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1. What are the functions of energy control center?
➢ System monitoring
➢ Contingency analysis
➢ Security constrained
➢ Optimal power flow

2. Define SCADA systems, and also mention its functions?

The supervisory control and data acquisition system allow a few operators to
monitor the generation and HV transmission system.
Functions of SCADA are
➢ Monitoring
➢ Alarm
➢ Control and indication of AGC
➢ Data acquisition
➢ Data logging
➢ On/off control

3. Write the operating states of power system?

Operating states of power system are
➢ Normal state
➢ Alert state by employing suitable voltage co
➢ Emergency state
➢ Extremis state
➢ Restorative states

4. Name the different methods of voltage control and state the importance of voltage
➢ Excitation control
➢ Static shunt capacitors
➢ Static series capacitors
➢ Static shunt reactors
➢ Synchronous condenser
➢ Static VAR compensators
5. List the factors that affect power system security?
➢ Operate the system in such a way that power is delivered reliably.
➢ Within the constraints placed on the system operation by reliability considerations
the system will be operated most economically.

6. State the difference between PF & QV control loop?

Changes in MW will be felt uniform throughout the system but change in MVAR
is not felt uniform. Change in MW output does not cause change in voltage level but
change in MVAR input affects the frequency control.

7. What is the objective of power system control?

To maintain the continuous balance between electrical generation and varying
load demand while system frequency and voltage levels are maintained constant.

8. What is the need for voltage regulation in power system?

Knowledge of voltage regulation needs in maintaining the voltage at load
terminals within the prescribed limits under fluctuating load conditions by employing
suitable voltage control equipments.

9. What is the need for frequency regulation in power system?

➢ In any power system, if the frequency changes there won’t be required voltage at
the receiving end. If we connected two systems in parallel it will spoil the system.
➢ The generator turbines are designed to operate at a very precise speed that can be
maintained by regulating frequency.
➢ Constant turbine speed is an important requirement.
➢ Unusual deviations in the frequency can be detected earlier.

10. What is spinning reserve?

The units can be started within a short duration of time to meet the change in load
when a particular unit fails in the power system is called spinning reserve eg; gas turbine,
diesel power plant

11. What is emergency state?

This state can be reached either directly from the normal state or via the alert state, the
equality constraints are unchanged.

12. Define restorative state?

To bring the extremis case back to normal state through the restorative state this is a
slower process.


1. Draw the state Transient diagram. Briefly explain the different system operating states.
2. With a neat sketch describe the significance of P-F and Q-V control structure in power system
3. With a neat sketch describe the operation of SCADA systems.
4. Briefly discuss the various functions of energy control center.
5. Explain the real time control of power system.



1. Define load curve, and mention it types?

The curve showing the variation of load with respect to time on the power station
is called as load curve. This curve can be plotted on a graph taking load on y-axis and
time on x-axis.
Types of load curves are
➢ Daily load curve
➢ Monthly load curve
➢ Annual load curve

2. What is load duration curve?

When the load elements of a load curve are arranged in the order of descending
magnitude.The curve thus obtained is called as load duration curve.

3. Define load factor, demand factor, diversity factor?

Load factor
The ratio of average load to the maximum demand during a given period is known
as load factor
ie. Load factor = average load/maximum demand
Load factor is always less than one.
Demand factor
The ratio of maximum demand to the connected load on the power station is
known as demand factor.
ie. Demand factor = maximum demand/ connected load
Demand factor is usually less than one.
Diversity factor
The ratio of sum of individual maximum demand to the maximum demand on
power station is known as diversity factor.
Ie. Diversity factor = sum of individual maximum demand/ maximum demand
Diversity factor is always greater than one.

4. What is unit commitment and List the constraints in unit commitment problem?
To select the generating units that will supply the forecasted load of a system
over a required period of time at minimum cost as well as provide a specified margin of
the operating reserve, known as spinning reserve. This procedure is known as unit
Constraints in unit commitment
➢ Spinning reserve
➢ Thermal constraints
➢ Crew constraint
➢ Hydro constraint
➢ Must run constraint
➢ Fuel constraint

5. What is the need for unit commitment problem?

Need for unit commitments are
➢ Enough units will be committed to supply the system load
➢ To reduce the fuel cost
➢ For running the most economic unit

6. Define base load and peak load?

Base load
The unvarying load for a whole day on the power station is known as base load.
Peak load
The varying load over and above the base load of the power station is known as
peak load.

