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Perpaid By Mohammed Shahryar kasi

What is heredity?Studycharacteristics from one generation toofoftransmissionthe next,Define

variation?When therecharacteristics in the individuals of aspecies or by the offspring of the
saimeparentsS.What is 'genetics"The study of various traits and genesand how they are
inherited from onegeneration to next.Give name of father of genetics.Gregor Johann
Mendel.Name the plant on which Mendelnotice in garden pea?Garden pea (Pisum
sativumn).How many different contrasting traitsdid Mendel notice in garden pea?SevenWhat
term is used for a class ofindividuals which are morphologicsimilar?Phenotype.What is a
monohybrid cross?A cross between parents differing in apair of contrasting characters.What is a
dihybrid Cross!are dissimilarities ofwithofdihybridcrosShomozygous recessive individual.What is
the character that does notallow the expression of a contrastingcharacter in
hybrDominant.Whatfactors in modern terminology?are Mendel's hypothetical

Gènés.What is Mendel's monohybrid ratio?3:What is dominant factor -round seedsor wrinkled

seeds?Rouñd seeds.What is Mendel's dihybrid ratio forphenotypes?What do the letters P. F,
and F,represent in heredity?Parental generation, first filialgeneration, second filial generation.,
What is a recessive trait?It is a form of trait that has inability toexpress itself in the presence of
theallele for other form of same trait.What is allele?Alternative forms of a gene, e.g.. blueand
black colour of eye are two allelesof the eye colour gene.What does the phenomenon
meanswhere one gene suppresses the actionof another gene at different loci?EpistasisWhat is
the generic expression of aorganism known as?Genotype.What is a locus?The point where an
allele is located onchromosome,What is hybrid'An individual resulting from a
crossbetweenpersons.twounlikegeneticallyWhat is a back cross?

The cross of a progeny individual withone of the parents.When a hybrid of F is crosscd withthe
homozygous recessive parent,what is it called?Test cross.What is a gene pool?All genotypes of
all the individuals ina population.What is principle of dominanceOut of two contrasting alleles
onlyone expresses itself in one individualThe factor which expresses itself ifdominant and the
other which has notshown its effect is recessiveName three principles put forth
byMendePrincipleassortmentofindependent(ii) Principle of segregation and(iii) Principle of
dominanceBlood groups in man is an example ofo-dominance.What is a pleiotropic geneA gene
affecting more than one trait iscalled pleiotropic gWhich of the gencs studies by Mendelin pca is
now known as pleiotropic'flower and seed coat colourWhat is a cloneA group of cells derived by
mitoticdivisions from a single ancestral cell.Name the plant that shows incompletedominance in
respect to the colour ofhe lowerMirabilis jalapa (four 'o clock plant).Which type of inlheritance
deals withquantitative traits?Polygenic.What is a Punnett square?The representation of a
monohybrid ordihybrid cross by making squares.What ure the phenotypes of TT andplants?Tall
and dwaf plant.W is the allele of T?
, What was the total number of true-breeding varicties of garden pea whichMendel had taken to
start hisexperiments?SevenMCQse the correct answerFather of genetics is:(a) Morgan(c)
Mendel (d) HutchinsonMendel worked on:(b) DarwinLathyrus(b) PisumDolichos (d) VignaAn
organism with two unlike genes ofa trait is called:Heterozygous(b)
HomozygousHermaphrodite(d) MonozygousWhenF plants heterozygous fortallness are selfed,
F2 generation hasboth tall and dwarf plants.depicts the principle of:ThisDominance(b) Law of
segregation(c) Law of independent assortment(d) Blended inheritanceThe principle of
segregationformulated by Mendel in:(a)Was(b) 186617661900(d) None of the alboveMendel
experimented on:(a) Wild pea (b) Sweet(c) Garden pea (d) LablabThe law of
segregationrediscovered by:(a) Dc Vries (b) Correns(c) Tschermark(d) All of the
abovePolygenic traits show:/as

