ending attracted my attention to the beautiful resolution in the choreography. I believe

dancer, Melanie Heywood, provided the slow, legato movement in the end, along with using

different axial movements, providing great contrast. While the other dancers used long

pathways, to use their positive and negative spaces near Melanie. At the end of the dance, the

dancers pull Melanie to the floor, bringing the conclusion of the dance. My thoughts personally, I

felt that the dancer was trying to convey societal pressures among teenagers, or relationship


Overall, the dancer concert brought attention the amount of work Dance Company

dedicates to entertain others with their beautiful movements. I optimize each dancer for greater

success and providing more intricate dances that involves more partner work. Mentioned

before, the concert exceeded my expectations and I would recommend this concert anybody

who is unfamiliar with dance.

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