7. State the assumptions made in priority list method?

The assumptions made in priority list method are
➢ No load costs are zero
➢ Unit input & output characteristics are linear between zero output and full load
➢ Start up cost are fixed
➢ Ignore minimum up time and minimum down time
8. Define load forecasting, what is the need for load forecasting?
Estimation of load demand in advance in a power system is called as load
The needs for load forecasting are
➢ To meet out the future demand
➢ For planning the future expansion of plant
➢ For preparing maintenance schedule of the generating units
➢ For maintaining the required spinning reserve

9. Define minimum up time?

It is nothing but once the unit is running it should not be turned off immediately
this is called as minimum up time.

10. State the advantages and disadvantages of priority list method?

➢ No need to go for N combinations
➢ Take only one constraint
➢ Ignore minimum up time and minimum down time
➢ Complication reduced
➢ Start up cost is fixed
➢ No load costs are considered

11. What is maximum demand?

It is the greatest demand on load on a power station during a given period.

12. How is load forecasting classified depending upon the time period?

➢ Very short term

➢ Short term
➢ Medium term
➢ Long term techniques

1. Discuss about load curve and load duration curve. State the difference between two curves and
mention the importance of these curves.
2. Explain the unit commitment by Priority Ordering method.
3. A generating station has the following daily load cycle.
Time(hours) 0-6 6-10 10-12 12-16 16-20 20-24
Load(mw) 20 25 30 25 35 20
Draw the load curve, load duration curve and also find
i) No. Of units generated per day
ii) Maximum demand
iii) Average load
iv) Load factor
4. Draw the flowchart for dynamic programming method and explain it in detail?
5. What is load forecasting? Also state its classification and importance.
6. Explain the forecasting of load by least square method?
7. What is unit commitment? List the constraints in unit commitment in detail.
8. Consider three units
C1= 561+7.92P1 +0.00156P12
C2= 310+7.85P2 +0.00194P22
C3= 780+7.97P3 +0.00482P32
1 150 600
2 100 400
3 50 200
Find the priority by which the units are committed and decommitted in unit commitment

9.There are three thermal generating units which can be committed to take the system load of
800MW.the fuel cost data and generation operation limit data are given below, obtain an unit
commitment by brute force technique.
F1= 0.006PG12+7PG1+600
F2= 0.01PG22+8P G2+400
F3= 0.008PG32+6PG3+500

Operating limits are

100< PG1<400 mw
50< PG2<300 mw
150< PG3<500 mw
Power demand is 800 MW.

1. Specify the use of static and dynamic response of ALFC loop?
Static response of an ALFC loop will inform about frequency accuracy whereas
dynamic response of ALFC loop will inform about the stability of loop

2. Draw the frequency response of controlled two area LFC system?

3. Write the tie line power deviation equations in terms of frequency?

ΔPtie = 2ΠT12[ʃ(ΔF1(t)dt - ʃ(ΔF2(t)dt]
Where ΔPtie = Change in tie line power
ΔF1 & ΔF2 = incremental frequency changes of area1 and 2
T12 = Synchronizing power coefficient

4. State the conditions to be fulfilled when two alternators are in parallel?

➢ The terminal voltage of the incoming machine must be exactly equal to that of
others or of the bus bars connecting them.
➢ The speed of the incoming machine must be such that its frequency equals to
the bus bar frequency.