Discontinuous variation(a)(b) Continuous variationBoth (a) &(b)(d) None of the aboveInheritance

of skin colour in man:(a) Monogenic(b) Bigenic(d) PolygenicA gamete contains:TrigenicOnly
one allele of a gene(b) Two alleles of a gene(d) None of the above(a) MonohybridAll alleles of a
gene. A breeding experiment dealing with asingle trait is called:(b) MonozygousDihybrid(d)
HeterozygoMendel noted: as many pairs ofcontrasting traits in pea plants(b)(d)A cross that
shows the principle ofindependent assortment is:(a) Monohybrid (b) Dihybrid(c) Both (a) & (b)(d)
None of the aboveHuman blood groups are determined(a) Single gene (b) Two genesAlleles(d)
Multiple genes. An important example of pleiotropy1S:Bleeder's disease(a)Lablab(b)
Smallpox(d) None of the above

Who discovered the chromosomes?Who had proposcd the chromosomestheory of

inheritance?Name the scientist, who had proposedthe mutation theory.Whatchromosomes a
eukaryotic organismcan have?Who was the scientist to associate aspecificchromosome?What
is the number of chromosomesfound in human cells?You know that the number ofchromosomes
is specific to a species.Give the number of hromosomes inDrosophila melanogaster?Define
autosomes.What are sex chromosomes?How many sets of chromosomes doesa diploid cell
have?What do you understand by the termaneuploidy?When a cell has more than two cellsof
chromosomes what is it called?What is the characteristic shape of Y-chromosomes of
Drosophila?Which genes are known as linked?What is the tendency of genes locatedthe least
number of1Swithspecificgenein the Samechromosome tostaytogether in heredity called?What
are the two types of linkage:Which scientists had shown thatgencs lic in
chromosomcs?lowhomologousmanychromosomcs are present ir maleDrosophilaThee gametes
of which parenthuman determine the1nof the

offspring during fertilization?What is a locus?What is known as pea of animalkingdom?What is a

karyotype?Who for the firsttime suggested aclose relation between genes
andchromosomes?What is a linkage mapName the processantagonistic to linkage.What is
crossing overWhat is variationWhat organismsrecombinationswhich1ScalledareWhat term Hugo
de Vries used todescribe phenotypic changes that isOn which plant Hugo de Vries did hisWty is
gene mutation called pointheritable?work?mutationWhat are mutagensbetweenName two sex-
linked diseasesWhat is an exchange of segmentschromosomes called?non-homologoutwoWhat
are homologous chromosomeschromosomecrossing over at one chiasma?What is the primary
constriction of aHow many chromatds are involved iny linkage groups are foundHow manyin
manName the two man types ofmutationsName three kinds of mutagens.When was the
foundation of humangenetics laid?

The number of chromosomes nDrospophila melanogaster is:(b) Eight(d) TwelveSixTenHomo

sapiens has:23 pairs of chromosomes(b) 24 pairs of chromosomes25 pairs of chromosomes(d)
26 pairs of chromosomesSex chromosomes in humaknown as(a) XX(c) XOThe prokaryotic
chromosomes arefound in:(a) Bacillus(c) Escherichia(d) All of aboveExtrachromosomalale
are(b)(d) XZ(b) Nostocdeterminants are known a8.

(a) Plastids(c) Plasmids(d) None of aboveEucaryotic chromosomes are found in:(a)

Cyanobacteria(b) Blue-green algae(c) FungiChromosomes are best seen in:(a) Interphase (b)
Prophase(c) Metaphase (d) TelophaseThe components of the chromosomethat controls
heredity js:(a) Proteins (b) DNA(c)(d) None of aboveA chromatid has(a) One chromosome(b)
Two chromonemata(c) Four chromonemata.(d) Many chromonemataHomologous
chromosomes similar inboth sexes are called:(a) Androsomes (b) Autosomes(c)
Heterosomes(d) None of aboveThe ter mutation was introduced by:(a) Mendelfb) Hugo de
Vries(b) Ribosomes(d) TelophaseRNA(d) LamarckDarwinPoint mutations are caused
by:Substitution() Deletion (c) Insertion(d) All of the aboveMutation can be induced by:(a)
Radiation(b) Temperature (c) Chemicals(d) Al of the aboveCrossing over during meiosis
ocurs(a) Leptotene (b) ZygoteneIn;

