Manual Navigation System v001

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Navigation System
Last Update 22.2.2019

Publisher: Sowelu
Author: Daehee
Copyright @Deahee 2019 All rights reserved.


Getting Start

please zoom in the doc.


Create a New First Person Project.


Add the Navigation System.

Select the FirstPersonCharacter and click the Edit FirstPersonCharacter.


Click the Add Component button and than type nav in the input box to add BPC Nav System.

Drag the BPC_NavSystem to the event graph and Add the OnPlayerTurned node.

you can see radar, compass, minimap. but we need minimap texture.

Drag the Scene Capture 2D to the level.


select the SceneCapture2D. In the Details Panel, type 0,0,980 in the Location and type 180,
-90, 180 in the Rotation.

select the Projection Type as Orthographic and change the Ortho Width to 5000.0.

Select the Texture Target as NewCanvasRenderTarget2D.


Select the NewCanvasRenderTarget2D file and right click to export file.

Save the file as MinimapImage.


In the photoshop, change the image mode to 8 bits/channel…

Change the Method as Exposure and Gamma and click ok button.


save as minimap2.png.

import the minimap2.png to unreal engine. open the minimap2.png.

select the compression as UserInterface2D.
select the TextureGroup as UI.

Open the FirstPersonCharacter Blueprint. select BPC_NavSystem Component.

select minimap image as minimap2. change Minimap Dimentions to 5000.0.

compile and save. you can see minimap.


How to add a new element icon

You can see in the link.

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