5. Write the mathematical model of speed governor?

ΔXE(s) = [ΔPC(s) – 1/RΔF(s).KG/1+sTG]
Where R =k1kc/k2 (Speed regulation of governor in Hz/mw)
KG=k3k1kc/k4 (Gain of speed governor)
TG = 1/k4k5( Time constant of speed governor)

6. Define the term control area?

It is possible to divide an extended power system into sub areas in which areas in
which the generators are tightly coupled together so as to form a coherent group. Such a
coherent area is called control area in which frequency is assumed to be the same
throughout in static as well as dynamic conditions.
7. What are advantages of interconnected operation of power system?
➢ Under normal operating conditions, besides meeting respective area loads,
scheduled interchange between areas can take place.
➢ Under abnormal condition, such a loss of generation in area, power can flow
from other areas, through the interconnection.
➢ For a large system with many areas, the kinetic energy of the rotator inertia is

8. What is the function of load frequency control?

The function of load frequency control on a power system is to change the control valve
as a function of load variations in order to hold system frequency.

9. Draw the speed load characteristics of governing mechanism?

10. What is the effect of speed changer on speed governor system?

The speed changer makes it possible to restore the frequency to the initial value
after operation of the speed governors having steady state characteristics.

11. What is meant by fly ball speed governor?

This is a purely mechanical speed sensitive device coupled directly to the
hydraulic amplifier which adjusts the control valve opening via the linkage mechanism.

12. State the basis role of ALFC?

The basis role of ALFC is to maintain desired megawatt output of a generator unit
and assist in controlling the frequency of the larger interconnection


1. Derive the mathematical modeling of speed governor mechanism.

2. Derive the expression for dynamic response of uncontrolled two area system.
3. Develop a linear mathematical model of two area system and also explain the tie line bias control
of two area system.
4. With a block diagram, explain the proportional plus integral control of a single area system.
Discuss the dynamic response of load frequency controller with and without integral action.
5. Two turbo alternators are rated at 25MW each. They are running in parallel. The speed load
characteristics of the driving machines are such that the frequency of alternator 1 drops uniformly
from 50 HZ on no load to 48HZ on full load and that of alternator 2 from 50 HZ to 48.5 HZ, How
will the two machines share a load of 30MW and bus bar frequency at this load?
6. Draw the speed load characteristics of governing mechanism & explain.
7. Describe the static and dynamic analysis of uncontrolled system.


1. Write the co-ordination equation with and without losses.

Co-ordination equation without losses
ʎ = ʎ1 = ʎ2……… = ʎN
dc/dpg = dc1/dpg1 = dc2/dpg2…… =dcn/dpgn
where C= Cost function
pgi = power generation
ʎ = incremental cost =dc/dpg
Co-ordination equation with losses
ʎ = (IC)/I –(ITL)i
where IC =incremental costs
ITL = Incremental Transmission Loss
2. Define participation factor and base point
The Economic Dispatch problem has to be solved repeatedly by moving the
generators from one economically optimum schedule to another as the load changes by
a reasonably small amount, we start from a schedule obtained from equal incremental
cost as base point, next the scheduler assumes a load change and investigates how much
each generating units need to be moved to participate in the load change is called as
participation factor.
3. What is meant by incremental cost curve?
The curve which shows the relationship between the output power and
incremental cost is called as incremental cost curve.
4. Write the transmission loss formula using Bmn coefficients.
PL = PgiBijPgj for n bus system
5. State the objective of economic load dispatch.
The objective of economic dispatch is to minimize the fuel costs for the power
6. How the economic controller can be added to tertiary loop of LFC control?
The economic dispatch control equipment comprises of a function generator to
find desired generation from comparator to detect the error by comparing desired
generation with actual MW generation
7. Name the methods of finding economic dispatch?
➢ Load scheduling
➢ Unit commitment
8. Compare unit commitment and economic load dispatch?
Unit commitment Economic load dispatch
Optimum allocation of number of units to Optimum allocation of generation to each
be operated station
There are number of subsets of the The problems assumes that there are ‘n’
complete set of ‘n’ units that would satisfy unit already connected to the system
the expected demand