HofmcisterSutton and BoveriIlugo de VriesTwoT. H. Morgan46FourThe chromosomes other

than the sexchromosomesThe pair of chromosomes associatedwith sex determinationTwoNot
having an exact number ofchramosomes in a multiple of haploidSet. either oneless or
onemorechromosome than the usual numberPolyploidI-shapedThe genes present
onchromosomeLinkageComplete and incompletethesameorgan and BridgesThree pairsMale
parentSite of a gene in a chromosomeDrosophilaWhensystematically arranged and
groupedaccording to length and position of thecentromere, it is called kary typeBeadle and
TatumDiagrammatic representationrelative distance between the genes
inchromosomesareofthe chromosomes in linear fashionCrossing overMutual exchange of
blocks ofhomologous genes between a pair ofhomologous chromosomesThe process by which
closely relatedorganisms come to differ amongstthemselvesThe organismswhich express

characters of both the parentsMutationOenothera lamarckiana (EveningprimroseSince a gene is

located at a fixed pointon the chromosomeThe agents which may be physical,chemical or
biological that bring aboutattraction in the chemical structure ofgenesTranslocationHaemophilia
and colour blindnessChromosomessimilarin form, sizeand traitsWhere a kinetochorelies to
whichspindle fibres join in cell divisionTwo23Chromosomal and genicRadiation, temperature
and chemicals1901
Who had first proposed the doublehelix structure of DNA?Which British medical officer had
putforth the phenomenon of bacierialtransformation?Who had coined the term gene?Who
proposed the theory of continuityof germplasm ?Which bonds hold the twopolynucleotides
chains of DNAmolecule?Who had deciphered the genetic code?Who had used X-rays to
causemutations in Neurospora?Who proved experimentally that DNAreplication is semi-
coniservative?What does a nucleotide comprise of?Name the enzyme which can breakand
reseal the strand ofDNA?Tn which direction 5'- 3' or 3' -5 arethe new strands of DNA
formedduring replicationName the enzymes that catalyse:(a) Replication of DNA(b) Formation
of RNAwhat is the linkage between twoadjacent nucleotides called?What is a codon?Who
performed the experiment thatshowed that DNA is the geneticWhat is considered to be the
centralWhat is the sugar in DNA and RNAName the two types of nitrogenousmaterial in
bacteriophagcdogma in molecular biologycalled?

bases.Name the purines and pyrimidines.Name the enzymes that unwind DNAhelices.What is
transformation'?What is an anti-codonWhat is transcription?Name the process that blocks
theamino group of the first amino acidand thereby preventing the formationof dipeptide
bondWhat are non-sense codonsGive two examples of amino acidsthat have one codon?Which
triplet is known as terminatingcodon2What is wobble position?What is a genetic code?How
many bases code for one aminoacid?Give two significant functions ofDNA.Which base triple are
to code for theamino acid, phenylalanine?What does RNA control?What are theprotein
synthesis?Which is the firstamino acid in anypolypeptide chain?Who had proposed the one
geneenzyme hypothesis?What is a polyribosome?What are Okazaki fragments?What are
auxotrophs?itiation codons foroneWho had discovered jumping genes?Of the 64 possible code
triplets howmany code for amino acids and how

Name the virus that is responsible forcausing AIDS in humans.What is the phenomenon that
controlsthe expression of genes to achievemaximum cellular economy?What is genetic
engineering?Name a method for producing newcombination of genetic material inbacterial
cells.Expand HIV.Who synthesised the first artificialgene without a primer?Name the enzymes
which cut theDNA molecule into fragmentsstic ends.withANSWERSWatson and
CrickGriffithJohannsenWeismannHydrogen bond between the base pairsNirenberg,Khorana
and Francis CrickBeadle and TatumMesselson and StahlIt consists of a sugar, phosphate
andnitrogen baseTopoisomerase5'-3' directionHargobindOchoa,DNA polymer(b) RNA
polymerasePhosphodiester bondsTriplet of bases on mRNA coding forone amino acidHcrshey
and ChaseThe unidirectional flow of geneticinformation for DNA > RNA ->ProteinDeoxyribose
and RibosePurines and PyrimidinesPurines are e - - adenine (A) and guanine(G); Pyrimidines
are-cytosıne (C),

thymine and uracil (V)HclicasesThe phcnomenon where DNAisisolated from one type of cell,
and isable to bestow some of its propertiesto another type of cell where theformer is
introducedA triplet of bases present on tRNA,complementing the mRNA codonThe process of
formation of a RNAstrand on the DNA templateFormylątionThe codon that do not code for
any.amino acidMethionine and TryptophanThe triplets UUA, and UAG, UGA areterminating
codonsThe third position in the codonSequence of base triplets in
DNAmoleculeThreeReplication and expression of geneticinformationUUU, UUCThe synthesis of
enzymesAUG. GUCFormylatcd methionineBeadle and TatumDuring protein synthesis a group
ofribosomes line up on the mRNA chainare called polyribosomesShort segments of DNA
formed in 5'3' direction starting from a RNAprimer are called Okazaki fragments:The nutritional
mutantsBarbara McClintock61,3:GCA, GCG, GCC, TCT and TCC.BacteriophageTobacco
Mosaic Virus (TMVCapsidRetrovirusLysisReverse transcriptaseFrancis Jacob and Jacques

The are genes hat trigger the normalcells to become cancerousTranstormation,

transductionconjugationIt is the transfer of DNA from onebacterial cell to another with the hel,of
bacteriophageIn addition to chromosome there arecircular DNA molecules in bacteriacalled
plasmidsMetabolites that activate the inactivegenes in the cellsHfr (High frequency
recombination)Operator geneOperator geneOperThe process of removing unwantedregions of
mRNA and joining thewanted regions againGerontologyDNA formedcombination of DNA's from
twoorganismsRestriction endonucleaseTranslationHIV-IIIThe phenomenon of induction
andandresult ofasrepressionThe science that deals with thesynthesis of artificial genes, repair
ofgenes, combining ofgenes from twoorganisms and manipulation ofartificial genes for
improvement oforganismsGee cloningHuman immuno-deficiency
virusargobindKhoranaRestriction endonucleasesMCQste the correct answer:The principal
genetic materialliving beings is:RNADNABoth (a) and (b)None of above(b)(e)(d)

Synthesis of DNA is known as:(a) Replication(b) Transcription(c) TranslationTranscription

means the synthesis of(a) RNA(b) DNA() Proteins (d) LipidsTransfer of information from m
RNAto a polypeptide chain is calledAmination(b) Deamination(c) Translation(d)
TransaminationGenetic code is:(a) Singlet(b) DoubletTriplet(d) None of theseThe initiation
codons are:AUG(b) GUGBoth (a) and (b)(d) None of aboveAutocatalytic function is depicted
by:Hormones (b) EnzymesRNA(d) DNATransfer of information from DNA tomRNA is called:(a)
Transcription (b) Translation(c) Transduction (d) MigrationRNA is genetic material in:(a)
Bacteria(b) MycoplasmaPlant iruses(d) FungiDNA molecule has a uniformdiameter of:(a) 20
660 °A(b)80 °A(d) 27 °AGrilfith's experiment was vith:

Escherichia coli(b) Diplococcus pneumoniae(c)(d) MycorrhizaNew strands of DNA are

formedinthe direction:Rhizobium5' to 3'(b) 4 to 3'(d) 2' to 3'(c) 3' to 3'The segments of DNA
strand onwhich a new strand is produced isknown as:(b) Template(a) CodonNucleotideNone of
above(d)The genes that shuffle from onelocation to another are called:(a) Walking genes(b)
Running genesJumping genes(d) None of aboveThe abnormal ratio 2: 1 brought aboutdue:(a)
Normal genes(b) Lethal genesJumping genes(d) None of aboveOne gene-one enzyme
hypothesis wasproposed by:(a) Mendel(b) MorganPunnett(d) Beadle and Tatum,Synthesis of a
gene in a test tube andits transfer to a cell is known as:Conjugation(b) HybridizationGenetic
enginecring(d) TransductionThe more correct statement isOne gene-one enzymeOne gene-one

One Cheone polypeptide(d) One gene-one nucleotideThe transfer of genetic material fronone
cell to another by a phageTransduction(b) TranscriptionTransformation(d) ConjugationThe
enzyme that cleaves DNA atspccific sites producing sticky endknown as:Clcaving enzyme(b)
Lysing enzymeEndonuclease(d) Restriction endonucleaseHIV is responsible
for:AIDS(b)CancerPneumonia(d) TuberculosisPhages infect the:(a) Algal cells(b) Bacterial
cellsFungal cells(d) None of above(a)Reverse transcription was studied by:TMV contains a
genetic material:(b) DNA(d) None of theseRNARNATemin and BaltimoreJacob(b) Smith(a)
Watson and CrickEscherichia coli hydrolyses lacglucose by:(a) B- alactosidase(b)
PermeaseTransacetylaseAll of the above(d)

What is 'genetic engineering"Define cell cloning and gene cloning.What is gene therapy?Give
exact meaning of cloning.What are cloning vectors?What is restriction fragment?What is
electroporation?Define 'genomic DNA library'.Give an example of 'natural geneticengineer.Give
the name of engineered microbewhich produces human insulin.Give one famous example of
clonedsheep.Give two examples of transgenicplants with their useful characters.What is
'transgenics?What is'DNA''fingerprinting?Expand VNTR and GMO.