1. Explain the co-ordination equation with and without losses ?

2. The input and output curve characteristics of three units are
C1=0.00142P12+7.2P1+510 Btu/hr
C2=0.00194P22+7.85P2+310 Btu/hr
C1=0.00482P32+7.97P3+78 Btu/hr
The fuel cost of unit 1 is 1.1 Rs/Mbtu, 1.0Rs/Mbtu for unit 2 and 3. Total load is 850MW. Use
the participation factor method to calculate the dispatch for a total load of 900MW.
3. Discuss how to solve the co-ordination equations using Bmn coefficient by iteration method.
4. Explain in detail the combined economic dispatch and load frequency control.
5. A plant has two generators supplying the plant bus and neither is to operate below 20 MW or above
135MW ,Incremental cost with PG1 and PG2 in MW are
df1/dpg1 = 0.14pg1+21 Rs/Mwhr
df2/dpg2 = 0.225pg2+16.5 Rs/Mwhr
For economic dispatch find the plant ʎ when the demand equals
a) 45 mw
b) 125 mw
c) 250 mw
6. The fuel cost of two units are given by
F1=1.6+25PG1+0.1PG12 Rs/hr
F2=2.1+32PG2+0.1PG22 Rs/hr
If the total demand on the generator is 250MW, find the economic load scheduling of two units.
7.Consider a two bus system , if 50 mw is transmitted from plant 1 to the load , a transmission loss of
10mw is incurred, find the required generation for each plant and power received by the load when the
system ʎ is 22/mwhr.The cost function is given by
1. What are the methods of voltage control?
Methods of voltage control are
➢ Excitation control
➢ Static shunt capacitors
➢ Static shunt reactors
➢ Static series capacitor
➢ Synchronous condenser
➢ Tap changing transformer
➢ Static VAR compensators

2. State the use of tap changing transformer.

➢ Voltage can be controlled
➢ Voltage control in transmission and distribution system is obtained
➢ Reactive power is controlled within the limit

3. What are the different types of compensation equipments for transmission

➢ Static VAR compensators
➢ Saturated reactors
➢ Thyristor controlled reactor
➢ Thyristor switched reactor
➢ Thyristor controlled transformers
➢ Fixed capacitor- Thyristor controlled reactor

4. What is the function of exciter?

The basic function of the exciter is to provide the direct current to synchronous
machine. In addition, the excitation system provides control and protective functions
essentially to satisfactory performance of power system.
5. What is static VAR compensator?
It is static compensating device which is located in receiving substation and distribution
system for smooth and stepless variation of compensation of reactive power injected
into the line, by shunt capacitor and shunt reactor.

6. Mention the effect of connecting a static capacitor in series with the line?
➢ It reduces the transfer reactance between the buses to which the
line is connected.
➢ It increases the power transfer capability
➢ It reduces the reactive power loss
7. List the various compensating devices.
➢ Static VAR compensators
➢ Saturated reactors
➢ Thyristor controlled reactor
➢ Thyristor switched reactor
➢ Thyristor controlled transformers
➢ Fixed capacitor- Thyristor controlled reactor

8. What is the need for using compensators in power system?

➢ To maintain the specific voltage profile
➢ It can limit the voltage and frequency deviations
➢ Transient stability can be improved
➢ Transmission capacity is improved

9. What is static shunt capacitor?

Static shunt capacitors fall into the class of active compensators, they have no moving
parts. They are used for surge impedance for compensation by sectioning in long
distance, high voltage transmission systems.
10. What are the types of excitation system?
➢ Static excitation
➢ DC excitation
➢ AC excitation
11. Compare shunt capacitor and series capacitor?

Shunt capacitor Series capacitor

It is used for power factor correction at the It is used to compensate the effect of
load terminals series reactance
If the load VAR requirement is small, If the load VAR requirement is small,
shunt capacitors are of high value series capacitors are of low value
If the total line reactance is high, shunt If the total line reactance is high, series
capacitors are not effective. capacitors are very effective.

1. What are different methods of excitation system? Explain any one method.
2. Explain any four methods of voltage control in AVR system?
3. Derive the mathematical model of AVR loop and also explain its static and dynamic response.
4. Discuss the generation and absorption of reactive power?
5. Explain the operation of on-load tap changing transformer for reactive power control; also discuss
its merits and demerits.
6. Explain the static shunt capacitor method of voltage control. State it advantages and
7. Explain the different types of compensating equipments for transmission system?
8. Explain the static shunt reactor method of voltage control. State it advantages and disadvantages.

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