Genetic engineering is a technique forartificially and deliberately modifyingDNA (genes) to suit

human needs.Cell cloning is a technique by whichgenetically identical cells may beproduced
from a single cell; genecloning is the technique to obtainclonesparticular DNA molecule.or
identical copies of aforcut genes responsiblehereditary diseases and replace themwith normal
genes.Cloningcopy/copies of a single parent.The desired gene is inserted in thevectors or gene
carrier to form DNA,.g., plasmids and viruses.exactmeans producingRsretion endonicle cuts the

specific DNA (desired gene) at thetwo ends, which becomes the.restriction fragment.This is a
process in which transient(temporary) pores are created in thecell membrane of the host for
uptakeof foreign DNA molecules.A gene library contains several copiesof many of the desired
genes or DNAfragments.Agrobacterium tumefaciens, a plantpathogenic bacterium which
Cantransfer part of its plasmid DNA as itinfects host plants.Escherichia coli.Dolly.Tomato:
increased shelf life of fruits(slow ripening); Rice: Vitamin A rich'Genetically engineered
organismscarrying gene/genes of another speciesin their genome'.DNA typing or DNA profiling,
DNAfingerprintto eachunique1Sdividual.Varia!le Number Tandem Repeatsand Genetically
Modified Orgar

The technique in which a foreignDNA precipitated on the surtace oftungsten or gold particles
and shotinto the target cells is known as:(a) Microinjection(b) Chemical-
mediatedgenetransferParticle gun(d) ElectroporationThe enzyme that cuts
specificallyrecognition sites in the DNA is know

DNA ligasc(c) Reverse transcriptaseRestriction endonucleases:(b) DNA polymerase(d)

Restriction endonucleaseCleave DNA at highly specificrecognition
sequencesbacteriophagescells(b) Are inserted into bacteria by(c) Are made only by
eukaryotic(c) Add methyl groups to specificDNA sequencesPlasmids:(a) Are circular protein
molecules(b) Are required by bacteria(c) Are tiny bacteria(d) Confer resistance to
antibioticsGenetic diagnosis by DNA testing.(a) Detects only mutantsandnormal alleles(b) Can
be done only on eggs or(c) Involves hybridizationspermsribosomal RNA(a) Uilizes restriction
enzymes anda polymorphic siteDNA can be introduced into any cellby:(a) Injection(b) Being
complexed with calciumsaltsGel electrophoresis(a) Being placed along with the(a) The
variability of repeated(b) A positive identification can becells into a gene gunIn DNA
fingerprinting:betweentwosequencesrestriction sites is evaluated.madeThe polymerase chain
reactionamplifies fewer DNA.(d) Multiple restriction
enzymeuniquedigests/generatefragmentsAbility of a plant or animal cell to

repeatedly divide and differentiateinto a complete organism is:Cloning(b) DNA fingerprinting(c)

Cellular totipotency(d) MitosisRestriction endonuclease 1Sknc as,(a) Molecular glue(b) DNA
ligase'alsoDNA polymerase(d) Molecular scissorsExtrachromosomal small circulardouble
stranded DNA molecule in abacterial cell is:(b) PlasmidPlastid(c) Mitochondrion(d)
ChloroplastIntroduction of foreign genes intoplantcells usinganimalormicropipettes is:(a)
Electroporationtransfer(c) Microinjection(d) Particle gun(b) Chemical-mediatedgeneNatural
genetic engineer is:(a) Agrobacterium spp(b) Rhizobium spp.(c) Bacillus spp.(d)
BacteriophageThe vectorless gene transfer includes:(a) Particle gun(b) Mieroinjection(c)
Electroporation(d) All of the aboveThree billion base pairs aré found im(b) Human(d) Yeast(a)
Lily(c) Fruit fly

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